Saturday, May 27, 2023

Human-beings may pursue the-good

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this month

Accepting that a human being may pursue the-good

It takes a quarter-century for an infant to acquire the comprehension and intention to become a human being. Many accept that they may pursue human being (verb). However, few connect may to can-choose human being.

The people may reform Education Departments, in order to practice, facilitate& encourage people to choose civic-integrity. “Civic” means reliable in every human connection& transaction.

The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers reliable human independence (RHI), and twelve generations left us the opportunity to begin the practice “to ourselves and our Posterity”.  



Two points:  First, this SCOTUS 9:0 opinion helps restore the separation of branches the administrative state ruins. Its tyranny long predates the Biden administration. Second, it underscores the administrative state's relentless attacks on Justice Thomas, a champion to the people. Interested readers can enrich these 2 points by reading Charles J. Cooper's 2015 article at Confronting the Administrative State | National Affairs.

Quora by Rose Ann

I think ethics is a distraction politicians employ to control people. What people need is integrity. (Honesty can be egocentric and is insufficient.)

Integrity requires a person to confirm their perception or concern is discovery rather than a mirage, research how the discovery can be used for positive benefits, pursue the means to effect the benefits and to constrain any negative applications, and report the discovery and benefits to fellow-citizens.

The record of the integrity adds to ethics – the journal of human progress to date. by Han Ni

Let me repeat the question: How do I have a good moral and just character?

I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth. But I think it is essential to accept that you may choose the-good in every decision to act and thereby know how to respond to injustice. In other words, since you may always choose the-good, you can develop just character.

This way of living is not often practiced, because civilizations do not teach these principles to their youth and adults. Most cultures teach people that they are weak and must depend on a higher power for personal success. They must believe in, worship, and praise the most powerful God. And their church’s God is the most powerful God. Their God needs no humility toward the-God. And the-God may be the-overarching-and-interdependent-laws-of-physics. Or they must think their government is the best ever devised. Themselves and their posterity will eventually be relieved of long-standing abuses.

The moment a human-being accepts that they may constrain chaos in the way they live, from then on, they can choose-the-good in every decision and build a lifetime with civic justice. “Civic” refers to reliability in human connections and transactions.

Share: That humankind may pursue good morals and just character was suggested 5,500 years ago in civil codes developed by successive Sumerian kings and ending with their conqueror’s “Code of Hammurabi”. Since they may, human-beings can choose the-good.
#USpreambler by Bratha Dan

Deeply considering the ancient thought expressed as a theism in Genesis 1:26, NIV, each human-being may choose to independently pursue order to life on earth. Since he or she may choose, it follows that they can choose to pursue order rather than chaos.

If they take action that lessens order, it is morally bad. If their action causes harm, it matters, depending on the extent of harm.

Some harm attends by chance and some by perpetrator-intention. Either way, the harmed fellow-citizen deserves justice. Therefore, cultures have designed rules of law, to act as referee between the harmed and the perpetrator.

Unjust rule of law can cause harm. Consequently a moral culture intentionally improves written law to statutory justice.

I know of only one nation that proposes statutory justice. The 1787 U.S. Constitution proposes 5 public disciplines “in order to” pursue reliable-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”.


Comment: The 1787 U.S. Constitutional intention, statutory justice, seems neglected yet in reform.

#USpreambler by Santa Santina Gatta

In my late adolescence I pursue comprehensive safety& security. I learn from the consequences of my choices and by observing the past. A couple experiences should suffice.

First, I made a promise to a dear friend, then begged release for social convenience. Later, the friend lost his life in that risky social practice. I feel beyond guilty to this day. (Forgiveness means nothing. There’s only remorse, because my friend is gone.) A reliable person does not re-negotiate a promise.

Second, my company’s affiliate made plans to lie to the government on behalf of my employer. How I foiled the plan is a long tale. Regardless, the affiliate thought I was arrogant and fired me. Humility is in the self-interest of the correct party in a dispute. (Happily, my company gave me a new assignment, and I finished my career with them.)

And from the past, R.E. Lee wrote to his wife in December 1856 that, based on local Christian principles, slavery-abolitionists are evil -- for trying to accelerate God’s plan of redemption of black-ancestral sins. Already, white Christians were killing white-Christian-free-staters in Bleeding Kansas. Lee could have sold all his property and moved to a non-slave state. He lost everything.

I am neither alone nor novel in my commitment. The Sumerian civilization, 5,500 years ago developed a political philosophy that assumes that reliable human-beings can& may choose to pursue comprehensive safety& security – order instead of chaos – to life on earth. The idea is suggested in a 3,000 year-old report in Genesis 1:26-28, NIV: humankind may (thus can) choose to pursue order to living species on earth.

A-reliable-people can choose to pursue comprehensive safety& security.


Comment: Each fellow-citizen can& may choose to pursue comprehensive safety& security to life on earth. #USpreambler by Kenneth McRans

Happily, I assert, yes:  There is a moral law that governs our actions and choices, and we are free to create our own morality. The law is: conform to the discovered laws of physics& progeny.

My opinion is not new. Sumerian kings who lived between 11 thousand and 4 thousand years ago developed republican monarchies, with written laws. The culmination was the Code of Hammurabi, the Babylonian conquer of Sumer.

Hebrew scholars expressed the Sumerian political philosophy in divine terms in Genesis 1:26-28, NIV. I call it the human-independence principle: female& male human-being can& may choose order to life on earth.

It is good to read on your own and draw conclusions. Other versions don’t lead to my thoughts. For example, NKJV, says “let them have dominion”, which erroneously implies consumption more that responsibility.

If you accept my interpretation, then you have a scriptural reference that says that you, Kenneth, are in charge of constraining chaos in your way of living. Neither the-God nor government can constrain your opportunity.

However, everyone knows, even though some don’t want to accept, that no one can defy the laws of physics and its progeny. Progeny includes mathematics, strong& weak forces, the chemistries, biology, psychology, fiction, and lies.

For example, if a tsunami has been reported, head to high ground. If you want to be a god, don’t bleed. If you want to care for your children for life, so as to grandparent their children, reserve intimacy to your spouse.

Applying Genesis-1 human-independence to your way of living facilitates self-interested happiness that develops joy. A reliable journey is pure pleasure once you accept the future: joy.

Approaching 80 years old in June, I perceive this joy daily.


Comment: Conform to the laws of physics and progeny, in order to pursue a happy journey to joy. #acivicpeople by Glenn Rasmussen

The elite politicians, rather than the wealthy, have reasoned that the civic-citizen* is so gullible that they will accept subjugation, hoping that justice will eventually be delivered. To state it in Anglo-American tradition, God save the country. Parents promote this religion (gullibility) to their children and grandchildren. The consequence is adults neglecting government responsibility. [*Civic means reliable in all human connections and transactions.]

Rule of the majority (democracy), socialism, and communism are miserable failures, and the only way a republic can survive is with free-market principles. That is, legislators must decide on principles to preserve the free-market. For example, a monopoly empowers an entrepreneur to pick the pockets of the civic-citizens and must be constrained by legislation. Also, in today’s entertainment world, rent-seeking administrators abuse the artist& fans by driving ticket prices to increase administrative wealth. And the same administrative largess diminished U.S.-university education. Under the U.S. intentions, voters inform themselves about governance, collaborate for responsible-human-independence (RHI), and practice civic-integrity.

Elite politicians discovered that entertainment to balance crises can distract most adults from self-interest in anything but social awareness. People struggle to know what sports team or musical group or political group is at the top of the competition more than to prepare to vote in their personal interest.

As a consequence of civic-citizens neglecting their own self-interest, elite politicians have reasoned that they can tax hard-working people, provide welfare to slackers, and please the wealthy, thereby keeping elite political power. It’s a reality of the middle-class-worker funding life for derelicts so that consumerism never fails providers.

Elites have so corrupted themselves that they think they can ignore the U.S. Constitution. Many members of the Democrat Party reject the U.S. Constitution and do all they can to ruin its intentions. We observe some Democrats promoting the preposterous mutilation of children to promote a gender-change industrial complex. This is an age-old struggle between human progressivism versus the-laws-of-physics& progeny (nature). For example, humans who try to fly-like-a-bird perish, because they do not consider aerodynamics or jet propulsion. Civic-citizens are awakened to the evil of gender-change and other modern injustices. New industrial complexes expand government, creating wealth to the elites and their rent-seekers. Relief is on the way by the hand of U.S. civic-citizens.

The U.S. intention expressed in 1787 is for every citizen to accept that they can& may develop human being (verb) and to choose to be a human-being. Experience& observations informed the framers and signers that not every person will choose to develop their unique human-perfection, and therefore, legislators must reliably develop statutory-justice. That is, written law that does not invite injustice. For this reason, they guaranteed every state a republican form of government. Justice is weighed on the-ineluctable-evidence rather than judicial precedent. U.S. political intentions are modern extensions of principles developed by Sumer kings around 5,500 years ago, predating Judeo-Christianity.

The U.S. is in a transition from accepted-ignorance of the nation’s intentions to awareness of the consequences when citizens don’t know how to vote in their self-interest – under responsible-human-independence (RHI).


Comment: The U.S.-citizen is in transition from placid ignorance to acute awareness of the nation’s intentions, stated in the 1787 Constitution (minus the 1791 Bill of Rights). #U.S.preambler by Yodahe Ejo

Personal philosophy is a development of human being (verb). Without philosophy, a person does not develop responsible-human-independence (RHI). Unhappily, he or she remains dependent on others.

A life-time of self-interested civic-integrity facilitates happiness that humankind, low as existing performance may seem, gradually develops statutory-justice. “Civic” expresses reliability in human experiences& observations; connections& transactions.

Civic-awareness is not acquired by the study of philosophy, which aspires to know every thought about an object, for example, appreciation. Awareness is grounded in the consequences of personal choice& action. The philosophers keep a journal of reported thoughts but cannot know the RHI each civic-person is practicing.


Comment: It seems human being (verb) continually develops the civic-integrity that is required for responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Law professors  from last week


Investment Discussion

Zoom by invitation, May 26

I give talks on reforming from tradition to reliability -- to physics& its progeny, such as mathematics& work. I perceive New Constructs practices, facilitates, and encourages reliability to the self.

Facebook, May 20, 2023, edited May 23 & May 26

I doubt attempting to maintain competitive mystery can rescue the-church from its ongoing decline: reform seems ineluctable if the-church will serve the-people.

I suggest practicing, facilitating, and promoting the-civic-Jesus. "Civic" expresses reliability in human connections& transactions more than conformity to religion, civility, or government rules. Fellow-citizens may& can expand Jesus' appreciation of the-good to "ourselves and our Posterity" (quoting the preamble to the U.S. Constitution). Unreliability is practiced as some form of dependence: passivism, pretense, cheating, crime, stonewalling, violence, and worse.

Christianity is grounded in Christ, a factional-Jewish competitor to Messiah. But Christ is for the believer's afterdeath, whereas Jesus is for living. Christians can accept Jesus' civic-reliability more than continue to attempt the Christ-mystery-competition. Believers can nonetheless enjoy hope& comfort in their salvation through surrogate sacrifice.

The Bible is literature that suggests the-good by reporting consequences when human-beings choose civic-bad even though they may, and therefore can, choose reliability to self. Jesus' civic-integrity stands against church doctrine and can be applied& expanded during each generation's era. For example, defending before Pilate his own life, Jesus said, ". . . the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." The truth is ineluctable, and each person may& can choose it. Our generation may& can master the word "ineluctable" and apply it in court rather than invoke the excuse "so help me God".

Matthew 25:31-45 expresses that people divide themselves as either civic or dependent, based on behavior toward each other. The person who wrongs another lessens the-civic-Jesus; lessens humankind's performance. It is in each person's self-interest to practice, facilitate& encourage modern expansion of the-good that can be gleaned& developed by considering& comprehending Jesus' ideas.

Jesus' impact on history is unstoppable. Humankind may& can choose to influence the-good, quoting the U.S. Constitution, "to ourselves and our Posterity"., May 18, 2023

Perhaps Genesis 1:26-28, NIV, is a message from Jesus (John 1:1) and means that each human-being may& can choose to pursue order to their life on earth. Matthew 25:31-46 instructs that if we aid a fellow citizen’s life, we aided Jesus. If we lessen a fellow citizen’s life, we lessened Jesus.

By our choices we direct ourselves into either regret or happiness as images of Jesus.

Further, per Matthew 5:48, we may& can choose intentions to perfect our unique self, accepting that human-beings can mimic Jesus (Genesis 1:26).

Heartfelt expression by the writer, Matthew, in Chapter 25, can mislead the reader, for example, to focus on doing good more than not doing bad. Yet by applying contemporary experiences and observations, a-civic-people can grasp the-civic-Jesus-guidance: do no harm.

When civic-citizens find themselves divided by an incident, civic-Jesus-guidance can apply. Citizens may& can mutually resolve the perceived offense, not to repeat it (John 5:14 and John 8:11).

Appreciatively inform each other when wrong is perceived. Resist demagoguery and judgement, by listening and considering. I'm learning this practice with fellow-citizens., April 12, 2023

Borrowing words from Governeur Morris, December 22, 1814:

The current disturbance in the state of Tennessee, whose Legislators swear to uphold the U.S. Constitution, was perceived when the Constitution was formed. Disturbers were expected.

If municipal councils prevail, the state cannot last; and, if it does not, the utility of the councils cease. When the necessity of drawing a line between state sovereignty and city independence is “insisted on”, disturbers perceive dilemma. It is one thing to perceive a dilemma, and another thing to resolve it. The rule of law is preferred.

Leaving Morris’ legacy, the U.S. Constitution guarantees a republic – the rule of law -- rather than social-democracy, such as Alinsky-Marxist-organized disturbance or Obama-Foundation right to change things. Europeans and other aliens cannot imagine the republic that flows in the U.S. civic-citizen’s genes and memes.

Civic-Americans know& practice the rule of law and leave it to fellow-citizens to privately or civilly discover it. Civic-reform is invited to U.S. citizens. It is 6 decades past time to pursue domestic safety& security.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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