Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016

Recall: Phil Beaver trusts and is committed to, but does not know the-objective-truth, of which most is undiscovered yet some is understood. Yet he works and seeks refinement for his opinion, needed only when the-indisputable-facts have not been discovered.

Our Views: VIPS. I appreciate the phrase “civic obligation,” especially regarding the well-being of children and the additional thoughts about healthy family. “Civic” refers to integrity in human connections in this place. Beyond unity, integrity is fidelity to both wholeness and factual understanding. However, persons who advocate for iterative-collaboration for public-integrity, cannot trust VIPS. My guess is that VIPS acceptance criteria entails wanting social democracy rather than democratic-republic or simply apathetic conformity to the religion-government-partnership.

Today’s Thought. The beneficial interpretation of the second part of the New Testament quote may be: The idea, “Be perfect,” is literal and achievable for each unique human-being. Once your life is grounded in Fidelity to the-discovered-facts-of-reality and rational theory derived from the interrelated facts, you’ll be contributing to more abundant life. The first part of the quote may be interpreted: Beware the religion-government- partnership for it will steal your life for its maintenance benefits. (It is already established by millennial-public-apathy.)

Orleans Parish DA (Morrell). The writer’s record of the court cases suggest a civic people's need to reform the bench. That is, judges use the law to pick the civic people’s pockets, and the people’s apathy reduces the people's freedom from oppression such that the liberty to live is being lessened. A civic people may stop tolerating injustice anytime they choose. Just as a civic person earns their living, a civic person collaborates for civic justice.

Media on Trump (Russo). The media think they control this country by controlling public opinion: public opinion determines policy, they say. (At least that's what LSU School of Mass Communications represented to me with a list of course topics I should consider.) Defeat in one battle does not mean the war is over. However, a civic people may appreciate each other and communicate for public-integrity while the media ply their business plans---ending the woe brought on by the media.

Religion and Justice (Bates). For justice, ministers should resign from their institutions and become civic practitioners: People trained to help each person achieve individual-independence with civic-morality. The sole purpose of religious institutions is to preserve the institution regardless of the cost to humankind. Let me repeat the message: Ministers, become perfect servants by resigning the ministry and becoming civic practitioners. This is not my 1838 idea: see , wherein Emerson, after resigning his pulpit at age 29, four years later gave the message ministers hide from parishioners and the source of the message, in my paraphrase: You have the opportunity to perfect your unique person.

Cokie and Steve Roberts. Their collaboration often reflects the false-pride that journalists are the most noble citizens. Take for example, from September 21, 2016 “there is still time for professional journalists to provide those voters with the truth about the candidates.” How egoistic it must be to imagine you can provide the truth! It is well known that “freedom of the press,” means print anything that serves your business plan. That boast seems appropriate even after this December 30, 2016 offering by a couple who obfuscate the point: Since the Bill & Hillary Clintons are such obviously dissemblers, what’s to be said about the people who gave Mrs. Clinton a 2.8 million majority vote? Is their social-order exempt from public-integrity and civic-morality? I contend that the people who vote for Democrats in general are misled by would-be journalists like the Roberts couple. The idea “social democracy” to replace the USA’s democratic-republic is a scheme to ruin the world’s best hope: The potential for most Americans iteratively-collaborating for the Security to empower individual-independence according to the preamble to the constitution for the USA.

Bernard Goldberg. I nominate this opinion as the column of the half-century. Since 1966, the media has attempted to form national policy by influencing public opinion--- false emotions lull an indolent people into tolerance for social democracy instead of democratic-republic; social morality instead of civic morality; communitarianism instead of individual-independence; welfare enslavement instead of freedom from federal oppression; tax-obligations instead of liberty to pursue personal goals; prayer to factional gods instead of collaboration for civic justice. I am reminded of James Meredith’s reflections on his 1966 march: “Duty and responsibility are an equal part [of citizenship], and that’s the part the [press] has failed to pay any attention to.” See to read Meredith’s words, which I cannot interpret. However, they come under the press’s caption, “Civil rights marchers: U. S. has work to do." IMO, Meredith’s words claim the black race has work to do a half-century after his march. In another view, Goldberg's opinion seems more a defense of what the media did in the injustice they created: The media begged woe and the USA is suffering. The media may reform if the subscribers, hired-hands, management, and owners choose public-integrity.

Froma Harrop. As usual, Harrop exhibits no respect for the indisputable facts. See Boston news, “Premiums soar 21 percent for popular health plan,” online at . Perhaps in typical Alinsky-Marxist organizer’s (AMO) influence, Harrop extols states’ rights for vindictive reasons. AMO may choose public-integrity anytime its people perceive personal advantage in civic-morality.

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