Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Introducing "A Civic People"

Over the past seventeen months discussions at EBRP libraries led to a theory for collaboration of  and by A Civic People. As indicated in the diagram below, the core activity is physics-based ethics for posterity (children, grandchildren and beyond). Most adults candidly cultivate both civic morality and private pursuits, achieving an over-arching culture of no-harm personal liberty and domestic goodwill--PL&DG. No-harm factional cultures and religions flourish. With practice, more of We the People of the United States understand the need for civic safety and embrace civic morality. This is the first monthly email message with suggestions for civic collaboration.

Help restore civic hope in the USA.
In the title A Civic People of the United States--CPUS--"civic" refers to persons who occupy the same land and lessen alienation. "Civic" distinguishes from "social," which implies preference or choice. Word usage that must be debated, settled, but remain subject to change, to develop this practice. Word usage must not be allowed to limit corroboration; efficiency takes alert talk. CPUS proposes collaboration of and by a civic people to establish both no-harm personal liberty and domestic goodwill--PL&DG--among We the People of the United States.

In this first month, we would like to consider the following subjects to generate online discussion toward collaboration:
1. People with diverse beliefs may establish PL&DG using the following:
a. Candid collaboration that neither yields to nor imposes emotional alienation.
b. Physics-based ethics determines civic morality, with anyone's spiritual morality maintained as a private pursuit.
c. An updated preamble to the constitution for the United States to help a civic people understand what distinguishes them within We the People of the United States and to balance goals.
d. Reference to independent resources to help persons focus on both short-term and long-term viability.
2. Organizational needs.

We may refer participants to essays by title and post date, and the references may be found at the website,

Candid collaboration
      Many of us learned to talk of neither civic morality nor religious doctrine, falsely labeled the forbidden topics: politics and religion. By this convention, we are alienated, so the first requirement for an over-arching culture is to reform to cheerful, candid appreciation of both politics and religion as essentials for domestic goodwill that facilitates personal liberty. We can accomplish this reform by recognizing that civic morality is a common need and religious doctrine is essential to believers, who may be part of A Civic People of the United States by acting for well-being for everyone's lifetime, putting the afterdeath aside for non-believers.
      Perhaps more influential in personal alienation is the will to lie. Lying is commonly used to deceive, avoid, divide, and otherwise to make daily living seem expedited, not recognizing the gradual alienation that is happening. A person cannot express a civic need by lying, and a civic people cannot collaborate using lies. In this practice, there is no emotion, no plan, and no goal beyond establishing the over-arching culture of blunt yet empathic statements.
      As a person who wants to help establish A Civic People, these two issues need to be contemplated and ideas about them communicated among a civic people.
      Two posts pertinent to discussions to establish a civic people are 8/28/14, "Civic Discourse," and 8/23/15, "Propriety."

Physics-based ethics
      At first glance, this is a strange concept, but it is the ethics humankind pursues, even though no-one says so. Physics is energy, mass and space-time from which everything emerges. I'll give a soft ethics example then a hard one. First, we don't lie to each other so that we can believe our statements. Second, we don't run red lights so that we can trust green signals.
      Physics-based ethics differs from religious doctrine in that it neither derives from nor yields to opinion. Yet it accommodates spirituality in that the first step in the discovery of physics is imagination. Long ago, persons imagined that the unknowns could be explained by supernatural forces, perhaps controlled by a supreme being. The imagined supreme being has been neither discovered nor disproved and therefore a supreme being remains an idea to explain the emergences from physics. So far, there has been no evidence that bargains with any supreme being work. For example, human sacrifice is no longer practiced.
      Religions may conflict with physics. Often, people extend the imagined supreme being to an intellectual construct that involves lots of assumption, opinion, or speculation. If a discovery in physics negates part of the construct, the construct may be defended in conflict with physics. Many religions have developed, and they need to conform to discovered physics in order to maintain their viability. However, a civic people cannot take responsibility for reforming religions, and therefore must focus on civic morality, leaving religious doctrine for believers to pursue in privacy. In tern, believers must respect that non-believers merely want to live in peace, having no competitors in the supreme being debates.
      Also, physics-based ethics differs from evidence-based strategies. Evidence-based strategies are subject to the bias that proponents of the strategy invariably seem to develop. A good example of this is global warming, wherein some countries want to convince other countries that they owe it to the world to take responsibility for anthropomorphic contributions to global warming without curtailing the rapid increase in population. However, physics-based ethics is like physics, in that it must be discovered. It is not subject to biases of any kind: reason, faith, evaluations, words, force, coercion, agenda, alienation, etc. Physics-based ethics is.
      Essays to start a discussion of physics-based ethics include 5/7/15, "Physics-based Ethics: Civic Examples," and 10/7/14, "Vatican Meetings in October 2014."

The Preamble
      Collaborators need some means to winnow and balance the myriad of concerns 320 million people hold. The UN statement of human rights, for example, is untenable and objectionable with above sixty goals, I guess; see . The UN statement is controversial beyond me, and there are many alternatives; see each of them with many goals.
      By our estimate, the preamble has nine goals, a more manageable list for a civic people to use for collaboration. Please review the 3/1/15 post, "Preamble to the constitution for the USA," on the website. Taking your time, consider the original, your paraphrase, and the update for 2015 that you would like to trust and commit to. We plan to collaborate for a consensus on Ratification Day, 2016, tentatively celebrated on June 19, 2016.

Examples of resources A Civic People might use to determine civic moralilty
     Only recently we came to grips with the fact that persons cannot live their life and also govern self, state, and federal governments. Governing self is all one can hope for, and a person must learn that before trying to form a relationship with a spouse or build a family. However, just as it is critical to earn your money in order to support your personal liberty, it is important to supervise civic morality in order to secure your liberty, even safety, so you can work on well-being.
    A Civic People can pool their resources to understand reliable public service non-profits that have high expectations to help rather than hinder the establishment of civic morality. One of the keys to discerning such groups is economic and common sense viability. To this end, we suggest three resources for your consideration and would like you collaboration on them:
1. for economic viability
2. for basic understanding of physics derived ethics in the physical realm.
3. perhaps starting with to understannd why the USA does not offer the world's most competitive PL&DG. for an example of what adults can do to acquire elite education respecting enriching recreation or leisure.

Your suggestions would be appreciated. My email does not allow mass mailings (this to about 130), and no-one comments on the website. If you want to communicate, try, and if nothing else, email me at

If you like this first online activity to establish A Civic People of the United States, please share this message with friends and ask them to send an email with request to be added to the roster, sent to

I cannot do enough. We are a 501(c)3 educational non-profit without funding and without IRS registration. We need help on everything. We need at least $3000-$10,000 (two quotes) to develop a logo. We need Online expertise. Thus, we need a core of about 25 people who want to make A Civic People of the United States happen.
Our mailing address is:
A Civic People of the United States
Phil Beaver, Agent
1624 Leycester Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808-5753

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