Sunday, June 7, 2020

Responsible Human Independence Day postponed!

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.
"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equity:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: “We the People of the United States consider, communicate, collaborate, and connect to practice 5 public disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity so as to encourage both living fellow citizens and future citizens to take advantage of responsible human independence.” I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.
It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.
Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.


Selected theme from this week

Announcing Responsible Human Independence Day 2020

Soon, we’ll host our 7th annual commemoration of 1788 when 9 of 12 represented states ratified the draft U.S. Constitution and its U.S. Preamble. Recent discoveries position us to promote the U.S. Preamble’s proposition for practice by government officials as civic citizens. In other words, elected and appointed fellow citizens in local, state, and federal offices either self-discipline to the U.S. Preamble rather than to British-American precedent or other alien principle; or get fired by The Civic Citizens of the United States.

The meeting on June 25, 2020, at EBRP Main Library, 7711 Goodwood Blvd, Study Room 2D from 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM is limited to 10 people including me. If more people want to participate, we can mutually schedule another meeting. This year’s title is “Responsible Human Independence Day,” and we’d like June 21 to be a national holiday of more domestic interest than the 4th of July’s National Independence Day.

Key discoveries, controversial on introduction yet well-grounded in historical events, include:

1.      In the preamble’s dependent-predicate object “to ourselves and our Posterity,” our generation is the “ourselves” to coming generations. It’s in the citizen’s self-interest and descendant-responsibility to discover and practice his or her civic, civil, and legal preamble-interpretation. The preamble leaves religious/spiritual pursuits to privacy.
2.      The word “blessings” expresses advantages, responsibilities, acceptance, and affirmation of being a human citizen. Arbitrarily rejecting the rule of law denies human-citizenship.
3.      The word “independence” offers civic clarity whereas “liberty” is often misappropriated as “license.” The phrase “responsible human independence” seems more coherent than “responsible human liberty.” Among a crowd that is harming property or people for egocentric liberty/rights, the civic citizen has the psychological independence to leave. “License to leave” implies permission from the harmful group.
4.      None of the phrases in the U.S. Preamble specify standards, implying that posterity’s posterity discovers ultimate reforms so that We the People of the United States, led by Civic Citizens of the United States, continually approaches statutory justice. Civic Citizens of the United States does not know how well its society can serve citizens under posterity’s future excellence.
5.      The U.S. Preamble proposes discipline-and-purpose of by and for living citizens ending unjust colonial British-American traditions. It accepts the global independence won in 1781 and ratified in 1784 to 13 free and independent states. Furthermore, it offers U.S. citizens opportunity to develop equity under statutory justice rather than preserve English-traditional power over U.S. citizens.
6.      “The people,” “self-rule” and other “Western” fallacies preserve a 17th-18th century European “us versus them” attitude; or “the people versus government.” Reform to Civic Citizens of the United States can come from fellow citizens who accept being human with intent to develop integrity rather than to tolerate injustice.
7.      The 55 framers of the 1787 U.S. Constitution were not “founding fathers” or in any way an extension of the bloody revolutions for liberty of the period 1688 in England to 1774 in colonial British-America to 1789 in France. Instead, the framers designed and specified a system of domestic government under discipline by current families so as to secure independence in perpetuity. Some representatives were dissidents to the Constitution: only 39 framers were signers, leaving 16 dissidents. So far, Congress has held U.S.-potential hostage to British-American tradition.
8.      Revising the subject to "Civic Citizens of the United States" clarifies that the U.S. is not a utopia with no need to develop statutory justice. It seems there will always be people who think infidelity is sufficiently rewarding to their persons.
9.      The capitalization of “Posterity” instructs me that the Committee of Style accepted that, in my interpretation, parents cannot imagine the actual-realities their children, the next generation, will face and therefore parents and the Civic Citizens of the United States are prudent to encourage and coach the children unto self-discipline for integrity rather than instruct them in false human constructs.

These and prior discoveries from our six years are the basis of my June 2020 interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition:  Civic Citizens of the United States continually develop and practice 5 domestic disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage to living citizens responsible human independence. [On 6/6/2020, thinking there would be no future discoveries, I perceived the clarity of “Civic Citizens” instead of “We the People.” Yet, as always, I preserve the original words so as to accept each citizen’s personal interpretation by which to order civic, civil, and legal living while preserving individual religious/spiritual fidelity. The U.S. Preamble’s proposition offers voluntary self-interest as each citizen views it or not.]

We look forward to discussing your interpretations of the U.S. Preamble so I may improve my civic, civil, and legal way of living. We want to accelerate aid to an achievable better future in the USA.

We hope you attend the world’s first Responsible Human Independence Day and that as a consequence of your aid the 2021 event will be celebrated by EBR Parish and beyond. We hope the intentions and practice the U.S. Preamble’s proposition accelerates in a matter of months to at least 2/3 of members of every responsible association in the U.S., including the Supreme Courts, state and federal.

Copyright©2020 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

I think so.
The person who realizes that he or she must earn the living he or she wants and does so with civic integrity sets an example of the self-interest in rejecting infidelity.

The person who observes that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be used as a hierarchy of self-discipline and lives accordingly may be un-heralded, but will have influenced many fellow citizens to develop integrity.
Nelson presents weak arguments from the first paragraph to the last.
Quoting the article, “We abhor the reality that some would deny others respect and the most basic of freedoms because of the color of his or her skin.”
Nelson expressed blatant assumption. Police actions have many motivations. Fellow citizens must accept that they are human beings and therefore are expected to behave for equity under statutory justice. Criminals create the need for justice and first response to crime.
The human acceptance includes Mormon saints. In other words, Mormons are in no position to “deny others respect . . . because” the others are non-Christians or non-theists.
Again, quoting, “I plead with us to work together for peace, for mutual respect, and for an outpouring of love for all of God’s children.”
Humankind must include the fellow citizens who were chosen by whatever-God-is to not believe Jesus is God. See John 15:18-23 to understand my statement. Mormon saints can exclude themselves from humankind but nevertheless must observe the rule of law.
First, “the people” is a distraction from “fellow citizens” and fosters “the people versus government” attitude. Even more importantly, civic citizens develop equity under statutory justice. It seems there will always be dissidents to justice.
Nicolo Machiavelli wrote, I think in irony about the ways government can pick its citizens’ pockets in “The Prince,” 1513. See
In Chapter XI, he explains the church-state-partnership, saying that the clergy and politicians can live high on the hog and the citizens will neither rebel nor leave, each believing that his personal God will eventually relieve the tyranny. Through hiring congressional chaplains, “freedom of religion” as specified in the First Amendment, the religious oath “so help me [whatever-God-is to me],” and other religious expenditures, the U.S. operates Chapter XI Machiavellianism while claiming separation of church and state.
The U.S. Preamble offers a civic, civil, and legal proposition for fellow citizens to hold local, state, and federal government officials accountable to the 5 disciplines and 1 purpose stated therein. However, the entity We the People of the United States ignore the Chapter XI Machiavellianism.
I think we are at the abyss and have the opportunity to ascend to American discipline under the U.S. Preamble rather than continue under British-American psychology. Fellow citizens can accelerate the reform by revising the First Amendment so as to encourage integrity leaving spirituality as a private interest if any.
I agree with you. The human condition requires acceptance of human responsibility. Civic humans behave for equity under statutory justice. There will always be humans who develop the belief that infidelity pays, and civic humans have the responsibility and self-interest to constrain the dissidents to justice and encourage them to reform.
After my dad, Ralph Waldo Emerson inspired “Self Reliance.” See
I did not discover “Divinity School Address” (American underground literature) before I was so indoctrinated I could not accept for 2 decades of occasional re-reading that RWE was saying that Jesus is a man, and the Church obfuscated Jesus’ message by making him a God. See
Which philosopher first challenged you?
There is so much to know! My view is that it’s the consequence of some 8 trillion person-years of experiences and observations now expanding exponentially.
It takes at least 3 decades from infancy to acquire the comprehension and intent to live a complete human life in service to family, civic fellow citizens, and self, preferably in a profession of individual interest and aptitude.
Once gamely employed, the individual may pursue expansion of general knowledge as an avocation, perhaps changing jobs occasionally to broaden experiences and observations. Family and personal welfare come first.
A first task is to narrow the field of personal interest. Find a list of 100 greatest books you prefer and read them as fast as possible. Take notes in an organized way, using Word or other software that can be searched on key words. Take some courses online and at university, both free and at full cost. I participated in the Great Books Reading and Discussion Program for 5 years.
After about 15 years, I felt my interest was in two major areas: 1) what does it mean to be a human being and 2) what does it mean to be a U.S. citizen? Once I knew that was my interest, I read randomly, selecting authors learned from current reading. Eventually, I chose historical documents as better sources than books or articles about those documents.
For example, by reading the South Carolina Declaration of Secession you gain the suggestion that the U.S. Civil War was motivated by an erroneous religious belief; see Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union. R.E. Lee’s letter to his wife, suggest that it’s a Christian error; see Letter from Robert E. Lee to Mary Randolph Custis Lee (December 27, 1856). Christians who believed in slavery considered Christian abolitionists evil and wanted to kill them.
Most of all, to explore the-literal-truth requires an open mind, which is difficult to obtain and maintain. For example, it took me two decades of occasional re-reading to accept that Ralph Waldo Emerson asserted that Jesus was a man and that the Church destroyed Jesus’s message by making him a God; see EMERSON - ESSAYS - DIVINITY SCHOOL ADDRESS.
Each time you are curious, research your topic until you can explain it. For example, the sun will not come up tomorrow; rather, the earth’s rotation will un-hide the sun.
While most people accuse President Donald Trump of lying, I marvel at his humility in protecting the entity We the People of the United States from internal and external---domestic and foreign---aliens. I read Matthew 7:6 CJB often and still do not comprehend Trump’s brilliance in protecting me and you.
The advice to never talk politics or religion is grounded in indoctrination. I see it as dissidence toward the U.S. Preamble’s proposition: domestic discipline of by and for living citizens so as to develop individual, responsible human-independence.
I prefer self-reliance rather than conformity to assure my opportunity to develop integrity rather than tolerate infidelity toward the-literal-truth.
For example, if someone tells me my soul will burn in hell because I obviously do not agree with their religious doctrine, I ask, “Are you certain?”
Usually, the other party does not take the question, but if they do, I am prepared to witness to personal humility toward whatever-God-is rather than tolerate my hubris/folly to turn my back again. I don’t know the-literal-truth.
The person who is psychologically mature should prevail.
By psychologically mature I mean open minded to both external and internal constraints and able to choose and act on integrity rather than infidelity to the-literal-truth.
For example, even though most citizens pray to God, the mature person seeks hope and comfort with sufficient appreciation for whatever-God-is. With this perspective, the mature person does not fault a fellow citizen who has not yet recognized that whatever-God-is may not appreciate his or her personal God.
By integrity, I mean preserving the infantile “What’s that?” unto maturity as “I don’t know.” In other words, the person is comfortable with publically stating “I don’t know,” when that is so. If the person has exhausted personal studies to learn and earned an opinion, it is good to share the opinion then clarify with “But I don’t know.”
For example, to the question, “Can a human being change his or her gender? I respond, “Given a wonderful life to live, it is not prudent to embark against the laws of physics and its progeny---such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, and psychology. I would not encourage anyone to do so.” On the other hand, I don’t know enough to try to constrain someone who intends to responsibly try to change gender.
I encourage responsible-human-independence. The hyphens are intended to express a singularity.
H.S. Overstreet’s book, The Mature Mind, 1949, is on my list of best books for good living.

As absolute, I don’t know how to argue no.
However, the miniscule of good in some humans is expendable. That is, it’s OK to execute the worst and imprison-for-life the un-worst.
The questions of more urgent concern are:  Has anyone developed sufficient integrity? And is anyone developing integrity?
I think the preamble to the U.S. Constitution abstractly proposes development of integrity. In my view, it proposes 5 domestic disciplines in order to encourage responsible human independence to living and future citizens---“ourselves and our Posterity.” It specifies no standards for the disciplines or for human independence, implying that posterity’s posterity may approach statutory justice in the rule of law. Excluding spirituality/religion from the domestic disciplines assigns any interest to privacy.
The First Congress repressed the U.S. Preamble by hiring Congressional chaplains and ratifying the First Amendment’s “freedom of religion” rather than opportunity for integrity.
After 233 years of neglect, We the People of the United States may embrace the U.S. Preamble’s disciplines of by and for fellow citizens’ self-interest. This can only be accomplished by fellow citizens who want individual happiness with civic integrity rather than infidelity.
So the question is: Are there enough individual citizens who want responsible human independence; enough to develop the entity We the People of the United States as a national supermajority?
Albert Einstein expressed, in my view, that integrity and physics with its progeny---such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, and imagination---come from the same source and conform to the same laws. As humankind discovers integrity, the-literal-truth, may be journaled as ethics.
So far, western thought is self-constrained to justifying Lockean theism and such thought, repressing acceptance of Einstein’s political philosophy. Einstein helped obfuscate his thoughts by writing about science and religion instead of physics and integrity, perhaps to “write for the audience.”
I focus on my family including myself, our friends, and our city and state. I occasionally write an email to the president on
Otherwise, I read, write, and communicate to promote widespread use of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution in order to encourage civic, civil, and legal public living (privately, with the individual opportunity to develop interest in whatever-God-is according to personal preference).

My wife’s Louisiana French-Catholic faith is essential to me for her, and my children’s faiths are essential to me for them. Through them I learned that my trust-in and commitment-to the-literal-truth is important to me. Approaching my ninth decade---that is, in my late seventies---I readily say “I don’t know,” when that is so.
When a fellow citizen tells me my soul is doomed because I do not think as they do, I ask, “Are you certain?”
Fortunately, you are not alone and may accept the-actual-reality, which I do not know. That is, I think it is prudent to declare that I do not know what I do not know, yet I need to earn opinion.
It’s important to accept personal presence among humankind. If so, there are some additional acceptances that are in the individual’s self-interest. Most of them were recognized by a Greek or other thinkers before Christ and some before Abraham.
For example, from 2400 years ago, my views of some Greek opinions about perhaps older concepts follow. First, a civic citizen behaves to develop equity under statutory justice. Second, a civic citizen neither initiates nor tolerates harm to or from a person or association. Third, a civic citizen encourages fellow citizens to discipline for human justice. Fourth, whatever-God-is assigned responsible human independence to the person.
In America, a proposition that seems consistent with the above principles is offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the U.S. Preamble). Citizens who do not consider the preamble and personally interpret it in order to understand civic citizenship may consider themselves aliens to We the People of the United States as defined therein. Passivity leaves development of statutory justice to others and therefore is not in the individual’s self-interest.
The first abstract phrase to consider may be “ourselves and our Posterity.” Living families of 2020 are perhaps the 12 generation of 1787’s posterity and “ourselves” to the coming generations including the families’ descendants.
Because so many U.S. citizens do not want to consider the U.S. Preamble’s proposition, we are developing 30 trillion dollars for our posterity to pay. I read and write to promote use of the U.S. Preamble.
Mostly no to homelessness and yes to unable. Practice the U.S. Preamble’s proposition to reform.
Humans begin as a unique ovum that is fertilized by a unique spermatozoon. Neither conception of the single-cell embryo nor subsequent developments lessen the person’s uniqueness.
Most young adults accept being human and recognize that their first obligation to their person is to earn the lifestyle he or she wants. Some people are incapable and others are so averse to discipline that they don’t own a home or rent.
Homelessness in each case should be treated according to the cause. The incapable should be supported until they accept capability or not. The averse should be rehabilitated until they accept being human or not. In neither case should society sacrifice its own viability.
So far, the U.S. has not created an education system that steadily reduces the portions of the population that is either incapable-of or averse-to discipline. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution offers a suitable proposition, but so far, it has been sacrificed to the church-state partnership the First Congress unconstitutionally initiated. The preamble proposes 5 public disciplines that consign religion/spirituality to privacy rather than civic, civil, and legal purposes.
Each citizen may either consider the abstract preamble and interpret or dismiss it. My view of the preamble’s proposition is:  We the People of the United States practice 5 public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human independence.
Some capable people like dependence and some dependent people want independence. With a supermajority of citizens who attend to the preamble’s proposition instead of the church-state partnership, in an achievable better future is available. Under public discipline for responsible human independence, the proportions of both capable and incapable dependence would lessen. 
I think so maybe one at a time or together.
And it’s important to consider competing opinion with appreciation for the-literal-truth, TLT; in other words, actual-reality: discovered, ineluctable evidence or the-objective-truth, ToT. With best instruments of perception, ToT may approach TLT.
Perhaps take the view “I don’t know, but here’s what I recall,” emphasizing what happened-to you more than what others did-to you. When someone feels you are indicting them, it is difficult to learn their opinion.
Some suggestions by the Greeks over 2,400 years ago are worth interpreting.
First, civic citizens aid equity under statutory justice, SJ. SJ is the perfection of written law, which may be developed by correcting injustice when it is discovered. Since every human is unique and develops either integrity or infidelity on personal decisions, statutory justice can only serve equity.
Second, the civic citizen neither initiates nor tolerates harm to or from fellow citizens or their responsible societies. The victim of real harm is obligated to carefully consider the incident and accurately describe it so as to inform the offender that harm was done. To avoid initiating harm, perhaps describe the offense and allow the other party to evaluate the harm under your benefit of doubt as to who caused it.
Letting the pain fester for 2 years is an unintentional harm. An incident so long ago with no impact on the offender may not even be recallable. However, continuing to harbor the offense only adds to the harm, so address it softly. The other party may recall the situation and offer information that helps you understand the real cause of pain. If you kindly share your feelings with the actual offender trusting them to resolve the offense, you will have done your best to aid development of his or her integrity.
In other words, let the sharing of your reaction to the incident be both sharing and forgiveness. Let the offending party accept the forgiveness if or when they admit to guilt.
Law professors
“Antifa embodies the revolutionary outlook” reminds me of two histories. First, the period 1688, to 1774, through 1789 promoted liberty as license to let blood flow. A more civic idea is responsible human independence. Second, anarchism reminds me of Alinsky-Marxist organizations, AMO, who tolerate violence when their rights are threatened according to their democracy.
Borrowing Smith’s words, “The philosophical [consequence] of the Framers’ constitutionalism is that . . . the larger society . . . as each individual[,] must struggle to impose discipline . . .” The framers’ Committee of Style abstractly captured this profound recognition in the preamble. In my view:  We the People of the United States practice 5 self-disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to promote responsible human independence to living citizens.
Additionally, the Committee of Style realized that posterity could accomplish what their generation could not, so the object of the dependent predicates is “ourselves and our Posterity.” Further, they did not suggest standards for the 5 public disciplines or the purpose, implying that posterity’s posterity might approach statutory justice or perfectly written law-enforcement. Our generation is “ourselves” to the coming generation, and we have the privilege of establishing the American pursuit of justice instead of British-American tradition.
Let’s get started. A good first step is to amend the First Amendment so as to protect integrity (based on ineluctable evidence) rather than religion (based on mystery). There is no justice in government turning its back on whatever-God-is in order to impose a doctrinal God on fellow citizens.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.
Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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