Saturday, November 20, 2021

The right to constrain personal-chaos

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

The right to constrain personal-chaos

Many people debate civil rights because governments invite the bemusement. However, female&male-human-being may behave so as to constrain chaos in their way of living. The 2021 U.S. “ourselves and our Posterity”, including legal immigrants, may improve their achievable future.

Quora by Taina Sorensen

1.      It’s important to observe that this is a confused and conflicted world. But the individual may choose to constrain chaos in daily choices. Also, it is OK for an individual to practice, facilitate, and encourage perfecting each unique-human-being. Unique perfection involves some personal acceptances. The person may:

a.       Develop human being, especially their person’s humble-integrity, rather than mineral, plant, animal, or mysterious “soul”.

b.      Develop individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to appreciate their person.

c.       Use HIPEA for civic-integrity rather than for a dependency, such as, government, personal-God, indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. Accept that choosing independence is a subjective act: some choose dependency.

d.      Learn the laws of physics& its-progeny; mathematics, forces, energy& mass, chemistries, biology, psychology and be aware of imagination, fiction, indeed everything. Identify& doubt metaphysics, without discouraging hope.

e.       Act on necessity& justice.

f.       Never repeat a mistake. Never lie.

g.      Neither initiate nor accommodate harm to-or-from any person or institution.

h.      Practice, encourage, and facilitate responsible-human-independence (RHI).

i.        Appreciation fellow-citizen as they are and where they are in their opportunity for HIPEA and RHI. Express subjectivity in words that appeal to their experiences& observations. Constrain to-reform dependents who harm/injure others.

j.        Retain child-like confidence when you don’t know the-ineluctable-truth: frankly express “I don’t know”. If necessary, follow with subjectivity or opinion, then repeat, “But I don’t know”. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”,

k.      Walk away from psychological violence or physical threat, alert to call for defense. Hope for a better, future-contact-with/awareness-of that fellow-citizen.

l.        Accept that the HIPEA& RHI children may develop could sustain parents to serve grandchildren in a way of living no one could have imagined. In other words, be alert to learn from children.

2.      This may strike you as a proposal for utopia, but it is not. It is the human-culture that is intended by the 1787 U.S. Constitution. Its intentions are sufficiently abstract for the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” to discover personal ineluctable-happiness rather than submit to an institutional vision for each unique person. It’s like a meritocracy with RHI as the standard.

The faction We the People of the United States may practice, encourage, and facilitate 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” develop responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants. by Ivan Lara

I like the way you put it, Mr. Lara, “. . . the people from the USA”.

Not from articulation, but from actions, the civic-continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 domestic disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, in order to assure the safety& security that is necessary for each civic-individual to responsibly pursue the happiness they want rather than submit to the vision for them held by another person or entity.

I call it responsible-human-independence (RHI), and the faction We the People of the United States knows that freedom-from oppression and license to liberty are granted by the winner in war or the mob. But RHI is a personal practice they know and will not surrender.

The Washington DC mob, by accepting alien money and arrogantly ignoring the U.S. Constitution has invited ruin, and their ruin is coming at the hands of the 2021 ourselves and our Posterity. by Ivan Lara

I think so.

However, the imposition of concern about communism in the 1950s empowered the Eisenhower administration to impose on the entity We the People of the United States the arrogance “In God We Trust” instead of 1872’s “E Pluribus Unum” and later to insert the prayer “under God” in the pledge of allegiance.

Perhaps “the-God” controls the consequences of human choices. But no one can claim to know what the-God is, and those who claim it’s their personal-God haven’t faced their failure to reserve humility deemed adequate by the-God. For example, Bush II claimed 50 million Americans approved his decision to invade Iraq. The consequences are disastrous.

Necessity& justice hold female&male-human-being accountable for order& prosperity in this world. We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) have urgent self-interest to amend the First Amendment so as to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence rather than Congressional pride in “freedom of religion”. Second, we must reform the Supreme Court so as to develop statutory-justice on the-ineluctable-evidence rather than legal precedent. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”.

The entity We the People of the United States is accommodating oppression by Congress and the Supreme Court. Only ourselves and our posterity can stop it. by Ola Cola offers a second usage: freedom from unauthorized intrusion.

The way things are, a woman who is pregnant is charged by necessity& justice to consider whether she should remain pregnant or not. The way things are, no one has the prerogative to overturn her decision. by Nellie Meeker

Every country should warrant each citizen the opportunity to develop the humble-integrity that is required to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) to the continuum of living citizens. by Graham C Lindsay

I think considerate grandparents and great-grandparents (G&GG) who are aware of the-domestic-disciplines& purpose-their-country-proffers are best positioned to propose the requisite governmental reforms.

First, G&GG can dispel the mystery of human-rights. Parties claim human-rights without specifying who will enforce them. For example, some people claim the right to force a pregnant woman to gestate& deliver when she believes her delivered-person would be unappreciated for life. Don’t ask me to be the enforcer of such tyranny over children.

I heard an education professor a couple years ago say “all-her-people” have the right to know math. Is that tensor theory, calculus, or 2 apples plus 2 oranges equals 4 fruit? How does government coerce learning math learning?

In 2021, G&GG have the best hopes for their children and grandchildren and fear the future with each U.S. newborn facing $7.2 million increasing federal debt.

For my personal way-of-living, the U.S. preamble and the 1787 U.S. Constitution, together with the 1776 declaration of war for independence from England (excluding the 1791 Bill of Rights), propose the following domestic discipline:  The civic people of these states practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 civic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in-order-to” continually improve responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants). Religion is not among the disciplines, because mystery is a private pursuit. “Responsible-independence” precludes licensed “liberty”. Posterity’s posterity continually discovers and enacts statutory-justice.

G&GG institute the licensing of voters, who must demonstrate behavior according to their view of the above stated national intentions --- for example, have a job that pays their way of living. Their license must be renewed every seven years with evidence of what they have done lately to aid U.S. civic-integrity. Local, state, and federal politicians who do not practice RHI get unelected or fired if appointed. by Nicholas Volkmuth

Three documents encourage U.S. responsible-human-independence: Genesis 1:28 suggesting that human-being may choose to independently provide order& prosperity to earth and its inhabitants, the 1776 declaration of war for independence from England, and the 1787 Constitution’s five domestic disciplines that omit religion, assigning it to personal-privacy.

The 1791 Bill of Rights, re-established U.S. dependency on Blackstone and church-state partnership to mimic the Church of England’s seats in Parliament.

Then 99% of U.S. free citizens were Protestants and 5% could vote. Today, 43% are Protestants and nearly 100% may vote. by Nicholas Volkmuth

About by Ronnie Fasil

Politics is civic power. In most countries, the good people accommodate tyranny in apathy, so everybody suffers. by Olanrewaju Rufai

I don’t know, and I don’t like it. But I want civic-integrity.

What’s important is the unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible truth, the-ineluctable-truth, and I don’t know it.

What I think is that seventeenth-century Western Europe debated individual freedom-from oppression and liberty-to pursue happiness as the property of God. In 1215, Magna Carta, England established church-state partnership with the king answering to Catholic Bishops and Parliament and changed it to Protestant-Parliament partnership in 1689.

France felt that the-God of consequence of human choices held humankind responsible for temporal discipline. They considered humankind in charge of human development on earth and demanded personal liberty, equality, and fraternity in the 10-year reign of terror starting in 1789; just 2 years after the 1787 U.S. Constitution. They substantially kicked the Church out of France.

Together, the uSA 1776 Declaration of independence from England and the 1787 U.S. Constitution to establish domestic discipline propose responsible-human-independence (RHI). However, a couple states demanded that the U.S. mimic the 1689 English bill of rights.

The power of government bestowed-freedom& licensed-liberty repressed responsible-human-independence, empowering politicians to make themselves elites along with the clergy, Today, the USA mimics the English, Chapter XI Machiavellianism of church-state partnership.

Both clergy hierarchies and government officials live high on the hog at the people’s expense. The people neither rebel nor emigrate, waiting for their personal-God to relive their family from the loss and misery.

We the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” can end the tyranny by amending the First Amendment so as to propose civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. Freedom& liberty are no substitute for responsible-human-independence. by Samantha Deshmukh

The way things are, in the U.S. there are more than 800 million viable ova per year and 4 million births. About 5 million embryo perish in gestation, including abortions. During as much as 8 days that it takes a conception to move through the fallopian tube and attach to the uterus, many pass out of the woman’s body unnoticed. Perhaps there are less than 90 million lost single-cell to multicell embryo per year.

The way things are, there are very many chances for ova to perish, and fewer chances for conceptions to perish. Physics and its progeny determine the consequences of human choices. The mother knows whether choices either 1) both delivered& promise the equity and dignity a human conception is due or 2) the gestated and delivered baby would face life without appreciation much less love. Her decision to terminate her pregnancy cannot be avoided, changed, or resisted, without liability to her and her embryo. It’s a liability I will not consider, let alone accept.

No person or institution has the authority to demand that a woman remain pregnant when she has made her decision to terminate her pregnancy. by Mykhailo Seniutovych

What are the basic human rights?

I know of only one: the right to constrain chaos in your choices for your life. The external chaos must be managed.

Democracy’s that promise human rights, the right to life, for example, can’t deliver.

Thank goodness, I live in the USA; a republic with national elections designed to spoil democracy.

Law professors  from last week


For Facebook/Twitter

Facebook, Nov 15, 2021: 9:10 CST

I agree with the sentiment. My assessment of "the way we found it" rests with the U.S. proposition before that tyrant James Madison led congress and the supreme court to restore English dependency with legislative, factional-American Protestant chaplains in 1789 and 1689 English-mimicking 1791 Bill of Rights. The 1787 Constitution promotes civic-integrity rather than federal-religious-pride and imposition of "freedom of religion" rather than RHI (see below).

We, the "ourselves and our Posterity" (including legal immigrants) may restore the responsible-human-independence (RHI) proposed recently in the 1787 U.S. Constitution, the 1776 declaration of war for independence, and the 5,000 year-old suggestion in Genesis 1:26-28 that the-God of consequences of human-being choices will not usurp the individual human-being's option to behave for peace to the earth and its inhabitants.

The factional entity We the People of the United States may amend the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion.

If this message appeals to your experiences& observations, share it and earnestly plead (pray) that it goes viral.

Bible applications, springing from my interpretations, NIV

PRB personal-principles

“. . . [the-God, controller-of-consequences-of-human-being-choices] . . . said, ‘Let us make mankind . . . in our likeness, so that they may rule over the [living species]’ . . . male and female he created them [and informed] them, “Be fruitful . . . fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the [living species].” Genesis 1:26-28, characterizing 5,000 year-old Sumer-political-philosophy in 3,000 year-old Hebrew bias.

“. . . [the-God, controller-of-consequences-of-personal-choices] is alive and active . . . it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” Matthew 12:25.

“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” So the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am”, John 8:56-58.

Conclusion: the-God knows when a person/institution begs exemption from the Sumer politics, human-being “may rule”, or prefers dependency, for example, on Jesus. I think Genesis 1 suggests responsible-human-independence (RHI). Further, the suggestion, coming before Abraham was born, may have come from the metaphysical Jesus; that is, the-good that emerges from open-minded& open-hearted Jesus-study.

Western religious philosophy developed the debate between 1) English preservation of the human-individual as Lockean-property of the English Trinity (or Unity after John Lock religious transition from Calvinism to perhaps Deism) vs French argument that providing peace on earth is human-necessity& justice (perhaps Voltaire). The French lost the argument to 1789 violence toward fellow citizens rather than appreciation for heritage that could lead to RHI. The repressed 1787-U.S.-Constitution proffers a culture of RHI, and we, the “ourselves and our Posterity” can establish it at last by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religious-division.

Likewise, the Christianity can reduce some 45,000 denominations by focusing on being human under whatever controls the consequences of personal and institutional choices. Appreciating a fellow-citizens behavior to aid peace on earth need-not . . . should not be constrained by religious affiliation/none.

Caution: above, I emphasized Bible-words by deleting phrases; the interested reader should check the complete interpretation they rely on, in-order-to consider my unintended-omissions of personal-essentials I need to consider in appreciation to the differing views. In other words, I write in order to listen in mutual comprehension.

Application from Luke 17

1-4 “. . . Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble [dependency] are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves. “If your brother or sister sins against you [errs], rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” (In other words, to rebuke an offense requires personal appreciation and humble expression sufficient to invoke and accept apology.)

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith! [Why should we rebuke, observe the offender’s repentance, and forgive?”

He replied, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.

“Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? 10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’ [Because I so inform my disciples.]” (In other words, Jesus rebuked the disciples for offending Jesus’ power, energy, and authority.)

Jesus [Personal-humility to follow unexpected instruction] Heals Ten Men With Leprosy

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee [divided Abrahamic-descendants]. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” . . . he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith [humility] has made you well.”

Story comments:

The lepers were humble enough to drop habitual begging and follow a suggestion. Not reaching the priest, they were healed by their personal-initiative. One of 10 wanted to thank Jesus for the suggestion to act. The other nine happily resumed their lives, having learned nothing. The priests, authors of complicated ritual for healing leprosy continued their vain practices, unaware, or perhaps to benefit from hearsay.

Again, it takes appreciation to rebuke a fellow-human-being-in-error, regardless of ethnic background. It is up to them to consider reliable rebuke and either repent or continue civic division.

Religious chaos in 2021:

Pew research assess the 2015 world inhabitants as Christians, Muslims, Unaffiliated, Hindu, Buddhist, folk religions, other, and Jews at 31.2% 24.1, 16, 15.1, 6.9, 5.7, 0.8, and 0.2, respectively. There are, arguably, 45,000 Christian sects and 6 Muslim sects. On average, a Christian sect represents 0.0007% of world population, compared to 4% per Muslim sect and 0.2% Jews. There are 195 countries, on average, 0.5% of world population.

It seems prudent for each individual to develop RHI in their country for life and for posterity, letting the eternally-divisive mystery of soul take care of itself.

Applying U.S. principles:

Americans who would avoid, change, or resist the RHI suggested in Genesis 1 plus, together, the 1776 Declaration with the 1787 Constitution are as lost as leprosy-curing priests. The-God does not usurp the-human-being-opportunity to provide order& prosperity to this world.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.


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