Saturday, November 27, 2021

Dignity& equity owed to each human ovum


Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

The human ovum is due dignity& equity

Appreciation of family is the basis of a civic-culture, where “civic” refers to reliable human-connections more than civilization.

The reliable-woman attends to wellness of body, mind, and person so that each viable ovum during her fertile years may expect either statistical termination or reliable insemination to a single-cell embryo.

The reliable-man who talks to a woman would never threaten her viable ovum and her with unwanted conception.

Thus, humankind’s chances for survival hinge on mutual fidelity of femal&male-human-being.

This week’s questions touch on this topic. See for example, questions by Deopersad, Perrier, Alofipo, and Issa, not to slight Jackson and Grove.

Quora by Nandkishore Deopersad

Mr Deopersad, I appreciate your question and answer with my view, which can’t approach the-ineluctable-truth.

Anyone living in 2021 can form a serenely-confident-opinion about the importance of family by considering two pivotal records of homo sapiens’ 300,000 years’ psychological evolution. It includes the recent ice age, ending about 11,500 years ago; https://www.cdm. org/mammothdiscovery/wheniceages.html.

The 2 documents are Genesis 1, perhaps 5,000 years old, and the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

If we assume that most development occurred after the climate let homo-sapiens leave caves, that’s only 3.8% of the species’ history. The U.S. intentions were published at 98% of the cave-free-history. During the last 70 years, only 0.6% of cave-free living, humankind discovered we can explore “the heavens”. Yet psychological advances, especially for the family, have been repressed in favor of social-democracy’s chaos. Imagine how fast we, the 2021 humankind, can accelerate civic integrity, once the-good message is widely known.

First, Genesis 1 suggests a promising political philosophy: female& male-human-being may collaborate to provide order& and prosperity to extant living-species on earth. Fortunately, that idea came 65 million years after the dinosaurs. Necessity& justice empower civic decisions, where “civic” refers to fidelity in human connections more than to submission to civilization. In civic-politics most citizens aid the establishment of peace on earth, and the collective of civic-citizens, or civic-society practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI). The driver of necessity& justice is physics& its progeny, including economics.

However, not every human-being wants RHI, so there exists a dependent-society. Members adopt& nurture spirituality, indolence, infidelity, abuse, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. The civic-citizens both accept self-interest in RHI and appreciate the dependent-fellow-citizen’s lifetime opportunity to reform. Therefore, they work not only to responsibly-pursue the happiness they desire; they also fund both law-enforcement-constraint to dependent-fellow-citizens and research to reduce civil arrogance& partiality by discovering and implementing statutory-justice. This keeps the Genesis-1 political-philosophy.

The Bible canon, from Genesis 2 through the end, each reflects the consequences when families& tear themselves apart through infidelities and the consequential civilizations exacerbate the chaos. Most of the stories feature illicit-sexual-intimacy or reproductive-jealousy that invites ruin. Many tribal wars are waged over a leader’s sexual fantasy. Much of Western literature features spousal infidelity.

Thus, it should be no surprise to say that female& male human-success begins with mutual-comprehension, intention, and performance to either remain unmarried, perhaps holding civil partnership, or to beget family-fidelity to children, grandchildren, and beyond. In other words, anyone who cannot provide family-fidelity ought not be encouraged to pretend. The consequences to posterity are too severe.

The authentic-female knows she may cyclically carry 400 viable ova during her fertile years and that she is solely responsible for protecting each one’s dignity and equity in this world. Her responsibility for life is unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible. Likewise, the authentic-male knows when he talks with a woman, that he would never risk her and her viable ovum to an unwanted future. The Bible stories illustrate the family-importance of these principles and thus serve a literary purpose. They condemn any person who would demand a woman remain pregnant when her responsibility dictates termination. Family fidelity is essential.

Second, the 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers resolution of 5,000 years’ tribal-competition to force others to subject to civil preferences rather than to pursue human-opportunity. In other words, to sacrifice personal, civic-integrity for “the common good” under “consent of the governed” as a “property of God: arrogant-tyranny by Englishman John Locke. In the U.S. proposal, the civic-citizens, We the People of the United States, practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” establish and nourish responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants. Chosen discipline-to-religion is left to adult-personal-privacy. Thus, a faction of adult citizens take responsibility to accommodate necessity& justice for the future their descendants must live rather than preserve& advance existing injustices. For example, increasing $29 trillion federal debt or imposing a personal-God as the praise-worthy Creator rather than the controller of the consequences of human-decisions, whether it be the-God or physics or something not previously imagined.

The primary cause of the 2021 U.S. travesty is the 1789 Congress taking the license to domestically re-establish English tradition in the then independent USA. The 1787 Constitution does not grant Congress the authority to legislate “freedom of religion” to themselves. That it is, their religious-freedom-alone is demonstrated by the fact that they do not define “religion” and instead opine on the plaintiff’s or defendant’s definition. Congress’s offense against “ourselves and our Posterity” exacerbates the Supreme Court’s arrogance to choose English legal precedence rather than the 1787 U.S. Constitution. For example, in Ramos v Louisiana (2020) the Court dismissed 1791s U.S. Amendment XI impartiality-requirement, in order to re-argue 14th Century English unanimity. The Court’s trumped-up 6:3 vote required Louisiana to revise from 10:2 to 12:0, when in 1967 England revised from 12:0 to 10:2 to reduce organized-crime’s control of trial-juries. Tyranny like that can be stopped by we, the 2021 “We the People of the United States.

We may amend the First Amendment in order to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. And we may require the Supreme Court to yield to the-ineluctable-evidence when judicial-opinion is arrogant. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, When the law rebukes the-ineluctable-evidence, the Court can freeze decisions and inform the civic-citizens, who then hold the Congress accountable to legislate statutory-justice. Finally, fellow-citizens who alienate themselves to 1787 U.S. intentions and Genesis 1 ought not be licensed to vote, or to issue press reports, or to occupy elected or appointed office in local, state, or federal government.

The civic-rules of family permeate human-kind’s evolving civil-rules, including those of the U.S., which are in 2021 devolving to social-democracy rather than upholding republic --- the rule of law for “ourselves and our Posterity”.

The principles expressed above may seem far-fetched to most readers. I contend that is because the U.S. proposal has never been pursued. We, in 2021, may begin to restore the promises of the 1787 U.S. Constitution for an achievable better future, perhaps beginning in another country if the U.S. defaults. by Emirey Jackson suggests “libertarian” usage: “the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action”.

Impartial-necessity& justice demand civic-integrity, where “civic” refers to human-connections more than to municipal rules. Necessity is driven by physics& its-progeny, such as economics. For example, each human-being must responsibly-earn the way of living they desire.

But some fellow-citizens prefer a dependency, such as spirituality, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, democratic-socialism, and worse. Consequently, civic-citizens must additionally earn enough to fund law-enforcement& national-defense as well as the research to pursue statutory-justice; that is, to discover unjust laws and amend them to approach if not attain justice.

Developing statutory-justice is based on the-ineluctable-evidence rather than on judiciary opinion, where “ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. The sooner Justices reform, the better.

Libertarianism seems to deny if not oppose these principles. by Julia Perrier

It takes about a quarter-century in exemplary civic-integrity, facilitation, and encouragement for a human infant to acquire the comprehension& intention to practice human-being rather than accept mineral, plant, animal, or spirit for living. Necessity& justice demand the choice to be human, and unfortunately no culture promotes the required responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Consequently, the current mutation, homo sapiens, divides itself into 2 groups: civic-citizens and dependents.

Civic-citizens accept impartiality in responsibly-pursuing the happiness they want during each personal phase of living, rather than submit to the view some other entity has for them. Aware of their individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to constrain chaos in their personal way of living, they practice civic-integrity in personal self-interest. That is, they neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to or from any fellow citizen or association. In appreciation to fellow-citizens, they rebuke the-bad they observe or experience, intending to facilitate& encourage reform. Success with civic-rebuke results in clarification if there was no harm or offender-repentance& forgiveness. In this civic-process, forgiveness is repeatable as long as the same dependency is not repeated. Otherwise, arbitrary-forgiveness by the offended can exacerbate dependency.

Since no culture promotes RHI, it is neither well known nor precisely& accurately articulated. Consequently most of human-being is dependent rather than civic. Typical dependencies include political passivity, spirituality, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. Because civic citizens regard dependents as fellow-citizens who perhaps have not accepted each being human, HIPEA, developing civic-integrity for life, and RHI, they do all they can to share the opportunity to live in responsible, personal-happiness.

Happily, many if not most U.S. citizens practice this way of living and promote it in exemplary privacy. However, the competition between church& state the 13 English colonies experienced in their loyal subjectivity to Parliament, the 1784 free& independent states restored in the 1791 Bill of Rights. The impartiality of physics& its progeny, especially economics, demand the human-being earn their way of living. Consequently, whatever spirituality a U.S. civic-citizen may pursue, they still attend to necessity& justice with RHI, never failing appreciation& best encouragement to dependent-fellow-citizens. We can be thankful for the American genes and memes that sustain impartial RHI in the United States, despite the Bill of Rights.

Additionally, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal-immigrants may articulate the intended American dream by interpreting the U.S. preamble according to the way of living the individual will commit to. That is, according to the interpretation that will guide their civic living. Not surprisingly, the 5 proffered disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity leave religion to personal-privacy, “in order to” practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

The civic-citizens among We the People of the United States may reform the U.S. government by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion; humility rather than pride; whatever controls the consequences of human-being choice rather than personal-God. There’s much more to be done; that seems a first step. by Zoram Alofipo

We don’t know, but we think homo sapiens is at 300,000 years of its psychological evolution. About 5,000 years ago, observing necessity& justice, a political philosopher suggested that female& male-human-being may on-their-own-provide order& prosperity to the living inhabitants and to the earth. However, not every person chooses order& prosperity. Consequently, humankind divides itself into 2 societies: responsible-human-independents (RHI) and dependents. Dependencies include civic passivity, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse.

RHI is born of physics& its-progeny, such as economics. Energy is required to sustain a human life, both physically and psychologically. The human-being must earn their way of living. The human being may develop the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to begin young adulthood with the comprehension& intention to live a complete human lifetime. By complete I mean live long enough to perfect their unique person. Low as they may be at this moment, they may perfect their unique journey before afterdeath, that vast time after body, mind, and person stop functioning.

It takes about a quarter century of encouragement, facilitation, and exemplary-RHI by parents/caretakers for a human infant to transition to prepared-young-adulthood. And if they learned self-discipline as an exhortation rather than by example, the invitations to dependency on the journey may prohibit RHI. The RHI-adult thinks self-discipline is self-interest.

The RHI-citizens rebuke fellow citizens for dependent incidents& habits because they appreciate the fellow-citizen’s person& opportunity for unique perfection. Therefore, they develop statutory justice, grounded in necessity to the-ineluctable-evidence. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”,

Unique perfection is not possible if the person never discovers RHI and remains dependent for life.

An RHI culture is not communitarian, where the preferences of the majority are imposed on the individual. Instead it is a culture founded on the individual responsibly-pursuing the happiness they perceive for their person rather than accepting the happiness the community would impose on them. Yet each person’s RHI is grounded in civic-integrity. In no instance would they impose their happiness on another, including a spouse. Nor would the spouses impose on their children.

It may seem I have described a utopia. Recall it’s a social duality of RHI vs dependency, by personal choice or habit. Moreover, I have described the intentions that are abstractly specified in the 1787 U.S. Constitution and described in its preamble. My interpretation today is:  We civic-citizens, who perceive human-being thrives on necessity& impartiality, practice 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” facilitate& encourage responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” may initiate essential U.S. reform by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. Second, we can reform the U.S. Supreme Court so as to assure necessity& impartiality on the-ineluctable-truth rather than majority opinion on judicial precedent. As RHI-citizens, the Justices have every right to recommend legislative reform or constitutional amendment and the people can vote approval. by Salmin Issa

First, let me say your name strikes awe, perhaps suggesting Solomon& Jesus.

Second, thank you for drawing my attention to what I think is an evolutionally-misguided endeavor --- misguided by attempts to solve problems rather than to prevent creation of chaos. I think after 300,000 years psychological development, homo sapiens is aware of necessity& justice and should take responsibility for the viable human ovum. I suggest procreation licensing as the key to social planning to aid the next mutation of human being, perhaps homo integritas.

According to , “Social planning emphasizes the application of rational problem-solving techniques and data-driven approaches to identify, determine, and help coordinate services for target populations. Social planning is carried out by a myriad of organizations—from federal agencies to community organizations—attempting to solve problems ranging from child welfare to aging. The advantages and disadvantages of this empirically objective data-driven approach, including different forms, will be discussed along with past, current, and future trends within the field of social work.”

I question some of the phrases. “Rational . . . data-driven” smack of statistical surveys, a pseudo-science used to claim evidentiary research and thereby promote an agenda. “. . . to target populations” affirms my first suspicion. For example, I doubt any social agency is studying how to keep the elites from leaving America. The reader must beware the double speak in phrases like “this empirically objective data-driven approach” as attempted surrogate for “research based on the-ineluctable-evidence”. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”,

Necessity& justice require human-being to constrain chaos in this world. Each person has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop the humble-integrity that is required for the responsible-human-independence (RHI) that is necessary to self-discipline personal-life choices. In other words, for collective RHI, there must be some RHI-citizens.

It takes about a quarter century for an infant human to transition to young adult with the comprehension and intention to practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI rather than to accommodate infidelities in human-connections. Some persons choose to practice HIPEA to pursue a dependency, and others never accept being human. Therefore, the RHI-citizens must constrain the dependents& facilitate reform. Rebuking an errant fellow-citizen is grounded in appreciation of their person and is not taken as mere “social work”. To accuse is a heavy burden, unless reform occurs.

By accommodating civic evolution without focus on being human, the recent 300,000 years’ civilizations have produced a preponderance of adults who have no desire to discuss RHI much less procreation licensing. Therefore, children are born for a life of misery and loss every moment.

It is well known that a RHI-adult does everything they can to help children. This morning, Andy Hale, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA said “A compelling vision-of-thriving empowers others-to-serve”. The best way I know to help children waiting to be born is to make certain every viable ovum is treated with the dignity, safety, and security that is due each human-being. This is not at all a novel idea.

If you’d like an achievable, better future, please share this message. I appreciate the question.

Law professors John G. Grove

Rarely do I appreciate so much: First, Dr. Grove’s quote of Henry Merchant “The power to guarantee quickly turns into a power to control”.  Corollaries follow: consent to be governed begs tyranny; passive citizenship accepts enslavement by fellow inhabitants.

And soon I will undertake my first reading of Mel Bradford’s “Original Intentions”. I especially await his views on the intended repression of the 1787 abstraction: the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. A personal interpretation ought to guide each citizen’s civic discipline.

Rather than religious freedom, “ourselves and our Posterity” ought to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity. Citizens for the-good --- We the People of the United States --- must constrain the Supreme Court to pursue statutory justice founded in the-ineluctable-truth rather than judicial precedent. Justices influence amendment when ineluctably necessary; “ineluctable” a word purposefully withheld from the people means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. A civic-republic can only discover& advance the-ineluctable-truth rather than “mass democracy”, commonly called “social democracy”. “Civic” refers to reliable human-connections more than observance of civil rules.

A civic-republic practices, facilitates, and encourages responsible-human-independence (RHI) so that each citizen may pursue the happiness they perceive rather than submit to a movement such as religious freedom, civil rights, revisionist history, or economic inflation. “Shouldn’t the law and the state support and guarantee the vital social elements of a good human life?” Yes.

A civic-republic is not feasible when citizens who oppose its intentions can vote. Most 2021 voters could not care less about “ourselves and our Posterity”. If the U.S. republic is to be saved, the license to vote must include demonstration of the citizen’s personal interpretation and practice of the U.S. intentions abstractly stated in the preamble to the Constitution. My interpretation just now is:  We, who appreciate fellow-citizens, practice, facilitate, and promote 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” develop responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants.

“. . . limits on power preserve . . . the good society” and the first limitation in a representative republic must be the opportunity to vote. License voting not due to existence but to intentions for a culture wherein every individual may pursue personal happiness rather than submit to another entity’s vision for them, and dependent fellow-citizens are appreciated enough to receive rebuke when needed for reform to RHI.

Posted on Facebook.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The right to constrain personal-chaos

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

The right to constrain personal-chaos

Many people debate civil rights because governments invite the bemusement. However, female&male-human-being may behave so as to constrain chaos in their way of living. The 2021 U.S. “ourselves and our Posterity”, including legal immigrants, may improve their achievable future.

Quora by Taina Sorensen

1.      It’s important to observe that this is a confused and conflicted world. But the individual may choose to constrain chaos in daily choices. Also, it is OK for an individual to practice, facilitate, and encourage perfecting each unique-human-being. Unique perfection involves some personal acceptances. The person may:

a.       Develop human being, especially their person’s humble-integrity, rather than mineral, plant, animal, or mysterious “soul”.

b.      Develop individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to appreciate their person.

c.       Use HIPEA for civic-integrity rather than for a dependency, such as, government, personal-God, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. Accept that choosing independence is a subjective act: some choose dependency.

d.      Learn the laws of physics& its-progeny; mathematics, forces, energy& mass, chemistries, biology, psychology and be aware of imagination, fiction, indeed everything. Identify& doubt metaphysics, without discouraging hope.

e.       Act on necessity& justice.

f.       Never repeat a mistake. Never lie.

g.      Neither initiate nor accommodate harm to-or-from any person or institution.

h.      Practice, encourage, and facilitate responsible-human-independence (RHI).

i.        Appreciation fellow-citizen as they are and where they are in their opportunity for HIPEA and RHI. Express subjectivity in words that appeal to their experiences& observations. Constrain to-reform dependents who harm/injure others.

j.        Retain child-like confidence when you don’t know the-ineluctable-truth: frankly express “I don’t know”. If necessary, follow with subjectivity or opinion, then repeat, “But I don’t know”. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”,

k.      Walk away from psychological violence or physical threat, alert to call for defense. Hope for a better, future-contact-with/awareness-of that fellow-citizen.

l.        Accept that the HIPEA& RHI children may develop could sustain parents to serve grandchildren in a way of living no one could have imagined. In other words, be alert to learn from children.

2.      This may strike you as a proposal for utopia, but it is not. It is the human-culture that is intended by the 1787 U.S. Constitution. Its intentions are sufficiently abstract for the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” to discover personal ineluctable-happiness rather than submit to an institutional vision for each unique person. It’s like a meritocracy with RHI as the standard.

The faction We the People of the United States may practice, encourage, and facilitate 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” develop responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants. by Ivan Lara

I like the way you put it, Mr. Lara, “. . . the people from the USA”.

Not from articulation, but from actions, the civic-continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 domestic disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, in order to assure the safety& security that is necessary for each civic-individual to responsibly pursue the happiness they want rather than submit to the vision for them held by another person or entity.

I call it responsible-human-independence (RHI), and the faction We the People of the United States knows that freedom-from oppression and license to liberty are granted by the winner in war or the mob. But RHI is a personal practice they know and will not surrender.

The Washington DC mob, by accepting alien money and arrogantly ignoring the U.S. Constitution has invited ruin, and their ruin is coming at the hands of the 2021 ourselves and our Posterity. by Ivan Lara

I think so.

However, the imposition of concern about communism in the 1950s empowered the Eisenhower administration to impose on the entity We the People of the United States the arrogance “In God We Trust” instead of 1872’s “E Pluribus Unum” and later to insert the prayer “under God” in the pledge of allegiance.

Perhaps “the-God” controls the consequences of human choices. But no one can claim to know what the-God is, and those who claim it’s their personal-God haven’t faced their failure to reserve humility deemed adequate by the-God. For example, Bush II claimed 50 million Americans approved his decision to invade Iraq. The consequences are disastrous.

Necessity& justice hold female&male-human-being accountable for order& prosperity in this world. We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) have urgent self-interest to amend the First Amendment so as to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence rather than Congressional pride in “freedom of religion”. Second, we must reform the Supreme Court so as to develop statutory-justice on the-ineluctable-evidence rather than legal precedent. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”.

The entity We the People of the United States is accommodating oppression by Congress and the Supreme Court. Only ourselves and our posterity can stop it. by Ola Cola offers a second usage: freedom from unauthorized intrusion.

The way things are, a woman who is pregnant is charged by necessity& justice to consider whether she should remain pregnant or not. The way things are, no one has the prerogative to overturn her decision. by Nellie Meeker

Every country should warrant each citizen the opportunity to develop the humble-integrity that is required to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) to the continuum of living citizens. by Graham C Lindsay

I think considerate grandparents and great-grandparents (G&GG) who are aware of the-domestic-disciplines& purpose-their-country-proffers are best positioned to propose the requisite governmental reforms.

First, G&GG can dispel the mystery of human-rights. Parties claim human-rights without specifying who will enforce them. For example, some people claim the right to force a pregnant woman to gestate& deliver when she believes her delivered-person would be unappreciated for life. Don’t ask me to be the enforcer of such tyranny over children.

I heard an education professor a couple years ago say “all-her-people” have the right to know math. Is that tensor theory, calculus, or 2 apples plus 2 oranges equals 4 fruit? How does government coerce learning math learning?

In 2021, G&GG have the best hopes for their children and grandchildren and fear the future with each U.S. newborn facing $7.2 million increasing federal debt.

For my personal way-of-living, the U.S. preamble and the 1787 U.S. Constitution, together with the 1776 declaration of war for independence from England (excluding the 1791 Bill of Rights), propose the following domestic discipline:  The civic people of these states practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 civic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in-order-to” continually improve responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants). Religion is not among the disciplines, because mystery is a private pursuit. “Responsible-independence” precludes licensed “liberty”. Posterity’s posterity continually discovers and enacts statutory-justice.

G&GG institute the licensing of voters, who must demonstrate behavior according to their view of the above stated national intentions --- for example, have a job that pays their way of living. Their license must be renewed every seven years with evidence of what they have done lately to aid U.S. civic-integrity. Local, state, and federal politicians who do not practice RHI get unelected or fired if appointed. by Nicholas Volkmuth

Three documents encourage U.S. responsible-human-independence: Genesis 1:28 suggesting that human-being may choose to independently provide order& prosperity to earth and its inhabitants, the 1776 declaration of war for independence from England, and the 1787 Constitution’s five domestic disciplines that omit religion, assigning it to personal-privacy.

The 1791 Bill of Rights, re-established U.S. dependency on Blackstone and church-state partnership to mimic the Church of England’s seats in Parliament.

Then 99% of U.S. free citizens were Protestants and 5% could vote. Today, 43% are Protestants and nearly 100% may vote. by Nicholas Volkmuth

About by Ronnie Fasil

Politics is civic power. In most countries, the good people accommodate tyranny in apathy, so everybody suffers. by Olanrewaju Rufai

I don’t know, and I don’t like it. But I want civic-integrity.

What’s important is the unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible truth, the-ineluctable-truth, and I don’t know it.

What I think is that seventeenth-century Western Europe debated individual freedom-from oppression and liberty-to pursue happiness as the property of God. In 1215, Magna Carta, England established church-state partnership with the king answering to Catholic Bishops and Parliament and changed it to Protestant-Parliament partnership in 1689.

France felt that the-God of consequence of human choices held humankind responsible for temporal discipline. They considered humankind in charge of human development on earth and demanded personal liberty, equality, and fraternity in the 10-year reign of terror starting in 1789; just 2 years after the 1787 U.S. Constitution. They substantially kicked the Church out of France.

Together, the uSA 1776 Declaration of independence from England and the 1787 U.S. Constitution to establish domestic discipline propose responsible-human-independence (RHI). However, a couple states demanded that the U.S. mimic the 1689 English bill of rights.

The power of government bestowed-freedom& licensed-liberty repressed responsible-human-independence, empowering politicians to make themselves elites along with the clergy, Today, the USA mimics the English, Chapter XI Machiavellianism of church-state partnership.

Both clergy hierarchies and government officials live high on the hog at the people’s expense. The people neither rebel nor emigrate, waiting for their personal-God to relive their family from the loss and misery.

We the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” can end the tyranny by amending the First Amendment so as to propose civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. Freedom& liberty are no substitute for responsible-human-independence. by Samantha Deshmukh

The way things are, in the U.S. there are more than 800 million viable ova per year and 4 million births. About 5 million embryo perish in gestation, including abortions. During as much as 8 days that it takes a conception to move through the fallopian tube and attach to the uterus, many pass out of the woman’s body unnoticed. Perhaps there are less than 90 million lost single-cell to multicell embryo per year.

The way things are, there are very many chances for ova to perish, and fewer chances for conceptions to perish. Physics and its progeny determine the consequences of human choices. The mother knows whether choices either 1) both delivered& promise the equity and dignity a human conception is due or 2) the gestated and delivered baby would face life without appreciation much less love. Her decision to terminate her pregnancy cannot be avoided, changed, or resisted, without liability to her and her embryo. It’s a liability I will not consider, let alone accept.

No person or institution has the authority to demand that a woman remain pregnant when she has made her decision to terminate her pregnancy. by Mykhailo Seniutovych

What are the basic human rights?

I know of only one: the right to constrain chaos in your choices for your life. The external chaos must be managed.

Democracy’s that promise human rights, the right to life, for example, can’t deliver.

Thank goodness, I live in the USA; a republic with national elections designed to spoil democracy.

Law professors  from last week


For Facebook/Twitter

Facebook, Nov 15, 2021: 9:10 CST

I agree with the sentiment. My assessment of "the way we found it" rests with the U.S. proposition before that tyrant James Madison led congress and the supreme court to restore English dependency with legislative, factional-American Protestant chaplains in 1789 and 1689 English-mimicking 1791 Bill of Rights. The 1787 Constitution promotes civic-integrity rather than federal-religious-pride and imposition of "freedom of religion" rather than RHI (see below).

We, the "ourselves and our Posterity" (including legal immigrants) may restore the responsible-human-independence (RHI) proposed recently in the 1787 U.S. Constitution, the 1776 declaration of war for independence, and the 5,000 year-old suggestion in Genesis 1:26-28 that the-God of consequences of human-being choices will not usurp the individual human-being's option to behave for peace to the earth and its inhabitants.

The factional entity We the People of the United States may amend the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion.

If this message appeals to your experiences& observations, share it and earnestly plead (pray) that it goes viral.

Bible applications, springing from my interpretations, NIV

PRB personal-principles

“. . . [the-God, controller-of-consequences-of-human-being-choices] . . . said, ‘Let us make mankind . . . in our likeness, so that they may rule over the [living species]’ . . . male and female he created them [and informed] them, “Be fruitful . . . fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the [living species].” Genesis 1:26-28, characterizing 5,000 year-old Sumer-political-philosophy in 3,000 year-old Hebrew bias.

“. . . [the-God, controller-of-consequences-of-personal-choices] is alive and active . . . it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” Matthew 12:25.

“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am”, John 8:56-58.

Conclusion: the-God knows when a person/institution begs exemption from the Sumer politics, human-being “may rule”, or prefers dependency, for example, on Jesus. I think Genesis 1 suggests responsible-human-independence (RHI). Further, the suggestion, coming before Abraham was born, may have come from the metaphysical Jesus; that is, the-good that emerges from open-minded& open-hearted Jesus-study.

Western religious philosophy developed the debate between 1) English preservation of the human-individual as Lockean-property of the English Trinity (or Unity after John Lock religious transition from Calvinism to perhaps Deism) vs French argument that providing peace on earth is human-necessity& justice (perhaps Voltaire). The French lost the argument to 1789 violence toward fellow citizens rather than appreciation for heritage that could lead to RHI. The repressed 1787-U.S.-Constitution proffers a culture of RHI, and we, the “ourselves and our Posterity” can establish it at last by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religious-division.

Likewise, the Christianity can reduce some 45,000 denominations by focusing on being human under whatever controls the consequences of personal and institutional choices. Appreciating a fellow-citizens behavior to aid peace on earth need-not . . . should not be constrained by religious affiliation/none.

Caution: above, I emphasized Bible-words by deleting phrases; the interested reader should check the complete interpretation they rely on, in-order-to consider my unintended-omissions of personal-essentials I need to consider in appreciation to the differing views. In other words, I write in order to listen in mutual comprehension.

Application from Luke 17

1-4 “. . . Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble [dependency] are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sister sins against you [errs], rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” (In other words, to rebuke an offense requires personal appreciation and humble expression sufficient to invoke and accept apology.)

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith! [Why should we rebuke, observe the offender’s repentance, and forgive?”

He replied, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.

“Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? 10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’ [Because I so inform my disciples.]” (In other words, Jesus rebuked the disciples for offending Jesus’ power, energy, and authority.)

Jesus [Personal-humility to follow unexpected instruction] Heals Ten Men With Leprosy

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee [divided Abrahamic-descendants]. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” . . . he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith [humility] has made you well.”

Story comments:

The lepers were humble enough to drop habitual begging and follow a suggestion. Not reaching the priest, they were healed by their personal-initiative. One of 10 wanted to thank Jesus for the suggestion to act. The other nine happily resumed their lives, having learned nothing. The priests, authors of complicated ritual for healing leprosy continued their vain practices, unaware, or perhaps to benefit from hearsay.

Again, it takes appreciation to rebuke a fellow-human-being-in-error, regardless of ethnic background. It is up to them to consider reliable rebuke and either repent or continue civic division.

Religious chaos in 2021:

Pew research assess the 2015 world inhabitants as Christians, Muslims, Unaffiliated, Hindu, Buddhist, folk religions, other, and Jews at 31.2% 24.1, 16, 15.1, 6.9, 5.7, 0.8, and 0.2, respectively. There are, arguably, 45,000 Christian sects and 6 Muslim sects. On average, a Christian sect represents 0.0007% of world population, compared to 4% per Muslim sect and 0.2% Jews. There are 195 countries, on average, 0.5% of world population.

It seems prudent for each individual to develop RHI in their country for life and for posterity, letting the eternally-divisive mystery of soul take care of itself.

Applying U.S. principles:

Americans who would avoid, change, or resist the RHI suggested in Genesis 1 plus, together, the 1776 Declaration with the 1787 Constitution are as lost as leprosy-curing priests. The-God does not usurp the-human-being-opportunity to provide order& prosperity to this world.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.


Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week


Many people have not encountered the word “ineluctable”., perhaps defines it “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Coupled with “truth”, an article, and 2 hyphens, we have “the-ineluctable-truth”, which seems precise& accurate. Let’s find a better expression.

A couple of essays this week elaborate on the phrase.  

Quora by Gary Pearson

I don’t know.

I hope Donald Trump or better runs for president without a religious-conservative running mate. Also, I hope the winner, queried by the Supreme Court Chief Justice, “. . . so help you God”? Answers, “Of course not. I take full responsibility for my decisions”, or better.

Republicans claim fiscal conservatism but participated in the accumulation of $29 trillion federal debt since they led the replacement of the 1782 motto “E Pluribus Unum” with “In God We Trust”, in 1956.

The problem starts with that Anglo-American-religion preserver, James Madison. In 1789 England, John Burke and Tomas Paine debated natural-law vs reason; humankind the property of the-God vs humankind able to manage this world; metaphysics vs physics& its progeny. In 1789-1791, Congress, under Madison’s conversion to conservatism re-established English civil precedents as much as possible; not only preserving Blackstone, but unconstitutionally imposing factional-American Protestantism. Congress mimicked England’s divine partnership, with 26 seats in Parliament assigned to the Church of England.

Apparently, the-God-of-human-choice-consequences prefers human-being to accept responsibility for peace to the living species and to this world. (I think that was suggested 5,000 years ago, and reported in 3,000 year-old media-bias; see Genesis 1:26-28.) The uSA’s 1776 declaration of war by “the good People of these Colonies” against England together-with the 1787 U.S. Constitution could establish such a culture. The faction We the People of the United States, who intend the preamble’s 5 domestic disciplines “in order to” practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) may yet establish the intended United States. Religion, omitted from the preamble’s 5 disciplines, is reserved for adult-personal-privacy.

Under RHI, conservatism has one purpose: to gauge human choices on necessity& justice rather than on religious beliefs. The Supreme Court decides constitutional disputes on the-ineluctable-evidence rather than originalism or precedent, English or not. The civic-citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury. The USA could . . . should conduct a Constitutional convention to establish RHI to the-ineluctable-truth rather than to English tradition. I once though Republican could lead the reform. by Jerry Enebuse

I hope my work, responsible-human-independence (RHI) as opposed to bestowed “freedom” and licensed "liberty” is on your radar, Mr. Enebuse.

Please see the work at (infrequent posts, updated, like “civic glossary”) and at (weekly, collections of essays that improve key phrases, always in original writing, in responses to questions).

The premise is that after 295,000 years’ homo sapiens psychological development, a political philosophy perhaps 5,000 years ago suggested that female&male-human-being may choose to independently establish peace to the other living species and to the earth.

Since then, diverse civilizations have tried to construct a higher-than-humankind-power that will usurp the human responsibility. Within the civilizations, individual civic-citizens perceive& imagine RHI. They hope someone will call attention, organize, and undertake the difficult task of persuading fellow-citizens with sufficient articulation. Instead, tyrants employ coercion& force to control the people.

In my blogs, I develop words and phrases I think appeal to most people’s experiences& observations and offer those phrases for fellow-citizens to consider& improve. If we constrain the babble that divides us, civic-citizens will increase to over 2/3 of inhabitants and be able to constrain dependent fellow citizens so that they may reform to RHI.

For example, even civic-citizens often debate “God” for a lifetime, never realizing the other party characterizes their-God differently. Some RHI have a peace-God and some dependents develop a violence-God. Some assume the-God accommodates both personal-Gods. Each person represents their personal-God, assuming that the-God approves their characterization; never admitting that the-God may oppose their personal-God. It seems prudent for people who develop a personal-God to retain humility that is acceptable to the-God. What if the-God controls the consequences of all human choices?

In another example, scholars typically introduce “truth” then add a modifier such as fundamental, or absolute, or ultimate, or literal, then conclude with “their-truth”. (perhaps singlulary) suggests “ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Google ngrams show “ineluctable” was a translation from foreign languages in 1571, and both “ineluctable truth” and “the ineluctable truth” were published in 1906. I add 2 hyphens to urge readers& listeners to not disassemble the phrase “the-ineluctable-truth”. I think this phrase, like the-God facilitates an achievable better future.

What do you think of this --- RHI? by Chengez Hussaini

I don’t think so. suggests “social construct” means “an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society”.

The entity We the People of the United States neither created nor accepts the religion-legislation-Court partnership that empowers U.S. administrations to continuously tyrannize “ourselves and our Posterity” according to English tradition: Anglo-Americanism.

The propaganda freedom-from English oppression and liberty-to pursue-chosen-happiness hide each citizen’s personal-potential to develop responsible-human-independence (RHI). by James Holden

Google quote: “As a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups, antifa uses both nonviolent and violent direct action to achieve its aims rather than policy reform.”

It’s OK to think republican fellow-citizens erroneous. But “et al” vigilantism is both wrong and illegal. by Unidentified Mysterious Creature

Unfortunately, state elections are pure democracy: 50% plus one vote invokes rule of the mob. The consequence is cycling mob-control leading to chaos. When the mob is a coalition of minority groups, the consequence is social-democracy or divergent chaos.

In the U.S. federation of 50 states, 6 territories, and Wa.D.C., the citizen can sell property and move to a more amenable location or even to a foreign land. If so, they have exercised the freedom to move, but at economic loss.

The failure is that the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) have not held the U.S. elected& appointed officials to the Constitution’s promise: a republican form of government to the states.

The most regrettable offense the faction We the People of the United States has accommodated since 1788 is bemusement over freedom& liberty rather than preservation of the responsible-human-independence (RHI) proffered in the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” may reform the USA. by Mona

I think “HRM” expresses Human Resource Management and there is a branch “SHRM” that exalts arbitrary societal-control.

I’m concerned about “societal objectives is”, depending on the HR departments’ boldness/arrogance respecting “society”.

If HR holds that “society” means the faction of human-beings who practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI), I’m on board.

In a RHI-society, while no one expects utopia, everyone believes (erroneously or not) that most fellow-citizens are due the chance to discover& accept self-interest in RHI. If a dependent-person is granted clearly expressed, HR-affordable-time to comprehend& accept RHI but will not reform, they should be discharged without compensation. 

It takes each human-being a quarter-century to complete the wisdom-building parts of the brain and additional years’ experience& observation for their comprehension to either accept RHI or try-to-accommodate dependency. The dependences include passivity, higher-power reliance, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. The fellow-citizen who responds to every appeal by HR with “You’re harassing me”, yet each time will not specify the evidence, must be fired. Why?

It is critical to the dependent fellow-citizen to personally confront their dependency, resolve to reform, do the work to comprehend RHI, and start a life of self-interest in civic-integrity. The RHI culture must constrain fellow-citizens who insist on arrogant harm/injury to persons or institutions.

If HR is trying to enslave workers, HR must be constrained. by A VFRLM H

It seems useful.

I wonder if it’s part of the 110 at: by Graham C Lindsay

I don’t know.

I live in the USA, which is a representative republic with Constitution well designed to prevent social-democracy. The USA encourages civic-integrity, where “civic” refers to reliability in proffered-behavior among fellow-citizens.

Democracy brings inevitable ruin, and social-democracy accelerates the path to destruction.

In a civic-culture, individuals neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any person or institution. Civic-citizens accept HIPEA, develop humble-integrity, and practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI).

However, not every person wants personal-RHI. Some prefer a dependency: passivity, higher power, indolence, infidelity, abuse, crime, evil, tyranny, or worse. Quoting the 1776 Declaration, “the good People of these [States]”, the continuum We the People of the United States, practice 5 disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity “in order to” maintain RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal-immigrants. These principles are abstractly, controversially written in the literature yet flow in the genes and blood of civic-citizens and dissidents who reform.

Few, if any Americans express these principles other than in the way they gauge their ways of living. The individual objective is responsible, preferred-personal-happiness rather than the chaos a social democracy would impose. by John D.

Freedom of speech works both ways. A company has the right to reject expressions they deem harmful or injurious. The problem is the U.S. First Amendment with its blanket freedoms: speech, press, and religion. All three of them need constraint according to the laws of physics and its progeny rather than license on legislative fiat. The legislative, judicial, and administrative branches each have their limitations, and there is no reason to exempt speech, press, and religion.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants may amend the First Amendment so as to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity among the elites, too: government officials, the media, and churches. by Adriana Moraes

Freedom of expression is a feature of the First Amendment, ratified in 1791 by Congress, its author. It refutes the domestic disciplines listed in the preamble, authored by the 39 signers among the 55 framers of the U.S. Constitution, 1787.

The preamble’s 5 disciplines are: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity. Some expressions breach one or more of the disciplines. For example, demonstrating interpretative religious faith by handling poisonous snakes endangers onlookers and risks orphaning handler’s children. And falsely reporting an emergency to a crowd invites liability for injury or death.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” may amend the first amendment to correct freedoms of expression, the press, and religion so as to promote civic-integrity rather than to license harm/injury. by Carol Bailey

Ms Bailey, that’s a good question.

I don’t know and think anyone who pretends seems as arrogant as the believer who claims either that their personal-God is the-God of human-individual-action-consequences or that that-God is non-existent. Yet I don’t know.

On the other hand, I think the 55-delegate 1787-framers worked out an abstract representative-republican federation that proffers independent domestic discipline as suggested in civic political-philosophy 5,000 years-ago& resisted by civilizations then and now.

First, U.S. citizens may amend the Constitution. Second, following the words of the 1776 declaration of war for independence from England, “the good People [of these States]” practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 domestic disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity. The purpose of these voluntary disciplines is to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) to the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity”, including legal immigrants. Religion is excluded from the civic-disciplines. Posterity’s posterity may discover statutory justice.

The above paragraph is my interpretation of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, by which I gauge my civic behavior. Most citizens don’t own an interpretation, because legislators, judge, and administrators in local, state, and federal governments themselves have to behave with RHI rather than as self-promoting rulers.

By allowing the 1788 elites and the 1789 U.S. legislators to author the 1791 Bill of Rights without accountability, We the People of the United States abdicated the 5,000-year-old suggestion:  Female&male-human-being may choose to independently provide order& prosperity in this world. This, a recognition of necessity& justice for human-being survival, came after 295,000 years’ psychological development by homo sapiens.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” may accept that neither the-God nor a government can usurp the individual human-being’s choice: behave with RHI or suffer the laws of physics& its progeny, whatever its source may be.

To accomplish reform, we may amend the First Amendment so as to promote civic-RHI rather than civil-religious-legislation. Then effect further reforms to end the tranny of English tradition in the USA.

Please see “appreciations” at by Angel Sai

These sayings about freedom are vain attempts to address the obvious: no government offers freedom. Furthermore, the human-being is constrained by physics and its progeny: the person who does not work for a living risks eating what a bureaucrat offers.

What citizens need is responsible-human-independence (RHI) and government that encourages, coaches, and facilitates the domestic discipline that is required for individuals and associations to behave with RHI.

To promote RHI a nation licenses voters on maturity respecting the disciplines and intention the nation proffers. In the USA, the adult faction of We the People of the United States who accept 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage, facilitate, and practice RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) ought to be licensed to vote on evidence of performance.

Citizens who wish to run for office, elected or nominated, ought to present evidence of RHI-leadership. by Ayah Ben

Ironically, “truth” raises my suspicion. When the speaker claims to express truth, my subconscious anticipates acceptance, admittance, and announcement of ignorance. Too often, the speaker either never addresses reliability or modifies the claim: apparent, literal, fundamental, ultimate, absolute, theoretical, repeatable, settled, or some other admission that their initial indication was lacking.

Truth” often address what is known and what is unknown. For example, landlubbers knew the earth was flat, while mid-sea-island dwellers perceived our planet a globe.

Recently, I discovered the usage “ineluctable”: “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. The-ineluctable-truth seems an accurate& precise expression.

Then I studied Google ngrams and learned that “ineluctable” is 1571 translation of foreign-language; it has been around in English for 450 years. Next, “the ineluctable truth” was published in 1906. I ponder:  Why didn’t my 1950s elementary school or beyond expose me to “the-ineluctable-truth” or better?

Only open dialogue by sincere citizens can produce comprehension that improves mutual connection. And by sincerely wanting human life without chaos could scholars have coupled “ineluctable” and “truth” before 1906 or shared “the ineluctable truth” 115 years ago. Perhaps the scholars are seeking a more representative expression --- more accurate& precise.

The-ineluctable-truth exists, and evidence-researchers sincerely work for discovery. The-ineluctable-truth does not respond to reason, coercion, force, revelation, politics, legal opinion, doctrine, ethics, rules, or any other human construct. Human-being can research the-objective-truth using ineluctable-evidence, invent new instruments of perception, and thereby approach the-ineluctable-truth. For example, it seems the earth is like a globe.

I seek an expression more representative than “the-ineluctable-truth”. Please share it. by Omodolapo Olaleye

Government could be established as domestic discipline by the people. That suggestion was made by a political philosopher in Sumer, 5,000 years ago and again in the 1787 U.S. Constitution. It was regressed by the 1789 Congress to Anglo-American-tradition in the 1791 Bill of Rights.

The human-being is a god facing death: that is, the human-being can develop the individual power, the individual energy, and has the individual authority (HIPEA) to constrain chaos in their way of living. When a person develops necessity-to-justice, they offer fellow citizens responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Government operates on coercion and force to impose on citizens the happiness government conceives for them. However, the RHI-citizen will not settle for less than the personal-happiness they desire at each stage of living.

To Michael Mealy:

My reference to Sumer, 5000 years ago, expresses my open-minded& open-hearted intentions to un-hide possible impact of Genesis 1:26-28. I prefer physics to metaphysics. For example, if someone presents a “gold nugget” (specific gravity 19.3), weigh it and observe displacement in water, to measure SG 2.64. Identify feldspar, dispelling the person’s dream yet saving their wealth for better potentials. Many fellow citizens are unable to regard Bible as ancient literature rather than “the-word-of-the-God”. The Bible introduces competitive-Gods described by ancient thinkers, proliferating to over 45,000 religious sects in 2021.

Genesis 1 is a 3,000 year-old Hebrew report of a civic political-suggestion from 2,000 years earlier. The student need not worry about Hebrew knowledge: self-evidently their viewpoint was metaphysical about the ancient metaphysics. Accepting human-being authority, I may be subjective in my pursuits. I choose to focus on physics and its progeny (including psychology) with limited 2021 comprehension, to decide how I desire to utilize the suggestion.

To guide my personal behavior rather than influence others, Genesis 1:28 means:  Female&male-human-being may choose to independently constrain chaos in this world. On that choice, human beings divide themselves between responsible-human-independence (RHI) and dependency; for example, indolence or crime. People who pray for self-discipline avoid/resist RHI. People who impose personal-God to express Genesis 1:28 miss their opportunity to practice necessity& justice. Make no mistake: I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth about the-God.

Also, my purpose is to share my subjectivity with fellow-citizens so as to learn from them. I must say, Mr. Mealy, you are rare in direct appreciation of my work; thank you. You cannot confirm it, but the paragraphs I wrote so far are my best ever expressions of the ideas:  You’ve taught me by presenting your sincere-fellow-person to write for.  

Genesis 1 is written depicting “God” (NIV) the creators of all that exists using both plural and singular pronouns for a common noun, suggesting the earth a fog-covered-water& firmament under the creator’s spirit and female& male in the creator’s image. Genesis 2:4 begins characterization of “the Lord God”, an entity that instructs and contends with Israel. The ruler-characterization expresses a civil negotiation for a “Lord” to usurp the RHI from necessity& justice.

Spousal-infidelity and imposed-male-supremacy kick-in, with Eve “misleading” Adam, the commander-in-chief of all humankind, Sara impatient for Isaac’s conception, and David plotting for his libido. In my subjectivity, the rest of Bible canon depicts the unwanted consequences when female&male-human-being avoid, change, or resist the suggestion in Genesis 1:28, based on physics rather than metaphysics: avoid chaos in personal behavior. I don’t know and prefer my choices.

The Bible seems to indicate 10 generations from each Adam, to Noah, to Abraham and 14 generations each to David, to exile to Babylonia, to Jesus. In all, 62 generations from Adam to Jesus, traditionally, 3974 years, or 64 years’ average lifespan. In 2021, we think homo sapiens is 300,000 years old, descendants of “Adam” span 120 to 156 thousand years, of “Eve” 99 to 148, and the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” descended from Eve. Thus, Eve was among Adam’s descendants of 8 to 21 thousand years. To me, 2021 awareness is awesome, overwhelming, and encouraging. We

Addressing Tao (I deem an erroneous philosophy to compete with the laws of physics to constrain human behavior)  and The Objectivist Ethics, I could take interest in Rand’s definition as I modify it as follows: "the concept of [man female&male-human-being] as [a heroic being independently able to constrain chaos in personal living and provide order& prosperity to the species in this world], with [his own responsible-personal-happiness, acting in necessity& justice] as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and [reason physics and its progeny] as his only absolute". I have no respect for the United Nation’s list of human rights, a boast by elitists who intend to control the citizens of the world for elite benefits.

Considering your wonderful thoughts about the 1776 uSA declaration of war for independence from England, I think the preamble you seek improves on the 1776 Declaratoin and the U.S. preamble (1787) in concert with Genesis 1:28’s RHI. First, the false-idea of nature’s “human rights” applies to 1513’s expose, “The Prince”: Machiavellian ruse by the elites of the Western-European world.

The only valid human-right I am aware of is the opportunity to develop the humble-integrity that is required to practice RHI. If we modify the Enlightenment ploy that attempts “liberty”-surrogacy for RHI, the U.S. preamble needs no other improvement, in my opinion, and I want to know your opinion (and other reader’s subjectivity for their way of living).

The preamble’s words are available online, and it contains 2 sentences: first, presentation of the 1787, 12-states-proposed, U.S. Constitution and second, quoting the 1776 Declaration, the proposal “the good People of these [States]” practice 5 domestic disciplines “in order to” develop RHI. The 5 disciplines are: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, leaving philosophy, spiritualism, and religion to personal-privacy. Owning a personal interpretation of the U.S. preamble is the most important work to empower a person to count themselves a member of the entity We the People of the United States who practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

Returning to history, the required 9 of 13 states ratified the Constitution on June 21, 1788 provided Congress would add a Bill-of-Rights to mimic the 1689 English Bill-of-Rights. U.S. operation began under 11 states on March 4, 1789. Undoing the 1787 proffered RHI, Congress re-established as many English precedents as politically possible under 10 of 14 states on December 15, 1791. Today, there are 50 states, 6 territories, and WaDC under Chapter XI Machiavellianism. The Machiavellianism:  Under church-in-state deceipt, church& political elites live high on the hog and the people neither rebel nor emigrate, because “ourselves and our Posterity” pray to personal-Gods for relief from the losses& mystery. That is, the suggestion in Genesis 1 is avoided, changed, or resisted by the church-believers.

So far, 12 generations of the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” accommodated this U.S. tyranny. The Supreme Court is party to the civil oppression. For example, in Greece v Galloway (2014) the justice’s-5:4-vote (without regard for the-ineluctable-truth) hold my concerns as “niggling”.

Some fellow citizens ask: Phil at age 78 and falling apart, why don’t you take your meds and shut up? I think elites use code-words to persuade most people to “keep the faith” in Chapter XI Machiavellianism. With 2/3 of the population earnestly urging their personal-God to usurp RHI, it is easy for the elites to accumulate wealth, enslaving the people in whatever income category they manage to survive.

Lastly, I admire the implications in your “human interactions”, “the condition of human ‘being’”, and “why . . . violate natural law”. First, interactions address both parties, and I perceive 5 possibilities: mutual RHI, RHI and dependency and vice versa, and mutual dependents in kind and differing. Also, there’s an endless list of dependencies beyond RHI’s subjectivity to physic& progeny: passivity, reliance on higher power, indolence, infidelity, abuse, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse.

I have chosen to encourage “the civic-citizen”, who neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to-or-from any person or institution. In conformity to Genesis 1:28, the civic-citizen aids, in behavior and with tax payments, both law-enforcement and research to develop statutory-justice. There’s lots more to accepting the responsibility of “being” a human-being. What is your view of “natural law”? You seem to imply that violations are perplexing --- not expected as some thinkers contend. I agree with you.

I learned so much be considering your thoughts. Let’s dialogue as much as you like and can tolerate my poor expression. My desire is to unlock the propaganda words& phrases that enslave us to the world’s elites; for example, “self-governance” instead of self-discipline, “consent of the governed” instead of deceit by the elites, “freedom& liberty” to suppress RHI, doctrinal-God to avoid, change, or resist the-God, whether it be an intelligent entity, the source of physics, an unlimited singularity, chaos, or something else. by Sean Brisbane

For the first part of your question, I suggest studying global statistics such as found at data.worldbank. org/indicator/SP.DYN.TO65.FE.ZS. Life-survival seems to correlate with wealth. How wealth is distributed within a country therefore has a significant impact on longevity.

I prefer to spend my effort on your second question:  Should civilization warrant human-being? I don’t know, but don’t think so.

The human-being has responsible-human-independence (RHI). Working backwards, the adult who expects a higher power to usurp their RHI has not accepted being human. The young adult who does not comprehend& intend to develop RHI invites early death. The child who is not encouraged, coached, and facilitated to take charge of their personal comprehension& intention is subject to early death.

I don’t think any civilization inculcates these principles to their youth, facilitates them to their adults, and thereby demonstrates to humankind the self-interest of RHI. I recall in my youth being encouraged to self-discipline. How to accomplish self-discipline was left to me. For whatever reason, I focused more on learning& experiencing than on self-discipline.

With the chance to live again, I would develop serene-confidence in self-discipline so as to acquire the humble-integrity required to practice RHI. My process would be guided by necessity& justice based on the ineluctable-evidence; not to be avoided, changed, or resisted. In other words, I would never equivocate “I don’t know” when that is so. To acquire comprehension of necessity, I would rely on physics and its progeny: mathematics, the chemistries, biology, psychology, imagination, fiction, emotions --- everything that is affirmed by human-being’s experiences& observations. My goal would be to constrain chaos in my way of living and be ready to share the benefits of self-discipline with interested fellow-citizens.

But not every fellow-citizen is interested in RHI. Many individuals want to employ their human-being for a dependency: waiting for a higher power, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. The dependent fellow-citizens must be constrained by citizens for RHI until they reform by developing RHI. When a fellow citizen attempts to prevent human-being, for example, by intentionally killing a fellow citizen who posed no threat, forfeited all rights, including life. Necessity& justice demand this civil provision and its adjudication on the-ineluctable-evidence rather than emotions, judicial opinion, or legal precedent.

If death penalty is accepted as necessary& just, it begs a deeper consideration: Should an ovum waiting to be born suffer an inauthentic insemination? That is, should conceptions that are neither appreciated nor intended for human-care, encouragement, coaching, and facilitation unto human-being be accommodated by RHI-citizens? The alternative to maintaining the wealth& education disparity that results in shorter life-average is for government to license procreation based on awareness and intentions to preserve the dignity and equity due the human-ovum.

On first encounter, procreation licensing seems opposed to human rights. However, human-being has the right to survive, and the earth was overpopulated& consumed before “global warming” drew attention. A few decades ago, population control was much discussed. However, that solution seems low in the priorities. I suspect that fact is due to a competing consideration: wealth building be the elite.

World debt is about $300 trillion, of which the U.S. has accumulated $29 trillion. The elites of the world build wealth on consumerism, and consumerism is driven by population. Governments (not the RHI fellow-citizens) create “rights” on which they can justify entitlements to redistribute gross national product from RHI-citizens to dependents, with the elites the beneficiaries of the redistribution. In other words, the poor and other dependents listed above are maintained so that elite-entrepreneurs can glean wealth from the RHI-citizens.

Someone may be the second person of the day to write that I don’t know what I am talking about. However, warranting a human life is not a simple consideration, and any government that says it can do so is not addressing the challenges.

by Mason Kelsey

Obviously, Mr. Kelsey, you don’t know enough to inform me. That is, to improve on my view of the-ineluctable-truth, which I don’t know. Yet I work to discover if human-being has begun the research.

You hint persuasion that the USA will dominate the world, even though bitcoin is attempting to take/destroy its wealth if not yours as I write.

You express the weakness of Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO), and the impact of Rule #5 on you. Thanks for informing me if not you.

I’d like to wish you luck. But first, you’ll need to reform as much as possible.

For FB & Twitter

Until about 1994, I was part of the majority persuaded to extol freedom-from oppression, liberty-to pursue USA-happiness, freedom-of expression, and freedom-of religion. My religious church freely disparaged my wife and children's Church, and helped me realize a quarter-century later that my trust& commitment (faith) have always been in the-ineluctable-truth (not to be avoided, changed, or resisted).

By 1999, I learned that "freedom of the press" was license to suppress my responsible-pursuit-of the-happiness-I-desire.

Weeks before Veterans Day, 2021, I wrote that Congress, the Supreme Court, and presidential administrations do all they can to distract U.S. citizens from practicing, facilitating, and encouraging responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Three abstract documents together: the political-philosophy proffered in Genesis 1:28, the uSA 1776 declaration-of-war for independence to "the good People of these Colonies", and the U.S. 1787 U.S. domestic discipline "to ourselves and our Posterity" including legal immigrants establish the opportunity for U.S. citizens to choose RHI rather than a dependency: positivity, submission-to higher power, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse.

We, the 2021 "ourselves and our Posterity" can end the Supreme Court's dominance in our lives and fortunes by requiring elected& appointed officials to-practice RHI and justices to debate laws on the-ineluctable-evidence. If the-evidence is unknown, opinion is demanded only on necessity& justice. In other words, in discovering the-ineluctable-truth, judicial precedence has no standing in appreciation of the 3 documents mentioned above.

There's no justice in forcing a fellow-citizen to undertake the mystery of COVID vaccination when they prefer self-protection. I warily took 2 vaccinations eight months ago then received my booster shot yesterday. My card has provision for a future booster.

There's no way I'd want a fellow-citizen to overturn my decision and can't imagine Justices with RHI attempting to., November 11, 2021

I discover every day that many people independently, rather than like Paul in “my God”. They take personal humility for granted and don't consider Paul's seeming arrogance.

I use the term "the-God" to influence a future wherein some people are comfortable expressing confidence& hope in their personal-God, in privacy, while publically expressing humility with the term "the-God"; sometimes, even in church or in family prayer, especially if a family-member has chosen a different religion.

Often, 2 people happily discuss "God", not realizing that they are talking past each other's personal-God. "The-God" articulates the humility each party holds to the other's personal-God.

I guess my thinking comes from 54 years in-love with Cynthia, a Louisiana French-Catholic woman whose religious beliefs are vital to me for her.

Yet, when the future Bishop of Baton Rouge, Msg. Stanley Ott refused my request to administer "The Lord's Supper in Remembrance" for me only as he delivered the Eucharist for my family, I changed conversations with him to baseball.

Those of us who know a shipbuilder and a carpenter are fortunate indeed.

Overnight, I realized that some people might take my shipbuilder& carpenter comment as sacrilege. I apologize for that offense, and admit I tried to work through my uncertainty as I wrote.

The experience clarified for the first time why I continually honor you, Cleve, for your service to humankind's safety in ocean transportation. Without direct experience, I can only compare it with what carpenters have done for our home. Even when our foundation cracked, our framing and all the finish carpentry held together. Many of the features of our home I appreciate most are the meeting of surfaces and corners, where finish carpentry 35 years ago is the foundation of sealed& painted beauty still there.

Humankind appreciates persons who take the responsibility for safety& security to this world as well as those who provide excellence to individuals; for example, shipbuilders and carpenters, respectively.

I am grateful for this opportunity to clarify that I an not insincere when I honor Cleve Wright among the reliable shipbuilders of the world. and twitter, November 8, 2021

Please suggest an expression that is more accurate& precise than “the-ineluctable-truth”; that is, not to be avoided, changed, or resisted.

Ironically, “truth” raises my suspicion. When the speaker claims to express truth, my subconscious anticipates acceptance, admittance, and announcement of ignorance. Too often, the speaker either never addresses reliability or modifies the claim: apparent, literal, fundamental, ultimate, absolute, theoretical, repeatable, settled, or some other admission that their initial indication was lacking.

Thanks to Brij Mohon then Hugh Finklea, I faced personal dilemma when Harold Weingarten, on January 19, 2006, asked “Phil, what do you mean by ‘truth’? Ultimate truth, absolute truth, God’s truth, Phil’s truth?” The late Doug Johnson aided me. Thank you again, friends.

I hadn’t personally settled my presentation-definition: “The truth: what is-known&unknown”. That’s ambiguous at best. I hope I shared an example, like: landlubbers knew the earth was flat, while mid-sea-island dwellers perceived a big ball.

Ten years later, I expressed “the-objective-truth”, wherein each the modifier “objective”, the article “the”, and the 2 hyphens complete the thought. Recently, I discovered the usage “ineluctable”: “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. The-ineluctable-truth seems an accurate& precise expression.

Recently, I studied Google ngrams and learned that “ineluctable” is 1571 translation of foreign-language; it has been around in English for 450 years. Then I discovered that “the ineluctable truth” was published in 1906. I ponder:  Why didn’t my 1950s at Staub School expose me to “the-ineluctable-truth” or better?

Only open dialogue by sincere citizens can produce comprehension that improves mutual connection. And by sincerely wanting human life without chaos could scholars have coupled “ineluctable” and “truth” before 1906 or shared “the ineluctable truth” 115 years ago. Perhaps the scholars are seeking a more representative expression --- more accurate& precise.

The-ineluctable-truth exists, and researchers sincerely work for discovery. The-ineluctable-truth does not respond to reason, coercion, force, revelation, politics, legal opinion, doctrine, ethics, rules, or any other human construct. Human-being can research the-objective-truth using ineluctable-evidence, invent new instruments of perception, and thereby approach the-ineluctable-truth. For example, it seems the earth is like a globe.

I’m searching for an expression more representative than “the-ineluctable-truth”. Please share it.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.