Saturday, April 13, 2019

Spiritual serenity

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my proposal as follows: “We a civic people of the united states, in order to develop human responsibility--integrity, justice, defense, peace and prosperity—so as to secure individual liberty for now and for future citizens, pursue statutory justice in the USA.”

I want to collaborate with the other citizens on this paraphrase and theirs. I would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Spiritual serenity. In our work to understand the U.S. preamble (the preamble to the U.S. Constitution), we have discovered that its seeming omission of religion, spirituality, and God consigns to the individual citizen the responsibility for the separation of church and state so as to provide tranquility or peace.

Our latest paraphrase offer for civic collaboration is:  We a civic people of the united states, in order to develop human responsibility--integrity, justice, defense, peace and prosperity—so as to secure individual liberty for now and for future citizens, pursue statutory justice in the USA.

Having collaborated for mutual understanding, we would always uphold the existing U.S. preamble. It’s public provision that corresponds to “peace” is tranquility. The provision of tranquility so as to secure liberty implies privacy in religious or spiritual beliefs. In other words, the individual citizen is serene in his or her beliefs and does not attempt to impose them on fellow citizens. No one presents their God or none for evaluation or collaboration in a civic forum.

Individuals who look to God or government to separate church and state may overlook a precious feature of being a U.S. citizen:  The individual may either collaborate for or reject the U.S. preamble’s proposition. However, he or she who introduces religious or spiritual issues in civic, civil, and legal issues may breach the tranquility the U.S. preamble proposes.

In an achievable, better future every religion, philosophy, or culture that collaborates under the U.S. preamble flourishes according to believers’ preferences.


On April 6, 2019 in Berlin, speaking before 300 young leaders, Barack Obama seemed to declare separation from his country’s independence and to assert that since he and Michelle cannot clone themselves they will use the Obama Foundation to advance “our democracy” using the young leaders’ organizations and after Europe, the world. Drawing from his early experiences as an organizer and late experiences in elected office, he seemed to assert that in retirement, he plans to take Saul Alinsky’s boast a step further. While Alinsky would organize hell, Obama would organize the chaos of “our democracy.”

While Europe seems foolishly socialist, I doubt most people there will forego human, individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to subjugate themselves to Obama’s “our democracy” chaos. Obama’s foolish disclosure is that his method of negotiation is to take what he can get today, intending to come back tomorrow for the other party’s surrender. Too many humans accept their HIPEA and will not cooperate-with, subjugate-to, submit-to, or surrender-to Obama’s dream.

Of course, Obama is active in Chicago “movements.” Obama agents for skin-color politics are at work in Baton Rouge. An attorney for an accused of skin-color in a case with a victim who had skin color, is challenging the court’s management of jurors. Whereas U.S. Amendment VI (1791) requires a state to provide a speedy trial with local, impartial jurors, the attorney is claiming the right to young jurors---age 18 rather than above 25.

It is well known that the human body completes construction of the wisdom parts of the brain at age 25 for males, 23 for females. The critical ages and gender distinction is well documented by driver-liability insurance statistics. Given a few years for personal experience and observations to influence the individual to appreciate civic integrity, a civic people would not authorize citizens to perform jury duty until age 35! The U.S. Constitution recognizes psychological maturing with chronological progress, stipulating that U.S. representatives must be at least 25, Senators 30, and Presidents 35. In a fellow citizen’s criminal trial, a mature juror is at least as essential as reliable President.

The juror is an essential agent in the judge-jury provisions of criminal courts. Mere existence is insufficient qualification to hear a judge’s instructions and reliably adhere to the law. The architect’s words on the U.S. Supreme Court building, “Equal Justice Under Law,” is controversial, but I think the court is ever improving, I hope to strive for equitable statutory justice. I think I have observed progress during my lifetime. However, it makes no sense to empower a person for jury duty so as to both accept DNA evidence to acquit the accused and deny DNA evidence to convict the guilty. That kind of duplicity is a staple of Obama’s “our democracy.”

In this country, the proposition for equity under discovery of statutory justice is the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It’s a proposition for human, responsible liberty. Only the human species can develop the civic integrity required for responsible liberty. Willing citizens collaborate for Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare so as to secure liberty to living and future citizens. Dissidents to the proposition may face statutory law and its enforcement yet remain fellow citizens who may reform. The obligation to citizens who died is to benefit from their good and make certain living and future people do not repeat their mistakes.

Obama’s organization for “our democracy’s” chaos, like past despotisms begs woe. I hope that in the near future Congress will amend the constitution so as to require elected and appointed officials including lawyers, judges, and jury members to have demonstrated their trust-in and commitment-to the U.S. preamble’s proposition: human, responsible liberty.


I’d like to answer liberally. Humankind is served by individuals voluntarily collaborating for equity under statutory justice and agreeing to improve statutory law and its enforcement as a system for the worthy work.

I like the civic, civil, and legal proposition that is offered fellow citizens in the U.S. preamble. Willing people collaborate to provide Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and welfare to as to secure human liberty to living citizens and future citizens.

The USA has an achievable better future when at least 2/3 of fellow citizens are collectively collaborating under the U.S. preamble’s proposition. If you like this idea, share it so that it will become viral and motivate 220 million fellow citizens to collaborate under the U.S. preamble.

I like the simplicity of the proposition I perceive in the U.S. preamble: We the People of the United States take responsibility to provide Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare so as to secure human liberty for both living and future fellow citizens. Under the U.S. preamble’s proposition, most citizens collaborate for freedom-from oppression so that each individual may take the liberty-to secure human liberty. Humans are the only living species with the awareness to pursue responsible liberty. The U.S. preamble’s beauty is that fellow citizens are free to collaborate for equity under the preamble’s civic, civil, and legal proposition or not.

I hope and work for freedom-from oppression so as to secure the liberty-to responsibly pursue personal happiness.

Not at all. On the contrary, it is becoming evident that spirituality and religion are human endeavors for comfort and hope in the face of a confused world. Confused first because most individuals have differing heartfelt concerns and diverse remedies when concerns are similar.

Some people know they are neither omniscient nor omnipotent and therefore make the best choice they perceive in both their daily lives and in their long term goals. However, many people adopt concerns that are presented to them by the world’s cultures and institutional enterprises. Because the enterprises are competitive the concerns and remedies are competitive.

Each human has the individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity to the-objective-truth or infidelity. Some attempt to consign their HIPEA to an enterprise, whether God-fearing or Godless. The-objective-truth about God is that the possible entity has been neither discovered nor disproven.

No two believers have the same God. In fact, no two priests have the same God, as we observe daily in competitive Christian sects and between priests within a given sect.

The observations I express are mine. However, they are available to everyone to assess. Happily, there is an achievable, better future, and I hope we are in the transition. Here’s a possibility.

The U.S. preamble’s proposition is for civic citizens to collaborate on the responsibility for freedom-from oppression so that fellow citizens may secure responsible liberty to both living and future citizens; criminals may reform. The only obligations to past citizens is gratitude for their good and prevention of repeating or traditionalizing their mistakes. The U.S. preamble’s proposition is to collaborate to provide Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare so as to secure liberty to both living citizens and future citizens. No $22 trillion debt, for example.

The U.S. preamble’s words are Godless, not to oppress believers, but to assign to both believers and non-believers the responsibility for both Tranquility and liberty. It is left to the individual to accept his or her HIPEA and collaborate for Tranquility including individual spiritual peace and privacy. With at least 2/3 of citizens joining We the People of the United States as defined by the U.S. preamble’s proposition, every Tranquil religion or none may flourish under collaboration by believers rather than conflict under imposition by government.

We the People of the United States needs 220 million collaborators for the U.S. preamble’s proposition, so if you like these ideas or better (please share), help make this message go viral.  

The American proposition for equity is stated in the U.S. preamble: We the People of the United States take responsibility for Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare so as to secure human liberty to ourselves and future citizens (posterity). The human species is the only one that can take responsibility for liberty.

Civic citizens are aware of and collaborate for the U.S. preamble’s proposition, even though few would articulate the civic, civil, and legal contract as I have. Nevertheless, most Americans perceive an obligation to offer their children, grandchildren and beyond an achievable better future.

As the presence of inhabitants who have no regard for equity under the U.S. preamble increases, the opportunity to collaborate for the U.S. preamble’s proposition declines. It is up to this generation to establish the U.S. preamble’s proposition after 231 years of obfuscation and neglect.  

First, the human ovum has little chance for a successful human life. For example of some 800 million viable U.S. ova these years only 4 million become infants. None of the infants have equal chance for success, so their only hope is equity of consequences in a confused world. Hopefully, they will choose to collaborate for responsible liberty under the U.S. preamble’s civic, civil, and legal proposition.

Second, the body completes the wisdom parts of the brain by age 25, and the individual may acquire possible understanding and intent to live a full life. He or she encounters choices that accumulate into one of two paths: integrity to the-objective-truth or infidelity. The-objective-truth exists and can only be discovered rather than constructed by human endeavor. Infidelity tends to lessen life span and increase pain and loss. The path he or she follows determines the outcome of his or her life.

I write to learn and would appreciate comments.

I would end the search for higher power.

Every human has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity.

With most people individually collaborating for integrity rather than expecting control by a higher authority, human misery and loss can decline.

The first habit is: neither initiate nor tolerate harm to or from anyone.

I’d have to evaluate the other eleven.

Humans already have equality and only need to accept it. The challenge is equity.

The possibility for equity begins with cultural approval-of and encouragement-in a civic agreement. “Civic” means the living people collaborating for mutual, comprehensive safety and security. In America, the proposition for equity is stated in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

The U.S. preamble states:  We the people of the United States take responsibility for Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare so as to secure human liberty to ourselves and future citizens. No other living species has the awareness to take responsibility for liberty. In responsible liberty, each person may pursue individual happiness with civic integrity.

We need at least 2/3 of fellow citizens collaborating under the U.S. preamble and the-objective-truth to establish an achievable, better future.

If you like this message, help it go viral.

Accept that human awareness makes the species higher than any other living thing. Encourage each person to think he or she has the human individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to choose to develop either integrity or infidelity. Encourage choosing integrity.

Encouraging fellow citizens to accept their HIPEA and use it to develop integrity would create an achievable better future.

First, it is not our government:  It is the politicians’ and officials’ government. So, for the next couple years we cannot trust even one elected or appointed official, whether local, state, or federal office. However, if you act on this message, that could change very fast.

We the People of the United States, as defined by the proposition that is offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, hereafter “the U.S. preamble’s proposition,” can effect a better future as soon as 2/3 of fellow citizens adopt the proposition and vote for politicians who have demonstrated civic integrity according to the U.S. preamble. This message needs to reach 220 million Americans and the eligible voters they represent.

Study the U.S. preamble and write an interpretation or paraphrase to which you would commit and trust. Then, publically promote the original proposition, which asserts:  Fellow citizens collaborate to fulfill five human responsibilities---Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare---in order to secure liberty to us, our progeny and other future citizens. Since there’s no mention of religion or spirituality except by inference of the responsibilities and the liberty, that practice is private. In other words, religion and spirituality are private pursuits and not the subject of civic, civil, or legal collaboration. No citizen presents their God or none for public collaboration.

By individually adopting the U.S. preamble’s proposition, citizens will quickly establish pursuits of individual happiness with civic integrity. Officials who do not conform will be either unelected or fired.

First, I would reform the cultures that encourage people to seek a higher power regarding ultimate justice. Justice comes from living fellow citizens rather than from government or God, whatever-that-is. I write whatever-that-is rather than whatever-that-may-be, realizing that chaos may be in control and may end in annihilation. I don’t think God is chaos but admit I do not know the-objective-truth about God. I admit to my human, individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to admit I do not know the-objective-truth about many actual realities.

Second, I would lessen cultural fascination with “love one another” in order to favor appreciation. Some people don’t want love, especially the love some people offer. However, almost everyone wants to earn appreciation and celebrates a fellow citizen’s conduct that warrants gratitude.

Within about the third decade of a human’s attainment of comprehension for survival, he or she admits that civil morality, societies, and civilizations are fungible, and personal success hinges on self-reliance---human authenticity. No other living species has the cognitive ability to admit to human-individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity. Many people, influenced by their culture, erroneously assume they can consign their HIPEA to a government or a God.

On the path for developing civic integrity, the aspiring person notices many fellow citizens who develop infidelity, even nourish banality. Observing that fellow citizens who are dissident to integrity could reform any time they perceive incentives and motivation, the authentic human tends to rely on example to encourage them to reform, admitting that exhortation is practically futile and coercion or force is not their prerogative.

To the dissident, authentic human responsibility for liberty erroneously seems like apathy. For example, the habitual beggar may regard as apathetic the fellow citizen who does not support the habit.

In today’s cultures, few humans mature in individual happiness with civic integrity. It takes at least six decades if it happens. That could change relatively fast if this message goes viral in distribution and collaboration for even better statements.

With the articulation of HIPEA, there may be an attainable better future on the way. I hope so.

I like your question and want to use some different words to answer. The question is expressed subjectively: long-hours, negative, society, and social norm are subjective ideas. So the first action the individual can take is to collaborate to discover the-objective-truth.

For example, at any moment in time, goods and services needed balanced with the available supply, like it or not, determines the viability of an increase in population. Perhaps a first step would be to publish a population-viability index indicating how much risk the next procreation places on that newborn human. The U.S. debt clock (U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time) is at $22.2 trillion dollars and climbing. Since debt is climbing, U.S. newborns each year, about 4 million, each assumes their $5.6 million/infant share of the debt. Some parents are aware of this liability and perceive they are among the proprietary faction whose offspring traditionally survive. Other fellow citizens are clueless about responsibility to their offspring.

Proprietary inequity has been promoted by the British Empire for perhaps 3600 years, and England’s constitutional classism developed over the last 800 years. English dominance was imposed on this land’s eastern seaboard colonies beginning 400 years ago. A proprietary faction of U.S. citizens do all they can to preserve English tradition through traditional classism. My state was more a French colony.

Putting erroneous “society” aside, I turn your question to: What can the individual do to discipline government?

Each U.S. citizen is offered a proposition for human, responsible liberty under the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, “the U.S. preamble” for short. Willing citizens collaborate for five freedoms-from oppression---Unity, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare---so as to encourage human liberty. I write “human liberty” because the human species is the only living species with the cognizance to discover statutory justice as events unfold.

Adoption of the U.S. preamble’s proposition is a commitment to civic, civil, and legal self-discipline so as to practice responsible liberty. With 2/3 of the population committed-to and trusting-in the U.S. preamble, elected and appointed officials would conform to the U.S. preamble or be either unelected or fired.

In other words, we need 220 million Americans using the U.S. preamble and the-objective-truth to collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity. Help accelerate an achievable better future by taking this message viral.

I like most of the earlier responses, especially the cultural suggestions. I add that most cultures need reform toward encouraging people to develop responsible liberty. This idea surfaced after two-decades’ personal study and five years’ public collaboration in local libraries.

The source is a view of the proposition in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, for short, the U.S. preamble. As I learn, my paraphrase changes, and this morning it is:  We a civic people of the united states, in order to develop human responsibility--discipline, civic integrity, justice, defense, and prosperity--so as to encourage present and future liberty, pursue statutory justice in the USA.

It’s an impossible yet worthy dream. A civic people continually improve statutory law so as to develop the impossible: statutory justice. I encourage people to paraphrase the U.S. preamble according to the view he or she trusts-in and commits-to, yet collaborate with fellow citizens to practice, promote, and celebrate the actual sentence.

As someone pointed out, the human species develops early adulthood during the first three decades. By then, the individual who was coached-in and was drawn by integrity (a practice that far surpasses honesty), begins to develop human individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) in integrity rather than infidelity. If cultures approved and encouraged HIPEA for integrity, responsible liberty would be prevalent rather than isolated by dissidence such as crime.

Unfortunately, while the study of physics (let’s call it the interchangeability of mass and energy above the speed of light) and its progeny (chemistry, mathematics, imagination, fiction, and everything else) informed us that our sun is another natural nuclear reactor, the belief that it is God has been transferred to countless human constructs that are followed by some believers. In other words, there is a cultural tendency to cooperate-with, subject-to, or otherwise depend upon a “higher power.” Once engrained, the tendency to seek higher power is so intense some people move from God to God as doctrinal faults in a particular God appear to the believer. Some people look to government to take responsibility for his or her liberty.

All humans are subject to physics, and some humans find hope and comfort in spiritual beliefs. Since every human has HIPEA that he or she cannot actually consign to another entity, spiritual believers cannot impose on non-believers. That is, in responsible liberty, spiritual pursuits are private while civic pursuits (mutual, comprehensive safety and security) are public. In other words, separation of church and state cannot be institutionally effected. Each person may tend to civic integrity while practicing individual happiness, whether spirituality if involved or not.

These principles offer an achievable better future, and that future is beginning as I write. What is needed in the USA is 220 million people practicing the U.S. preamble’s proposition: human, responsible liberty. No other species has the HIPEA to practice responsible liberty. Help make a better future by sharing this message or better in your own way.

First, no other living species has the human capacity for integrity. Every human has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity.

It takes the human a quarter century to complete the wisdom parts of the brain. Given a few decades developing integrity, maturity may emerge beyond six decades, if at all, and wisdom is rarely achieved.

By puberty, an autonomous human begins to perceive that if he or she wants preferred food, work for the income to pay will be necessary. Otherwise, they’ll contend-with yet thank a bureaucrat for mere sustenance. Rather than choose to cooperate with bureaucrats, the autonomous person decides to work so as to exercise personal preferences for living rather than accept the dictates of someone else. With more than survival preferences, he or she carefully chooses work that pays high wages.

Most people, in two-three decades make the decision to collaborate with autonomous citizens rather than appeal to others to aid provision of personal preferences. In other words, most people recognize that their first obligation as a citizen is to take care of themselves.

These ideas are expressed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. preamble). It proposes to each fellow citizen collaboration for five provisions---Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare---so as to take human responsible liberty. Fellow citizens enjoy human responsible liberty in proportion to their practice of the U.S. preamble’s proposition. Collaborating citizens encourage dissidents to reform by example more than exhortation, coercion, or force.

Authentic human beings collaborate for responsible liberty more than cooperate or redistribute. Past generations have left us the privilege of establishing a culture based on the U.S. preamble’s proposition.

We need at least 220 million Americans collaborating to establish justice under the U.S. preamble. Let’s get started. Make this message go viral!

Law professors

“Rejecting both nature and God as normative guides, the modern person now self-creates and self-wills ethical knowledge.”

I think “self-wills ethical knowledge” is nonsense. Ethics slowly conforms to civic integrity.

Some living people view the-objective-truth as the standard for both personal fidelity and civic integrity. They trust-in and commit-to physics the object rather than the study—E=mC2 or better— and its progeny: mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, imagination, fiction, and all the rest of existence. The-objective-truth exists and can only be discovered.

Actual reality that has not been discovered often causes heartfelt concern. Some people are motivated by personal commitment to handle whatever comes, to the extent of their personal abilities, including the outcomes, such as death. Others seek hope and comfort in spiritualism or religion. If so, they may admit to themselves that the-objective-truth does not respond to hopes and dreams, and they will finally face outcomes.

Meanwhile, proprietors slowly reform the terms “nature,” “God,” and “ethics” so as to conform-to yet never admit-to the-objective-truth. Somehow, proprietors perceive that the-objective-truth can be suppressed by tradition or other human construct.

I have not the propriety to deny the-objective-truth and wish to promote discovery rather than competition for dominant opinion.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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