Saturday, March 23, 2024

Yeshua died. People discover Yeshua. Yeshua prevails when people choose his civic influence.

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Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on theineluctabletruth, which can only be discovered. Ineluctable means:  Not to be assailed, avoided, changed, escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, or resisted. Some people erroneously imagine limiting theineluctabletruth, for example, trying to change it.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible in connections and transactions.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is amended by the civic-people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain, oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.

Selected theme from this month

Yeshua died. People discover Yeshua. Yeshua prevails when people choose his civic influence

Yeshua was unjustly executed. People discover his mom and dad called him Yeshua. Yeshua impacts the good when people pursue and practice his civic influence. “Civic” means reliable responsibility to the good rather than accommodation of the bad in human connections and transactions.

Yosef and Miryam unintentionally left in conversation with rabbis, their 12 years old son, Yeshua (pronounced “ye shu a” with the accent softly on "shu" yet interpreted “Joshua”, accent on "Jo" in English). Happily, “Yeshua grew both in wisdom and in stature, gaining favor both with other people and with God.

“God” represents the mystery that constrains the consequences of human choices. Constructing dogma about mystery produces psychological phantasy. It’s wonderfully expressed in Gustav Flaubert’s “A Simple Heart”. Artistic as Flaubert is, the story is psychologically violent in Flannery-O’Connor sentiment. I oppose such violence.

The people who left to future generations Genesis 1:26-28 sought to escape ceremonial human sacrifice in polytheism. They constructed a god who bargained on blood sacrifice from non-humans and smaller factions subsequently improved their construct. Various factions developed gods that exclude blood sacrifice except in war. Competitive monotheism thrives on war. Human sacrifice through war will not stop until most human beings humble their god to thegod that authorizes and empowers humankind to provide order on earth. 

I do not know what thegod is but accept the power and authority to three pursuits: appreciate civic persons, suggest that dissidents and rebels reform, and aid the elimination of villains. "Civic" means accepting the power and authority to be reliably responsible to the good and not accommodate the bad on earth.

Humankind may and can reform from competitive fantasies to civic integrity, by accepting and improving the Sumerian political philosophy reported by Semitic-speaking people in Genesis 1:26-28, NIV and CJB, and affirmed in the religion-free, 1787 United States Constitution:  Humankind is in charge to advance the good and to constrain the bad “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

Prior generations have left to us, the people of 2024, the wonderful opportunity to articulate, establish, and practice these principles.



Attention to the Civil War may and can always remind civic people that it was a white Christian versus white Christian devastation grounded in false theology. Southern doctrine held that abolitionists were evil for trying to accelerate God’s plan for redeeming blacks from their ancestors’ intentional evil (sin). Only 4 facts need be known. First, both Baptist and Methodist church conventions split, north vs south, over this issue in 1845. Second, Bleeding Kansas started in 1854, as the number of non-slave states began to pass the majority. Third, R.E. Lee described the above repeated “abolitionist evil” in a letter to his wife dated 12/27/1856 . Fourth, Lee was so misguided by locally popular Christianity to General the war loss. Before 1861, Lee could have chosen to sell all his property and moved to a non-slave state. His ministers misguided him, professing to know the mystery of thegod. Reaching further back in history, Christianity is culpable for accommodating slavery itself. It’s past time for Christianity to accept the mystery of thegod, drop the Judeo-Pauline squabble over anointed one, and promote Jesus’ civic influence. For example, Matthew 19:3-8, CJB — especially “But it was not this way from the beginning.” If there are any remaining Lee statues, bronze plaques with these facts should be attached and the remembrance preserved:  A brilliant man was ruined by his religion, and his family perished with him.

Quora, Charlene Mmandikisi

Natural law theory seems immoral.

Natural law posits that human-beings pursue justice that subtends the statutory laws of society. That is, to pursue justice, a society must, upon discovery, amend unjust law. Persons may and can choose civic living – reliable responsibility to the good rather than accommodation of the bad under civil rules. Natural law proponents opine that reason is sufficient to pursue statutory justice.

The laws of physics and its progeny, such as chemistry, biology, and psychology, do not yield to reason. Natural law theorists rationalize that research is not reliable, because theories of physics change with progress. And when necessary instruments have not been invented, discovery is delayed. Only when discovery is always repeatable and comports to interrelated laws of physics is law the consequence of research.

However, reason erroneously opines that it is master of the facts. Consider, for example, the enlightenment claims in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Quoting, “. . . the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle [us]. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

“God” is and always was a mystery. Rationalizing mystery can only produce phantasy. No nation can assure citizens any of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. Economics, a progeny of physics, requires the human-being to either responsibly earn their way of living or take what a bureaucrat decides to grant them. Citizens who have not the humility to yield to physics cannot pursue happiness.

This is only an example of natural law, with its assumption that reason can overtake the laws of physics, constructs immoral principles and conduct.

Humility is the first principle of human being (verb). The civic person neither initiates nor accommodates harm to a person or a society, regardless of civil order. The religion-free, 1787 U.S. Constitution proposes a civic society, in order to develop reliable responsibility “to ourselves and our Posterity”.



Can you answer this question: "Can you provide some examples of freedom of speech being legally restricted but not by social norms or common sense?", Anon

You live in the United States and grow accustomed to safety and security, because you earn your daily needs, save for plans and for retirement, and observe city, county, state, and federal laws.

Suddenly, you witness people with or without permits-to-demonstrate destroying property and injuring innocent citizens. You choose to stay informed and avoid being in such places.

Then, you see the local government support if not sponsor demonstrators. You see them avoid arresting damaging and injuring persons and releasing them if they must take them into custody. With repetition of these threats, you choose to move to another city, county, or state.

Then you see the FBI arrest people who oppose tyranny. Some FBI-victims’ lives are needlessly destroyed. You decide to protect your family by not civically sharing opinion.

In the church coffee room you say you’ve written a letter to your congressperson suggesting legislation to protect human ova from women and men who do not pursue physical and psychological wellness. The other party says they would not help that congressperson, because they support Donald Trump. You ask the other party if aid for ova can come from Democrats. They respond it’s not their concern. You feel you are talking to an alien and decide to avoid the “like-minded” forum.

Meanwhile, you continue to ponder the invasion at the southern and northern borders, your ability to pay, threats to your family, the willing loss of the U.S. republic, the neighborly silence, the news about media personalities, continuous entertainment sensations, continual exposure of evil with no remedy . . .

You get a question like this and answer with humble integrity, thinking humility is the only way to relieve United States oppression – restore the pursuit of statutory justice. Your being has almost been censored by the unconstitutional legal system.

#USpreambler, Anon

I think religion is the practice of constructing phantasy, given or adopting a mystery. This seems obvious, yet most churches and ideologies preserve a social tradition: sacrificing children to adult satisfactions. The adult alternative is to choose humility in the image of its source.

Kant and other philosophers mistakenly assume that the laws of physics (and progeny such as chemistry, biology, and psychology) yield to reason. However, the laws of physics prevail, and everybody may experience and observe the ineluctable evidence. [People tell me I have to define “ineluctable”. I have no problem with Merriam-Webster’s usage.] Nevertheless, people don’t hope away a hurricane or tsunami: they know better. Likewise, it makes no sense to pray for relief from bad habits.

We perceive that Sumer invented grammar, empowering language. They accepted the need for adult humility. Successive kings developed codes of law that appealed to humble people to both constrain-for-reform dissidents/rebels and eliminate villains. The principles, developed unto the Code of Hammurabi, 3700 years ago, are suggested in Semitic-speaking peoples’ vernacular in Genesis 1:26-28, NIV: Humankind may and can humbly rule on earth; that is, rule to the good under the laws of physics.

The power and authority behind that statement has the humility to trust humankind. So far, humankind has not acquired the humility to accept that trust and the duty.

The chaos that humankind has developed since Sumer may and can be reversed. Each newborn can read this or a better statement about mirroring humility and may accept their opportunity to constrain chaos in their personal way of living. As civic people increase, civic societies may emerge, and eventually, humankind may be dominated by humble people rather than by adult war. “Civic’ means reliably responsible to the good on earth, whereas “civil” means compliant to someone’s rules.

Moral standards can withstand the test of time when they are grounded in ineluctable humility.

#USpreambler, Anthony Osei

At the recent edge of 200,000 years’ development by homo sapiens, what has been said before seems evident: each person may and can constrain chaos in their way of living. Constraining chaos requires choosing between the good, the bad, or no action -- often without sufficient information to predict the outcome.

Not everyone thinks the good is in their self-interest. But the person who stays well informed and maintains good intentions develops decision skills and does not repeat mistakes. A few may pursue perfection before death.

Unfortunately, education departments have not chosen to practice, facilitate, and encourage awareness and intentions to pursue the unique perfection the human-being is empowered and authorized to achieve. Therefore, rather than a majority of civic citizens, where “civic” means reliably responsible to the good, there exists an organization to every imaginable variation between good and bad.

Humankind may and can develop education departments that neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from any person or organization and thereby resolve this systematic dilemma.

Both Genesis 1:26-28 and the 1787 U.S. Constitution propose to develop human being (noun modifying verb).

#USpreambler, Anon

Homo sapiens, still developing after 200,000 years’ adaptation to the laws of physics, primitively admitted, beginning about 10,000 years ago that constraining consequences of human choice is a human duty. The first known (discovered) writing, grammar, and codes of law were developed in Sumer, a Mesopotamian civilization.

      Since then, elites have constructed concepts intended to avoid, change, or resist physics and its successive progeny, such as chemistry, biology, and psychology. So far, the civic faction of the people have neglected ineluctable evidence of tyranny. “Civic” refers to reliable responsibility to the good rather than to accommodate bad behavior.

      Bad behavior has come to a global peak. It is evident that the Biden administration is cooperating with the invasion of the United States at the southern border. The fact that states are constitutionally opposing the tyranny, for example, my state, Louisiana, now sending National Guard members to the Texas border, indicates that the invasion construct is doomed. See,population%20of%2093%20million%20people) for 2023 evidence that needs an update.

      It is important for fellow citizens to consider that we are observing the laws of physics rather than ideological constructs. For example, the person who does not want to earn the food they eat must accept whatever a bureaucrat decides to dole out. Civic citizens may and can encourage dissident and rebel fellow citizens to reform and aid repulsion of villains, especially the tyrants in office.

#USpreambler, Kenjay Belia

Human being (verb) requires reliable responsibility.

Encountering a challenge, I’ve learned to first consider:  Must I act now or do I have the opportunity to evaluate the options? With opportunity to think, I take that time. Second, I recall that Genesis 1:26-28 empowers and requires me to consider necessity. Third, I recall that appreciation to the good requires that I neither initiate nor accommodate the bad. Fourth, I consider whether or not action is actually required. If not, I end the self-debate. Fifth, I consider whether or not I can effect the good if I act. If not, I call on fellow citizens or first responders. In emergency, I am the first responder, hoping for backup, some how. A couple examples might help.

I woke up with the feeling that my home had been invaded. I walked the inside perimeter, in the dark, unarmed. I discovered the back door was unlocked and froze in fear. Someone might be between me and my wife, and my guns were near her. After much thought, I decided if someone was in my home I would surprise them with the question, “How can I help you?” and respond accordingly if possible. At last I moved, found no one, turned all the lights on to make certain, locked the back door, then went back to sleep.

At a music festival, I saw a lone woman leave her blanket and purse on the ground. I called, “Ma’am!” but she disappeared into the crowd. My mind flashed taking her purse into protection. Terrorism flashed in my vision. I saw the police, went there, and asked them assistance. As we approached the blanket, the woman returned with some food. The police thanked me for caring.

With a remodeling contract that said I buy the materials and he install them, the contractor started picking up his tools, because I insisted on insulation materials he’d never installed. We negotiated a trip to the supply store, where a salesman demonstrated installation. The contractor finished the job without a change order.

My family needed a privacy fence. I read civic and civil guidance on fence ownership. Placing it 3” inside my boundary avoided liability to neighbors. The homeowner directly behind built a swimming pool and tied his side fences to my fence. I called and explained to him that if I allowed that I was taking liability if an intruder drowned in his pool and asked him to build his own fence. He refused. I removed an 8’ section of fence. He built his fence, and both parties lived happily until we moved for other reasons.

That neighbor had elevated the back of his yard with the dirt dug for the pool. When I noticed flooding, I installed a catch basin and 160’ drain pipe to carry storm water to the street.


Facebook, March 23

In this video, she understandably misses one point: Always choose the civic action or statement then don't doubt yourself when dissidents, rebels, and villains oppose what you did or said. "Civic" means reliably responsible to the good rather than accommodating to the bad.

At Barron's age, it would not seem humble for her to claim that she always makes the civic choice. Also, it takes at least 2 quarter centuries pursuing human being (verb) to begin to perform so well that you imagine approaching your unique perfection (happiness) before inevitable death.

The humility to realize you can only approach perfection is what makes each civic person a god facing death -- not an original thought.

Phil Beaver comment

The faction of Semitic-speaking people who were responsible for Psalms 82:6-7 shared the encouragement that we can be gods facing death. Their offspring, Jeshua, shared that intention through the author of John 10:34, Complete Jewish Bible.

Jeshua was unjustly executed. Jeshua arises and comes again when humans choose the good and share resistance to the bad.

In every generation, a faction would like to address Jeshua as his mom and dad, Mary and Joseph, did. The English equivalent is "Joshua". I think Israel appreciates Jeshua improvements to Moses' law. To have more immediate impact, Jeshua advocates may opt for the English substitute, Jesus, yet keep Jeshua alive. That's "ye shoo a" with short e, short a, and emphasis on oo like u.

Invention of the Internet made it possible for people to realize and accept that the title "Christ" imposes political strife Jeshua or Jesus never wants or asks for., March 23

Great! You two are making wonderful memories. Keep a diary so in future you don't miss some of the great, connected happenings.

Happily, I recall that Cynthia and I at a fancy restaurant in Athens, enjoying Greek style baby skid and a jazz pianist. I wondered if he played Dave Brubeck music. I wrote "Take Five" on a napkin, put drachma with it and asked the waitress to take it to the pianist. I saw him read the note, put the money in his tip jar, and go for a break. Witty, school-teacher Cynthia said, "That'll teach you to credit Brubeck when you should."

A quarter century later, for my birthday, Cynthia gave me 2 Rochester-School-of-Music-event-tickets, airfare, and hotel to see Dave Brubeck's concert. How creative!

With a kind usher's help at intermission (she took my request backstage), I got Brubeck to sign my 1963 piano folio "Dave Brubeck at Carnegie Hall". My all time favorite jazz album;

Thank you, Jim, for flooding these memories to me and prompting some listening.

Joe Morello's performance beckoned me to Then I could not leave without hearing once more Brubeck's wonderful chord at 4:53 of I'm reminded that not everyone hears "Take Five" as I do, March 21

At the recent edge of 200,000 years’ development by homo sapiens, what has been said before seems evident: Each person may and can constrain chaos in their way of living. Constraining chaos requires choosing between the good, the bad, or no action -- often without sufficient information to predict the outcome. Ineluctably, the outcome conforms to the laws of physics rather than to mystery.

Not everyone thinks the good is in their self-interest. But the person who stays well informed and maintains good intentions develops decision skills and does not repeat mistakes. A few may pursue perfection before death.

Unfortunately, education departments have not chosen to practice, facilitate, and encourage awareness and intentions to pursue the unique perfection the human-being is empowered and authorized to achieve. Therefore, rather than a majority of civic citizens, where “civic” means reliably responsible to the good, societies compete to every imaginable variation between good and bad. They ponder mystery and construct phantasies.

Humankind may and can develop education departments that neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from any person or society and thereby resolve this systematic dilemma.

Both Genesis 1:26-28 and the 1787 U.S. Constitution propose humble human being (noun modifying verb) in the image of humility’s source.

Humility died. Humility is awakened. Humility will come again.

#USpreambler, March 21

When I was 48 we suffered loss that is crushing my breath at this moment. Counselling and Chekov's "Rothschild's Fiddle" helped me survive. On the first anniversary I remarked to my best friend that my life is ruined. He said, "That will be true as long as you feel that way." I reflected and decided to stop saying that. At age 60, I recalled, "My life is ruined. But that will not ruin Phil Beaver." The pain is severe yet the good prevails at age 81.

By age 78 I articulated 3 ideas: First, elites, especially priests and politicians, "protect" us from knowing "ineluctable". (Happily during recent years I have pursued the ineluctable truth grounded in ineluctable evidence.) Second, our best characteristic, humility, mirrors the power and authority of Genesis 1:26-28. Third, throughout my life, I have survived church by trusting Jesus' civic influence.

When I read the Bible, I go first to the Complete Jewish Bible, so as to lessen the European influence on my first impression. It's amazing! Take for example, James 1:1, CJB, "From: Ya‘akov, a slave of God and of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah To: The Twelve Tribes in the Diaspora: Shalom!" I want to think "Yeshua" as his mom and dad did when he was 12: "And Yeshua grew both in wisdom and in stature, gaining favor both with other people and with God."

Then I notice that James starts "Ya'akov", Jacob in English. Why doesn't CJB's New Testament start with the book of Ya'akov? For the same reason I will not try to convince my church to promote Yeshua when the Google ngram teaches the futility. Give me Jesus' civic influence.

Jesus' civic influence is expressed when he talks one on one with a person or crowd. It's kept alive by the generations of civic people. Civic means responsibly reliable to the good on earth. We experience Jesus' civic influence in the faces and voices and actions of fellow citizens like you, Margo, and your wonderful family (and in mine).

Yeshua was executed. Yeshua was resurrected by people who appreciated his message: mirror the perfection of the power and authority behind Genesis 1:26-28. Yeshua comes again each time one of us acts to the good rather than accommodates the bad., March 19

Beholding global chaos, with locus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I coerce, promote, induce, encourage, and practice church and political reform. The reform has 6 pillars.

First, accept that the author of Genesis 1:26-28, NIV or CJB, is a known mystery. Developing mystery can only achieve fantasy. But the message therein is no mystery:  Humble humankind may and can choose to rule to the good on earth. That’s because the known mystery is so humble as to yield control on earth.

Second, accept that the complete Bible canon begins with Semitic-speaking people resisting elite powers who impose human sacrifice; Israel expresses progress by changes, first to animal sacrifice then more reform from blood. Abram leaves Ur and substitutes animal and bird sacrifices.

Third, a faction now known as Hebrews further specified sacrifices with which to worship their God. It was not an easy reform. Baby burning people (Jeremiah 7:30-34) did not have the Internet. Successive leaders marked reforms with covenants and trust in reliable responsibility. Micah thought sacrifices no longer needed and implied even worship and praise are not needed (Micah 6:6-8). A faction envisioned an anointed king, a messiah, who would unite the 12 tribes under their God.  

Fourth, a smaller faction of Hebrews believed Yeshua was the messiah, despite his execution. Execution was demanded by the Hebrew faction on the scene in Jerusalem. Yeshua improved Moses’ law authenticating himself. Some, such as his brother, Ya’akov, thought he might return to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. I wish I could use the name his mother and dad gave him, but I do not know it, so I accept the English, “Jesus”.

Fifth, the Roman emperor Constantine observed the political impact of the Yeshua movement and imposed conversion to a Christ movement, constructed by Paul’s church, thereby oppressing Yeshua’s civic influence and church. I promote, facilitate, and encourage Jesus’ civic influence, which I see in the faces and hear in the voices of humble people, some of whom are affluent.

Sixth, the religion-free, signed 1787 United States Constitution, proposes and accommodates practices that are consistent with Genesis 1:26-28’s political principle: Humankind may and can rule to the good on earth rather than accommodate the bad.

The historical consequence of oppression of humility is the incidentally developed name “Christ”. Ptolemy ordered translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek language, completed in 281 B.C. Greek for “anointed one” is χρισμένος. A short talk on PBS ( describes the mechanics of replacing “Yeshua” with “Christ” but doesn’t consider the offenses against Yeshua and his birth family.

More obscure is the offense against humankind in the conversion of “Ya‘akov” into “James”. Perhaps competing with English Christianity,
the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) has the book of James instead of the book of Ya’akov. Chapter 1, Verse 1, says, “From: Ya‘akov, a slave of God and of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah . . .” And Matthew 1:1, CJB, says, “This is the genealogy of Yeshua the Messiah, son of David, son of Avraham”.

I think Yeshua represents the humble author of Genesis 1:26-28, CJB. Approaching Easter, 2024, we, the civic faction of We the People of the United States, can celebrate that Yeshua lives via our humility, mirroring his intentions in our personal way of living. In churches, synagogues, mosques, and elsewhere we may and can together proclaim: Yeshua has died. Yeshua has risen. Yeshua has come again through our mirroring humility to the good!

Notice that the so-called Golden Rule does not promote attention to Yeshua. Many Christians arrogantly promote Christ, without regard to Yeshua’s presence. I wish I could use the name his mom and dad used when he was 12 years old and in the temple (Luke 2:52, CJB)

I hope this helps.

#USpreambler, March 18

After expressing the child-imaged value of each human-being, Jesus shared a process for civic forgiveness. “Civic” means reliably responsible to the good in this world. The reported process is in Matthew 18:15-20. I like the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB). I think CJB is good for readers who think Yeshua neither may nor can usurp personal responsibility to the good in this world.

That is each individual may and can choose the good. Intention to the good is left to individual choice, upon personal perception of experiences and reported events. It takes a quarter century for a person to comprehend and intend the good.

Not knowing the ineluctable truth, I paraphrase and elaborate, for 2024 living and discussion in the United States, V 15-17: Moreover, if a friend communicates to you and you think your opinion enhances impact to the good, share your opinion freely – except: If you suspect your comments might offend, talk privately.

If there’s free expression, and the audience listens, you and your friend may have improved We the People of the United States – at least the civic faction.

If in private your friend both 1) did not convince you that you are mistaken and 2) doesn’t listen to your improvement, persuade one or two fellow citizens to aid your consideration and to address every nuance. Be prepared to accept their opinion that you erred then to report the outcome to posterity. If your friend refuses to participate -- refuses to listen even to the considerate faction of We the People of the United States, regard your friend an alien or a tyrant against the good; hope for discovery and necessary reform. Note: once a person intends to employ Jesus’ civic influence, we discover that the practice requires unexpected humility, work, and commitment.

Now, quoting from V 18-20, CJB:

Yes! I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. To repeat, I tell you that if two of you here on earth agree about anything people ask, it will be for them from my Father in heaven. For wherever two or three are assembled in my name, I am there with them.

That name is “Jesus” (Yeshua in CJB), and I accept without objection his meaning of “heaven”. However, I experience and observe that a wrongful act or perception, un-addressed, festers and may be repeated in this world by the offender.

Unfortunately, churches do not teach Jesus, perhaps because Jesus’ process for forgiveness facilitates discovery. Mystery rather than humility promotes church.

Jesus encouraged considerate humans to accept Genesis 1:26-28 and choose to pursue personally perfect power and authority on earth. With training and practice, acting to the good on earth could become tradition, even though there might always be some dissidents, rebels, and villains. Then, what’s permitted on earth might seem more pleasing in heaven. I don’t know.

As always, I appreciate discussion results from yesterday’s Sunday school class and, this morning, a heartfelt post by a friend to Baton Rouge., March 18

My doctor's nurse always asks if I smoke then if I drink alcohol. If "yes", how much?

I felt alcohol was killing me, so stopped -- became a teetotaler with rare exception: one glass of champagne on NYE or for another toast.

They also, always weigh me, which could invoke a discussion of eating habits. When I had high sugar, I was told to stop eating sugar.

I think I have a great PCP and staff, Dr. David Fontenot at BRC., March 18

Forgiveness, per Matthew 18:15-20, after Jesus had expressed the value of each individual.

Not knowing the ineluctable truth, I paraphrase and elaborate for 2024 living in the United States, V 15-17: Moreover, if a friend communicates and you have an opinion you think will develop impact to the good, share it freely – except:  If you suspect your comments might offend, talk privately. If free speech, and the audience listens, you and your friend may have improved We the People of the United States. 

If in private your friend both 1) did not establish that you are mistaken and 2) doesn’t listen to your improvement, convince one or two fellow citizens to aid you to consider and to present every issue. Be prepared to accept that you erred then to report the outcome. If your friend refuses to participate -- refuses to listen even to the considerate faction of We the People of the United States, regard your friend an alien or a tyrant and hope for reform

Now quoting from V 18 CJB, “Yes! I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. To repeat, I tell you that if two of you here on earth agree about anything people ask, it will be for them from my Father in heaven. For wherever two or three are assembled in my name, I am there with them.”

That name is “Jesus”
(Yeshua in CJB), and I accept without objection his meaning of “heaven”. Unfortunately, churches do not teach Jesus, perhaps because Jesus’ process for forgiveness is open to error-discovery. Mystery rather than humility promotes church.

Jesus encouraged considerate humans to accept Genesis 1:26-28 and choose to pursue personal perfect power and authority on earth, cited therein.

Shannon, as always, I appreciate your initiative regarding heartfelt and shared concerns., March 16

I want to change every education department so that it practices, facilitates, and encourages each person, including the student, to pursue human being (noun plus verb). It takes a quarter century to acquire the comprehension and intention to develop your unique human-being (adjective-noun).

One of the keys to human being is one on one communication. A boy ought to try to talk to every girl who will talk. A girl ought to try to talk to every boy who will talk. It's not a matter of finding the other with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. It's a matter of choosing another with whom you may produce a child or children and help them develop for life. That is, through your grandchildren and beyond.

It's not the Hollywood idea of the perfect match. It's finding a person with whom mutual appreciation and commitment for life may and can develop. When problems come, fidelity enters the picture. Every 11 year-old girl and 13 year-old boy ought to know if not accept these ideas.

Education departments will not change until their customers decide the fear of sexual attraction impedes if not prevents the friendships required for girls and boys to learn to talk and discover the mutual interests, hopes, and comforts on which family monogamy is built. Education departments may and can be reformed., March 15

All the past generations have left to us, the civic people of 2024 the opportunity to resolve a 5500 year old struggle to end human sacrifice. "Civic" means reliably responsible to the good on earth. It is a privilege to accept the challenge.

The clues are published in the Complete Jewish Bible and affirmed by the religion-free, signed, 1787 United States Constitution.

First, Genesis 1:26-28 asserts that humankind is to rule on earth. Second, Psalm 82:6-7 says civic human beings are gods facing death. Third, Micah 6:8 says, rather than sacrifice, "act justly, love grace, and walk in purity". Fourth, Matthew 5:48 says human purity can be perfect.

It is not necessary to demystify the source of these four points to choose to pursue them. The 1787 U.S. Constitution specifies a republic that can pursue perfection, through statutory justice "to ourselves and our Posterity".

If the civic faction, We the People of the United States, does not accept this challenge, perhaps another nation will.  

Comment: Thinking overnight about ending human sacrifice, the 4 points I listed do not mention worship and praise. Perhaps tradition that conflicts with the source maintains the will to make war and the attendant human sacrifices., March 12

Ya'al tell me what society may and can change.

I think society can and should reform every education department, in order to practice, facilitate, and encourage every person, from K-12 on through life, to personally develop human being (noun modifies verb) rather than to "train the worders we need". A developed human-being (noun on noun) understands life and intends to act without error. Any mistake will not be repeated.

After my example, what do you think society should change?, March 11, 2024

I hope to write "human being (noun modifying verb)" and in the same essay "human-being (adjective -noun)". I don't want to confuse my expressions with human being, meaning "kind person". What does grammar demand of me?

I don’t trust Hollywood showmanship.

In my opinion, Genesis 1:26-28, Complete Jewish Bible, in Semitic vernacular, wills that humankind rule events on earth perhaps leaving other worlds to the gods, as primitively practiced in polytheistic Sumer, 5500 years ago - think eye for an eye. It seems to me Hebrews reformed killing humans for ceremonial food to the gods (polytheism and idols) or for royal service but remain bemused by competitive monotheism: Our God-representative will defeat yours in war.

Thus, 4000 years ago, Adonai of God would defeat Baal of Shor-El under animal blood burnt for sacrifice. Next, 3750 years ago, Jacob became Israel. Then, 3470 years ago, Israel constructed the Torah (improving Sumerian law codes). Then, 1976 years ago, a small Hebrew faction believed Jesus was the one anointed to unite Israel, partially because Jesus improved the Torah. Hebrew leaders discussed issues, such as circumcision versus baptism, in Jerusalem, about 15 years after Jesus died on the cross.

Saul/Paul left the meeting and arrogantly claimed Jesus was sacrificed (without fire), supplanting the anointed one to unite Israel with Christ to save believers’ souls. Lately, 1740 years ago, Constantine imagined political power and imposed Christianity. Christ's blood is sufficient to believers, despite the law.

Judeo-Christianity (about 33% of the world's population) is holding the world hostage, even though Cyrus the Great Persian ruled 2560 years ago that a civic people is entitled to their religious hopes and comforts. "Civic" means reliably responsible to the good rather than to bad behavior.

Civic citizens who continue to ignore Genesis 1:26-28 seem without excuse.


Rebecca Lesses

Judeo-Christanity is holding the world hostage? There is no such thing as Judeo-Christanity. There's Judaism and then there's Christianity.

PRB response:

And there is the anointed-one-construct -- anointed either to appear and unite the 12 tribes of Israel under the Torah or Jesus to return for that purpose -- or Christ to save the souls of believers despite the Torah, including Judeo-converts who believe Christ. Other inhabitants of the world, a 2/3 majority have no stake in this 1740 year-old Judeo-Christian squabble.

It is not too late for a civic Judaism and civic Christianity to reform. "Civic" means reliably responsible to the good rather than to bad conduct., March 10, 2024

What if James Woods' targets don't respond to the quotes around "crime is down"? I don't trust Hollywood. After all, they're responsible for the dinosaurs' myth!, March 9, 2024

I think this feature of the work place empowers people to enjoy and develop human being (verb) regardless of gender, ignoring colleagues who nourish animalism. I deserved my wife's happy greeting each evening., March 8, 2024

I most dislike silence. With free speech, liars disclose themselves., and March 8, 2024

I entreat the clergy to accept thegod -- whatever constrains the consequences of human choice, in order to mutually develop Jesus' civic influence to "ourselves and our Posterity", or better. Only the people who are humble to the ineluctable truth have power and authority over fellow citizens, including humble clergy., video March 4, 2024

Makes you appreciate the comma. Bob Agee, at rest, tried to teach me to write literally. Very late in life I got to ask him what he meant by that. He said, "Your weekly reports needed to say what you meant." Doing research, I never knew what to write until the work was done, which was often a matter of months. Each week, I could have tried, "I don't yet know where this mystery is leading us." I miss Bob, and am still trying to write what I mean., March 4, 2024

Approaching my 81st b'day, I'm suggesting 5 ideas.

First, the Father is a mystery to everyone who is humble to the mystery. But most of us are so busy pursuing the good and constraining the bad it's easy to overlook this: the mystery of the Father makes the Son and the Holy Spirit each a mystery. Cynthia taught me these secrets.

Second, life is an opportunity, whereas favorable afterdeath is a mystery I can neither define nor elect. Therefore, in every decision to act, I want to favor good consequences to everyone who is living and their posterity.

Third, every person has the opportunity to experience and observe the evidence for the mysteries and decide whether to choose the good or the bad. If the bad, I hope that person will seek and accept someone's encouragement to the good and offer mine.

Fourth, when a person chooses their perception of the good, I accept them without question. If it so happens that they want to share their practices and intentions, I relish the opportunity to listen and learn from a god facing death.

Fifth, of the political philosophers I have studied, I favor Jesus' civic influence, which I experience in the faces and voices of people pursuing the good to the moment. Jesus suggested that a person may and can pursue perfection before death.

Cleve Wright

nice! My thoughts aren’t so defined as yours …I do like and embrace most of what you think in those 5;

Will tell you this, I am the miracle!!

I just had double pneumonia ( all lobes affected) with stage 3 kidney failure. Drs said 90% of folks with this die, then when I was released from the hospital I was told if I got 60% lung function I would be lucky, and I would have CKD the rest of my life….. but I prayed/ had others praying …. I am at 90% lung function, and improving each day; Thursday the Nephrologist released me, kidneys function is normal! While God is a mystery, and I believe that is his intention, His purpose and intention/ his mercy is real.

Phil Beaver

Cleve, your human affirmation, both as observation and from direct experiences, makes my decade -- quarter century, let alone day.

Most of all, I am glad -- grateful -- you recovered; for the doctors who cared for you and the family and friends who appealed to the mystery.

Cleve Wright

thanks ole buddy, March 4, 2024

I may be foolish to respond to my body. I started walking faster a couple years ago when I saw theories about vaccines causing clots. My idea was to circulate my blood faster. I feel better, and my cardiologist said he agrees I'm in good condition. An added benefit: walking faster feels better than before. -- does not cause pain.

Comments on Article, Cameron Joyner

I appreciate your scholarship in this article and am writing to connect and collaborate more than to congratulate, which I do. 


I suggest you update this article, changing to "To avoid confusion, this article will refer to him as Ya‘akov" and make other updates required; use only Yeshua, demanding appreciation to that person. The human-being may and can choose, and I think discovery should always be shared in the clearest way, trusting the other human-beings to also desire discovery and practice. Human-beings cannot reform dissidents and rebels, in order to, together, eliminate villains, by preserving tradition.

I am 81 years old, in good health, reared Southern Baptist, to a Mason father and Eastern Star mother, and fell in love with a Louisiana-French-Catholic woman 53 years ago. She is serenely confident under our daughter Rebekah's care and our daughter Holly's assistance (and mine). We have 3 children, Stephen deceased in 1991 yet influencing us -- all four. My wife is bed-ridden, being parallelized by a brain disease (PSP) and with facial expressions lights up a party. (Consequently I am in heaven.) I practiced chemical engineering for 35 years at one company that made hazardous chemicals humankind needs and no equipment I ever specified can blow up. I apply the professionalism behind that statement in my study of humankind and its potential for perfection according to the ineluctable truth.

Please tell me about yourself.

I am developing the premise that Hebrews are in the process of eliminating royalty's human-sacrifice, practices as Semitic-speaking peoples suffered in ancient Mesopotamia. Avram established animal and bird and blood sacrifices. His descendants added grain and oil sacrifices. I am drawn to Ya‘akov's admonition against blood consumption, in Acts 15. Could it extend to ceremony as well? Regardless, I think Hebrew debate and refraction of Moses' law is exemplary to humankind. Have you written anything about Israel's work to eliminate human sacrifice?

Best wishes for a great 2024 and relief from our present concerns.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag #USpreambler.

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