Saturday, April 8, 2023

3 Democrat-Party subjects in Tennessee rebuke U.S. civil order: the U.S. republic

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this month

3 Democrat-Party subjects in Tennessee rebuke U.S. civil order: the republic

Social democracy:  Most European citizens, especially the British, neither comprehend nor advocate the United States republic. Since the Bloody Revolution in France, Europe has been influenced by human progressivism: the theory that each newborn has the power, the energy, and the authority to develop the way of living they prefer, at each stage of their lifetime.

To accommodate this principle, government must provide social democracy: impose kindness, tolerance, and largess to everybody. However, a physics’ progeny, economics, constrains governments from delivering social democracy. A human-being can& may work to make possible each breath they take or pursue dependency. Many citizens choose dependency. Consequently, governments seek assistance, usually from the false source: religion or ideology. Social democracy is also a false ideology.

Gone is the Anglo-American common good (2000 years old, according to 1 Corinthians 12:7), which is frequently credited to John Locke. Locke opposed Sir Robert Filmer’s Gensis-1 argument for the divine right of kings, advocating individual rights to life, liberty, and property. The Americans, in 1774 promoted life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To this day, elite politicians overlook the Genesis-1 suggestion of the obvious: as the most powerful species on earth, only humankind can& may pursue comprehensive safety and security to life (CSSL). No government can warrant liberty, property, or happiness, let alone life.

The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers a public culture to pursue CSSL. The civic-citizens among “We the People of the Unites States”, in self-interest, pursue the public integrity that is required to develop statutory justice. “Civic” refers to reliability in connections and transactions. When injustice is discovered, civic-citizens amend the constitution to pursue justice. Fellow-citizens who are derelict to justice invite subjugation to civil& criminal law and are encouraged to reform. The United States republic is distinct in the world, because of the constitutional provision to pursue statutory justice rather than settle for judicial opinion (legal precedent). The key phrase in the intentions-sentence in the U.S. Constitution is “to ourselves and our Posterity” – a continuum of civic-citizens among We the People of the United States. Citizens who do not commit to U.S. intentions ought not be licensed to vote.

Since the late 1960s, for 55 years, the U.S. has been influenced by a dark force I call “Alinsky-Marxist organization”, AMO. The principle is that a minority interest may dominate public-life by convincing recruits to cause critical disturbances to which the public will yield. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are students of Saul Alinsky. Their influence affects most of the Democrat Party and injures AMO soldiers. For the AMO recruit, an ancient Roman public-proverb applies: Don’t upset the apple cart.

Legislators who do not comprehend the-United-States-republic and are duped by European social-democracy or by AMO can& may resign or reform. The civic-citizens of the U.S. are establishing, at last, the 1787 U.S. intentions: responsible human independence (RHI) as suggested in Genesis 1:26-28 (NIV). Ancient scholars interpreted Mesopotamian political philosophy more than 5,500 years old. The rest of the Bible opines about the consequences of not choosing to pursue RHI.

The civic-citizens of the U.S. have developed RHI since 1789, when operations began with 11 states. What’s new is articulation of the importance of the United States republic to each citizen. Aliens to the U.S. citizen want to impose the chaos of social-democracy. Members of the U.S. republic will not allow it. The 3 legislators in Tennessee are experiencing the consequences of AMO soldiering, a role they were not elected to perform.


Congress is effective when the majority voters are civic-citizens. (Valid each in public and in Congress.) “Civic” means reliable in human connections& transactions. Reliability is in the citizen’s self-interest, because fellow-citizens, including derelicts, resist dubiousness. Civic-citizens practice, facilitate& encourage responsible-human-independence “to ourselves& our Posterity”. So far, Education Departments and care-providers do not inculcate these principles in United-States’ youth& adults. European images -- license to “liberty”, eroded American independence no alien can perceive. Consequently, less than 50% of American voters are civic-citizens. Most voters neglect the self-interest of RHI and yield to higher power – the-God, or government, or a construct. Consequently, congress cannot uphold the civic-culture that is proffered in the United States Constitution. Yellen can defy the Congress that approves her budget, because the alien Democrat Party would prevent impeachment. Only an awakening-to and reform-by the civic-citizens who vote against their own self-interest can reverse the chaos the Biden administration is imposing on the United States. Acceptance of majority RHI, as proposed in the 1787 U.S. Constitution (and in Genesis 1:26-28, a non-Judeo-Christian political philosophy) can& may effect reform in a very short time – perhaps about 2 years. Senator Cassidy expresses RHI, and Yellen could, too, by resigning from a corrupt administration. #Preambler

I am disappointed that, so far, the public defense is not drawing attention to the perception The Epoch Times presented in their documentary months ago:
The Capital Police voluntarily opened the Capitol doors and let the public in. Because of the mob actions going on outside, the coincident entry seems like entrapment by the government. #Preambler


Opinion | As Young People March for Their Lives, Tennessee Crushes Dissent and Overrides Democracy - The New York Times (

This is my first chance to learn beyond the flash announcement of the Tennessee happening.

It seems a matter of constitutional ignorance more than comprehension.

Europeans and many Americans do not accept that the U.S. Constitution guarantees a republican form of government: the U.S. civic-citizen commits to pursue order under statutory justice. In other words, each generation of the faction, We the People of the United States, can& may improve the written law. Europeans, the NYT, and non-civic citizens want to impose on America democracy: civil-chaos according to the temporal majority. Thereby, neither kindness nor justice to fellow-citizens is possible. In this paragraph neither "republican" nor "democracy" refers to a political party: Republican or Democrat.

Turning now, to the opinion column, "Activists waved signs in the statehouse gallery, and Representatives Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson and Justin J. Pearson, all Democrats, led them in chants from the House floor during breaks. Between bills, the lawmakers also approached the podium to speak. They did not wait to be formally recognized."

The 3 Democrats behaved like anarchists and deserve to suffer the rules of order. The NYT would like to benefit from chaos.

I hope this helps calm what seems alarming.



The Theology of Elon Musk (

Mike Morris misses the importance of humility to the-God. People who prefer a-God don't know if they are rejecting the-God.

The Judeo-Christian-God is especially controversial. For all we know, it is the-mysterious Jesus, of "Before Abraham was born I am".

The-God may be whatever constrains the consequences of each human-being's choices.

The prospect of yielding to the-God is unfathomable to many believers. Considering the-God can& may lend civic-integrity to the human struggle for comprehensive safety& security on earth.

What if Musk pursues civic-integrity despite civil-tradition?

Quora by Amal Chehade

About by Amal Chehade

About by Almarez, Justin Paul B

The Question: How important are the principles of human flourishing to each person to society and Science and Technology?

Answer: it is critical for each infant to-be-reared-to-choose civic-integrity to their person, to society, to research, and to technology.

I changed “science” to “research” to express personal reliability. “Science” means whatever the writer asserts -- often statistical analysis of interviews designed to support an opinion: “research” examines the-ineluctable-evidence and reports reliable conclusions, often, “We still don’t know”.

These principles are not new. Sumer civilization, about 5,500 years ago, suggested that the gods left to humankind the responsibility for comprehensive safety& security to life on earth. This human opportunity I call “responsible-human-independence” or RHI. Research since then has humankind preparing to colonize Mars in 10 years, while economic tribalism invites darkness to Earth.

Ancient polytheisms gave way to tribal monotheism, and 3,000 years ago, scribes of Genesis 1:26-28, suggested a God that willed RHI to humankind. Quoting the Bible, NIV, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule [life on earth]”. In my view, “may”, expressed by the-God, implies “can”. That is, since person has ultimate psychology, they can& may choose to rule their behavior during their life. I accept the message: I can& may constrain chaos in my daily choices.

It is important for society to accept that, without education to these principles, each person may choose dependency rather than pursue RHI.

Dependencies include, for examples, passivism, arrogant-religiosity, indolence, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse. Persons who pursue civic-integrity practice, facilitate& encourage RHI. They aid government pursuit of statutory-justice based on ineluctable-evidence. Ineluctable means not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, rationalized, or resisted. Statutory-justice reaches/attains the-ineluctable-truth. Civic-citizens hope dependent-fellow-citizens reform to RHI.

Many people interpret Genesis 1:26-28 as free will. However, if we view the-God as experiences& observations-of-consequences-of-human-choices, can& may seems an invitation to self-interested RHI rather than freedom to negative choices. For example, by puberty, a male who is reared to pursue RHI serenely chooses intimacy with lifetime monogamy. He prevents sex, unless he& she share civil appreciation for life to any offspring.

It takes a quarter century for a human-being to acquire the comprehension& intention to pursue the civic-integrity that facilitates RHI. Acceptance& acceleration of these principles to every Education Department can& may initiate human flourishing at the leading edge of 300,000 years of homo sapiens development, including the recent 10,000 years with the grammar needed to develop RHI.


Share: Let the year 2023 mark reform to every Education Department, in order to practice, facilitate& encourage civic-integrity for human flourishing. by Sinovuyo Mbonana

Humankind has known for about 5,500 years that practicing, facilitating& encouraging civic-integrity can& may establish comprehensive safety& security on earth, so that most individuals can responsibly-pursue the happiness they perceive rather than submit to someone else’s image for their life. Humankind’s purpose is to establish& maintain each person’s opportunity to discover and pursue responsible-human-independence (RHI). “Civic” expresses reliability in living connections& transactions.

Each newborn person has 2 conditions: total dependency and original ignorance. They can& may live to discover their unique path to the civic-integrity that is required for RHI. However, that lifetime-achievement is almost impossible, for three social reasons: ethics, education& gullibility.

First, scholars ethically serve their profession rather than aid humankind. Thus, in each field, scholars compete to originate new ideas/technology rather than to discover& share the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable” means: not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, rationalized, or resisted. In competitive endeavors, scholars invent rules broadly received as “ethics”. Ethics distracts scholars from integrity. The consequence is systematic oppression. Fellow-scholars stonewall creators who are not accepted by the profession.

For example, philosophy seems to obfuscate "ineluctable+truth":  “Ineluctable” usage, yes, but the combination with “truth”, no. However, “ineluctable truth” was published in 1906. So far, scholars protect the public from ineluctable truth. Why do philosophy-scholars reject thinkers who express “ineluctable truth”? I suggest that the philosopher who would dare address truth -- not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, rationalized, or resisted, would be resisting the ethics of philosophy, perhaps in order to favor civic-integrity, but at great professional cost. That is, to aid humankind in its quest for the RHI needed to avoid slavery, no matter what it cost the ineluctable-truth-advocate.

Second, Education Departments and most parents do not facilitate& encourage their youth to acquire the comprehension& intention to develop before dying their person unto their responsible unique-happiness. Ethical systems inculcate egocentric-competitiveness rather than civic-integrity for RHI; adult-satisfaction rather than comprehensive safety& security to self& descendants; relief for dying rather than perfection for living.

Third, humankind’s responsibility to comprehensive safety& security on earth was discovered 5,500 years ago and developed in codes-of-law featuring acceptance that not all citizens will pursue RHI and commitment that civic-citizens ought-to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity. However, unhappily, most civic-citizens are gullible to higher power: they hope that sooner or later, either government or the-God will usurp their responsibility to the civic-integrity that will empower their unique, personal happiness before death. Thus, so, far, civic-citizens have not effected RHI. And I know of only one proposal in history to commit to the civic-integrity that is required for RHI. The 1787 United States Constitution proposes public-integrity in order to establish and maintain RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”, where posterity includes descendants and legal immigrants.

When most fellow-citizens accept that civic-integrity is a self-interest that empowers responsible pursuit of personal happiness rather than subjugation to civil rules, the ineluctable-evidence that discloses the truth will overcome ethics. Restoration of the United States 1787 intentions can happen rapidly, once a majority of citizens discover and embrace civic-integrity. This reform, from ethics to integrity, can happen, on an accelerated schedule, anywhere on earth.

Share: The civic-people in any country can& may establish responsible-human-independence (RHI), by effecting the intentions stated in the 1787 United States Constitution, improved to ineluctable-evidence that has been discovered in these 236 years.

#USpreambler, #Preambler by Emelia Andersen

I participate in several forums and felt great about quora before they shadow-banned me. I write for you so that I might learn from you.

I choose a few questions to answer and welcome responses and have no desire to form societies. by anonymous

Wikipedia opines as follows: The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated.

The rule is egocentric. That is, one behaves independently to the other party.

In human living, can& may dominate should. A person can& may appreciate life. But some persons lessen life.

A person can& may appreciate their opportunity, power, energy, and authority to live, in order to responsibly pursue the happiness they want. They don’t yield to the vision someone else has for them. In civic-integrity, they pursue responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Some people responsibly pursue the happiness they want while aiding safety& security, in order for others to reliably flourish.

If so, it makes sense to apply the Golden Rule to self and to other people who appreciate RHI.

Share:  Applying the Golden Rule to self.


I think there is a universal moral code that applies to all humans.

Humankind can& may inculcate in each youth the comprehension& intention to continuously pursue comprehensive safety& security during their journey to unique happiness.


Comment: How to practice, facilitate& encourage human being (verb).

#Preambler by Bernandita Orag

About 5,500 years ago, a Mesopotamian civilization accepted that only humankind can pursue comprehensive safety& security to life on earth. There are 2 threats to security: the-laws-of-physics and negative human choice.

During a couple millennia, a series of law codes to address the-laws-of-physics progressed to the Code of Hammurabi, famously eye-for-eye harshness that renders able citizens disabled. In other words, they accepted both individual responsible-human-independence (RHI) and that some fellow-citizens would insist on dependencies, such as crime.

A subsequent civilization accepted that a civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or organization.

In modernity, legislators accept that dependencies can& may be discouraged but prefer offender-reform rather than harsh punishment. However, RHI is neglected if not avoided in practice, facilitation, and encouragement. Elites encourage fellow-citizens to rely on higher power for safety& security – depend on their government or their-God to usurp RHI. RHI cannot be usurped.

The government that practices, facilitates, and encourages RHI, without suppressing responsible pursuit of the happiness the civic-citizen perceives is good. “Civic” expresses reliability in human connections& transactions.

Sharing: Good governance assures the civic-citizen can responsibly pursue the happiness they prefer rather than submit to bureaucratic dictates. “Civic” expresses responsibility in connections& transactions.

#Preambler by Emir

Merriam-Webster online informs us freedom is “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action”. No such way of living exists. Each person may choose civic-living; “civic” means reliability in human connections& transactions.

A person is not free to reject oxygen, food, and waste disposal. The comprehensive cost of these provisions is prohibitive if left to the individual. However, humankind has developed systems wherein responsibly breathing, eating, and toilet – basic necessities – are mostly taken for granted.

The laws-of-physics& progeny (physics) ground necessities. Physics does not respond to reason. Thus, a person can neither decide they no longer need food nor speculate that they are the opposite gender and choose to change. People must conform to physics. Fortunately most people can do so, especially in the United States.

The ancients knew that every human being can& may be a civic-citizen, by neither initiating nor accommodating harm to or from any fellow citizen. The first requirement is to responsibly earn the way of living the citizen wants, accepting any limitations physics has imposed on the person.

Not all citizens participate. Some choose a dependency, such as crime. Therefore, there must be law codes and enforcement. Civic-citizens must pay the tax required to fund statutory-justice.

The civic-citizen accepts the power, the energy, and the authority to comprehend and commit-to the duties necessary to responsibly pursue the happiness they prefer, rather than accept what some bureaucrat might offer. Thus, they practice civic-independence rather than freedom.

Fortunate is the child whose care-givers impart comprehension& intention to responsible-human-independence (RHI). A few RHI-citizens perfect their person before dying.

“Freedom” is just another word tyrants use to control people. Civic-independence is a way of living that care-givers, especially educators, can& may inculcate in youth and adults.

Consider United States tyranny, accommodated in 1788. By 1763, citizens realized they were being enslaved by England to oversee English enterprise including the African slave trade. By 1774, the 13 English colonies organized and claimed statehood. In 1784, the 13 states ratified independence from England. By 1787, 12 states realized they needed a central government that could usurp neither powers of-the-states nor of the-people-in their states and in the united country. However, British loyalists who did not return to England used popular Protestant tradition to persuade the states to mimic the 1689 English bill of rights. The consequence was 1789 restoration of legislative freedom of religion. Instead of reserving religious-choice to adult privacy, Congress elected divinity unlike Parliament’s constitutional provision (26 seats to bishops to the Church of England). This tyranny can be corrected by amending the U.S. religious practice clause from “preventing” to “promoting”, re-establishing personal religious independence in America.

Elites tout freedom while civic-citizens practice independence. So far, in the United States, otherwise civic-citizens egregiously accommodate tyranny: Congressional freedom of religion.

Sharing:  Shocking consideration: otherwise civic-citizens accommodate Congressional freedom of religion.

#Preambler by Naim Hossain Rabbi

Consider Code of Ur-Nammu - Wikipedia. I think the polytheistic Sumerians must have accept that their gods managed the heavens and would not impose governance on earth. Thus, they wrote codes of law that expressed civic-integrity to citizens, recognizing that not all citizens would aid justice. The civic-citizens pursued statutory justice in order to constrain dependent& harmful neighbors. Successive king improved the law codes, which after Babylonian conquest became the Code of Hammurabi. Punishments for harm were harsh, often rendering the offender unable to work.

The ancient principle, individual responsible-human-independence (RHI), which neither the-God nor government can usurp, can& may be adopted today. In fact, the 1787 United States Constitution profess an RHI culture. It has been repressed by the unconstitutional religion clauses imposed in the 1791 Bill of Rights. This tyranny can be reversed by amending “preventing” to “promoting” in the religious-practice clause.

Comment:  The most egregious U.S. Congressional tyranny can be reversed by changing “preventing” to “promoting” in the religious-practice clause.

#Preambler by Mitia Razafindrakoto

Thank you for a great question.

We can start with merriam-webster online, which informs us: 1) aa theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing; ba view that ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them; 2) relativity. Let me illustrate these 3 points as I perceive them.

First, consider the authentic Jesus. It seems to me, he was a man who, on debating Moses’ law, perceived that a human-being is as perfectible as whatever controls the consequences of human choice. Therefore, a person can& may develop the practice of acting only for the-good. When the-good cannot be discerned, he or she risks action only to preserve life. Thus, a homeowner does not kill a burglar who would never harm anyone’s body. The person who believes Jesus’s purpose was to redeem his or her soul may not take seriously Jesus’ influence to the-good. A more direct example of Jesus’ civic-influence is in Matthew 19:3-8. “Civic” means reliability in human being (verb) more than conformity to rules or civility.

Second, a Christian church (group of like-minded people) might be expected to value Jesus for salvation of souls and neglect the-civic-Jesus’ guidance. On the other hand, a church can be both spiritual and civic and thus do the work to comprehend and apply Jesus’ guidance to the-good for all generations.

Third, Albert Einstein discovered that speed or momentum is measurable only relative to an object and the speed of light is a constant that is measurable from all objects. This principle holds for the-good. That is, the-good is ineluctable and not subject to psychological processes, such as reason, belief, revelation, consensus, and other human evaluations.

These considerations suggest that only ineluctable-evidence justifies choice. Ineluctable means: not to be avoided, changed, escaped, neglected, rationalized, or resisted. The-ineluctable-truth exists, and humankind’s duty is to discover its positive applications. For example, nuclear reactions can be used to produce electricity.


Shared: Relativity invites the opinion "I don't know" when that is so.


Marx, Capone, Alinsky, Obama, Clinton& Together Baton Rouge

To fellow citizens who are not familiar with AMO: Here's a Saul Alinsky interview: Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Mobilizing the Poor - YouTube. Alinsky invents the phrases "prime truth" and "welfarism". In all, the discussion is very interesting, with Buckley emphasizing Alinsky's use of the poor to cause public disturbance. When Buckley takes over, he seems prescient to Black Lives Matter. Be sure to listen to the single question& answer at 47 minutes.

Here's the link to Alinsky’s lasting foundation: History - Industrial Areas Foundation.

Here's the link to affiliate Together Baton Rouge: Together Baton Rouge (

Here's a link to Alinsky’s O'Hare trick: The O’Hare Shit-In: Airports, Occupied Infrastructures, And Excremental Politics (

Here are examples of controversy surrounding Alinsky, Clinton, and Obama: Hillary Clinton, student of Saul Alinsky teachings - NEWS and ISSUES - Saul Alinsky and 'Rules for Radicals" ( and Saul Alinsky, The Man Who Inspired Obama : NPR. The NPR bit is only 5 minutes and well worth listening: the author attributes Obama's presidency to Alinsky-style organizing.

Here are links to Obama resuming his AMO role: Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump ( and Obama Evokes Nostalgia in Germany, but Message Focuses on Future Struggles - The New York Times ( and 🌅 Obama is community organizing for the future (

Is your group being trained in Alisnky-Marxist organizing (AMO); to disrupt public order; to get what you want now because you want what you want? If you're recruited, remember the ancient proverb, "Don't upset the apple cart." Organizers stay at home while the soldiers disrupt.

Facebook, March 19, 2023

Wokeism is the vain attempt to impose injustice. Woke avoids, escapes, neglects, or resists the privilege of human being (verb).

A civic-culture neither practices, facilities, nor encourages wokeism. “Civic” means reliable in personal connections and transactions.

#Preamler; #USpreambler., March 10, 2023 – March 11 comment

Don't believe: Consider a couple observations. First, traffic has never been more cooperatively jammed. Second, churches have never seemed as declining. Third, government has never seemed more ruthless. Fourth, global government seeks to destroy the United States Constitution.

If true, what do these observations mean? First, civic-citizens are resilient& reliable. Second, most civic-citizens at last accept that churches work to grow themselves on humankind's 10%. Third, civic-citizens resist governments that seek to control their other 90% of income. Fourth, U.S. civic-citizens are woke to globalist government dominating the Democratic Party.

Use your own awareness to improve my cryptic analysis and realize that the United States is not like other nations& worlds. The U.S. is a federation of 50 independent states. Since globalism, rather than Constitutionalism, dominates California, civic-citizens there are exiting. Since small-government has been Florida's policy for decades, civic-citizens are moving there. Even though Ron Desantis is one of a Christian family, he also practices, facilitates& encourages responsible-human-independence (RHI). He accepts the "may" that seems willed in Genesis 1:26-28, NIV.

Economics matter. Mark Perry analyzed domestic migration in 2021 and reported not religion but economic opportunity as a motive; I speculate that is because civic-citizens regard religion a private pursuit. Civic-citizens relocate for better economic opportunities, and Perry's study shows that Democratic-Party-dominated-states ruin civic-family opportunities: So they leave.

There are a couple other factors that occurred to me as I approach age 80 (June 20). Christianity has been a serious problem in my life. As an adolescent reading the Bible, I felt the-God would not fear self so much as to threaten me. At age 79, I perceive (don't know) that all these years the-civic-Jesus and the-metaphysical-Jesus (perhaps the-God) have influenced Phil Beaver to the-good, while "Christ" flummoxes me with civic-contradictions. "Civic" expresses reliability in human connections& transactions. Christ is the church's construct, while Jesus is made clear in the faces& expressions of the continuum of civic-fellow citizens: Agathon in 430 B.C., Ralph Waldo Emerson in his age, and neighbors like you and yours, Cleve, in my age. I could never have perceived& articulated these ideas if this previously Baptist boy had not fallen in love with the-serenely-confident Louisiana-French-Catholic-Cynthia.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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