Saturday, July 14, 2018

4 on Metro-Council perhaps expressed African-American Christianity

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.
"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for responsible freedom more than for the city, state, nation, or other institution.

A personal paraphrase of preamble, the USA Constitution’s most neglected legal statement:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrase to nouns and paraphrase it for my proposal as follows: We the willing citizens of the United States collaborate for self-discipline regarding integrity, justice, defense, prosperity, liberty, and children and by this amendable constitution limit the U.S.'s service to the people in their states. I want to collaborate with the other citizens on this paraphrase. I would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people..
It seems no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to dual federalism managed by the people convinces me the preamble is legal.
Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies children. “Freedom of religion,” which government cannot discipline, bemuses freedom to develop civic integrity.

Our Views

July 12. African-American Christianity? The Advocate staff (

The Advocate lessens as “tasteless ploy” social crisis that begs black-caucus civic-reform. The Advocate may use the occasion to inspire their own reform.

The offending Metro-Council members should keep their council positions but may resign the black caucus in order to join We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. That act might establish tentative credibility of the council of twelve and have positive influence for the entire great state of Louisiana.

One is compelled to ask, “How could Baton Rouge’s hometown newspaper reach such a low use of power and liberty?” One suspicion is that they are influenced by the nanny state, which prevents citizens from experiencing the human appeal to integrity that may develop with consistently responsible behavior. Every human has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (IPEA) to either develop integrity or not. Some individuals use their IPEA to develop crime.

It seems chronological maturity in a nanny state leaves adolescent adults silently looking to someone else to grant them integrity---never realizing that integrity comes from the person only. Much as I do not know, fired FBI director James Comey seems a nanny-state failing. The people to whom he looked for his integrity ruined his career if not his self-worth. That’s socialism’s chaos.

Freedom of the press is intended for entities that understand that the tacit First Amendment goal is civic integrity rather than media profit. The press-integrity principle is not stated anywhere beyond the air we breathe. Yet aware people are leaving The Advocate’s brand of liberal democracy or socialism---or whatever The Advocate personnel thinks it, as a group, wants.

It’s never too late to discover and collaborate-to-develop civic integrity.

July 9. The Advocate (

The Advocate argues with itself!

July 9. The Advocate editorial (

The Advocate and most of its personnel don’t even try to be the hometown newspaper I’ve subscribed to and written to for half a century. It’s no shame to me that it has taken that long to understand the press’s actual reality is not what I thought. Yet I hope to subscribe as long again.

I work hard to try to find words and phrases that may provide clarity if Merriam-Webster (MW) is the dictionary. (I say this because Google dictionary leans left and the media redefine words willfully.) But a dictionary can only do so much: Citizens may collaborate to clarify their expressions and mutually understand the-objective-truth. Civic citizens know each other by mutual commitment to the agreement that is offered in the preamble to the constitution for the U.S. for all citizens.

There’s nothing civic about the media, the press, newspapers and other self-proclaimed journalism businesses. In MW, only Definition 2.b. “writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation,” approaches the civic function. The rest of the definitions exacerbate the development of fake news rather than the development of integrity the people so desperately need.

MW informs us in Definition 2 that a journalist is “a person who keeps a journal.” I assert that the civic function of a free and responsible press is to keep a journal that reports the march to the preamble’s promise: individual liberty with civic morality. If the authors of the First Amendment wanted something else, I’d like to know. A journal would not strive to be prescient or controlling, but would record the facts for all citizens to read and use in each person’s individual development of integrity. Citizens with integrity empower a nation with fidelity.

In addition to accurately journaling current events, a free and responsible press would maintain reference to the indisputable facts. For example, thousands of farmers in the Massachusetts militia on September 6, 1774 liberated Worcester, and the British never returned. The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia September 5-October 26, 1774.

July 4, 1776 is the thirteen free and independent states’ birthday. The French added to their ongoing war with England the American battleground, and their strategy and military might facilitated victory at Yorktown, VA in 1781. After England negotiated a treaty with France, they named 13 free and independent states here. The states ratified the treaty on January 14, 1784. The status---free and independent states---did not work, so 12 of 13 met and hashed out the laws and institutions for a central government to serve the people in their states.

Only 2/3 of delegates agreed with the 1787 Constitution for the U.S., and the 1/3 who were dissidents either returned to England or stayed to lobby for their faction. They worked to prevent the purpose and goals of the preamble. The preamble would terminate England’s dominance of America. Willing citizens would embark on the quest for the civic discipline needed for individual liberty with civic morality.

Abraham Lincoln missed the preamble’s meaning. Lincoln dreamed of governance of by and for the people rather than civic discipline.

It is unreasonable for readers to expect the press to know the-objective-truth. It is wrong for the press to pretend they have some divine ability to evaluate what the people need to know or to exercise power over the people’s minds.

I want a hometown newspaper that deliberately chronicles the people’s development of civic integrity. I nominate The Advocate and its personnel to develop civic integrity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the USA, and beyond.

To John Smith: I have spent a lot of energy trying to understand Trump’s dialogues and remain on deck for my third vote for him (say “Thank you . . . for beating Hillary,” if nothing else).

I think there’s a clue in Agathon’s speech in Plato’s symposium; I started reading and paraphrasing occasionally two decades ago. I get this message: An individual who develops fidelity to the-objective-truth neither initiates nor tolerates harm to or from any person or institution. I am perplexed at how to handle liars. Telling them they are liars, stonewalling them, or hitting them are out. After two statements of the-objective-truth, like, the sun does not move across the sky, I will not repeat the statement. Perhaps Trump thinks the best an individual who is developing integrity can do is humbly accept negative appearances and lie to liars.

It’s also worthwhile to ponder Matthew 7:6, which informs that if you speak truth to liars you lose. Lastly, Raphael Patai, in “The Arab Mind,” 1976 posits that an Arab negotiator intends to get your name on a contract then behave willfully.

With any of these three awareness’s I think Trump could handle both you and your gestapo friends. But I have no idea how Trump owns so much awareness.

June 4 reprise (

To Marsha Marshal: The Internet recalls your first liberties with my person; they were pretty loose, like “dear” or the like. I do not need assistance to stop reading your abuse and taunts over my name, Ray.

You wrote: "Obviously, the Earth turns every 23 hours, 56 minutes on its axis, and that's why it appears the sun moves across the sky.”

Once a child learns and comprehends the axial rotation of the earth and its daily un-hiding then hiding of the sun, he or she perceives the relatively fast rotation and the immensity of the 93 million miles to the sun and could not, in adolescence, write about the sun moving across the sky. Awareness changes the adolescent perspective. Furthermore, once that cognition is in place, the adult abhors misleading by affirming false perceptions. The sun neither comes up nor “moves across the sky.”
Mature adults know that humankind’s noble work is to both discover the-objective-truth and to survive while the journey is underway. The horse and buggy killed many people. Inventors learned how to put 350 horse-power under the hood of a car. The gasoline needed for such power was used more efficiently with an antiknock additive. The best additive by far was TEL. The toxicity problems had to be addressed, and they were, in typical progression that discovery takes.
I repeat a statement I made earlier. “I do not pretend to know the-objective-truth regarding the moral balance and the TEL story. Perhaps somebody knows the civically moral balance, but [it’s] not you. Pretense is your method of operation.”
My parting message is this. I hope someday you’ll perceive that the earth’s rotation un-hides the sun each morning and speed toward the re-hiding empowers aware humans to perceive the rotation. This awesome experience is felt especially at the un-hiding and the hiding. Calling it “sunrise” and “sunset” does not change the awareness of Earth’s axial rotation.
Moreover, I hope that by November, you will impartially treasure and vote for Louisiana’s 10-2 majority allowance for criminal juries. It puts to rest England’s unanimity emotion. Data, dominated by the 48 states with the unanimity error, shows 15% failure in verdict accuracy; The model using that data shows that neither 12-0 nor 11-1 majority provides the impartiality required by U.S. Amendment 6. Majorities of 7 to 10 enable impartiality with no fixed-biased jurors slipping through. For 1, 2, or 3 firmly biased jurors, the required majority allowance is 9, 8, or 7, respectively. The facts are impartial to race, religion, or nationality.
BTW: I related the daily hiding and un-hiding sun story (again but in the above words) to my daughter, Holly (one of the few who cannot escape collaboration), and she said, “Right. The sun doesn’t move.”

Think with the skin instead of with integrity (Andrea Gallo) (
After 60 years’ failure black caucuses may admit to themselves those days are over and change tactics. The question is, what political strategy has not been tried?

Adoption of the legal agreement that is offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution is novel and revolutionary and has been neglected for 230 years. Political regimes have repressed the agreement for 229 years using the label “secular” sentence, whereas the agreement is in fact neutral to religion, gender, and race. Black “leaders” and sensation-generating media exclude blacks from civic integrity according to the preamble.
With the preamble's legal power and most citizens collaborating for statutory justice using the-objective-truth, conflicts for dominant opinion may be lessened. An achievable, better future would be underway in Baton Rouge. Comprehensive safety and security with civic morality would accrue rapidly.
The Baton Rouge Metro Council has this unique opportunity because the ideas originated here, in civic meetings over the past five years at EBRP libraries and in private.

Other fora

Julia Duin, “Christian Serpent-Handlers Protect Us All,” (

This reminds me of the case in North Carolina two decades ago when a spouse orphaned children by involving the other parent in snake-handling: It’s interesting that this “news” article also advertised a book 20 years ago: Scott Schwartz, a Smithsonian Institution archivist and author of a book, "Faith, Serpents and Fire.”
Ms. Duin is woefully immoral to be close to this cult and not recognize the civic responsibility to protect children. It’s the same oversight made by Justice Kennedy in Obergefell v. Hodges: children are persons and are due dignity and equality before the people.
The religion clauses of the First Amendment need to be deleted and replaced with an assurance that this nation will not suppress anyone’s development of integrity.

Adam J. White (

Lucia v. SEC involved administrative law judges (Administrative Procedure Act of 1946) and Pereira v. Sessions involved Chevron deference. Both compromises, ALJ and Chevron may be unconstitutional.

I.William Zarman (

“Two important qualities of East Asian negotiations elude the Western foreign-policy establishment: A relationship is more important than an agreement, and a deal is a moving object.”

Add to this my thought, “Integrity deals with integrity,” and there’s hope for a deliberate journey to global civic morality.

The question: To what degree does child rearing sustain the morality of society as a whole?
I think “society” is vague; humankind or We the People of the United States or theism or carpentry would be more appropriate terms. “Sustain” may mean nourish. I will answer the question, “To what degree does child rearing nourish We the People of the United States?” I think failure to promote individual human authority for the past 230 years has brought the U.S. to low civic morality.
Every human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (IPEA) to either develop civic integrity or not. (This may be a novel expression but probably not a novel idea. For example, the agreement that is offered by the preamble to the U.S. constitution may tacitly express the idea.) If a person develops civic integrity he or she may develop fidelity to the-objective-truth, which extends to all connections and transactions. Thereby, he or she may manage the lesser authorities: appetites, governments, religions, ideologies, humankind, societies, civilizations, fear, doubt and so on.
IPEA is unique to humans, the most powerful species on Earth. The individual may use his or her IPEA willfully without lessening effectiveness towards personal intentions. If the intention is immorality, fidelity may be practiced unless consequences become overt. If so, statutory justice may constrain the immoral individual.
If a person develops civic integrity and fidelity to the-objective-truth, he or she may live at the leading edge of humankind’s discovery of the-objective-truth, both physically and psychologically. He or she may also acquire the practice: in every thought, every word, and every action, neither initiate nor tolerate harm to or from any person or institution. Failures are not repeated.

The other day, MWW, who is Louisiana French-Catholic asked me why the Supreme Court justice nomination is so focused on abortion. We have been discussing this topic during our 48 year marriage. Something caused me ask, “Do you think a civic people should uphold the woman’s decision to remain pregnant or terminate, or do you think the decision should be left to the fetus?”
In her typical alacrity she responded, “The woman should decide.”
I said, “That is the opinion the USSC made a decision in Roe v Wade. It matters not that the Church disagrees, because their domain is the spiritual---other worlds---rather than the physical---this world.”
She is always serene.
Assuming MWW, the USSC, and I reached the moral commitment, I hope my story expresses that most parents exercise their IPEA by giving children good examples to live by and trust the child to handle a future that parents could not imagine. However, even reared in crime, a child has the IPEA to discover human justice and therefore develop civic integrity then fidelity.
As successive generations exercise IPEA, humankind progresses with discovery of the-objective-truth, and only the society that isolates itself retards or regresses. The person born into immorality has the IPEA to leave it.
If these ideas were widespread, I think we’d sense an achievable, better future right away.

James Lucas, thank you. I will learn about “the amendment process created in 1789.” I would appreciate knowing the specifics you referenced. I want to suggest accelerated (even if culturally shocking) relief from your verifiable concerns about 1789. Americans can establish civic integrity, and the time is ripe.
The First Congress was, understandably, the most disastrous, because it bemused and obfuscated the promises of the preamble from then until 2018. The preamble is falsely labeled secular: It is neutral to religion.
Since the articles of the 1787 Constitution are amendable, the only originalism that matters is the preamble itself. Yet I paraphrase its essence so as to conform to my commitments to each integrity and the people’s children. I propose to collaborate for integrity rather than the Union and emphasize that “posterity” includes the children, yet preserve the original words.

The preamble remains legal, both in 1) the U.S. proposal to terminate English common law in Canterbury partnership and 2) the actual dis-establishment of the Confederation of the thirteen free and independent states. Furthermore, it is the legal promise of self-discipline of by and for willing people. Civic people accept the agreement to collaborate for statutory justice according to the purpose and goals stated in the sentence, the offered agreement. Abraham Lincoln, in his Gettysburg address, did not observe that no individual wants governance, but most people want self-discipline. Citizens who don’t want civic discipline beg subjugation to actual reality including statutory law.
The common term “founding fathers” may be avoided, so as to focus on the signers of the preamble and articles that follow. The signers made the articles amendable. The signers were only 2/3 of the delegates for 12 of the thirteen states. Among the dissenting politicians, some wanted USA discipline by the states rather than by We the People of the United States. Some politicians wanted factional theism, traditionally used in Machiavellian honesty to bemuse the people.
The USA was established on June 21, 1788, by the people’s representatives of 9 of 13 states. Operations began on March 4, 1789 with 10 states, 3 remaining in the dis-confederated, free and independent status. Then, 99% of free citizens on the eastern seaboard were factional-American Protestants and 5% could vote. During the First Congress, dissenters from the inclusive civic discipline that is offered in the preamble re-established Blackstone but with American factional Christianity. Congress would be as divine as the Parliament. Today, there are 50 states (and 6 territories). Only 14% attend the original Christian factions, and 100% of non-felons may vote.
To this day, the combination of indolence by most people and bemusements created by America’s church-state partnership deadlock civic integrity. Because of Chapter XI Machiavellianism, the civic discipline needed for individual liberty with civic morality, the tacit American dream, has never activated. America can impartially empower citizens to enjoy individual liberty with civic morality.
American political regimes have subjugated to bemusing idealisms derived from Magna Carta, while the people have experienced the erosion of liberty the church-state partnership has wrought. In 2018, England experienced Canterbury irony with the newest American faction, African-American Christianity; It is appropriate and essential for every American citizen to consider the preamble’s agreement as an alternative by which to collaborate for civic integrity, preserving religious hopes in the privacy of adult pursuits.
To imagine a people’s convention dedicated to re-establishing process for the people to amend the constitution, one may develop a strategy for establishing civic integrity. The first element might be to admit to and celebrate the legality of the preamble. Perhaps recognize the preamble’s intent for civic discipline. Perhaps admit that every human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (IPEA) to develop integrity or not. Perhaps consider collaboration to discover and utilize the-objective-truth rather than conflict for dominant opinion as the human quest. I imagine 75% collaboration would be required, and the preamble offers hope.
With the (expected) confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court justice there has never been comparable opportunity for 1) originalism according to the preamble with 2) collaboration for the-objective-truth to be used to establish civic integrity in the USA. Initiative by the writers in this forum would be critical for accelerated reform.

I write to learn and would appreciate comments that are proprietary to We the People of the United States rather than dissidents.
 Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work. Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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