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Phil Beaver
seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth. Ineluctable means: Not to be assailed, avoided, broken, changed,
escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, resisted, revoked, or
voided. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for
example, trying to change it.
refers to citizens who collaborate for individual
happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or
society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from
anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible to the good rather than the bad
in connections and transactions.
writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens
mutual appreciation: For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and
paraphrase its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States,
proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety,
strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to
ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve
my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their
interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is
amended by the civic-people.
It seems the
Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged
whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this
independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states
deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble
is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who
collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.
Every citizen
has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in
the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try
somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the
goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies
grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional
freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain,
oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the
First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.
Selected theme from two months
The civic faction of We the People of the United States
proved once more that they are the worlds’ best hope for humankind’s
reliable-responsibility to necessary goodness on earth and its extensions.
After more than 7 decades of Democrat Party creeping from redistribution of GDP
unto wanton globalism, civic citizens stopped them, electing a president and a
Congress who may and can restore the United States’ pursuit of statutory
justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the preamble to the Constitution.
The Democrat Party has not come to grips with the actual reality that creeping
globalism is alien to statutory justice and does not serve humankind.
Children expressing hope in reacting to Oct 7 through
“May we have a lot of love and understanding inwards and a
lot of strength and courage outwards.” Carolina Karsonski.
Columns and Opinion
Skousen opines about the preamble, “’We the People,’ they
said, hereby establish this Constitution to form a more perfect union with
justice, domestic tranquility, a common defense, and to promote the general
welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to try to make life better for
For discussion with fellow citizens, I also convert the
preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase its proposal as follows:
The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer & practice 6
public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and
responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”.
The public pursuits assign religion to privacy and omit
empire building. Two significant changes, I think improvements, are “union” of
states to people’s integrity and “liberty” to responsibility.
I continually improve my paraphrase.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Again: Unfortunately, James Madison was influenced by that
rascal John Locke, who wrote, “To this end it is that men give up all their
natural power to the society which they enter into, and the community put the
legislative power into such hands as they think fit, with this trust, that they
shall be governed by declared laws, or else their peace, quiet, and property
will still be at the same uncertainty, as it was in the state of nature.” Long
before 1690 humankind perceived they may and can discover and positively
utilize the laws of physics.
Thinkers and bold writers who did not accept that nature requires comprehension
and intentions to necessary good and thereby encompasses psychology, misled
their fellow citizens. In other words, “nature” was a lame opposition to
the-laws-of-physics on the falsity that reason is more powerful than discovery.
Locke’s arrogance was grounded in the belief that he could correctly interpret
the Bible. I think the Bible is a useful mystery but do not know the ineluctable
truth. I look to fellow citizens, such as Yeshua and Einstein, for guidance.
Again: Also, that rascal John Locke influenced
Anglo-American acceptance of “common good” when he quoted Hooker, as follows,
“Two foundations there are which bear up public societies; the one a natural
inclination, whereby all men desire sociable life and fellowship; the other an
order, expresly or secretly agreed upon, touching the manner of their union in
living together: the latter is that which we call the law of a common-weal, the
very soul of a politic body, the parts whereof are by law animated, held
together, and set on work in such actions as the common good requireth.”
Neither The God nor government can or will pursue, much less
provide, the common good. Consequently, each person may and can pursue
necessary-goodness/actual-reality. Those who choose to pursue possible goodness
must aid the needy, constrain the wanton, and restrict, if not annihilate, the
evil -- both foreign and domestic.
@TSOLOVIEVA I seriously pursue perfect goodness.
My church, a congregation, drove me away in 1994 by calling
my civic thought "heresy": we should treat every person with human
being (verb) and be alert to introduce Jesus if someone informs us they have
not heard . I withdrew from the Baptist brotherhood and later Christianity.
Three years ago, I realized those people, misguided by
divinity schools, were losing impact. I returned with 3 messages, updated .
First, collaborate to discover the ineluctable truth. Second, benefit more from
Yeshua's civic influence than anyone imagines gaining from human body and
blood. Third, Genesis 1:26-28 informs our charge to pursue necessary goodness
on earth. Reading the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB), Matthew 18:18, Yeshua
affirms: The God will not correct choices.
We're studying Hebrews. Here is my take, reading NIV vs CJB.
Yeshua's civic influence is ignored, in order to develop Jesus as miracle
worker of The Trinity -- in competition with Yahweh. Yahweh demanded blood to
atone for sin, but no blood sacrifice accomplished sinless-ness in the people.
Yahweh incarnated himself as Jesus so as to have blood to sacrifice, in order for
Yahweh to deliver mercy to Yahweh's people. The Holy Spirit inspires believers
to have faith in Yeshua's blood delivered by Christ to save souls, not sins.
Rather than The Trinity or Yehweh, I accept The God,
whatever it is. I study Yeshua's civic influence and pursue necessary perfect
perfection, low as I may be.
Quora, Anonymous
all the rights listed in the Bill of Rights considered natural or inherent
rights, or are some of them only recognized because they are written into
Human “rights” is a theology-based rationalization developed
in England during the Enlightenment. Actual-reality demands humankind to
develop reliable-responsibility to necessary-goodness.
King James I (reigning until 1625) originated divine rights, and Sir Robert
Filmer (d. 1653) defended it on Protestant Bible-interpretation. John Locke refuted
Filmer on Deism in Two Treatises of Government (1690), asserting Deity-given
human-rights to life, liberty, and property. The English Bill of Rights, 1689,
stems from Locke’s political theory and requires the king to acquire the
consent of the people through Parliament. The Church of England has 26 of 118
seats in the House of Lords. The House of Commons completes Parliament, a
partnership with the Church. Thus, the voice of the people is tainted by the
In actual-reality, humankind may and can choose to rule living species on
earth and discover the laws of physics and progeny as they impact the cosmos
including earth. Each person may and can accept the power, authority, and
responsibility to constrain chaos in his/her way of living. The faction who do
so, civic citizens, have the responsibility to each aid those who can’t earn
their living until they can, discourage free-loaders until they reform,
constrain criminals under statutory law, and aid elimination of evil, while
discovering the-laws-of-physics-and-progeny for application to the necessary-good.
When the necessary-good is unknown, civic citizens take no action, unless their
existence is threatened. If so, they choose action using reason that is
consistent with statutory justice.
When the majority choose to be civic citizens, reliable-responsibility may prevail,
then rights can fade from the public debate. However, the laws of physics
suggest that there will always be fellow citizens who necessitate statutory justice
(pursuit of errorless written-law) and others who invite elimination of evil
(execution of perpetrators followed by reform to their institution).
For example, an attacking jihadist must be killed in action and his/her
sponsors identified and either reformed or eliminated.
Respecting reliable-responsibility or civic integrity, demanded by physics, it’s
clearer to me to think of license rather than rights. Thus, civic citizens
license public activities based on licensee’s comprehension and intention. Only
fellow citizens who comprehend driving laws and intend to uphold them receive a
driver’s license under established, maintained, and published codes. Similarly,
only fellow citizens who comprehend and intend to uphold the United States
Constitution receive a voting license (yet to be). In other words, according to
physics, there is no such thing as the right to vote.
“The right to vote” is an erroneous artifact resulting from John Locke’s
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople re Vernon comment
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Please replace
“prohibiting” with “promoting”.
Thank you for paying attention and responding to my earlier post., Miss Raymond Carroll, PHD, CFA
The laws of physics inform us that Homo sapiens may and can
choose to rule to necessary good on earth and its extensions. The consequences
of rationalizing some higher power and hoping it will save “ourselves and our
Posterity”, quoting the United States Constitution, is expressed by the misery
and losses reported in history.
Since Homo sapiens work to discover and beneficially apply the laws of physics,
freedom yields to reliable responsibility. Accepting the power, authority, and
responsibility to either choose necessary good or take no action empowers and
facilitates happiness that might lead to joy. Note: I do not know the
ineluctable truth; ineluctable is the combination: unavoidable, unchangeable,
and irresistible.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople, Anonymous
I do not think modern society is in the mood for
controversial impositions of American founders. In the first place, academia is
divided over whether the declaration of war against England is essential to
American independence. Too many people prefer freedom and liberty, English and
French ideas the compete with reliable responsibility (“Don’t tread on me”).
The religion-free 1787 United States Constitution proffers a republic in which
the civic faction of We the People of the United States rules to necessary
goodness “to ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the preamble. The rule of
law excludes monarchy and constrains tyranny.
It is a commitment to pursue statutory justice rather than Anglo-American
precedence. However, loyalists who had not the personal integrity to return to
England after 1781 imposed the Bill of Rights, ratified by Congress in 1791. It
grants Congress freedom of religion, at the expense of the people. The people
may and can undo the tyranny.
We may be living at the abyss, positioned to experience the beginning of reform
before our death arrives.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
C Stuart Hardwick: Where did the first 2 humans come from?
You don’t understand how life works.
There was never a first two humans, first two grizzly bears,
first two Asian red junglefowl, or first two any other species.
Speciation is not an event. It’s a process that happens
gradually in the evolution of populations.
Or more correctly, speciation is an event that occurs in
human academia to arbitrarily divide gradual variations in living populations.
Jonathan Allen
Homo sapiens’ greatest power is to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or
from any person, including self. To accomplish this great feat requires
discovery-of and commitment-to necessary goodness. Any mistake is observed by
bad consequences and never repeated. Goodness is necessary to promote, facilitate,
and encourage civic integrity, public order, and justice in a world wherein erroneous
citizens are willing to make amends and reform. Goodness is possible when
perpetrators of evil are annihilated.
Homo sapiens, the species, has been developing for perhaps 300,000 years. In
the recent 10,000 years polytheism gave way to competitive monotheism.
Competitive divinity schools bemuse people to believe that their God usurps
personal responsibility to civic integrity, order, and justice. The advent of the
Internet is empowering people to communicate, collaborate, and reject divine
division, in order to pursue civic integrity.
“If the Talmud is full of holy Rabbinic teachings, why
does it have evil teachings against Gentiles and why does it slander biblical
figures from the Old Testament and the Pentateuch?”, Daniel Schwartz
The Talmud is, first and foremost, a collection
of debates. It is a tool for sharpening the wits and reasoning skills
of rabbis in training.
Long-ago rabbis argued with each about all manner of
religious issues, getting down to ridiculously subtle points of theology. And
some rabbis were (and are) deliberately contrary, offering outrageous
opinions, in order that they be argued against. (Christian
theologians do this too, and call it “playing the devil’s advocate”.)
These provocative arguments remain in the Talmud for at
least two reasons. One, so that no one would wonder if such ideas were ever
raised or not; we have a record of it, with the name of the rabbi who brought
it up. And two, so that young rabbis would have practice
arguing against such noxious ideas.
While there’s nothing secret about the Talmud — you can read
it online, for free, in English translation — it is incredibly dense, requiring
very intense study for many years. Some Rabbinical students spend a lifetime
studying it.
Quoting the Talmud out of context, to make a specific point,
really doesn’t mean anything.,
Graham C Lindsay,
Sept 25
I think most Homo sapiens want to always choose necessary
goodness. I must have acquired this perception from my early surroundings and
can’t imagine how. For example, early on, Mom said, “Phil, you trust people too
much.” Maybe she observed gullibility, which I have demonstrated more than
At 81, I think most citizens want to “do the right thing”
and discuss necessary goodness with anyone who will talk. There seems to be
widespread agreement on three points: goodness is a self-interest, the better
choice is not always obvious, and it is critical to not repeat errors.
Perhaps the best a person can achieve is to die without
repeating any errors. Success is enhanced by both few errors and less harmful
consequences of the errors.
Any entity that performs necessary perfect goodness could be
called The God, yet the good seems sufficient. But I do not know the
ineluctable truth.
Recently, a friend asked me to request a municipal service
to provide a porta potty for a Sunday breakfast and worship service for local
homeless people in its 10th year. Perhaps accomplishment of the task
expresses my reputation.
#acivicpeople, Coach
Jess, TRE
Homo sapiens has the opportunity to develop necessary-perfect-goodness.
Each person may and can choose to increase necessary goodness. “Civic” means
reliably responsible to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from
anyone. People with civic integrity appreciate and protect each person’s opportunity
to aid goodness. Civic people aid helpless people; they contribute to statutory
justice that promotes, facilitates, and encourages reform to freeloaders and
constrains people who do harm. These fellow citizens cooperate to eradicate
villains. The individual who collaborates-with and contributes-to Homo sapiens’
ineluctable march to necessary-perfect-goodness is morally right.
These ideas are abstractly expressed in Genesis 1:26-28 and Matthew 18:18 (CJB
and NIV) and in the religion-free United States Constitution (1787 draft, or
1791 ratification but amended to reverse Congressional freedom of religion
imposed by Amendment 1).
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Nov 21
Congratulations. And what a great venue for falling in love.
Forgetting the title, this is one of the most memorable tunes I ever danced
with wonderful Cynthia.,
Nov 21
The civic writer employs grammar's controversies on earth,
and willing readers accept/consider the writer's fidelity to his/her thoughts.,
Nov 18
Thank you, Jim Engster, for sharing this post.
It's emblematic of Louisiana's diverse influence on the end of a dark shadow
over America: George Soros' OSF together with the Obama Foundation and the
Clinton Foundation. Obama never stopped promoting himself to Europe:
They will continue.
The civic faction of We the People of the United States cannot be understood by
European thought. Europeans don't understand the attitude, "I won't tread
on you".,
Nov 14
I'm just glad I don't agree with this guy and that he is
free to spend time saying so and advertising our different commitments.
The Yeshua civic influence I learned encourages each person to pursue
perfection (Matt. 5:48 CJB) -- never repeating a mistake and lessening
error-frequency as they accumulate wisdom.
I think Donald Trump's family expresses that they learned from Donald Trump's
performance during life, and I am happy for all of us.
Luc Van Muylem Hi,Luc, and thank
A newborn baby has no concept of right and wrong and has 2 opportunities to
learn. First, his/her caretakers teach by exhortation and example. Second, they
experience and observe that human choice is constrained by consequences, both
physical and psychological. A rarely-smart person decides to never repeat a
mistake, whether directly experienced or read about in the news. Donald Trump
experiences exponentially more than most people and is exemplary in not
repeating mistakes. And he's a nice person.
Luc, one of the gifts Cynthia gave me is the ability to
doubt feelings a friend may have turned on me. She would offer a possibility I
had not thought of. She was always correct -- they were distracted or deeply
concerned about an event not involving me.
I have never met Trump and can only observe how he handles the likes of Liz
Cheney and other politicians who attempt to terrorize him. I think Trump has
the higher ground -- doesn't give Cheney a second thought, unless asked.
If we are entering a new, better age, I want to aid and enjoy the
actual-reality/necessary-goodness and want fellow citizens, both domestic and
foreign, to enjoy it too.
I watched Jan 6 on TV. I understood that Trump had offered 10,000 National
Guard and Ms Pelosi plotted against protecting Congress. Now we know the
Capital Police invited people into the Capital.
I regretted every minute, as I waited hours for Trump to go on TV and urge
people to leave.
But, Trump often states what he knows then says, "We'll see how it turns
out". I now speculate he knew Pelosi was responsible for the events. Trump
let Pelosi-evil play out. The Democrat Party perpetrated the rest of the evil.
Liz Cheney blew Cheney-credibility for nothing.
I write opinion, only because I do not know the ineluctable truth.
And another dialogue
Tom Wolf That's right, Tom. Let's be a civic faction
of We the People of the United States and establish reliably-responsible
independence rather than either the "civil right" to liberty -- a
ruinous French influence -- or the "common good", a disastrous
English propaganda.
Each June 21, every United States citizen may and can review and improve their
personal view of the United States Constitution's intentions sentence, in the
And each September 17, our families and guests may and can read the entire
Constitution so as to know why there is opportunity to pursue necessary
goodness on earth.
During this season of goodwill, we may and can celebrate a new declaration of
independence from the world's war-investment complex.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople,
Nov 23
Cynthia is magic. I have no idea how she learned what she practiced. She
followed recipes, but they don't empower me to approach her awe. It's her fault
that I live in heaven. Thanks, Carolyn for remembering the greats.
Nov 12 I discovered this article nearly a year ago and let my curiosity work.
So it has impacted me:
Each day I think to myself, "If you want to be like Yeshua, act the way
Yeshua acted." Then I read to learn a direct interaction with his 2000
year ago contemporaries -- a story that is new to me.
If possible, I discuss applications for modern chaos-constraint, in order to
learn from fellow citizens.
Nov 7 I appreciate your story.
I had a friend 12 years older than me. One morning at Frank's, 10 years ago, he
said, "We can't do this anymore. I can't recall my thought before I paused
for a bite of egg."
I hated the moment and still do.
I perceived that to try hanging on would be an imposition. I visited him and
wife a couple times at their home, before he passed. I call her occasionally.
I think of Hugh often, and tell people how greatly he lived. There is neither
sadness nor void in the great memories we created -- e.g., diagraming the
preamble to the United States Constitution and parsing single words from Ralph
Waldo Emerson's "Divinity School Address" or Plato's
It's not the same with Cynthia. I still court her every day. And she changes me
in ways I could never have imagined. I'm just glad she's there and our
daughters care for her, too.
I celebrate your friendship!
Oct 31 For my triple by-pass, they recommended a pillow to
clutch when I had to cough. It got me through, and now I don't even recall
those many weeks of recovery. Lung surgery was worse, because some nerves get
The operations I had changed 2 things: I now walk and do 15 strength exercises
daily, and I eat portions of 22 fruits, nuts, plus granola plus mushroom daily.
It fills a 10" plate. I shop at Costco twice a month and fill in at
Walmart or a grocery store.,
Nov 7
I see KAH is on the board of , whose mission is to pay the bills for
people who choose/accept parenthood but don't plan for it (please donate). I
prefer sharing experience and observation rather than donation.
My vote for Trump/Vance is backed up by work to inspire people to
reliably-responsible human being (verb); in other words to practice the
necessary goodness to constrain chaos, given the laws of physics and its
progeny, which includes mathematics, speculation, and imagined mysteries, such
as angels.
The Internet empowers individuals to explore facts, doctrine, and fabrication,
in order to earn personal opinion about how to constrain chaos in private
living. Any community that would deny the civic citizen opportunity to pursue
necessary goodness ought to be avoided like a plague.
During the past 7 decades, springing from liberation theology, the Democrat
Party turned into a coalition of Alinsky-Marxist organizations (AMO), and
attempted to unconstitutionally change the United States into a liberal
democracy under chaos, rather than a representative republic under the rule of
Under the Clinton-Obama regime the Democrat Party moved so fast that the civic
faction of We the People of the United States decided to stop them. Thus, the
civic people of the United States elected the person they commission to restore
the rule of law in the United States republic.
Donald Trump proved he is capable of the required administrative task and that
he is worthy of a Congress (House and Senate) that can and may support him.
It seems to me J.D. Vance is capable to learn from Trump and run for president
4 years hence and during 8 years improve the reforms Trump begins.
I work daily to maintain my health so that I can experience and observe the
reform. I also work with 4 intentions: to share the benefits with civic
citizens who did not vote Trump/Vance, to aid reform to citizens who do not
want the United States republic, to constrain enemies, and to eradicate evil.
I hope a few people like my opinion and intentions.
Oct 31 I voted for Trump and Vance and hope together they
cover the next 12 years' restoration of the United States republic.,
Oct 28
I recall Alinsky-Marxist Rule No 5 is, ridicule your enemy
and public opinion will turn against him, or something like that. Does it work with
the majority in 2024?
I voted for Trump, expecting his better 4 years and hoping for Vance's best 8
years or better. I doubt my retirement, now in its' 23rd year can survive 8
years under Kamala plus 8 more under Welz or whomever else the Clinton-Obama
machine might promote. It lost 25% of its value in only 3.5 years under
Oct 31
That's wonderful! Discover Yeshua together by reading CJB,
e.g.,, as
you read your favorite version of the Bible. Start by reading the wiki article
and following your shared curiosities to know more;
Yeshua was the living person; Jesus was the reported miracle worker; Christ was
the savior by blood; and G-d was in charge. Some say the Holy Spirit completes
The Trinity, three aspects of one entity. I don't contend with any of these
entities, accept that my originator will be true to my destiny, and
continuously pursue Yeshua's civic influence, which I hone/approach by
LISTENING to fellow civic citizens. "Civic" means reliably
responsible to necessary goodness.
Oct 28 Ched, thank you for sharing pictures of this
principle: the beauty of a woman whose man united to her for life is shared by
their progeny to the 3rd generation and beyond.
By our second year of marriage, Cynthia would respond to my praise, "Yeah,
yeah, I know: You are not talking about my looks.",
Oct 28
Classmate Cynthia lives! Thanks ALSO to Rebekah and Holly,
our daughters (and maybe their 5 cats; is there such thing as a unique cat?).,
Oct 23
I just received my copy of "The Illusion of
Certainty" by James T. Houk of Baton Rouge. And would love a day's delay
in which to start reading it and making a word file of important thoughts. I
know enough about the book to not start reading without quality time.,
Oct 22
My wife is a school teacher. No way could she laugh when
she's the butt of a cartoon. She's too witty to fall for wokisms - smart or
Nov 19
I just watched each the GOP and the DNC house-caucus reports
for Nov 19, 2024 and perceive that civic people who would like to vote Democrat
have little hope for the future.
The problem is DNC pride in adopted rationalizations that attempt to resist
human being (verb).
In particular, a person feels they are a different gender and chooses to change
their anatomy, in order to more accurately express their feelings.
Liberal democrats demand that the world accommodate both the feelings and the
work to attempt to change personal anatomy. Civic citizens -- most Republicans
and I hope some Democrats, seek remedies that keep private feelings private,
for example, keep men who feel like women out of women's toilets and preserve
anatomy for possible change in feelings.
It is necessary to reliable responsibility for a person to privately appreciate
the laws of physics and its progeny. Progeny includes economics, psychology,
imagination, fiction, and mystery. Mystery is made possible by uncertainty
respecting the laws of physics.
Physics un-discovered nonetheless exists and constrains human choices.
"Female" or "male" are symbols of actual-realities, XX or
XY chromosomes, respectively. Changing body parts does not amend the XX or XY
of the body including mind.
Similarly, feelings during one decade of an 8 decade life ought not constrain
feelings that may surface in a later decade. For example, a man who does not
feel like uniting to a woman so as to procreate and develop family with her,
with mature counseling, may choose to preserve his XY body for that wondrous
The DNC caucus this morning claimed the power and authority to encourage gender
change, whereas the GOP caucus stood firm on the claim that feelings are a
private matter that ought not change the public venue. Preserving gender is a
big deal to the individual as well as to the public.
My thought today is that the DNC arrogantly invites 70 years' exclusion from
the public forum.
#USprambler, #acivicpeople.
Oct 22
I think I practice humility to necessary goodness, in order
to accommodate fellow citizens who pursue the good. Not knowing perfect
goodness, I use “The God” to express whatever constrains the consequences of
human choices, be the constraint an entity, a force, or something yet
unimagined. Other people have their personal perspectives, and I don’t know the
ineluctable truth.
To express the constraint, some modern Jews use “Hashem”,
Hebrew for “the name”. Many Christians praise “The Trinity”. “Allah” is Arabic
for “The One True God”. In Hinduism thousands of gods and goddesses are aspects
of the “Divine One”, Brahman. Within those groups, each individual has a
personal view.
It is not uncommon for a quartet comprised of someone from
each of these 4 groups to debate perfect goodness using the word “God”. When
the Hindu speaks, do the other 3 translate “God” as “Brahman”; and so on,
respectively? If not, are the 4 people communicating and can they collaborate?
Someone observing the conversation could not discern the 4 minds and could only
report a discussion about the God-mystery. However, if each member was
representative, the listener could discern Hashem, The Trinity, Allah, or
Brahman, respectively, and report any collaboration toward goodness.
One online reference claims there are 18,000 gods in the
world. Why does the statement use lower case “g”? Is it an act of tradition?
Humility? Arrogance against The God? Is it a statement that The God cannot
accommodate 18,000 perceptions of necessary goodness? Or that no person can discern
perfect goodness? Does misuse of “G” keep 8 billion Homo sapiens divided?
I think “God bless America” can express humility, among the
world’s nations, to accept power, authority, and responsibility to necessary
goodness in the United States. Civic citizens are committed to necessary
goodness, and the nation collaborates with them and the world.
Considering the tradition, publicly representing a personal Divinity as “God”,
do most people interpret “God bless America” as humility to The God, or pride in
American nationalism? Could “The God” clarify universal humility?
Is there a better expression that the United States intends necessary goodness
on earth?
Can anything be done to stop the rampant killing of children
in 2024?
Response: Thank you, Diana. Maybe 2 abstractions
empower communication: I'm pondering
"necessary-goodness/ultimate-reality". (I don't let grammar rule my
writing.) Please comment.
I think it's interesting that I discovered the first phrase
by wondering what philosophers have to say about "goodness". I
studied Mark Murphy's,
updated July 24, 2019.
Murphy springs from perfect goodness to God and
"necessary perfect goodness". Consistent with philosophy he did not
evaluate God.
I was disappointed that he did not report the Euthyphro
dilemma, so downloaded the next 20 of 481 documents containing
"goodness". Two used the word "Euthyphro" but not in
For a couple days I wrote about pursuing "necessary
perfect goodness" then realized I do well to consider goodness with
humility that I could be wrong. So I dropped "perfect", writing
"necessary goodness", thanks to Murphy.
I am grateful that I wondered what philosophers say about
"goodness" and that you, Diana, read my post and suggested
"ultimate reality".
Oct 21
Starting in 2016, the Democrat Party desperately tried to
manipulate the United States Constitution, in order to hog-tie President Trump.
Not all the aids he selected were up to the challenge; for example, Mike Pence.
Nevertheless, Trump constrained inflation, invasion, domestic tyranny, and
foreign war.
I think the Democrat Party illegally prevented Trump’s second term then tried
to manipulate the United States Constitution, in order to prevent Trump’s
second candidacy. The Democrat Party wants to control the Supreme Court and
eliminate the Electoral College.
I think the Democrat Party negatively ponders power:
(another view).
During the last 3 years, under Democrat Party policies, we experienced 25%
reduction in our financial well-being. Our daughters encourage further arming
our home and cars, in order to resist attack by Democrat-Party-facilitated
We voted for President Trump and J.D. Vance, in order to restore viability to
survive as father and mother in a family in the United States. We hope fellow
citizens will join in the effort to survive if not thrive.
Either way, we will continue to practice, facilitate, encourage, and aid civic
Nov 10
I think they voted with the civic faction of We the People
of the United States. "Civic" means reliably responsible for
necessary goodness "to ourselves and our Posterity". Under the United
States republic, the civic people pursue opportunity to everyone: aid the
needy, facilitate reform to wayward citizens, constrain criminals, and
eradicate the evil. The United States Constitution allows each person to choose
from among the 5 ways of pursuing life.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Nov 4
This morning an acquaintance learned I voted for Trump and
Vance. He immediately said, "We're done".
Next time he passes, I'll use my hand to exclude him from my vision. I accept
ultimatums, unless they are withdrawn.
Ultimatum prevents church, friendly as I may be. I am a member of both
humankind and of the civic faction among We the People of the United States.
"Civic" means pursuing reliable responsibility to necessary goodness.
Oct 20 I think Ms Glick is vague and thereby only
exacerbates the problem.
I think the problem is jihadists -- people who believe that
by killing infidels, their soul will be favored in paradise. Jihadists define
infidels, soul, and paradise.
A civic people modifies education departments so as to
lessen the number of jihadists on earth. Statutory justice suggests that
jihadists who kill people must be eliminated.
I don't know the ineluctable truth and don't think every
Palestinian is a jihadist.
Response: Jim, I
am more enthusiastic for Ms and Mr Glick to get to know me. I advocate
practicing personal, necessary goodness as a means of promoting safety and
security, so that civic society may flourish and lessen the mix of needy,
wayward, or criminal fellow citizens in order to annihilate education of people
to be evil. Civic citizens have every incentive to collaborate and achieve
necessary goodness.,
Oct 20
Judeo-Christianity informs Homo sapiens that only necessary
goodness can provide the civic citizen the safety, under the laws of physics,
they need to survive neediness, waywardness, crime, and evil. This suggestion
is evident in both Genesis 1:26-28, NIV and CJB, due to the word "rule"
and in the intentions sentence in the preamble to the United States
Constitution. The intentions sentence ends "to ourselves and our
United States citizens who accept and pursue necessary goodness know they
cannot look to either government or The God to usurp their personal
responsibility to constrain chaos in the way they live.
It takes a quarter century for an infant Homo sapiens to acquire the
comprehension and intention to develop human being (verb). It takes another
half century to acquire the experiences and observations to be convinced that
necessary goodness is a self-interest.
I don't know the ineluctable truth. Based on the evidence, I think Trump is
sincere and that his family is sincere. Therefore, I will happily vote for him
again and pray that he wins and completes the goals stated in his (first)
inaugural address.
He's learned so much! This time, he has wisely not chosen a self-judged born
again Christian as running mate. Based on the first experience I look forward
to Vance's contributions and pray I get to observe them.,
Oct 12
Civic people suffer this tyranny because we accommodate divinity
school competition rather than aid discovery of the actual-reality.,
Nov 23
Often, discovery of the laws of physics and progeny awaits
invention of new ways/dimensions of perceiving.
Nov 21
Civic citizenship (reliable responsibility) in necessary
goodness seems humble.
Nov 5
I think grammar is made to serve human being (verb).
Each person is unique. To send a message, speaker can only use personal words
and grammar, because the mind of listener is unknown. To receive the message,
listener may and can ask questions to clarify, then respond with improvements
using their personal words and grammar. This way, listener has become speaker
with the potential to improve the message. If the original speaker becomes
listener, there's potential for the message to improve. Perhaps roles will swap
several times and a collaborative message results.
After a couple iterations, new friendship might have formed, and intentions to
share the collaborative message may and can improve society.
Nov 5 To presume that ears can hear the message seems like
arrogance already.
Nov 4 Viewed from the North Pole, the earth rotates
counterclockwise, or eastward.
In this view, west is on the left, and locations in the center of the globe are
experiencing the hiding of the sun in the earth's shadow -- conventionally
called "sunset" into "dusk". Sunsets don't last long,
because the earth's surface is travelling at 1000 mph.
At dawn, I like to say, “The earth’s rotation on its axis is un-hiding the
Oct 9 I voted for Trump and that rascal Pence. I feel a lot better with Vance.
Anybody who votes for a laughing prosecutor (could have been VP) and a
knucklehead is voting against their own present and future.,
Oct 8
Families are wonderful. Parents collaborate with their
children, in order to aid in preparing grandchildren for the future their
parents cannot imagine (Gibran).
Dad hunted, raised cows and bulls for the beef, and maintained a quarter-acre
garden, while holding a full time, well-paying job. Mom canned the vegetables
and fruit and thawed the meat for cooking while accepting independent duties.
He was a 32nd degree Mason and she was an Eastern Star.
And here I am; reading and writing, talking and listening, while calling
repairmen for non-trivial home-owner problems.
We continue to collaborate with our daughters.,
Oct 7
We, the civic faction of "We the People of the United
States" pursue statutory justice so that we, the needy, and slackers may live
long enough to reform to the necessary goodness fellow citizens desire;
meanwhile, evil villains can identify themselves and enjoy the execution they
To my knowledge, only the United States, under its republican pursuit of
statutory justice, proffers a culture of civic integrity to necessary goodness.
Presently, we, the civic faction, need to amend the first amendment so as to
reverse the fact that Congress unconstitutionally awarded itself freedom of
religion at the civic citizen’s expense.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople,
Nov 23
No doubt about it. Children have always been
adult-humankind's purpose. Every civic person does all they can to help
That's why, in the intentions sentence, one of 2 in the preamble to the United
States Constitution, the civic faction of We the People of the United States
commits "to ourselves and our Posterity".
We treasure every photo like these you and Greg share.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Oct 4 Expecting ineluctable consequences motivates the work
to discover and apply necessary goodness.,
Nov 10
Georgia Tech's performance reminded me of my 1 or 2 trips
there to recruit ChE's for Albemarle employment. GT ChE's Dr. Ronald Rousseaux
(BR native I met at Ethyl Corp in 1966) gave me a tee shirt, which I
un-intentionally soiled during car repair. Later, our daughter asked for a tee-shirt
I didn't want. She cut the front neck off to make it feminine. I asked if she
should could find it so I could wear it to Sunday school for the usual FB
banter (one couple has a son who will graduate there next month).
She found it, clean, and advised me to wear a white tee-shirt under it to avoid
gal appearance. I left the buttons on a top shirt open, and it became a big hit
this morning.
If I had known I'd want that tee-shirt as much, it would have been unsoiled,
folded in the drawer along with "Collateral Damage" and other
reminders there.
I celebrate: daughters just want to have phunn.
Oct 31
I think A&M has carried the 12th man too far. Playing in
their stadium requires subjugation to violence I decline.
For example, I voted for Trump again, happy he did not make another Pence
mistake and hopeful for success for 4 years leading to a Vance presidency or
better for the following 8 years.
I need to survive on my retirement, now in its 23rd year for another 40 years,
in order to continue pursuing responsible happiness.
Oct 3; I humbly hope the Vols beat Bama (after Arkansas and
Florida) and Georgia (after Kentucky and Mississippi State), then LSU in the
SEC Championship game.,
Nov 21
Taylor Ahrens Alexander I agree
with you. And happiness seems the serene pursuit of the necessary goodness that
leads to joy.
Oct 3
The God seems a mystery, which each person may and can
consider, without objection or imposition. I view the mystery as constraints on
consequences of human choices.
Some people are inspired and motivated to necessary goodness by the sacrificial
Christ, without conflicting The God.
Some people are inspired by Jesus's miracles, for example, raising the dead in
the order of Elijah.
Yosef and Miryam, in Nazareth of 2000 years ago, called their son
"Yeshua". See the Wikipedia article. Yeshua became a precocious civic
philosopher during intense political and religious conflict. "Civic"
refers to reliable responsibility, in order to neither cause nor accommodate
We cannot aspire to be one of the entities: The God, or Christ, or Jesus.
However, we can civically collaborate to ACT like Yeshua and thereby BE like
The quest to accept The God, Christ and Jesus, in order to image Yeshua changed
me at age 80.
I do not know the ineluctable truth yet cannot avoid, change, or resist
pursuing necessary goodness.,
Sept 30
When she could speak, I would privately tell Cynthia,
"You are so beautiful". The second time, the wittiest woman I ever
met responded, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. You're talking about the way I
behave". Today, I publicly sing Joe Cocker's song with modified lyrics,
"You are so beautiful to us". I think she likes it but cannot speak
due to PSP.
I wonder how a physically beautiful woman feels when she privately offers sex
to a celebrity man only to experience his rejection.
People who side with her without ineluctable facts shame themselves. It's not
too late for blind accusers to reform.,
Sept 28
Ms Crisp asks an important question. A tick riding the wind
on a leaf bit my daughter and changed her life to alpha gal syndrome.
Sept 27 It seems to me your sentiments, dear Fred, are
erroneous if not misguided, if not harmful.
Lebanon protects Hezbollah and Hamas;
If, hypothetically, illegal-alien terrorists invited to the United States by
the Biden-Harris administration attack Canada, then Canada fires on the US,
will you object on behalf of the terrorists in the US? Will you demand that
Canada cease fire to protect terrorists?
Or will you vote so that Trump may deport the terrorists before they entrap you
in war?
I object to the consequences of Israel's trust-in and commitment-to
annihilation of terrorists -- like, people who think invading a home, raping
the wife, killing the husband, murdering the children, and microwaving infants
thinking they will gain their souls a place in their perception of heaven.
However, I moreover object to tolerance toward terrorists.
Of course, I do not know the ineluctable truth and doubt every new item that
comes my way. I no longer read the NYT and Wall Street Journal at all. Also, I
decry liberty, imposed on us by Europe, and work hard to practice reliably
responsible independence among fellow citizens.,
Sept 25
Mona, I relate to your prose. Also, I recall your speech
“Obligations” and now view it parallel to Genesis 1:26-28: female and male Homo
sapiens may and can choose to pursue necessary goodness on earth. (The God or goodness
provides perfection elsewhere.)
I think after some 7 million years evolution to humankind, a modern newborn
infant has a bicameral brain, one part to accumulate observations and
experiences as his or her life unfolds and the other to evaluate consequences
so as to establish bases for personal choice. The two parts communicate with
each other so that the person, given any set of circumstances may and can
choose action or none in their preference. The process works well or not,
depending on many variables one being the frequency of choosing goodness.
This bicameral activity accumulates in time, involves introspection over and
above perception, and the person might develop targets. At age 81, one of my
targets is to not repeat any past errors.
I have been aware of two fascinating psychological concepts for over a week
now: bicameral mind and introspection.,
Nov 23
Forbes says the Biden/Harris campaign ran on $1 billion
whereas the Trump campaign had $ 0.39 billion. We heard that the loser feels
like they just did not listen to the civic citizens. However, the Democrat
Party continues to behave as though their banana republic will prevail. My home
is also available, but because we live near LSU, the medical corridor, Perkins
Road Park, and Highland Road, and moreover, because Cynthia bought the property
and caused the construction contract, the price is $40 million.
Oct 31 I don't think they're voting for Kamala. I think they
are voting for liberal democracy. They are too naive to recognize that liberal
democracy is violent chaos. They are in denial that they could be the next
victim of liberal democracy's freedom to commit crime.
Oct 11 It is so good to hear from you. We regret that your
life has become difficult. This, too will pass.
I learned that silent prayer to whatever constrains the consequences of
personal choices motivates me to act more deliberately toward necessary
goodness, erroneous as my perception of the good may be. It seems to me you and
Carol always act that way.
Sept 24 I just discovered "bicameral mind" and
boned up on it. Collaborate with me.
I think my life-long communities conflict the morality that actual-reality
demands and keeps me in bemusement to mystery. Pondering that suggestion, I am
living the assumption that "laws of physics" influences can
collaborate with "necessary goodness to Homo sapiens" trust and
commitment. Thereby, I can suggest Judeo-Christians collaborate with civic
humankind. Civic means reliable responsibility to neither cause nor accommodate
harm to or from any person.
Starting in January, in a letter to Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, I have
been trying to get political leaders to change the debate from protection of
conceptions (embryos) to protection of ova (eggs) and the woman who produces
Physics informs that the ovum would like to be conceived, gestated, delivered,
and appreciated for life, by its mother and father unto death. Physics assigns
to the woman the awareness of whether or not her ova could become an
appreciated person.
Reform to the ova debate would relieve thousands of years of subjugation of
women by men. The beneficiaries would be Homo sapiens -- women, men, children,
families, nations.
Most egregious is Judeo-Christianity's repression of Genesis 1's creation of
female and male humankind "so they may rule . . . the earth". Genesis
1's Elohim is replaced in Genesis 2 with Yahweh, who competitively
"creates" woman from a man's rib. Yahweh wreaks havoc, offering
blood-sacrificial bargains requiring necessary goodness never agreed to by the
people. Yahweh met competition from Pauline Christianity that offers salvation
of souls to elect people, lessening if not negating interest in necessary
goodness during life. The Trinity emerged from Pauline Christianity about 1800
years ago.
The fact that life begins when a civic woman delivers a viable ova in union
with an authentic man, who collaborated with her for life, got lost when
divinity schools repressed Genesis 1:26-28. It is not too late for Homo sapiens
to reform divinity schools and government legislation.,
Nov 10
And the Golden Age of America will be for the civic faction
of We the People of the United States, the needy fellow citizens who pursue
independence, the wanton fellow citizens who may re-consider, and the criminals
who may reform; but not for the perpetrators and terrorists.
Oct 28 A friend of mine has created a business raising slab
houses in flooding areas. It is an amazingly awesome, needed service.
It's government funded to the home owner and I'm certain a very lucrative
business at taxpayer expense. I've known people who owned low-country camps or
second homes in order to collect government grants each time garage-sale
furnishings got wiped out.
It's another example of a civic people coming to the aid of people who have not
accepted integrity, in this case to look at the flood map before investing in a
home (buying or building at "bargain" prices). "Civic"
means reliable responsibility to necessary goodness.
The reality of humankind is that a civic people picks up the tab for
unfortunates, unwillings, criminals, and evils. All except evils may and can be
carried perchance they will reform and adopt the self-interest of necessary
goodness. Evils can only be annihilated.
These opinions are grounded in both Genesis 1:26-28 and the United States
Constitution amended to remove freedom of religion to Congress at the civic
faction's expense.
Sept 22 Cleve Wright This is
tragic comedy spoken to the choir. I do not agree.
I think every person is bicameral and would like both their body and their mind
to always choose necessary goodness. One part of their brain is trying to
discover the ineluctable truth, given personal perceptions so far, and the
other part is trying to match discovery with good expectations. But their
surroundings present the actual reality their perceptions cannot grasp. For
example, does trust and commitment to self reap rewards? The happiness they
expect conflicts with fellow citizens' perceptions, so they do not pursue the
necessary goodness they would like. For example, monogamy is not popular, so
many people choose promiscuity.
The remedy to this dilemma is to inculcate in our adults, adolescents, and
youth the message that they may and can pursue necessary goodness. This message
was delivered 5500 years ago in the political developments that led to Genesis
1:26-28. Divinity schools so abhor necessary goodness they do all they can to
hide Genesis 1's message: Homo sapiens is in charge of necessary goodness on
earth. For example, inhabitants nourish 17,000 religions and 45,000
Christianity's to try to avoid necessary goodness.
Goodness is affirmed in the religion-free 1787 United States Constitution. The
civic faction of We the People of the United States can amend bad law to
statutory justice, in order to pursue necessary perfect goodness "to
ourselves and our Posterity". Civic citizens may and can encourage
dependent citizens to reform and together, fellow citizens can constrain or
annihilate villains.
Each person has a unique current view of necessary goodness, based on their
past experiences with fellow citizens, sometimes impacted by villains.
Beyond my wife, family, friends, and good neighbors the entity that most
impacted my better choices in life is Yeshua, that precocious political
philosopher from 2000 year-ago Nazareth. In my paraphrase, he informs me two
key motivators: be perfect in the image of necessary perfect goodness (Matt
5:48), and whatever action you take will not be corrected by The God (Matt
18:18). My experience does not imply either that Yeshua is essential to every
person's necessary goodness nor that I know the ineluctable truth.
I think my church of 45 years is pursuing collaborative necessary perfect
goodness, even though no one, especially me, can articulate either the path or
the outcome.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Sept 21
You've been through a lot, Cleve, and have happy incentives to serenely,
confidently continue.
Let me share an encouraging experience. Lumgectomy in 2008 convinced me I never
want to go under the knife again. (I'll never forget the attention you gave my
2001 triple bypass.) After 2 majors, I began a regimen of eating small portions
of about 20 fruits and nuts and granola daily. See recent pic. Also, I began
walking in the park.
Walking was irregular at first, often interrupted to care for Cynthia, then
resumed somewhat when Rebekah came home to care for her.
About 4 years ago, I told Cynthia I thought alcohol was killing me and, with
her encouragement, quit cold turkey. About 3 years ago, my body told me to walk
faster, so I sped up until I felt chest pain then backed off slightly.
Almost-chest-pain became the routine when I occasionally walked. Eventually
chest pain gave way to lung pain at a higher pace -- maybe about 2 years ago.
Nearly a year ago, I went to 14-10 fasting. I now weigh about 190 lbs. at
71.5" tall. My body is demanding more beef.
Six weeks ago, I told Rebekah I must walk every day (stretch, too and do 13
strength stations at the park). She understood, even though she only takes care
of Cynthia, Holly, and me, neglecting her exercise.
Two days ago at the park, the lung pain stopped. Wonderfully, I felt no pain on
this, the second day.
This story covers 16 years' struggle to a promising lifestyle grounded in
medical care and consultation, reading, listening to fellow citizens, and
taking action. I cannot imagine influencing myself to create a program that
would prevent lung pain when I push my walking pace for 25 minutes. However,
the joy I am experiencing cannot be adequately described.
This week, I discovered the phrase "necessary perfect goodness". It
will motivate me as I continue to work to comprehend goodness. I think you
understand goodness.
Family forum advertising free bible course, Sept 20
I returned to my church of 48 years 3 years ago after 27
years absence. I consider the congregation civic citizens who are being misled
by divinity schools: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and
ideologies like Taoism, Confucianism, and all the other thousands of religions.
Christianity alone has 45,000 sects.
The information age has made it plain that the original
wokeism is religion. To aid families, religion needs to reform, in order to
unite rather than divide civic citizens. “Civic” means reliable responsibility
to neither cause nor accommodate harm to or from any person or institution.
Civic citizens collaborate for necessary goodness, reforming harmful fellow
citizens, and eradicating villains.
For example, Christian institutions may and can accept the word of Elohim in
Genesis 1: Homo sapiens has the power,
the authority, and the responsibility to rule to necessary goodness in the
world, leaving mystery worlds to The God.
If so, they can collaborate to comprehend both the bad and
the evil that are wrought by men claiming Yahewh -- especially blood sacrifice,
which ended with the Roman burning of the Jewish temple in 70 CE.
They can comprehend the conflicts between Yeshua, the
political philosopher from ancient Nazareth, James, John, Peter, and Paul
regarding Jesus as either Messiah anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel or
Paul’s Christ – The Trinity incarnate to provide blood for a one-time sacrifice
to redeem all sin.
Rather than nourish a mystery for power, religions may and can accept The God,
whatever it may be, in order to pursue necessary perfect goodness. And
Yeshua’s civic influence aids my choice of necessary goodness and reliability
to not repeat a mistake.
I work to suggest to families that necessary good as a self-interest. The
happiness necessary good generates might lead to joy.,
Nov 23
It's good to know when you may and can return good money for
good help.
Oct 21
On Children, by Kahlil Gibran 1883 – 1931
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to
us of Children.
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you
cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them
like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows
are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and
He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also
the bow that is stable.
From The Prophet (Knopf, 1923). This poem is in the public
Again: At age 81, I still ponder Gibran's thought,
"their [persons] dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit,
not even in your dreams". This thought is circular, from my perspective.
Often, I cannot contend with what the world has become but our daughters
cover my "traditional" thinking, empowering me.
Again: Here's what comes to mind:
1) God is the boss and the father is God's emissary and
the wife the man's aid.
2) Children either obey or face punishment.
3) Either The God or government will usurp our
responsibility to pursue necessary goodness as a self-interest.
4) Christianity is the one true religion.
5) Martin Luther corrected Rome's errors.
6) Success comes through faith rather than through behavior.
I am grateful that I read Gibran when our children were in
elementary school and regret that Mom and Dad considered the Bible adequate.
There's so much more great literature: Emerson, Plato, Einstein philosophy, Chekov,
the list goes on and on.
Now, in my ninth decade, our daughters share, in differing
intensities, recent interest in Yeshua;
Family collaboration has been going on since Cynthia's
serene confidence drew my attention to her. Unfortunately, I was not an
authentic male, prepared to follow Yeshua's advice in Matthew 19:4-6. All 3 of
our children know this, without knowing the scripture.
As far as I know, NIV is the only version that uses the
preposition "to", others using "with". I could not resolve
"leave . . . and be united". My sister-in-law suggested, in my
paraphrase, "changing loyalty from his traditions to her necessary
Oct 4 A civic people practice, facilitate, and encourage
necessary goodness as a self-interest. The laws of physics and its progeny,
such as economic viability and choice, make it plain that female and male Homo
sapiens may and can rule to goodness on earth. The able aids those who cannot
help themselves to goodness. They collaborate with erroneous people who are
willing to reform, in order to eradicate evil. Habitual villains do not respond
to goodness.
Sept 22 I now realize every show ticket I intended to learn
Cynthia's opinion. She never disappointed.
Our family of 5 rocked out to Rod Stewart at the Pete Maravich Assembly Center.
We made an exception when Pavarotti appeared with the Baton Rouge Symphony.
Sept 18
I think every 14 year-old boy should know that every girl
may and can responsibility produce 400 ova during her fertile years. Thereby,
each female is responsible for a crowd. In no sense would an authentic male
lessen the welfare of a crowd.
One of her duties to self and to ova is to meet and befriend authentic males,
in order to mutually choose life-long integrity unto children, grandchildren,
and beyond. The male who happens to become one of those friends may habitually
help her and benefit from her help. They may develop mutual dependency, then
commitment, then bonding, then betrothal, then marriage, then consummation of
It takes 25 years for the male human body to complete building the wisdom-accumulating
parts of the brain (23 years for females). Another decade or so evaluating
experiences and observations, in necessary employment, accommodates maturing.
Perhaps mid 30s is an optimal time to form a family.
It takes another couple quarter centuries for human being (verb) to seem
developing if not maturing.
Having mutually united, wife and husband may perceive that together they
approach happiness in the image of necessary, perfect goodness -- sense joy.,
Sept 17
Thank you, Fred, for beautiful art: What about agents who
imagine guiding people to goodness?
When our son died in a horrendous auto accident, I apologized to people who
attended his funeral. But "being a [father] wasn't such a great idea after
all" did not enter my thoughts. I was married to the most serenely
confident woman -- person -- I ever knew and quickly realized I might and could
work to preserve our family.
The marker on Stephen's grave bears a best friend's words, "Awesome
That was 33 years ago. Today, I often say, "I am living in heaven",
caring, with our daughters, for now paralyzed Cynthia -- forever beautiful in
Today, I feel ultimate privilege, because everything that happened brought me
to the curiosity to search, yesterday, for
"goodness". Happily, the first of 479 articles is "perfect
goodness". The writer expands to necessary perfect goodness. Philosophers
leave the reader to draw conclusions and I perceive the article makes the case,
in my paraphrase: necessary perfect goodness is like The God.
I was disappointed and searched 11 more articles before finding, in, Plato's, Socrates'
Euthyphro choice. The question is explored at In my dream, Euthyphro
responds, "I choose to accept The God, in order to pursue the perfect
goodness my person may and can achieve."
I think some people live according to my dream but too many die young. It's not
too late to educate our youth, adolescents, and selves to pursue necessary
perfect goodness.,
Oct 28
I voted for Trump hoping to experience-and-observe his
better 4-years followed by 8 years under J D Vance's best or better. I can't
imagine 16 years under Harris then Walz or whomever Clinton-Obama might choose.
Oct 24 Who wants to live forever? I do, as long as I can
stand the pain. You people are just wonderful!
Oct 9 I did not find agreement with my opinion. I think Kate
Chopin’s, “we all know that love is blind, but a god just the same”, is
profound. Many church services end with “God is love” or such.
Oct 6 A 2015 opinion rates Emerson, Twain, and Faulkner 1, 7, and 11,
I wonder how each Twain and Faulkner rated Emerson. Flannery O'Connor thought Emerson
was wrong about the blood of Christ.
I think Emerson could not escape divinity enough to articulate Yeshua's civic
influence to the good. Faulkner represented the art of living as out Snoping
the Snopes. Twain illustrated that necessary goodness may and can motivate a
considerate person to conclude, "Alright then, I'll go to hell".
Sept 17 The artist seems to want to persuade me that a
human-being may and can herd cats. I'm not that gullible.
Sept 16 It's mid day, and I'm reading about necessary perfect
goodness, on My guns are strategically located to
protect my wife, 2 daughters, self, and 5 cats. Got to finish picking up blown
Nov 23
Peterson may and can learn to reserve sufficient humility.
Nov 23 Thank you, Douglass. What we may and can learn what
we need to know.
Nov 21 The civic writer employs grammar's controversies on
earth, and willing readers accept/consider the writer's fidelity to his/her
Nov 12 I hope for better information in 2025.
The 2020 and 2022 U.S. elections suggested that liberalism rather than the rule
of law was on the verge of conquering the United States. Happily, the civic
faction of We the People of the United States, in 2024, overwhelmed domestic
tyranny. "Civic" means reliable responsibility to
As the second Trump administration unfolds, I'll hope for 2 key possibilities
for pivotal change. First, civic citizens may experience less propaganda, such
as both 1) defending "democracy" (chaos) even though the U.S.
Constitution proffers its republic (pursuit of statutory justice) and 2) feigned-duty
to wage foreign wars. Second, allied nations may again appreciate the U. S.
Constitution as their best hope, even though neither foreigners nor domestic
aliens have a clue as to what it means to be a civic citizen living in the
United States.
I anticipate a better world for the next 12 years. Un-civic fellow citizens
will benefit, beholding personal responsibility to control chaos in the way
they live; criminals will be justly constrained; opportunity will flourish as
evil is eradicated. If my dream approaches reality, it will bode well for
"ourselves and our Posterity", quoting the Constitution.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Nov 6 I don't think anything I ever considered impressed me
more: I don't know the ineluctable truth.
Oct 28 Daniel Davis invites the accusation that he favors
Iran. Israel has shown restraint by responding to the military instead of
villagers. Of course, I don't know the ineluctable truth so can only share my
opinion: Davis's words present him the opportunity to reform.
Oct 21 Thank you Douglas. This informs me not to choose
From 2018 through 2021 there was a noisy 14% increase in CANCER adverse events
as COVID vaccinations got underway and some citizens choose to continue
boosters. I stopped after 2 shots. Events increased 50% and 26%, respectively,
in 2022 and 2023. We'll be able to learn about 2024 in 2025.
At I could not reach the
data. I'm not proficient exploring unfamiliar sites.
Oct 13, Regarding alcohol use, when I concluded it was
killing me, I stopped -- cold turkey. I enjoy, so much, reading articles like,
understanding every paragraph as read it, and concluding, "That's well and
good if it influences believers to behave with necessary goodness, but it is
not an approach I desire to pursue." Good for those civic people and the
non-negative impacts on fellow citizens, but it's not for me.
It's not too different from liking Leonard Cohen art but preferring Dave
Bruebeck jazz. I prefer living to learn rather than drinking to feel the
Oct 11 Follow-up from an April post about glacier expansion.
Paraphrasing Genesis 1:26-28: “Then God said, “Let us make
mankind in our image . . . so that they may rule over [the other species].” So .
. . in his own image . . . he created . . . male and female . . . God blessed
them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and
subdue it.”
Thus 5500 year old Sumerian political philosophy is the
transition from polytheism in progressive discovery of the actual reality that
only Homo sapiens has the power, authority, and responsibility to rule the
other species on the earth (and technological extensions). Genesis 2:4 marks
the transition to competitive monotheism: Yahweh visited the divine leaders,
priests predicted a Messiah, a few Jews imposed Yeshua onto that Messiah, a
smaller few imposed miraculous acts onto Yeshua as Jesus, and the rascal Paul
invented salvation of souls to project Christ onto Jesus. The early church
imposed The Trinity on Pauline Christianity.
Thus, politicians and priests imposed on humankind’s Genesis 1 directive the
competitive mysteries: Yahweh, Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus, Christ, and The Trinity,
not to mention the Holy Spirit and Satan.
It is not too late for civic citizens to reform and focus on
necessary goodness. First, the people who enjoy developing their object of
mystery may and can admit that necessary goodness is in their self-interest,
and prioritize developing goodness more than mystery. Lessen pursuit of mystery
to a priority on par with entertainment, for example. For example, Anton
Chekov’s “Rothschild’s Fiddle” is as useful as many Bible stories.
I think the number of people on earth who can grasp what I
am saying and pursue the are few -- hundreds, perhaps thousands, per billion. I
hope more can grasp the idea.
However, the chaos humankind developed and nourished could
lead to World War III. It seems essential that people discourage divinity
school products and impose on the pastor at their church to reform from
preaching faith in mystery to coaching, facilitating, and encouraging the
goodness among fellow citizens that allows each person the opportunity to
pursue goodness. To provide opportunity to live requires statutory justice: aid
to helpless fellows, restraint to hapless fellows, constraint to bad people,
incarceration to harmful people, and death penalty evil villains.
I know of only one national proposal to fulfill the
Genesis 1:26-28 directive: the
religion-free United States Constitution – either the 1787 draft or the 1791
ratification with the Bill of Rights amended to undo Congressional freedom of
Oct 11 If I voted Democrat (and I did when David Duke ran
for governor), I'd vote Republican just to see if their policies can avoid the
WWIII which effervescent Harris invites.
Oct 8 As we watch these wars being conducted, it seems useful to observe the
actions of Israel. For perhaps 7 or so decades, they have demonstrated that the
soldier killed in battle is not held responsible for what the generals required
of them; the soldier might desire to reform from the evil the general ordered.
Therefore, Israel quite effectively kills the villains of evil. I think we are
witnessing this approach on October 8, 2024.
It seems evident that civic citizens (reliably responsible to necessary
goodness) may and can aid helpless and hapless fellow citizens, constrain
criminals, and eliminate evil villains. In the United States, the civic faction
of We the People of the United States intends to amend unjust laws, in order to
improve statutory justice "to ourselves and our Posterity".
It seems essential for every US citizen to earn their personal interpretation
of the United States' intentions "to ourselves and our Posterity",
proffered in the preamble to the United States Constitution, amended to
"responsibility" rather than "liberty".
There are too few civic citizens: The errors of the past have been sequentially
passed down to the 3rd and 4th generations. The "ourselves" were
gullible to "liberty and freedom" and did not share with Posterity
reliably-responsible independence to necessary goodness.
It is not too late for the 2024 ourselves-and-our-Posterity to rule to goodness
on earth.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Oct 7 Well stated.
Also, I like to write: we, the civic faction of "We the People of the
United States".
We, the civic faction of "We the People of the United States" pursue
statutory justice so that we, the needy, and slackers may live long enough to
reform to the necessary goodness fellow citizens desire; meanwhile, evil
villains can identify themselves and enjoy the execution they pursue.
To my knowledge, only the United States, under its republican pursuit of
statutory justice, proffers a culture of civic integrity to necessary goodness.
Presently, we, the civic faction, need to amend the first amendment so as to
reverse the fact that Congress unconstitutionally awarded itself freedom of
religion at the civic citizen’s expense.
Oct 6 It's unfortunate that journalists have no self
respect. Suspicion of them and car sales persons is 11 times more than mistrust
of nurses. And congress persons are 15.5 times more suspected.
I just watched an event in London to remember, mourn, and commemorate Oct 7,
with 30,000 people in attendance. A speaker mentioned the Balfour Declaration,
1917, stating Britain's commitment to a state for Israel and the consequence:
in 1948, the world accepted Israel as a state.
The United Nations has opposed Israel ever since. We may and can, perhaps
should withdraw from the United Nations, much as England withdrew from the EU.
Sept 28 I thought it was interesting that Trump and Zelensky
made a video, shown yesterday, talking of negotiation with Putin. I don't trust
anything I see or hear, but hope Trump gets the chance to end the war.
Biden-Harris seem to support the military-industrial complex just as seriously
as they support the anti-physics gender change revenue generator.
Sept 17 Thank you, Douglas. It seems BRICS, Brazil, Russia,
India, China, and South Africa represent in the world about 27% of the surface,
42% of population, and 37% of GDP; see them together at
They meet regularly. But do they collaborate on par with NATO or the
United Nations? A year ago, Reuters reported 40 developing nations interested
in joining BRICS;
Sept 16
I feel privileged to be 81 and reading and writing about The
God -- whatever constrains the consequences of human choice. And sharing with
my church.
A recent article reminded me of the Euthyphro Dilemma;
I think 2500 years of discovery motivate an update to Socrates Choice: The God
mystery or goodness.
That inspired me to consult regarding
"goodness". The first article is "perfect goodness", which
I read with delight.
Shockingly the scholar, focused on theology, did not share Plato as divinity
scholar, so does not include Socrates' question; I paraphrase, Do you choose
goodness or The God?
It seems the article concludes that The God accommodates necessary perfect
goodness. I could be wrong.
Thank You | The Office of
Donald J. Trump (
Dear President Trump:
Please change the United States topic
"abortion" to "protection of children" as an item on your
Discovering the laws of physics rather than
rationalizing about mysteries empowers humankind to choose goodness rather than
submit to badness or evil.
According to physics (AtP), a human being may and can
be conceived each time a fertile woman's body delivers an ovum (egg). AtP, she
has the responsibility to maintain her physical and psychological well-being so
that her ova may fare well if inseminated to an embryo for gestation and
Also, AtP she is obligated to associate with
authentic men; avoid talk that could invite sexual intimacy; befriend a man who
is aware that each woman might produce 400 ova during her fertile years; partner
with him who commits to her and any offspring they may produce -- for life unto
grandchildren and beyond. With these civic provisions, adults aid every child.
It is government duty to educate its youth,
adolescents, and adults to these principles to human being (verb). The welfare
of children cannot be left to religion.
With your announcement of this platform, the Democrat
advantage in abortion-voting will lessen. Civic women gladly accept their
awesome responsibilities according to physics and its progeny, like psychology
and economics. Moreover, they are aware that their child needs a reliable
Future children everywhere may benefit from your
usual courage, which is atypical among human-beings.
Dear President Trump:
Furthering “protection of children”, I think the civic
faction of We the People of the United States intends necessary perfect goodness
“to ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the preamble to the Constitution, low
as progress may be.
You are the foremost practitioner of that principle,
an opinion I could not articulate when I was 80.
Beyond educating fellow citizens to do all they can
to aid children, the legislation I imagine would move emphasis from
abortion to protection of the ova each woman produces. Some
ova-protection laws would impact women and others men, to benefit “ourselves
and our Posterity”.
Here are 5 examples of violence against ova. 1st,
some women abuse drugs or alcohol, adversely impacting their ova, embryo, and
baby. 2nd, many women invite pregnancy with no intention of providing a father;
some merely want someone to love them, at least until detachment. 3ird, many
women have neither awareness nor intention to educate their child to comprehend
and intend human being (verb). 4th, ova suffer insemination merely for wanton-adult
sexual satisfaction. 5th, some ova become babies destined to live without
appreciation, much less love.
Protection of children would improve with public
debate and legislation to address these issues, redirecting wasteful debate on
Moving civic debate from religious hopes and comforts
to necessary perfection of justice would empower discovered physics and its progeny rather than divine mystery.
Sincerely, Deleted due to
word count
Phil Beaver
Sept 23 Dear President Trump,
I like your
report that people wanted relief from national imposition of abortion. I hope
someday you report that Homo sapiens, for 10,000 years, wanted relief from
subjugation of women, so you acted to protect women, the ova they produce, and
Homo sapiens
invented symbols, language, writing, and grammar in order to collaborate on
codes of civic conduct. Some Mesopotamians thought the gods expect Homo sapiens
to pursue goodness on earth. This perhaps 5500 year old political philosophy
was expressed by Semitic-speaking-people’s-scholars 4000 years ago in Genesis
1:26-28. Divinity scholars think Genesis 1 represents Elohim creating women and
men with hope that humankind would choose to rule to necessary goodness on
However, divinity
scholars of the next Mesopotamian era invented Yahweh, a male divinity, who
supposedly created woman from a man’s rib, conflicting with Genesis 1. The rest
of the Bible reports the chaos that ensues when civilizations invent divinities
to try to aid them in resisting the Genesis 1 commission: rule to necessary
good on earth. Scholars of the Triune God promote elect souls in afterdeath, negating
the pursuit of necessary good.
Please, this
week, announce intentions to end ages-old subjugation of women; to reform
legislative focus on abortion, in order to debate protection of viable ova:
accelerate Homo sapiens’ pursuit of necessary goodness.
Best wishes.
Phil Beaver
Oct 4 Dear President Trump:
The American civic citizen has self-interest in pursuing
reliable responsibility to necessary goodness. Neither domestic nor foreign
aliens can fathom reliable responsibility.
I meet women who adamantly oppose you. I’m writing again to
suggest a knock-out blow to Kamrade Kamala. Please announce the formation of a
task force to propose legislation to protect children. Remove the determination
in some voters, “Never Trump”, by addressing the following subjugation issues.
1st, physics informs us that life begins when a woman’s body
produces a viable ovum rather than at conception (The Church’s subjugation of
women). 2nd, the woman who becomes pregnant without a father for her child
subjugates the baby she delivers. 3rd, the man who impregnates a woman with no
intention to care for her and her child for life (unto grandchildren and
beyond) subjugates both the woman and the embryo. 4th, same sex partners who
engage in some form of ménage a trois, in order to mimic parenthood, subjugate
the child to a non-heterosexual family life.
Changing the national debate from women’s reproductive
rights to protection of children and ova would effect a step change in reliably
responsible governance.
Please consider introducing the change at your Butler, PA
rally, in order to crush Kamala’s “women’s rights” advantage during current
Best wishes.
Phil Beaver
To the GOP, online form
From interviews in the newspaper, it seems women say they
will vote for Kamala to defend women's right to abortion. I think they are
unaware of evolution-long female resistance to the subjugation of women. And
the moral victim of the subjugation of women is children.
The GOP has 1 opportunity to change the narrative from
abortion to protection of ova -- the eggs the woman's body produces. Most women
to whom I present this idea see the good. Add to the platform a committee on
protection of ova.
Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which
can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it
obviously does not work.
Phil is agent
for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit
corporation. See online at, and consider essays
from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag