Saturday, December 10, 2022

the-God may be the ultimately-good human being (verb)

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this month

An epiphany for me: the-God may be the ultimately-good human being (verb)

In other words, humankind knows more than every about how to practice, facilitate, and encourage the-good behavior. Yet, so far, civic-citizens have tolerated elected and appointed officials who pledge-to but do-not uphold the Constitution and pursue statutory-justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”. When the civic-citizens start requiring government officials to be of We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble, an achievable better future will begin.

Then, the continuum of “ourselves and our Posterity” will begin to observe improvements in human being (verb). No one knows how powerful, energetic, and reliable human being (verb) can be.


Kari Lake Responds to Speculation She May Drop Trump After Midterms (

The citizens who did not get to vote should organize their own lawsuit. They could overturn both the governor’s race and the senate race.

Wray Refuses to Answer Whether FBI Had Sources ‘Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on Jan. 6 (

Thank you, Rep. Higgins.

Congress funds the U.S. government. It is time to defund the FBI and create a new agency dedicated to pursuing statutory justice according to the U.S. Constitution and the-ineluctable-evidence.

Ineluctable means: not to be avoided, escaped, changed, neglected, or resisted. Without the evidence, an agency must admit to itself and to the public, "We don't know the-ineluctable-truth".

Asked for "the truth", FBI bosses seem to obfuscate lies. Congress tolerates the circus, and only a civic-people, We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble, can stop the tyranny --- demand the-ineluctable-truth.

A-civic-people can& may initiate an achievable better future.

This report re-establishes my hope to cast my 5th & 6th votes for Trump as president.

 However, because he did not respond to even one earnest letter to reform the U.S. from Anglo-American traditions to the responsible-human-independence (RHI) proffered in the 1787 signed Constitution, I will not contribute one dime to his campaign or any other one. I am also apprehensive that he might choose another self-styled "witness for Christ" as a running mate.

Either the civic-citizens, We the People of the United States, accept the self-interest to come forth and practice RHI, or the U.S. dream awaits a new, as yet un-seeable, opportunity.

Want to know why there is so much homelessness in America? Comprehend Democrat-Party-policy, RINO competition over it, and the administrative-state's exponential-growth.

This is wonderful news.

No citizen& human-being should suffer the harassment, hatred& evil the Democrat Party and their sympathizers proffer.

The United States, at least the civic-citizens, otherwise called We the People of the United States, wants every person to progress toward the perfection they can achieve, and Donald Trump is such a person.

The Supreme Court justices are also such persons.


Why I prefer Roundheads to Royalists - Beardy History


The Classics Are for Everyone, Not Just Old, Dead, White Men (

Christ is a construct of Christianity. Writing “Christ” seems an offense against Jesus, who may not be a dead, old, skin-colored man. Authors are responsible for what they write.

But Will Elections Change Anything? ( , Jeffrey A. Tucker

Tucker's valid concern has good urgency but insufficient agency.

Humankind is at the bottom of history's regression and has the opportunity to rise.

Each person can accept the evidence that only human being (verb) can pursue comprehensive-safety& security on earth (SECURITY). Only the individual who chooses to aid SECURITY can hope that humankind will promote responsible happiness to every person who pursues civic-integrity.

Read Donald Trump's inaugural address to perceive hope that he can& will overcome the administrative state. At least, you might choose to do your part -- accept agency.


Tucker would exercise agency by suggesting concrete change in public opinion that would accomplish the task. For example, the entity We the People of the United States could accept the obvious: humankind is solely responsible for comprehensive -safety& security on earth.

Accepting this obvious reality, they could amend the First Amendment so as to remove the confusion Congress, in 1791, imposed on the 1787 U.S. Constitution. That is, Congressional religious freedom.

An amendment that could effect this reform is suggested:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or [promoting] the free exercise thereof. Religion would then be assigned to privacy rather than to civility and to legality.

Let journalists like Tucker get this reform done fast. They can.

Book Review: Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It

Obviously, some readers like low content with high repetition.

McLaren claims reviewing past scholarship and discounting it. I do not condone McLaren's stages, having read Fowler, John W., Stages of Faith, Harper, New York, 1981.

I reject McLaren for temporal trashing: Donald Trump.

Readers who'd like to examine their own psychology can get help from H. A. Overstreet. The Mature Mind,1949. And people who doubt Christianity can get wonderful aid from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Divinity School Address", 1838.
Lastly, consider 3 thoughts. First, people who appreciate their opportunity to develop human being (verb) experience civic appreciation. Second, people who commit-to mutual appreciation can& may bond unto love. Third, love cannot be imposed on whatever constrains the consequences of human choice, whether the limit is physics or God.

Quora by Amal Chehade

About by anonymous

Humankind observes that democracy is one of the worst forms of government. In a democracy, power is wielded by either the majority, a coalition of minorities, or a blood-letting, property-damaging minority-mob.

At the heart of democracy’s failure is the fact that every human being has the autonomy to either constrain chaos in their way of living or not. Statutory-justice must be pursued, practiced, facilitated, and encouraged in order to establish& maintain human viability. Justice is a self-interest.

Consequently, the United States proffers three government constraints. First, a republican form of government: Article IV, Section 4, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government”. Second, means for the people to amend the Constitution: see Article V. Third, intentions to 6 civic disciplines to pursue statutory-justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”, as preferred in the preamble.

With these three constraints, the civic-faction of Americans can& may require the U.S. to serve We the People of the United States rather than government. “Civic” refers to individual-reliability in human connections& transactions more than dependency on higher power.

The U.S. Constitution proffers the pursuit of written justice through the slow work of 1) identifying injustice, 2) considering possible remedies, and 3) selecting the best remedy. The 50 U.S. states try remedies when injustice is discovered, and the other states may benefit.

Congress can& may legislate a supreme remedy, provided Congress does not exceed powers granted by the Constitution; see Article I. The Administration executes the law and cannot exceed the Constitution’s limits; see Article II. The Supreme Court can& may consider a citizen’s complaint and like Congress cannot exceed the Constitution’s limits on the court; see Article III.

So far, the U.S. constitutional republic is not working, because individual neglect of civic-reliability has fostered a majority who prefer liberal-democracy rather than the-rule-of-statutory-justice. A remedy for this dilemma is to educate ourselves and our posterity that civic-integrity is a self-interest. Civic-citizens can hold government officials accountable for trying to effect a liberal-democracy rather than the U.S. republic. 

Ask not how to establish democracy. Ask how to establish& pursue statutory-justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”. by Damn........

Ethics is a scholarly pursuit by a particular group that bemuses the unique individual from pursuing personal perfection.

Everyone can& may know that actual-reality holds human being (verb) accountable for comprehensive-safety& security to living beings on earth and to the earth (SECURITY).

In “the west” the Sumerians commented on this political philosophy considering their system of Gods. Monotheism commented; different groups constructed their-God, purported to usurp human-responsibility for SECURITY. Hebrew scholars introduced Moses’ laws, by which usurpation could be negotiated. Christianity argued that Christ fulfills the law by correction. Protestants introduced good works as a condition. Ideologies in the rest of the world have some similarities, especially diversity.

With 8 billion people, the ideologies are countless, and with each one, there is an ethic. Followers have diverse understanding of their professed ethic, so there might be as many doctrine as there are inhabitants.

Meanwhile, the-laws-of-physics constrain the consequences of every human choice. By observing -- accurately, precisely& deeply – the consequences of every choice& action, people can& may pursue the-ineluctable-truth. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, or resisted”. With repetitious confirmation, humankind may approach discovery of the-ineluctable-truth.

The journal of the human quest, complete with errors& discoveries, may be regarded the ethics of actual-reality. by anonymous

Rudyard Kipling, in “The Man Who Would be King”, addressed the dilemma of ineluctable-evidence vs human constructs. When the men decided the king was actually a god and planned to marry him to a princess, the women collaborated-on shared doubt and cut the king’s wrist. Blood convinced the men they were wrong.

The-laws-of-physics always hold sway over reason, revelation, doctrine, lies, gods, governments, and other human constructs.

The younger generations, who unfortunately seem to savor dependency, now observe diverse chaos and may soon deplete their benefactors. by anonymous

The question:  What does it mean to have "dignity" in the eyes of society, and how do we ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve it?”

Phil Beaver’s answer: Dignity means being worthy. The person who aids comprehensive-safety& security, hereafter Security, to life on earth comprehends& practices their unique human being (verb): they accept their opportunity, power, energy, and authority to practice responsible-human-independence (RHI). Fellow-citizens appreciate& celebrate RHI-citizens.

I need a new word to explain my response. The new word is: “aphysics”. It mimics “atheist”, which expresses non-participation in theism. Non-participation would not exist if theism had not been constructed. In other words, an atheist would not think to call a believer a “theist”. Also, it would not occur to a theist that they may lack humility toward the-God, whatever it may be.
Theism grew from humankind’s discovery experiences. Primitive human being (verb) attributed unknown phenomena to spirits or gods, whereas they could have awaited discovery. As discovery progressed, some mysteries were eliminated and the god/spirit-count diminished. Some polytheisms converted to diverse monotheisms, each group competing to posit the-supreme-theism or opposing ideology. People who did not engage competitive-theism were labeled atheists. There’d be no need for “atheism” if theists were not arrogant toward whatever constrains the consequences of human choice. Because humankind has not reformed, theism restored humankind’s chaos as aphysics.

Actual-reality conforms to the-laws-of-physics, hereafter, PHYSICS. Human choices& actions encounter PHYSICS. For example, the person who claims to be divine nevertheless bleeds. No man can witness for the divine yet can& may render opinion, for example, that PHYSICS is not divine. PHYSICS is discovered through research that is faithful to the-ineluctable-evidence. (Ineluctable means: not to be avoided, escaped, changed, neglected, or resisted.) Often research is stymied, waiting for discovery of instruments needed for discernment. For example, no aware person doubts that the earth is like a globe, now that space travel empowers direct observation of earth’s entire mass in orbit.

Failure to discover leaves research with the conclusion, We don’t know. In other words, when research does not confirm that perception represented the-ineluctable-evidence, it is insufficient to render rational evaluation of the results. That is, the-ineluctable-evidence does not react to reason.

To claim to know what has not been discovered is aphysics. The fellow-citizen who avoids aphysics deserves appreciation by society. So far, society has suppressed human being (verb) by not inculcating these principles “to ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the U.S. Constitution or to humankind to pursue order& prosperity, quoting Genesis 1:28, a Sumerian political philosophy.

Every person on earth can& may comprehend these principles and establish SECURITY in their location. It makes no difference if the RHI way of living gets established outside the United States: the suggestion was expressed millennia ago and recorded by Hebrew scholar-vernacular in Genesis 1:28, 3,000 years ago. When we begin to inculcate these principles to ourselves, an achievable better future can& may emerge. by anonymous

Each human-being can& may use their opportunity, their power, their energy, and their authority to responsibly pursue the happiness they prefer rather than submit to the dictates of another. Why would anyone who accepts their unique autonomy give it up? by Graham C Lindsay

Politics seems the umpire in humankind’s pursuit of comprehensive-safety& security to life on earth.

The-laws-of-physics, hereafter PHYSICS, make it obvious that humankind is responsible for comprehensive-safety& security for living on earth. Neither God nor government can usurp humankind’s responsibility. Responsibility is both a physical and a psychological subset of PHYSICS.

Each person can& may acquire responsibility for their way of living. If so, they aid humankind’s pursuit of comprehensive-safety& security. I call the combined practice, facilitation& encouragement “responsible-human-independence, RHI”. RHI is a consequence of a dominant branch of PHYSICS: economics. Each human-being can& may earn responsible pursuit of personal happiness.

Each person can& may constrain their way of living so as to continually produce the revenues needed to pay their way. Necessary revenues pay each: direct living expenses, saving for the-unexpected and for retirement, and taxes. In both expenses and taxes, the RHI citizen is paying for shared necessities to human being (verb). If someone does not accept this responsible-self-interest, they are dependent on fellow-citizens. Dependencies include arrogance, religion, indolence, crime, tyranny, evil, atrocity, and worse.


A person who does all that PHYSICS accommodates to comprehend& intend RHI needs assistance until they can sustain their chosen lifestyle. For example, youth and disabled-adults deserve care. Each person can& may pursue RHI. But some choose dependency. On that choice, humankind divides itself: RHI and dependency.

Politics is umpire in the continual quest for comprehensive-safety& security on earth according to PHYSICS rather than to opinion. by anonymous

Our branch of human-beings, homo sapiens, is about 300,000 years old, and beginning about 10,000 years ago, it became obvious that humankind is solely responsible to pursue order& prosperity on earth. By observing the consequences of human choice& action, observers can& may guide advantageous response to events.

The answers are discovered through the-ineluctable-evidence of the-laws-of-physics. For example, if female& male partners consent to sexual intimacy, they may discover responsibility for a human-conception.

Unfortunately, subsequent civilizations adapted paganism’s many gods to monotheisms many gods. The consequence is God, an entity to which no civilization proclaims humility. Each civilization demands God to conform to their doctrine. Meanwhile, many individuals compete for wealth& power so as to satisfy sexual intimacy.

The consequence is babel. Thank goodness for the internet: we are in the transition to reform.

Soon, cultures will develop each individual’s opportunity, power, energy, and authority to pursue civic-integrity as self-interest. As the faction of inhabitants who participate in the development increases, an achievable better future will emerge. by anonymous

The consequences of human choices are constrained by the laws of physics. Humankind continually improves by observing the physical consequences of choices and applying what is experienced or observed, in order to enjoy an achievable better future.

For example, a man realizes too late that the woman he loves seeks a spouse who will provide lifetime family monogamy; that is, a man who comprehends and intends to unite to her, her children, her grandchildren, and beyond. Once she realized he was unaware, she terminated their courtship. Now, he knows, but it’s over.

To the basic, the fact that the human-being must eat to survive constrains human choices. This is only one of the laws of physics, in particular, the law of conservation of energy to life on earth. For responsible-human-independence (RHI) each person must earn their daily needs, savings for personal future, and taxation. RHI is in the individual’s self-interest, in order to make possible happiness according to their responsible preferences. RHI springs from civic-integrity – awareness and accommodation of fellow-citizens including self.

But not every fellow-citizen acquires comprehension and intention to human being (verb). Each human-being has the opportunity, the power, the energy, and the authority to pursue or accept a dependent way of living. Dependencies include arrogant religion, indolence, crime, tyranny, atrocity, and worse.

Consequently, taxation must cover law enforcement, in order to constrain dependencies plus the research to discover and eliminate injustices. The rule of traditional law is insufficient: the civic-people are responsible to continually develop statutory justice. An RHI-culture can facilitate and encourage reform to dependent fellow-citizens.

These principles were primitively practiced by the Sumerians, some 5,500 years ago. Since then, discovery of the laws of physics accelerated until lately, the U.S. is planning to place a nuclear reactor on Mars/the moon in 15 years. However, no culture has improved on the Sumerian political philosophy: humankind is solely responsible for comprehensive safety and security to life on earth. Subsequent civilizations have erroneously demanded diverse higher powers they construct to usurp human responsibility.

I know of one proposal in history to improve on the Sumerian political philosophy. The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers a civic-people, We the People of the United States, intended to practice, facilitate, and encourage 6 public practices: integrity, justice, security, strength, prosperity, and responsibility “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

Achieving a better future seems impossible this November 2, 2022. However, the first requirement is a vision, and this essay offers one. The purpose of expressing it is to get started so “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may improve it. I hope to see action and improvements soon. by anonymous

I think philosophers would like to know and report every thought about a topic. However, they have a political problem: for survival, they write for philosophers rather than writing for fellow citizens.

As a consequence, they only share opinions of fellow philosophers and other self-styled “scholars”. In general, that’s the way academia works. To compete for funding, most scholars ignore the public, whom they should serve. Consequently, some powerful words get buried in scholarship.

Consider, for example, “ineluctable”. I think it means: not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, or resisted. “Ineluctable” was published in 1570, yet most citizens don’t know the word. Synonyms include “inescapable”, which suggests contention, and “inevitable”, which implies time. That is, a person may survive cancer and heart attack to only postpone death. Ineluctable death is the fact that body, mind, and person stopped functioning. “Ineluctable death” discounts both delay and timing. “Ineluctable” is exact, but scholars don’t promote the word for public usage.

Scholars published “ineluctable truth” and “the ineluctable truth” in 1906. When I discovered the phrase, I wanted to make it specific, so I used hyphens to invite the reader to refrain from disassembling. I want to encourage readers to accept and express, “I don’t know”, when that is so. For example, “What is the mystery of God?” I don’t know —- there’s no ineluctable evidence. “Truth” means the actually-real facts about something. However, people can always debate “something”: what is God?

I used a search engine for “the-ineluctable-truth”, and it mostly ignored the hyphens. I switched engines and got only music references. Readers can circumvent scholars who control search engines if they know to combine “Phil Beaver”+“the-ineluctable-truth”.

I can only trust fellow citizens to teach each other “ineluctable” and “the-ineluctable-truth”, two powerfully exact expressions. by anonymous

Given integrity, honesty, and morality, integrity seems the most essential to self-interest, both personally and collectively.

Submitting to belief, a person can, in honesty, destroy their opportunity for responsible-human-independence (RHI). RHI means practicing, facilitating& encouraging a way of living that aids fellow-citizens in their responsible pursuit of the happiness they prefer rather than imposes on them someone else’s vision for their life. For example, the person who believes a higher power will relieve them from tyranny always suffers oppression. The RHI-citizen manages the despots they encounter; the civic-citizen earns their way of living plus enough to save for wealth and to pay taxes.

Submitting to a doctrine of morality, a person can ruin their opportunity to benefit from the-laws-of physics. For example, “Here, it’s mother, God, and country: if you don’t like it, leave”, is ruinous to the believer. The speaker doesn’t realize the hearer silently pities him/her. Unfortunately pity does not stop the ruin.

That brings us to:  What is integrity? First, it’s a practice with a consequence. In practice, a person accepts sincere concern. They initiate research to pursue ineluctable* evidence, aware of 3 possible outcomes: the concern was: founded in falsehood, affirmed, or unresolved. If false, the concern and evidence are recorded so that other& future-citizens can& may benefit from the research. If affirmed, consideration of how to positively benefit from the discovery is undertaken. If unresolved, further research is demanded; perhaps the negatives suggest a new research-direction or new tools of perception must be invented. Practicing integrity often yields extending consequence:  The concern seems valid, and we don’t know the-ineluctable-truth. [*Ineluctable means: not to be avoided, changed, escaped, hidden, neglected, or resisted.]

Perhaps the most contested concern in history is this: Only human being (verb) can pursue comprehensive-safety& security to living species on earth and to their extensions into space. Ineluctable-evidence exists, yet groups construct opposing doctrine. Doctrine may eventually yield to the-ineluctable-truth.

Each person who aids comprehensive-safety& security on earth contributes to human being.

Law professors  from last week


Facebook, December 10, 2022

“When your options are rabidly partisan legacy media, Democrat activists posing as a Capitol Press Corps, a pay4play Lincoln Project blog, and ‘new media’ like Semafor (allegedly owned by Sam Bankman-Fried), of course it makes sense to cultivate an alternative.” Christina Pushaw

With the same reasoning, in 2013, I started two blogs, and Later, I added Perhaps they'll be there long after I am gone, and people can know my opinions while I was here.

Today, I discovered from The Epoch Times editor's opinion about a death in China and my own experience that the-God is most likely reliable human being (verb) that the continuum "ourselves and our Posterity" (quoting the preamble to the U.S. Constitution) will develop. We know that not everyone aids approach to perfection, and in the end, there may yet be people who choose dependency. Physics is simply not perfect.

Chris Nalepa | Facebook Nov 27, 2022

I tried to talk to a BR city council person about Baton Rouge, a city influenced by the-metaphysical-Jesus, with the potential to promote Jesus' politics, leaving divinity to churches. I said our youth need that politics. We seemed to agree, vaguely. But . . .

Unfortunately, I mentioned that Santa is real -- as a symbol of goodwill to all, including pagans -- during this season of distinct celebrations by each Western religion and others.

He said, "Since you say that Santa is real, I have no time to talk to you."

Not another word was possible. The horror!, Nov 18, 2022

Critical “to ourselves and our Posterity” is how we respond to old thoughts. Was Tolstoy positive toward the republican form of government? He seemed to advocate the-metaphysical-Jesus or the aid humankind can& may glean from the Jesus story.

I’ve studied and analyzed Ralph Waldo Emerson’s must read, “Divinity School Address” (1838) since 1992 and only this week came to grips with a small part of its failure to Christian-woke-ism. Nowhere did Emerson highlight Jesus’ literal self-defense on facing the death sentence. St. John tells us Jesus uttered: the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. I think it is risky to try to embellish what the man, Jesus, may have said. Emerson cannot be faulted for not quoting John. That leaves it “to ourselves and our Posterity” to glean practical suggestions from the-metaphysical-Jesus.

Also, “truth” addresses the actual-reality about something. Defining “something” leaves the speaker the expressive power to lie. I recall Bill Clinton’s fame: That depends on what is is. I want to think Jesus addressed “the-ineluctable-truth”, even though “ineluctable” was not available in English until the sixteenth century. I think “ineluctable” means not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, or resisted. For example, it may have taken centuries to get the perception right (views from orbit), yet there was always ineluctable evidence that the earth is like a globe.

In a democracy, “Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it” and in a republic, majority opposition does not render statutory-justice wrong. Did Tolstoy advocate constitutional republicanism or the pursuit of statutory-justice?

PRB again, on Dec 3, 2022

This morning, I happened upon this sentence, in Historical Jesus - Wikipedia: "Leo Tolstoy saw Jesus as championing Christian anarchism (although Tolstoy never actually used the term "Christian anarchism"; reviews of his book following its publication in 1894 coined the term)".

I resist "Christian anarchism", as it distracts from Jesus' anarchism, which seems more political than religious. Jewish anarchism seems appropriate, but also narrow. Jesus reportedly said, “Before Abraham was born I am”.

My focus stems from November discovery, thanks to Keith Holmes at University Baptist Church, that to non-Christians, "Christ" distracts from Jesus. To discuss "Christ" invokes the Christian debate with the Jews, and lessens potential to influence civic-citizens to consider Jesus' political philosophy - perhaps collaborate for the-good.

Viewed this way, Christian proselytizing seems errant if not offensive to the authentic Jesus, which I don’t know and study. The apostle Matthew, in Matthew 10:32, reported that Jesus cautioned against such practices. “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.”

The historical Jesus was aware of the Jewish messiah, but “Christ” came during his afterdeath. “Christ” comes from late-English spelling of the Greek translation of “messiah” or anointed one. See Christ (title) - Wikipedia. John, in John 18:37 tells us that, facing his sentencing, Jesus said, “. . .the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” He said nothing about “messiah”, “Son of Man” or other controversies. I don’t think “truth” is a sufficient expression and therefore try to persuade citizens to demand the-ineluctable-truth. Ineluctable means: not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, or resisted.

I often say, in political terms, “Atheism is a leap of faith I cannot take.” Likewise, Christianity is a leap of faith I cannot take. I don’t think “faith” requires commitment, so speak of my trust and commitment. I advocate the authentic Jesus and think the successive generations, “ourselves and our Posterity” (quoting the preamble), can discern the-good, in order to develop civic-integrity., Nov 7, 2022

I like your post, John Parks. The age-old-saw, "Don't express politics or religion on Facebook" can& may be retired in order to share rational thought that might save our republic. Fellow-citizens may learn to converse about responsible pursuit of the happiness they pursue rather than what someone else would impose on them. And your timing relative to Thanksgiving was great. Sorry I missed it on Nov 7.

The-civic-people, We the People of the United States, as abstractly defined in the preamble, may yet establish the pursuit of responsible-human-independence (RHI). RHI is proffered in the 1787 U.S. Constitution. The 1791 Bill of Rights restored Anglo-American woke-ism: the English belief that the-God competition (especially Catholic v Protestant) will someday make some nation great. We could perceive and now know that someday never came.

All the while, everyone could& should heed the 5,500 year old Sumerian political philosophy: humankind is solely capable of pursuing comprehensive-safety& security on earth. Hebrew scholars expressed this, in their vernacular, in Genesis 1:28 as part of the civil competition to convince the-God to usurp RHI. But they got hung up in Moses' law. Luther objected, and the consequence is exponential polytheism.

These 5,000 years later, NASA aims to start a colony on the moon or on Mars in 10 years, yet civilization still competes to construct the supreme God. All the while, the-laws-of-physics constrain the consequences of each person's choices& actions.

Neither the-God nor a government can usurp RHI. Physics does not comport to constructed law.

The "ourselves and our Posterity" of We the People of the United States can& may vote in self-interest toward the civic-integrity that is required for RHI., November 17, 2022 and on Twitter

Each human-being can& may use their opportunity, their power, their energy, and their authority to RESPONSIBLY pursue the happiness they prefer rather than submit to the dictates of another. Why would anyone who accepts their unique autonomy embrace dependency?, November 14, 2022 and on Twitter

Friends who are watching Mike Pence on TV just now may consider that he betrayed both the ancient homo sapiens’ political-philosophers and fellows who are civic-citizens, We the People of the United States, when he did not yield to the Commander in Chief, his running mate, President Donald Trump.

Pence is as capable as any human-being to observe the-metaphysical-Jesus, who reportedly said, “Render unto [Donald Trump] what is of [We the People of the United States] and . . . “.

And the-metaphysical-Jesus expressed presence in the beginning if he said “Before Abraham was born I am”.

And if the-metaphysical-Jesus corrected Moses’ law regarding divorce (Matthew 19:1-8), he did so referencing the ancient political philosophers, depicted in Genesis 1.

In claiming to “witness for Christ”, any man who does not accommodate the-metaphysical-Jesus that everyone can glean from the Bible, takes risk I would not take. It seems Pence did. We need not follow., October 31, 2022 and on twitter

Genesis 1:28: humankind is solely responsible to all living beings for order& prosperity on earth.

(PRB, representing A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation).

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

It’s time for civic-citizens to consider the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

It’s time for civic-citizens to consider the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

The 1787 framers did not intend Anglo-American tradition. It is time to assign John Locke’s “common good” to the British trash bin and practice, facilitate, and encourage the civic-integrity that is required for responsible-human-independence (RHI).

The preamble to the U.S. Constitution affirms the Sumerian political philosophy that is expressed by Hebrew scholars in Genesis 1:28: each human-being can& may pursue comprehensive-safety& security to life on earth.


Ending Federal Ban on Guns With Removed Serial Numbers,

The court must uphold existing law: only legislators can change the law.

Legislation is promulgated by Congress. When both branches agree on a law, it goes to the President for approval or veto, and with approval becomes law, also called “statute”. Congress authorized some regulatory agencies, and if one of them issues a rule, it is called “regulation”. Often regulations are challenged and ruled unconstitutional, and only rarely is as law ruled unconstitutional. Either way, Congress is responsible for laws.

The U.S. intentions, are stated in 2 parts in the 1787 Constitution.

First, the civic-citizens in their states, We the People of the United States, authorize and limit a central government. Authority they do not assign to the central government is reserved to themselves, and civic-citizens in their states assign some of their authority to their state. Neither the central government nor a state can usurp the civic-citizens’ responsible-human-independence (RHI). The civic-citizens defined methods and procedures for amending the Constitution. Thus, no tradition is binding to the-civic-citizens when they discover injustice and propose remedy.

Second, the civic-citizens practice, facilitate& encourage 6 public disciplines – integrity, justice, security, strength, prosperity, and RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Religion is not among the civic-disciplines, and there are no disciplinary norms, leaving Posterity free to remedy discovered injustice. Posterity includes legal immigrants.

“Civic” refers to reliability to human being (verb). Not long after language and grammar emerged, humankind recognized that some persons never choose civic-integrity. Therefore, ancient kingdoms, for example in Sumer, 5,500 years ago, developed codes of law. The codes were civic. For example, widows and orphans were not subject to taxation. The 1787 U.S. Constitution is an exponential improvement on prior law codes.

CONTINUTION: However, the 1787 Constitution has been rendered ineffectual by judges and lawyers who do not observe the 1787 intentions reviewed above. Only the civic-citizens, We the People of the United States can end U.S. tyranny.

The first step is to end Congressional freedom of religion at the people’s expense. This may be accomplished by amending the First Amendment’s religion clauses to: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or [promoting] the free exercise thereof.


The Real Origins of American Progressivism (

Journalist Lee Smith illustrates the importance of freedom of expression. Without freedom, thinkers cannot, innocently or not, express civic arrogance. “Civic” refers to reliability in human connections more than to civil rules. Without free expression, fellow-citizens might not detect errors of intention, comprehension, or omission. The civic-citizen is grateful for the opportunity to evaluate expression and may caution the author, hoping to improve personal opinion to one side or to each person. The neutral journalist is a civic-facilitator.

Dualisms are at stake. Reasons people lie include ignorance and intentions. The will to express may come from commitment or passion. Passion can be grounded in the-good or in belief, which may be erroneous. The listener’s confidence can come from God-mystery or from self-reliance. A person’s God can be either the-unknown or belief without personal-humility toward the God’s awareness. Smith seems to practice these principles in interviewing anti-woke historian Lee Harris.

I oppose wokes yet share their frustration with tradition’s antinomians. I think only the self-styled elect would cast Ralph Waldo Emerson as woke originator. Consider Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” (1838) to grasp what readers may perceive about Emerson’s “self-reliance”. Quoting Emerson,

Once leave your own knowledge of God, your own sentiment, and take secondary knowledge, as St. Paul's, or George Fox's, or Swedenborg's, and you get wide from God with every year this secondary form lasts, and if, as now, for centuries—the chasm yawns to that breadth, that men can scarcely be convinced there is in them anything divine.”

Antinomians have, so far, missed the Genesis 1:26-28 political philosophy: only human individuals can& may collectively provide order and prosperity to life on earth and to the earth. My sentiment is: God knows God and heeds-not my opinion.

I think Lee Smith gave Lee Harris the opportunity to consider whether Harris knows American history, Harris-intentions regarding American history, or what Harris-readers like. I am grateful to both Smith and Harris for my opportunity to read, listen and, for the first time, relate Emersonian-self-reliance to Genesis 1:28.

Quora By anonymous

Moral authority comes from the laws of physics.

Humankind is appreciated as the only living species that can& may provide comprehensive-safety& security to life on earth and the extensions they may create, hereafter, SECURITY.

The overarching threat to human being (verb) is depletion of energy& mass under the general law of relativity, discovered by Albert Einstein. In 2016, Einstein’s theory, that at the speed of light, energy& mass are interchangeable (E=mc2), was accepted as law.

Most facts about this law’s impact on the universe are unknown, but the moment it happened, 13.8 billion years ago, is called the Big Bang. Since then average temperature in the universe cyclically declines as mass-emergence slows. Non-spontaneous conversion of mass into energy or vice versa requires work, and efficiency-loss during the work causes irreversibility.

Each lifetime, human or not, consumes mass and energy and therefore is irreversible. Consequently, a human-being (noun) ought to order personal ways of living so as to preserve human being (verb) according to the laws of physics, hereafter PHYSICS. I call this mandate self-interested civic-integrity. I call people who pursue SECURITY civic-citizens.

A condition of human being is the individual opportunity, power, energy, and authority to cheat responsibility-to SECURITY. Forms of cheating include arrogant beliefs, indolence, crime, evil, tyranny, traditional error, atrocity, and worse. Cheating has been a factor in every generation since the beginning of time. Development of collective human being hinges on applying the laws of physics to pursue SECURITY. To pursue SECURITY, civic-citizens can& must develop& maintain statutory-justice by which to constrain the consequences of cheaters. Cheaters develop doctrine that opposes human being.

Most proponents of doctrine reason to neglect PHYSICS and thereby cheat human being as a favored faction. They feign to employ military force globally and unjust law-enforcement domestically. Force prevails when civic-citizens accommodate it. Only intentional development of statutory justice by civic-citizens can overcome the accommodation of political tyranny.

The latest human-mutation is homo sapiens, some 300 thousand years old. They developed language 10 thousand years ago and both grammar and monotheism 4 thousand years ago. Monotheism is a human construct that posits that a group’s doctrine can usurp PHYSICS. Monotheists persuade fellow-citizens to accept& and serve a mystery.

Only 73 years ago, homo sapiens applied PHYSICS sufficiently to place a man on the moon. Yet these 73 years later civic chaos is remains divergent after 4,000 years, or more than 200 generations. This divergence may be attributed to the failure of doctrine to ground SECURITY rather than PHYSICS.

Against the evidence, today’s generation has no excuse for depending upon the future for reform to humankind’s duty: SECURITY. By continuing to teach youth by erroneous example, today’s adults promise failure of human being. It is not too late to reform, and the key is the civic integrity to pursue SECURITY using PHYSICS rather than tradition.

It is not too late. However, today’s adults can& must stop practicing error:  To youth, what adults do matters.

Law professors

Anglo-American tradition caused the administrative state. Only establishment of the 1787 U.S. Constitution can unleash responsible-human-independence to “ourselves and our Posterity”.

Facebook, October 29, 2022


I am frustrated, too, and appreciate your sharing. In my nearly 40 years in my home, I have sported 2 political signs: Jay Dardenne for Governor, and your sign in my yard now. Thank you for the privilege.

I think every Education Department needs reform, grounded in 3 evidences:

1. God asserts& appreciates that humankind can& may pursue order and prosperity to life on earth and to the earth. This is suggested by the evidence in every generation, by the political philosophy in Genesis 1:28, and by the U.S. divergent chaos in 2022. Genesis 1 is a 5,500 year old Sumerian political philosophy that was expressed by Hebrew scholars 3,000 years ago. So far, humankind has not accepted God-given appreciation and responsibility. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution proffers reform.
2. U.S. Education Departments can& may practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) to our nation's youth and to adults who do not perceive RHI in their self-interest. Most children who complete their education experience should have the comprehension and intention to practice, facilitate, and encourage the civic-integrity that is required for RHI. Civic refers to responsible human connections more than civil rules.
3. Education Administrators can& may learn, practice, facilitate, and encourage decision making based on ineluctable evidence. "Ineluctable" means: not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, or resisted. With transparent commitment by administrators, the civic-citizens can pursue the-ineluctable-truth. "Ineluctable" has been published since 1570, and "ineluctable truth" since 1906, yet most civic-citizens don't know the word and the phrase. Educators can change that in a very short time -- rather than in decades or generations.

Even though I'm in my 80th year and have no grandchildren, I want to aid EBRP schools and other schools to aid each child in their transition from innocent to informed and intentional human being (verb).
October 27, 2022

Truth is not that which is demonstrable but that which is ineluctable. — Antoine De Saint-Exupery (b. 1900)

Truth is what stands the test of experience. — Albert Einstein (b. 1879) October 26, 2022

“Woke” means: gullible to social-democrat government expansion, such as, the gender-change industrial complex, electric car tyranny, social-media enslavement, and social-democracy. October 25, 2022

Can anyone in the Biden Administration boast, "I did not take the oath [of office] with the intention of presiding over the dissolution of the world's strongest economy"? (Reagan, 1981) October 13, 2022

Greetings Mr. Phil Beaver - It was a pleasure to speak with you at Chic-Fil-A!

Regarding Macroevolution, the point that I was seeking to make in our discussion is that one of the many problems with this theory is in regards to information.

I will attempt to outline my Scripturally based argument here:

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3

"For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him." Colossians 1:16

"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Hebrews 11:3

1. All living organisms are essentially a physical manifestation of "information" which is contained in its DNA.

2. Information can be defined as a coded message containing an expected action and intended purpose. (Under this definition the words in my post here qualifies as information. They are encoded - the words represent ideas. The intended/expected action is that the reader will read, honestly consider, and either receive the truth thereof or provide a rational and scientific rebuttal thereto.)

3. DNA qualifies under the definition of information in that it contains a coded message and has an expected action - the formation of proteins - with the intended purpose of design and life

4. According to the tenets of Information Science:

A] There is no known law of nature, no known process, and no known sequence of events that can cause information to spontaneously originate by itself in matter

B] When its progress along the chain of transmission events is traced backward, every piece of information leads to a mental source, the mind of the sender.

5. The first tenet tells us that matter does not spontaneously generate information and the second tells us that only a mental source (mind) can generate new creative information which is necessary for Macroevolution.

6. This truth is self-evident, for no one reading this post would conclude that it was generated by a sequence of typos that gradually accumulated over time. And whether one agrees or disagrees with the information communicated, it is self-evident that a mind is ultimately responsible for the information.


8. The initial information in the "simplest" of organisms [Another problem for Evolution is the fact that the simplest of organisms is not really simple but is rather IRREDUCABLY COMPLEX demanding all of its many parts to be present and functioning simultaneously thus precluding gradual part-by-part formation] necessitates a mind.

9. Furthermore, even if the simplest of organisms is graciously granted, [Another problem for Evolution which likes to speak of the "Survival of the Fittest" but cannot account for the "Arrival of the Fittest"  ] in order for Macroevolution to happen there must be NEW information added to the genome.


"All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not increase it. Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome." Dr. Lee Spetner [Mechanical engineer, applied biophysicist, and physicist with PhD in physics from MIT]

11. Without NEW genetic information the "simple" organism can never change into a more complex life form because the difference in the two forms is different information

12. Therefore, there is no empirically known naturalistic mechanism which can drive Evolution.

However, the Christian Worldview is fully adequate to provide the intelligibility for the existence of genetic information and the existence and complexities of life. An omnipotent and transcendent MIND has created life as well as the complex information in each and every organism - which by the way has only been observed to reproduce after its kind.

The religious and un/anti-scientific naturalistic belief of "Goo to you via the zoo as taught at LSU" is actually irrational science fiction (1 Timothy 6:20) 

Blessings to you sir!

Phil responds:

Hi Chaz,

I see you had a birthday, and I wish you more happiness today.

I hope you will be cheering for Tennessee to win the game with Alabama, but know there are lots of Bama fans in these parts.

Your outpouring is amazing and, as usual, beyond my expertise.

In my earlier message, I sought to answer the question, "Can bacteria play a role in development of human DNA" and thought I had found the answer, "Yes". You did not think so, from the references I shared. This morning I looked harder and found I quote the article, "DNA-based approaches used in the identification and classification of species of bacteria include DNA-DNA hybridization, DNA fingerprinting, and DNA sequencing. DNA-DNA hybridization, initially developed in the 1980s, is used to determine the similarity of DNA sequences from different organisms. "

The article features an interesting depiction of the path from Eukaryote to placental mammals, which includes homo sapiens.

Have a great week,





Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.