Saturday, September 14, 2019

Religion: the procrastination that prevents some believers from developing civic integrity

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my proposal as follows: “Willing citizens collaborate, communicate, and connect to provide 5 public institutions—integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity—so as to encourage responsible human liberty to living people.” I want to collaborate with the other citizens on this paraphrase and theirs yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Can a black American, Black American, or African American imagine being a member of We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. preamble)? Do divisive identity groups understand the U.S. preamble encourages public commitment to both living and future fellow citizens? In other words, the agreement to live as We the People of the United States holds no obligations to dead citizens beyond not repeating their mistakes.

Do other citizens think the U.S. preamble proposes individual discipline to aid freedom-from oppression so that the continuum of living people have the liberty-to develop integrity rather than wander into infidelity? Do other citizens think preserving the cultural adolescence of colonial-British tradition prevents a civic culture in the U.S.?

Our recent interpretation of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution is:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to provide 5 public institutions---Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to living citizens using the-objective-truth (or better expression of the ineluctable evidence for actual reality) as standard for justice rather than competing for dominant political opinion. In our interpretation as well as the original 52-word sentence, religion is left to private practice if wanted. Citizens may happily develop integrity to the-objective-truth.

The dominant identity politics at the U.S. Supreme Court seems Judeo-Christianity. The Congress seems too divided within its divisions to assess an identity politics beyond egocentric struggle to be re-elected so as to continue personal, material gains. The administration seems focused on power in competition with the other three. The press is exempt from evaluation much less public constraint. The people don’t seem to accept their lifetime is their unique opportunity to develop integrity. Whatever-God-is seems to tolerate most people procrastinating for their god or government or their partnership to deliver them.

Under freedom of religion, is it possible for the entity We the People of the United States to ever encourage by example integrity to the nation’s youth? Can the people overcome procrastination to aid freedom-from oppression in order to secure responsible human liberty?

Only a collection of persons who accept the U.S. preamble’s discipline to aid 5 public institutions in order to secure responsible human liberty to living citizens have the opportunity to accelerate a YES.


Writers for the press ought to be journaling progress by We the People of the United States toward civic integrity (Martha Quillin, The News and Observer, Raleigh, N.C.) ( and

I’m not certain there’s a more critical opportunity for minority groups to accept equity---under communications, collaboration and connection for statutory justice rather than compete for dominant identity politics---than to accept that they are Americans. Americans may practice “African-American Christianity” or “Black Christianity” yet admit that whatever-God-is may not tolerate identity politics. If Christianity is the body of Christ, does Christ use skin-color to determine discipleship? It’s one thing to rebuke white fellow citizens and another to try to limit whatever-God-is to a skin-color.

Writers like Quillin could try to be journalists by citing this opportunity for “black Americans” to consider adopting the people’s proposition that is offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It’s the same preamble cited by Frederick Douglass who called himself a “fellow citizen” on July 5, 1852 speaking to 3rd generation U.S. celebrants including the President of the United States.

Quoting Quillion in both the Chicago and the Raleigh publications, “There are correlations between religion, diabetes and obesity within African-American churches, according to a new Duke University study.”

But the Chicago article substantially edits to “black” instead of “African” or “African-American”:

“Black Americans identifying as Baptist are more likely to have diabetes than those identifying as Catholic or Presbyterian, and

Black men who go to church five or more times a week are three times more likely to be obese than their counterparts who seldom or rarely attend.

Keisha L. Bentley-Edwards . . . said considerable health research has been done comparing the traits of white Christians to black Christians. But relatively little work has been done looking at differences between denominations of black Christians, or between black members of the same denomination who have different roles in the church and participate to different degrees.”

The Chicago article continues the controversy at “Loneke Blackman Carr, who helped with the research and also teaches at the University of Connecticut, said the National Institutes of Health provided funding for the project in part because [African Americans] are disproportionately affected by diabetes and obesity. Though about a third of all American men and women are obese, nearly half of African-Americans are obese, increasing their risk for diabetes and cardiovascular issues, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

That’s right: “black” and “African-Americans” seem interchangeable. Yet Chicago’s authority to change Quillion’s word choice is vulnerable before civic, civil, and legal integrity.

The competition between labels “black” and “African American” hurts the reliability of the reports. The Catholic Churches I attended seemed universal in their Christianity. In no way would a visitor represent them as African-American Churches, even though many parishioners have black skin. There are Catholic Churches here in black communities. I don’t know if some members are white, but deviation from universality (catholic) seems possible.

To take the controversy a step further, the abstract of the original scholarly-group article uses “black” (lower case “b”) rather than “African American”; However, the principal author introduces her work using “Black”: “My work specifically examines how race, culture and racism stress influence how the world responds to Black Americans and how this influences health and social disparities” using a capital “B”. It’s a strange confusion of political identities. Perhaps co-authors would not agree to capital “B”.

At some point, fellow citizens may realize that equity under statutory justice while impossible perfection is yet a worthy goal for the rule of law, and that the journey may be accelerated by observing the people’s proposition that is stated in the U.S. preamble. Every citizen may study the U.S. preamble and use it to order his or her pursuit of civic, civil, and legal justice.

Post script: about ½ million related deaths per year.


“Slavery the USA’s greatest sin? Really? How about religion? (Michael Gerson) ( and

There are so many writers for the press who have not the integrity to address an obvious issue if not the fundamental cause of conflict. The struggle to affirm with fellow humankind “my God”---to remedy for everyone the mystery of whatever-God-is---sustains millennial problems like racism and theism. Accepting ineluctable evidence offers relief.

Hate for abolitionists might shed light by which to exit the “freedom of religion” tunnel. Abolitionists were the targets of Bleeding Kansas (1856) and the Civil War (1861).

Only four documents open ineluctable evidence that Christianity procrastinated slavery-abolition. First, in 1775 Thomas Paine in “African Slavery in America” objected to “Christianized” people conducting slavery and collaborated with Benjamin Franklin to found in Philadelphia The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage. Second, Frederick Douglass’ July 5, 1852 speech praised separately the U.S. preamble and the U.S. Constitution but castigated the 3rd generation of “fellow citizens” for the domestic slave trade. Third, Robert E. Lee’s December 27, 1856 letter to his wife 1) claims that black slavery is the plan of whatever-God-is and 2) castigates abolitionists for attempting to modify the plan. Fourth, the CSA’s declaration of secession concludes that there can be no remedy since the USA believes a more erroneous religion. A consequence is African-American Christianity, perhaps dating from 1968 and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter XI Machiavellianism provides Gerson an excuse for not addressing an issue if not the issue concerning racism: Christian doctrine. “[B]eing exalted and maintained by [whatever-God-is], it would be the act of a presumptuous and rash man to discuss [American integrity].”

We the People of the United States may amend the First Amendment so that it protects integrity, a human duty, rather than religion, an institutional business.

A more subtle issue for writers for the press is appropriating the word “conservative.” To me, conservation refers to energy and mass rather than religious doctrine. In other words, the conservative citizen aids the viability of human life and individual happiness with civic integrity.

Posted on the above URL.

“Our democracy” the greatest country? Really? (The Advocate) (https://www.theadvocate. com/baton_rouge/opinion/our_views/article_aba91634-d34c-11e9-acbe-27d1fd13dba3.html)

Since 9/11/201 “As a country, we have also too easily forgotten the spirit of unity that the attacks inspired. Gone is the sense that we’re all in it together, regardless of party.”

The vague “together” must be “freedom of religion” or evolution from Protestantism to Judeo-Christianity or Judeo-Catholicism (USSC). The Advocate does not choose to defy Chapter XI Machiavellianism: “it would be the act of a presumptuous and rash man to discuss” the long established church-state partnership.

“The best way to defeat the enemies of representative government is to show them that it can work well in this, the greatest country on earth.”

What? The greatest? Is this some disguised slam against MAGA country? Or just tongue-in-cheek execution of a newspaper-business plan currently touting social democracy and public policy by press-poles? Does The Advocate admit the U.S. Constitution guarantees the states a republican form of government?

And what’s this “in it together, regardless of party”? I view The Advocate’s business plan as: exploit identity politics. And both parties are so internally conflicted who can support either one?

Identity politics, while seeming Marxist, is only the latest version of political correctness or ideology politics. Going back to recorded history we discover the politics of human sacrifice. Being the parent of the city-state’s child who was elected as sufficient to win the favor of whatever-God-is was something to celebrate! But there is something actually real to celebrate in Baton Rouge.

An achievable better future has been proposed for the past six years in bi-annual public meetings at EBRP libraries hosted by A Civic People of the United States. In this, our sixth year we discovered an interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition. It suggests individual and collective discipline for sincere liberty: We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to aid five public institutions (integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity) so as to encourage responsible human liberty to living citizens now and in the future.

The original public goals (Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare) are collective endeavors, but liberty is innate to evolution’s most powerful species; the human integrity to avoid wandering into infidelity to the-objective-truth must be individually learned yet can be encouraged and coached. The U.S. preamble proposes encouragement.

From the start, June 21, 2014, we advocated the-objective-truth (described now as ineluctable evidence), as the standard for statutory justice. Ineluctable evidence does not yield to reason. Reforming un-just statutory law is the perfection the U.S. Constitution pursues through amendment on discovery of injustice.

These ideas are being followed worldwide, so it would not be a surprise for The Advocate, Mayor Broome, Louisiana elected officials and Louisiana federal representatives to read about an achievable better future emerging from another U.S. city or a foreign civic people or nation. We would be disappointed yet have requested aid.

What is needed for the U.S. preamble’s proposition under the-objective-truth to accelerate into actual development is for enough citizens to accept that it is a proposition for individual discipline so as to use the five public institutions to empower responsible human liberty. Self-governance is corrupt without the reliable standard. Using the-objective-truth as standard for justice gives the people civic focus their hopes-for-eternity cannot offer. (The last time I tried to discuss the U.S. preamble with a Christian, we could not get past the fundamental that I am “a lost soul”. The mystery of “soul” has no place in the U.S. preamble’s proposition. Whether they speak or stonewall civic integrity, fundamentalists turn their backs on the mystery of whatever-God-is.) Whatever-God-is leaves it to the people to decide to develop discipline for integrity.

The U.S. preamble’s people’s proposition under the-objective-truth is what makes America’s greatness achievable. President Trump perhaps has not yet noticed this opportunity, and we hope he will.

“Freedom of religion” stands in the way of the people’s discipline to develop integrity. Only the people can hold government and whatever-God-is accountable, and We the People of the United States can encourage each other to develop by example integrity to the-objective-truth.


With less war than ever before yet political chaos, it seems to me conditions are ripe to establish responsible human liberty at last. If the people of one municipality develop appreciation for a simple order of civic concerns and a reliable standard for discovering justice, liberty may flourish there and spread to that nation and from there to most of the world. There will always be people who think innovative criminality pays, so statutory law must be enforced as statutory justice is developed.

A possible candidate for the emergence of a civic culture is the United States, which owns a dormant people’s proposition and after 231 years of divergence might observe that a standard for justice is needed. In the USA, a civic people is defined by the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. preamble).

My interpretation is:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to aid five public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to secure responsible human liberty to living people now and into the future. It seems the U.S. preamble asserts that religion is not a civic, civil, or legal practice. By all means there’s no human liberty if every citizen must accept one speculation about the mystery whatever-God-is. The U.S. may amend the First Amendment to protect integrity rather than religion.

There is a reliable standard for justice: the discovered, ineluctable evidence, which we call “the-objective-truth”. The hyphens are used to encourage retention of this very specific phrase, intended to express the actual reality by which truth and justice is each measured.

The USA has a significant disadvantage. Political regimes promote Chapter XI Machiavellianism, and only an individual who is prepared to be accused of folly would object. The Chapter XI principle is that church-state partnership empowers the clergy and government officials to pick the people’s pockets and the people neither rebel nor leave the country, believing that whatever-God-is is in charge and will relieve them eventually. It’s a coerced procrastination that the people perceive and tolerate.

Chapter XI Machiavellianism, in my experience and observations, is powerful. The culture inculcates concern or fear about afterdeath that surpasses concern about life. In one form, a believer would sacrifice his or her person to preserve the mystery of “soul”. Some believers are concerned about favorable afterdeath and others seek favorable reincarnation. Their scripture may advocate separation of church and state, but the believer feels that eventually state will be church. The individual feels secure by acting for church at the expense of state, essentially overlooking/abusing fellow citizens who have differing beliefs.

Evolution has developed one species with the awareness and psychology to demand independence from church: the human being. Each human has the individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity to the-objective-truth rather than nourish infidelity. The human who thinks life ends when the body, mind, and person stop functioning, cannot be coerced into sacrificing responsible human liberty for the mystery of soul. By the same psychology, the person who is convinced he or she should favor soul at all personal costs yet observes statutory law ought not be constrained.

I don’t know how many other people take interest in these ideas, and my blogs are being read worldwide. I constantly appeal for interest in my hometown, and am not impressed with the response. Yet I perceive interest and approval.

I think most people want mutual, comprehensive safety and security (Security). Security can be aided with adoption of a brief statement of civic discipline such as the U.S. preamble’s five public institutions, plus a reliable standard, such as the-objective-truth by which to discover liberty.

I think the Russian President is wishing and hoping, but the idea of HIPEA-to-develop-integrity being defeated is what’s obsolete.

Thinking of “founding father” intentions is more than I can handle, so I reduced my interest to the framers of the U.S. Constitution. The articles are amendable, so I take interest in them only when there is a vital issue, such as impartial vs unanimous criminal-jury verdicts. U.S. Amendment VI specifies impartiality, which is not likely with unanimity. Even England knows this, adopting a 10:2 majority verdict in 1967.

Therefore, I focus on the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Why did the five-person Committee of Style write a civic, civil, and legal proposition to express the consequence of the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?

Here’s my interpretation today:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to aid five public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to secure responsible human liberty to living people now and into the future. Maybe the U.S. preamble asserts that religion is not a civic, civil, or legal practice.

The individual citizen who does not interpret the U.S. preamble so as to order his or her civic, civil, and legal conduct is an alien to the agreement yet still a fellow citizen. In 1790, 99% of free citizens were factional American Protestants who related victory in the war for independence as confirmation of their God, regardless of whatever-God-is. Looking at the Declaration of Independence, you might say that “Nature’s God” had defeated the king’s reformed-Catholic Trinity.

In 1790, 99% of free citizens were factional American Protestants, so they did not think much about it when Congress hired Protestant ministers to serve legislators. Congress was establishing the English tradition that legislators are divine agents of whatever-God-is. The church-state partnership was ordained by whatever-God-is on both sides. Anyone who would object to this divine arrangement is a fool.

By Congressional legislation, especially the religion clauses in the First Amendment, the people’s proposition in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution was set aside and remains ineffective. The U.S. preamble proposes individual happiness with civic integrity instead of imposition of an institutionally coerced happiness such as one kind of Christianity or another.

The colonial-English thought was theism, in particular competition between deism and factional Christianity. We have a 230 year advanced perspective with evidence that integrity is provided by people and whatever-God-is will not usurp human authority. Perhaps it is time to accept the U.S. preamble’s proposition under the-objective-truth. In other words, under ineluctable evidence rather than religious doctrine.

To Rick Grassi: I do not rely on reason and did not suggest I did. The-objective-truth responds to neither reason nor to Revelation.

And there’s no reason for sorrow as long as no harm is done.

However, the hate passages in the Bible, especially John 15:18–23 I cannot abide for any purpose. I does not bother me if you can abide such hate, again, as long as it does not inspire actually real harm.

Christians “can make a better world for one another” but I am not in that society: I am a member of We the People of the United States as defined by the U.S. preamble.

To Rick Grassi again: I don’t know much about We the People “back then” and feel little need to know, beyond being aware of mistakes by We the People of the United States, an entity that is defined by the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. preamble). People who claim We the People (fellow citizens) may be dissident to We the People of the United States (civic citizens).

I write to promote civic integrity regarding the U.S. preamble’s proposition. Its stated purpose when representatives of the people of nine states activated it, as of June 21, 1788, was to secure liberty to them and to posterity. Posterity includes me, a citizen in 2019 with neither means nor incentives to communicate, collaborate, and connect with citizens of 1788.

Therefore, I write to influence you and others fellow citizens to have civic integrity as well as hopes for the responsible afterdeath you desire. By “responsible” I mean not obtained by harming other humans.

Foremost and first, fellow citizens do not encourage each other to accept human, individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to choose to develop integrity rather than drift into infidelity.

Second, fellow citizens do not communicate, collaborate, and connect in order to discover the-objective-truth. That is, the ineluctable evidence by which truth and justice are measured.

Third, fellow citizens procrastinate to separate church from state. That is, most people do not accept responsible, human liberty.

Viewed another way, elected and appointed government officials consider themselves more than fellow citizens. Perhaps they view themselves as divine and thereby deserving of regal living. Political regimes keep the people bemused with “freedom of religion” when they could exemplify integrity, both individually and collectively.

I propose amendment of the First Amendment so as to encourage integrity rather than promote religion, after considering Chapter XI Machiavellianism: “[B]being upheld by powers, to which the human mind cannot reach . . . exalted and maintained by God, it would be the act of a presumptuous and rash man to discuss [the church-state partnership].”

By HIPEA I reject the adage “do not discuss religion and politics.”

I think there is a duty-oriented proposal that is accelerating as I write: It is the U.S. preamble’s proposition under collaboration for the-objective-truth rather than under conflict for dominant religious opinion. The proposition was established on June 21, 1788 when the people’s representatives of the ninth required state ratified the preamble to the U.S. Constitution and its amendable articles. I write it in this purpose-before-the-system order to emphasize the civic, civil, and legal power of the world’s greatest political sentence, the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

Every person on earth could benefit from studying the U.S. preamble and paraphrasing it to accommodate the way of living he or she would like to live in order to communicate, collaborate, and connect with fellow citizens, first within their nation and then in the world. After doing so, an individual can read the U.S. preamble in unison with people who’ve never considered it before and perceive inspiration and motivation to aid an achievable better future of unknown limits.

Here’s my interpretation today:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to aid five public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to secure responsible human liberty to living people now and into the future. This is a proposal for both individual and collective civic, civil, and legal discipline. It cares about the past foremost to avoid avoidable mistakes and to know early discoveries.

The U.S. preamble’s people’s proposition may concisely reflect the May to September 1787 debates by the 55 framers representing 12 states. Only 39 of them signed the amendable 1787 Constitution. The draft preamble the delegates presented to the 5-person Committee of Style and Arrangement seems factually erroneous and without a proposition. It is doubtful that all 5 members consented to the proposition they added or the existing U.S. preamble. Finally, having the subject We the People of the United States rather than the states was controversial and the reason some framers did not sign the constitution. Whatever the actual events, the U.S. preamble holds promise for an achievable better future, the limits of which no one can predict.

Everything that has happened had to happen to bring the USA to this point, perhaps an abyss to the consequences of the First Congress, 1789-1791. The future may be better. Like adolescent parents who know no more than to conflict over what Mom and Dad (4 grandparents) would do to rear children, Congress did all they could to re-instate colonial English tradition. Today, many people ignore the U.S. preamble (1787) and substitute the preamble to the Declaration of Independence (1776) as the foundation of the USA. They refer to “founders,” perhaps 250 persons, rather than the signers, the 39 mentioned above. They miss-label the U.S. preamble as “secular” for identity politics---factional American Protestant politics morphed to Judeo-Christian politics. The U.S. preamble is neutral to religion, race, gender, wealth, and class and defines its own identity politics: fellow citizens who accept the agreement and aid its achievement under the-objective-truth. That is the ineluctable evidence in all human connections and transactions.

A duty-oriented proposal, the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, still offers an achievable, better future: responsible human liberty. I think the reason civic discipline has not been activated is widespread people’s-procrastination to separate church from state. Evolution produced human beings with individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity. American political regimes egregiously encourage people to look to whatever-God-is to deliver them from the ruinous church-state partnership most citizens impose on their children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Unfortunately, beginning perhaps in 1968 there has emerged an African-American Christianity, and ironically, it is influencing England---reminds me of the saying “what goes down comes around”. Black Americans have time to save themselves from divisiveness on par with factional-white-Christian hatred for white abolitionists in 1850 America.

Separation of church and state is essential to both civic, civil, and legal integrity and humility-toward, if not appreciation-for, whatever-God-is.

I think too many Americans are influenced by Europeans.

We are 231 years or about 12 generations removed from the required 9 states establishing the USA as a global nation on June 21, 1788.

However, we are only 230 years removed from the 1789-1791 Congress re-instituting colonial-English tradition in the eastern seaboard states. The USA is physically independent from England but psychologically have yet to establish freedom.

The American people’s proposition is stated in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. My interpretation is:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to aid five public institutions---unity, justice, tranquility, defense, and welfare---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to living people now and in the future.

Few Americans accept the civic, civil, and legal importance of the U.S. preamble enough to interpret it to help order their way of living and maintain awareness to aid civic integrity. Responsible human liberty is threatened by civic citizens’ apathy.

I think the cancer that prevents acceptance of the U.S. preamble is procrastination for whatever-God-is to take charge of responsible human liberty:  It won’t happen. The individual is responsible for human integrity.

It seems to me the U.S. is controlled in competition by political oligopolies. Wealth-elites have political ideologies (see to order a study). They group ideologies with related appeal and find like-minded elites to form an alliance to build political power. The winner can control an election, first by influencing the selection of candidates.

Wealth is the power-driver. The elite group with the most money has the advantage.

The second line of control is the judges and lawyers. What a drain on the people at all levels—municipality, state, and federal. And the federal branches keep each other dysfunctional with lawsuits.

Only the press can work its evil with impunity. And “journalism schools” conduct polls statistically designed to prove a point; run the survey; and analyze the results so as to bend toward their intentions. The press publishes their study to prove the journalism-school point:  Public policy is controlled by polls, which are controlled by the press.

Perhaps we are at the abyss and an achievable better future will begin. I think it is possible through acceptance of the U.S. preamble’s proposition under the-objective-truth. If it happens, most of the bad actors cited above will reform to fellow citizenship.

According to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, We the People of the United States maintains government accountability---keeps the powers in balance. In the case of the press, amendment of their speech to responsible human liberty is required.

Chapter XI Machiavellianism or the people’s procrastination in a church-state partnership.

. . . ecclesiastical principalities . . . are sustained by the ordinances of religion, which are so all-powerful . . that the principalities may be held no matter how their princes behave and live. These princes alone have states and do not defend them, they have subjects and do not rule them; and the states, although unguarded, are not taken from them, and the subjects, although not ruled, do not care, and they have neither the desire nor the ability to [emigrate]. Such principalities only are secure and happy. But being upheld by powers, to which the human mind cannot reach, I shall speak no more of them, because, being exalted and maintained by [what-ever-God-is-in-the-principality], it would be the act of a presumptuous and rash man to discuss them.”

I seems evident that whatever-God-is does not respond to each nation’s God, because throughout history military power has settled foreign violence and police power settles domestic uprisings. I speculate that James Madison understood Nicolo Machiavelli’s sarcasm but feared expressing political integrity on par with Thomas Paine; too many of the free citizens of the 1780s were factional American Protestants being solicited by a few Deists. I also speculate that Madison did not like the preamble to the U.S. constitution and schemed to falsely label it “secular”.

Here’s how the procrastination works among factional believers. Each believer reads his or her scripture and develops an opinion about his or her God. The scripture is canonized to appeal to a broad spectrum of humankind. Also, it contains passages that imply that government is an arm of the God. A government chooses a scripture or its interpretation that accommodates the government’s plan for controlling the people. Government enlists the church that claims that scripture or its nearest kin. Together, church and state pick the people’s pocket with immunity. Because believing is a commitment to eternal hope, the people allow the church-state abuse indefinitely. Only a dreamer would imagine solving alone the problem of Chapter XI Machiavellianism.

However, reform is offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It is a citizen’s proposition which, appreciating the power of the human being is offered for the choosing. It states: We the People of the United States aid five public institutions so as to secure responsible human liberty; or We the People of the United States aid freedom-from oppression so that fellow citizens may accept responsible human liberty; or We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect so as to aid individual happiness with civic integrity; or We the People of the United States work for equity under statutory justice.

My present interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition is: We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to provide 5 public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to the continuum of living people.

Under the U.S. preamble’s proposition, religion or none is a private matter. The purposes actually stated in the U.S. preamble are Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, Welfare, and Liberty to us and our Posterity. The first five nouns are public goals, and Liberty is an inalienable human condition. That is, nothing can change a human’s choices to develop either integrity or infidelity, and habitual infidelity leads to ruin. The question is can the individual rely on either government or whatever-God-is as the standard for fidelity?

It seems evident that government is unreliable and whatever-God-is leaves fidelity to the individual. For this reason, I trust-in and rely-on the-objective-truth as the standard for discovering justice. By this I mean I rely on the ineluctable evidence to aid the development of civic integrity or statutory justice. I also have my hopes for my afterdeath, but they are important to me and to no one else. My afterdeath is typically not a civic matter.

The U.S. preamble’s proposition offers relief from the church-state partnership. The-objective-truth may be used to develop civic integrity. Citizens may privately develop religion if they want it. Machiavelli may opine that I am “a presumptuous and rash man,” but I think I suggest an achievable better future under civic agreements like the U.S. preamble with the-objective-truth as standard for developing statutory justice.

I think we are experiencing the end of procrastination on ending the church-state partnerships and appreciating the-objective-truth will accelerate the journey to a better future.

Thank you for asking my opinion. I considered Dreyfus’s work in about 2015 when my sister Dona Bean (d. 2017) alerted me. I like restoring civic education. However, I oppose some of Dreyfus’s principles.

For example, see at The Need for Civic Education “What makes America unique?”

“The United States of America was one of the first political bodies that gave its subjects distinct individual freedoms, which are outlined in the Bill of Rights. Built from the ideas of the Enlightenment, America was constructed as a nation dependent on the sovereignty of the people, a breakthrough in a world full of monarchies and tyrannies. Our political system emphasizes the power of the individual by granting citizens the distinctive ability to be part of a sovereign body that elects representatives and impacts policies.”

Some of the problems in that paragraph include: neither “political bodies” nor “its subjects” but victors in a war of independence; the Bill of Rights is an unfortunate colonial-British imposition resulting from 1789-1791 identity politics; not “sovereignty of the people” but civic discipline under the-objective-truth; not “a breakthrough” because the preamble to the U.S. Constitution proposes voluntary civic discipline for a specified purpose; “the power of the individual” is a consequence of evolution and can only be accepted by the individual.

Quoting Dreyfus from Richard Dreyfuss Fights For Civics In American Education,

“We’ve gifted the world with two things that are recognized as interesting but should be recognized as totally unique. One was a written, signed constitution whose preamble is all verbs so that when Justice Scalia says that it’s a dead document and anyone who thinks it’s a living document is an idiot, I just say, read the preamble, you putz. The other gift is the Bill of Rights. People think of the Bill of Rights as a series of laws. Well, the Bill of Rights is actually a written picture of the goal of our moral character. “

Dreyfus, honestly or not is wrong on both points.

A citizen (or other person) can’t just read the preamble and accomplish anything. The preamble must be paraphrased so as to either accommodate the citizen’s lifestyle or instruct him or her to reform to the people’s proposition. The citizen most resistant to this thought is the devout Christian who thinks he or she would deny Jesus by being a civic citizen.

To join We the People of the United States, a person must comprehend the civic, civil, and legal power citizens who adopt the U.S. preamble, civic citizens, claim. The U.S. Supreme Court does not admit to the U.S. preamble’s legal power, but without the 1787 U.S. preamble, the 1774 Confederation of States would operate rather than the 1788 republic the USA guarantees. And once the citizen joins We the People of the United States, he or she may want to amend the Bill of Rights, especially the First Amendment’s immoralities. (Specifically the religion clauses must be deleted and replaced with encouragement to develop integrity. And freedom of speech and of the press must be constrained on bad behavior according to the-objective-truth.)

My current interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition is:

We the People of the United State communicate, collaborate, and connect to provide 5 public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to the continuum of living people.

In a civic culture and under the U.S. preamble’s proposition, religion or none is a private matter. (The purposes actually stated in the U.S. preamble are Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, Welfare, and Liberty to us and our Posterity.)

We---A Civic People of the United States---work freely and do not plan to be a revenue-generating organization. We work to convince fellow citizens that adopting the U.S. preamble under the-objective-truth offers individual happiness with civic integrity. We would not dilute our work by supporting an effort we consider un-responsive to responsible human liberty.

Cultures so far have not taught their youth that honesty is insufficient for successful living: People must develop integrity.

Cultures so far have not taught their youth that emotion is insufficient for successful living: People must comprehend and utilize the-objective-truth.

Cultures so far have not taught their youth that evolution has evolved a species with potential awareness for successful living: The human being has the individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity to the-objective-truth rather than wander into infidelity.

Cultures so far have not taught their youth that acquiring the comprehension and discipline to develop human integrity takes the first quarter century of life: People must discover and accept personal HIPEA to avoid infidelity.

The consequence is that most adults live adolescent lives, never even discovering HIPEA much less choosing to develop integrity. The adults who realize this perceive it is too late for them, because during their entire lives they never thought they were developing discipline for self, to children, and to grandchildren and beyond. By the time they realize their drift into infidelity to the-objective-truth, they’ve had enough of whatever privilege they had and all they want is mercy.

I write to encourage people it is never too late to adopt action for equity under the rule of statutory law and aid the establishment of civic integrity.

These ideas come from our work to understand the people’s proposition that is offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution using the-objective-truth as standard for responsible human liberty. We invite every person to write a paraphrase of the U.S. preamble they’d like to use to communicate, collaborate, and connect with fellow citizens for an achievable better future.

We may begin with establishing the meaning of “civic” respecting “good governance.” Civic citizens aid freedom-from oppression in order to secure mutual liberty-to develop integrity in human connections.

We think “civic” means humanly communicating, collaborating, and connecting to aid individual happiness with public integrity under a reliable standard. Civic differs from civil, social, and legal, which each addresses a level of civilization: conformity to the human standards that evolved in a locale.

Actual reality or discovered ineluctable evidence is the reliable standard, and we call it the-objective-truth. The-objective-truth exists and is the evidence by which objective truth, truth, Truth, absolute truth, ultimate truth, and other expressions of human constructs are measured. Justice is determined by the-objective-truth, most of which has not yet been discovered. The-objective-truth does not respond to reason.

A fellow citizen who is aware of these issues accepts the civic contract to aid equity under the justice of statutory law. When he or she encounters in justice, he or she reports it and speaks for reform toward statutory justice. It is an impossibility but the worthy goal that can order an individual’s opportunity to develop integrity during his or her unique lifetime. Progressing on different paths and times with distinct personal constraints, no two mature adults achieve the same integrity nor would the extensions of their lifetimes reach ultimate integrity.

A fellow citizen who is aware of these issues, a civic citizen, tarries not with errant thought in order to develop the self-discipline to usually if not always maintain fidelity to the-objective-truth. A civic citizen is not likely to behave with infidelity to anyone or anything and is prepared to resist if not prevent harm to him or her or anyone else.

Turning now to “good governance,” the civic citizen wants representative rather than direct political power. The civic citizen commits to aid institutional freedom-from oppression so as to secure responsible human liberty to the continuum of living people. The civic citizen publicly aids government while privately living a life of responsible human liberty.

The revolutionary civic education we support aids and encourages youth and adults to accept human individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity during their personal opportunity in life. We write daily to excite education-reform so as to encourage these principles for living. Because of HIPEA, no human will accept the “happiness” someone else would impose on them.

When most citizens are developing responsible human liberty, civic education will be empowering an achievable better future.

We think our public meetings at local libraries (with appreciation to about 70 people) have worked out the (improvable) essentials of an achievable better future no matter where the proposed culture is tried. The elements include:

1. Commitment to state a civic concern and well-grounded solution, dialogue to clarify, then listen to the audience for improvements in the concern and/or solution. Develop a glossary of words and phrases that reflect the civic improvements.

2. Acceptance that the human individual has the power, the energy, and the authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity and that some people will choose infidelity.

3. An education system that encourages HIPEA for integrity and supports the individual’s lifetime pursuit of statutory justice or perfect law.

4. Adoption of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (or better statement of essential civic goals) as the proposition each citizen considers and interprets so as to order his or her path to civic integrity. My current interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition is:

We the People of the United State communicate, collaborate, and connect to provide 5 public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to the continuum of living people. In a civic culture, religion or none is a private matter. (The purposes actually stated in the U.S. preamble are Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, Welfare, and Liberty to us and our Posterity.) I hope people in Sierra-Leone or other non-U.S. citizens will read this and comment as to whether or not it seems useful to them. I think they have better chance to make it happen than I do.

5. Acceptance of the-objective-truth, which is the ineluctable evidence on which discovery evolves, as the standard for civic integrity, justice, and truth.

6. Acceptance that spirituality, religion, and philosophy are personal pursuits for hope respecting private concerns regardless of what has not been discovered and that is why they are not incorporated in the U.S. preamble’s proposition.

7. A constitutional amendment that requires elected officials to begin each official meeting with the unison reading of the U.S. preamble in order to remind the officials that they are first fellow citizens.

8. Acceptance that physics, the object of study rather than the study called “physics,” is the source of evolution of everything including human integrity. Imagination, such as fiction and religion, derives from “un-discovered” physics that may not exist. For example, no one solved the mystery whatever-God-is.

We do all we can to share this message. It is supported by the essays on our website, A Civic People.

The speech clause in the First Amendment is unjust can therefore is a candidate for amendment. As an absolute, it never held, as in the example falsely yelling “Fire!!!” in a public assembly. If the consequence is harm, the speaker may be held responsible.

My state, Louisiana, has a slightly better expressions clause respecting both the citizen and the press:  “No law shall curtail or restrain the freedom of speech or of the press. Every person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments on any subject, but is responsible for abuse of that freedom.”

I have suggested that my state put some enforcement behind this provision, for example, making the press liable for loss due to any erroneous publication.

The First Amendment exemplifies the failure of the First Congress, 1789-1791, to implement the people’s proposition that is stated in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Their failure had two drivers. First, American Protestants opposed reformed Catholicism as in the Church of England. Among free inhabitants, 99% were factional Protestants. Living free citizens took for granted James Madison’s claim that citizens must first be considered citizens of whatever-God-is and to him that was our precious Christian faith whatever-that-meant. Therefore, they took for granted the false lessening of the U.S. preamble as a “secular” sentence.

Second, 1/3 of delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention did not sign the document. Some of them objected to the fact that the 1787 Constitution, in human integrity, does not suggest knowledge of whatever-God-is. Others objected to assigning the necessary discipline for responsible human liberty to the people instead of the states. The convention was the product of debate under minds that were open to a standard never before employed. They had no confidence in theism as the standard and therefore did not impose it. The delegates represented the-objective-truth more than a dominant opinion. Fortunately for us, 2/3 of delegates expressed this reality in the U.S. preamble by ratifying it and the amendable articles that follow.

When the First Congress was seated, power shifted from independent constitution framers to elected representatives of factional-Protestant people. With two months of March 4, 1789, Congress established their divinity on par with Parliament’s lordship by hiring Protestant chaplains at the people’s expense. The people procrastinated under Chapter XI Machiavellianism:  Whatever-God-is will eventually reform an unjust Congress. Like adolescent spouses who know no more about parenting that squabbling over what four grandparents would do (that’s at least 6 opinions potentially imposed on the child), the First Congress re-instated as much colonial-English tradition as the could as factional Protestantism under Blackstone common law.

The U.S. upholds colonial-English traditions England no longer abides. For example, “Under Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998, ‘everyone has the right to freedom of expression’ in the UK. But the law states that this freedom ‘may be subject to formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society’.”

England is also more leftist about freedom of religion: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.” I think both the US and the UK should sacrifice religion to integrity.

You may perceive that I deviated from your question, and that’s OK. However, I think your question spoke to the-objective-truth in your way:  Only ideas that oppose the-objective-truth should be regarded as forbidden whether they are constrained or not.

Human association is neither a freedom nor a right. It is a consequence of the evolution of physics; that is the “physics” that is the objective of study rather than the study called physics. I think everything derives from physics the object of study.

It seems everything that exists evolved from physics: E=mC-squared or better expression of actual reality. After the big bang, there was plasma chemistry then inorganic chemistry then biology then psychology, and civilization. With psychology humans used imagination to explore the-objective-truth that had not been discovered; hence, mirages, fiction, metaphysics, and religion.

The time sequence for earth is 13.7 billion years ago, 4.6 billion years ago, 4 billion years ago, and perhaps human psychology 300,000 years ago. Language might be 150,000 years old and civilization emerged unto journaling perhaps 12,000 years ago.

Civilization is a consequence of the power of the human species. The human has individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity to the-objective-truth; in other words fidelity to the evolving actual reality. It is impossible for the individual to know everything, but he or she may make decisions based on the-objective-truth or the discovered ineluctable evidence. When someone does not know the-objective-truth and does not have to make a decision, they may admit, “I do not know enough to decide.” Otherwise, he or she may responsibly act on best advice from their HIPEA. Irresponsible action begs woe, and woe due usually shows up.

There is one human association that stands the test of evidence:  communication, collaboration, and connection for mutual, comprehensive safety and security (Safety). Provision of mutual security requires conformance to the-objective-truth.

The human must aid Safety in freedom-from oppression so as to secure the liberty-to develop integrity-to the-objective-truth. Demanding the right to contrary association begs woe to the individual as well as the errant society.

A person may choose to communicate, collaborate, and connect for human equity under statutory justice.

Recognizing that statutory justice is impossible perfection, the U.S. Constitution is amendable so that when statutory law is found wanting it can be amended toward statutory justice.

Further, the U.S. Constitution does not specify the standard for statutory justice. Citizens are free to choose to base justice on the-objective-truth rather than accept a dominant opinion such as Judeo-Christianity.

The U.S. preamble’s proposition supports my choice. The public goals are Unity, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare in order to encourage Liberty to living citizens.

Citizens may wait for the First Amendment’s amendment from religion clauses to an integrity clause. Maybe “Congress shall make no law limiting development of integrity” or demand reform now.

Both elected and appointed government officials may choose to behave as fellow citizens.

A woman may prevent neglecting or abusing of her viable ova.

A man may protect a woman and her viable ova.

“Everybody knows” every human being is unique. Therefore, the people who claim everyone is supposed to be equal are denying what everybody knows.

Each human infant is equally uninformed and dependent on care-takers, usually the man and woman who conceived the infant. Rare is the adolescent who discovers that he or she has human, individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity rather than wander into infidelity.

The man and woman did not yield their inequality as unique human beings when they conceived a person from the woman’s unique ovum. If either of them accepted HIPEA to develop integrity, their children are fortunate and may be encouraged by their parents to also develop integrity.

Some men and women who conceive a child are monogamously, for life, in-love and are committed to whatever family they develop. Their commitment is not only to their children, but to their children’s children and beyond. Thus their family---the spouses and their children---know they aid public security in order to encourage responsible human liberty to the continuum of living people.

The families who live by these principles are privileged to develop integrity yet each remains a unique human being.

These ideas are strengthened by our recent interpretation of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to provide 5 public institutions---Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to living citizens using the-objective-truth as standard for justice rather than competing for dominant political opinion.

Law professors

We appreciate Professor McAllister’s views and think they invite a proposal for an available better future using the U.S. preamble under the-objective-truth.

Let me first collapse the arguments against Hayward’s view:

“Hayward is wrong, however, about the nature of American nationalism. We are left wondering about . . . the nationalism of a self-governing people. Hayward connects . . . with the Declaration of Independence generally and with natural rights particularly. America is the exception to the rule, the rule being that nations are built on power, on tribal associations that are connected to soil and that come with old grievances and irrational attachments that supply the cultural glue. Hayward uses the term “exceptional” to assert that America is an “idea” or a creed, and that what we mean by America and by the emotional attachment to it is fidelity to the true moral principles on which the nation was founded.”

McAllister segues to “experiences, attachments and affections” but dismisses them as “well beyond the scope of the essay.” I don’t think so.

Neither Hayward nor McAllister has discovered the people’s proposition that is suggested in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. preamble). Each citizens may interpret the 52 word sentence and either manage civic connections and transactions or be arbitrary. It proposes equity in developing statutory justice, which is perfect statutory law, a worthy goal. Many citizens could not care less, but I think everyone should have his or her interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition and a basis for justice.

Here’s mine today:  We the People of the United States communicate, collaborate, and connect to aid five public institutions---unity, justice, tranquility, defense, and welfare---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to living people now and in the future. I highlighted the six words used in the original U.S. preamble to note that it says nothing about standards, such as religion or not.

Some of the implications in this interpretation include: civic people should encourage each other to develop integrity as a necessity for liberty; the people can aid freedom-from five tyrannies but cannot force the human liberty-to choose responsibility more-than or rather-than infidelity; responsibility applies not only to the person but to his or her progeny and beyond; consequences affirm the standard of justice; and interest in mysteries about whatever-God-may-be is a private rather than civic matter. An overall human implication is that each person has the right to develop integrity and the consequence of his or her lifetime is up to him or her.

Each human is unique with the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity. However, the person must discover HIPEA or be encouraged to recognize it. The cultures that have evolved do not coach their youth to accept HIPEA and choose fidelity. Many cultures suggest consigning HIPEA to whatever-God-may-be or government.

Moreover, the emerged cultures do all they can to obfuscate the standard for integrity. The standard is the ineluctable evidence, which we call "the-objective-truth". The hyphens invite readers to keep “the-objective-truth” intact as more precise than any of ineluctable evidence, indisputable facts, actual reality, ultimate truth, truth, Truth, and other phrases that may lessen open-mindedness.

We think the reason we encounter resistance to the U.S. preamble’s proposition with the-objective-truth is not mere preservation of ever-failing tradition. We think that without encouragement and coaching it is nearly impossible for the human being, psychologically powerful as he or she is, to discover HIPEA and choose integrity for life. It takes a couple decades to acquire basic comprehension and intent to live a full life, but integrity is not encouraged by the conflicted societies and civilizations. And self-rule is corrupt from the start, as we may observe in the U.S. attempt.

Discovering HIPEA is especially unlikely in a nation that has the church-state partnership, which is the tradition from colonial-British days on this country’s Atlantic seaboard. A civic people may reform the First Amendment so as to protect individual and collective development of integrity, a human right for living, rather than religion, the institution of mystery.

America has an exceptional opportunity that a civic people may accept any day now. Americans may adopt the U.S. preamble’s proposition to develop civic, civil, and legal integrity with the-objective-truth as the standard for justice. These are principles of discipline for life rather than procrastination for afterdeath.

To Karen Renfro:

About 2500 years ago humankind received the thought, in my paraphrase, humans may develop equity under statutory justice. The entity whatever-God-is has not been disproved, so it seems un-civic, within statutory justice, to claim to know God. Looking beyond humankind, it seems obvious that whatever-God-is may not approve a human misrepresenting God.

It seems to me this is the reason the U.S. people’s proposition, the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, does not invoke divinity. I hold the U.S. preamble’s proposition as the equivalent of the Supreme Court building’s claim to “Equal Justice Under Law” or of Pericles’ idea his way, or of my equity under statutory law.

It seems to me that people who seek to overlay the U.S. preamble, the people’s proposition, with their particular scripture are not of We the People of the United States and are fully aware that that is their position: dissident to the American civic-civil-legal citizen’s agreement. They are still fellow citizens but need to reform. It reminds me of the fundamentalist who never considered the preamble’s proposition but kept saying to me, “I am enjoying this conversation with a lost soul.” I guess he is hung up on Caesar’s coins.

Maybe U.S. dissidence applies to you; maybe not. I have my doubts.

To Max Hocutt

Thank you.

To Standing Fast

Thank you.

It seems to me that, as of January 14, 1784 and ratification of the 1783 Treaty of Paris, the 13 eastern seaboard former colonies were nation states. Would you agree?

The 13, named, nation states remained free and independent, as stated in the treaty, until June 21, 1788. Then, the 9th required state had ratified the 1787 U.S. preamble with its attached, amendable articles, establishing the USA as a global nation. That left 4 nation states dissident to the USA—Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island.

The USA is 231 years old rather than 243 years old.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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