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Phil Beaver
seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth. Ineluctable means: Not to be assailed, avoided, broken, changed,
escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, resisted, revoked, or
voided. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for
example, trying to change it.
refers to citizens who collaborate for individual
happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or
society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from
anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible to the good rather than the bad
in connections and transactions.
writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens
mutual appreciation: For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and
paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of
the United States, proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity,
justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue
happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I
want to improve my interpretation by listening-to and considering other
citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text,
unless it is amended by the civic-people.
It seems the
Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged
whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this
independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states
deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble
is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who
collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.
Every citizen
has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in
the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try
somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the
goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies
grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional
freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain,
oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the
First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.
Selected theme from this month
Academia may, can, and ought-to update to the
Internet-empowered age of information to civic people.
The ancients considered what the primitives had discovered and
surmised that the choice between goodness and the gods was a dilemma – two doubtable
options. These 5500 years later, it seems obvious that goodness is preferred to
I perceive that message in Genesis 1:26-28 and the comments
that Yeshua of Nazareth 2000 years ago affirmed it several ways. I also think
the religion-free United States constitution intends, facilitates, and
encourages goodness “to ourselves and our Posterity”.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Online message to Senator John
Kennedy, Aug 30
Dear Senator Kennedy:
Watching Kamala Harris’s bravado with fake news and in
Savannah yesterday, it seems obvious to me: Marxist policy -- that America has
always been a victimizer – collected victim groups with the intentions to
overpower the American tradition. And it’s working, despite MAGA rhetoric.
What is the American tradition?
“In the USA, it’s [been] ‘Mother, God, and country’: If you
don’t like it, leave.” However, the United States’ republican pursuit of
statutory justice favors the unbeliever if the believer enacts or attempts his
threat. The civic faction of We the People of the United States will not
accommodate unlawful political force. Civic means reliable responsibility to
Under republican pursuit of justice, only the police can apply
force in domestic altercations, and only the military can aid the police if a
state deems military force necessary.
The struggle for statutory justice is arbitrarily
constrained by English tradition, in competition with other European legislation:
here, Anglo-American legal precedent, unjust as it may be. For example,
Louisiana’s French favor to majority jury verdicts, at the time 10:2, was
civilly overturned by a non-unanimous Supreme Court opinion, leaving justice in
Congress’ responsibility. The Supreme Court erroneously overthrew states’
rights under the false premise that the 6th amendment’s “the right
to an impartial jury” implies unanimity. Louisiana’s provision of impartial
juries was exemplary among 50 states. Ironically, England now has 10:2 jury
verdicts, in order to lessen organized crime’s power over the Court. Congress
could reverse the United States’ Amendment VI injustice. But this is a side
point I want now to leave for future consideration.
How did tradition develop?
About 5500 years ago, a civilization in Mesopotamia realized that goodness could
dominate life on earth, if humankind would choose to behave. They created law
codes such that civic people aided law enforcement designed to correct and
reform errant fellow citizens. That faction of the people would collaborate to
eradicate evil, assuring opportunity for goodness.
Then 4000 years ago, a Mesopotamian group recorded their
opinion about creation stories, concluding with assignation to humankind the
option to pursue order to life on earth. The political message is in Genesis
1:26-28: Humankind may and can rule to
the good on earth (leaving the heavens to the God). Notably, V 26-28
characterizes humankind as female and male, but neither as black and white nor
African and Euro-Asian or other ethnicity nor as slave and master. Humankind
was to discover viable ways of living.
About a 1000 years later, a people distinguished civic men
by circumcision and developed the hope for a messiah who would unite the 12
tribes of their civilization. Women were excluded from political debate.
Then, Yeshua was born and lived in Nazareth of 2000 years
ago. Yeshua learned the local political and religious issues and improved civic
integrity, influencing many people. Some thought he was anointed in the
heritage of King David. Paul promoted Yeshua as Ιησούς to the Greeks and argued
that circumcision and other divine law was spurious to salvation of the soul.
About 500 years ago, in Europe, Ιησούς became “Jesus”, and Χριστού the tile
Paul inspired 1900 years ago became “Christ”. Paul’s divinity school maintained
the subjugation of women that had accompanied male circumcision. Less than 10
global factions canonized Paul’s work 1600 years ago, and today there are
45,000 Christian sects among other divinity schools. So much for Genesis-1’s
A Republican Party opportunity someone else may fulfill
All this background is to support my reason for writing. During the 5500 years
since the Mesopotamians accepted that female and male humankind may and can
pursue goodness on earth, people with the means to develop political philosophy
have used divinity schools to limit the majority’s hopes for the future. A major
contention, the subjugation of women, developed through arbitrary divinity.
Women have two awesome responsibilities: to pursue physical and psychological
wellness to assure ova that may be inseminated to viable human being (verb) and
to choose a similarly healthy mate who will reliably aid her, her future ova,
and their progeny and descendants for life.
In the United States, divinity schools have influenced
legislation that opposes the woman’s responsibilities to her ova. The actual
reality --that she produces and is responsible to the ova -- cannot be negated
by law. No one – not even her mate can overcall a pregnant woman’s decision to
end her pregnancy. Desperate risks can prevail. Abortion legislation has
brought the ages-old subjugation of women to a political crescendo that
dominates other issues.
The Democrat Party has a demonstrated machine that overthrew
both Trump’s re-election in 2000 and the expected red wave in 2022. Since then,
the Trump-influenced Supreme Court correctly undid Roe v Wade. But leaving
subjugation of women to the states is insufficient. The subjugation of woman
can and may be ended.
What can happen?
Republicans have the one time opportunity to change humankind’s future by
lessening legislation regarding abortion and redirecting the discussion to
protection of ova. This Congressional action would restore the pursuit of
goodness to both Genesis-1’s message that on earth humankind is in charge of
goodness and the 1787 United States Constitution’s proffered pursuit of
reliable responsibility “to ourselves and our Posterity”.
This is a complicated human issue, and the Republican Party
has one opportunity to change history, ending the subjugation of women. The GOP
can choose to leave this reform to others.
The more time the public has to think about it before
November 5, the more votes will swing from Marxist protection of women to
United States constitutional pursuit of statutory justice “to ourselves and our
Posterity”. I would like to learn soon
that President Donald Trump announced the creation of a Republican task force
to propose legislation that replaces the abortion fight with policies that
protect ova. I think that announcement could and would win the presidency as
well as majorities in Congress.
Phil Beaver
Aug 21, 2024
Dear Senator Kennedy:
The Holy Bible expresses the actual reality that is known
only to The God, the mystery that humbles the doctrinal Gods: Jehovah, The
Trinity, Allah, The One, G-d, Brahman, and all the other human hopes as well as
humankind itself.
Genesis 1:26-28, NIV informs Abrahamic descendants and
perhaps as much as 90% of modern peoples that humankind may choose to rule to
goodness on earth. Yeshua-Jesus confirms that instruction in Matthew 18:18
(heaven won't correct humankind), 5:48 (be as perfect as goodness itself),
19:4-6 (unite in loyalty), and elsewhere in the Bible.
So far, civilizations pursue a God-construct they arrogate
to usurp humankind's responsibility. The consequence is divergent chaos on
The institution that would follow the above listed scripture
does not attempt to overthrow Matt 19:6, "what God has joined together,
let no one separate". Therefore, marriage encourages civility deemed
pursuant to human goodness, in other words, civic integrity. A civic culture
neither creates nor accommodates harm to or from anyone.
The 1787 United States Constitution proffers such a culture
"to ourselves and our Posterity".
The authentic woman does not invite intimate talk on
emotions, because she knows attraction risks sexual-union's threat to her ova
and her. An authentic man does not attempt promiscuous talk with a woman,
because he intends to protect her ova, her, and his independence
too choose for monogamy for life. Authentic parties practice risk
Congress may and can legislatively engage the people, in
order to civically protect ova from unwanted conception, gestation, delivery,
and abuse -- protect infants from a lifetime with neither appreciation nor
love. Thus, Congress could and would lessen the abortion-impact on politics. I
know this from my wife of 53 years, our adult daughters, and myself.
We were disappointed Republicans did not dominate the 2022
elections and think political momentum for "reproductive rights" made
the difference. We see misguided confidence re-setting that stage.
If the Republican Party acts today, it could prevent success to Kamala's hope
that women will overthrow the November 5 elections due to GOP overconfidence in
the civic faction of We the People of the United States plus pervasive
privation of humility toward The God. Kamala hopes to win and enjoy a House
majority and a Senate majority. If so, the Republican Party might not be viable
for the foreseeable future.
The stakes are too high for the GOP to not take the idea
herein seriously, form a committee to propose a platform, and announce it soon,
perhaps, in 2 weeks. Rapid, firm action could and I think would convince civic
women to vote GOP.
I'd like to help and already wrote to Speaker Mike Johnson about this on
January 30, 2024 (maybe misdated 2023). I have not heard from him.
Prayer caucuses habitually disregard Genesis 1:26-28 and Matthew 18:18, which
inform that The God will not, cannot usurp humankind's power, authority, and
responsibility to Earth and all that is here.
Second message
Dear Senator Kennedy:
Enhancing the viability of human ova is an often neglected
responsibility rather than a political expedient. Some people accept the
responsibility to maintain their physical and psychological wellness in order
to enhance viability of any offspring.
This is to improve my August 21, 2024 suggestion that the
Republican Party may and can change the conversation from abortion to
protection of human ova; from women’s reproductive rights to humankind’s
responsibility to flourish; from arrogant attempts to protect every embryo to civil
promotion of wellness to both the egg and its fertilizing spermatozoon, in
order to enhance the viability of every conception and delivered infant.
Of all the applications of Genesis 1:26-28’s assignment of
power, authority, and responsibility to the individual person rather than to
The God, protection of ova seems the most obvious. Physics and progeny provides
this United States statistic, 900 ova per newborn baby. In other words, the
physics of ova accommodates exponential loss. A writer who is influenced by
Victorian language might replace “physics” with “Nature and Nature’s God”. Such
language constrains human being (verb).
This brings to mind traditional competition between
self-dividing modern groups, “conservatives” versus “progressives”. Just as
many slaves in America pitied their masters, some modern progressives pity
conservatives. Humble to The God, many civic citizens do not pretend their hopes
express The God. Some Christians
attest to The Trinity, yet in public express “God”. Some Jews believe Jehovah
and speak “G-d”. Some Muslims praise Allah and express “God”. Some Christians ask
the question, “Is Jesus Christ your lord and savior?” The listener expects the
answer, “No”, will terminate conversation, and pities neglect of Yeshua’s
instruction that disregard for a fellow citizen equates to disregard for The
If we apply my perspective to Congressional prayer groups,
such groups may recognize that I am on their side when I caution that
progressives pity them for not accepting Genesis 1:26-28’s message: You have the power, authority, and
responsibility to pursue goodness on earth, and The God will not usurp your
opportunity (Yeshua’s message in Matthew 18:18). The preamble to the United
States Constitution proffers these religion-less principles “to ourselves and
our Posterity”.
Believing that The God knows our needs, when I pray, I express appreciation. On
the other hand, when her friend notified us that our daughter was hospitalized
in a city 5 hours from here and seemingly near death, the news activated my
fast action. I told the hospital to charge me and gave them my credit card
number. Then, my body fell directly to my knees, completing “all I knew to do”
for our daughter and us. She likes the story 30 years later, and I do, too.
Recalling the failed “red wave” of 2022, I hope the GOP takes advantage of my
concerns: accept power, authority, and responsibility to humankind even if
prayer expresses humility. In this case, improve the abortion debate with an
ova-protection platform.
Phil Beaver
Sept 6
Dear Senator Kennedy:
I think goodness
is as old as the universe. Humankind’s purpose is to discover the constraints
that accommodate goodness and to benefit therefrom.
Citing invention of labor-saving tools, researchers suggest
humankind emerged more than 2 million years ago. Homo sapiens started
dominating other species more than 200 thousand years ago (tya) and invented
grammar 10 thousand years ago. In primitive ethics[1],
patriarchy, female subjugation, prevailed, as kings and armies grappled with
Men increase competitive chaos through monotheism.
About 2500 years ago, some Greek literature depicted females
as having superior psychology regarding family and war.[3]
Researchers have long known each ant hill is dominated by a queen. A recent
study indicates, “Of the 76 non-human mammal
species that exhibit leadership . . . seven have females that take charge.”[4]
Longevity, permanent
locale, and gender-collaboration aid the females, such as the lioness – the
queen of the jungle, more often than relative body size.
It takes a baby 25 years to develop the wisdom-building
parts of the brain. And humankind has not yet discovered the ineluctable truth.
Therefore, adult life is a sequence of moral dilemma, and mistakes cause
unwanted consequences. Human being (verb) favors inaction when goodness is not
expected. As a person approaches death, recalling their choices enables them to
consider how perfectly they lived.
The civic person does not want happenings to usurp good choices. Therefore,
they observe civil codes and aid amendment of unjust laws, in order to pursue
statutory justice. Statutory justice develops civic integrity by aiding the
needy, prompting the errant to reform, and eradicating evil. Unjust legislation
negates civic integrity.
Humankind’s duty in self-development is to educate youth,
adolescents, and adults, in order that they may comprehend and intend to pursue
opportunity to live perfectly, from now forward. The preamble to the United States
Constitution abstractly proffers that intention “to ourselves and our
Posterity”. The United States is a republic to develop just laws rather than a
democracy to accommodate chaos.
The candidates in the 2024 US presidential race have the
opportunity to reverse increasing trends in male subjugation of women. The
civic candidate will announce a task force to accomplish two reforms. First, to
create legislation that promotes, facilitates, and empowers protection of ova
(eggs), whether harm is caused by the woman’s unawareness or the man’s
carelessness. In the future, every girl may and can know that her body might
produce 400 viable ova during fertile years and, therefore, she maintains
physical and psychological wellness. She avoids and resists immature men. And
every boy knows if he intends intimacy with a female he is inviting civic
obligations to a crowd of up to 400 and may encounter civil constraints.
Second, to reform Congressional freedom of religion such
that legislation can no longer contest the laws of physics and its progeny,
psychology; for example, to claim that a man can compete in women’s sports or
expose his genitals in places of female privacy, such as toilets and showers.
Columns and Opinion
“Our own ideas about beauty, justice, wisdom, and truth are
certainly more sophisticated . . . than those of the ancients.” For example,
the ancients’ realm of the gods is being explored using the James Webb
“To the ancient sages, by contrast, happiness depended upon
virtue, wisdom, and an interior life in communion with and contemplation of the
divine, moral, and spiritual states which . . . made the wise man utterly
self-reliant, invulnerable . . . a God among men.” Every person may and can
yield to the laws of physics. The divine may and can yield to The God, whatever
it is, rather than mystery.
Choosing trust-in and commitment-to goodness rather than
mystery is in a person’s self-interest. Yet philosophers maintain their
opportunity to pick students’ pockets with erroneous standards like “The
Euthyphro Dilemma”, by Plato. Academia could and should change the lesson title
to “The Euthyphro Choice”.
Academia may, can, and ought-to update to the
Internet-empowered age of information to civic people.
To sophster078
Because of your use of it, I would not change one aspect of
your Bible education. Nor would I avoid, change, or resist mine.
I think the path to likeness of your happiness can be
accelerated to most people with clarification that the goodness that can be
gleaned from the books therein comes from the ideas the precocious political
philosopher from Nazareth of 2000 years ago, Yeshua shared in dialogue with
For example, he suggests a process for human-conflict
resolution in Matthew 18:15-17. Without the first step, mistaken accusers might
forgive their perceived offender, never learning that they owe apology or
retribution for harm. In v18, Yeshua states that The God will not correct the
results of the resolution. Divinity schools hide Yeshua's message as
"forgiveness" rather than resolution.
I do not object to "Jesus", because many people
find goodness despite divinity-school competition. After introducing Yeshua as
my guide to civic integrity, I offer "Yeshua-Jesus" to converse with
self-styled Christians, some Messianic Jews, and others who insist on
"Jesus" or Paul' "Christ". Another person's motivation to
goodness is good to me.
I agree. I studied Plato for decades and never imagined I
would react, on September 14, 2024, to an essayist, by proposing to update
ancient reason to human discovery -- "The Euthyphro Dilemma" to
"The Euthyphro Choice": goodness rather than mystery.
Semantics is critical. Civic discussion may miss choice when
the teacher is presenting perceived personal doubt. What self-interested human
being would choose for their life mystery rather than goodness.
Who would vote for administrative-abuse when they could vote
for personal safety and security?
Who would tithe to a doctrinal God when they could accept,
uphold, and share The God -- whatever constrains the consequences of each human
To my church community I express acceptance of The God,
without objection or imposition, and collaborative pursuit of Yeshua's civic
influence. See the Wikipedia article: "Yeshua", in order to benefit
from one of humankind's most influential political philosophers rather than from
a competitive divinity school, such as Plato, Aristotle, Harvard, or Emory.
The God is a mystery. Divinity is subjective.
I imagine da Vinci drew from prior art to depict the Bible’s
“Last Supper”. For example, one impression of Plato’s “Symposium” features a
philosophers' banquet.
I think gospel writers plagiarized Agathon’s speech
respecting calming the storm and Yeshua-Jesus’s character. Regard for the
gospels is a subjective rather than objective interest. No one knows the
ineluctable truth.
Symposium is a divinity document that precedes the canonized
gospels by about 800 years. Divinity schools compete and are pretentious toward
the humankind they purport to serve. They don’t admit they promote themselves
rather than The God. Since The God is a mystery, the person who pursues human
being (verb) is humble to The God (or to physics) without objection or imposition.
When someone declares “God is love”, I ask, “Are you
certain?” Their certainty does me no harm. Likewise, a person loving their
beloved does me no harm. Someone else’s taste in art does me no harm. I am
comfortable to dislike art I dislike. However, disliking the disliked does not
lessen my choice.
For civic guidance, I promote Yeshua, the Nazarene who 2000
years ago suggested human-beings may and can pursue perfection in their way of
living. It does me no harm that others praise Jesus, still others Christ, and
some prefer Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus. What other people believe threatens
not my choices.
Can divinity schools reform, in order to not try to divide
human being (verb)?
To dgallaheriam
The Code of Hammurabi and preceding Sumerian civil
codes benefitted from primitives to the ancients and inform us that the gods
leave it to humankind to pursue order to the earth. Genesis 1:26-28 expresses
the idea in monotheistic terms, and Genesis 2:4 introduces competitive
monotheism that expands throughout the Bible.
Political philosopher Yeshua, a Jew from 2000-years-ago-Nazareth affirmed the
Genesis 1:26-28 message in Matthew 5:48 (be perfect in the image of goodness),
19:3-8 (female and male united by goodness), and 18:18 (resolve conflict to
goodness or not), and more.
If human being (verb) remains insufficient to goodness, peace on earth does not
seem tenable.
Before the 1776 Declaration of Independence there was
shamanism, mythology, polytheism, law codes, monotheism, messianic hopes,
Catholicism, Lutheranism, Victorianism, the Glorious Revolution, and the Seven
Years War.
Children, born to manage a time adults cannot imagine, are
slighted by not having adults who comprehend the 1787 (religion-free) United
States Constitution, amendable by the people in their states.
Citizens comprise their state constituency and also maintain
their state constitutions. The US intention is to develop statutory justice --
legislation and policing that lessens if not eliminates discovered injustice.
Civic citizens and reforming-errant fellows aid the police in constraining bad
and eradicating evil. The military assists the police if necessary.
Citizens in their states elect both House and Senate
servants who legislate federal laws with enforcement. State citizens authorize
electors to vote for the President and Vice President.
The intentions of the United States republic, proffered in
the amendable preamble, are: integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity,
and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our
Posterity”. "Our Posterity"
makes future success viable.
Adults may and can share their views with children. If
neglected, the children can independently read about past mistakes, in order to
avoid personal and collaborative repetition. For example, primitive law took
eye for eye -- disabling offenders.
“Poetry, story, and speculation are more than pleasant to
encounter; they are indispensable if we would know ourselves as men. To live
with Herodotus, Euripides, Aristotle, Lucretius, Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes,
Pascal, Swift, Balzac, Dickens, or Tolstoy … to add … musicians, painters, or
sculptors—is to be wiser than experience can make us in those deep matters that
have most closely to do with family, friends, rulers, and whatever gods there
The above quote informs how the humanities may and can reform. First, the
humanities scholars may and can pursue human being (verb) to both female and
male and make no mistakes regarding images of The God, unknown as that entity
is. Second, any list of influencers to human being (verb) may and can start
with Yeshua, that Jewish political philosopher born to Yosef and Miryam in
Divinity schools bemused Yeshua’s civic influence by developing Jesus the
miracle -worker intended to compete with the prophesied Davidic descendent
anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. Then that rascal Paul preached
salvation of mysterious souls to those elected by The Trinity; Paul reserved no
humility to The God.
The humanities may and can regain importance by considering Genesis 1:26-28:
humankind may and can rule on earth; Yeshua’s affirmation in Matthew 5:48,
Matthew 18:18, and elsewhere; and the United States Constitution’s intentions
to civic integrity “to ourselves and our Posterity”.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Mark Ford cites a few “factors that determine success in the
real world . . . aptitude. And ambition. And hard work. And persistence. And
intellectual and emotional intelligence.”
Please add for pursuit of human being (verb): intentions to goodness to self.
Each newborn may and can either be-taught, or by trial and error, discover that
good behavior is in their self-interest. When two persons mutually intend
goodness to self, their reliable collaboration is powerful, develops authority,
and proves responsible. .”
The suggestion to intend goodness is cryptically expressed in Genesis 1:26-28,
affirmed by Yeshua in Matthew 5:48 and in Matthew 18:18, and proffered in the
preamble to the United States Constitution.
#USpreambler #acivicpeople
does not alone smash US history.
Declaration of Independence is by 13 English colonies against the king. “Rights
of our Creator” is a byproduct of John-Locke-error.
the heavens nor a nation can warrant any of: human being (verb), equality, or
liberty. Only intention to practice goodness empowers a person to think freely
about the past and present.
In 1774, astute leaders in the 13 English colonies knew that neither France nor
Spain wanted England to control the Mississippi River or any part of N.
America. Distance favored victory over England.
In 1781, at Yorktown, VA nearly 30 K French military, 10 K colonial soldiers,
and Spanish money enjoyed England’s 9 K surrender to both France and to the
In 1784, 13 named states ratified the 1783 Treaty of Paris, accepting global
statehood. By 1787, they admitted they could not survive as independent states.
Astute leaders from 12 states met to strengthen the Congress formed in 1774. Delegates
accepted Virginia’s leadership to authorize a central government to serve the
people in their states.
history, they specified a constitutional republic, predicated on the civic
people being responsible for governance in their state as well as for
representative election of key officials in the central government. The
preamble to the constitution intends and proffers pursuit of responsibility “to
ourselves and our Posterity”.
Both civic and errant citizens collaborate for statutory
justice, continually improving unjust laws to assure humankind’s opportunity to
progress in goodness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Their intention is to
continually increase the faction of civic citizens. Evil people convince
themselves they can defeat justice. They invite early death. When they cause
the death penalty, the executioner protects humankind from evil.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Sept 13
Not to lessen the recollection and appreciation to Jim, the story reminds me of
being drafted to serve in Viet Nam soon after my first assignment at Ethyl
Ethyl requested and obtained deferment of my draft, because I had been assigned
to production problem-solving for CI2 waste. An emulsion made by-product
waste-disposal prohibitively expensive. Jim Dunn had experimented with over 150
surface-active agents and Tide detergent plus sulfuric acid was the best of
awful candidates.
It never should have been taken to the south room pilot plant, but it was. I
was in charge, under Bob Agee, one of my all time life-mentors (write literally
-- know and use words the dictionary can understand). Six months later, I had
no where to turn but to Tide. I asked Soupy Laurent what empowered Tide, and he
said "LAS". I tested linear alkylbenzene sulfonate and acidification
with H2SO4, with success. We wrote patent application but Ethyl chose to keep a
I once told people I did not serve the military -- until a war story like this
reminded me that CI2 reduced smoke trails the enemy used to aim at United
States aircraft.
There's more than one way to serve the military, yet only one way to serve IN
the military. I, too appreciate Jim and his special story.,
Sept 13
On 9/10, our driveway-gate operator stopped working (24
hours before the storm). I asked our daughter to try her remote, and when it
did not work either, I turned the on-gate controller off and removed the
battery. I had to kill ants on my hands and wash dirt off the battery. I
disconnected the gate and propped it open.
On 9/12, at Interstate Battery (College Dr. at the railroad crossing), the
tester said I had a good battery. He heard my story and said the ants sought
heat: connections clean-up might resume operation. (I didn't then consider ants
sheltering from the storm.)
With the assembly back together the opener did not work. I wondered if the
blowing rain and my carelessness, with the cover removed, had ruined the
hardwire-brains. I remembered that I had not moved the switch back to
"On" but it still did not work.
Our younger daughter said, "Try the house remote." I took it outside
and watched the disconnected gate-arm stutter when I pressed the remote. I
grabbed the silicone spray and sprayed the slightly emerged arm. It shook more,
and I sprayed as it moved its length. I closed and opened again.
I reconnected the gate. All 3 remotes work. I scattered ant-bait all around the
operator and will repeat that practice every 6 months when I apply spray to the
operator arm.
Thank goodness a kind storm accommodated focus on the gate operator. Otherwise,
I'd be calling for service.
Thousands of arborist-dollars prepare our trees for hurricanes, hoping to say
"We were fortunate". We have 2 or 3 four-foot piles of blown limbs to
clean up tomorrow.
Sept 2
Let's take the "Community Change" idea a step
further. If my incidental aid to lazy people reaches some evil people who kill
everyone will humankind survive? I doubt it.
The amendable intentions of the United States are stated in the preamble to the
US Constitution: in my view, integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity,
and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our
Posterity”. Legislation may and can discover and eliminate injustices -- pursue
statutory justice.
"Ourselves" is the mature civic-faction of We the People of the
United States, including the independents, the dependents, errant citizens
willing to reform, and habitual law breakers who risked constraint for life.
Evil people may and can be eradicated by the civic faction, in order for human being
(verb) to rule to goodness on earth.
Many people don't aid statutory justice, because it requires personal trust and
commitment. It's not too late for the US goodness faction to embrace civic
For example, the ages-old subjugation of women, in its present legislative
debate -- abortion responsibility --can reform civil integrity to protection of
ova, which requires both male and female authenticity to human being (verb).
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople,
Sept 2
A good car at age 16 seems a necessity. When it's yours
(gifted in this case), there's more tendency to care. The consequence is
incidental caution for life during the risky transition from youth's
invincibility to actual reality.,
Sept 11
Their treasure enhances wonderful music at;,
Aug 29
Friends, please discourage this kind of thinking and public
expression: every person may and can express goodness and the majority wants
to. We have simply been misled by competing divinity schools. Aware or not,
divinity's only intention is to expand narrow influence, power, and authority
over people.
I think my life has been dedicated to divinity discussion. About a year ago,
after returning to my Baptist congregation of 45 years, as a friend, my pursuit
of the studies we undertook helped me recognize, for the first time in my life,
that the Nazarene of 2000 years ago, who informs me about civic integrity, was
named Yeshua rather than Jesus. To gospel-writers hearsay-entity "Jesus",
Paul added the title "Christ". Divinity schools used The God, a
mystery, to bemuse listeners like me.
Most divinity schools would apply the construct "religion" to impose
theism and label me an atheist. However, I am humble to The God, my term for
whatever constrains the consequences of human choices. And Yeshua's influence,
built up by reading the Bible and discussing with fellow civic-citizens during
my nearly 8 decades of awareness, gave me happiness about 6 months ago that
convinces me that joy will be evident before I die if not sooner.
Most divinity schools that compete as Christianity attest to the Bible as
divinity's word of God, expressing no humility to whatever constrains human
thought. Genesis 1:26-28 informs that humankind is charged to rule the other
species and the earth. It takes 25 years for each baby to acquire the
comprehension and intention to develop human being (verb) and another 50 to 75
years to acquire the experience to usually choose goodness.
But divinity schools do not share the Genesis 1 message. Instead, they pretend
to know The God and have the power, authority, and responsibility to impose
their God on The God. Divinity uses the Bible beyond Genesis 1 to flummox
The advent of the Internet has made this divinity school ploy evident to most
people, and many of them have decided: No more will divinity school dominate my
civic integrity, and henceforth I will do what's right for my life and my
family. Civic means reliable responsibility to neither cause nor accommodate harm
to or from anyone.
After 1600 years ignoring Genesis 1, Christianity is on notice to reform. This
is the message I deliver at my church every week. I do it softly. I accept The
God without objection and impositions such as "God is love". I do not
know the ineluctable truth.
Also, I think Yeshua affirmed Genesis 1:26-28 many times: for example, Matt
5:48 (be as perfect as goodness), Matt 18:18 (The God will not change the
consequences of your choices), and Matt 19:4-6 (no man can separate what The
God united).
I hope this helps fellow citizens who read my heartfelt opinion. I hope reform
will lead to renaming "Christianity", in order to recognize one of
humankind's most helpful political philosophers: Yeshua of 2000 year-ago
Nazareth (village of 200 people).
The problem I perceive is this. First, at least half the
inhabitants uphold the tradition that America is about Mother, the USA, and
God. The God is a mystery, so believers do not collaborate. Yet each assumes
their God will eventually prevail; the Democrats have gone so far left that The
God will step in and correct the politics. However, Genesis 1:26-28 says
humankind is in charge.
Second, Marxists have discovered that they can promote the idea that traditions
in the USA oppress people. They promote USA as victimizer of individual
minority groups. By collective action, victims can defeat tradition. That's the
joy that was promoted at the recent DNC.
Third, the Democrats embrace the Marxist politics of victim vs victimizer.
Thereby, they (surprisingly to me) prevented the expected red wave in the 2022
elections. I fear a repetition in 2024.
I expressed my concerns with 2 conservative friends with grandchildren, and to
my dismay they said they were not going to vote.
Tonight, I watched Kamala in 2 situations -- a rally in Savannah and a scripted
interview. Her confidence reflects a machine's operation. We've been
experiencing it since the FBI director dropped pursuit of Hillary's use of a
private server, nearly a decade ago.
Christianity may and can consider 3 possibilities: that it is the originator of
wokeism; that after 1600 years, the Internet has unleashed opposition; and that
an option is reform to pursuit of civic human being (verb) regardless of
private spiritualism.
Still more, Sept 2
Wright Without your goodness, I could never have realized the
message actually behind all I have written in this thread.
For over 20 years I have opposed abortion but moreover
oppose questioning a pregnant woman who will terminate her pregnancy. The
decision to remain pregnant is hers.
My opinion applies to all women, whether they are Christian
or not.
I speculate that Kamala could surprise the world by winning
in November, on the strength of Marxist-progressive machine. Consequently, I am
requesting GOP leaders change the 7 decades old abortion-legislative-debate to
a more effective topic to human being (verb): protection of ova.
There's no question that the viable eggs a woman produces
are her responsibility. Included is her responsibility to mate with an
authentic man: one who will take care of her, her ova, and their offspring --
for life unto descendants, including grandchildren and beyond. The civic
faction of We the People of the United States are on the side of 1) ova
protection and 2) education, facilitation, encouragement and reform to wayward
women and men.
The children who are born to never receive appreciation,
much less love, are owed this change in US legislative focus. The present,
costly misdirection originated with The Church, who erroneously claim that life
begins at conception, when in reality it begins when the woman produces a
viable egg. There's no humility in holding The God responsible for the
consequences of irresponsible sexual satisfaction.
Misdirection became legislation when Congress partnered with
The Church in April, 1789, creating Congressional chaplains at the people's
expense. Divinity schools neither know nor represent The God. But the evil
among men began millennia ago.
This proposal is not merely a matter of winning in 2024. It
addresses the subjugation of women that has existed ever since grammar was
invented. Grammar empowered discussion of subjugation, along with debates about
the gods, followed by invention of competitive monotheism. Through ancient
divinity schools, men subjugated women.
The wokeism that motivates Christian women to vote for progressives is possible
because they are struggling against the subjugation of women, while judges,
lawyers, and especially divinity schools are "protecting" the public
from the ineluctable truth. The women are not at fault, because the GOP is not
sharpened by the steel of the ineluctable evidence. The Church is the
originator of wokeism, and the United States may and can pursue civic
One thing I know: my struggle to express my concern is
sharpened by your goodness, Cleve.
, Aug 24
Loraine Kayser Loraine, thank you
for the encouragement. I am a student at age 81 and am happy about that. I hope
some people become interested in happiness in the pursuit of joy. I think
everyone may and can pursue joy by together listening to Yeshua's civic
messages, without objections to The God.,
Sept 2
I agree it’s a good creation.
I think better yet is
Interestingly, while it sounds like "ever" is sung at the end, the
lyric reads "never". Kristofferson's words remind me of the
ineluctable truths Cynthia taught me and still does.
And any Willy cover brings tears of joy to my
Aug 24
Since jihadists think their evil wins them and their
families favor in heaven, a civic people's only option for survival is to annihilate
Aug 24
I continually think appreciation. But when a loved one seems
threatened, my knees buckle.,
Sept 11
Having discovered Yeshua's civic influence (by reading the
Complete Jewish Bible to enrich the NIV version), I like Phillipians 4:7-8,
"Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and
minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua. In conclusion, brothers, focus
your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on
some virtue or on something praiseworthy."
To resist controversy, it's enough to share : develop power to favor "what
is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, [or] some virtue or on
something praiseworthy".
For poetry on the wall, I like NIV:
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy
—think about such things.
Sept 2
Discover a human need and create an affordable way to
provide. Know all the expenditures involved in the provision -- both initial
and continuing costs, add enough to sustain your lifetime rather than to gain
exorbitant profit, publish the price, and know from reaction whether you are an
appreciated entrepreneur. If no one buys, think, plan, and execute again.
Aug 24
Greg, consider Lozner's typical misguidance.
Everyone knows a bullet can kill, but no one discovered the mystery of
"God". We know that "your peace" and "trust" and
"live" are egocentric to the person. Are we to assume that God
humbles to the person's psychology? Does it matter if their stress is brought
about by contradiction and hypocrisy? Does The God grant peace to bad citizens
and evil persons?
Does it matter whether Lozner is a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, or
other theist -- Jehovah, The Trinity, Allah, Brahman, or other divinity? Could
and should she find words that reserve her humility to the mystery? I suggest
"The God" for divinity enthusiasts and "the laws of physics and
progeny" to non-believers. And I think both civic and civil citizens can
improve their lives by acknowledging the entity that constrains the
consequences of each person's choices to act. People need not practice harm
when they can observe the consequences in the literature and in society and
therefore not mimic the harm.
For example, Yeshua suggested that choosing promiscuity terminates personal
opportunity for loyalty-for-life (CJB, Matthew 19:3-8). V 8 applies to family
members as well as to the parents. Child support extends unto adulthood, to
grandchildren, and beyond.
In CJB Matthew 5:48, Yeshua's message is, be as perfect as goodness. To be is
possible only to those who can, so the message is, human-beings can pursue
Sept 13
Mom and Dad were smokers, so I saw first hand what harm it
can do. But Marlboro man caught my fancy, and I weathered Mom's whoppin with a
sweeper cord to smoke anyway. In 1972, Cynthia and I quit cold turkey, because
we agreed smoking was killing us and lessening our parental care. In 2008, my
doctor discovered my lung cancer and instigated its removal. Thank you, Doctor
Gahan and the others. Doctors Fontenot and Miletello continue to guard me.
During 54 years of marriage, Cynthia and I have paid $5, $10, etc., up to $50,
each for live entertainment, often so we could dance to the music. When we were
on the dance floor, we were lost in a world of privacy. We paid $250 so our
daughter could attend a Pavarotti concert. I now realize all Cynthia ever
wanted was security and private care.
Streaming TV and broken contracts are a godsend. They are teaching me that I
could care less about the latest hipped up entertainment and entertainers.
I hope fellow citizens are re-directing their show-ticket funds to personal
Sept 11
The Code of Hammurabi, 4 thousand years old, suggests that good, dependent, and
willing collaborators to goodness may and can choose to annihilate evil, in
order to preserve the opportunity to develop human being (verb). In other
words, independents, dependents, and law-compliant fellow citizens may and can
choose to collaborate to either constrain or eradicate people who are convicted
by the harm they cause, such as destroying families, one way or another.
The laws of physics and progeny, such as psychology and economics, inform that
"eye for eye" renders errant fellow citizens dependent. Economic
feasibility demands amendment. Competitive law codes favor discovery-of and
action-to benefit-from physics. For example, nuclear power may and can produce
energy rather than threaten war.
The 1787 (religion free) United States Constitution is the most improved law
code, so far. To "ourselves and our Posterity", it proffers
republican pursuit of statutory justice -- discovering unjust laws, in order to
amend toward goodness on earth.
Democrats want to print money for votes until the United States is no longer
feasible. I'm voting for Donald Trump, unless he nominates someone better.
#USpreamble, #acivicpeople
Sept 11 I don't think the quote
is difficult when you notice "NEED".
I want to dance with my wife, who suffers PSP (paralyzing).
She and I took Argentine Tango lessons here in Baton Rouge for months, then
friends invited us to visit Uruguay with them. We landed on Sunday in Buenos
Aires and I danced with her at a Malanga that evening. When I thought of music
I wanted Carlos Gardel, especially "Por Una Cabeza". Listening, I
think of her.
I don't need to dance Tango again for the rest of my life. But I NEED to sing
to her every night, in order to keep us in heaven, thanks to our daughters'
care for her.
Experiencing our NEED is rare but can be shared.
Aug 24 Start with small talk. Get as heartfelt as possible
as quickly as they lead. Let the other person determine a quick journey to
shared concerns. If there seems to be threat or sensitivity, change the topic
to a class or study topic, local sports, the weather, or such. Most people
earnestly pursue human being (verb).
However, questions like, "Is Jesus Christ your lord and savior?",
present a brick wall, to avoid, so as to reserve humility to Yeshua, the
political philosopher born to a Jewish couple in 2000 year-ago Nazareth.
Yeshua's message is: humans can be perfect, in the image of goodness.,
Aug 24
The worst idea I've heard: Republican votes won't count,
because DNC cheating can't be stopped. I will not stop voting, no matter what politic
seems to prevail.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Aug 24
My pre-teen children became persons to me after I read
Gibran’s poetry, especially,
At 81, I experience the future I could not then imagine and they bolster my
strength and psychology. For example, Thursday July 22’s speech seemed hopeful,
and when I said so, they responded: “Don’t be fooled by the person who caused
our political misery.”
I presented the younger daughter a birthday check, and it was 25% larger than
the check I gave for the parallel event 4 years ago, in order to compensate for
loss of value of the US dollar. So, I’m impressed, too.,
Aug 24
While in Liverpool, investigate the history of the slave
trade, based on their shipping industry. It'll enrich appreciation for United
States independence from England.
It's not that I favor the French versus English view of liberty and freedom: I
advocate the United States' independence. I want to rename our gift from
France, in NY Harbor, "The Statute of Responsible Independence".
Meanwhile, express gratitude to France and Spain for their part in preventing
English domination of the Mississippi and the rest of the continent, especially
French dominance at the battle of Yorktown VA in 1781.
Also, I want to reform the First Amendment so that it no longer assigns
"freedom of religion" to Congress at the people's expense. Revise the
religion clauses to "Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or [promoting] the free exercise thereof".
Finally, accept that neither The God nor the government can warrant life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (John Locke said "property").
Promote the intentions of the United States Constitution, rather than the
neglected declaration of independence from England.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople,
Aug 22
I agree with you, Douglas. We know from the conservation of
mass: input minus output equals accumulation. But that is only the basic
reality. When you break it down by components necessary to the human body and
mind, the same formula applies. Since 2013, I have prepared for myself and
3 ladies (wife and 2 daughters) a 10" plate with 22-25 morsels of fruit,
nut, and granola that provide balance to the rest of our diets. Everybody seems
healthy, and we are attentive to gut influences on our bodies and minds. For
example, we no longer drink wine.,
Sept 14, sub-comment to Mick Kassem
Mick, thank you for your kind appreciation for my opinion. I
don't claim intelligence and routinely state that I do not know the ineluctable
truth. I think any goodness in my life-choices was guided by Yeshua, that
precocious political philosopher from Nazareth of 2000 years ago. His talents
have been hidden by divinity school competition but can be pursued by civic
But I think it's obvious that joy-and-hope
that a higher power will bring order to life on earth has fostered chaos. The
person who waits for someone else to supply opportunity for personal living
must accept what a bureaucrat chooses -- render unto Caesar what is Caesar's,
and to the competition what is theirs. Persons need humility to The God,
whatever it is.
The Democrats are pawns of alien powers
intent on conquering the United States from within. At this moment, their
Trojan Horse is the subjugation of women -- a struggle that is as old as
evolution to Homo sapiens, perhaps about 7 million years. A new topic, gender
choice, masks but does not negate the abortion debate. Children are the victims
of both of these bureaucrat-religion dependencies.
I want to change the abortion debate to
protection of ova, the eggs the woman's body produces. Accepting responsibility
for her physical and psychological well-being is awesome to each female. Every
authentic male is aware and does every thing he can do to aid each woman and
her contingent, perhaps 400 viable ova during her fertile years.
Hope and comfort that The God, a mystery,
will resolve the subjugation of women has dominated politics for about 4000
years. However, no one knows The God, and nations compete over their God or
Perhaps The God knows, or perhaps constraint
on human choice is imposed by the goodness Homo sapiens may and can achieve. Or
perhaps the laws of physics and its progeny, such as economics and psychology,
constrain humankind to choose goodness.
I think the solution is for each person to
accept The God without objection or imposition and pursue goodness in personal
and collaborative living. Goodness means neither initiating or accommodating
harm to or from any person. A basic goodness is to not harm an ovum, which may
and can be inseminated then gestated by the woman to a viable human life.
I think Donald Trump intends to discover and
resolve the fundamental problems humankind attempts to avoid, change, and
resist. I think any day now he might announce intentions to protect ova in
order to enhance the lives of children.
Trump's inaugural address then performance
under alien and domestic Marxist duress makes me think he understands that each
person may and can constrain chaos in their way of living. And that the 1787
United States Constitution with its amend-ability and its preamble proffers a
culture that pursues statutory justice "to ourselves and our
Posterity". I think the United States pursues statutory justice and can
accelerate civic integrity by articulating the ineluctable evidence.
Thank you, Mick, for motivating this
"essay". I hope most voters will choose to vote for Trump. I have not
written about Vance, but I'd vote for him on what I have seen so far and,
first, on Trump's commitment to him.
Sept 13
Harris represents 7 decades' pursuit of joy, hope, and
Trump, weathering Marxist opposition, accomplished
responsibility, security, and constraint.
Sept 11
I was Baptist worshipping with my Louisiana-French Catholic family and said,
"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ has come again", hoping
someone would ask why I said "has come again". I would have answered,
he comes every time we benefit from his influence.
It's 33 years later, and I pursue Yeshua's civic influence, reading the
Complete Jewish Bible, to me, a better interpretation than New International
Version, which uses the 497 year old "Jesus" and European opinion.
Yeshua was a Jew and spoke Aramaic rather than Greek.
In Sunday school, I share my view of Yeshua's influence as
"Yeshua-Jesus" to be clear and to appreciate other views. I do not
know the ineluctable truth.
Aug 21
A political philosopher who was ancient to Abraham’s
ancestors suggested the political philosophy of Genesis 1:26-28: humankind is
in charge of goodness on earth. Civilizations since then have attempted to
construct God or/and government they hope may choose to usurp humankind’s
responsibility to the good. It cannot be done, because The God is a mystery.
Today is the day each person may and can accept the power, the authority, and
the responsibility to constrain chaos in the way they live. Those who choose
civic integrity may aid humankind in its quest for perfection in the image of
goodness. “Civic” means neither initiating nor accommodating harm to or from
anyone, including self.
The civic citizen aids both 1) reform to fellow citizens who initiate or
accommodate the bad and 2) eradication of evil.
The generations who lived before left it to “ourselves and our Posterity” today
to accept and practice the opportunity to image goodness.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople
Aug 21
Those willing to subjugate ova for sexual satisfaction
invite personal ruin.,
Aug 20
What we saw last night -- the momentum of woman power --
portends of un-civic November 5, 2024 victory not only with Kamala elected
president but also Democrat majority in both house and senate. The problem is
the abortion debate, which touches an ancient practice turned on its head.
I wrote and posted a letter to you offering a solution on
January 30, 2024. I am updating and will re-post that letter, starting with
"I write to propose necessary solution to the “women’s-health” conundrum
that lately prevents GOP victories: Government may and can protect the human
ovum – legislatively encourage civic responsibility to ova by both female and
male -- before conception."
As far as I know, your soldiers have not presented the
letter to you: you did not respond to any of six letters I posted, starting on
November 23, 2023.
I called your office this morning, and when he heard my
concern, Glen hung up on me, despite my pleas. Glen has such power, authority,
and responsibility. Who has accountability?,
Sept 6
Here we observe the power of free speech: People who can't
distinguish essential defense weapons versus killers may and do expose personal
passion versus statutory justice.
Sept 6 It's hope-art. In this case, the interpretation (to
me) is, "Yeshua's influence -- goodness on earth, is pursued here."
Sept 3 Seems to nicely express the origin of life.
Sept 3 That's revolting! The Atlantic blames Israel for Hamas evil. I'm just
glad I disagree with The Atlantic.
Civic people may and can accept that they plus fellow citizens who can't
sustain their living plus errant fellow citizens who intend to make amends plus
habitual offenders who must be constrained for life are in charge of
eradicating evil on earth.
Each person chooses their way of living: Neither The God nor government can
usurp their responsibility to goodness.
Sept 3
The Nazarene political philosopher who encourages civic
reliability can be pursued by discussing Yeshua's civic influence with
contemporary citizens.
Aug 31
Maybe more Marxists would know who said, "All right,
then, I'll go to hell”, and why.
Aug 29
Everyone knows it’s a race to speak folly rather than
reserve humility to The God -- whatever constrains a person's choices.
Aug 19
I'm just glad I don't agree with Kamala. I hope I may vote
for Trump again and will do so if possible. I wrote to him for 5 years to
constrain his speech and support his inaugural address enough to accommodate his
will to fight folly his way.,
Sept 5
So Connor, please consider this resolve: On each new topic, when teacher completes
presentation and teaching aids, I will do the work to be able to teach the
information to another person and will carry memory forward as I consider
actual reality.
For example, at Staub school, in the early 1950s, Ralph Waldo Emerson became
one of my lifetime advisors, then on the still vital essay
"Self-Reliance"; see Last week I studied it
again, this time noting every use of "God" or "divine" and
summarizing my opinion about his thoughts.
My opinion in 2024 is that Emerson under-estimated that human being (verb)
necessitates two commitments: 1) continuous research to discover the
ineluctable truth about physics and its progeny and 2) civic integrity.
"Civic" means reliable responsibility in the pursuit of goodness
among humankind.
It's important to make life fun. It's rewarding to perceive that my mature
opinion improves the lesson my literary friend shared; yet knowing I could be
wrong, since I don't know the ineluctable truth.
Sept 3
I like it.
Cynthia and I had a date for dinner and dancing every Friday
night, often an overnighter in Cajun prairie country, unless we were on a trip
with friends or family. But the best part is now, in our 54th year of marriage.
We're in heaven.
Each night, I coordinate with Rebekah and Holly and, just
before retiring, go to the foot of her hospital bed and announce my presence. I
talk a couple minutes, and those memories come down from the West, the East,
the North, and the South. I recall her wonders no matter where she was or who
was present. I think she hears me and some times our daughters add to my story.
Then, I start singing, usually to closed eyes. On a good night, she starts
struggling to get her left eye open, not fretting over the right. On a rare
night, both eyes pop open. Last night, she could not quite open that eye, but
she relaxed with pleasant countenance as I finished the song. Knowing she heard
sent me to sleep with a good night's rest. It's hell to pay the price, yet
Cynthia, Rebekah, Holly, and me seem to be in heaven, and Stephen might be
Every frustration yields to happiness that empowers
awareness when joy arrives.
Aug 24
My dad, whose dad without life insurance died of cancer at
Dad's age 12, shared Scots-Irish heritage (Grandmother's maiden name was
Farley). The saying serves well when we feel it's over. It is harsher that the
above quote:
Worse things have happened to better persons.
Thank you, Dad and the Scots-Irish tradition.
Aug 16
My life became happy and I am pursuing joy since I discovered Yeshua, that
precocious political philosopher who was born in the Nazareth of 2000 years ago
to a Jewish couple. They'd say, "Yeshua, come in. It's supper time."
Most people like Einstein's political philosophy, or Emerson's, but maybe 1 in
billion appreciates Yeshua's civic influence.
Please ask Greg, as your life partner, to dialogue with you to develop Yeshua's
cryptic process for resolving human conflict: see,as%20you%20would%20a%20pagan%20or%20a%20tax-collector.
Starting my essay, "If he listens to you, you have won back your
brother" needs unpacking. Your accused party listening to you implies they
heard, assimilated, clarified, and responded to your perception. There are many
ways that response may go. I recall frequently, "Oh, that's a total
misunderstanding", followed by an explanation I accepted and found
delightful. A few times, I learned that my perception was erroneous and in fact
I was the offender. Then, I was in a position to make amends. This can go on
for several paragraphs, but I do not want to interfere with your curiosity.
The church, I think erroneously, teaches this passage as
"forgiveness". It is about conflict resolution and can be employed by
I think every good choice I made during my aware years was influenced by
Yeshua's integrity to humankind.,
Aug 15
About 90% of world population has access to the Holy Bible.
About 55% debate its content. About 33% believe the New Testament settles
uncertainties presented in the Old Testament, and 22% develop other scripture.
The complete-Bible’s message -- that we can perfect the good -- could, perhaps
will, establish power to humankind.
Most people controversially accept “God” to represent
whatever constrains the consequences of human choices to act. Contemplation of
consequences sometimes guides future actions, whether the person intends good,
bad, or evil.
The laws of physics and progeny guide choices. However,
there are many undiscovered laws. Consequently, motivation and inspiration are
unsettled. Many people apply personal reasoning to justify intentions when they
don’t expect accountability. If they act and reason betrays them, they may and
can learn from the consequences. A civic person does not repeat mistakes and
shares the lesson with fellow citizens. Through personal collaboration,
humankind improves.
In primitive times, some civilizations, such as Sumer,
perceived that if there is good on earth, human being (verb) will provide it. Accepting
occasional bad and fewer evil intentions among the good, successive kings
developed law codes, culminated by their Babylonian conqueror. The Code of
Hammurabi is carved in stone.
The Sumerian political philosophy – the gods won’t, so only
humankind can rule on earth, is colloquially reported by divinity scholars in
Genesis 1:26-28: humankind has the power, authority, and responsibility to rule
the earth. Already, humankind is exploring space, formerly, “the heavens”.
Primitive divinity schools, without discovery, used reason
to construct gods they hoped could usurp humankind’s responsibility. Attempting
to appropriate humankind’s responsibility, the divinity school sought to
empower its sponsoring government to rule the world. Pursuing power and
authority without responsibility, divinity schools lessen humankind’s hope.
Some researchers estimate 4200 religions in the world and
45000 Christian sects. That’s chaos to humankind’s responsibility. How can
individuals claim the power and authority, in order to constrain divine chaos
enough to aid human responsibility?
It may and can help to constrain the word “God”. Perhaps
adopt “The God” to express humility to that unknown judge of human intentions.
When believers want to express their doctrine, let them cite their God: The
One, The Trinity, Allah, Jehovah, Yeshua, Jesus, Christ, The Almighty, Brahman,
or their choice from some 18,000 objects of worship; preferably, whatever
expresses their inspiration to civic integrity among citizens who pursue human
being (verb).
With this practice, fellow citizens could know to cite The
God when they want to express humility rather than doctrine. “The God” could
help establish humankind’s intentions to the good.
Happily, beginning my ninth decade, I accept, for me, The
God, without objection or imposition. I appreciate Yeshua, that ancient
political philosopher from Nazareth 2000 years ago, for influence to the good
during my life so far. I look to fellow citizens, Yeshua followers or not, to
help me earn civic opinion about Yeshua’s influence and behave accordingly.
Yeshua informs me: I may and can pursue perfect civic
integrity, imaging The God.
Jim Robertson The Yahweh story
must have originated more than 3700 years ago. It seems since then humankind
has increased the chaos. I think it's time for humankind to change for the good
and see if Yahweh will judge favorably.,
Aug 14
I appreciate this rich dialogue and want to share a
happiness I discovered about 3 years ago. Acting on it brought happiness I
perceive will lead to joy. I discovered I am not only open minded but open
After 27 years absence from 45 years' association, I returned to neighbors I
appreciate, declaring friendship without being Baptist or Christian. That day,
I stated 3 messages about human being (verb). We may 1) pursue the ineluctable
truth, 2) gain more from Jesus's civic influence than from his body and blood,
and 3) accept that Genesis 1:26-28 informs: only civic individuals and
humankind can choose to rule on earth. (The God will not usurp human power,
authority, and responsibility.)
Attending Sunday school and church at University Baptist Church has helped me
realize: 1) "ineluctable" means the combination unavoidable,
unchangeable, and irresistible, 2a) "Jesus" is only 500 years old,
and reported physical miracles confuse Yeshua's civic influence, 2b) the title
"Christ" is the consequence of Paul's influence to soul mystery and
bemuses Yeshua's influence to goodness in life, and 3) divinity schools work to
promote themselves rather than to advance Genesis 1:26-28: civic citizens may
choose to constrain chaos in personal living, in order to collaboratively rule
on earth.
Nomads Sunday school does not recommend a Bible-version and starts with NIV.
However, their creative discussions made me curious, and I now rely on the
Complete Jewish Bible (1998). It quotes Yeshua, the political philosopher born
to Yosef and Miryam in the Nazareth of 2000 years ago. I no longer suffer the
quandary: Is this the God speaking?
I think every civic choice I ever made was influenced by Yeshua, and it is no
burden to me if other people's civic integrity is motivated by some other
I am happy I returned to UBC and look forward to joy.
I think the earlier comments in this thread reflect similar pursuit of
happiness that leads to joy.,
Aug 20
Someone in this thread (like me) could look up pertinent
data. For example,
shows that in Louisiana a 2 BR apt costs $1150/mo in 2024 vs $866 in 2020.
That's an increase of 32.8% under Biden 3 years.
Aug 14
I think developing human being (verb) requires acceptance of
3 actual realities: 1) the laws of physics and its progeny constrain human
choice, 2) some unknowns remain, and 3) research may and can pursue goodness.
The Sumerian civilization, 5500 years ago, primitively
understood that on earth, humankind must rule, so developed law codes,
culminating with their conqueror’s “Code of Hammurabi”. Among “eye for eye”
laws it stipulated care for widows and orphans. Codes intend to aid both
individuals and civic citizens.
Religion nourishes imagination rather than actual reality. Constructs
become, for examples, 1) tithes for souls and 2) antinomian pretense. I can’t
risk persuading someone to bargain integrity for benefits in afterdeath.
The 1787 United States constitution accommodates Genesis
1:26-28, a Mesopotamian scholar’s view of primitive political philosophy, and
furthermore, Matthew 18:18, Yeshua’s affirmation: on earth, humankind may
choose to rule to the good.
We, the civic people of the United States may and can adopt
these three guides.
Sept 2
Sherri, here’s my bias on this well spent time.
Rather than eye for eye or turn the other cheek, learn self-interested tit for
tat: collaborate or defect. To aid human being (verb),
1. Be
2. Forgive
defectors with 10% extra
3. Check,
and if the other party defected, retaliate
4. Be
clear rather than opaque
Choose to aid human being (verb) in
pursuing civic integrity.
Thank you.
Followup on Sept 3
At about 16 minutes, the speaker says the statistical game
study seems to show that neither "eye for eye" nor "turn the
other cheek" can compete with "tit for tat'. He says there must be an
ancient, underlying guidance.
The 4 principles from the study are to be Nice, Forgiving, Retaliatory, and
Clear. Retaliatory necessitates monitoring and judgement. Also, random, extra
forgiveness among a thousand iterations increases success.
One of humankind's greatest socio-political philosophers, Yeshua of Nazareth,
replaced what divinity schools call "forgiveness" with a process for
human-conflict resolution. Divinity scribes hid Yeshua's process in Matthew 18,
Complete Jewish Bible (1998). Quoting V 15-17, "[I]f your brother commits
a sin against you, go and show him his fault — but privately, just between the
two of you. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. If he doesn’t
listen, take one or two others with you so that every accusation can be
supported by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to hear
them, tell the congregation; and if he refuses to listen even to the
congregation, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax-collector. " Each
step of this process is challenging.
In the first step, the accused may indict the accuser; better to forgive the
accused without informing them. In the second step, who wants to examine an
accusation enough to decide to approach the accused with the complaint, just to
receive the message, "I already dismissed that claim"? And if one of
the parties is proven at fault, who wants to convict and castigate them? What
if despite best efforts, you are mistaken?
Even when there's no chance for privacy, this is a challenging process.
However, Yeshua's process revises this excellent statistical study to alternate
principles -- perhaps to be: Nice, Conflict resolving, Responsible, Clear.
I think Christianity has hidden Yeshua's civic influence for 2000 years, and
the Information Age is overcoming the confusion brought on by the
wonder-working-Jesus and the mystery-laden-Christ. Yet I object to neither
Jesus nor Christ, when the believer practices civic integrity.
I do not know the ineluctable truth.
Sherri, thank you for sharing the diamonds you discover.
Aug 13
Sherri, please don't be troubled by my opinion: I do not
know the ineluctable truth and habitually say so. Only I can choose the risks I
am willing to take when I vote.
I'm reminded of a Cajun joke. A boy tells about his dad teaching him "how
to swim". He relates being thrown in the swamp and surviving encounters
with raccoons, alligators, and moccasins. The listener remarks, "That's a
tough way for a boy to learn to swim, yeah shea bebe". The boy responds,
"Oh, it's not too bad once you get outa dat sack". If I get to vote
for Trump again, it will seem like a near impossibility.
Read Trump's inaugural address and imagine how the elite leftists of Europe
(both Western and Eastern), England, Asia, former British colonies, etc.,
reacted to it: the horror! Restore United States governance to the civic
faction of We the People? The horror! And that does not even take into account
the Democrat Party!
Consequently, Trump has suffered 2 fabricated impeachments, the January 6 elite-Democrat-staged
entry into the US capital, and the recent fabricated trials.
I'm reminded of another story: Coleman Harkins' as fisherman. He practiced an
informed 4-dimensional search: N-S coordinate, E-W coordinate, depth, and time.
The bullet intended to assassinate Trump, when the Congress and judges could
not, was foiled by the 4-dimensional challenge and his chance turn of his head.
I hope Trump does not take such good fortune as justification for carelessness.
The political knives are still out.
I'm grateful your concern did not keep you from writing to me, Sherri.
Aug 14
I read much of the same "news" and perceive it
I think, for example regarding Jan 6, Trump feared far-right trouble and
offered the National-Guard precaution. However, domestic control would not
accommodate the mayor's wishes and the Speaker of the House's intentions. Nor
would control compliment the Capitol police's orders to be inviting -- open
doors and such. I think the shooting of a woman should be prosecuted.
Because of Democrat control, Trump's hope for civic order was impossible.
Democrats constructed the Jan 6 "hearings". I think Liz Cheney is an
honest traitor. Honesty is insufficient to integrity, like preserving official
I earn my opinion. I work for opinion only because I do not know the
ineluctable truth. And news is prevented by politicians and reporters. Some of
them should be in jail instead of the "insurrectionists" who are in
I fight for your opportunity to vote your opinion and will never yield mine.
Aug 15
Sherri, does that mean I should stop shaving so my beard
will show how long it takes for me to yield to your opinion? Or should I
continue my happy journey to joy? I still think you and I each pursue the good
and have personal opinions. I think we'll soon be positioned to react to Trump
being sentenced by a rogue judge.
Aug 16
Unfortunately, before I discovered Yeshua's civic influence,
church and state kept me bemused. Bemusement dominated until I started
venturing from the Bible as my guide (Mom and Dad and their community of
Baptists expressed that if I mastered Bible interpretation my life would go
well. And they lived their bitter competition, especially whether their God was
boss in the house or not. Granny Farley, the widow Dad took care of for life,
imposed Higher God. They never realized none was humble to The God.)
Since K-12, Emerson's SELF RELIANCE had guided me. After college, Schneer
dominated my subconscious; Then Cynthia,
Louisiana-French-Catholic elementary-school teacher, shook things up, and
rearing 3 children dominated my concerns. Kahil Gibran helped me treat our
children as persons: Now, I perceive our
daughters’ actions and our deceased son’s powers to aid my deficiencies as I
grow older.
When our son, Stephen died in a tragic auto accident, Anton Chekhov made me
realize I should not imagine "what ifs" that could have prevented the
loss, because I could lose my life:
Then Emerson helped me accept that divinity schools constructing Jesus as more
than a man hid his civic influence to the good;
I resigned from my church of nearly 20 years, not realizing I was resigning
from Christianity.
Later, Nicolo Machiavelli instructed me in irony that the church-state
partnership competitively picks the people's pockets with immunity. He predicted
that the pope would eventually prevail;, click on Ch XI. Today,
I discovered how earnestly I disagree with The Church interpretation of
Machiavelli Ch XI;
After a quarter century more self-directed study, I discovered that I am
open-hearted as well as open-minded and returned to University Baptist Church
as a friend. There, primarily through my Sunday school class, I discovered
Yeshua's civic influence and am no longer flummoxed.
I speculate that when Trump spoke of being a celebrity, he described how
beautiful women attempt to influence him rather than witnessed to his
appetites. I accept that at one time he may have fallen for their ploy. Also,
he may have insulted some powerful ladies by rejecting their favors. I could be
wrong on all my speculations. But I'm forced to earn opinion, because I do not
know the ineluctable truth.,
Sept 11
Thank you. I had never heard this great song.
If I ever lose curiosity, I won't have to think anymore.
Sept 2
At age 81, I'm finding 4 aids. First, before, "I put into words",
there's great benefit from considering, "How may & can I apply the
opportunity expressed in Genesis 1:26-28 -- in my paraphrase, be as perfect as
goodness". Second, ask, do I doubt the ineluctable truth I perceive? If
so, resolve the doubt before expressing a view of the ineluctable evidence to
other people. Third, do not presume to address the other person's pursuit of
truth; be humble. Fourth, LISTEN to the other person and consider their opinion.
As a consequence, I am learning faster than ever before.
Aug 31
Once freedom and liberty seem unattainable you may and can
pursue independence.
Aug 24
Religions seem to have one principle in common: Once you
perceive antinomianism, you don't practice the civic integrity you demand of
others. That is, enlightenment justifies dismissing the teacher's society.
Christ's salvation overshadows Yeshua's civic influence. Most readers don't
even know Yeshua.
Aug 23
It's amazing: accepting that I cannot do the 9 things I want
to do empowers me to complete what I am doing.
Aug 13
I don't get around much anymore.
Our daughters adopted a litter of stray cats, delivered here during a
construction project. The only male, a big, green-eyed, orange-coated,
gently-insistent fellow, singly gets-away-with jumping onto Cynthia's
bed-in-the-den. Cautious Cynthia, may open her eyes, I guess to consider
objecting to cat-risks. Then, she often gives Rebekah a silent, reassuring
My voice is so humdrum, Cynthia's satisfied to only listen to my talk and song,
if so, gifting occasional perceptible-grin. I take every opportunity to pursue
her attention enough to justify the eye-opening effort, so almost never go to
social venues, beyond church on Sunday.
We are grateful for every moment.,
Aug 12
Thank you. I'll write to them. Yet, please check
"Yeshua" on Wikipedia, if you have not, and let your curiosity take
you where it will.
I now start with the Complete Jewish Bible (1998), for serene confidence I deem
worthy of my wonderful wife, Cynthia, who no longer speaks due to PSP.
Please see, for example,
August 11, 2024
I'll vote for Trump, if I may, and certainly hope he wins.
So far, I like Vance, too. I did not trust Pence from the start, because his
claim to electability was "born again Christian".
If something unexpected happens, there are great republican candidates in the
wings. I like Vivek Ramaswamy. I hope he serves in the Trump administration.
I advocate Yeshua/Jesus's civic influence. "Civic" expresses reliable
acceptance of the power, the authority, and the responsibility to neither cause
nor accommodate harm to self.
I think voting for Democrats invites personal ruin.
August 17
Joan King Please share your
ineluctable evidence.
I think the Democrat elites, headed by Nancy Pelosi, saw opportunity to create
political advantage and staged the event. With the power of the swamp, they
enjoyed spontaneous crowd response they did not imagine then jailed hundreds of
Comments on Publication
UBC communications
I'd like opportunity to collaborate, friend that I am, on
developing a congregation that is so open minded and open hearted that almost
no one who considered joining would deem the church too "right" for
them. I write this, because I think UBC's church approaches invitation yet
think political philosopher Yeshua influenced humankind to pursue perfect
By stressing competitive divinity, The Church lessens
Yeshua's civic influence.
I imagine a small group with pastoral continuity that
regularly brainstorms on how to pursue human being (verb) in order to increase
reliable responsibility on earth, and occasionally reports to the pastors and
perhaps the deacons.
Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which
can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it
obviously does not work.
Phil is agent
for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit
corporation. See online at, and consider essays
from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag
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