Saturday, February 23, 2019

Appreciation more advantageous than love

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my proposal as follows: “We willing citizens of the United States collaborate for civic, civil, and legal self-discipline to provide integrity, justice, goodwill, defense, prosperity, liberty, for ourselves and for the nation’s grandchildren and beyond and by this amendable constitution authorize and limit the U.S.A’s service to the people in their states.”

I want to collaborate with the other citizens on this paraphrase and theirs. I would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Appreciation seems more personally advantageous than love. While love seems a possessive, circular practice that may foster pride, appreciation seems humble.


Defining debate to exclude civic integrity (Rosie Dawson) (

“. . . organizers say [it’s important] to build a dialogue and collaboration between believers and unbelievers in order to gain a greater understanding of the others’ metaphysical existential and moral beliefs.

This language disinvites collaboration to discover the-objective-truth in this world. The-objective-truth does not seem to tolerate either beliefs or metaphysics.

I won't attend a conversation that does not invite each human being to exercise his or her individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (IPEA) to develop civic integrity rather than infidelity toward what can-be or has-been discovered: the-objective-truth. For example, civic individuals do not deceive or lie so that they may lessen human misery and loss rather than to fulfill some metaphysical rule.

Posted on the above site.


Appreciation seems more advantageous than love (Christopher Simon) (, page 6)

Simon cites bad ideas to justify intuition as superior to reason. He overlooks continual discovery, the most powerful human endeavor for approaching the-objective-truth.

Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 8:3 shed light on the possessiveness of love rather than appreciation. Try this interpretation: “Whoever [appreciates] God is known by God.” So far, the existence of God has not been disproven, but the individual errs to misallocate his or her appreciation.

I’m confident I appreciated my spouse long before I loved her.

I care little for philosophy, intuition, or reason and will not turn my back on discovery.

A blatant omission typical of writers for the press (Clarence Page) (

I have yet to read either news-bias or commentary about the offenses young Nick Sandmann faced.

Page wrote: “’We found no evidence,’ the report concludes, that students [returned offenses] to the drum-beating of 64-year-old Nathan Phillips.”

A 64-year-old activist beat a drum at the right ear of a 16-year old human being for over five minutes! During that time, the chronological adolescent reasoned that he was suffering abuse by an elder adolescent and quietly withdrew. What a wonderful lesson in civic integrity delivered by Nick Sandmann!

Many seasoned writers for the press, for instance, Clarence Page, may either admit to themselves that they have alienated journalism and reform or continue their infidelity to the-objective-truth.

Posted on with further discussion:

Mona Sevilla I am bothered that kids were taken to an anti- abortion rally. I'm also wondering where the adult chaperones were while this was taking place.

Phil Beaver Mona, I agree with you 100%.

Religion is an adult practice, and religious chaperons who lead chronological adolescents in Church activism abuse the young.

Religion is a practice for psychological adults. It takes a quarter century for the body to develop the wisdom-developing parts of the brain. Adding perhaps ten years for thoughtful evaluation of experiences and observations, it takes perhaps 35 years for the human to choose between civic integrity and infidelity towards the-objective-truth. Given the potential for human error, it takes about seven or more decades for psychological maturity to emerge in an individual human being. (Our generation has the opportunity to establish a civic culture, wherein the intentions to develop integrity are accelerated.)

The chronological adult who thinks he or she ought to lead the youth into the mysteries of religion has not matured in human fidelity and may exhaust his or her individual opportunity to perhaps not only mature, but to grow up.

I express my individual opinion, since I do not know much of the-objective-truth.

To Nancy M Jeansonne: Believers are confused because the Church is confused. All over the world, believers think the Church will survive its confusion. That's up to the believers.

The nonbelievers and some believers are tired of carrying the burden of the
Church, so people are turning to the-objective-truth as a means of pursuing civic integrity. The Church may join the pursuit of statutory justice any time they choose to.

In a culture of mutual, comprehensive safety and security or fidelity to the-objective-truth, every religion that pursues civic integrity while maintaining the hopes and comforts of their doctrinal mysteries may flourish in privacy. However, the human being is too psychologically and physically powerful to tolerate the imposition of a fellow citizens' mysteries.

The believer of one mystery need not comprehend a fellow-citizens' religious doctrine as long as they each maintain civic integrity.

To Elaine O. Coyle
The Church does not support your opinion. Mona asks a pertinent question the Church partially addressed. Page was analyzing "A report released Wednesday by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington near Cincinnati." See the URL cited above. Elaine O. Coyle The Church, a pure indoctrinator, is no teacher for how an 18 year old should vote, especially regarding a woman's duty to decide whether to remain pregnant or not. To Jim Robertson I assume "Where are you Phil?" references the fact that I no longer take writers for The Advocate seriously and do not want my name associated with The Advocate. That does not mean I have turned my back on the-objective-truth.

People who

do not appreciate what happened to Nick Sandmann in five minutes of Nathan Phillips' physical abuse with the drum in Sandmann's ear are too egocentric to think. Sandmann, at age 16, gave every chronological adult a lesson in civic integrity. Sandmann, unlike his peers, felt no obligation to step aside as Phillips aggressed into the student crowd. Phillips, with thirty years experience as a public agitator knew better than to touch Sandmann's space let alone Sandmann's body, but Phillips maintained the drum beat in Sandmann's right ear. Sandmann offered a smile that could be taken as an invitation to Phillips to talk rather than demonstrate. Five minutes later, Sandmann, unchaperoned as Mona points out, concluded that Phillips only wanted to abuse Sandmann. Sandmann's face turned from smile to concern. Soon afterwards, Sandmann quietly turned and walked away.

Fred Bear: I appreciate your friendship with Nathan Phillips.

However, a 64 year old man who has been an activist for three decades could have been prepared for a boy of 1/4 Phillips' chronology and a miniscule fraction of 1/2 Phillips' activism.

Instead, Phillips created a video of Phillips' meanness in beating a drum in the boy's ear for over five minutes. Phillips' inability to think does not excuse the abuse Phillips delivered to the boy.

An hour earlier, a young American Indian, after Phillips had done nothing, very kindly asked the Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI) to tone it down so as not to interfere with celebrations nearby. Later, here comes Phillips, beating his drum to invade the student crowd. A BHI taunts Phillips, "Here comes Gad." Most of the students retreat. Phillips prefers to attack the students rather than respond to BHI.

It seems to me Phillips is cunning. I could be wrong.

To Jim Robertson: We are addressing the human being, who has psychological powers no other species have. In theism, we could say each human can be a god facing death by continuously developing his or her fidelity to the-objective-truth. But I prefer actual reality rather than theism.

Every human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (IPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity to the-objective-truth. The-objective-truth is the actual reality by which truth is evaluated. Phil Beaver does not know much of the-objective-truth, but he will never again turn his back on it by selecting one of the gods fellow citizens recommend.

Because much of the-objective-truth has not been discovered, there is nothing wrong with a human being who has accepted his or her IPEA pursuing personal hopes. However, no person has the prerogative to impose personal hopes on other human beings. If they attempt it, they will inevitably discover human beings who are too psychologically powerful to tolerate such abuse. With widespread promotion of these ideas, more people will accept the IPEA they possess.

Adolescents rarely have the wisdom to rebuke someone who attempts to psychologically abuse them, so adolescents, whether in their teens or in their sixties, often make easy prey for indoctrination.

I suggest our dialogue could move faster if we collaborated on discovering an achievable better future rather than preserving the harmful past. To Fred Bear: Not to drag this out, but the young American Indian who approached the BHI offsets Nathan's offenses from an analytical perceptive but not regarding Nick Sandmann. Perhaps activist friends can caution thoughtless members.

My view of the BHI is that the public should be cautioned to stonewall BHI as unfortunate people who do not want civic dialogue. In other words, the BHI voice should be publicly ignored unless their offenses are criminal.

A blatant omission regarding cannabis and childhood epilepsy (Walter Williams) (

Like so many writers for the press, Williams fails as journalist. He omits the driving concern: children with epilepsy. I also don’t trust online articles like

But I am sympathetic to mothers who think cannabis is a better choice than the harmful prescriptions they’ve tried. I spoke before my state senate: Without FDA approval, children’s THC-free supplements should be over-the-counter: let the mom ask her doctors and decide.

Williams’ article could be more complete. I don’t know what stonewall prevents him.

However, anyone’s failure to help children without increasing adult, banal satisfactions does not aid civic integrity. Of course, I also have not discovered the-objective-truth.

Posted at the above mentioned URL.


There is an achievable, better way of living, which has two key commitments. Willing fellow citizens, civic citizens 1) use the preamble to the U.S. Constitution to order public issues and 2) collaborate to discover the-objective-truth in order to pursue statutory justice.

In less than ten years, the label “fellow citizens” may symbolize the actual reality that “We the People of the United States” are the fellow citizens with the civic, civil, and legal power to constrain dissidents to justice, including those who erroneously think crime pays. In other words, dissidents need to reform before they can count themselves of We the People of the United States yet remain fellow citizens.

I don’t know when the label “fellow citizens” emerged, but I appreciate learning it from Frederick Douglass;

Depending upon the service the living individual needs, the branches of governance may include any of fellow citizens, city council, county board, state government, the federal legislative or administrative or judicial branches, its partnering religions, the free and irresponsible press, society, foreign influence, or another world.

However, there is an abiding need for humankind to advance statutory justice, an unachievable yet worthy goal. In that pursuit, each individual has absolute power. The purpose of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, or the U.S. preamble, is to develop constitutional law so as to pursue statutory justice.

The human species is so physically and psychologically powerful that each person has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (IPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity.

Instances of this actual reality abound. We currently may observe it in Pope Francis, President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chief Justice John Roberts, FBI principals, each writer for the press, and in the person who reliably serves a public need while silently building wealth for mutual, comprehensive safety and security. Each citizen’s security is diminished when one citizen cannot or will not care for himself or herself.

The most powerful American faction has two ineluctable distinctions born of civic integrity. Some fellow citizens silently both 1) trust-in and commit-to the civic, civil, and legal agreement that is offered in the U.S. preamble and 2) collaborate to discover and benefit from the-objective-truth. Other fellow citizens allow infidelity to become a habit, and if they cause actual harm may suffer statutory law enforcement. Some fellow citizens—-including celebrity-officials—-erroneously think crime pays, but a civic people constrain them.

Ultimate justice comes from the people.

If “humanity” means compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior, it seems on the decline. Social democracy or socialism seems to accelerate the decline. If “humanity” means knowledge of how to be a human being, it seems increasing. If it means humankind, it also seems increasing.

More troublesome to the question is “a society.” I think the only valid society is the association of human beings who collaborate for mutual, comprehensive safety and security. Humankind has two groups: a civic people who collaborate for such security and dissidents against statutory justice.

Each individual may collaborate for equity under statutory justice, but some persons think crime pays. There can be collaboration to continually improve statutory law so as to encourage and coach criminal fellow citizens to reform.

Each person has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (IPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity to the-objective-truth. The-objective-truth exists, can only be discovered rather than constructed by reason, and it is the standard for truth. Children and adolescents may be encouraged and coached to accept IPEA and use it to develop integrity rather than infidelity.

Collaboration to discover and benefit from the-objective-truth is as vital to civic integrity and statutory justice as work is essential in order to enjoy the quality of food an individual wants to eat without thanking a bureaucrat.

With widespread adoption of ideas like these but improved by the people who would like to live that way, there could reform to an achievable better life in only a few years. Let’s get started, at least with the collaboration.

On June 21, 1788, the people of nine free and independent states established the contract for self-discipline of by and for We the People of the United States, establishing the USA 231 years ago. The people of two more states joined before US operations began on March 4, 1789, leaving two dissident states and perhaps 1/3 dissident citizens plus the slaves.

The first Congress, 1789-1793 erroneously re-established colonial British dominance over the people, repressing the civic, civil, and legal powers of the U.S. preamble. The U.S. preamble’s agreement promises individual happiness with civic integrity with reform for fellow citizens who think crime pays, including criminal elected and appointed officials.

The generations, as the USA grew to 50 states and 6 territories, kindly left to our generation the privilege to reform—to use the world’s most powerful fellow-citizens’ agreement to develop statutory justice, in other words civic integrity.

Let’s get started. With acceleration, we may succeed in my lifetime, and I am in my eighth decade.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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