Saturday, August 10, 2024

French folly unimpressive

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Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth. Ineluctable means:  Not to be assailed, avoided, broken, changed, escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, resisted, revoked, or voided. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for example, trying to change it.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible to the good rather than the bad in connections and transactions.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is amended by the civic-people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain, oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.

Selected theme from this month

French folly, or no European can comprehend American citizenship 

The artistic opening of the Olympic games in Paris excited my opposition to liberty and freedom as distractions from responsibility and independence: I decry France’s bloody civil war a decade after America’s war for independence from England.

It’s no burden to me if a civic citizen is motivated by religion or none. “Civic” expresses reliable acceptance of the power, authority, and responsibility to neither cause nor accommodate harm to self.

Civic citizenship is what distinguishes the responsible faction of We the People of the United States. The commitment to develop a civic culture is expressed in the intentions sentence of the preamble to the United States Constitution. The six, religion-free goals are intended for “ourselves and our Posterity” and state no standards, in order to pursue statutory justice.

I continually urge fellow citizens to rename our gift in New York Harbor, The Statue of Responsible Independence instead of the Statue of Liberty. More importantly, I urge amendment of the First Amendment’s religion clauses to “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or [promoting] the free exercise thereof.”


News, June 4, 224

Harrison Butner’s ardent personal opinion juxtaposed against Biden’s defense of US administration illustrates the necessity of separation of church and state and indicates relief through physics, including psychology.

Statutory justice to women and their ova comes not from church but from physics:  The woman’s healthy body produces viable ova, so only she can account for their shared welfare, including her choice of reliably responsible conception with an authentic man. Neither a religion nor a government can usurp her responsibility to her body, ova, and spouse.

Legislators, judges, and administrators may and can reform civil attention to civic conception more than to legal abortion. The human incentive is to lessen the frequency of children being born to no joy in life -- never receiving personal appreciation.

In civic conception, a woman, who accepted from physics the responsibility to protect her ova, partners for life with an authentic man. Their union cares for their children unto the fullness of descendants, first grandchildren.

“Authentic” describes a man who comprehends, intends, and commits-to family monogamy for life. He deserves a marriage license and a state that recognizes spousal authenticity.

The civic impact of marriage authenticity would be an achievable better future to humankind.

I encourage Louisiana to lead this reform and thank Butner for his integrity.

Columns and Opinion

“[Grown ups] work hard; they marry; they have children and raise them to be moral, hard-working human beings; they generally practice a religious faith; and they confront difficulties without boo-hooing or blaming others” seems an exclusive society.

Religion uses mystery to divide humankind. Grown ups can change that. I think it is sufficient to work smart, support child development, and aid civic civilization through human being (verb).

Civic citizens accept the power, the authority, and the responsibility to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to themselves.

God Shouldn’t Be Erased From Public Life | The Epoch Times

The God cannot be erased. But a motto obsoletes when it seems to fail the ineluctable truth.

“God” expresses 2 entities which one-and-all may and do conflict: 1) the unknown power that constrains human choice and 2) goodness; possibly the God and the good.

The civic faction of We the people of the United States pursues the good under the God. “Civic” expresses collaborative humility to the good – one-and-all commitment to neither intend nor accommodate badness, regardless of the unknowns.

Perhaps the United States’ tradition to humbly mirror the good can be restored under “We Pursue the God”.

PRB to “howbri”

Bible writers develop at least 3 entities: Yeshua — the civic influencer to moral goodness to self; Jesus — perceived wonder-worker on par with ancient hearsay; and Christ — Paul’s salvation to chosen soul-mysteries.
A civic person comprehends these 3 entities and chooses personal influence or none. I choose Yeshua’s civic influence and develop modern application by 1) talking with fellow citizens and 2) listening for possible improvements to my opinion.
I do not know so cannot teach the ineluctable truth.

PRB to riviera_chas

It seems something constrains the consequences of human choice to act. I think it’s the power behind the laws of physics and its ever changing progeny but don’t know the ineluctable truth. “Ineluctable” expresses the combination: unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible.
The necessity of humility to the ineluctable truth is neither new nor yields to any human construct, including “God”. The God, the Trinity, Allah, the Olympians, the Sumerians, Brahman, Asian images, philosophical ideals, and money may and can be humble to the ineluctable truth.

PRB to John T Bakalian

Declaration of independence from England and its impositions, such as slavery to this land, started more than a quarter millennium ago. Christianity’s affirmation of slavery is 1.6 millennia old. Slavery itself is at least 10 millennia old. The faction of We the People of the United States you call “DEMS” includes civic citizens are straining against the hypocrisy yet don’t know how to articulate improvement. I’m ready to promote the ineluctable truth -- meaning the combination unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible – and proclaim “Truth Bless the USA” or “The USA Pursues the Ineluctable Truth”. Suggest something.

PRB to JLMorris7

Yeshua (see wiki article) spoke Aramaic in Nazareth and may have learned Greek and more as he traveled. He appealed to Jews to behave-to and aid the good, in self-interest. Political and religious philosophers perceived Yeshua could be the descendent of David who was anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. A faction speculated on proofs, including wonder-works and signs on par with ancient hearsay. “Bold” Paul beheld Yeshua’s execution and declared himself the messenger to the Gentiles. Paul changed the topic from Yeshua’s the good in self-interest to Paul’s election of souls for salvation.
When it comes to civic influence to the good, give me Yeshua’s influence rather than either wonder-works or soul-mystery. I cannot fathom Christianity overlooking the 2024 opportunity to advocate the adequately developed Yeshua.

PRB to Steven Duncan.

Elite loyalists who had not the courage to return to England after 1781 influenced imposition to mimic the 1689 English Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, 1) the framers and signers of the 1787 Constitution left-to and 2) the 1788 ratifying states assigned-to Congress the responsibility for amendment.
That political rascal James Madison revealed allegiance and authored the religion clauses of what became the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law . . prohibiting the free exercise [of religion]” unconstitutionally imposes religion on the civic faction of We the People of the United States. Madison’s injustice may and can be reformed by replacing “prohibiting” with “promoting”. The contributions to statutory justice could and would be far reaching.

PRB to ssouthwick

Before divinity schools, humankind had to invent grammar, and that may have happened in Mesopotamia 10,000 years ago. In Sumer, starting 5500 years ago, successive kings developed civil codes that expressed: In our city, humankind is in charge, even tough we hope our patron god will protect us from attack from another city.

A Semitic-speaking group expressed this principle as humankind may rule on earth, and the principle is expressed as the will of plural/singular creator in Genesis 1:26-28. Beyond Genesis 2:3, the Old Testament presents the Lord Jehovah of Israel. As a child, when I noticed brutality I heard, “Yeah, but that’s Old Testament thinking. In the New Testament, perhaps Paul influences writers to suggest a singular triune: Father Son, and Holy Spirit, or 3 in 1 is 1. It seems erroneous to let Judeo-Christianity hide what the Sumerians thought about responsibility to the earth.
It is no burden to me which divinity school a civic citizen prefers. “Civic” refers not to civility but to acceptance of the power, authority, and responsibility to constrain chaos in personal living. The civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to self.

The Internet empowers people to read beyond competitive divinity scholarship.

@ssouthwick The civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to self.

PRB to AC Delco

Mesopotamia may have originated competitive monotheism, but divinity schools are older. First century Judaism had Pharisees [some Zealots], Sadducees, Essenes, a few Yeshua Messianic Jews, and the Sanhedrin and there are about as many sects today. Islam has branches: Sunni, Shi’a, Ibadi, Ahmadiyya, and Sufism. There are 45 thousand Christian sects. Humankind is comprised of people who are civic, or civil, or bad, or evil, or unaware. Divinity schools effect division of humankind.


PRB to Thomas Howard

Please see my comment to Steven Duncan, above. The religion-free preamble to the United States Constitution is weakened by the First Amendment’s unconstitutional authority to Congress to define religion at the people’s expense.
Thereby, the Biden administration, funded by foreign money, has diminished the impact of the American Revolutionary War, won at Yorktown, VA. 29 thousand French military, Spanish money, and 11 thousand colonial soldiers defeated 8 thousand Brits with 2 thousand Hessian mercenaries. The treaty with Great Britain was negotiated in Paris and ratified by 13 independent states in 1784. The need for domestic Unity became clear and in September, 1787, 39 of 55 framers signed the draft constitution. It was “religion-free”, which I consider more expressive than “secular”.
The humankind referred to in Genesis 1:26-28 is religion-free and neither atheist nor secular. The few who accept Genesis 1:26-28 are rulers of the earth and all that is in it, to self. They yield to neither divinity schools nor to imposed labels. They accept power, authority, and responsibility to constrain chaos in their way of living.

PRB to johnarno

Imagine life when most citizens accept the power, authority, and responsibility willed to male and female humankind in Genesis 1:26-28: choose to rule the earth in the creator’s image.

PRB to Alford Drinkwater

I thought Christians advocate the Trinity: 3 in one and one in 3. One problem for me is Christian inconsistency in competitive divinity.

@Alford Drinkwater Thank you for the prompt for clarification.

Many Sundays in my Baptist church, I hear a motivating example of Yeshua's civic influence, e.g., Matthew 18:15-17, about conflict resolution, then the preacher segues to Jesus's wonder-works, then shifts to Pauline salvation of elect souls through Christ, then invokes obedience to the Trinity, and wraps up with encouragement to love.

"Christ" is Pauline competition with Judaism's Messiah, expected to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. A few Jews, Messianic Jews, think Yeshua was the anointed descendent of David and will come again to serve Israel. Some call themselves Christian Jews.

As a consequence of such diverse praise and worship, there are 45,000 Christian sects in this world.

PRB to Randy Chambers

At age 78, on the umpteenth reading, I viewed Genesis 1:26-28 as the creator’s will that I accept the power, the authority, and the responsibility to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to myself, I could not pray as I deemed it an attempt to avoid the ineluctable truth.
Appreciation is expressed in what I do and say.
Yeshua’s civic influence in our time guides me as I pursue goodness among fellow citizens. At age 81, I perceive happiness approaching joy. If other people reach my “reform” through Jesus, the wonder-worker or through Christ the savior of elect soul-mysteries, or through the laws of physics, or through humankind’s quest for the good, it is no burden to me.

PRB to Jas Gill

Please see my comment to Randy Chambers, above.

PRB to glob077

Please see my comment to Steven Duncan, above.

PRB to Doubting T

I think a Supreme Court Justice holds public prayer to be ceremonial and to be addressed by the public as they wish: join, accommodate, or temporarily depart the scene. I disagree.
Please see my comment to Steven Duncan and another to Randy Chambers, above.

PRB to Ray Montgomery

“Our founders” can mean the 1774 Congress, who produced the 1776 declaration of war against England or the Congress that authorized the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. I consider the United States Constitution the product of its framers (55), signers (39), and the 13 states of which the required 9 ratified the draft for amendment by June 21, 1788. The remaining 4 states could continue independence. The draft was religion free, as the United States republic should be.

The first Congress was authorized to amend the constitution, and 11 of 13 states were represented on March 4, 1789. There were 14 states when Congress assigned itself religious authority at the people’s expense in the First Amendment. The civic faction of We the People of the United States may and can reverse the tyranny of religion to Congress.

Also, please see my comment to Steve Duncan.

PRB to Jody Witmer

Since Sumer polytheistic civilization, 5500 years ago, a faction of humankind has thought that the gods, especially the creator god, willed rule on earth to humankind, the most aware and capable species. We Homo sapiens are especially capable, because our relatively small brains have adapted to fast synapses and capacious neurons. We have no idea what we, one-and-all, may accomplish.

By 4000 years ago, Semitic-speaking Mesopotamians objected to human sacrifice and left their homeland to form a new way of living. Their scholars expressed the Sumerian political philosophy in Genesis 1:26-28: the creator willed that male and female humankind rule on earth. A faction of the Semitic scholars wrote another version of creation, leaving female out until the Lord Jehovah perceived the man needed a helper. Competitive monotheism was underway.

The precocious Yeshua, born to Yosef and Miryam in 2000 year-ago Nazareth was religiously and politically philosophical and urged people to behave to the good in self-interest. A few Jews thought Yeshua the Davidic-descendent anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. The consequential entity became Jesus in the middle ages. Paul appointed himself apostle to the Gentiles and changed “divinity” from Yeshua’s civic influence to Christ’s salvation of elect soul mysteries.

The Judeo-Christian contest to avoid Yeshua’s civic influence rages on. The civic faction of We the People of the United States may and can effect pursuit of the ineluctable truth. “Ineluctable” is the combination unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible.

PRB to wonder62

To my knowledge, I’m the only person alive who 1) thinks Genesis 1:26-28 expresses the creator’s will that male and female humankind rule on earth in the image of the creator, presented as plural and singular and 2) asserts that the creator represents the ineluctable truth, whatever it is. “Ineluctable” is the combination unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible.

On those principles, one-and-most-all neither initiate nor accommodate harm to self. I'd like to know someone who would improve my opinion.

PRB to cdscm

People have expressed it forever. I’ll try again.
Everyone who thinks theirs is the God might yield to the God’s opinion if they could approach that entity.

PRB to Bunkerbound54

I agree with you.
Also, the 501c3 is taxation without representation. More than any enterprise beyond judges and lawyers, divinity schools and their trainees divide humankind. And philanthropy, with its tax benefits, is corrupt.

PRB to C. Stephenson

The civic faction of humankind has the power, authority, and responsibility to constrain blind faith by promoting, facilitating, and encouraging trust-in and commitment-to the ineluctable truth respecting the good, the bad, and the evil. “Ineluctable” means the combination unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible. Prior generations have left to “ourselves and our Posterity” the privilege of establishing a civic culture. The civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to self.

PRB to smokeyscott

To me, your post seems careless about United States citizenship.

Consider the Mayflower compact, 1620, which I quote, “Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia . . . we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod.” These were English subjects, and no United States citizen is a subject.

In 1774, delegates to the 1st Continental Congress met to officially notify England that American colonists would not tolerate American taxation for British benefits and other abuses. In 1776, the Congress declared war to improve colonists to statesmen. Independence was won in 1781 and in 1783 the Treaty of Paris recorded England’s recognition of 13 independent states, naming them.

By 1787, it was obvious that independent states did not serve the people, and Congress authorized a convention. The consequence is a constitutional republic authorized by the people in their states. The 1787 Constitution is religion-free. The first Congress unconstitutionally authorized itself to promote religion at the people’s expense. Consequently, in the USA, only Congress has freedom of religion.

The civic faction may and can change that.

PRB to gopalan_ak

California seems different, yet many there think like you.
I have grappled with our looming heartfelt chaos during the last 5 of 8 decades. I resigned from Christianity soon after Dad died, accepting, that my morality is solely on me. I had to leave church in order to discover my person.
At age 78, I thought my person is open-hearted and open-minded. Studies produced 3 shareable ideas. First, society, diabolically, does not teach “ineluctable”, which means together unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible. We may discover the ineluctable truth. Second, we can benefit more from Jesus’ civic influence than from his body and blood. Third, Genesis 1:26-28 (NIV and CJB for the word “rule”) informs that humankind is solely in charge on earth. I returned to my church (body of believers) after 27 years absence, in order to share my 3 discoveries.

Almost 3 years later, I think that every good decision was guided by Yeshua’s civic influence. Please read the wiki article on Yeshua. He is not the entity reported as either 1) Jesus the wonder-worker for living or 2) Christ, for favorable afterdeath to souls elected by The Trinity. The latter 2 are consequences of competitive divinity schools evolved from at least 10,000 years of academia empowered by grammar.

Yeshua’s civic influence starts with personal dialogues with contemporaries 2000 years ago and is developed by listening to fellow human-beings on earth, in order to improve personal opinion. No person knows the ineluctable truth.

PRB to

Many writers overlook the tradition of economic viability, a progeny of physics, as motivation and inspiration, or spiritualism.
Since the Sumer civilization, humankind has known that the civic people may and can collaborate to both reform the bad actors and negate the villains, in order to maintain humankind’s opportunity to live on earth. In other words, civic citizens may and can rule on earth.
The civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from self. However, divinity schools and politicians attempt to dissuade people from civic integrity to belief that a higher power can and will usurp personal responsibility. That is, either divinity or the government will effect civic integrity to the individual.
The events of 2024, especially baby killing, inform humankind that traditions like economic viability, which emerged long before modernity, may and can be re-evaluated. Youth may be reared to pursue human being (verb) with reliable responsibility, in order to develop civic adults who do all they can to help children have the opportunity to live on earth.
I advocate 1) accepting whatever constrains the consequences of human choice rather than calling that entity “God” and 2) collaborating to comprehend and practice the political good that is influenced by Yeshua rather than pursuing Jesus the reported miracle worker and Christ the reported savior of chosen souls. Let the divinity schools debate other entities, yet pursue and practice Yeshua’s civic influence.

Reflecting on Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “The strength of a nation lies in the homes of its people.”

I agree with Lincoln and think home is where a couple and their offspring interact to grow each person's unique path to human being (verb). In our experience, home seemed viable in a house. As family size and income grew, we used equity to purchase a larger house. Our family lived in, then sold 3 houses before the one we built.

We designed this house to accommodate 6 people, including family-beloved grandmother to my wife, "Ma". Now, we could sell the house and move to a smaller one. However, with so much lore it seems like home to us 4.

I never wanted to maintain a second house, like a weekend camp. What I can't fathom is both 1) how 2 or more houses could seem like home and 2) why humble. civic people, a faction of We the People of the United States, allow their governments to manipulate capitalism to favor largesse. Adults must learn to vote in their self-interest to the good. A civic majority may and can constrain government.

Good grief! Half the people in D.C. make more than D.C.'s median income of $162 K. The median is 3 times more than in AR, MS, and WV. Also, 2-1/2 times more than in AL, IN, KY, LA, MI, NC, MO, NM, OH, OK, SC, and TN. Not one of the 50 United States has median income approaching D.C.'s. MA only reaches 80%. The growth of D.C. is unsustainable, let alone desirable. See

The idea that any of the government, the God (whatever it is), or a third political party can be trusted without your vote is untenable! To not favor the candidate most likely to aid survival "to ourselves and our Posterity" invites ruin. 

Taxation for D.C.'s income threatens my home.

Rights yield to responsibilities.

“The Blessings of Liberty” quotes the United States Constitution (signed on September 17, 1787). It’s preamble expresses intentions “to ourselves and our Posterity”, which I paraphrase as nouns: integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility. The religion-free, 1787 U.S. Constitution invites the civic faction of We the People of the United States to avoid imposing past generations’ virtues, unburdening pursuit of statutory justice as time marches.

The Sumerian civilization, 5500 years ago, accepted that neither God nor government can guarantee a people the ancient view of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”. Therefore, Sumerian political philosophy held humankind to rule on earth.

Since then, divinity schools competitively attempt to construct a God they think could usurp the human duty to responsibly rule. Divinity schools neglect humility toward the God – whatever constrains the consequences of human conflict.

British loyalists dominated the First Congress’s debates -- to mimic the English bill of rights (1689), obfuscating civic responsibilities. We and our posterity can amend the religion clauses to “make no law . . .  promoting” rather than “prohibiting”. This would be a first step toward disempowering divinity’s false claim that unbelieving civic citizens are atheists. Justifiable unbelief to divinity is the crux of 2024-peaking human dilemma. It is not too late to reform.


It’s a matter of accepting physics and its progeny, such as economics and psychology. If humankind accepted today the pursuit of civic integrity to the individual, the group, the nation, and the earth, Bentham’s hope might be achieved.

Civic integrity trusts-in and commits-to neither initiating nor accommodating harm to or from anyone (Agathon, in Plato’s “Symposium”).

Humankind divides itself into five types: person, mineral, vegetable, animal, and spirit. Only the person chooses and practices the good, whereas the others may tolerate the bad or impose evil.

Consequently, the civic faction must sponsor the pursuit of statutory justice under the rule of law. Only the magistrate and not the priest can pursue statutory justice.

In 2023, the civic faction of humankind is small. The civic individual may and can sponsor reliable responsibility to the magistrate’s legislation and execution of statutory justice. Thereby, dissidents and rebels reform or remain constrained and evils are eliminated, so that civic integrity can thrive.

Experiencing and observing that civic integrity is in the individual’s self-interest, the good prevails: dissidents and rebels tend to choose reform and evils try to hide. Sponsoring physics and the rule of statutory justice, the civic multitude may deliver what politics and religion cannot.

In civic integrity, the multitude could observe the good., June 4, 2024

Harrison Butker empowered every citizen to observe that neither DEI, nor the NFL, nor celebrity Kansas City Chiefs, nor Biden appreciate civic citizens who are Catholic. Religion gives people hope against the unknown; if not, they change religions. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from any person or institution. Harm is ineluctably evidenced by physics and its progeny, such as economics and psychology, yet often obfuscated by politics and religion. For example, the person who claims to be a God can be exposed by drawing some blood (Kipling, The Man Who Would be King).


The civic faction of We the People of the United States may and can reform to civic integrity rather than maintain the arbitrary separation that Judeo-Christianity has wrought on the mystery of the God and the controversial Messiah. No one knows the mystery nor can deny personal humility when pressed to define the God. For example, why would a God of love accommodate wanton murder of babies and rape of their mothers as modern terrorists do?


It is time to choose physics and its progeny for civic governance, leaving religion to comfort believers. Physics empowered Butker's commencement speech and divides Biden's Catholicism., Jon Boone

I appreciate articulation that empowers me to influence fellow citizens to the responsible good, like the Tucker quote, Nuclear has 2 million times the energy density of gasoline”. I will share it.

I pursue human being (verb) and encourage use of the word “ineluctable”. Jon Boone wrote,

Terrestrial Energy is a marvelously told tale presenting the ineluctable case for . . . nuclear as the primary supplier . . . replacing coal . . . substantially reducing . . . greenhouse gasses and other pollutants.

I hope readers who don’t use “ineluctable” consult Merriam-Webster, the United States’ usage, and learn it means the combination: unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible. Some Europeans and others think the truth can be changed, for example, by substituting the object of discussion.
he Declaration of Independence purposefully stuck with the Enlightenment’s “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”, a lame surrogate for “the laws of physics”. Human-liberty is a chimera to responsible-independence. I think of the gifted statue in NY Harbor as The Statue of Independence and hope the civic faction We the People of the United States effect the name change in my lifetime.


Yesterday, frustrated with Baptist communications, I wrote for the first time "Jesus né Yeshua". I searched online and found no reference to it. Please consider using it to strengthen your impact.


As personal chronology demands the human-being to develop self, necessity and justice make it plain that he/she may take charge of constraining chaos in their way of living. In other words, responsible human independence is in the individual’s self-interest.

We have evidence that this principle was expressed in a Mesopotamian culture, perhaps in the polytheistic Sumer, some 5,500 years ago. However, 2,500 years later, Semitist scholars reported the suggestion as the conditional, avoidable will of “the Creator” or “God”: “We” created “male& female” in “his” image. That’s in Genesis 1. Yet, in Genesis 2, Hebrew scholars expressed “the Lord God” as taking woman from man’s rib, refuting the Genesis 1 “we” create male and female in “his image”. Further Hebrew scholars have Eve betray Adam, initiating a woman-lessening trend in Bible stories thereafter. Thus, divinity scholars attempt to establish Genesis 2’s “the Lord God” superior to the God— whatever constrains the consequences of human choice. Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 inform us of competitive divinity schools. We, humankind, do not have to accommodate divine competition.

The rest of the Bible is a journal of the expanding competition for a divinity that could usurp the female and male human being (verb) to the living species and to the world. Consequently, many personal choices foster banal appetites that lead to ruin rather than to security on Earth. So far, civic citizens have not accepted the power, authority, and responsibility to rule church and state, in order to reform badness to goodness and negate if not annihilate evil.

Every person has the opportunity to accept the obvious: constraining chaos in your-chosen way-of-living is in your personal best-interest, and society is the incidental beneficiary of the individual’s civic-integrity. “Civic” means reliability to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to self. And we, the 2024 “ourselves and our Posterity” are without excuse for accommodating Judeo-Christian chaos in the pride of the First Amendment’s freedom of religion to Congress rather than practicing, facilitating, and encouraging domestic civic-integrity.

The U.S. and the world suffer divergent chaos as a consequence of 5,500 years’ competitive quest to find a personal-God that will overturn the God to favor “my tribe”.

Of course, I don’t claim to know the ineluctable truth, so only write my opinion. I’m just glad to know “ineluctable”, which means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, Merriam-webster. com. And that we may and can amend the First Amendment for civic-integrity — to a religion-free Congress.

Lastly, as the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris come to a close, I urge the civic faction of We the People of the United States to change the name of the hallowed statue in NY Harbor to “Statute of Responsible Independence” rather than “Statue of Liberty”. It is, after all a symbol of United States principles rather than to France’s liberalism.

Updated on July 31, 2024 from 2021, Hlengiwe Shezi MaHlengi

Merriam-Webster online informs us “morality” expresses “conformity to ideals of right human conduct”. “Ideal” expresses “a standard of perfection, beauty, or excellence”. Thus, bad human conduct is immoral, and evil is to be eliminated.

Morality addresses civic behavior by persons who pursue human being (verb). For example, Frederick Douglass said, “There is not a man beneath the canopy of heaven, that does not know that slavery is wrong for him”.

Laws, rules, and doctrine that foster injustice are immoral, even though they may be civil. In a civic culture, citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from any person. Thus, “civic” addresses human justice whereas “civil” addresses convention, doctrine, or law.

Accepting both Genesis 1:26-28 (political philosophy that is primitive to the ancients) and the 1787 US Constitution, the civic faction of We the People of the United States intends to encourage a moral culture on earth. Therein, civic citizens in successive generations (“ourselves and our Posterity”) aid both constraint for reform to bad actors and elimination of evil. It’s a matter of responsibility to the good.

Each person may and can choose to aid human being (verb).

#USpreambler, Anon

Adopting humility toward mystery of the God may and can unlock human responsibility, power, and authority.

I think humankind should end the struggle for atheism by accepting that the entity called God is a mystery. The entity humankind labelled “God” is ineluctably unknown.* The God might be whatever constrains the consequences of human choices to act; or the ultimate good humankind would attain; or the laws of physics and its progeny, including whatever triggered the big bang 13.8 billion years ago; or an entity no one has imagined so far. With the mystery, it seems unwise either to have no faith in the God, whatever it is, or to speculate that one knows the God. [*Ineluctable is the triune adjective, unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible.] Atheists may accept theists as human beings and collaborate for the good.

My parents and community reared me to attest to The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I was to develop precise, accurate, and deep interpretation of the Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV). Ancestors on Mom’s side were certain I would become a preacher. Then my adolescent read KJV’s last words, Revelations 22:18-21:

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

I thought, “Anyone who feels so weak as to threaten me cannot influence me.” Now, I’m 81 and I realize Homo sapiens started codifying grammar 6 millennia ago, and after 2 millennia, so far, the “come quickly” has no obvious evidence. (That does not apply to Yeshua’s civic influence; see below.)

For me, every pretense has been debunked, and I advocate the 5500 year old Sumerian political philosophy, Semitic-ally expressed in the 4000 year old Genesis 1:26-28:  If order that is necessary for joy will be approached on earth, humankind will pursue it.

Yeshua, the political philosopher parented by Jews, Yoseph and Miryam, in their Nazarene village of 2000 years ago, advised everyone he talked to, to act with reliable responsibility.

Theists obfuscated Yeshua’s person, constructing Jesus, the eternal forgiver. Paul’s church converted Jesus to Christ, the savior of elected souls.

Yeshua affirms Genesis 1:26-28 (see Matthew 5:49, 18:18, and 19:4-5) and shares cryptic thoughts which we can adapt to our generation. Theists advocate the God-like Jesus as urging us to forgive 70 times 7, whereas Yeshua prescribes a process for resolving human conflict (Matthew 18:15-17). Paul claims that anyone who believes his church is antinomian and Christian. I am glad to know I am not elect: I may, can, and do choose reliable responsibility in connections and transactions on earth.

By accepting the epithet “atheist”, many reliable citizens alienate the chance to overcome the God distraction from political philosopher Yeshua’s civic influence.

I know of one republic on earth that proffers governance that accommodates Genesis 1:26-28 as affirmed by Yeshua. The religion-free United States Constitution intends the civic faction of “We the People of the United States” to pursue statutory justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

The civic faction of We the People of the United States has and may advance the humility to accommodate opinion about mystery.


Answering Tims deleted question: "Is it possible that I won't receive absolution?"

Of course, I don’t have a clue. However, my opinion is that you are suffering arrogant or bad if not evil modern influencers. Here’s why I risk sharing my opinion.

The laws of physics and its progeny – mathematics, biology, psychology, and everything else, make it plain that if a human-being does not behave, so as to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone, including self, consequences will be unwanted. Behaving against the good is indefensible.

Not only physics, but the Bible, the mysterious word of the God (whatever it is), informs, in its first chapter, that pursuing the good to the earth can only be accomplished through human being (verb). Genesis 2 and beyond suggests typical outcomes when Homo sapiens do not accept their responsibility, power, and authority to pursue the good.

Furthermore, Yeshua, humankind’s precocious political philosopher (who was born to Jews Yosef and Miryam in the small village where Nazareth now sits), affirms the physics-observation in Genesis 1:26-28; for examples, in Matthew 5:48, Matthew 18:18, Matthew 19:5-6, and elsewhere.

Yeshua’s process for absolution is briefed in Matthew 18:15-17. Consider the first step. There’s silence in a conflict between you and another. You take responsibility and tell the other in private. They choose to respond and inform that you were in error. Maybe your accusation was false or maybe you harmed them and did not realize it, until you addressed the topic. In the former, apology could, should absolve your error. In the latter, you may need to repair the harm before begging forgiveness. If granted, there’s absolution.

This is only a sample of how complicated Yeshua’s civic influence may and can be and how essential the fellow citizen may be. Note that many people desire Jesus’s miracles in life or Christ’s salvation in the afterdeath, and neglect Yeshua’s civic influence.

You, Tim, have touched the problem humankind faces:  Religions don’t, at least Christianity doesn’t, teach youth the principles Yeshua shared. Consequently, adults don’t know how to behave. Instead of acting with reliable responsibility to themselves and Posterity (their children plus legal newcomers), they pursue popular satisfactions – sex, alcohol, and entertainment, and hope for forgiveness, praying to believe their mysterious soul will be absolved by higher responsibility, power, and authority.

I write to reform rather than to destroy religion. I think teaching these principles to youth is the parent’s duty and religion survives on adult contributions. Only adults can manage their church, in order to teach their children to pursue human being (verb) rather than tolerate a life as mineral, vegetable, animal, spirit, or villain. Reform can begin the moment adults decide they want it and demand their church act. That is, they can pursue Yeshua’s civic influence from the moment they intend to.

Isolation, hoping to guarantee security to self and children does not work, because the bad and evil dominate humankind. Government does not control the bad and evil, because many officials are corrupt. Left alone, the church is corrupt. However, adults fund the church and therefore may and can instigate reform. Corrupt clergy resist reform but do not have the force of police and military and therefore can be contributions-managed, as long as the people reserve force to the government.

I know of only one constitutional republic that framed governance under reliably responsible civic people. The religion-free United States Constitution proffers pursuit of integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. The goal is statutory justice: the rule of just law rather than of precedent. The intention favors pursuit of human being (verb).

Tim, I appreciate your intentions, whatever they are, and your question. I hope this helps on this weekend before Independence Day in the United States.

#USpreambler, Sa Laz

An areligious experience and observation may be surmised on reading Genesis 1:26-28:  On earth, only humankind has the power and authority to pursue order.

Evolution of bipeds had to progress to Homo sapiens, maybe 200,000 years ago, before humankind could imagine pursuing order. Homo sapiens had to develop symbols, language, and grammar before individuals could develop conceptions.

Researchers discovered that kings in Sumer civilization, only 5500 years ago, sequentially developed law codes legislated in order for civic citizens to collaborate to constrain the bad and annihilate evil.

Civic integrity is apparent when connections and transitions neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone, including selves. Invariably, harm emerges in the physical, so the laws of physics and its progeny are sufficient to resolve conflict. The laws of physics constrain everything, including psychology and fiction. Consequences of harmful behavior are sufficient to convince the civic person to neither repeat errors nor ignore offenses by fellow citizens.

The civic citizen’s obligation to address conflicts, in order to identify the offending party is clear. Unintentional offenses must be addressed, in order for the offending party to confront their offense, make amends, and reform to civic integrity. Civic citizens sponsor statutory justice that eliminates evil, in order to make it possible for humankind to pursue order to the earth.

The failure of individuals to accept the political philosophy that is expressed in Genesis 1:26-28 is responsible for the chaos humankind suffers in the year 2024. Many people choose the bad or evil with immunity. Civic citizens may and can accept the power and authority to constrain the bad and eliminate the evil. Neither the God nor a government can usurp humankind’s duty to the earth.

By improving and acting on these principles, “ourselves and our Posterity” may and can initiate civic reform:  It is not too late.

#USpreambler, at 3800 views and 2 upvotes since 1/16/2023

Thank you, Hunwi, for the upvote today. It prompted me to improve the post for clarity and accuracy., Anon

I commend Agathon’s speech in Plato’s “Symposium”, written about 2500 years ago. It informs that the human-being, society, nations, and humankind may and can behave so as to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone, especially self.

About 500 years later, a Nazarene, Jesus né Yeshua, informed that an individual can perfect the Agathon principle or civic integrity. “Civic” refers to reliable responsibility to the good in life’s connections and transactions.

Collaboration for civic integrity is proffered in Genesis 1:26-28 and in the religion-free 1787 United States Constitution.

#USpreambler, Anon

Humankind ineluctably responds to the laws of physics. For example, the family who lives in hurricane alley and is not vigilant to evacuate my find themselves in slow traffic with less than a tank of gas and no destination. The person who takes a drug their primary-care physician did not prescribe may find themselves with induced/invited health problems. Freedom is a human construct entrepreneurs use to empower reason despite physics. For example, if you don’t like your gender, government “can” change it.

Believers are without excuse, because the world’s most available book, the Holy Bible, starts, in its first chapter, Genesis 1, to inform the reader that humankind has the responsibility, power, and authority (RPA) to rule on earth. Especially see the Complete Jewish Bible and the New International Version.

The individual who accepts RPA aids discovery and positive application of the laws of physics. They assist their group to reform the bad and eliminate the evil so that the good may flourish. Likewise, RPA-groups and nations collaborate to aid the good. Beyond Genesis 1, the Holy Bible contains stories and conjectures about the consequences of each individuals, groups, and nations attempting to avoid, change, or resist RPA. Common entities attempt to construct a god or a government that will attempt to usurp RPA. As elements of the construct are falsified, entrepreneurs compensate by revising or replacing the god or government.

The choice to pursue RPA is available to every person who experiences and observes the ineluctability of the laws of physics. Free weight falls. People who won’t work eat what a bureaucrat provides them. The RPA choice may be made without constraint yet does not result in freedom, because some laws are unknown. Furthermore, the laws often work to prevent choice. For example, 97 people were trapped in the August 2023 wildfires in Maui, Hawaii.

Englishman John Locke claimed the God gave humans the right to life, liberty, and property. Thomas Jefferson altered the claim to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, Genesis 1:26-28 makes it clear that humankind may and can choose to rule to the good on earth. Deciding to constrain chaos in personal living is the closest the human-being can come to freedom. And the Locke’s infamous “rights” is out of the question: no one can grant rights.

There remains the question, if not a god or a government, what can provide freedom? A civic people may and can take charge to educate their youth in the above principles. Individuals choose RPA in self-interest. A civic people may and can reform dissidents and rebels and terminate evils, so that the good may flourish on earth. The, civic people and their posterity can achieve a better future rather than continue the barbarism observed in 2024 in Gaza, in Ukraine, in the USA, and in many other locations around the world.

I know of only one proposal on earth that accommodates Genesis 1:26-28. The religion-free 1787 United States Constitution proffers 6 intentions “to ourselves and our Posterity”. There are no standards, so Posterity may determine the destiny of applying the good. I hope some nation dusts off the religion-free republic to the states under a civic people -- establishes application of the laws of physics using ineluctable evidence rather than reason and religion. The best candidate seems the civic faction of We the People of the United States. I think it can happen.

#USpreambler, Anon

Unfortunately, humankind has not decided to teach its youth to develop human being (verb). Consequently, some people accept being mineral, vegetable, animal, or spirit. No one can predict the personal outcomes.

The human-being neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or institution. In other words, they accept the responsibility, power, and authority to pursue the good on earth by constraining the bad and aiding to eliminate evil.

It takes a quarter-century for a newborn person to acquire the comprehension and intention to pursue human being. It takes another couple quarter centuries to acquire the experiences and observations on which performance can approach perfection.

Since no one is educating youth to these principles, few adults avoid acceptance of their status quo: mineral, vegetable, animal, or spirit. The consequence is chaos without explanation.

Humankind is fully informed by at least three sources. First, physics and its progeny, mathematics and economics and all the rest, inform that humankind is responsible to pursue the good on earth. Second, the Sumerian political philosophy developed 5500 years ago is reported in Genesis 1:26-28, and it primitively affirms physics. Third, the religion-free 1787 United States Constitution proffers a system and intentions to perfect pursuit of the good according to physics and Genesis 1.

An achievable better future is available if the civic faction (in the US, We the People of the United States, as defined by the preamble), chooses to educate their youth to pursue the good on earth.

#USpreambler, Anon

I would not say that accepting something causes stagnation. The civic citizen accepts responsibility, power, and authority to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from any person or institution. However, humankind has not yet accepted the responsibility to teach this civic integrity to their youth.

Consider the civic citizen who accepts the Holy Bible as a message from the God mystery. Reading with that commitment and trust, in the first chapter of the first book, the reader considers Genesis 1:26-28, the introduction of male and female humankind on earth.

After deliberation, the civic citizen perceives that the God charged him or her to constrain chaos in their choices for living. Further, they perceive that if most humans do the same, there will be no dissidents, rebels, or evils, because everyone will perceive constraint as in personal best interest.

Observing that there is much resistance, rebellion, and villainy against life on earth, they choose to aid establishment and maintenance of order. The paramount step is to educate the youth in these principles and the concurrent action is to aid the establishment of legislation and enforcement grounded in statutory justice. That is, they develop and publish civil and criminal law, its systems for enforcement, and evidence of ineluctable adjudication.

After accomplishing these reforms toward an achievable better future, the civic citizen incidentally returns to Bible study and observes that the rest of the Bible illustrates the consequence of not accepting the God mystery expressed in Genesis 1:26-28.

Civic citizens, by supporting the division of nations rather than insisting that each nation accept Genesis 1:26-28, developed war for separation and blaime atrocities on their God construct. See, for example, 1 Samuel 15:2-3, CJB, “Here is what [our God] says ‘. . . go and attack . . . and completely destroy everything they have . . . kill men and women, children and babies, cows and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” This ancient attitude persists today in competitive theisms.

Also, competitive religion separates believers from humankind. Israel argues that the Messiah is to come, except Messianic Jews think Yeshua will return to unite the 12 tribes, and Christians believe Yeshua granted their souls immunity from moral error. None pursues humankind’s responsibility, power, and authority, cited in Genesis 1:26-28 and affirmed by physics, including economics.

By accepting the responsibility, power, and authority to reform the bad and annihilate the evil, civic citizens may and can establish and maintain order to the earth. Neither government nor the God mystery will usurp humankind’s responsibility, expressed in Genesis 1:26-28.

I know of only one republican proposal that accommodates Genesis 1:26-28, and that is the religion-free United States Constitution of 1787. However, a civic people anywhere may develop the message in Genesis 1:26-28.

#USpreambler, Adam Marquez

I do not agree that evil has been normalized. Many people are resisting the bad and trying to eliminate evil. However, the world is in a moral crisis. I suggest three reasons and offer remedies.

First, civic citizens are not teaching their youth to accept the power and authority to rule on earth. That is, to constrain for reform dissidents and rebels against reliable responsibility to the good and to eliminate the evil people, so that civic people may flourish under civil codes. To accomplish change, civic citizens may and can 1) accept the power and authority to rule to the good on earth and 2) establish and develop the systems to, in statutory justice, constrain the bad and eliminate evil. Legal codes must pursue statutory justice grounded in the ineluctable truth.

Second, to defend the first action, civic citizens may and can examine objections to the statement of political power and authority to humankind. It is presented in the nearly 4000 year old colloquial claim in Genesis 1:26-28, especially in the Complete Jewish Bible (1998) and in the New International Version (1978): if the earth will be ruled to the good, humankind will accomplish it. Physics and its progeny, such as economics, affirm that only humankind can provide order to the earth. The excuses against humankind ruling to the good are flawed. For example, Genesis 2’s Eve created from Adam’s rib is a construct that does not follow Genesis 1 creation of men and women as humankind in the God’s likeness. And a god electing people to receive favor would not empower humankind. Both church and state are arrogant toward civic people, and therefore prevent pursuit of the good on earth.

Third, civic citizens may examine history and take steps to make certain past mistakes are not repeated. Don’t neglect teaching youth that they may and can accept power and authority to effect the good to earth. Learn the good ideas suggested by the world’s political philosophers and apply them. For example, Agathon suggested that a civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from anyone. Socrates defended the rule of law even when adjudication fails. Yeshua said to perfectly practice the good. Einstein said the ineluctable truth stands the test of time. The civic people in each nation may and can hold their government accountable for the record of mistakes and measures to prevent repetitions.

These ideas to the good are intended and accommodated by the religion-free 1787 United States Constitution and may be pursued through amendment to the good by the civic faction of We the People of the United States.


Facebook, August 2, 2024

After a lifetime of confusion imposed by divinity schools, I accepted both 1) whatever constrains the consequences of human choices and 2) Yeshua’s civic influence to goodness in life. Yeshua is that precocious political philosopher who was born to a Jewish couple in Nazareth of 2000 years ago.

Whatever constrains the consequences of human choices is typically called "God" and various groups characterize the God as Jehovah, The Trinity, Allah, Brahman, love, and countless others. I speak and write "the God" to express humility to whatever constrains humankind, without suggesting a divinity surrogate such as "love" or “covenant maker”.

Yeshua's influence inspires me to goodness and to collaborate to mutual good with willing fellow citizens. Fellow citizens can focus on other influences, such as Jesus, Christ, Buddha, or an ideology and still pursue civic integrity with beliefs that comfort them. "Civic" refers to reliable responsibility to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to self.

I accept that as a consequence of Yeshua's powerful influence to human goodness, a few Jews thought him the descendent of David who was anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. To make their case, some claimed that Yeshua performed miracles on par with the ancients – like Moses striking a rock to produce water and throwing a staff to produce a snake, or Elijah raising the dead. These arguments reached first-century Greeks as "Yesous", which 1400 years later evolved to "Jesus".

Paul, a Pharisee, appointed himself apostle to the Greeks plus all Gentiles and changed Yeshua's influence, goodness for living, to acceptance of mysterious soul, if The Trinity chose the person to believe. That is, if a person is elect/antinomian. The Greek Christos eventually became Christ and Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus.

Thus, from Yeshua’s political life, divinity schools construct 2 other entities: Jesus, the miracle worker, and Christ, the victim for The Trinity’s chosen people.

I accept that a person can pursue many entities and also live with civic integrity, much as a person can like many sports, musical genre, and still live with civic justice. A person may and can choose a divinity school that promotes salvation of soul more than goodness in life. As for me, I accept whatever constrains the consequences of human choices and pursue Yeshua's civic influence: goodness in my way of living.

Brenda, I hope reading about my quest helps convey the dilemma I perceive each human encounters, in order that you may suggest an improvement to my opinion. As you know, I do not know the ineluctable truth (you already changed me from carelessness with sun glasses in wrong places)., August 1, 2024

So far, most adults have not discovered that the laws of physics and its progeny require a person to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to her or his self. Consequently, few adults influence youth to comprehend and intend human being (verb).

Beard: It takes some confidence to encourage kids to do things you and they are not certain they can do. But each time you & they do it, no matter how small, those “muscles” are strengthened.

Phil: True (except I express earned opinion without doubt then LISTEN for the other party, especially a child, to improve my vision) and you illustrate the power, authority, and responsibility owned by humankind. Unfortunately, Education Departments worldwide are dominated by competitive divinity, whether the institution/tradition constructs a dominate God, or a godless ideology. A few, such as Judeo-Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, are so psychologically powerful that they enslave factions of humankind, large and small. Among Judeo-Christians there are 45,000 sects. I work to plant seeds of change., July 31, 2024

I wish I knew the represented facts and how to apply them. In my next life, I will know at age 3 - 7 that I may and can accept the power, authority, and responsibility to develop a unique pursuit of human being (verb). I have not given up: but am not studying advanced calculus. One point I don't doubt: without Dirk and other colleagues in life, the job side of this graph would not have been as fruitful for me., July 30, 2024

To me, it is important to use the personal name "Yeshua" in order to pursue that person's influence in each generation. In the Complete Jewish Bible (1998), Bobby's passage reads, "Kefa answered them, “Turn from sin, return to God, and each of you be immersed on the authority of Yeshua the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh!"

Observing the power of Yeshua's influence, for example, the suggestion that a human may and can pursue perfection in the image of his/her creator (Matthew 5:48), a few contemporary Jews began to construct evidence that Yeshua was the descendent of David who was anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel. As time marched on, Yeshua's influence was obscured by Jesus' miracles, constructed to "prove" that he was as powerful as ancients who struck a rock to produce water, threw a staff to produce a snake, or raised the dead. (Iphigenia survived Aulis when a deer's throat substituted for hers before the knife, 500 years before Yosef and Miryam of Nazareth named their son Yeshua.) Then came Paul's arrogance -- no need for inspiration from sin -- Yeshua on the cross made you antinomian. Salvation of the soul mystery is a completely novel concept that bemuses believers unto error in life. Shame on Paul for suppressing Yeshua's church.

I accept the God, whatever that entity is, and pursue Yesuha's civic influence, rather than Jesus' miracles or Christ's salvation. That's for me.

But I am humble to every civic citizen's motivation and inspiration. "Civic" means that the person accepts the power, authority, and responsibility -- the happiness and joy -- to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to self. Goodness flows from that practice., July 29, 2024

Kelly M. Haggar I agree. There are worse ways to discover your life is in chaos. I hope it's true that she seeks help.

Let me add, in my 81 years, my best choices were influenced by Yeshua; not the God, not the Holy Spirit, not Jesus, not Christ, not the Trinity, but that precocious boy born to Yosef and Miryam in 2000 year-ago-Nazareth. By age 30 Yeshua inspired and motivated persons to develop human being (verb) intending perfection.

I accept the God and pursue Yeshua's civic influence. Other harmless fellow citizens can cite the competition if they want to., August 5, 2024

I pity the person who does not appreciate the American flag. And I pity the person who does not like "The Star Spangled Banner" for our national anthem.

July 28, 2024

I think the ceremony was wonderful disclosure by European evils in this world.

I often write the proposal for the civic faction of We the People of the United States to change the name of the heartfelt statue in NY Harbor to "The Statue of Independence" on "Independence Island". We, the civic citizens, not the bloody-revolution promoter, own that gift.

Happily, the French artists besmirched the lady's face, and I saw it with my own eyes.

This brings to mind a little recognized advantage of free speech. With free speech, liars, bad people, and villains may be disclose themselves to civic citizens.

#USpreambler, July 23, 2024

Cynthia watched soaps, I guess all her chosen life. I never complained, but erroneously took no interest -- thought I was too busy, and may have been. Now, at age 81, it's the best way to spend some relaxing time with our daughters, hoping Cynthia will open her eyes. I watch only "The Young and the Restless". I think their writers are presenting the challenge of human being (verb) -- to the good, competing against both the strong attractions to the bad and the necessity to eliminate evil., July 22, 2024

Thank you for sharing such a great story. Armstrong is part of our family lore. In 2010, Rebekah presented a voice concert in Plaquemines. I commented on her NY planning on Skype. Toward the end of every session, Cynthia would say, "I didn't hear anything about "What a Wonderful World". Rebekah created a medley ending with "How Great Thou Art". The rest of her show was opera and art songs. I often sing the song to Cynthia, using "we" instead of "I" and "appreciate" instead of love, knowing I'll be rebuked for changing Louis's words. I don't think I'm lessening his sentiment. Anytime, anywhere, Cynthia would ask musicians to perform the song and take what she got. Sometimes, we view Rod Stewart with orchestra on You Tube, but appreciation calls us to Louis every time., August 6, 2024

Awesome post! Thank you.

August 5, 2024

I think it is common to meet someone who is developing human being (verb). It seems wonderful, and I would not call it weird.

August 2, 2024

I hope y'al enjoy suggesting division.

I'm just glad I met a serenely confident woman: Cynthia Ann Marionneaux. Next time, I'll ask PaPa if I can marry and also take her family name. "Phillip R. Marionneaux" expresses appreciation for her and for Yeshua's advice in Matthew 19:3-8 CJB.

July 31

Goodness makes no attempt to impose on human being (verb). Badness resists reform to goodness. Evil invites negation.

July 22, 2004

There are 3 entities in this folly: Yeshua, the precocious Jew born to parents in a 200-person village, 2000 years ago, now called Nazareth; Jesus, the hearsay image of a descendant of David to be anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel; and arrogant Paul's competition, Christ, constructed to save souls regardless of private behavior during life. I want to know more about Yeshua's civic influence and can gain by reading about him and discussing the message with willing fellow citizens. I seek them everywhere I go and think everyone wants to be civic. "Civic" refers to reliable responsibility to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone or any group. With that attitude, Matthew 10:14 can be read to say that if you introduce Yeshua and the person resists, trust that future events will impact that person's appreciation of the information you shared., July 29, 2024

I pity people whose pursuits prevent them from trust-in and commitment-to intentions represented by the American flag. The United States Constitution inspires me to neither initiate nor nourish nor accommodate harm to myself.


Genesis 1:26-28 informs the person who would pursue goodness that both church and state construct fiction. The person who does not accept the power, authority, and responsibility to constrain chaos in the way they live invite church and state predators into their lives.

July 23, 2024

A civic interpretation of Genesis 1:26-28 plus Matthew 5:48 plus the preamble to the United States Constitution is more effective to statutory justice. The successive messages are: 1) the God, whatever that mystery is, wills that if statutory justice happens on earth, humankind will achieve it, 2) Yeshua, that precocious Nazarene Jew who still influences each generation, asserts that humankind can mimic the God's perfection, and 3) the civic faction of We the People of the United States persistently pursues accommodation of both the God and Yeshua's influence to the good. I write this seeking your improvements on the idea.

July 17, 2024

The beauty of free speech is that the person who pursues human being (verb) can observe each good, bad, and evil influences. The civic citizen is a fiscal conservative and classical liberal, IMO. Galbraith shot an arrow that missed the target. Choosing civic integrity is in the individual's self-interest.

July 9, 2024

Here's the deal (borrowing a phrase from Biden).

Political schools and divinity schools have been partnering for millennia to pick the people's pockets by convincing them that their god and government will take care of them. Too few people are humble to the God -- whatever constrains the consequences of a person's choices. A few choose to count on their god or their government to fulfill their dreams. A few of the few go so far as to expect provision of food, clothing, shelter, health, safety, and security as they approach death.

Most people observe from physics that it does not work that way. If they want to eat food that will not ruin their health, they cannot accept what is offered by a bureaucrat, whether official or divine: they must earn the opportunity to choose the food they need.

A few people are civic -- recognize that reliable responsibility is human being (verb). So far, the civic people have not accepted that they may and can constrain both politics and divinity, in order to rule to the responsible good on earth. The civic people may and can appreciate and aid bad people by statutory justice that convinces them to reform. And in appreciation, assist habitual evil doers to annihilation.

Preventing chaos is not an easy task, so the civic people do all they can to avoid, change, or resist their duty to collaborate for order on earth. However, we are without excuse, because we are informed by each the laws of physics and its progeny, ancient literature such as the Sumerian law codes, divinity bias in Genesis 1:26-28, and in the religion-free US Constitution. [With the First Amendment amended to "promoting" instead of "preventing"; or perhaps better, no religion clauses at all.]


June 26, 2024

I enjoy interesting humor.

In reality, I respond to my wife and daughters and like that way of living.

The ladies would not -- do not confirm my opinion. But as long as my wife smiles at me, as usual, I am a happy boy. Often, our daughters set the stage for that smile., June 25, 2024

Contemplating my 81st 4th-of-July and 4 associated words: liberty, freedom, virtue, and independence:  What is in each person’s self-interest? In civic citizens’ interests, I propose to re-name the statue in NY Harbor, “The Statue of Responsible Independence” on “Statutory-Justice Island”. Let me begin with a review of four United States word usages.

Merriam-Webster online (MW) is an American (non-European) usage reference. MW gives LIBERTY an array (please study for yourself): serving my curiosity are each, “the power to do as one pleases” and “a distortion of fact”. [Pleasing power often yields to fact.] FREEDOM usage includes “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” and “a political right”. VIRTUE expresses “conformity to a standard of right” as well as “a beneficial quality or power of a thing” (such as reliability). INDEPENDENT expresses “not subject to control by others” and “not requiring or relying on something else”. Reason, revelation, revolution, and competition ineluctably yield to physics.

How can a person regard the 4 words in self-interest, or pursuit of well-being? I conclude that I have the responsibility, the power, and the authority to choose beneficial action in my way of living, no matter how the community, state, nation, and the world react to physics. It matters not that people in the past may have used the 4 words differently. The past had to happen to reach the present. What matters now is accepting mystery, physics, and beneficial fact: the good.

Humankind’s duty (accepting the God, whatever it is, rather than trying to impose doctrine on mystery), is to discover and pursue beneficial consequences of the laws of physics and its progeny -- including biology and psychology. For example, discovery empowers modern exploration of the former “heavens”. Yet, so far, humankind resists political philosopher Yeshua of Nazareth, who lived 2000 years ago. Yeshua barely impacts competitive theism and negligibly influences people to the good. Yeshua’s civic influence is suppressed by promotion of Jesus, a competitive-religion entity, and Christ, a title to compete with Messiah and Emmanuel.

During The Enlightenment, 1685-1815, Protestant vs Catholic scholars ignored/suppressed each the ancient Mesopotamian law codes, Hebrew literature, Arabic thought and Eastern philosophy, in order to obfuscate physics as “Nature” and its laws as “Nature’s God”. History had already disclosed that reason to doctrine fails research to discovery.

France used LIBERTY to shed domestic blood; England objected, claiming Trinity-given VIRTUE but no humility to the God; some inhabitants of N. American English colonies declared responsible human-INDEPENENCE. That is, independence was so critical to personal well-being that civic citizens would risk everything – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to gain responsible independence. (It made no sense for their Declaration of Independence to use Englishman John Locke’s phrase “life, liberty, and property”, because they were declaring war, so as to own the property that eventually became the United States.) They committed to kill soldiers in red coats without blaming the God. [Similarly, civic citizens defended domestic slavery-abolitionists in the Civil War, initiated in Bleeding Kansas.]

The generation of 1776 proffered a religion-free republican nation, domestic justice to the states, and civic integrity for each citizen to choose. United States generations since then left “to ourselves and our Posterity” (our children and legal immigrants) the PRIVILEGE of establishing responsible independence. Each United States citizen may and can accept the neglected, 237 year-old privilege: collaborating for integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Upon United States civic citizens doing so, the world may observe and choose to pursue the achievable good.

Regardless, the civic faction, We the People of the United States, may and can rename France’s gift and the U.S. property it sits on (in NY Harbor), “The Statute of Responsible Independence” on “Statutory-Justice Island” (topic of another essay). I write to learn the titles you like.

USpreambler, June 22, 2024

I miss your mom, too.

I recently discovered Jesus, né Yeshua (temporary expression until Yeshua is globally appreciated, I hope soon); see and let curiosity work as it will.

Dona, my friend, has not stopped pursuing Yeshua's civic influence to me.

Wonderfully, Rebekah, a couple days ago, taught me how to pronounce "ye SHOO a" then soften it., August 8, 2024

This is the wonderful power of free speech. People who believe personal ignorance may clarify diabolical reality. In this case, the speech expresses delight that citizens may and can expose private information by storing it on their cellphone or otherwise using cloud storage.

Believers pay for their own abuse. Listeners resist self-enslavement.

June 22, 2024

I prefer prayers of gratitude. I'm just not smart enough to appeal to the God.

Nevertheless, if I know a loved one is threatened, and perceive I have done all I can do -- there's nothing else I can do, my knees simply buckle and I pray to the God for all the aid I can get.

Once, I prayed for a daughter's relief from loss of a cat., June 18, 2024

If a person is religious, they hope their religion makes other people conform. If it's a civic religion, it hopes errant citizens convert to civic behavior.

That is, reliably responsible to the good in connections and transactions. It matters not how long it took for the person to realize civic integrity is in their self-interest; humankind celebrates the moment behavior turns to the good.

Trump demonstrated civic excellence during his 4 year presidency and maintained his practice of calling the bad bad, usually with good cause. Read his inaugural address to glimpse his motivation and intention;

These nearly 4 Biden years have been so bad I do not think Biden or Obama is in charge. I think foreign powers control the swamp.

Obviously, Finney plans to vote for Biden. I can't imagine what Biden did for Finney. I plan to vote for Trump again, if I can.

Nevertheless, I hope a better candidate is on the ballot. At the very least, I hope Trump does not again nominate a religious fundamentalist for running mate.

PRB responding to hard attacks from “minorities”, June 19, 2021

At age 81, I think I'm part of humankind's smallest faction, because of the arrogance of past generations. Adults do not teach their youth to appreciate the laws of physics.

Reared Southern Baptist by materially astute lower class East Tennesseans, in a church with a few members who were extremely wealthy, or at least one. I was strongly influenced (coerced) in doctrine, yet, fortunately, more attracted to the laws of physics -- at an early age, perhaps 10.

My autonomy to pursue the laws of physics was at war with imposed religious beliefs. Judeo-Christianity competitively teaches that the Trinity or G-d will usurp your autonomy, if you believe doctrine and behave to the good (in moderation).

About 4 years ago, I re-read Genesis 1:26-28, and got a second to my physics opinion: Humankind is charged to provide order to life on earth. Genesis 1:26-28 depicts the God, in that entity's domain, as a model for female and male humankind's responsibility, power, and authority to the earth. It says nothing beyond “Be fruitful and increase in number” – nothing about characteristics such as skin color or choices, like gender, homosexuality, wealth, spirituality, or any other civil issues groups develop in societies.

Differing from civil or religious rules, civic integrity requires reliable responsibility to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from any person, including self.

A couple years ago, I returned to the local Baptist church, from which I resigned Christianity 30 years, ago to share, especially this discovery.

There, recently, I discovered Jesus né Yeshua. His civic influence seems discernable from his teachings plus the faces, voices, and actions of people of goodwill everywhere all the time in each generation. Jesus né Yeshua affirms that the human-being is in charge of their individual lives and collective living on earth. A modern, second affirmation is at, beginning at 13 minutes. Yesterday, I discovered 50 years of scholarship by Messianic Jews and cannot wait to explore it.

As a youth, I experienced and observed what the Bible beyond Genesis 1 teaches: Individuals who do not discover and apply to the good the laws of physics suffer, and everyone they impact lives-it. For example, a prime law of physics is economics. A person must earn their food. Otherwise, they either accept what a bureaucrat/donor offers or starve. Another is that the person who compromises sexual intimacy losses personal autonomy – invites civic, civil, or physical constraint, even death.

What's wrong? The Chapter 11 Machiavellian partnership of church and state practices, facilitates, and encourages the majority to wait for higher power to take responsibility for safety and security in personal living. Adults pray to their God to usurp responsibility the God distributed as the laws of physics and to personal choice. Religion debates “free will” hoping to neglect the laws of physics. Youth is not taught to relish their opportunity, during their first quarter century, to acquire comprehension and intention to develop human being (verb). The person who learns and applies these principles may pursue perfect behavior during a couple more quarter centuries of living. Too many youth die, unaware of civic integrity, so civic education should begin at age 3 to 7. Because of bad Education Departments, most adults are not aware of these principles and resist considering, let alone, learning them. I am in a minority.

My message is not intended to destroy Judeo-Christianity or any other religion or a civic government. It is to motivate and inspire the civic faction of We the People of the United States to initiate and pursue reform, in order to practice the intentions stated in Genesis 1:26-28 and affirmed in the religion-free United States Constitution. With awareness and intention to discover the laws of physics and apply them to the good, neither initiate nor accommodate harm can become the majority rule. A civic culture may be an achievable future.

Additionally, I think Jesus né Yeshua (more than St. Paul's "Christ") is for every human-being's civic development.


June 19, 2024

And we wonder why some people have no civic integrity., August 5, 2024

People who condoned 2 glasses wine/day had no regard for my life. Thank goodness for my PCP, David Fontenot: I'll drink wine only for very special celebration, such as a last meal together. At Zorba's, on Essen, I helped Cynthia sip a rich red while I sipped a crisp white.

July 31, 2024

My deficiency is that I am not patient enough to live this way. I want short cuts that will allow me to read, write, and improve my opinion about how to behave in my best interest. For example, I have had a small garden for years, always provide new garden soil and enrich what is there, but have never thought I got back the money I put into it. I keep planting because I like picking the vegetables for the table. Also, I like to be clean shaven. That's because I once asked Cynthia if she liked my beard and she said, "No." That's just how she is: serenely confident.

July 30, 2024

Loraine Kayser At church last Sunday, a divinity guy ended the sermon interpreting "God" as "love". In that church, "God" is supposed to be "the Trinity". My objections to the triple talk inspired me to google, "does each Christianity, Judaism, and Islam claim God is love?" I found that they accuse each other of false notions.

Today, I found an interesting cite but did not see "love" in any of the comparison charts or text. See

July 27, 2024

A-theists may and can likewise approach theists, in order to serve the God in that entity's will: humankind may, can, and must rule on earth. See the double common sense in Genesis 1:26-28 and Matthew 18:18. I write "the God", using the article to deviate from divinity and the capital G to express humility to whatever constrains the consequences of human conflict. Agnosticism to the God is a faith I can neither hold nor pursue. I do not know the ineluctable truth.

June 17, 2024

Thank you for the relief.

I've been in stew all day after hearing a song-lyric on Father's Day at my church: "Ring with the harmonies of Liberty". I love the United States because of the opportunity for reliable responsibility and thereby pursue happiness and imagine joy. But not liberty. And not at church. Take the politics to city hall.

When I was a young man, I hosted 4th of July parties. Mid way, I read the Declaration of Independence to guests. The divisive sentiments discouraged me from reading it, so toward the end, I switched to the preamble to the Constitution and made the statement that the war won United States independence, thanks to support from Spain and moreover, France.

Knowing that we are constrained by the laws of physics, I no longer think a nation or a God could or would warrant life, liberty, and either property (Locke) or the pursuit of happiness (Jefferson).

The Statue of Liberty is a gift that keeps civic Americans bemused and Congress empowered to pick our pockets. The owner, the civic faction of We the People of the United States, may and should change its name to "Statue of Independence", on Independence Island, in NY harbor. Let the world know that France obsesses over liberty, England over self-righteousness, and the 50 United States over independence.

It's not too late to persuade most Americans that responsible independence is a self-interest, and increase todays small faction to a majority in excess of 75% so as to name the statue we love., August 6, 2024

About 3 years ago, I admitted that my slow walk was not inducing enough blood flow to help avoid a sixth heart procedure. I started walking fast enough to threaten chest pain. I learned to slow just before invoking pain. Three years later, I realize what I helped most is breathing and everything that flows from that benefit. I am satisfied to benefit without threatening harm.

August 2, 2024

Thank you, Greg. Brings back great memories. Back then, Aptitude Tests helped guide us.

I chose STEM. ChE at U. of Tennessee empowered me. Then 35 years' service to one great company (group of collaborative people) informed me to appreciate civic integrity. "Civic" means reliable responsibility to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from self.

June 17, 2024

My eighty-first father's day is the best, so far.

As in all good choices I've made, it's Cynthia's "fault" (modify Jimmy Buffet's "there's a woman to blame" or better, edit the Beach Boys to "she didn't have to be so reliable" -- even suffering PSP).

No longer able to cope with some challenges, we're experiencing sustaining aid I could not have imagined, from our daughters.

I've read Gibran's poem for over 40 years, but never as effectively as this morning's listening:, June 16, 2024

I think civic authenticity caught up to church and it transitioning to an achievable better future.
#USpreambler, June 16, 2024

I wonder about the comparable rate-availability in New Orleans. Is it 1% of replacement cost?

In Baton Rouge, I'm paying 0.48 % of the replacement cost of my home. I agree, I did not like the 2024 increase, and it inspired me to review the relative cost.

I do not want to -- cannot -- self-insure my most precious asset: home to my family. My greatest fear is an attack on our abode. (That's why I maintain it and clean my guns often.)

The Democrat Party has sold out to foreign influencers who are picking our pockets at ever increasing rates -- with false narratives, crisis makers, open borders--the list goes on. And Congress is no help.

Congress lost sight of independence when they ratified the 1783 Treaty of Paris. The celebration of freedom and liberty was already underway, and politicians have used it to bemuse the civic faction of We the People of the United States ever since. It is time to revive the reliably responsible independence "to ourselves and our Posterity" the framers of the religion-free 1787 Constitution proffered.

My response to Washington's attack on my family is to defensively choose how we spend our money. No recreational drugs or alcohol, no electric cars, no green energy, no $70 concert tickets, no $110 professional sporting tickets, no vaccines, in order to preserve the family living we always imagined. On vaccines, I find my doctors as reliable as ever, and none of them object to our family decisions not to be frightened by pharmaceutical companies and health insurance.

One of the world's greatest political philosophers, Yeshua, the Nazarene from 2000 years ago, announcing his adulthood at at 30, asked “What are you looking for?” (John 1:38, CJB). Despite all distractions, the civic people of Louisiana answer: I want the opportunity to live in responsible privacy. Here since 1966, I think Louisiana is a leading state among the 50.

I think we live in the best of times to choose human being (verb). The human being is civic, and therefore neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from anyone or any association.

#USpreambler, June 14, 2024

There's joy in Throndset's poetry but conflict in its image: men desire its "naked Truth".

Being married to the most wonderful woman in the world, to me, I guard against attraction, to me, even in my 54th year of marriage.

Promiscuous people cannot know the joy of unity: each new experience exceeds the past. But shared happiness cannot not leap interruption.

Most thinkers don't seem to like the ineluctable truth., June 14, 2024

I don't like the news, but think people must consider it when it is available. I write that even though I am 16 years from discovery and cure of my lung cancer.

Thank you, doctors who worked on my case and Dr. Gahan for ordering the tests that discovered the carcinoma. I'll see Dr. Miletello next month for annual checkup.

I regret that some patients are not as fortunate as me., June 14, 2024

Dorie LaRue Thank you for saying what a chemical engineer, husband and father though but feels unqualified to say.

My wonderful wife of 54 years, now graciously living with PSP diagnosed in 2019 but progressing in 2016; until 2008, when I was diagnosed with lung cancer, entertained diverse people in our family home. When asked what she thought about LGBTQ attitudes, she said, "They're OK, but I can't share for obsession with sex."

Cynthia's Louisiana French-Catholic free-thought should not be repressed by anyone.

Dorie LaRue:
 My apologies. It was a backhanded compliment. But I'll take my uncouth presence elsewhere.

PRB: Contrarily, I think the cartoon stretches the uncouth. But I typically accept someone's judgement of themself.

There's a good article listing speech reactions in the Epoch Times. People dismiss people over opinion:

I ask, "Why pretend to pursue human being (verb)?"

Pamanne Mallory

Ouch, August 6, 2024

You can have all the other stimuli-depressors: Give me pursuit of Yeshua's civic influence.


A civic people accepts the authority, power, and responsibility that is both 1) suggested in Genesis 1:26-28 on review of Mesopotamian political philosophy and 2) indicated upon progressive discovery of the laws of physics and its progeny, such as human psychology. "Civic" implies responsible reliability to rule self.

There is no utopia: there will always be variations in goodness, badness, and evil. The civic people may and can rule, in order to empower goodness; encourage and facilitate reform by bad actors; and constrain or eliminate villains.

Aug 1, 2024

The shocking problem/loss that appears today may be resolved tomorrow if you address it today.

Aug 1, 2024

Beginning my 9th decade, I perceive that Education Departments, especially divinity schools, are failing responsibility, power, and authority to educate youth, adolescents, and adults to comprehend and intend to develop human being (verb).

Civic integrity is suggested from Mesopotamians 5500 years ago in Genesis 1:26-28: humankind may and can choose to rule the earth. So far, humankind dominantly initiates and accommodates the bad and brooks evil, oppressing goodness.

One of humankind’s greatest political philosophers, Yeshua, asserted that each person may choose to pursue perfect goodness during their lifetime. What Yeshua said to his contemporaries 2000 years ago rings true for modern living. Yeshua’s messages are bemused by the competitive divinity recorded beginning 3 years after he was executed, with commentary (such as my reasoning) through this moment.

One of the most significant yet abused messages from Yeshua addresses conflict resolution, affirms human rule, and gets tainted by divinity schools. All 3 aspects are recorded in Matthew 18.

Yeshua’s conflict resolution process is cryptically expressed in Matthew 18:15-17. The process involves 3 steps: private disclosure of perceived harm, convincing another citizen to ponder the case to aid convincing the accused to listen again, and, on failure, taking the complaint public. There are many ways this process could end: resolution of harm/perception, constraint/expulsion of the proven offender, or indetermination/doubt.

Matthew 18:18 affirms that the consequences of human resolution are final (affirming Genesis 1:26-28).

Divinity school competitions bemuse Yeshua’s conflict-resolution process with “forgiveness”, which may be internal to the accuser. Matthew 18:22 suggests that the conflict resolution process ought to be practiced 490 times! Some people end up “forgiving” a perceived offender who is innocent! Divinity competition has produced 45,000 sects from Yeshua’s political influence.

The advent of Internet communications empowers the civic faction of humankind to rule for goodness rather than to accommodate badness and tolerate evil. Personal inspiration and motivation may and can reserve the humility of civic integrity even as a person responsibly pursues a divinity they like, much as they prefer an art form, a musical genre or other pursuits of happiness. Yet it is good to perceive that the happiness will lead to joy.

June 14, 2024

Thank you Shannon for you invitation and beautiful photos.

I can't wait to see you whizzing by on your new wheel.

I still walk often at the park and receive all those wonders, except I do not listen to music. I prefer modified meditation. That is, while my body is functioning for fast walking then 15 exercises, my mind contemplates some profound concern.

For example, this morning, I'm contemplating my Sunday-school classmate's question, in light of John 1's latter focus "What are you looking for?” applied to the Gaza strip in 2024. Russell asked, "Why did God design life so hard?"

Your post, Shannon, motivated me to look up Gottfried Leibniz's answer to another question, "Why is there something rather than nothing?" Leibniz opined, the “final reason for things is called God.” Lawrence Krauss responded that the metaphysical why? is motivated by the physical "how?" and offers a viable theory: potential always existed, and the nothing is unstable. That returns to the a question: what triggered the transition from potential to kinetics? I'm trying to work in Gotthold Lessing's "What's the use of use?". Could it be achieving happiness that unlocks joy?

The most wonderful presence at the park is people. Some are not there to talk, and it is rewarding to honor their privacy. Others like to talk, and it is easy to spot them. Just say, "Hello" and honor their return, their silence, or their curiosity. Often, you can quickly invite the willing to your thought plane, state your conclusions, then LISTEN to their opinion. Thereby, you broaden your view. Many smile and depart also pleased.

Sharing life has far reaching benefits, and I hope people talk with open hearts: We live in a wonderful world at a wonderful time. Each of us can make the most of it. If so, the achievable better future "to ourselves and our Posterity" will continue to prevail.

#USpreambler, June 13, 2024

I'm glad you feel humility and appreciation. Happily to me, my wife, Cynthia, feels comfort in the Jesus-God mystery. Your story to Helen Williams expresses civic integrity.

Churches confounded me for perhaps 73 of my 81 years. Many bemusing sermons inspire with a story about Jesus (competitive-messiah), segue to Christ (savior of elect souls), then urge love to the God (mystery).

There's neither precise, accurate, deep guidance for civic living nor accommodation to unite the 12 tribes of Israel nor grounds to collaborate with other religious people. Happily, Yeshua's civic influence appears to the persistent, independent student. ("Civic" invokes reliable responsibility in human connections and transactions.)

About a year ago, I discovered Yeshua's civic influence (on my life). See and let curiosity about Yeshua go where you like. "

I now read the Complete Jewish Bible (1998, featuring "the Lord Yeshua the Messiah") in collaboration with the NIV (1978, favoring "the Lord Jesus Christ). My confusion left and opened new literature to aid discovery. I accept the civic individual's inspiration to them. The God seems whatever constrains the consequences of human choices.

Matthew 18:15-18 introduces Yeshua's process for resolving human conflict rather than sending offenses to heaven (V 18). There's joy in Yeshua's way of living.

A couple decades ago, I accepted I am neither elect nor antinomian. Now, I try to discuss Yeshua's civic influence with fellow citizens, in order to improve civic choices. I accept my afterdeath, could be wrong, and don't know the ineluctable truth., June 12, 2024

I take it Finney favors government rather than adult civic citizens control. I don't., June 11, 2024

Free thinkers entertain Genesis 1:26-28 and Matthew 18:18 then conclude, "I'm not interested."

You propose to consider physics and its progeny, such as economics and psychology, and discover they are tolerating your presence.

You change the topic to LSU sports or Tennessee going to Omaha or the heat., June 11, 2024

No less amazing, after 80 years pursuing the metaphysical Jesus I returned to my church of some 45 years and by participating discovered Yeshua's civic influence. I perceive that every good choice I made was influenced by Yeshua and intend to extend the joy. See and let curiosity take you where you like. I do not know the ineluctable truth., June 10, 2024

I like the beauty yet question whether this quote expresses sufficient humility. Specifically, he, eternity, and God seem presumptive if not arrogant.

I wonder if the God is the laws of physics, which humankind may and can discover and apply -- to the good on earth.

I wonder if the God is the ultimate good on earth that future humankind may and can achieve.

I wonder if the God is the consequences of human choices, which humankind may and can observe.

I wonder if the good exists so that humankind may and can eliminate evil and reform the bad, happily producing joy.

I'd like to learn the God's opinion yet think I won't so humbly choose the good., June 8, 2024

A Nazarene 2000 years ago said people can't learn his civic integrity if they don't know his name. His name was Yeshua. He advised to pursue perfect behavior in the image of the God.

"Jesus" came 467 years ago in the Geneva Bible. See and

Someone might suggest to go to Plains, Georgia, and interview Jack Sprat about lust. It's unlikely they'd return reporting on Jimmy-Carter error., June 8, 2024

Storm Matthews I like Vivek Ramaswamy. However, he does not understand the 1787 United States Constitution, in that it proffers civic citizens' acceptance of responsibility, power, and authority to develop statutory justice to the Union of states.

He seems to live that way, and I would write this idea to him, but I learned from my state representatives, from Trump, from Mike Johnson, and from political non-profits that a civic citizen just cannot penetrate the protective moats that leading politicians subject themselves to. Politicians don't seem to realize a moat does not protect from the swamp (the Democrat Party).

I've never heard a word from Tulsi Gabbard I could not consider and perhaps support. I would read her book if I wanted to spend the time. (Just now I'm studying Robert Filmer and John Locke to understand how they overlooked Yeshua's affirmation of Genesis 1:26-28. Yeshua said: behave perfectly in the image of your creator.) I would vote for Gabbard if she were a viable candidate for President.

The candidate who chooses Gabbard for VP running mate will have an advantage, in my opinion.

Again, Storm Matthews I appreciate your view , "Yeshua's desires for us".

Moreover, I happily learned your expression of Paul's evil: "created an entirely new religion never instructed to do so".

At the 50 CE Council of Jerusalem, called by Paul to settle an issue: circumcision as a condition for pagans to be admitted into the discussion of Yeshua the Messiah. All four witnesses were Messianic Jews (a minority among Jews). The elders (and John) demanded circumcision; Peter wanted to ride the fence yet found Jews hypocritical; James thought the 17-year deceased Yeshua would return to unite the 12 tribes under the Torah. Paul left with a compromise rendered by James, never intending to observe it. But no one, even a fifth wheel, the non-Messianic Jews, represented Yeshua.

My thought is that human being (verb) means humbly accepting the responsibility, power, and authority to effect the good to the earth. I think that's what Gabbard means when she expresses her commitment "to love and serve God", after citing the God of all, including Christianity, Hinduism, and physics.

Perhaps the God is that entity that constrains the consequences of humankind's intentions and actions.

Storm Matthews

Phil Beaver this is so eloquently put, and as a Messianic, you have a profound understanding of our beliefs/foundations of the messianic part(you would think as a language teacher that I would better be able to describe that moment, but nope.)

Storm Matthews

Phil Beaver I tried to give her a chance until she alluded that Trump had done nothing wrong. There is plenty of evidence contrary to that. Whether you agree to what degree is a different story, but don't sell a stump speech and claim to be different than the rest of Washington. She is one in the same.


Storm Matthews I give Gabbard the benefit of the doubt regarding the specific accusations she was addressing. But you may be right: Gabbard may by a social liberal -- someone who wants both sides of the debate.

If Gabbard was running against Biden, I'd vote to give her the chance to prove she is a civic citizen. I never wanted to give Obama or Biden that chance.

In my view, Trump's greatest offense is being rich and willing to risk his life, honor, and fortune for the civic people of the world.

Christians hypocritically say they convict people in actual error in order to facilitate reform; but when someone reforms, Christians don't like it, so Christians condemn the reformed anyway. That's just my impression. I don't know the ineluctable truth., August 8, 2024

When a Cajun/Zydeco band comes through, try it. Here's an old medley with which Cynthia and I passed many a good time -- one at Gilrein's in Wooster, Massachusetts.
The pros invite you to never leave the dance floor:

June 8, 2024

Greg, you and Margo are terrific writers and, together with your children, generous human beings. Thank you for sharing your experiences and observations.,

Loraine Kayser Happily, I am neither Christian nor Baptist and made that announcement when I returned to UBC, Baton Rouge, over 2 years ago.

Then, I said I am an advocate to the metaphysical Jesus. I also said that I pursue the ineluctable truth, because I do not know it and that Judeo-Christianity makes the fatal mistake of not studying the ancients, so as to know, for example, that Genesis 1 is an update of mythology originating 5500 years ago, for example, in Sumer. Their kings generated over a couple millennia, the Code of Hammurabi, their conqueror.

UBC, especially Nomads Sunday school class, has taught me so much in a short time. My support changed from metaphysical Jesus to Jesus' civic influence. Recently, videos from a couple divinity schools made me realize that their competition intentionally suppresses the near ancients, including Yeshua, the precocious boy born to Aramaic speaking Jews Yosef and Miryam in 2000 year ago Nazareth, a village of 200 people.

I read every Bible passage with the intention of perceiving how Genesis 1:26-28, NIV and CJB, can be fulfilled. They inform me that female and male human being (verb) had the authority, power, and responsibility to rule on earth. Many Bible verses inform that Yeshua affirmed that message. For example, Matthew 5:48, be perfect in your maker's image. Matthew 18:18, your maker will not usurp your actions on earth. John 10:34, you are gods (except facing death).

Many protagonists in ancient literature performed miracles, like sticking a rock to produce water, dropping a staff to create a snake, healing sickness, and raising the dead. A few Jews thought Yeshua was the Davidic descendent anointed to unite the 12 tribes of Israel under the Torah, or law. The scourged the Tanach for prophecies that might prove Yeshua a miracle worker and thus a new entity, Iēsous, which 1500 years later became Jesus.

In 50 CE, at the Council of Jerusalem, Paul declared himself the preacher to the Gentiles and demanded of a small group of Jews exclusion from circumcisions' to males and strict adherence to the Torah. John and elders, Peter, and James (Yeshua's brother) compromised to no food associated with sacrifice, including blood, and no promiscuous sex. The Sanhedrin was a party to Paul's arrogance. He continued to create his church, grounded in salvation of the soul mystery regardless of behavior. This new entity became Christ.

Thus, we have 5 competing entities, the God, a mystery which constraints the consequences of human choices; a David descended who will unite Israel; Yeshua the civic influencer; Jesus the miracle worker; and Christ the soul-savior. Combining the title "Christ" and "Jesus" or savior and miracle-worker proves dominant within Christianity. In fact some Christians perceive they are antinomian, or exempt from moral law by the grace of Pauline opinion; that is, with no humility reserved to the God.

I hope to influence people to serenely, confidently consider these issues and choose the path they perceive will grant them happiness approaching joy. The civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to self.

Our daughter Rebekah keeps reminding me not to nibble as I prepare fruit plates for us and happily follows up with "don't nibble when you not seen". She offers, "Put those carving tidbits on your plate for later, when you are not moving over our plates."

June 6, 2024

So, does Putin predict the end of the war in 10 months or what? And what result does he predict? Russia giving up to stop their losses?

It seems the calculus involves more than arithmetic on the Ukrainian side. How many Russian soldiers are dying each month and how much longer will Russia support the losses?

And will NATO not change the calculus (competing rates)?, June 6, 2024

Perfect description of Biden and the deep state that is backing him., June 5, 2024

Not to diminish either your joy or your sons' joys, parents hope to live long enough to see leadership roles reverse. At age 81, I am heeding the powerful, authoritative advice of my adult children and am grateful they are so good.

I perceive this idea in Kahlil Gibran’s short poem, The Prophet, 1923 “On Children”, online at

I have studied this poem for nearly 40 years and developed this adaptation:

     Your children are with you yet are their own persons.

     You appreciate them and may encourage and coach their thoughts.

     You may strive to be like them; but seek not to make them like you.

     For the human good goes not backward nor clings to yesterday., June 5, 2024

Physics and its progeny, such as economics and psychology for living, is primitively pursued in the Holy Bible, written between 4000 years ago and 1600 years ago. Humankind may employ discovery since then to not repeat past mistakes yet is not doing so.

Genesis 1 expresses that 1) the individual human being may and can choose to constrain chaos in the way they live and 2) female and male humankind may collaborate to constrain the bad and eliminate the evil on earth, in order to flourish. In other words, humankind’s purpose is to discover the ineluctable evidence of the laws of physics and apply them to perfect the good on earth.

Yeshua, born to Jews Yosef and Miryam, of Nazareth 2000 years ago, precociously affirmed Genesis 1:26-28 then informed humankind that they may and can perfect their way of living. Unfortunately, he did not write, so all we have is divergent opinion about his life and statements and the potential to apply physics in choosing action.

The rest of the Holy Bible expresses the consequence of not pursuing and practicing Yeshua’s affirmation of Genesis 1:26-28. Humankind tends to search for a higher power to usurp individual responsibility to the laws of physics. In fact, many if not most people debate the entities God, messiah, Jesus, Christ, or Jesus Christ, mystifying Yeshua’s civic influence.

The generations since Yeshua debated opinion about his political influence rather than pursued his affirmation that humankind may and can achieve civic perfection. “Civic” refers to reliable responsibility to collaboratively pursue and practice the good on earth. Consequently, happily, our generation has the opportunity to establish and promote reform to an achievable better future “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

The civic citizens may and can reform church and state.


Gregory Frey Last night, I imagined, for the first time, inverting these thoughts to begin with physics then overlay the Bible's commentary on humankind's reaction to reality so far. You are so busy I would not change your priorities one iota. Yet my concerns and urgent work expressed herein began when I was husband and father with a family of teenagers. I appreciate your considerate reading and comment., June 4, 2024

Loraine Acutt Thank you. I watched the reading about Aids spread through blood transfusions in the UK 40 years ago! coming to light now.

I perceive I am getting reports 5 to 10 years later from articles in The Epoch Times. For example,

I see online resistance to Epoch Times health reports. I'm using their reporting to consider decisions about my health.

For example, I started 14/10 fasting after reading their article. Also, I more regularly walk in the park and exercise there. I do not wear earphones, so as to enjoy the sounds and thoughts. We eat portions of 22 fruits, nuts, and granola daily.

It's appalling that anyone would take blood from an infected person. I am 11 years recovered from lung cancer and turn down my church blood-drive every time, because my oncologist still checks my blood every year. This article erases any doubt in the civic integrity I am practicing. I do not want to risk other people's lives.

Comments on Publication and

I plan to mimic your wonderful sentence about Emerson, "To ignore him is to ignore something essential."

I don't know when or what. Just now, Plato's "Symposium" comes to mind: Borrowing words from Allen Mendenhall, to ignore Agathon is to neglect appreciation.

I might write a catalogue of such thoughts. A second is, to ignore Albert Einstein is to miss political philosophy.

To ignore Dave Brubeck is to miss jazz piano.

Thank you,

Dear Editor Russ Resnik:

I am writing to suggest to your consideration a phrase I created for my writing yesterday: Jesus né Yeshua. I've never seen it before, yet am perhaps 6 months into study of Yeshua's civic influence. The phrase is a consequence of trying to communicate at my Baptist church, which I do not plan to resign a second time and did not rejoin. I'm just a friend who contributes money for operating expenses and whatever the finance committee decides.

     I am 81 years old, reared So. Baptist, fell in love with a Louisiana French-Catholic woman and attended mass with her during courting years and into our 3 children's teen years. I never took the Eucharist and now do not take Remembrance wafer or juice.

     I withdrew from my Baptist church in 1994 and later realized I was withdrawing from Christianity. For 27 years I studied books and articles I chose about 1) what it means to be a human being and 2) moral benefits if born in the United States (distinguished from the USA).

     I was more bemused until the past 2 years' discoveries since I returned to my local Baptist church, in order to try to help my community choose an achievable better future. There, happily, I discovered what (other than my wonderful-to-me wife, our children, and my civic work) has sustained me in life. It is the civic influence of Jesus né Yeshua.

     Please consider using the phrase Jesus né Yeshua if you think it could -- would enhance your impact on humankind. If so, please share the idea with publishers of The Complete Jewish Bible and its Messianic competitions.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag #USpreambler.


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