Saturday, May 25, 2019

Are federal workers our fellow citizens?

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my proposal as follows: “We a civic people of the united states, in order to encourage individual responsibility for integrity, justice, peace, defense, and prosperity so as to secure human liberty for now and for the future, pursue statutory justice in the USA..” I want to collaborate with the other citizens on this paraphrase and theirs yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

I wonder if one member of congress, one member of the administration, or one member of the U.S. Supreme Court regards himself or herself as an individual of We the People of the United States pursuing justice under the U.S. preamble’s propositions?

What does Memorial Day mean to each of them personally respecting Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and Welfare? Would one of them articulate responsible human liberty? Are federal workers fellow citizens with We the People of the United States?


The individual may accept the actual reality that the human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity. Once a human accepts HIPEA, he or she tends to develop integrity.

The individual who accepts his or her HIPEA and uses it to develop integrity is setting the example that can inspire criminals and other infidels to reform.

The cultures have many people indoctrinated to compromise, subjugate, or submit. My daughter, Rebekah, says people need to collaborate, and I promote her idea.

The cultures have people indoctrinated to seek higher power. Armed with those two indoctrinations, two parties cite their higher power expecting the other party to comprehend and follow that power. Often, but not always, one party cites God expecting the other party to be thrilled with God, not imagining that the other party is committed to God and could not possibly believe in God! In other words the mystery of whatever-God-is, a private matter, should not be tolerated in public discussion, because people do not admit to themselves that God is a mystery. The God issues is merely a special case of people not individually separating private concerns from civic, or shared issues.

The first reform people need in order to become comfortable with collaboration is to accept the actual reality that the human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity. Once a human accepts HIPEA, he or she tends to develop integrity. With practice, he or she realizes that citing another human to make a point weakens his or her HIPEA or its representation. For example, I would not bring into my expressions anyone’s interpretation of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. I want to collaborate with living fellow citizens for its interpretation for our lives.

The second reform is to accept the standard to which all humans must conform: the-objective-truth. That is the ineluctable evidence by which all expressions of truth are measured. For example, psychologically mature humans not only develop integrity, they never lie. They know by experience and observation that lies create human loss and misery.

When two psychologically mature people realize they have earned differences of civic opinion, they delight in the opportunity to learn. The one who recognizes the difference does the work to state the perhaps common concern and a well-grounded remedy or reform. With the other party’s agreement to discuss the issue, the problem and solution are stated with clarity and brevity. The other party listens well then clarifies the statements. The other party may show that the concern is personal rather than shared. Once the two parties agree the concern is shared and the remedy is well stated, the listener either agrees or offers an improvement that would accommodate his or her preferences. The keys to this iterative process are that the two parties want to collaborate using the-objective-truth as standard rather than conflict for dominant opinion.

This process can be time consuming, but it promises resolution for both parties through collaboration using agreed standards. Perhaps it is worthwhile for each party to state that they agree to collaborate for equity under justice discovered as the-objective-truth rather than a dominant opinion.

The other day, a couples friends of over five decades visited bringing cake. I said that the next time they visit I’d like to serve a small lunch of sautéed spinach, bibigo brand Beef bulgogi Mandu from Costco, with Teriyaki sauce. He said, “That’s your habit, Phil. When you discover something good, you want to share it.”

In that spirit, I discovered during the last year this articulation: Every human has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to choose to either develop integrity or not. HIPEA is not widely encouraged, so few people accept it. However, it cannot be consigned.   

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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