Friday, March 4, 2016

The Advocate, March 3, 2016

Emergency medical treatment in North Baton Rouge and its neglect is a market and state issue, not a Metro-Council issue.
Civil rights accomplishments of the mid 1960s have fallen prey to black liberation theology and other civil-rights swagger.
Beware physics. For thirty years now, we have known, from mitochondrial DNA, that everyone alive is a descendant from one woman who lived about 140,000 years ago, about 5% of the timeline of homo species. The mtDNA mom may have had more than one mate. The descendants from peer moms did not survive environmental or culture evolution they encountered.
Civic kin do not attempt arbitrary supremacy over kin, and everyone alive is kin.

Our views: “Library grew in 2015”
Don’t forget the valuable inter-library loan and emailed downloads; what a wonderful service!

Syndicated columns by E. J. Dionne, “A GOP trapped by Trump,” George F. Will, “The albatross of a Trump endorsement,” and Cal Thomas, “Dearth of decency in presidential campaign,” cite enough bad behavior to establish that Trump trumped Trump. Perhaps he can devise a miracle reform, but I don’t see how. Regardless, Thomas's thought has already come true: I face choosing "the least evil of two lessers." This nation needs reform, and only a civic people can effect it.

Revision on March 4: Trump’s comic treatment of last night’s debate makes me think he might become the next President. This country is so focused--led by the press--on entertainment, he’s the perfect candidate. On the anatomy mendacities, he’s playing the press like a drum and they’re loving the attention to the press. And this morning they are declaring themselves the winners of the debate.

Wade Henderson, “Electronics integral to learning”
I hope your students are coached to personal autonomy, collaborative authenticity, and understanding that empowers them to embark on a journey during a full life to the potential for psychological maturity. I doubt electronics has much to do with that education.

Michael Hale, “A living Constitution is not a liberal notion”
Mr. Hale, I look forward to the day you represent the facts instead of opinion about the facts. First, Mr Gerson is accurate and precise in grounding his opinions, so he is not a font of misinformation—just different opinion. Fiscal conservatives do not pretend the constitution is dead words on a page, but some insist that the words represent hard-earned, dead-men’s opinion that should not be taken lightly. Federal courts do not have the authority to overturn constitutionally grounded acts of Congress, except wherein Congress has unconstitutionally abdicated its constitutional duties. The people should reverse Congress’s laziness. The three branches cannot act according to their understanding of the Constitution, and the faulty supreme Court awaits the justice of a civic people, the best hope of the world, paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln. The equal protection clause does not provide equality and justice—only consideration according to extant legal opinion, which is not the bedrock of civic morality. Gay Americans benefited from the administrative state of Barack Obama at the expense of the equality and dignity of children, as Judge Felder pointed out. Executive orders cannot spend money Congress has not authorized, but Obama has unconstitutionally done that. The Emancipation Proclamation applied to seceded states, but not to the USA; I complain about your misrepresentation of Lincoln’s action. Justice Roberts changed Congress’s “fine” to a “tax,” unconstitutionally legislating. The Court has admitted that “privacy” in R v W should be “equality” but accepts “privacy” under stare decisis.

I agree that when two people are in love and commit to each other for life the world should celebrate. However, adult contracts should not arbitrarily deny a child its equality and dignity to stay with the mom and dad who conceived him or her.

Also, the vast majority of reported abortions are natural corrections of physics’ errors: well over 87% of reported abortions. If we could account for the zygote to blastocyst embryos that do not implant or attach to the mom—pass out of her body unnoticed and therefore unreported, we'd have data showing, as always, that physics does not conform to the Church, in this case “life begins at conception”: life has a 50% chance after implantation rather than at conception, when chances are lower. Of the 13% reports that are un-grounded decisions by the mom, it’s a private affair, as you say.

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