Monday, January 11, 2016

3 December 9, 2015

Here are four Online sources of current interest.

  1. One point that seems missing in Trump’s Muslim hold is legitimate concern about civics rather than religion or race. Apparently, some Muslims take for granted that private pursuits--such as hopes 1) that you have a soul, 2) that your soul will survive the death of your body, mind and person, and 3) then your soul will reside in heaven—are a civic concern. Thus, private life and civic life are the same. I have not found a source that would counter this point. The daily news reports Muslims arguing that the Islam they pursue is peaceful, but none of them claim appreciation for, trust in, and commitment to the preamble to the constitution for the USA. I do not want to impose on anyone but encourage volunteers to choose the preamble to coordinate civic morality and use physics-based ethics to collaborate for personal liberty with civic well-being. One source in the news as biased against the Islamic State but avows acceptance of civic Muslims (my phrase after a meeting, with one of their representatives as speaker) is at . The speaker said: Make no mistake, we are conservative Americans, and I think he meant far-right Christians. (He made the mistake of asking me my religion. Afterwards, I did not feel accepted by the crowd.)
  2. If you are interested in learning about a non-profit before giving money, one source is . Actual financial data is available with sign up, and other information is accessible without sign up. I don’t know if it costs to sign up and was too busy to try.
  3. One alternative to paid online news is at . Anyone with an opinion about this source, please share. Reply to me, and I'll share next month.
  4. Speech on college campuses seems out of control for some. A liberal resource is . It rates LSU low in freedom of speech and lists incidents. My knowledge of at least one case tells me that merely addressing an issue can be deemed as restricting speech. I oppose that attitude. For example, I think we should talk openly about racism as a thing of the past, based on mtDNA informing us that everyone alive is kin. Knowing we are kin, we may focus on civic morality instead of racism.

Happy goodwill season, everyone.

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