Saturday, September 5, 2020

JFKs misguided “Ask not . . .”

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows:  This appreciative citizen practices and promotes the 5 U.S. public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” enjoy responsible human independence among “ourselves” and encourage “our Posterity. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

JFKs misguided “Ask not . . .”

In time for Constitution Day, 2020 (September 17) we considered Kennedy’s famous question in 1961, one we always considered for celebration more than admiration. Today, we articulate a hard-earned opinion.


What is your interpretation of Arthur Rimbaud’s quote “Genius is the recovery of childhood at will.”?

I’ve been waiting for a moment to read it in context, but give up that hope. I see he died in 1891 in Marseille.

At 77, my attitude is, “I don’t know. Let me see what’s said about it.” (And I start at Wikipedia). When I was a child, I asked whoever was listening, “What’s that?”

I cannot go back to that blind trust: at daybreak, adults still say, “the sun is rising” rather than “the earth’s axial rotation is un-hiding the sun,” an awesome realization.

Does everyone have equal access to the freedoms and liberties offered in our current American society, and what do you think determines that access?

No and yes. Most citizens tolerate Anlgo-American, Chapter XI Machiavellianism. Most families inculcate belief in a personal God and the hope that their God will eventually relieve them of chaos. They accept neither responsibility to constrain chaos, as expressed in Genesis 1:28, nor that whatever-God-is will not usurp their assignment on earth. Citizens are responsible to hold government officials accountable to the U.S. Preamble.

The First Congress unconstitutionally re-established the church-state-partnership that imposes civil “freedom of religion” instead of opportunity to develop integrity. Under Chapter XI Machiavellianism, the clergy-politician-partnership lives high on the hog and the citizens neither rebel nor expatriate, hoping that their God will relive their distant descendants of the loss and misery of the chaos they should constrain.

The preamble to the U.S. Constitution proposes an achievable better future. So far, the citizens have neither considered nor accepted its proposition: five public disciplines “in order to” establish responsible human independence.

It is up to each individual citizen to interpret the U.S. Preamble so as to manage his or her civic, civil, legal, and private living. My interpretation holds me responsible to hold government officials accountable to the U.S. Preamble. I’m working on it.

I disagree. The constitution is amendable so as to reform unjust laws in order to approach if not achieve statutory justice to living people.

However, its proffered people’s-purpose—-practicing five public disciplines “in order to” establish responsible human independence to “ourselves and our Posterity”—-has yet to be accepted.

Psychologically, the U.S. is held hostage by colonial, Anglo-American tradition more than its proffered intention: Each citizen’s chosen happiness in civic integrity.

What is effortless for you, but not for most people you know?

I could not possibly speak for most people I know.

At age 77, my former person could not articulate that no entity will usurp my responsibility to constrain chaos in my life and surroundings. Today, I easily articulate my reform.

What is the best reason for a universal ethical standard?

Physics and its progeny, including psychology, proffer the standards by which human individuals can discover and practice integrity.

The journal of discovery and error to integrity records ethics. Thereby, peoples can measure their responsible human independence in the constraint of chaos.

What is more important, 'what you can do for your country', or 'what your county can do for you'?

I thought I had an opinion until I read your question. Thank you. Now, I think Kennedy spoke to promote himself rather than to communicate with the audience. His speech failed humankind’s responsibility for peace on earth.

I think it is important to address the entire quotation of President Kennedy, 1961:

“[M]y fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.” Ask not what your country can do for you (Kennedy's inuagural address)

This lofty speech seems to fail in four ways: 1) responsible human independence is a consequence of self-discipline, 2) humankind cannot consign its responsibility—to constrain chaos in order to have freedom on earth, 3) it boasts that American “standards of strength and sacrifice” are actually high and should be applied in other countries and 4) it is appropriate for U.S. citizens to “ask of us”--the government officials. U.S. citizens ought to hold government officials accountable to the U.S. Preamble.

The U.S. standards are implied in the proffered, so far, unattended people’s proposition in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. For 1787 and future individual freedom, the 1787 authors left it to each citizen to develop his or her personal interpretation by which to manage his or her civic, civil, legal, and personal living. In my 77th year, by continually considering what I learn from fellow citizens, my interpretation is this: This appreciative citizen practices and promotes the 5 U.S. public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” enjoy responsible human independence among “ourselves” and encourage “our Posterity.

Both the preamble and my interpretation tacitly assert that U.S. standards are to be discovered and practiced by the continuum of “ourselves and our Posterity.” In other words, the preamble proposes the process by which U.S. goals will be improved and achieved among appreciative citizens. The consequence will be approached by “our Posterity.”

Answering your question, I perceive that people of other countries can assume “This appreciative citizen” or equal and develop their interpretation and practice of the U.S. Preamble’s people’s proposition.

If there are no objections I will add to my appreciations page “Antonio Tela, 9/5/2020.” I think your focus is timely for Constitution Day, 2020, September 17.

What ethical standard do you base your solution to the moral problem/dilemma?

I watch for the-literal-truth so I can practice it. The-literal-truth exists and can be discovered from its ineluctable evidence. Much is unknown, so I often admit to myself:  I do not know. Humankind works to discover the-objective-truth then invent new ways to perceive it so as to approach if not achieve the-literal-truth.

For example, humankind discovered they cannot fly like a bird but can use aerodynamics for atmospheric flying and jet propulsion to explore the universe.

In this, my 77th year, my experiences and observations convince me that Genesis 1:28, ancient as it is, nevertheless charges me, as a member of humankind, with the responsibility to constrain chaos.

To constrain chaos, the individual human neither initiates nor tolerates harm to or from any person or society. This practice seems ineluctable good. Not every human chooses the good. Therefore, the ineluctably good people (IGP) must develop the public disciplines by which to encourage, coerce, and ultimately force compliance. Dissidents may discover that ineluctable good is in their self-interest.

The IGP encourage a culture of equity under statutory justice, and provide lawful institutions to constrain chaos.

These principles are expressed in my interpretation of the people’s proffered proposition in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution:  This appreciative citizen practices and promotes the 5 U.S. public disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” enjoy responsible human independence among “ourselves” and encourage “our Posterity.

Both the original preamble and my interpretation tacitly claim that with disciplinary integrity by the continuum of “ourselves” the standard of ethics will be discovered by “our Posterity.”

That is to say, the journal of integrity is ethics.

Do you feel that AG Barr is doing his job honestly and with complete integrity, or is he a hypocrite just pushing Trump's agenda?

Yes, no, no, and supporting where possible rather than “pushing”.

Please read my comments on Barr’s speech to Christian broadcasters on February 26, 2020, at

Since then, I still like the phrase “whatever-God-is” to express a more inclusive, humble expression than “God.” However, I have discovered the civic distinction “ineluctable goodness” and the designation “ineluctably good people” to represent civic citizens. I think Barr is an ineluctably good person who has not yet considered that the U.S. must psychologically free itself from the factional-church-government-partnerships that holds the U.S. hostage to eastern-seaboard, colonial-British tradition.

I want to read Barr’s developed, individual interpretation of the proffered people’s proposition in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution to “ourselves and our Posterity” of 2020. The preamble accepts the charge to humankind in Genesis 1:28. I like Ralph Waldo Emerson’s expression, “One is constrained to respect the perfection of this world . . . it is well worth the pith and heart of great men to subdue and enjoy it.”

Whereas some judges and lawyers are suspect, Barr is one of the great civic citizens of our time.

Why should science be guided by an ethical basis that is not dictated by science itself?

We are subjected to a confusion of terms arising, perhaps, from the eighteenth century notion that nature is less reliable than reason (Locke d.1704, Hume d. 1776, and Kant d. 1804).

“Nature” is actually physics and its progeny including psychology. Physics and its progeny are objects of scientific research. The research is founded on the discovery of the-objective-truth and how to benefit from the discovery. Furthermore, that research and interconnected research continue and new instruments of perception are invented such that the-objective-truth is better understood. Eventually, the improvements may lead to comprehension of the-literal-truth.

Humankind has learned since the eighteenth century that reason eventually conforms to physics and its progeny. In other words, science, the study of physics is reliable.

Awareness that physics is reliable plus research that accepts the ineluctable evidence has integrity inspires scientific research. However, research that is designed to prove a belief is not science. Rather it is speculation about what has not been discovered---is not known. Studies to impose beliefs is metaphysics.

Ineluctably good people (IGP) reserve enough humility to resist metaphysics. IGP do not lie, in order to lessen human misery and loss. Also, being human, IGP neither fault a researcher who honestly resists the ineluctable evidence nor can be influenced by him or her.

Science is the study of physics and its progeny. In the research, integrity develops ethics and metaphysics records errors to avoid.

Can you explain "a country should be defended not by arms, but by ethical behaviour" meaningfully?

Yes: military strength is ethical.

Ineluctably good citizens (IGC) do not want to suffer attack or war due to a foreign nation’s aggression. Unfortunately, some peoples, for reasons they may or may not understand, tolerate their aggressive government.

To protect these tolerant people from their country’s war, the IGC dedicate enough of their productivity to military strength. They report military inventions and purchases and maintain foreign intelligence. They maintain military superiority in integrity more than honesty. That is to say, in real-actuality rather than appearances. Integrity defines ethics. In integrity, the strong country protects human life in aggressive countries by discouraging their government’s aggression.

The country that maintains military strength is ethical. Others rent from allies or otherwise remain either weak or aggressive.

If countries with majority IGP maintain military strength, humankind is likely to survive. If an aggressive nation or coalition ever gains superiority, the IGP will resist so severely that world viability will be threatened.

Please accept my opinion, because I do not know the-objective-truth.

Abraham Maslow said "The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness" What is your take on what is meant by "the ability to be in the present moment"?

I haven’t studied Maslow and think it’s a question of sufficient psychological discipline to not miss your person’s life.

For example, my wife and I were taking outpatient physical theory to help her walk with my assistance despite PSP, a rare kin to Parkinson’s disease. On a weekend, I suffered a stumble and said to her, “You are abusing me: you walked much better with the physical therapist,” inconsiderately blaming her. (I acted unaware of both my erroneous emotions and my wife’s wounded yet reliable efforts.)

On our next visit to the clinic, I related the experience to the PT and asked if they had a social worker (SW) I could talk to about my failure to accept my wife’s best efforts. The SW trained me in “awareness meditation”; I objected, saying that my concern was that I had been willful toward my beloved wife. He did not react.

As I write this to you, I have discovered It relates to balance, and I have been diagnosed with neuropathy and balance disorder. I will learn more about B-BAT physical awareness and perhaps inform the social worker. Maybe he intended me to relate meditation to B-BAT, but I did not get it.

I hope this story illustrates two points about awareness: 1) my wife is one of the most courageous people I know long before she had PSP, and staying aware of the fact helps me not lose patience with our struggles, and 2) diagnosis of my physical limitations positions me to help her without risking injury to us.

A second story relates to a much more serious concern: humankind’s assignment rather than consignment to constrain chaos. That is to say, whatever-is-in-charge of actual-reality will not usurp each human individual’s responsibility to constrain chaos. On this principle, human beings divide themselves into two factions: ineluctably good citizens and fellow citizens who don’t grasp self-interest in integrity rather than infidelity to self.

Awareness---of being human; developing human individual power, individual energy, and individual authority to develop integrity; and perfecting his or her unique journey to the termination of body, mind, and person---is essential to taking advantage in each moment.

Should the freedom of expression include expressing the intent to cause harm to others, so long as it isn't a mere 'bluff'?

I think so, especially without the “bluff” limitation.

Pointing a gun is an expression. The carrier has responsibility for sincerity. The person who’s looking down the barrel has the responsibility to respond with overpowering strength. Government should not prevent the responder from learning of the need for self-defense.

This consideration is not unlike the case against lying. Ineluctably good people don’t lie in order to lessen human misery and loss. For example, the responder has the strength to say to the gun-pointer, “One flinch and you will die,” with sincerity and the required power.

Did Charles Darwin say "ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" meaning that the less you know, the more confidence you have in your opinion?

In my opinion, the quote seems an unfortunate arrogance toward “the more I learn, the more ignorant I seem.” I hope Darwin had sufficient humility to share without accusing.

In this forum, people ask for opinion. It seems condescending to accuse the responder of expressing the-literal-truth, much of which is unknown.

"No one knows what they are doing, we are all just making it up/improvising as we go along." What do you think of this statement?

I think it is an erroneous statement.

Some people seem to accept individual responsibility to behave in order to aid ineluctable goodness; in other words, discover, practice, and promote unique-human achievable-perfection.

Not everyone participates. Some people try to take advantage of ineluctable goodness---liars, dependents, tyrants, aliens, and evil doers.

Ineluctable goodness is measured by physics and its progeny, including psychology and imagination. The ineluctably good people provide (IGP) and improve written law enforcement so as to develop statutory justice. IGP never lie, in order to lessen human misery and loss. Dissidents behave egocentrically. For example, criminals think crime pays. People who are sufficiently evil to commit heinous crimes try to persuade IGP to take the responsibility to risk repetition of the atrocity.

Some people take “liberty” as license for vigilantism to impose egocentric rights. However, IGP use integrity to develop the ethics by which ineluctable goodness is measured.

Do you make an effort to protect your identity?

Yes, I do. For example, when someone tries to steal my Facebook ID, I stop them, thanks to FB’s reliability. When my email is commandeered, I hire a company to clear it. I use other means. I own guns I know how to use them.

Concerning my ideas, I count on consistency to verify that it’s me. I maintain the record of the changes in my opinion about the-objective-truth. I copyright in order to protect my freedom to write old ideas, but not to constrain other people. It is so easy to search for the originator of an idea that citations have become a way for publishers to censor thinkers, so I refer to other people’s ideas only to express appreciation. For example, Ralph Waldo Emerson informed us that each of us can live to perfect his or her unique person; that message is stronger without the words Emerson wrote to express the idea. Also, I see no reason to cite Abraham Lincoln to express that the proffered U.S. intention is discipline of by and for willing citizens.

When I attend a public forum, I perceive that one or two people might recognize me from my work, and I have some concern for safety and security. I have slight concern when I pledge allegiance to the flag in public and substitute “under ineluctable goodness” for “under God.” However, I have faced threats and negotiated peaceful ends.

I sense almost zero fear of a stray bullet as I move about.

Is it moral to use the power of government to impose moral standards? At what level of government? Whose standards? If your answer is "sometimes" where do you draw the line?

Yes, and physics provides the evidence on which to act.

Ineluctably good people (IGP) accept responsibility to constrain chaos in life. Chaos is judged by physics and its progeny including psychology. IGP never lie so as to lessen human misery and loss.

Not everyone participates, so IGP develops statutory justice to constrain dissidents such as liars, criminals, tyrants, aliens, and evil doers. Not knowing the-literal-truth in all cases, IGP maintain statutory law and its enforcement, using ineluctable evidence for adjudication and discovery of injustice in order to reform the law and approach statutory justice. For example, discovery of DNA as             reliable evidence is such an improvement. Use of non-unanimous jury verdicts, say 7:5 of 12 jurors or 5:4 of 9 jurors offers statistical aid to provide impartial criminal-trial results in the U.S.

IGP communicate, collaborate, and connect in order to avoid subjugation to unjust law and its enforcement. They do so in public and invite dissidents to participate. Dissidents who choose to disconnect beg subjugation to injustice they might have reformed. Dissidents who would impose egocentric favor at the expense of IGP eventually either adopt or yield-to the ineluctable good. Perpetrators of heinous injury or death to fellow citizens invite execution.

The IGP accept that civic, civil, legal, and private integrity are in their self-interest. Therefore, they sponsor education, encouragement, coercion, and force as public incentives for dissidents to reform. For example, when a category 5 hurricane is approaching, IGPs agents, local governments, order evacuations. In some cases, they knock on individual doors to coerce evacuation. In another example, when IGP learns that parents handle poisonous snakes with their children they may start legal procedures to remove the children from snake-handlers’ care.

Physics is the evidence on which ineluctable goodness is measured, and that’s where IGP draws the line.

Ethics comes from physics. For example, ineluctably good people don’t lie so as to lessen human misery and loss.

Humankind dutifully researches physics and its progeny including psychology and imagination. Each time it discovers the ineluctable evidence of the-objective-truth, it focuses the research on how to benefit from the discovery. The leading edge of ethics improves.

Then, humankind continues the research by inventing new instruments for perception. Upon discovery, ethics may again improve. Eventually, humankind perhaps perceives the-literal-truth and how to benefit. At that point, ethics respecting that issue seems fixed yet remains vigilant for new discovery that demands improvement.

Scholars today who focus on the eighteenth century notion that nature is less reliable than reason (Locke d.1704, Hume d. 1776, and Kant d. 1804) seem to subscribe to intellectual-construct rather than integrity as the path to ethics. Some writing (and careers) to defend tradition is nonsense.

If everyone in the world could know one thing and hold it as a truth - what would you want that to be?

As a human being, I have the individual power, the individual energy, the individual authority, and the ineluctable duty (HIPEAD) to constrain chaos.

You are a unique human being: right? So am I.

How can unique persons be equal?

The Greeks, 2,400 years ago, suggested that citizens can develop equity under statutory justice. There will always be politicians who talk equality so as to divide the citizens---keep civic citizens from holding the politicians accountable.


Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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