Monday, December 12, 2016

11. November 9, 2016

Practice for November 9, 2016
  1. Please read “And now Security,” at
  2. A friend suggested I request a salesman to promote this work. Please volunteer or suggest someone.
  3. I now express public-integrity as private-liberty-with-civic-morality. I explain in the essay, “A civic culture,” I realized insufficiency after William Bonin asked, “What is private integrity?”
  4. I continue to comment on libertylawsite (Note 1), (Note 2), forums for the courses I took (Note 3), the newspaper (Note 4), and book reviews (Note 5). Each of these contacts are pertinent to this work.
  5. I reviewed LSU President F. King Alexander’s October 3-4 symposium “Moment or Movement?” on I was not impressed. Sensation Don Lemon, who used urban jargon to provoke giggles, seemed un-civic. But the LSU music performance was unforgettably beautiful.
  6. After I completed training for a volunteer service, the supervisors opined that an engineer cannot contend with the uncertainties needed to improve a wounded life. I doubt the decision, but happily am less ignorant.
  7. I finished P. M. Forni’s book, Choosing Civility, 2002. I highly recommend it, but plan to write a counter argument for choosing civicallity, meaning behave for civic morality, keeping civil morality private: civility is a matter of opinion. Like Alexis de Tocqueville, who visited America and expressed opinion, Forni came to America and expresses opinion. My opinions differ in both cases, and my opinion has standing for me.
  8. I need your help. I perceive American exceptionalism is achievable by this generation. From 1607, European colonists successively experienced freedom from the oppression they would have suffered had they stayed in their colonizing countries; liberty to live according to personal preferences despite harsh realities; and the will to declare independence from the kingdom that proposed to burden them. At that point, 1774, they changed style from European colonist to American statesman. Thirteen years later, willing people in twelve independent states proposed a nation of Americans. The delegates of twelve states iteratively collaborated to design a suitable system of governance of the people in their states. The goals and purpose are stated in the preamble, a civic sentence to be adopted by willing citizens. Since then, most citizens have either neglected or never considered the preamble. Application of that civic agreement could have emancipated the slaves, prevented the Civil War, and established equity already. What can be done to inspire 2/3 of the people in every demographic faction to choose to be an American---to iteratively collaborate for each willing-American’s freedom from coercion, liberty to live privately in civic safety and security despite this conflicted world?
  9. In conjunction with the above plea, I spoke to a black couple about how most African-Americans or blacks may be motivated to choose, “I am an American.” (See Note 7.) One said, “I am not black,” and my brain imagined, “I am a person,” before the other said, “I am brown.” In a subsequent conversation, four of us imagined a tee shirt:
               I am a person.
               I am an American.
               Let’s talk.
Perhaps the shirt would be mosaic in pattern and color.
Note 1. Online at and
Note 3. Online at
Note 5. Online at
Note 7. On October 4, 2016 at LSU, Dr. Norman C. Francis spoke at “Moment or Movement?”, and I took notes. I think he said, “I am an American. I want America to continue to be great. I choose to be here.”
Note 8. The religion-politics-partnership was identified 500 years ago in sarcasm by Nicolo Machiavelli. See online at

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