Saturday, March 2, 2024

The mystery of thegod demands humility

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Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth, which can only be discovered. Ineluctable means:  Not to be assailed, avoided, changed, escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, or resisted. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for example, trying to change it.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society. They neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone. They are reliably responsible to the good in connections and transactions. They practice Genesis 1:26-28, Complete Jewish Bible, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule [to the good] . . . over all the earth . . .”

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is amended by the civic-people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain, oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.

Selected theme from this month

It has been difficult, but I accept that inventing “theGod” to represent the singularity that constrains human choice seems arrogant to me. I prefer “thegod” to express humility: I cannot negotiate with thegod. It’s alright if other people think they can negotiate with their God. Yet I do not encourage such belief.

Genesis 1:26-28 expresses the will that humankind choose thegood and constrain evil on earth, and the 1787 United States Constitution accommodates that pursuit.



Writers serve readers when they specify theGod to whom they practice humility.

I think theGod is whatever constrains the consequences of each human choice. Beginning my 9th decade I claim I don’t know the ineluctable truth but think theGod is either the laws of physics, or the good humankind will ultimately achieve, or Jesus, who is manifest in the faces and voices of reliably responsible individuals on earth.

The American war for independence was grounded against English dominance in European wars over Christian sect: National Catholic or Local Protestant.

France and Spain competed in American colonization and allied with the American war for independence. England, in the Treaty of Paris, declared that each former British Colony was a free and independent state.

Unable to negotiate independent states, framers drafted the United States Constitution with 6 intentions without dogmatic standards: integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility. Both race and religion are excluded. The Bill or Rights imposed religion and thereby race.

The United States may and can reform and so can Alabama.


Comment to:

I agree and add. The universe may be nearer 27 billion years old rather than 13.7 billion years. TheGod that constrains the universe seems a mystery. Genesis 26-28 images theGod, first plural then singular-male, increasing the mystery.

Human life is possible each time a woman’s body introduces an egg into her fallopian tube. Paraphrasing Genesis 1:26-28: Then theGod said, “Let us make humankind in our image and let them rule over . . . all the earth . . . [Female and male] he created them [and said], “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth. I write “female” first, because every egg is counting on her: to keep her mind and body healthy; to resist socializing with a male who would never care; to prevent sexual talk with such a man; and to not remain pregnant if her offspring would never know appreciation.

The Church errs to claim life begins when a man fertilizes an egg. Governments err to legislate on mystery rather than on ineluctable evidence. The recent 70 years’ focus on embryo “murder” may and can be redirected to protecting human eggs from unpromising fertilization.

I estimate fertile U.S. women produce 900 million ova per year; 315 million ova survive contraception; 4 million are fertilized, gestated, and delivered live; and 0.65 million are terminated by the woman. Intentional legislation respecting some 895 million neglected ova instead of 0.65 “murdered” embryos can increase human reliable-responsibility.   


What if John Adams had said, ""A Constitution of Government once changed from [civic responsibility], can never be restored. [Personal opportunity to self-rule], once lost, is lost forever"? #USpreambler

Conservative humanities are recent -- not traditional to the ancients. E.g., the polytheistic Sumerian civilization thought the gods left to humankind the opportunity to rule to the good on earth. Sumer’s gods mimicked myths other homo sapiens developed. Discovery lessened the mysteries. For example, the sun is a natural nuclear reactor rather than a god.

However, ancient progressives introduced competitive monotheism. Alternative humanities increased exponentially until today some people voluntarily enslave their person in gender-change.

I hated English literature then became enthralled in American literature. The professor graded my final exam the best ever. I spent much of my adult leisure trying to understand non-fiction like Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and Franklin’s autobiography, let alone Hawthorn’s The Scarlet Letter; Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. Modern art such as “1883” TV series seems more impactful.

What’s missing in class is practice, facilitation, and encouragement to develop human being (verb).

A thoroughbred horse stands in about an hour, find’s its mare’s tit in 3 hours, and peaks in 3 years. The intentional human-being requires a quarter century to acquire knowledge necessary to pursue the good rather than accommodate the bad. Each may mature in another 2 to 3 quarter-centuries. Most people never confront human being.

Every K-12 student could pursue human being and be exposed to possible personal interests including novels intended to add understanding to knowledge.

“Tradition” seems another form of censorship. Truth discerns progress to the good.


To Elizabeth Brower comment

Thumb up, yet I don't know anyone who could or would qualify to witness to "true history". In the first place, historians have viewpoints if not biases.  As an example, let me share the true meaning of the preamble to  the United States Constitution:  The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer and practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Do you find this accurate and precise to the historical people's intentions? What is the true intention of the United States?

I would not question a person's private reasons for resigning as UN Ambassador for the civic faction, We the People of the United States.  On the other hand, a civic people need not accommodate second resignations.

My concern is that the Biden administration is like some rogue rustlers shooting up an old west town: democrats could not care less about Supreme Court opinion. They are now working on a "workaround". In November, 129 million taxpayers may and can vote 100% republican, in order to have the chance to defeat Democrat schemes to cheat election results. Perhaps 8 years later, Americans may restore to "ourselves and our Posterity" the opportunity to live. Share this message.


1 day ago

ONLY if WE ALL apply for the Heritage Project 2025 to take the swamp over and send the Rats packing

@gchydrotek Thank you; I'll view the web information. Currently, I prefer A CIVIC PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, intended to develop and maintain We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble with the 1791 Constitution -- amended to lessen Anglo-American injustices to "ourselves and our Posterity".


@Phillip Beaver
could you be referencing Indian Removal Act among other illegal actions constructed to circumvent Law and treaties with the Nations?


Not that I don't object to injustice:  I think groups share the responsibility to reliably forgive each other for the shared past neither association created. Avoid letting past conflicts ruin current and living -- again, "to ourselves and our Posterity".

I just today published clarification of my preferences at Please read it and share your reaction: I write and read to listen.


Columns and Opinion

In my 9th decade, I notice that church assumes an eternity to correct its mystery-doctrine whereas each person may and can constrain their way of living before death arrives.

The civic citizen, whether they pursue Jesus’ civic influence or not, acquires humility to theGod; that is, whatever constrains the consequences of human choice. “Civic” means reliable responsibility to the good in human connections and transactions.

I don’t know the ineluctable truth; my opinion is that everyone answers-to the laws of physics. Thus, the person who wants to choose what they eat earns enough to attend the food market they prefer. Those who want safety and security happily pay for infrastructure, including pursuit of statutory justice and its enforcement.

Civic government serves the faction who choose to pursue the good; here, We the People of the United States as defined by the intentions sentence in the preamble to the Constitution. Its goals EXCLUDE both religion and racism. Thus, religion and racial preferences are private matters. These principles are at least 5500 years old, as primitively suggested in Mesopotamian law codes, and in Semitic vernacular in Genesis 1:26-28.

Christianity does all it can to bemuse followers from accepting the mystery of theGod yet pursuing Jesus’ image, in order to rule the earth to the good, constrain the bad, and terminate evil. Churches may reform.




9 hours ago

Truth is simple.
13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:13-15)
There is ONE God. Not “thegod”.

@mrsfoster2015  Maybe so.  One God constrains the consequences of human choice. I accept the mystery of One God and use "theGod" to express personal humility without speculation. However, I work to comprehend the laws of physic and how to apply them to the good rather than to the bad.

#USpreambler, Michael Bonner

People who read The Epoch Times can improve experiences and observations:

1.    Sumerian kings and priests 5500 years ago thought the gods would-not/could-not rule to the good on earth, so civic humans must create law codes to defeat the bad and annihilate evil.

a.    Citizens accused of offense could lose property, limbs, and life.

b.    Sumerian cities’ patron gods would defeat foreign attack – win victory in war.

c.     Then, Babylonians conquered the Sumerians, who dispersed.

d.    The loss of cities lessened the gods from perhaps 3000 in Mesopotamia.

2.    Competitive monotheism emerged: a civilization’s one God would eventually reign supreme.

a.    Civilizations did not collaborate, so in war “our God” would beat “your God”.

b.    Humankind may and can pursue theGod, whatever singularity that constrains the consequences of human choice.

c.     Perhaps physics and its progeny is theGod: we don’t know the ineluctable truth.



3.    Only 235 years ago, the U.S. began operations under the religion-free 1787 U.S. Constitution.

a.    The intention was to preserve the independence won in wars against England.

b.    Ratification by the states called for amendment to restore some English precedents.

c.     Included was freedom of religion.

                                   i.    Congress legislated religion to itself, at the people’ expense.

                                  ii.    Only the civic faction, We the People of the United States can restore independence.

d.    So far, U.S. citizens have defaulted to Congress’ God for civic integrity.

                                   i.    Congress does not know theGod.

                                  ii.    Congress seeks to grow itself at the people’s expense.

4.    Individuals on earth may and can accept these considerations and choose to rule their ways of living – constrain personal chaos.

a.    Choose the good rather than the bad.

b.    Aid reform to dissidents, constraint of rebels, and annihilation of evil.

c.     If U.S. citizens won’t take the opportunity, another people in their nation may and can.


Short Story Review:

To Liz: I like your open-mindedness and openheartedness and think Old Dudley's friendship with Rabie affirms your view.

I was struck by O'Connor interchanging "rigger" and "nigger". Why did she do that? Does "rigger" imply provider, or wisdom, or what?

If so or approximate, I think O'Connor's intent to the good was both profound and courageous.

Quora, Linda Obeng

Homo sapiens is the only species with language and grammar by which to develop the law. Each person is very fortunate if we accept the power and authority plus choose to consider evidence to develop statutory justice.

#USpreambler, Anon

I don’t know the ineluctable truth. By watching Congressional hearings, I earn my views, for example, of Rep Dan Goldman’s craft. If someone prevented representatives from speaking, I could not own my opinion, wrong as it may be.
USpreambler, Johnphilip Cabanayan

I appreciate Agathon’s speech in Plato’s “Symposium”, 2500 years ago. I paraphrase possible meaning as follows: A civic person pursues the good -- neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or institution. I think this principle is the intention of the United States, as stated in its preamble plus provisions for amendment by the civic faction, We the People of the United States.

#USpreambler Odey Margaret and 1 other person

Margaret (plus one), I appreciate your question. The individual, their associations, and fellow citizens are without excuse for accommodating dissidents, rebels, and villains who choose or accommodate the bad rather than the good. Regardless of their profession, individuals divide themselves: civic citizens work to limit dissidents, rebels, and villains.

Humankind is at least 2 million years old, and homo sapiens has been developing for over 200 thousand years. That homo sapiens may and can rule to the good on earth was obvious before language, alphabet, and grammar were invented. Law codes that empowered civic citizens to reform, constrain, or annihilate bad actors were invented 55 hundred years ago in Mesopotamia and elsewhere on the globe.

It seems plain that the individual may and can be humble to theGod, a singular entity that constrains the consequences of human choices to act. Neither a god nor a government may or can usurp even one individual’s opportunity to choose the good rather than the bad.

Many civilizations developed polytheism, most imagining the god of gods. They could have collaborated to adopt humility to theGod rather than develop competitive monotheism. In war and in peace, our god will beat your god, discounting theGod.

This story is told in the Holy Bible. Genesis 1:26-28 expresses that female and male human being may and can rule to the good on earth. The woman bears the egg from which humankind may flourish and her mate may and can fertilize the egg, serve her during gestation and delivery, and appreciate and nourish their offspring for life unto descendants. During the 5500 years since, this actual reality has been neglected. Yet humankind has developed the means to explore the universe and now plans a colony on Mars or on the moon in a couple decades.

What about the neglect? The rest of the Holy Bible reports what happens when people try to assail, avoid, change, escape, mystify, neglect, obfuscate, rationalize, or resist personal power to act to the good. A continuum of arrogance against whatever constrains the consequences of human choices produced the chaos the earth now suffers. The suffrage is illustrated within any of the competitive monotheisms, for example, Christianity.

The 1689 English Bill of Rights advances a pivotal religious tyranny. Ending a long list of usurpations English Christianity is established:

And whereas the said late King James the Second having abdicated the government and the throne being thereby vacant, his Highness the prince of Orange (whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the glorious instrument of delivering this kingdom from popery and arbitrary power) did (by the advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and divers principal persons of the Commons) cause letters to be written to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal being Protestants . . . to meet . . . in order to such an establishment as that their religion, laws and liberties might not again be in danger of being subverted.

The seats for “Lords Spiritual” in itself arrogates the individual power-to constrain-chaos-in-personal living each individual has and may accept.

In human history, I know of only one proposal that could and would accommodate Genesis 1:26-28’s will:  Rule to the good in personal life choices. The USA’s war for independence from England was won with aid from France and Spain. Eleven years later, framers specified a religion-free representative-republic designed to prevent democracy (chaos). Of 55 framers, 39 signed the United States Constitution, in 1787. However, English loyalists dominated politics in the states ratification conventions and the consequence is the 1791 Constitution with amendments that grant Congress freedom of religion at the people’s expense. This egregious usurpation may and can be corrected by changing the First Amendment religion clauses to “promoting” rather than “preventing”.

Freedom of the media to lie grants precious power to civic citizens. Only if dissidents, rebels, and villains can express themselves can evil be discovered and constrained. So far, the U.S. civic faction, We the People of the United States, has not accepted the responsibility to pursue reliable responsibility “to ourselves and our Posterity”. The victims are the nation’s children, and I think they are aware, because of the chaos they perceive in 2024.

                  It is not too late for civic citizens of the U.S. to accept both Genesis 1:26-28 and the religion-free U.S. Constitution.

#USpreambler Anon

Politics is the human competition of ordering and executing choice of the good rather than the bad. Truth purses the good, in order to preserve opportunity, even to survive. Civic citizens pursue reliable responsibility to the truth.

Dissidents, rebels, and villains manipulate the truth. For example, changing the object deludes civic integrity.

The truth often cannot be discerned. For example, no one knows whether theGod, the laws of physics, or something else constrains the consequences of each human choice. Reason, revelation, and belief have no power over the truth. Only evidence can be used to pursue the ineluctable truth. Thus, cosmic affects on earth’s temperature cycles becomes unsustainable constraint on fossil fuel consumption.

Priests, politicians, lawyers, judges, and educators collaborate to hide from the public the word “ineluctable” and the phrase “ineluctable truth”. “Ineluctable” means “not to be assailed, avoided, changed, escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, or resisted.” The emphasis shows usages listed by Merriam Webster. Collins omits “changed”. Google scanned-book statistics (ngrams) show 2 decades’ study of “inescapable”, in 1550, then of “ineluctable”, in 1570. In 1906, “the ineluctable truth” was published, and usage has grown since then. The art of philosophy avoids evaluation needed to apply adjectives like “ineluctable” and unfortunately stymies understanding:  Civic humankind uses words to journey toward understanding rather than to accumulate mere knowledge. Yet knowledge is essential to understanding.

I think the viable object of your question is “the ineluctable truth” and I hope your query leads to exponential increase in usage of ineluctable truth.

#USpreambler, Rashida Mumtaz

Mumtaz, I appreciate your question and the occasion to consider my thoughts.

I think I pursue 3 practices: serene humility, to act only to the civic good -- never to the bad, and to know that many fellow humans pursue responsible happiness to their unique person.

A similar political philosophy was imperfectly expressed 5500 years ago in the developing law codes of Sumer civilization, a polytheistic monarchy:  On earth, only humankind may and can rule to the good. It’s a collaborative choice to pursue statutory justice among civic individuals. “Civic” means reliably responsible to the good in every human connection and transaction. Sumerian codes partnered with religion’s mysteries to civilly disable civic-dissidents-and-rebels, in the quest to annihilate evil. After 5300 years’ human struggle to not disable dissidents and rebels, an improvement was proffered.

Starting 235 years ago, independent, responsible reform “to ourselves and our Posterity” is accommodated by the 1787 U.S. Constitution. The 1791 Bill of Rights diminished U.S. independence, restoring some English precedents, such as religious freedom to Congress. Such erroneous precedents may and can be corrected.

The world awaits a nation of people who will extend the U.S. Constitution’s improvements on Sumerian law codes. The best candidate is the civic faction, We the People of the United States as defined by the preamble. If U.S. civil and civic chaos prevails, another people may and can take the opportunity.

Do you know of a people who might create a civic culture and nation?

#USpreambler, Anon

First, write in a journal using searchable software, such as Word. Write every day using a grammar guide and dictionary. Consciously improve your precision, accuracy, and depth of expression. Be patient and humble to your excellence.

Read, over a few months, then years, Genesis 1:26-28 in NIV or CJB and key on the phrase “may rule” respecting your life. Genesis 1 is derived from ancient, polytheistic Sumer, 5500 years ago. Then, read two of political philosopher Jesus’ ideas: first, Mathew 5:48 and second, Matthew 19:3-8. Ponder this combination.

Consider the word “ineluctable” using Merriam-Webster, Collins, Oxford, and Google ngram viewer from 1500 to current year. Write you own list of challenges to “ineluctable”. Change to 1900 forward and consider “ineluctable truth”. Then consider Jesus’ response in humbly defending his opportunity to live, in John 18:37. Ponder while you move on.

Read the 1787 U.S. Constitution and think about it. Accept Jesus’ message that you may rule in the image of your creator, whatever that is. In a word, when you pursue the good, you are a god facing death. Study the preamble and realize that it has 2 sentences: a declaration and intentions. Ponder the intentions. Write your interpretation and review it until you are prepared to stake your life, property, and future on aiding its achievement in each choice you make. Consider the Bill of Rights and why I exclude it. If you feel the need to learn what someone thought about it, go first to Wikipedia for guidance: don’t read a book without thinking opinion is critical to you.

Meanwhile, select great writing and read it. Find books about writing by great writers. Write a paragraph in the style they would use.

Consider your observations and experiences with fellow citizens, domestic and foreign, and ponder Jesus’ civic influence among citizens who have or have not heard about Jesus’ life. Consider your integrity toward civic citizens. Consider whether you’d like to aid their lives as well as those of dissidents and rebels. And could you aid the annihilation of evil?

Take writing courses. Learn grammar. Let coursework be your assistant, not your tyrant. Yet prepare to express your ideas for an achievable better future clearly, invitingly, and humbly.

Jesus is not the only civic philosopher, but to my knowledge, his is well developed, because his influence reaches 80% of the world’s inhabitants, under 30% of whom rely on Christ’s antinomianism.


Facebook, Feb 28, 2024

Routine familiarity breeds fear. I walk in the park. Many strangers are open hearted. Some chat and go deep fast, often not exchanging names. Yesterday, I met a retired plant worker who, in college, was a star basketball player. The conversation started with a grin and, "If you fall, it's a long drop." I think the park relieves civic citizens from being put-on-the-spot, at work, at the gym, or at church. Not so much at home: family know they must address problems in order to negotiate mutual forgiveness. There, appreciation is the chief doctrine. For many, appreciation spills over to the park yet cannot overcome church doctrine., Feb 19, 2024

Before you go, study Acts 15 in 2 versions: New International and Complete Jewish Bible, which is written for Hebrews who think Jesus is the Hebrew Messiah rather than the Christ.

Consider that Jesus (then 16 years deceased), James (Jesus's brother and bishop of Jerusalem), Peter, John, and Paul were all Hebrews, meeting with the elders in Jerusalem.

The issue is circumcision of men as a sign of their commitment to Moses' law. Record each principle's opinion (John must have agreed with the elders).

Consider that you, a civic citizen, are not less than these ancient Hebrews: all face death. Like those ancients, as long as you pursue the good on earth, your opinion cannot be discounted by any person, nor can you discount the opinion of fellow civic citizens.

I came to this thought when I realized that my every good decision had Jesus' civic influence. "Civic" means reliable responsibility in every human connection and transaction. Observing Genesis 1:26-28, Jesus said, "Be perfect" (Matthew 5:48).

The world celebrates ship builders., Feb 19, 2024

I don't know much about politics and like to focus on authority over the way I live.

A bone and joint doc tested for pain explanation and said there's nothing wrong, so at age 80 I might skip every other day walking and do only strength exercises on skips.

I passed up a Costco sale and went to Varsity Sports to describe my problem. They scanned my feet and ankles then sold me shoes with arch support and extra width. I told them I was retiring $30 shoes as I happily signed to pay $175. I'm grateful I can pay for what I need once I wake up., Feb 9, 2024

That cartoon reminds me of the early 90s when I withdrew from the Baptist brotherhood. My pastor understood. However, a Baptist monthly did not. After a few attempts I sent them a letter asking to be removed from their list of "backsliders".

A couple years ago, I returned to my local church as an old friend, and I guess my contributions sparked one sending from that publication. I guess somebody in the office discovered my old file and once again met my request. Sometimes, you're in a good community.

They say, "Once saved always saved." I think that could be true for people who choose Jesus' civic influence. It's found in the faces and actions of many people, some who've never heard the name Jesus., Feb 9, 2024

I find David Brooks pursues a different path from mine. Also, if you'd like me to read NYT, please find a means that does not require me to subscribe: been there done that and won't undo the past.

I think Genesis 1:26-28 in Complete Jewish Bible, made it plain: “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule . . . over all the earth . . .” This political philosophy originated in Sumer, 5500 years ago. Starting 4000 years ago, competitive monotheism dominated, and it has increased chaos ever since.

War sustains competitive monotheism: Our god will beat your god and theGod cannot inspire humility., Feb 9, 2024

Mick, that reminds me of my reaction to the discovery that our slab had cracked (30 years after I had paid a civil engineer to design a boat-slab on the edge of our 20' drop from 38' above sea level then paid 4% of the contract to install the extra provisions).

After a contractor jacked up the broken slab, I said to Cynthia, "We did not marry and build this house to maintain it for the rest of our lives. Let's resume our plan to visit Paris." We took our book off the self.

We rented a roomy apartment for a month, -- one with the bathroom accessible to the living room and kitchen rather than isolated in the bedroom.

Through silence, at least mine, we told our daughters we had just taken them to a fancy beach and they weren't invited on our romantic trip. They each negotiated a second vacation with their bosses, bought airfare and showed up for a week with 2 common days.

Sometimes, you get all the guesses right and affirm: life is worth living!

A pair of gods (including the 6-toed one) -- living life that ends in death.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag #USpreambler.


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