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Phil Beaver
seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth. Ineluctable means: Not to be assailed, avoided, broken, changed,
escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, resisted, revoked, or
voided. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for
example, trying to change it.
refers to citizens who collaborate for individual
happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or
society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from
anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible to the good rather than the bad
in connections and transactions.
writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens
mutual appreciation: For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and
paraphrase its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States,
proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety,
strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to
ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve
my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their
interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is
amended by the civic-people.
It seems the
Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged
whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this
independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states
deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble
is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who
collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.
Every citizen
has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in
the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try
somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the
goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies
grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional
freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain,
oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the
First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.
Selected theme from this month
Let the Democrat Party change its brand
I speculate that the Democrat Party will extend their power
pain beyond 7 decades.
Its remnant is doing all it can to resist the civic faction
of We the People of the United States. The Democrat Party alienated so much of
the melting pot they seem bemused beyond repair.
Their falsity begins with European understanding of “Don’t
Tread on Me”. The American view has always been, “I’m reliably responsible to
necessary goodness and, therefore, won’t tread on you”.
Equal Rights Amendment Doomed:
The civic faction
of humankind has, so far, failed to accept reliable-responsibility as the key
to human being (a practice). The consequence, chaos on earth, need not prevail.
I know of only one nation that
pursues statutory justice. The civic faction of We the People of the United
States amends written law when injustice is discovered. Legislators have the
duty to propose amendments that the Constitution allows the Supreme Court to
Throughout history, the subjugation
of women has been a misguided topic, recently debated under a proposed Equal Rights
amendment. The proposal failed, but the Democrat Party wants to overthrow the
civic faction while Biden remains.
This is another example of failure
to accept the obscured Sumerian political philosophy expressed in Genesis 1:26-28: Humankind may and can rule to necessary goodness
(flourish) on earth.
The authentic man unites to a caring
woman, and the couple lives in loyalty to self, to each person, and to their descendants.
Single-people do all they can to aid safety and security to families. These
actual-realities are affirmed by the laws of physic and progeny (e.g., biology
and psychology).
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
I recall a case of an uncle raping his adolescent niece then
wanting to be executed. I wonder how he would feel to have someone reverse his
death sentence. Of course, I cannot rely on hearsay and doubt I can learn even
an erroneous answer.
Thank goodness the Democrats were not able to end free
Without free speech it would be more difficult for stupid
people to express their fantasies.
The civic faction of We the People of the United States have
granted the Democrat Party a powerless period -- a needed rest-time, in which
to ponder the United States republic.
Perhaps the Democrat Party is so incensed by the Republican
Party and its capital "R" they can't imagine United States
republicanism refers to the rule of law that is authorized by the people in
their states through elected representatives.
I have no desire to criticize individuals, because I control
my vote and would not vote for anyone who expresses erroneous ideas. They can
and do, happily express error., Dec 8
The Kennedy Center expresses un-American social-democracy
rather than the citizenship-for-necessary-goodness, which is proffered by the
United States Constitution for establishment by, for, and of the generations of
citizens. By not convincing President Trump and The First Lady to participate,
the Center expresses opposition to the civic faction of We the People of the
United States. The civic faction continuously does all they can to encourage
"ourselves and our Posterity" to choose personal
reliable-responsibility. The Kennedy Center takes this opportunity to choose
chaos rather than leadership. Maybe they tried and failed, but I'd need to
learn that from Trump. I write opinion because I do not know the ineluctable
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople,
Dec 6
With all the attention to the Trump nominees, I'm just glad
to hear Vance speak again.
I think Trump-Vance and their administrations will establish
the constitutional republic's pursuit of statutory justice "to ourselves
and our Posterity", and the civic faction of We the People of the United
States will never go back to before. The world will celebrate and improve its
civic integrity.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Columns and Opinion
Typically, Adam Ellwanger’s reforms don’t consider the power
of human being (a practice). Three reforms I recommend follow:
1. Direct
Education Department to collaborate on inculcating in youth and adults
comprehension and intention to practice human being for their complete
2. Accept
that civics is reliable responsibility to practice necessary goodness for life.
Civility collaborates to discover injustice and reform legislation “to
ourselves and our Posterity”.
3. By
12 grade, inform every student about the civic accomplishments of humankind
during the recent 10,000 years with emphasis on what can be done to lessen
4. Create
a direct reward system to students designed to create a stock fund to reach
$80,000 per student with retained awards at each step from kindergarten to
completion at age 22 or so. Release the fund to the student at their age 30.5.
I am not the first to note the
power, authority, and responsibility of being human., by
Jeffery A.Tucker
Mr. Tucker’s history review and
influence deserves utmost attention.
Humankind perceives necessary goodness once events ineluctably demand
Genesis 1:26-28, reflecting Sumer’s political philosophy during the span 8 to 4
thousand years ago, informs that only humankind may and can approach justice in
ruling life on earth.
The United States Constitution, in its amendability and in the intentions
statement in its preamble, complements Genesis 1’s may-and-can rule “to
ourselves and our Posterity”.
Some of mankind is participating as the civic faction of We the People of the
United States embraces Donald Trump’s leadership and pursues
reliable-responsibility to necessary-goodness, low as present performance may
Genesis 1 addresses the potential goodness of women and men with no other
distinctions – race, creed, greed, preferences, honesty, etc. Genesis-1-rule
requires the pursuit of justice by every person who pursues human being (a
practice). The laws of physics and progeny, such as the consequences of work,
constrain choices.
Humankind seems to demand the bad times before perceiving goodness. I think
Tucker envisions historic change toward continuously pursuing goodness.
#USpreamler, #acivicpeople
To: M. Patrick McCrary
I encourage everyone to
ponder Agathon's speech from Plato's "Symposium". I have studied it
regarding various challenges since 1991, when The Great Books Reading and
Discussion Program deleted it from their discussion book, without limiting my
curiosity. Today, it helps me make the point, borrowing from an old saw: Beauty is skin deep; necessary goodness is to
the bone. Beauty fades and goodness always holds its own.
Last Sunday, my Bible class,
Nomads, pondered Christianity vs consumer capitalism, finding refuge in the
book of John, Chapter 1. Talk of necessary goodness brought Agathon to mind,
and I pondered the speech again.
With discovery of necessary
goodness early in my ninth decade, I replaced "love" with
"goodness" in the English translation of "Symposium".
One consequence is, quoting
the translation, "As to courage, even the God of War is no match for him;
he is the captive and Eros is the lord, for [goodness], the [goodness] of
Aphrodite, masters [Ares], as the tale runs; and the master is stronger than
the servant."
But Aphrodite's goodness is
not the principle benefit of reading Plato's Agathon. The writing, 460 years
before Yeshua of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem, reflects Yeshua's civic
influence, seeming to affirm Yeshua's claim, "Before Abraham was born I
Yeshua's civic influence is
for everyone. See the Wikipedia article for information.
Quora, Anonymous
Facebook, Dec 26
Thank you for sharing.
You remind me of an old saw: Joined to every great woman there's an authentic
man., Dec 25
I think adults who support the Gender Change Industrial
Complex by persuading children to expand imagination to phantasy so as to
subjugate themselves for life to the Gender Change Industry ought to suffer the
rule of law. And I think that legislation is overdue.
I think I am sharing opinion with fellow citizens and am open to response that
might improve my civic integrity. I do not know the ineluctable truth., Dec 25
Our futures are better because we remember you, Wu Ji.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year., Dec 23
I work to comprehend Yeshua's civic
influence, accepting that The God -- whatever constrains the consequences of
human choice, seems a mystery, so I can only be humble.
Other civic people read the same books and get different answers, and that's
alright., Dec 20
That's great poetry, Cortny. Thank you.
I celebrate de Andrade's experience in my discovery: the self-interest of
humbly pursuing necessary goodness.
I just spent a miserable week's spare time revisiting Plato's Agathon's Speech
from "Symposium", 460 B.C. Three decades ago, I wondered if Yeshua
( had made himself known to Agathon, and
said so in my Sunday school class on December 15. The class, discussing John 1,
thought the visit-possibility a typical mystery like Yeshua's claim,
"Before Abraham was born I am".
Some of the week's misery came from discovery of a new, reforming resource: Agathon' speech segues from
banter with Socrates on Page 22. Through Page 27, Socrates tests Agathon.
The week was a gift to me, because for the first time I acquired the view that
Agathon's Eros made it possible that Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, was
attractive because of her necessary goodness. Only a mature god could
compliment her goodness.
In our 55 years of marriage I have been in awe of Cynthia's goodness and wish I
had had the maturity to match it.
I think everyone may and can read and ponder Agathon's speech to their own
great joy., Dec 22
What if the person who motivates our necessary goodness is
Dec 18 In
my 82nd year, I perceive I have always been in the tender loving care of
Yeshua. Neither Church nor church can dissuade me from pursuing Yeshua's civic
influence. See and let your curiosity take
you beyond., Dec 23
I am grateful to capitalism for making it possible, through
free-trade, for me to negotiate supply of our family's needs and wants, leaving
me a small portion of my time to pursue civic integrity or necessary goodness.
If I encountered an aboriginal person, I would keep my distance to avoid exchange
of unfamiliar viruses or bacteria, smile, and express the desire to communicate
-- maybe point to a hand and say "hand" then point to my mouth and
say "speech". If I owned one of the tools being left for these
people, I'd offer it to show my association. Then wait-for and collaborate-with
any civic response. If the response seemed life-threatening, I'd begin an
accelerating, backward exit then turn and run. I consider myself a fellow who
pursues human being (verb).
JT, thank you for your thoughts.
In free-trade, profit allows the customer to reward the supplier for
undertaking all the necessities that produce the product or service. When the
supplier is also the innovator that took the risk that customers would pay for
the product or service, more profit helps offset the risks taken, which are
sometimes extraordinary. With no buyers, the entrepreneur may be bankrupt. With
fair price and large need or want, extraordinary profit may ensue.
Pure clothing-needs don't necessarily invoke style and therefore need not incur
civil preferences: civic necessity suffices. Style is an imposed opportunity to
create rent seekers: someone must persuade that style is important to the
customer. The customer must yield to social influence.
Entertainment seems a more widespread opportunity for rent seeking. I do not
feel compelled to pay more than $15/event that attracts my interest. However, I
have been coerced to pay $75 to $150/event, because I submitted to the
persuasion that being there was important. The live event seemed important at
the time: However, that memory
does not compare with my frequent desire to pull up, which I discovered looking for
covers of the song.
There's no way I would pay $1000 for an entertainment event. Should aboriginal
fellow citizens be introduced to rent seeking? I don't think so.
Arch-supporting shoes? Maybe so.
Compulsory education bemuses humankind unto the chaos we now suffer. We, the
civic faction of the people, may and can reform every Education Department so
that the institution inculcates in youth and adults the comprehension and
intention to pursue human being (verb) rather than to aid civilization.
Dec 20 What
do you mean by "quotidian"? I take it to mean daily or routine.
Christians routinely speak of God rather than of The Trinity, and I wonder if
that factional slight holds humankind in chaos.
Neglecting The Trinity seems to slight both the Holy Spirit and Yeshua.
Thereby, it slights The God, whatever that entity may be.
I cannot resist concern about Matthew 12:30-32, which seems to address divided
trust and commitment. Perhaps "God" obscures The God.
Another concern is the acceptance that Yeshua was born to Jews, Miryam and
Yosef in Nazareth of 2000 years ago, and is cited in the Complete Jewish Bible
(1998 but addressing the original Greek text) without competitive-divinity
change to Jesus (Greek to Latin to English) or Christ (Pauline opinion).
The Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) was a meeting of a small-few Jews who
promoted Yeshua as the Messiah, anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel,
excepting Paul, the self-appointed apostle to the pagans, now softened to
"Gentiles". Paul's letters to churches preceded the 4 gospels.
Competitive divinity schools have not the integrity to share these issues,
because civic comprehension could collaboratively lessen doctrine over
I consider myself a person, made possible by my origins and personal choices,
and accept (yet don't know) that The God fairly expresses whatever constrains
the events that produce a person. The God has knowledge I neither imagine nor
would attempt to specify.
But I am responsible for necessary goodness in my behavior. I think Yeshua's
civic influence, grounded in discussion with contemporary human-beings, is the
key to improving each generation "to ourselves and our Posterity",
quoting the United States Constitution.
JT, my concerns are shocking. But they befit reaction to the chaos we are in.
Also, it would not be shocking for me to assert that you are not Jack Sprat --
to insist on sharing with JT McQuitty my pursuit Yeshua's civic influence
rather than one of the 45,000 Christian sects or 4300 religions the world
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Dec 18
JT, "Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of
the Brownstone Institute and the author of many thousands of articles in the
scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five languages, most
recently “Liberty or Lockdown.” He is also the editor of “The Best of Ludwig
von Mises.” He writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times and
speaks widely on the topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and
He is my favorite political author. Please see my comments on his recent article
Again: I read your article and signed up for notifications.
I wonder if Christians will declare independence from "The Trinity".
"The term “Trinity” (from the Latin “Trinitas,” meaning “threefold”) was
first used by Tertullian, a Latin theologian from Carthage, around the early
3rd century. However, the foundational elements of the doctrine are rooted in
the New Testament, where Jesus refers to God the Father, Himself as the Son, and
the Holy Spirit as distinct yet unified aspects of the Divine."
Hebrews 9, CJB, informs that the series of covenants by The God failed (the
hearers neither listened nor comprehended), so The God self-materialized, in
order to possess blood to comport to the covenants' annual ceremonies.
The concept seems to affirm John 1:1's phrase ". . . the Word was
God," taking Yeshua to be the mediator of a will rather than covenant. In
a will, the grantor dies, so Yeshua seems the incarnation of The God.
However, since a gift does not erase lawlessness, The God's blood does not
fulfill the covenants. The will seems a termination of the covenants rather
than a "new covenant". I think Yeshua's influence can become the
focus. I encourage interest in .
Has humankind reached a time when Yeshua's civic influence may and can take
precedence over Tertullian's 1700 year old rationalization?
Dec 17 Boys
need to know that "Girls just want to have fun" has a very serious
meaning that an authentic man accepts and supports. Don't ask me why this pic
invokes that thought, but my heart is racing over Cynthia's necessary goodness,
anticipating our 55th anniversary.
Dec 16 The
civic faction of We the People of the United States may and can reform all
Education Departments, in order to inform, motivate, and inspire youth to
intend human being (the practice).
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople, Dec 13
I agree, and mutually honest parties may and can collaborate
so that each improves personal integrity.
See entry from my civic glossary, as follows: 44) Integrity is a practice more
than a product. In one integrity-process, confront a heartfelt concern; plan
and execute research to confirm that the concern is not a false impression/perception;
if there's discovery, extend research and comprehension unto how to benefit, in
reliably-responsible self-interest; responsibly behave, in-order-to
benefit-from the discovery; publicly express the reasons for the behavior and
consider/adopt any expressed improvements; and remain alert to new
discovery/perception that requires change. For example, Einstein's discovery of
space-time modified Newton's discovery of gravity. Moreover,
political-philosopher-Einstein informed humans not to lie so as to minimize
misery and loss more than to observe some arbitrary rule. Honesty may neglect
comprehension and thus fail integrity: honesty is insufficient.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople, Dec 11
I did not see Assad in this video. The offenders in this
video are responsible for their evil. Assad's offenses neither excuse nor
justify murders., Dec 11
We hope the future holds 2025 as the year
reliable-responsibility-to-necessary-goodness "to ourselves and our
Posterity" was accepted as the life the civic faction of we the people of
the United States continuously pursues. Thank you, Freys, for sharing your
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us.
Dec 11, Thank
you for reminders of romance with Cynthia, going strong after 54 years (thanks
to Rebekah and Holly care taking).
At a bar in Mississippi, we were so impressed with the guitar playing we asked
if they could cover some Dire Straits. Unintentionally, we discouraged the band
-- no way, they said, could they approach Mark-Knopfler-talent. Then, I took
guitar more seriously.
I continuously court Cynthia, but won't take time to learn how to sing
"Are You Gonna Be My Girl": I never thought "mine" or
"my" would work in my favor. It takes commitment to claim that I am
her lover-boy and boy-friend. She doesn't frown., Dec 6 re Nov13
Mick Kassem Mick, my response to
the speaker is this: as a civic citizen, I voted in my best interest in
pursuing necessary goodness and would be happy to collaborate on reliable
responsibility to constrain chaos during the future.
I have no intention to impose on the speaker, nor will I submit to
psychological violence.,
Dec 2
Today, the world experienced social democracy's
"equality" and "equity", hoping to repress merit.
John Rawls (d. 2002) bemused readers "to imagine themselves in a
hypothetical scenario where they are ignorant of their own social status,
talents, and personal circumstances. This thought experiment leads to
principles of justice that are meant to ensure fairness and equality,
prioritizing the most disadvantaged members of society and safeguarding
fundamental liberties for all. Rawls' work not only provides a robust
philosophical argument but also a practical guide for political and social
institutions aspiring to genuine equity."
Each reader may and can unpack Rawls' complexities as they like. Regardless of
my "social status" I pursue human being (verb). In other words, I
strive for reliable responsibility to necessary goodness in my way of living.
Justice is unbiased adjudication and execution of written and published law,
which the legislature continually improves to eliminate discovered injustice.
Justice cannot be neutral to perpetrators of harm. I think the only
"fundamental liberty" government ought to proffer is my opportunity
(safety and security) to constrain chaos in my behavior. I do not perceive that
I am a "disadvantaged member" among either United States citizens or
humankind. I want the civic faction of We the People of the United States to
reform all Education Departments, in order to persuade most youth and adults to
comprehend and intend to pursue, during a complete adulthood, human being
Due to the unpredictability of physics-and-progeny as well as errant public
behaviors, I think no individual can claim the right to "life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness". I think the 1776 Declaration of
Independence accepted war against England and nothing more.
I hope social democracy never again spreads its ruinous tentacles into United
States governance. The United States guarantees the people in their states
constitutional, republican governance.
I write opinion because I do not know the ineluctable truth.
#USpreambler, @acivicpeople
Again, Dec 5
Thank you, Christine, for your comprehension and
affirmation. I wish I knew your opinion about the text. On considering your
thought, I might improve my view.
I read an essay this morning in which the author objected to fellow citizens
who reject people for not joining Republicanism; some people "reject"
themselves in the privacy of their thoughts -- never voicing their concerns
among fellow citizens. The capital "R" suggests that the author is
unaware that the United States Constitution guarantees civic people in their
states a republican form of government. See Article IV Section 4. It's up to
the people to keep their state collaborative with the nation and to constrain
chaos in personal behavior; some people do not choose civic integrity.
Elements touched by United States republicanism include 1) provision for the
civic faction of We the People of the United States to amend the constitution
when injustice is discovered, 2) provisions for the civic faction to choose
their representatives, 3) prevention of majority votes from creating a democracy,
4) means of removing from office elected or appointed officials who deny or
betray their responsibilities to the United States, 5) term limits that remove
elected officials regardless of performance, 6) responsibility to maintain the
constitution assigned to one person -- the president, and 7) means to terminate
traitors. You might think of other provisions.
In my writing "civic" refers to citizens who pursue
reliable-responsibility to necessary goodness to self, family, city, county,
state, nation, and the world. It seems an easy task, once I discovered my
interpretation of Genesis 1:26-28, a political philosophy developed 5500 years
ago in Sumer civilization in ancient Mesopotamia.
#USpreamber, #acivicpeople
Nov 28
On this, my 81st Thanksgiving, I observe that America is
loved, not for liberty, but because a faction of We the People of the United
States pursues, facilitates, encourages, and practices civic goodness. It’s
never too late to pursue self-interested happiness.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople, Dec 28
I see lots of reported benefits to mice.
18 Loraine Kayser Today, approaching
Cynthia's and my 55th wedding anniversary, I at last understand her beauty was
recognized by Plato's Agathon 2500 years ago.
I substituted "goodness" for "love" in at "Agathon Speaks". So
the following sentence becomes, "As to courage, even the God of War is no
match for him; he is the captive and Eros is the lord, for [goodness], the
[goodness] of Aphrodite, masters [Ares], as the tale runs; and the master is
stronger than the servant." (Aphrodite is beauty and Ares is war;
Agathon's Eros, goodness as the rest of the speech attests, lords all gods.)
. . .
By our second anniversary, I would spontaneously say, "Cynthia, you are so
beautiful" and she would respond, "Yeah, yeah, I know. You're not
talking about my looks." Last midnight I told her again and think she
responded despite PSP.
. . .
Loraine, please ponder Agathon's speech and tell me how to improve my opinion.
17 I think you could have the ballpark. The government has a duty to
perform but cannot trust the public to know until it is complete. In this case,
the means of performing the duty exposes the activity and the government just
has to forestall the news until the mission is complete. Even then, they may
not disclose the actual-reality they explored. Thanks, Douglas for sharing.
On the other hand, there's nothing new under the sun: .
BTW, listen to the wonderful Armenian oud solo at 4:02 to
28 This, my 81st Thanksgiving, is the best. Loraine and you, Douglas and
Harold, make me feel the improvements won't end.,
Dec 18
If the point is that even the cunningly rich make mistakes,
I agree.
Nov 26 As of October 7, 2023 and November 5, 2024 we may be
considering that the civic faction may and can rule: work for the way of living
they want, aid fellow citizens who can't help themselves, reform those who
won't help themselves, constrain criminals, and destroy terrorists. The age to
hope for either utopia or heaven & hell on earth seems over. But the
Democrat Party seems stuck in their heavenly hell.,
Nov 25
It does, Jim, and I appreciate your attention to the details
of a global concern. (Just now I'm busy trying to constrain chaos in my own way
of living.)
The Democrat Party, domestic aliens, seems to have changed tactics -- from
trying everything possible to keep the civic faction of We the People of the
United States from electing Trump-Vance -- to attempting to persuade the entire
world to prevent the Trump-Vance presidency from initiating reform to the United
States Constitution.
I doubt the world will start nuclear war to keep Trump-Vance out of office,
primarily because it won't work. It'll blow up in their faces, just like
un-Americanism ruined Liz Cheney.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which
can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it
obviously does not work.
Phil is agent
for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit
corporation. See online at, and consider essays
from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag
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