Saturday, June 27, 2020

Mr. President protects the civic citizens’ strengths

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: ” Civic Citizens of the United States continually develop and practice 5 domestic disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---“in order to” encourage responsible human independence to U.S. youth and posterity. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

How does the President protect civic citizens’ strengths?

Regarding the civic citizens’ strengths as “holy-pearls” and as dogs and pigs the U.S. aliens, both domestic and the (lesser) foreigners, who constantly attack the President, I marvel: how well the Trump/Pence administration executes Matthew 6:7, “Don’t give to dogs what is holy, and don’t throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, then turn and attack you.

I am so happy to be among the 14 million voters who selected Trump/Pence for the GOP nominees. I am on deck to vote for them a third time, and regard their service to We the People of the United States as humility so sincere as to allow the dogs and pigs ample forums to bark and squeal themselves into public awareness.


As we are observing these days more than the rule of law what fellow citizens need is acceptance of human equity under statutory justice.

The chief problem just now is that many elected and appointed officials in the U.S. consider themselves above We the People of the United States as defined in the U.S. Preamble, the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

Democrats are especially proud of their self-granted status above We the People of the United States. Some elected officials claim they cannot be of We the People of the United States, because they are religious. They are self-styled aliens.

The rule of law is secondary to civic citizenship, and there needs to be a supermajority of civic citizens in order for a republic to constrain the chaos of democracy.

Psychological adolescence. Read H.A. Overstreet’s “The Mature Mind,” 1949. If you learn of a better book on the topic, please alert me.

Since a natural disaster or fellow citizens taking the liberty of vigilantism can take your life, if think the only valid human right is the opportunity to develop integrity.

I think the U.S., more than England, or any European country offers its citizens the opportunity to develop integrity. Unfortunately, too few accept the opportunity to develop integrity rather than tolerate infidelity, and even fewer articulate it.

Citizens who aid equity under statutory justice and encourage dissidents to reform are good, or civic.

In the U.S., the civic agreement, after asserting maintenance of the U.S. Constitution, is expressed in its preamble’s proposition, in my view:  Civic citizens of the United States nurture and practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to living citizens.

U.S. citizens who do not have a personal interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition will find it in their self-interest to develop one. I consider mine among my precious personal properties.

“The three main requirements of natural justice that must be met in every case are: adequate notice, fair hearing and no bias.”;

I don’t see how these requirements can be processed, as viewed by the three actors.

The accused needs immediate notice at one of two moments: either after he or she offends or immediately after the offended party decides to accuse the innocent party. In the first case exculpatory evidence lessens with time and in the second, the accused has no clues to proper defense against a strategic accusation.

The offended party has lessened fortune due to the offense and may not be skilled in the art of successfully accusing the actual offender; that is, skilled in thinking through the injustice he or she suffered. Of course a skillful and fortunate attorney can at least partially overcome the disadvantages. On the other hand, a skillful plaintiff lawyer can present the case so as to favor the offended party according to the civilization.

By civilization I mean not only the statutory law but the adjudication procedures. Briefly, there is little chance of unbiased justice in a court of law.

For example, in criminal trials by jury, unanimous verdicts are required in the U.S. In England and many former British colonies, 10:2 jury verdicts are allowed so as to suppress organized crime’s influence. Statistically, with a 12-person jury in a population spit 50/50, 7:5 jury-verdicts are statistically more likely to be unbiased than 12:0 verdicts. The U.S. Supreme Court often renders opinion on 5:4 votes.

The victims of this tyranny in the U.S. are the crime victim and the civic citizens who pay for statutory law-enforcement. The villains are the judges and lawyers who favor, for example, the unanimous jury system.

There is a remedy for this dilemma, and that is to reform for justice based on the ineluctable evidence more than the judicial skills in the civilization. In other words, develop a culture of equity under statutory justice derived from actual reality (the-objective-truth if not the-literal-truth) rather than judicial process.

The question confuses me, I think because of the word “truthful.” To me, “truthful” implies honesty, which is insufficient to integrity.

If a person chooses to develop integrity, it becomes easy to answer “I don’t know,” when that is so. Or
“I’ve considered it but have not drawn a conclusion.” But a promise made must be kept, to avoid woe.

I once promised to stop drinking in order to help inspire a friend to stop. Later, I traveled to Europe and expected to be offered wine at many events. I asked my friend for a temporary relief from my promise. The friend granted my request but then resumed his drinking practice. That experience taught me the lesson that if a promise is made, letting a competing motive interfere invites woe.

My example takes the question from an internal debate to a civic connection, which makes your question critical to utilitarianism.

How far back would you reform? The Christian thing to do? Avoiding the tree of knowledge? Abandoning civic discipline in order to worship Aten?

I have lots of questions about your question but will ignore them to suggest the-best-example-of-fierce-individualism I have observed as of my late eighth decade.

How does the President protect the nation’s secrets and practice transparency to the civic citizens of the United States and their fellow inhabitants? How does he or she negotiate with foreign powers and share his or her perceptions at home?

I think of national secrets as holy pearls as I read Matthew 7:6: “Don’t give to dogs what is holy, and don’t throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, then turn and attack you.” The U.S. presidential voters elected Donald J. Trump to behave wisely in the midst of dogs and pigs, and to me, that’s everyone except Donald J. Trump, because know one else knows the holy pearls.

Thus, even Mr. Vice-President must be accustomed to surprise responses from Mr. President when a question is asked so with so much canny as to prompt revelation of a holy pearl from an unskilled president.

I have observed many cases of writers for the media opining in pseudo-news that Trump lied, when the writer does not agree with Trump. Also, biased by being one of the 14 million GOP voters who chose Trump/Pence, I am usually able to assuage my doubts about what Trump has said or done and accept the uncertainty when I can’t. Therefore, I cannot say that Trump ever lied to my knowledge.

However, if he did, and his purpose was to practice Matthew 7:6, I consider it an act of extreme humility. To practice lying seems an ultimate failure to civic integrity. However, in this application I don’t think a civic citizen knows enough to conclude that Trump lied.

Trump’s fierce individualism is best expressed when he goes over his proposals to tentative staff, GOP friends, Democrat enemies, foreign enemies, and fellow citizens and finishes by saying, “We’ll see how it turns out.”

First, a citizen may notice that the collective cannot practice integrity if each individual member is dissident to justice.

Second, a citizen may accept that the collective can practice integrity if a super-majority of individual members aid the development of equity under statutory justice and transparently constrain the dissident fellow-members.

These principles are abstractly expressed in the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. The preamble has two main ideas: 1) inhabitants authorize and maintain written law and its system of conduct, and 2) each citizen may volunteer to execute the disciplines to empower the purpose. I call this second part the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. I encourage every U.S. citizen to develop a personal interpretation of the proposition. Mine, shared for criticism so that I may improve, is:  Civic citizens of the United States nurture and practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to living citizens.

It seems to me the Trump/Pence administration, during the House Democrat impeachment of Donald Trump exemplified the necessary posture for a free-society to survive.

It was obvious to the 14 million voters who chose the Trump/Pence ticket in the 2016 GOP primaries that the Democrats, perhaps with 2-3 dissenters were each liars with the arrogance to break constitutional standards so they could implement partisan impeachment of the President.

I suspect the Democrats counted on the partisan press to fulfill the tyranny that is coming from some “journalism” schools: social “scientists” manipulate statistics in public polls designed to promote a social bias; the media can slant the results so as to influence public opinion; and public opinion determines political policy. The social scientists as well as the media overlook to power of civic citizens to maintain the disciplines for responsible human independence. The Democrats are the victims of civic citizens.

Further, some of the Democrat witnesses exercised their opportunities to express themselves as arrogant career-officials who had no intentions of submitting to their boss---the President, who was elected by Civic Citizens of the United States as defined in the U.S. Preamble.

I think the Trump/Pence administration was correct to resist the Democrats’ actions without trying to invoke force. By defending the administration’s actions without interfering with the House Democrats’ tyranny, actual-reality prevailed in the Senate with its trial. There, one Senator distinguished himself as “a religious man” who could not uphold the U.S. Constitution as he swears to do. We now know not to vote for any person of his religious persuasion.

If the voters censored the Democrats and the religious aliens, they could not express their tyranny so clearly, and voters might have more difficulty discerning the self-interests they approve:  Civic citizens always vote for elected and appointed officials who demonstrate individual trust-in and commitment-to We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

There are more serious concerns than the Democrats. For example, the justices on the U.S. Supreme court seem to perceive they long since rose above civic citizenship to an egocentric divine status that empowers them to defy actual-reality.

That brings me to what civic citizens conform to: the U.S. Preamble’s five public disciplines that are offered to willing citizens in order to encourage responsible human independence. Civic citizens always want to learn fellow-citizens’ complaints without vigilantism so as to have the chance to aid reform to statutory justice when written law is found erroneous.

Ethical transparency includes humility toward whatever-God-is. Yet U.S. citizens who possess that humility are urged to tolerate if not join the hubris of government officials who represent their personal Gods. Many government officials transparently alienate themselves from their oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution, claiming the right by tradition to unconstitutionally err by adding “. . . so help me God” to their oath of office. The person who claims unconstitutional decisions based on his or her religion is an alien to We the People of the United States as defined by the preamble to the U.S. Constitution and beyond. The tyranny the First Congress imposed in the First Amendment is none the less tyranny; the religion clauses should be reformed to integrity clauses.

Ethics is the journal of the path to the-literal-truth. The press does not serve that purpose, as they are obligated-to, under ‘freedom of the press.” Civilizations specify norms, standards, and ethics that may not conform to integrity. The press executes their particular business plan.

When I think about an institution that may be journaling the path to ethics, I think of Wikipedia. That is the reason I contribute my few dollars to them each year.

Humankind has the awareness and grammar necessary to develop integrity. Integrity is a process, and its product is the-objective-truth when existing means of perceiving are too imperfect to discern the-literal-truth. The-objective-truth ultimately approaches the-literal-truth. The mature adult has reformed to the childhood acceptance “I don’t know” when that is so. Otherwise, the adult may be behaving unethically.

The integrity process includes: 1) researching a heartfelt concern to learn if it is a mirage; if so, that conclusion is journaled; 2) with valid concerns, additional research is conducted to discover and comprehend the cause; 3) additional research adds understanding how to benefit from the discovery; 4) behaving for benefits that neither initiate nor tolerate harm to fellow citizens or their responsible institutions; 5) informing the public as to the reasons for the self-interested and civic conduct so as to learn suggestions they may offer; and 6) keeping an open mind for needed change. The product of this process is the-objective-truth if not the-literal-truth.

I know of only one proposal for a civilization that could develop these principles. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. Preamble), consists of two main thoughts, both of which each citizen has the self-interest to interpret.

The main thought is “we the people” maintain the articles of the U.S. Constitution. Within the articles, means for amendment are specified, so that living people can reform unjust laws from the past. Thereby, the continuum of living citizens can reform unjust law toward statutory justice.

A secondary thought, a proposed purpose, is abstractly stated, and each living citizen may interpret it so as to order his or her civic, civil, and legal living as well as pursue any responsible spiritual life he or she chooses. By “responsible spiritual life” I mean spiritualism that conform to written law during the journey to statutory justice. The U.S. Preamble addresses civic, civil, and legal disciplines, leaving spirituality/religion to individual privacy.

I share my interpretation hoping readers suggest improvements in my intentions for my life:  Civic citizens of the United States nurture and practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to living inhabitants. Notice that religion is not included in the list of civic disciplines, tacitly designating it to privacy.

Acceptance of these principles can be made transparent by publically practicing the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. For example, civic meetings, oaths, and contracts can express humility rather than transparent hubris by using the term “whatever-God-is” rather than “God.” If so, those civic citizens who do not have a personal God need not suffer the tyranny of civil Gods.

The main duty is to discover the question and accept that: I am a human being and may choose to individually behave, as some persons civically, civilly, and legally do.

Beyond that acceptance is the discovery a nest of acceptances and choosing to develop integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to your person.

Posts that expand on that topic may be found on Google Chrome using searches, for example, "Phil Beaver"+"nest of acceptances" or better, "Phil Beaver"+"civic"+"acceptance".

Another possibility is to discover that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can be viewed as a hierarchy of responsible human independence (RHI). I assert that the U.S. hidden purpose is majority-public discipline in order to encourage RHI to U.S. youth and beyond. So far, We the People of the United States has held its education departments accountable for encouraging RHI. Therefore, civic integrity exponentially lags technology, which is progressing with moon landings in preparation to explore Mars.

The 2020 U.S. generation is the first to articulate the importance of every citizen developing his or her individual interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. With the aid of the Internet, a super-majority of citizens may be practicing the proposition as they personally view it within a couple years. If so, an achievable better future might emerge.

I share my interpretation hoping readers suggest improvements in my intentions for my life:  Civic citizens of the United States nurture and practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to living inhabitants.

If you like this proposal, please share it along with your suggestions or replacement.

The pursuit of integrity.

For example, some authentic women and some reliable men will continue to appreciate the human ovum and the spermatozoon as the potential for conceiving a human being and therefore granting each of the mentioned single cells the human equity and dignity they are due. Call that man, woman, and their progeny a family-unit and call their practice responsible human independence.

Homosexual unions cannot ignore the equity and dignity due the human gametes and conceptions.

The human family will continue to appreciate their opportunity to develop integrity rather than tolerate infidelity so that the children’s children and descendants beyond can also practice responsible human independence.

In other words, the sequential monogamy for life, heterogeneous successions, will continue in conformity to physics and its progeny including psychology.

Descendants who choose homosexual unions will accept the additional work to provide children they parent the heterosexual-family experience the children deem equitable and dignified. An option is to live in monogamy (childless). I do not know how homosexual couples can provide heterosexual-family experience. I also do not know the-literal-truth.

I understand that only 1/8 of heterosexual marriages are monogamous for life. That statistic reflects not invalidity of the monogamy premise but the cultural influences that purport to encourage it. I refer to religion, which inculcates personal dependence upon a higher power. By not accepting human integrity, parties can point to failures of each other’s’ personal God. However, everybody knows nobody can specify whatever-God-is.

For this reason and others, I have written for over 20 years urging amendment of the First Amendment to encourage integrity, a citizen’s self-interest, rather than religion, a business interest. I think I could witness that U.S.-reform within 2 years, because civic citizens would be relieved of the existing hubris against whatever-God-is.

Discerning the great human witnesses is not easy. I will ramble through a few opinions.

Agathon said that appreciation’s greatest power is that practitioners neither initiate nor tolerate harm to or from any person or institution. Thus, a civic person is intolerant of institutional tyranny and remains strong so as to resist actual attack, whether physical or psychological.

Socrates chose an unjust execution rather than exile in order to uphold written law before the related statutory justice was discovered. He was falsely accused of refuting God and made the point that no human or its institutions can constrain whatever-God-is.

Jesus demonstrated that the clergy-government-partnership maintains tyranny against the human species and that each human can apply HIPEA (human individual power, energy, and authority) to perfect his or her unique person.

Ralph Waldo Emerson explained Jesus’s message: the opportunity of human life is to perfect your unique person. For that speech, “Divinity School Address,” (1838) he was banned from scholarly influence for 3 decades.

R.E. Lee, in a December 1856 letter to his wife left ineluctable evidence that the American Civil War, 1861-65, was Christian slave-staters trying to prove that Christian abolitionists were evil---trying to accelerate Lee’s Christian God’s plan. Bleeding Kansas and the CSA’s declaration of secession verify Lee’s erroneous Christian beliefs were widely shared.

Abraham Lincoln seems too political to leave reliable witness, and his political use of the Declaration of Independence to lessen the power of the U.S. Preamble and its supporting articles and statutes is egregious. Late during the war, I feel any corruption derived from insufferable pain more than power.

Thank you, Mr. Hardy, for calling my attention to causality, knowledge, and Freedom. Some scholars add “belief”;

I also glanced at

I wish to admit I don’t know the-objective-truth regarding your question and answer according to my opinion, focusing on three individual acceptances as the human obligations you invoke.

First, moral responsibility is a human concern, because no other species has the awareness and grammar with which to consider civic obligations. Consequently, some humans develop psychological maturity in 3 quarter-century phases, if at all: acquiring the comprehension and intention to live their unique human lifetime; serving fellow citizens so as to earn a living and develop experiences and observations on which to develop integrity, and examining the consequences of his or her life so as to share with posterity. It is important for the person to accept that he or she is a human being; the earlier in life, the better.

Second, each human has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to either develop integrity or tolerate infidelity to his or her person. It is important for the person to accept that some citizens discover and accept HIPEA and choose to practice integrity.

Third, humankind has suggested for over 2,400 years now that, in my interpretation, civic citizens develop equity under statutory justice. Call equity under statutory justice the civic contract. It is important for the person to accept civic citizenship rather than dissidence to human justice.

These principles are not published, except by me, because, frankly, the system of scholarship censors propositions for civic discipline by which to develop responsible human independence. This has evolved from the arts, wherein artisans must earn a living and the most lucrative revenues come from the wealthy.

Unless the wealthy person is armed with extraordinary integrity, wealth entices typical human beings into civic infidelities derived from the non-religious interpretation of Chapter XI Machiavellianism. That is, the wealthy and the politicians partner (beyond the clergy-politician partnership) to be elite and to hide the civic contract from the non-elite fellow citizens. It is nearly impossible for an elite to accept the civic contract. Consider, for example, how U.S. Senators treat themselves at the expense of the non-elites.

In the U.S., the civic contract is proposed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It consists of a thought with a subordinate catalogue of intentions. The simple thought is: inhabitants “ordain and establish this Constitution.” The demographic is narrowed to citizens who agree with the intention “in Order to” and the proposition that follows. It is in every citizen’s self-interest to interpret and practice the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. In other words, to accept being a U.S. civic citizen rather than a dissident.

My interpretation (which I share hoping for readers’ suggestions to improve the integrity of my citizenship) is:  Civic citizens of the United States nurture and practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to U.S. youth and fellow inhabitants.

With a supermajority of U.S. Citizens practicing their interpretations of the U.S. Preamble, say 2/3 of voters, the U.S. elite partnerships could be held accountable after 232 years under a Congress that could not care less about the U.S. Preamble and the articles and statues that ought to conform to its proposition.

Incidentally, after giving up on more local elected officials, I have written to my State Senators, Cassidy and Kennedy, requesting a meeting to listen to my concerns, and they have shown no appreciation for my citizenship. I hope that will change soon.

The most fundamental principle, integrity, is not accepted in the 12. That is not surprising.

Honesty is insufficient. Integrity is conformity to the-literal-truth and is arduous. Most people don’t even discover integrity much less develop the practice.

Integrity is a process: research a heartfelt concern to discover if it is a mirage, and if so, journal the conclusion; if not, research the practices that are possible using the discovery, so as to choose a self-interest; choose to neither initiate nor tolerate harm to or from any person or their institutions; publicly announce your discovery, understanding, and practice and be open to any criticism so as to consider improvements others perceive; remain open-minded to new concerns or discoveries that require change and effect integrity as soon as possible.

Merriam-Webster online tells us “integrity” means adherence to a moral code, or soundness, or completeness and perhaps all three. Ethics and moral codes journal the path to integrity.

I Googled your topic and found The article switches to personal integrity, the egocentricity that begs ruin. Executives who develop and practice integrity expand the leading edge of ethics and moral principles, sometimes negating a civilization’s accepted practice.

The preamble to the U.S. Constitution proposes 5 public disciplines to encourage responsible human independence. The 5 disciplines for my 2020 living are: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity. I think 5 is more manageable than 12. And the UN declaration of human rights is serious comedy.

I wish I could learn from fellow citizens’ interpretations of the preamble, but alas few people are interested.

I don’t know, but think so, in an un-established proposal.

America evolved from 100 years French and English wars for liberty that was often taken for license to kill. For domestic justice, the 1787 framers of the U.S. Constitution proposed a system with no standards but statutory law, providing to amend it. Radical change is possible when needed.

The U.S. Preamble features a simple sentence: inhabitants “ordain and establish this Constitution” plus the intention “in order to . . .” It’s astonishing that the Committee of Style, from September 8 to 12, 1787, added the proposition that some framers refused to sign.

America’s greatness is that every citizen has the prerogative to consider the U.S. Preamble’s proposition or not. If not, he or she invites personal woe and is counting on civic citizens to save them. The second greatness is that the U.S. Preamble’s proposition offers no standards or norms: posterity’s posterity may discover statutory justice.

The First Congress was too adolescent to accept these profound Philadelphia developments. Congress imposed religion, in particular Christianity, in specific, factional-Protestantism. America continues to suffer imposition of religion when what citizens need is opportunity/encouragement to develop integrity.

Every citizen will discover self-interest in doing the work to derive their individual interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. Mine today, shared for readers to improve, follows: Civic citizens of the United States nurture and practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to living inhabitants. Religion is not included in the disciplines because the framers had demonstrated in their debates and procedures that spirituality is a private, human choice rather than a civic duty.

I think that soon Congress will enact amendment of the First Amendment so as to encourage integrity, a citizen’s self-interest, rather than religion, a business practice, leaving spirituality a private choice. It will be the beginning of reform from erroneous British-American traditions that repress the U.S. Preamble’s proposition: individual discipline for responsible human independence.

As always, follow the money. Physics and its progeny rule both technology and psychology.

Take gender, for example. A sincere male suffers heterophobia, which I define as the fear of falling in love with a woman. Fear, because his intention is to care for one woman and their progeny for life. His civilization teaches that this is a risky decision, for many reasons.

However, the ineluctable evidence is that what is required a woman who is serenely confident that she will be true to him for her lifetime no matter what. I am fortunate to have discovered that person for me, and we are at the early edge of our sixth decade of marriage with three children.

I could not have articulated that she was serenely confident when I courted her and won her hand in marriage, but I knew what I was doing in choosing her.

Some men relent and settle for less.

The money comes, for example, when some technologists discover ways to choose “gender” and sell a person on dedicating his (or her) life to the change. I’m waiting to hear how that investment turns out.

The technologists lobby judges and legislative officials and recover the cost in the transgender’s bills as well as through tyranny against civic citizens through taxation.

The person who comprehends the ineluctable evidence and understands how to apply it.

I think the first step is to accept that you are a person and that each human has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to either develop integrity or tolerate infidelity to his or her person.

I guess it takes about 3 decades for a well-coached human being to discover HIPEA and then integrity and choose to develop it. I estimate another 3 decades to rebound from errors (not habits). During another 3 decades a psychologically mature person can begin resisting both internal and external constraints so as to encourage fellow citizens to discover HIPEA and choose integrity.

Since I was talking to my mirror, I got to work. Now I am in my eighth decade and still developing integrity, low as my thoughts may be.


Every human ovum is unique. Every human spermatozoon is unique. An ovum and a spermatozoon unite to form one unique single cell conception. Gestation, delivery, infant care, rearing, and everything thereafter increases the individuality of the person.

To suggest equality among unique beings exposes immaturity to actual-reality. To require government officials to provide equality exposes political demands for chaos.

I have written my opinion because I do not know the-literal-truth.

I’d like to address only “human dignity.” The human species is the only one with the awareness by which to develop grammar.

It takes a quarter century for the human to complete the wisdom-building parts of his or her brain. It takes another quarter century for him or her to accept human, individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) and choose to develop integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to his or her person. During another quarter century he or she may consider whether or not his or her person has successfully developed and perhaps reform as needed.

By encouraged and well coached acceptances, each human may make the most of his or her lifetime. Those who do so appreciated their person’s human dignity.

The process of developing a mature human with dignity begins with the ovum in a woman’s body and a spermatozoon in a man’s body. Each of them should appreciate the gametes they carry as the beginnings of a unique human of equal dignity. Every event after the two have been joined as a single cell is critical to the development of a mature human who fulfilled his or her potential.

Independence involves a nest of acceptances: that you are a human being; that human beings take charge of their comprehension and intention to live a complete life; that humans have the individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity to the ineluctable evidence or tolerate infidelity; that humans who employ HIPEA for crime and tyranny must be constrained; that criminals often self-license for egocentric liberty and when the society you are in takes that license, you want the independence to exit. The key to independence is the integrity to the ineluctable evidence.

Domestic war is the consequence of social democracy’s chaos. Social warriors invite the woe of statutory law enforcement without impacting the lives of civic citizens beyond the inconvenience of staying away from the mobs who self-license vigilantism for egocentric liberty/”rights”.

“Social justice” attempts to consign to the civic citizen the responsibility for a dissident citizen’s lifestyle.

The human individual has the power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity to his or her person. Integrity is the practice of behaving according to the-objective-truth or ineluctable evidence rather than human constructs. It tales about a quarter century for a human to complete the wisdom-building parts of his or her brain and another quarter century to accumulate the experience and observations on which to validate his or her self-reliance.

The human infant, born feral---totally uninformed, replaces “I don’t know” with information on which to act. His or her caretakers supply both information and honest misinformation---based on beliefs. As the infant develops, he or she applies self-reliance to test the misinformation and happily replace it if needed. Understanding caretakers know that youth must address future ways of living the caretakers cannot imagine, so they assist and encourage youth to discover the-objective-truth and conduct their lives so as to benefit. In appreciation, the caretaker can try to live like the youth, but cannot force the youth to adopt the caretaker’s lifestyle: the human being is too powerful to be forced to reject integrity. Caretakers who honestly do not comprehend integrity may erroneously resist young self-reliance. The consequence is conflict, and the acquiescent youth retains dependency rather than establishing responsible human independence.  

These concepts are not at all new, as they were debated by the Greeks about 2400 years ago as extensions of then ancient arguments. For example, in 2020 views, civic citizens develop equity under statutory justice; civic citizens neither initiate harm to or from fellow citizens or their institutions; unjust statutory law must be obeyed until the replacement approaching statutory justice is discovered; the citizen who opposes statutory justice may expect constraint by the enforcement of justice.

Advocates for social justice may expect constraint by statutory law, even if judicial error is discovered. Social democrats fail to accept being human and taking responsibility to use his or her HIPEA to develop integrity.

Politicians who encourage social democracy and egocentric “justice” invite woe. Saul Alinsky invited woe by advocating violence when his “rights” rights were at stake and many Alinsky-Marxist followers welcome misery and loss. I understand that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were Alinsky students.

Mom and Dad exemplified responsible human independence. Low as my performance may be, I strive for individual happiness with civic integrity.

Late in my eighth decade (past age 75), I cannot think of an enemy or remaining quarrel. There may be people who wrote me off or stonewall me; mutual comprehension for connection requires intentions by both parties.

Late in my developments toward integrity I discovered that liberty is often taken as license to damage, injure, and/or kill. It was taken for granted by England vs France in the years 1688 to 1789, marked by two civil wars, England’s Glorious Revolution and France’s Bloody Revolution, respectively. In the meantime, there was America’s 1774 Revolution for Independence from England, and liberty as license to war was taken for granted.

However, the 1787 Constitutional Convention produced a system for 5 public disciplines in order to encourage responsible human independence. Mom and Dad practiced the U.S. Preamble’s proposition to order their civic, civil, and legal lives while each pursuing salvation of their souls as Southern Baptists. They maintained the independence to walk away when one of their societies took the license to use violence to make a political point.

Without articulating the appreciation for their posterity, neither Mom nor Dad objected when I chose to be humble toward whatever-God-is rather than continue to indoctrinate myself in one of their two Christianities. Apparently, they were civic citizens of the United States rather than dissidents to justice.

Maybe so, but I’m not certain. I have not made it a priority to analyze casino. I consider play another entertainment that requires discipline (one I do not care to master).

The person who budgets casino play chose it as entertainment. It is not my choice of entertainment, and I cannot fault their choice. Similarly, the person who tithes to his or her church chose it as entertainment, and I cannot fault their choice. I know some people who do both activities.

Some people have not the discipline to entertain themselves and casino play becomes their vice. The vice is a consequence of their lack of integrity to themselves, and the casino is merely the beneficiary of the personal infidelity.

Civic infidelity enters the picture when the person’s infidelity affects his or her well-being or obligations to family. The person who impoverishes himself or herself so as to attend casinos has failed. It’s worse if family is impacted. However, the player’s infidelity might have come out some other way, perhaps worse. People don’t think about it too much, but Patrick Henry was married with 6 children when he said “Give me liberty or give me death.” His patriotic zeal and solidarity with fellow rebellion-leaders overran commitments to his family. The cause is nobler but the infidelity to family would feel the same if suffered.

One other example: Many of us enjoy professional sporting events and are satisfied to follow them on TV or read about them in the news. However, some people must attend every major event, even though they cannot afford it. That seems a vice.

I think casinos exist for people who want to play and human life is too precious for me to try to control the wishes of other people. If a person feels his or her play is ruining life, I hope they will call the help line the casino displays. They won’t get such help from the church that’s picking their pocket, because it is part of Chapter XI Machiavellianism; see, comprehend, and remember the first paragraph of The Prince: Chapter XI. It has many applications to living in the USA.

Civic citizens need grounds to hold government officials accountable.

Not knowing the truth, may I express 2 opinions?

After humankind has arrived at one universal truth there may remain the-literal-truth.

The human individual and his or her institutions are prudent to reserve sufficient humility toward whatever-God-is.

I do not know. Here’s what I think.

15th to 20th century Western thought managed to negate the American break that was proposed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, reflecting the Philadelphia debates by framers from 12 of 13 former British-American colonies with their British-American traditions. We can reform.


Each citizen should own his or her interpretation of the U.S. Preamble. Here’s mine on 6/21/2020:  Civic citizens of the United States nurture 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity in order to demonstrate to U.S. youth and posterity responsible human independence under the-objective-truth if not the-literal-truth.

Responsible human independence requires conforming to the-literal-truth, and democracy conforms to individual will: human chaos. Liberty as a surrogate for independence is license, often to draw fellow-citizens’ blood, property, or fortune. Whatever-God-is assigned to the individual the responsibility to develop equity under statutory justice.

I don’t know. Also, I do not care about Dash Stores so would not do the research to answer your question.

I think so, in a civic culture. “Civic” means developing individual happiness with mutual integrity.

My interpretation of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, just now, is:  Civic people of the United States maintain 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence to U.S. youth and posterity.

This proposition offers citizens the choice to develop the 5 disciplines and the independence but does not specify standards/norms. Dissidents may develop the intentions to join out of self-interest, and if not may encounter statutory justice of not undiscovered-erroneous law.

In mutual integrity, a citizen may be in a group that holds that God is red, with no impact on fellow citizens, whether civic or dissident.

I only express my opinion: Honesty does not work, because both parties are typically honest. Often, neither has discovered integrity and therefore has not begun to develop awareness of the-objective truth let alone the-literal-truth. Thereby, an individual speaks “I don’t know,” when that is so.

Consider this statement: the sun will not rise tomorrow. This is so, because the earth rotates on its axis each 24 hours, about, and the rotation hides the sun each evening and un-hides it each morning. As the rotation continues during the day, the sun does not traverse the sky. Most people don’t know this and have no idea that life is enriched by this seemingly trivial fact.

Similarly, many people discuss God, never realizing each is happily praising his or her personal God with no reserve of humiliation toward whatever-God-is.

Most cultures teach their youth to value honesty, because integrity seems disadvantageous. However, the person who chooses to develop integrity will discover that it is in his or her self-interest. It should not take too many honest mistakes leading to infidelities to convince a human being that fidelity to the-literal-truth is in individual self-interest, but often, integrity is never discovered.

Capitalism has taught me so much it is difficult to comprehend let alone effectively express. I’ll try, reminding myself that I do not know.

By experiencing misery and loss, first, I learned to accept some actual-realities about my person in American capitalism, as follows:

1.    I am a human being.

2.    A typical human being takes more than a quarter century for each of 4 potential achievements, in succession, 1) complete physical construction of his or her brain, 2) acquire the comprehension and intention to live a chronologically and psychologically complete human life, 3) to earn a living by which to experience and observe (or neglect) the-objective-truth if not the-literal-truth, and 4) to study and contemplate his or her person’s choices and consequences so as to measure his or her life-success. 

3.    Each human has individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or infidelity to the-literal-truth; some, in error or failure, have the resilience to re-start for success.

4.    Integrity cannot be imposed on fellow citizens who think crime pays. Therefore the civic citizens must encourage, exhort, coerce, and legally force dissidents to consider reform.

5.    Civic citizens neither initiate nor tolerate harm to or from any individual or civic/civil/legal institution.

6.    In a civic culture, at least 2/3 of each society’s members are civic citizens. They aid individual happiness and statutory justice. Most citizens nurture mutual, comprehensive safety and security.


Second, I learned that scholarship is less beneficial than journaling actually-real events and discoveries:

1.    The scholars construct the doctrine that is used to control and coerce students. A fellow citizen is excluded from proprietary debate. For example, some economists claim civic citizens cannot conduct self-interest with integrity because they don’t employ economists’ language. Therefore, the civic citizen who wants to influence an achievable better future must discover language that overcomes the scholars’ credential-codes. For example, the inhabitant who does not earn the way of living he or she demands is a tyrant. I consider the latter economics proprietary for citizens who want mutual, comprehensive safety and security.

2.    The civic citizen must find simple expressions that so obviously represent the-literal-truth that most citizens will accept them as bases for holding government officials accountable.

3.    The citizen who is passive, negligent, opposed or ignorant about the duty to aid civic integrity and statutory justice doubly burdens the civic citizens by allowing government officials to favor criminals, aliens, and traitors at the life expense of all inhabitants. Many inhabitants think they are so busy working to survive that he or she must try to consign civic, civil, and legal responsibility to a higher power. Higher powers successively fail them, and before long life ends and their children continue the subjugation.

4.    In a political system that involves voting to elect officials (perhaps who will appoint other officials), agreement to continue an established civic, civil, and legal obligation is required in order to develop a civic culture. In the USA, the necessary practice is proposed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution together with the 1787 Articles. No one should be allowed to run for office, apply for a government appointment, or vote, if he or she cannot demonstrate past practice of the preamble’s proposition as he or she interprets it. Other civic, civil, and legal actors have alien goals and purposes or none.

5.    Government officials who cannot allow consumer to motivate entrepreneurs are often tyrants attempting to spoil capitalism.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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