Saturday, September 19, 2020

Freedom to develop responsible human independence: not liberty

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows:  This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.  I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Freedom to develop responsible human independence: not liberty

During the last five years, I have struggled along with many fellow citizens over the difference between “freedom” and “liberty.” For a couple years, I have written phrases like “freedom-from oppression so as to have the liberty-to responsibly pursue individual happiness rather than brook the vision someone else has for you.”

Colin Woodard, journalist, in his 2011 book “American Nations,” suggested (p. 54), in my paraphrase, that “freedom” is an un-consignable human condition and “liberty” is licensed by civil authorities.

In 2019, we titled our “Responsible Human Liberty Day” our celebration of June 21, 1788, when 9 of 12 states had ratified the 1787 U.S. Constitution (but with the unfortunate intention to add a Bill of Rights). The U.S. began operations on March 4, 1789 with 11 states in the Union.

In 2020, we re-titled our June 21 commemoration “Responsible Human Independence Day.” We recognized that the 1688-1789 “liberties” and “solidarities” were arbitrary licenses to draw fellow-citizens’ blood. The Alinsky-Marxist organizations (AMO) license to disrupt, damage, injure, and murder since 1968, also convinced us. When AMO arrives with egocentric “liberty” we want the independence to walk.

We were also encouraged by President Trump’s Constitution Day celebration and speech as well as V.P. Pence’s speech. Soon, America may become great at last.


What are some things that you consider "evil" or "morally wrong"? by Vanessa Cameron

I think it is at best ill advised to say to someone, without due consideration and concord, “I will pray for you.”

For example, I have never doubted my origins and don’t doubt my destiny. When I am in hospital, I trust my doctors and nurses. Some prayers people prayed scared me, but not any more: I reformed from susceptibility to impositions by un-trusting fellow citizens regarding what I need.

What is an experience that shaped your values and moral formation? It may be a conversation that determined anything that you believe has determined what you have become. by GJ Mohillo

In my fifth decade, I cheated someone because they were foreign and returning to their country with no recourse over such small offense. My moral failure remains a burden, because I cannot find them to make amends.

Then, my fifth decade, I wanted to be so good that people would ask me why and I would respond, “Because I have Jesus in my heart.” If that did not appeal to them I would try to convert them. If unsuccessful, count them not elected to trust Jesus: not their fault, but not my people.

A couple years later, my Sunday school class was studying Bible passages that talk of Christian community, for example, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and Ephesians 4:1-16, and I was reflecting on my experiences. The teacher said, “Phil, you are in deep thought. Share it with us.”

I answered, “I was considering what I think about relations with neighbors. We should be good and wait for an opportunity to credit Jesus for the goodness. Otherwise, our relationships with good neighbors should not question their inspirations and motivations.”

The teacher turned to the class, and asked, “Does anyone have anything to say about this tidbit of heresy?”

I was shocked! I did not return for 4 weeks. I decided to show I could. I saw the teacher on the sidewalk and politely asked to speak with him. I asked him to explain “heresy.” He responded, “Phil, I simply disagree with you and want to leave it at that.”

Not too long after that, I dropped out of the church, and a decade later realized I had dropped out of Christianity. Now, I feel I have dropped out of religion altogether. I trust-in and commit-to the-ineluctable-truth, whatever it is. For all I know, Jesus will judge me in my afterdeath. But I doubt it.

I do not want other human beings to think as I do. Let them discover their own way to manage civic, civil, legal, and private living in order to responsibly pursue individual happiness with human integrity. (I trust my parents and siblings are safe in their afterdeaths.)

I read the Bible as literature by ancient writers. I am suspicious of all verses that promote hate between humans. I am especially wary of John the Apostle, for example, John 15:18-23. And Luke 14:26, by the physician.

I like to think the confusion I owned when I took advantage of someone of high civic integrity yet religious belief different from mine is reformed. My memory of him contributes to integrity in my eighth decade. Thank you, sir, wherever you are, for drawing my attention to responsible human independence.

What is the difference between fake and false? by Praveen Sharma

I think “fake” refers to psuedo-news. For example, a reporter reporting a reporter’s opinion. The busy reader is to hurried to notice, so the message is effective to them.

“False” refers to factual lies. For example, some reporters thought the Pinto design invited gas-tank fires, so that fabricated one, filmed it, and published their lie.

Some lies are so well entrenched in scholarship they are not deemed lies, and the person who would say they are lies gets stonewalled (in lieu of stoning).

For example, Abraham Lincoln, for political power rather than personal integrity referred to 1776 as the founding of this nation. However, 1776 marks the official declaration of independence from England by the confederation of 13 states; formerly British colonies, representing only 13% of the country. The rest was under Spanish, French, or other colonial rule.

The most defensible date of the founding of the U.S. is September 17, 1787, but the purpose that was proffered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution has been suppressed by Congress ever since.

The intended U.S. has yet to be established.

Is the need for law a compromise of freedom? by Graham C. Lindsay

Your suggestion comes 2 days after Colin Woodard, journalist, in his 2011 book “American Nations,” suggested, in my paraphrase (p. 54), that “freedom” is an un-consignable human condition and “liberty” is licensed by civil authorities. It strengthens my assertion of “freedom-from” oppression so as to empower the “liberty-to” responsibly pursue personal happiness with civic integrity. It also strengthens my suggestion that “liberty” in the U.S. Preamble’s proposition can be interpreted as “responsible human independence.” Just a year ago, I was advocating “responsible human liberty.”

About 2,400 years ago, Greeks suggested, again in my interpretation, that ineluctably good citizens (IGC) neither initiate nor tolerate harm to or from any person or society. Second, IGC behave for equity under statutory justice. In other words, a chemical engineer like me need not be treated like Elon Musk.

 About 3,700 years ago, a writer suggested that men and woman are charged with constraining chaos on earth.

Since no culture coaches and encourages its youth to develop human integrity, the faction of citizens who follow these principles are few. There are a myriad of reasons for individual dissidence to human integrity, many having to do with chronological maturity and, after adolescence, psychological maturity. There’s also the horror of the malnutrition-bloated child crying while a fly drinks from his or her eyelid.

Consequently, the good people legislate laws and fund law-enforcement in order to promote freedom to the continuum of living citizens. Dissidents live under civic liberties unless harm they are practicing becomes known, in which their liberties may be constrained under developing statutory justice.

Statutory justice empowers freedom.

Can you make up a new term to give your personal philosophy a name?, by Michelle Contreras Ewens

I work to develop human integrity. “Integrity” in my view has two meanings: 1) reliability to physics and its progeny and 2) wholeness to humankind. Humankind is charged to eventually constrain chaos, at least on earth.

My first thought to name my personal philosophy is “reliable wholeness.”

What do you think of it? Does it represent my published intentions? I’ll keep thinking about it.

To Michelle Contreras Ewens:

I appreciate your first reaction to “reliable wholeness.”

It seems to me “spirit” is a human construct and is therefore unreliable. To think about “wholistic philosophy” I can more readily think on body-mind-person.

I understand it takes about a quarter century for the body to build the judgement parts of the brain. Also, it takes about a quarter-century for a newborn to acquire the comprehension and intention to live a complete human life. Then, another third-to-half-century to serve fellow-citizens and build wisdom. Then, retirement-time to share wisdom, at least with grandchildren; learning from them as the person approaches perfection of his or her unique person.

Nobody knows anything about anybody’s afterdeath, so it is difficult to benefit from “spirit.”

I want to address the question:  If natural law determines good versus evil, how does it work?

Natural law is an erroneous-Western philosophical-surrogate for physics and its progeny, the objects of discovery using the ineluctable evidence. By “ineluctable” I mean evidence that exists and cannot be changed by the researcher.

Scholars use “natural law” to suggest “reason” as a superior approach to integrity. The scholarship began as sincere objection to changes in the-objective-truth as humankind invented new instruments of perception; continued research may approach the-literal-truth. It is prudent to reserve commitment to the-ineluctable-truth because unimaginable improvements in perception may be invented. Integrity does not yield to reason.

Consequently, ineluctably good people do not lie so as to lessen misery and loss. That is to say, good people anticipate bad physics when lies are told and don’t really think about rules. Physics and its progeny make the truth so plain good people need no other guidance in the choices they make.

Do we have control over the consequences of our actions? What are we responsible for?

We are responsible to constrain chaos in our choices and behaviors.

Would there be less crime if everyone was more equal?

By “equal” are you thinking more accomplished? . . . more like Elon Musk, for example?

Why do people demand honesty but then resent it?

No culture I know of encourages and coaches its youth to develop integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to their person. Consequently, people do not articulate the insufficiency of honesty.

However, each human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity, and that potential is never quenched. If honesty perplexes them, they have not yet discovered HIPEA and applied it to develop integrity.

What is an example of something that has no “right” answer?

I don’t know.

I think “Why is there something instead of nothing” deserves the response, “I doubt the question.”

I think “Will the sun come out tomorrow?” warrants, “No.”

I think “Was there something before the big bang?” warrants, “Yes.”

I think “How do you know the grass is green?” warrants “By measuring the wavelength of reflected light.”

I think “Is Santa Clause real?” warrants “Yes.”

I think “Does God exist?” warrants “We may learn when our afterdeath arrives.”

I don’t know an answer to your question.

I am struggling to understand the ethics of not voting in an election. Can you enlighten me on this matter?

I see it as integrity-to-self-and-posterity more than ethics.

Choosing not to vote when you can attempts to consign to civic fellow citizens your civil destiny and that of your descendants indefinitely. Neither fellow citizens, government, nor any other power will usurp your responsibility.

If the reader takes the Bible as a culture’s collection of ancient literature rather than trying to assign the ancient writers’ thoughts to one of the Gods represented therein, they can practice free interpretation. I paraphrase Genesis 1:27-28 as follows: The way things are, human beings, both men and women, are charged to constrain chaos on earth. Individuals who do not accept the human responsibility invite woe.

If any of the ancients wrote like that, I am not the first to assert that humankind is solely responsible to constrain chaos.

What is greater good characterized by? Why do people believe in the greater good, and why is it important to us?

It is important to recognize it as tyranny over the minds of human beings.

Here’s one definition: “The benefit of the public, of more people than oneself; that which is better and more correct”; The opposite “more erroneous” is the most annoying subjectivity regarding political correctness. “Greater good” is associated with utilitarianism, which has origins before Jeremy Bentham (d. 1832), to whom the phrase is attributed.

In human perfection, utilitarianism is a lame surrogate to dissuade the development of integrity. Integrity is the practice of accepting and publically declaring you don’t know, when you don’t know. That is to say, if you don’t know the-ineluctable-truth, you say so. If it’s essential, you might add your awareness of undeniable evidence for the-objective-truth. And, if you are aware, you might disclose proposed instruments for perception that could improve comprehension of the-objective-truth. The human purpose is to approach the-literal-truth. It seems prudent to reserve claims to “the-ineluctable-truth” perchance new dimensions or perceptions may be discovered.

This is an arduous discipline that many people regard as too much to allow them to thrive or survive in a short lifetime. Some never accept that since they are a human being, integrity is in their self-interest. Its individual development empowers the responsible human independence that can perfect his or her unique person. I am not the first to suggest that each human can perfect his or her person, and tolerating infidelity increases risks of early death.

To suggest what scholars have done to integrity can be glimpsed by an ngram of related phrases from Google’s digitalized books. I created such an ngram for the period 1800 until 2018, and found the following information on relative frequency of usage:

      Integrity                       51.2 %

      Honesty                       19.5

      National security          12.0

      Common good             6.5

      Religious freedom       3.4

      Civil liberties                3.0

      Greater good               2.4

      Safety and security      1.9


In 1850, relative uses were integrity 58.1%, honesty 34.7%, religious freedom 3.9%, common good 2.9% and greater good 1.1%, a peak. The others were 0.4% or less. Thus, from 1850 to 2018, scholars have lessened combined use of “integrity” and “honesty” from 92.8% to 70.7% by writing about surrogate issues, among which “greater good” is only a minor player.


Interestingly, the combination “common good” plus “greater good” exceeded “religious freedom” in both 1850 and 2018, with 4% vs 3.9% then 8.9% vs 3.4%, respectively. In my view, “religious freedom” is another distraction from civic integrity---integrity for living as well as responsible doctrine for afterdeath.

Another afterthought involves “liberty” and “freedom.” Liberty’s usage relative to “integrity” was 550% peaking in 1814 and 106% in 2018. From its peak relative usage of 13.6 in 1814, “liberty” fell off to 1.8 in 2018, an 87% decline. During the same period, “freedom” increased from 5 to 6.2 relative to “liberty,” a 24% increase. Diabolically, “liberty” means “license” managed by the oligarchy rather than freedom under ineluctable evidence. The ngram study suggests that scholars reflect the-objective-truth with proprietary phrases that, so far, bemuse the people. I share this not to lessen the impact of my study but to show its strengths to an open-minded researcher.


I conclude that “greater good” and its synonyms derive from tyranny against civic integrity and public discipline. Elite scholars maintain proprietary influences to keep the poor poor and the middle class large so that the wealthy can maintain capitalism as consumerism. The wealthy receive enough revenue to maintain public dependency in ways of living the consumers will accept: poverty for the poor, middle-class for people who believe in liberty, and homelessness for those who accept it. The people’s remedy is public discipline in order to establish a culture of responsible human independence.

That culture is proposed in the proffered preamble to the 1787 U.S. Constitution. It’s in the purpose for terminating the confederation of 13 former British-colonies who accepted global status as free and independent states on January 14, 1784. In 1787, at least 9 states would form a Union to be accountable to the disciplined people in their constitutional states. Ratification occurred on June 21, 1788 with intentions for the First Congress to partially restore English oppression with a Bill of Rights. Unfortunately none of the 4 dissident states stepped forward and ratified without the Bill of Rights: enough states might have ratified the 1787 Constitution.

Unfortunately, President Trump on September 17, 2020 announced a “1776 Commission” to prepare for the 250th anniversary of the nation’s founding. I hope the President will accept my vote and my message that the U.S. was founded on June 21, 1788 and operations began under 11 states on March 4, 1789: 1776 is the anniversary of the 1774 formation of the USA as a confederation of 13 states rather than the Union of 11 states. The First Amendment must be revised to remove Congressional tyranny: imposition of “freedom of religion” when discipline to develop civic integrity is needed. That would be a first step toward removing the “secular” stigma from the preamble, which, in integrity, usurps neither the individual’s privacy in inspirational/motivational/spiritual/religious pursuits nor their un-consignable charge to constrain chaos.

Is individualism overrated, since humans are social? Doesn't this impose limits on individuality?

Humankind is charged with constraining chaos on earth. In the continuum of living citizens there is a myriad of civilizations and the full range of chronological ages in each civilization. As the cultures have evolved, none coach their youth to develop the integrity to discourage infidelity much less constrain chaos. Therefore, the individual who wants to develop civic integrity for his or her living must practice responsible human independence.

Neither whatever-God-is nor government usurps the individual’s responsibility to constrain chaos in his or her way of living.

Is moral character more important than blind adherence to rules?

Conformance to physics and its progeny (the objects of research for discovery) is essential to integrity. The purpose is comprehensive safety and security to humankind. For example, ineluctably good people do not lie so as to lessen misery and loss.

What is the bigger context in which we make individual decisions? Why?

As evolution has progressed, the human species is the only one with languages and grammar by which to discover the-literal-truth (based on the ineluctable evidence).

As a consequence, humankind is in charge of constraining chaos on earth. Accepting this responsibility as an individual is the first step toward developing human integrity rather than tolerating infidelity to self-interest.

These principles have not emerged, because no culture has encouraged and coached their youth to accept 1) being a unique human being and 2) having the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity.

In such a culture, each individual is encouraged to consider each choice as an opportunity to either accelerate his or her path toward perfecting their unique person or an error that could lessen the ultimate outcome. Tragically, due to preventable cultural neglect, humans who nurture infidelity to their person risk dying young.

Why is a human being considered the sole holder of moral rights and obligations?

Other species communicate, but only the human species has developed languages (perhaps during the last 0.2 million years whereas humanoids have been evolving for at least 3 million years.

Further, humankind developed grammar, which is essential to research. By researching the ineluctable evidence, humankind discovers the-objective-truth and how to benefit from the discovery. Further, humankind invents new instruments for perception and thereby improves their comprehension of the discovery and its good use. This process can lead to comprehension of the-literal-truth yet with the caution that a new dimension may be discovered that would require new instruments of perception.

Albert Einstein convinced me that (in my interpretation) integrity and physics with it progeny follow the same laws. His only example is that ineluctably good people do not lie so as to lessen misery and loss.

Thus, the essential human right is the opportunity to develop integrity to physics, and accepting that you are a human being is an un-consignable obligation.

People who read the Bible as literature might perceive a similar suggestion by an ancient thinker in Genesis 1:28.

Do you agree that the truth will set you free only if you are ready to accept it? That the truth is offensive [if] you are not ready?

No. As a human being, you have the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to either tolerate infidelity to yourself or develop integrity---responsible self-interest. People who tolerate infidelity remain ready for falsehood. The truth is offensive to the personal infidel.

Do you agree that we are responsible and accountable for each other? Explain.

Yes. Accountable to each other and for each other. The human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either integrity or chaos in his or her life.

Collectively, humankind has the un-consignable responsibility to constrain chaos. Therefore, the ineluctably good people must constrain the dissidents and encourage them to reform. Some dissidents are so inhuman they can be constrained only by termination.

Do you agree with the phrase “United we stand, divided we fall”? Why or why not?

I agree with the phrase respecting only one society: the people who practice mutual, comprehensive safety and security.

To my knowledge, no culture like that exists, but it is offered in the proffered preamble to the U.S. Constitution. My interpretation on the eve of Constitution Day, 2020, is:  This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.

Under this agreement willing people constrain chaos in order to empower themselves and fellow citizens to enjoy responsible pursuit of the happiness they perceive rather than submit to someone else’s vision for them.

What moral issues are involved in outsourcing surrogacy?

Humankind has the un-consignable responsibility to constrain chaos.

Human life begins with a healthy oocyte and a healthy spermatozoon, which are joined to form a zygote. The zygote is due the equity and dignity of a human being. That is to say, mature adults attend to both physical and psychological wellness, knowing they carry the potential to generate and care for a human being for life.

Mature spouses bond in monogamy for life. Their bond includes any progeny they might generate.

Fertility clinics and surrogacy services subject zygotes to technological risks, whether the services generate profits or not. It seems inconsistent with equity and dignity to subject human lives to added chaos.

What are the things you don't trust society to do?

Hold legislators accountable to “the five disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.   

This proposition for public discipline to achieve responsible independence is tacitly offered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. I hope, write, speak and LISTEN for reform.

Would you agree that it is better to let our intuitions override a rational self?


Both intuition and reason yield to physics and its progeny, the objects of research. This is not at all a new idea. However, it suggests serious consideration of integrity as more reliable than honesty. Integrity is the practice of examining heartfelt-concerns earnestly enough to discover the-objective-truth.

The Scientific Revolution ( started an age of sincere challenge to religion which by the seventeenth century resulted in the claim that reason was more reliable than “nature,” a proprietary term for the objects of research. During the early years of research, conclusions changed relatively fast, because instruments for perception were being invented rapidly.

For example, impressions that the earth was flat changed with mathematical modelling of orbits, then with the telescope, then with airplane travel, then with orbital telescopes. The process of discovery starts with the-objective-truth based on ineluctable evidence, improves with new instruments of perception, and approaches if not reaches the-literal-truth. There sometimes remains the possibility unexpected instruments of perception.

Is there or is there not anything objectively right or wrong that is independent of human opinion?

Neither a deity nor a government will usurp humankind’s responsibility to constrain chaos on earth. So far, no culture on earth teaches this principle to their youth.

Consequently, many adolescents do not accept that they are human individuals and therefore take no concern much less responsibility for chaos in their behavior. Consequently, they practice infidelity rather than self-interest. Many die young.

The mature human being accepted the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity to self; that is, self-discipline. Consequently, he or she may perfect his or her unique individual before dying.

What is the meaning of “knowledge is the only key to ethical behavior”?

I suggest “discovery allows integrity.” Understanding discovery facilitates ineluctably good behavior. The negative and positive journal of discovering the ineluctable good is ethics.

Each civilization, institutions, and societies develop proprietary rules that may, often do, oppose ethics.

It seems that and Wikipedia are two public forums for open-minded journaling of ethics. Does anyone know of better platforms for open-mindedness?

What is your favorite example of abuse of statistics?

Gambling odds after operations expenses. For example, 0.5% take to the house on 10% of bets after expenses. That is to say, 90% of bets pay operating contracts, lobbyists, and state revenue. Of course, I do not know the real data.

State Legislatures approve gambling, long-since known as a vice, by lobbing for education funding and other budget benefits. However, most of the revenues go to the contracts required to support gambling.

Most egregiously, gambling is an industry that keeps the poor poor, and the legislators have the data. The idea is that the entrepreneurs get rich enough to budget a little gambling and the state takes a big cut of the income the poor has. The legislator comforts self with the idea, “I didn’t tell them to gamble,” and “They would find ways to gamble anyway, so the state might as well take a cut.”

Quoting Abdul Mutallib, “Do humans really have their own identity in this world?”

Mutallib’s presentation of the question seems profound.

Viewed from the ineluctable evidence, the feasibility of a human being begins with healthy, unique gametes---an oocyte and a spermatozoon---which combine as a zygote. The zygote has 46 chromosomes, 23 from each of the gametes. The steps from conception to attachment, to gestation, to delivery, and to child-care do not reduce the uniqueness of the newborn.

The transition from newborn to human being is a matter of acceptances by the adolescent. First, he or she must accept that they are a human being. It takes a quarter century for a human to complete construction of their brain, and a few more years to develop reliability. The person who does not choose to develop reliability is likely to remain adolescent. Second, they must accept the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIEPA) to develop either integrity or infidelity to self-interest. Either by choice or by default, the person may nurture satisfaction of appetites, some of which invite early death. The person who chooses to develop integrity makes certain human mistakes do not become habits, and may accept the chance to perfect his or her unique person. In perfect performance, he or she neither initiates nor tolerates harm to or from any person. In perfection of a person, there is no standard. Integrity dominated the choices they made in a unique journey by a unique human being.

There’s also the mystery of “soul,” which I do not study. The Abrahamic view of “soul” is confusing because more than 3 branches each have sects. Also, many religious views involve reincarnation. In some cases, the “soul” ultimately rejoins a universal soul.

I write to learn so invite comments. Thank you, Mr. Mutallib.

No matter how and who defines a "successful life", what is the most common (single) denominator of it?

The person who develops the intellectual maturity to responsibly constrain chaos in their sphere of influence seems successful.

Is there a definition for democracy that is sensibly elegant, excludes immoral acts committed by large groups against small groups, and includes all forms of popularly understood democratic decision making?

Ineluctable chaos.

Why can't we do anything we like with our freedom?

Contrary to what most civilizations teach their youth, no higher power, such as church, or government, or their partnership will usurp your responsibility to constrain chaos in your sphere of influence.

It’s a matter of discoveries and acceptances: I am a human being; I have the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity to my person rather than to tolerate infidelity to or from any person or society; by accepting that I don’t know what I don’t know, I feel confident that ineluctable evidence is sufficient to inform my goodness in a confused and conflicted world; by appreciating fellow citizens as they are where they are in their opportunity to perfect their unique person and sharing ineluctable goodness without challenging their preferences, I may live in freedom.

What is the essence of your personal identity?

Phil Beaver, member of the person-hood of humankind, citizen according to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, in a monogamy-for-life family with wife and 3 children, and developing responsible human independence.

Why is self considered as a product of modern discourse that is historically and socially imprisoned by what is acceptable by norms?

I’m not certain I understand the question, but will answer as I perceive it.

Education Departments (ED) from K-12 through multiple PhD programs pretend a monopoly on knowledge and protect themselves with proprietary language like “common good” instead of integrity and “ethics” instead of integrity and “unity” instead of integrity and “freedom” instead of integrity and “faith” instead of integrity.

ED power is circular: they grant civil credentials and recipients preserve the license those credentials empower. For example, while I know more about the preamble to the U.S. Constitution than most officials know, a local library will not allow me to lead a sponsored preamble-education program. I, a Bachelor of Science chemical engineer, am self-educated on the preamble. However, I recognize that historians interpret invents; I do not fear interpreting the interpretations.

The second thought in the preamble, the people’s proposition, ought to be interpreted by every citizen in order to manage his or her civic, civil, legal, and private way of living. My interpretation today is:  This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity. I share it hoping for criticism, so that I have the chance to improve it.

Do you personally agree that you are a collectivist?

I read the google paragraph with “collectivist culture is one that's based on valuing the needs of a group or a community over the individual.”

I am more individualistic. However, I appreciate every human being as they are where they are in their journey toward perfection of their person.

Consequently, in my way of living and in my free work, I learned to study two questions. First with so many wonderful people in the world, why is there so much conflict? Second, what does it mean to be born in the USA?

To the first question, I think humankind has not accepted its assignment to constrain chaos on earth. Too many family-cultures inculcate in their youth the perpetual dependency on a higher power, often a deity, or a government, or a partnership of the two.

The U.S. citizen has the opportunity to discover their proffered, people’s proposition: the public disciplines and responsible human independence expressed in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It is in each citizen’s self-interest to develop an interpretation of the proposition by which to manage their civic, civil, legal, and private way of living.

More than 70 fellow citizens and foreign citizens helped me develop my interpretation today, which I share, hoping for a suggestion I might use to improve it:  This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.

The above sentence is collectivist with respect to a culture of mutual, comprehensive safety and security in public in order to provide freedom for individual preference in private. In other words, citizens responsibly pursue their individual preferences rather than submit to the happiness someone else envisions for them.

Do you think morality is a learned behavior or is it something we are born with that can be corrupted?

I think it’s learned. For example, a newborn cannot possibly understand that it takes two persons to “be in love.”

I don’t perceive “morality” specific enough and would like to answer the question: is integrity a learned behavior or an instinct that can be corrupted? More than “morality,” integrity addresses a standard against which civilizations can be measured.

Considering humankind itself, perhaps 3 million years-old, or about 200,000 years-old according to cultural stories we can relate to, helps view the question from the individual viewpoint.

It seems clear that humankind works to comprehend physics and its progeny then understand how to use it for ineluctable good. The good citizen behaves for equity under ineluctable evidence. For example, a good person earns the life-style they want. However, some citizens erroneously perceive egocentric favor by taking advantage of others. Liberal thought posits that every culture strives for majority, ineluctably good behavior. If so, global integrity ought to be improving and acceptance of physics instead of reason as the standard for excellence ought to evident.

The historical civilizations can be rated in terms of acceptance of physics and its progeny as the standards for integrity. I did not find a study, but found interest by global regions; (BTW the article features an interesting graph of what-nations-think-they-know vs their-score-on-a-test.) I’d need to comprehend the study bases to place much confidence in the report. For example, what test was used to measure scientific proficiency?

There are fewer wars and less severe wars, so it seems humankind is learning integrity, both as wholeness and as conformity to physics. Collective progress requires individual progress, so all that I have said so far supports the idea that the individual human being learns to practice integrity rather than inherits the practice through genes and memes.

Consider the behavioral experiences in a hypothetical human lifetime. The newborn is totally uninformed—can neither walk nor utter many words for the first year. Caretakers coach and encourage them to acquire comprehension and intention during the first quarter century to live a complete human lifetime. The young adult embarks on a career during which they apply, during another quarter century or perhaps four decades, what they acquired. The prudent person continues to learn. Finally, they retire for a few decades and may share their successes/failures with their descendants. The human life is more complete in both quality and duration when learning is focused on physics and its progeny more than reason. The infant who was born to a physically corrupt family is likely to be psychologically corrupt and to die early.

The prudent individual observes the collective factions among humankind and manages their lifetime for responsible self-interest using the ineluctable evidence to effect choices.

How does anybody win when one side's baseline is "You're wrong but you have a right to be wrong" and the other's baseline is "You're wrong and I will use the power of government to force you to do the right thing"? How can that possibly end?

What celebration do you plan for Constitution Day, this Thursday, September 17, 2020?

Fellow citizens can win---with reform to the proffered preamble to the U.S. Constitution and its potential to control chaos under the ineluctable evidence to actual-reality.

Neither humankind’s struggle to constrain chaos nor admission that it is humankind’s non-consignable responsibility is new. The 2020 summer of chaos and the Democratic Party’s policy of public crisis for vain promise to control everything is a strategy to increase their power.

The ineluctably good people of the U.S. can stop the loss of constraints on chaos by taking bold action. Individuals must accept that they are human beings and therefore responsible to constrain chaos in their sphere of control. Individual responsibility has not happened, because the U.S. inherited from Great Britain the tradition that a higher power will eventually relieve “ourselves” of personal concern for the unknown future “our Posterity” faces. Leaving relief from chaos to higher power is contradictory to the ineluctable evidence: no higher power will usurp the individual’s responsibility to accept being human and accept the power, energy, and authority humanity entails.

This proposal was abstractly proffered by the 39 of the 55 framers of the 1787 U.S. Constitution. Their 5 person committee of style captured in the 52-word preamble the essence of the constitutional debate. The preamble has two thoughts: 1) announcing the draft U.S. Constitution to be ratified by 9 of the 12 states with delegates and the thirteenth, dissident, state and 2) proffering the people’s proposition tacitly reached for signing on September 17, 1787.

I studied the preamble, which I call “the U.S. Preamble,” to comprehend if I want to be a U.S. citizen and how I want to develop my civic, civil, legal, and private conduct according to my preferences I would happily debate with fellow citizens. Over 70 people have, in library meetings and other discussions, helped me develop my interpretation today:   This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.

Please read the original preamble to consider some subtleties underlying my experiences and observations. First, the citizen must want to comprehend the preamble before he or she can use it to manage their civic, civil, legal, and private way of living. Nevertheless, the citizen who neglects civic collaboration invites subjugation to law enforcement decided by other citizens. Second, the notion that “the founding fathers” hold sway in the continuing public debate is crushed by the objects of the proposition: “to ourselves and our Posterity.” We are the twelfth generation after 1787s “ourselves” and the 2020 ourselves to the coming generation. No way will we allow so-called founding fathers rule our children. Third, ratifying the U.S. Preamble terminated the 13 states under the Confederation of States and established a Union of states held accountable by the ineluctably good people of their states and the USA---the citizens who accept responsible human independence under the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. Fourth, “liberty” is the text’s erroneous purpose, because humankind cannot escape the constraints of physics and its progeny---each person must develop responsible human independence. Therefore, the best a nation can provide is freedom from tyranny. Fifth, there are no standards for achieving either the disciplines or the purpose, and thus, there is no usurpation of human responsibilities to self:  Posterity’s posterity will discover how successful the proposal will be. Religion is a private rather than civil human interest. Sixth, there are no discriminations against gender or responsible factional societies within humankind. Fellow citizens happily segregate themselves based on individual preferences within physics’ limits rather than submitting to someone else’s preferences for them.

However, fellow citizens who think crime, violence, tyranny, and alien-ship pay invite constraint by the willing citizens: “We the People of the United States in order to . . . .” Statutory law-enforcement provisions are in the Articles of the U.S. Constitution.

Thursday is Constitution Day, 2020; Unfortunately, Congress represses the U.S. Preamble as a secular sentence. Some officials pretend that they need not conform to the U.S. Preamble. Fellow citizens cannot accept their civic, civil, legal, and private powers to hold public officials accountable unless they comprehend the sentence under which “ourselves and our Posterity” assigns power to the officials.

Considering these insights and your use of the U.S. Preamble might be an excellent way to celebrate Constitution Day on the eve of the 2020 elections, November 3.

To Anthony Bartoletti:

To meet “individual preferences within physics’ limits” incorporates economic viability. If by “nice house” you mean more house than a citizen can use, say a $100,000 million house, and the funds to buy it came from a system that keeps the poor poor, the buyer integrates into a society without responsible human independence. He or she maintains infidelity to his or her person’s unique perfection by thinking “I’m just part of the system.”

A couple examples ought to suffice. Say the funds came from a lottery. Lotteries are approved by legislators who know ticket sales keep the poor poor. Or say they came from shrewd development of a popular music style. The system of contracts that supports that industry picks the poor’s pockets. Similarly, the system of professional sports keeps the poor poor. More egregiously, the exorbitant salaries and perks in the public sector keep the poor poor. Exorbitant lawsuits and settlements keep the poor poor and judges and lawyers rich. The church picks the poor’s pockets and legislators grant tax deductions the poor can’t use.

In a culture under the U.S. Preamble’s proposition, the poor join fellow citizens to hold government, especially legislators, accountable to the people’s proposition, in my view:  This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.

To Donald Cook:

I checked Merriam-Webster Online re ineluctable:  “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted: INEVITABLE; an ineluctable fate.” Inevitable means “incapable of being avoided or evaded.”

Fate can be changed or resisted. However, ineluctable fate is fixed.

Ineluctably, the sun won’t come out tomorrow, but some adults inevitably cling to perceptions.

Can Merriam-Webster help us want to communicate as fellow citizens?

What do you think of the "Declaration of Rights" by Percy Bysshe Shelley?

Shelley seemed to be leftist and utopia dreaming yet brilliantly straining within British propriety. That is to say his creative thought was constrained by British tradition.

Mr. Lindsay, I am rewarded by your thoughtful questions. In this case, I’d like to know what you think of Shelley’s list (I wonder of Eleanor Roosevelt was inspired). Also, why did you interest me in it? (Thank you.)

My response to each of his “rights” follows, below.

Declaration of Rights. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. From the 1880 edition of The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in Verse and Prose, edited by H. Buxton Forman.

Rendering opinion on Shelley’s item or by reference to my interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition: This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.” Phil Beaver, 9/13/2020.


1 GOVERNMENT has no rights; it is a delegation from several individuals for the purpose of securing their own. It is therefore just, only so far as it exists by their consent, useful only so far as it operates to their well-being.

[PRB (typical format): This is the erroneous British “consent of the governed” a Machiavellian tyranny. The U.S. Preamble tacitly allows posterity to evolve toward journaling the discovery and enactment of statutory justice---perfection of written law and its enforcement; by continual amendment when injustice is discovered. Thereby conformance to physics and its progeny is accepted by the ineluctably good people and encouraged to dissident fellow citizens.]

2 IF these individuals think that the form of government which they, or their forefathers constituted is ill adapted to produce their happiness, they have a right to change it.

[However, their rights are constrained by physics and its progeny. British government is Chapter XI Machiavellian church-state-partnership. Thereby, government picks the people’s pockets and they neither emigrate nor rebel, each family hoping their God will eventually relieve their posterity of the misery and losses. By virtue of voting for certain offices, they call it a democracy. The U.S. guarantees each state a republican form of government, which lends itself to appreciation of physics and its progeny.]

3 Governmnent is devised for the security of rights. The rights of man are liberty, and all equal participation of the commonage of nature.

[Physics and its progeny constrain liberty. Also, liberty as practiced from 1688 through 1789 was license to kill British, English, French, and American people. Responsible human independence seems a better goal than liberty. Moreover, I assert that man’s only right is the opportunity to develop integrity during his or her lifetime. “Nature” is the seventeenth century British surrogate for physics and its progeny. Because they did not understand research with continual invention of new instruments of perception, they erroneously judged reason as more reliable than physics. ]

4 As the benefit of the governed, is, or ought to be the origin of government, no men can have any authority that does not expressly emanate from their will.

[Physics and its progeny constrain human will. For example, the individual who wants to fly must discover aerodynamics and/or jet propulsion and learn how to efficiently use them. Government journals the path to discovery so that current research benefits from the past, both negative and positive. Imagination is not discarded merely because it did not apply in the temporal research. The human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop and practice integrity. Unfortunately, some persons use HIPEA for crime, despite the risks they accept. That is to say, some people are willful criminals.]

5 Though all governments are not so bad as that of Turkey, yet none are so good as they might be; the majority of every country have a right to perfect their government, the minority should not disturb them, they ought to secede, and form their own system in their own way.

[Perfection of government by the people is incorporated in the U.S. Preamble’s proposition. However, it recognizes that the next step toward perfection might come from a minority group. The “ourselves and our Posterity” makes no discriminations. I had not noticed this tacit feature before Shelley.

Secession would preserve enmity. Physics and its progeny influence if not direct the ineluctable good. Most human beings want mutual, comprehensive safety and security (physics) so that each individual can pursue the happiness they perceive rather than submit to someone else’s vision for them. In such a culture, dissidents for whatever reason may be encouraged, coached, coerced, and forced to reform or ultimately suffer constraint if not execution. Secession is not beneficial.]

6 All have a right to an equal share in the benefits, and burdens of Government. Any disabilities for opinion, imply by their existence, barefaced tyranny on the side of government, ignorant slavishness on the side of the governed.

[Human existence is insufficient. Each human being must accept development of his or her person and civic citizenship. For example, civic citizens ought to earn the responsible living style they want. Also, remuneration for work does not involve the risks of entrepreneurship and can be used to build wealth by saving and investing. Distribution of gross domestic product ought to be equitable rather than equal. The citizen who has not developed a personal interpretation of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition so as to manage his or her civic, civil, legal, and personal living ought not be allowed to vote, even in local elections.]

7 The rights of man in the present state of society, are only to be secured by some degree of coercion to be exercised on their violator. The sufferer has a right that the degree of coercion employed be as slight as possible.

[Favoring the offender defeats justice, especially if the offender has not chosen to develop his or her person and their civic citizenship. When there is an offense, the victims are the offended citizen, the ineluctably good citizens who pay for law enforcement, legislation, and other infrastructure, and especially the first-responders who risk life and wellness to enforce the law. Penalties for offenses ought to represent the cost of adjudication. Citizens have a self-interest in making certain they are not accused of an offense.]

8 It may be considered as a plain proof of the hollowness of any proposition, if power be used to enforce instead of reason to persuade its admission. Government is never supported by fraud until it cannot be supported by reason.

[Deceit is indeed a last resort for allowing a criminal to disclose their guilt.]

9 No man has a right to disturb the public peace, by personally resisting the execution of a law however bad. He ought to acquiesce, using at the same time the utmost powers of his reason, to promote its repeal.

[Socrates died to defend unjust law enforcement, but his friends wanted to rebel.

Attractive as this principle may be, political change, even in this great country frequently involves public disturbance if not violence. Recall Shays’ rebellion, the Civil War over erroneous Christian beliefs, rescinding the 19th amendment, women’s suffrage, and 1964 civil rights. I think adoption of the U.S. Preamble’s proposition instead of preserving Anglo-American tradition would lessen the urge for public disruption and violence.]

10 A man must have a right to act in a certain manner before it can be his duty. He may, before he ought.

[This principle addresses a provision of the U.S. Preamble I had not resolved until perhaps now. The authors did nothing to urge citizens to read, much less comprehend, much less interpret the preamble’s proposition. I have done that and now hold its five disciplines and its purpose as my practice more than intention.]

11 A man has a right to think as his reason directs, it is a duty he owes to himself to think with freedom, that he may act from conviction.

[Seventeenth century Europeans had decided that reason is more reliable than physics and its progeny (“nature” to them). I prefer to say that a person has the right and duty to practice integrity. Conviction is not possible in conflict with physics. For example, the personal cost of gender change seems in conflict with physics with what humankind has discovered to date.]

12 A man has a right to unrestricted liberty of discussion, falsehood is a scorpion that will sting itself to death.

[Ineluctably good people want liars to expose their practice so as to accelerate the liar’s demise. However, when actual harm results, the liar should be penalized. Free expression but responsibility for harm done (e.g., Louisiana Constitution) needs the strength of penalties.]

13 A man has not only a right to express his thoughts, but it is his duty to do so.

[I agree.]

14 No law has a right to discourage the practice of truth. A man ought to speak the truth on every occasion, a duty can never be criminal, what is not criminal cannot be injurious.

[“Truth” is insufficient. I use the-objective-truth to specify discovery with existing instruments to perceive the ineluctable evidence. With perfect perception, the-literal-truth is known. These expressions begin with the ineluctable evidence and ought to end at the-ineluctable-truth. However, it seems prudent to reserve humility toward an unimagined future instrument for perception. When a person has not considered the-objective-truth, they have the duty to say, “I don’t know.” It seems alright to continue with an opinion, but often, the actual-reality “I don’t know” is sufficient.]

15 Law cannot make what is in its nature virtuous or innocent, to be criminal, any more than it can make what is criminal to be innocent. Government cannot make a law, it can only pronounce that which was the law before its organisation, viz. the moral result of the imperishable relations of things.

[This seems to address physics and its progeny for determination of “well-being” in Item 1, above. However, Item 1 expresses the consent fallacy: physics does not yield to consent. The ineluctable evidence shows that relations of things are perishable through mutation and catastrophe.]

16 The present generation cannot bind their posterity. The few cannot promise for the many.

[Nevertheless, the U.S. has nearly $30 trillion public debt. I like: the 39 Constitution signers in 1789 cannot promise for 330 million citizens in 2020. I especially oppose homage to “the founders.”]

17 No man has a right to do an evil thing that good may come.

[This seems a contradiction and waste of consideration until you consider the domestic violence of 2020.]

18 Expediency is inadmissible in morals. Politics are only sound when conducted on principles of morality. They are, in fact, the morals of nations.

[The words “expediency” and “morals” dissuade the reader from “efficiency” and “the-objective-truth”. The concerns raised here are covered in earlier items, especially Item 4 and Item 7. Political power must be based on the ineluctable evidence more than reason.]

19 Man has no right to kill his brother, it is no excuse that he does so in uniform. He only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder.

[Self-defense is required by human integrity. A person or a nation develop strength for defense and advertise their preparedness for attack. If attacked, they must apply the advertised force or face annihilation. In other words, aggressors are encouraged by weakness.]

20 Man, whatever be his country, has the same rights in one place as another, the rights of universal citizenship.

[Consistent with Item 10, a person who has not agreed to a country’s laws has no say in their enforcement. Also, Item 5 had the minority secede to the majority, so Shelley seems inconsistent to me.]

21 The government of a country ought to be perfectly indifferent to every opinion. Religious differences, the bloodiest and most rancorous of all, spring from partiality.

[It’s good to point out that religion is opinion. However, Item 1, erroneously specified consent of the people as the standard for government. Physics and its progeny provide needed standards and our progeny may accept physics.]

22 A delegation of individuals, for the purpose of securing their rights, can have no undelegated power of restraining the expression of their opinion.

[This seems nonsense. Perhaps it expresses unrestricted freedom of expression, as in Item 12.]

23 Belief is involuntary; nothing involuntary is meritorious or reprehensible. A man ought not to be considered worse or better for his belief.

[This seems nonsensical claim to predestination. Belief that contradicts physics is arrogance.]

24 A Christian, a Deist, a Turk, and a Jew, have equal rights: they are men and brethren.

[This is too absolute. If a person’s religion inspires them to do harm, their rights ought to be in jeopardy.]

25 If a person's religious ideas correspond not with your own, love him nevertheless. How different would yours have been, had the chance of birth placed you in Tartary or India!

[This thought is OK, except love is overrated and sometime inappropriate. I prefer to recommend appreciation. But not everyone participates in appreciation.]

26 Those who believe that Heaven is, what earth has been, a monopoly in the hands of a favored few, would do well to reconsider their opinion: if they find that it came from their priest or their grandmother, they could not do better than reject it.

[Perhaps he is opposing the British church-state partnership. I oppose Chapter XI Machiavellianism.]

27 No man has a right to be respected for any other possessions, but those of virtue and talents. Titles are tinsel, power a corruptor, glory a bubble, and excessive wealth, a libel on its possessor.

[Respect is not due unless there is appreciation. The phrase “excessive wealth” seems inconsistent.]

28 No man has a right to monopolize more than he can enjoy; what the rich give to the poor, whilst millions are starving, is not a perfect favour, but an imperfect right.

[How does “more than he can enjoy” differ from “excessive wealth”? I do not approve of tax favor for philanthropy, because it is arbitrary redistribution of GDP.]

29 Every man has a right to a certain degree of leisure and liberty, because it is his duty to attain a certain degree of knowledge. He may before he ought.

[The sentence with “ought” is repeated in Item 10, and I don’t comprehend it’s use here. Using some or all of leisure time to learn is a required for self-discipline. In fact, I deem it duty more than leisure.]

30 Sobriety of body and mind is necessary to those who would be free, because, without sobriety a high sense of philanthropy cannot actuate the heart, nor cool and determined courage, execute its dictates.

[Sobriety cannot be overemphasized, because a life can be lost in a moment. For a long time, alcohol dominated my social life---was the attraction in social situations. We made a lot to do over a glass of wine. I prefer ineluctably good conversation.]

31 The only use of government is to repress the vices of man. If man were to day sinless, to-morrow he would have a right to demand that government and all its evils should cease.

[Government is needed for infrastructure, unless a system of toll fees would prove workable.]

Why is it important to decide for yourself? What is right, or what is wrong?

The human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop the integrity to constrain chaos in his or her sphere of influence. HIPEA cannot be consigned to another person or society. Most people never accept being human, much less using HIPEA to constrain chaos rather than to nurture appetites unto infidelity to self.

Who are authorized to make laws and what are the sources of teaching ethical values?

The people who agree to develop human equity under statutory justice in order to constrain chaos in their location on earth assume the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to manage the collective legislation and law-enforcement required to effect the constraints to the continuum of living citizens. On the agreement, the people divide themselves: the ineluctably good and the dissidents who may reform.

Ineluctably good people practice integrity to the-objective-truth. It derives from physics and its progeny, including psychology. It exists, and humankind labors to discover it and how to responsibly benefit from it. At any moment, humankind’s perception is limited by invented instruments. As perception of the-objective-truth improves, it approaches the-literal-truth. However, humankind cannot predict the next instrument for perception, and therefore is reluctant to commit to the-literal-truth as the-ineluctable-truth.

Integrity in considering the ineluctable evidence and practicing the benefits defines ethics. The journal of the process constitutes the guide to human integrity.

In order to practice integrity, the human being must have freedom from both external and internal constraints. It seems obvious that Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other popular media have political agenda. Wikipedia is a journal by its readers and therefore has an element of freedom. stems from thoughtful, individual questions and the creatively stimulated answers. If there are better sources, I’d like to try them.

Law professors

Readers like me are grateful to Professor Barnett for sharing his analysis before being ready to do so. I want to suggest a more complete viewpoint in time for his intention to publish. Originalist judges seem unfaithful to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

Referring to “. . . a faithful judge has a duty to follow . . . a superior authority . . . . Justices of the ‘supreme Court’ should be striving to restore . . . the whole Constitution.” They should consider themselves first fellow citizens under the preamble’s proposition.

These three thoughts, as I express them, call for reform to the proffered preamble to the U.S. Constitution’s people’s proposition according to the personal interpretation of each “faithful judge.”

I refer to the proposition---the stated purpose for creating a written constitution for the USA---as “the U.S. Preamble.” I developed my interpretation through dialogue with over 70 fellow citizens and foreigners, who are named in my “appreciations” (on Bing, search ["A civic people" + appreciations] and click on the first URL). I share my interpretation to beg further improvement:  This appreciative citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.

By amending the 1787 Constitution to restore Anglo-American church-state-partnership, the First Congress bemused the good people---“We the People of the United States in order to . . . “---with “freedom of religion” rather than freedom to develop integrity. The elitist power to accomplish this tyranny against the people was led by former royalists who wanted to preserve the power to keep the poor and middle class under control so as to profit from consumerism.

The consequence is the chaos we observe today. The Democratic Party calls us “we the people” and strives to increase the people’s debt so as to help illegal immigrants, restore/reform civility to criminals, and make “minorities” supreme dependents of the party elite. The Republican Party wants to preserve the Anglo-American tradition so as to empower entrepreneurs to encourage consumerism with enough power to sustain the poor and middle class without misery and loss to the elites. As a consequence, our grandchildren, the first generation of “our Posterity” face a national debt at $26 trillion and 10% more in Congressional debate.

Physical separation from England was a global triumph that lasted from September 17, 1787 until June 21, 1788 when 9 of 12 participating states ratified the U.S. Constitution with plans for the First Congress to add a Bill of Rights. The practical intention was to label the U.S. Preamble “secular” and restore Anglo-American, Chapter XI Machiavellianism: let the people hope and pray that their personal, family God will someday relieve them of the tyranny they cannot articulate, because they are too busy trying to survive.

Let today, the 233rd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution be the day that widespread use of the U.S. Preamble is adopted by the majority of “ourselves and our Posterity,” the continuum of living citizens, who owe no more to “the founding fathers” than appreciation for the ineluctable good and dedication not to repeat their mistakes. Let the writers in this great forum lead the way.

Human integrity to living citizens seems the reason the 39 signers included provisions for the entity “We the People of the United States in order to . . . “ to amend the articles. In 2020, the people need to amend the First Amendment so as to promote the duty to develop integrity rather than to preserve doctrine. Congress has weakened the people's routes to amendment, but the people can accomplish it by holding Congresspersons faithfully accountable to the U.S. Preamble.

Thank you Professor Barnett, and I hope this post motivates you to publish more, hopefully in support of U.S. psychological independence from colonial-British traditions, at last.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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