Saturday, February 8, 2025

The United States pursues statutory justice

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Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth. Ineluctable means:  Not to be assailed, avoided, broken, changed, escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, resisted, revoked, or voided. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for example, trying to change it.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible to the good rather than the bad in connections and transactions.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is amended by the civic-people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain, oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.

Selected theme from this month

“We Pursue Statutory Justice” -- civic representation of the United States Constitution.

The “woke” movement, developed during the recent 7 decades from Liberation Theology, is a blessing to human responsibility. Wokeism divides humankind over theology, which is the construction of divinity, in order to explain mystery. Pursuit of mystery can only achieve mystery. Human concurrence on one mystery would leave humankind in mystery. Democratic accommodation of every mystery produces chaos. Pursuit of mystery is neither a noble nor an economically viable cause.

I accept that The God may exist. But no one knows The God, and many people don’t realize that choosing a doctrinal God does not preserve humility, which The God might seek. And I do not know of a doctrine that represents The God. For example, Christian doctrine claims a triune God and has about 10 canon and 45,000 sects. Other theisms are also sectarian. “In God We Trust” does not seem a viable motto for the United States republic.

The prior motto was E pluribus unum, 13 letters expressing “out of many states one nation”. History shows that the civic faction may and can together provide for fellow citizens who cannot help themselves, reform citizens who won’t help themselves, constrain criminals, and eliminate evils. The goal of unity is limited by actual-reality to the civic faction.

Provisions for the civic faction to amend the Constitution when injustice is discovered, together with the intentions sentence in the preamble, proffers the pursuit of statutory justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”. We Pursue Statutory Justice expresses these four principles.

I share these ideas hoping a fellow citizen or critic will suggest a better motto.

#USpreambler, #acivicpeople


Civic citizens who look to the Democrat Party cannot expect improved leadership until they replace all of the elected officers who created/support the 2024 DNC Platform. Its preamble ends, "History has shown that nothing about democracy is guaranteed. Every generation has to protect it, preserve it, choose it. We must stand together to choose what we want America to be."

The DNC cannot "choose what we want America to be", because the United States Constitution commits to a republican form of government. United States republicanism pursues the rule of law rather than preference to a political party, such as the Republican Party. The Constitution provides the opportunity to vote and intentionally prevents democracy, because democracy can only produce chaos and ruin.

Citizens who oppose governance from the Republican Party face dismay as long as they support a platform that wants the chaotic governance of democracy. And no political party can "choose what we want America to be".

Republicans like me hope voters who support the Democrat Party will change its leadership quickly rather than accommodate 100 years of GOP-unchallenged-power due to DNC incompetence.

#USpreambler, #acivicpeople

Quora, Anonymous

I cannot answer for society, so address my personal trust and commitment. Humility aids achievement.

I am humble to whatever constrains human choices, in order to give myself and civic citizens opportunity to either act or wait -- for survival if not success.

In my ninth decade, I accept that I neither know the ineluctable evidence nor approach whatever constrains humankind. “Ineluctable” means the combination unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible.

#USpreambler, #acivicpeople


Facebook, Feb 8

A repressed, inviolable human right:

The human individual continuously has the undeniable opportunity to discover and develop integrity to the ineluctable evidence, by which truth is measured. “Ineluctable” means: the combination unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible. Experience, observation, and civic transparency facilitate discovery of truth and humility towards undiscovered actual-realities.

Typically, individuals allow infidelity to distract their opportunity to perfect their unique pursuits. Many civic persons mistake a recent infidelity as personal ruin rather than notice to reform – to never repeat the mistake. Not repeating discovered error is the key to accumulating fidelity to truth.

Under existing civilizations and cultures, independent fidelity is unlikely. Civic citizens may reform education systems so as to encourage and coach the young to use their human power, authority, and responsibility to develop integrity.

Practicing integrity empowers integrity.

In practice, the individual considers a heartfelt concern; obtains the ineluctable evidence to discover the concern is justified; studies the discovery so as to understand how to benefit; orders personal living to effect the benefit; civically shares the understanding and open-mindedly responds to public reaction; if new evidence requires change in understanding, the process is retraced as necessary; if improvement in understanding is discovered, the adjustments are made and shared: humility is reserved so that new ways of discovery can and may be considered. In review, the integrity-process is: concern, discovery, understanding, order, share and LISTEN, reconsider, improve, and remain humble to new discovery.

With this process or better, humankind’s understanding approaches truth. Individual incorruptibility accumulates as humankind’s completeness.

I know of no other inviolable human right. Frequently, small infidelities to truth negate right to life. Ova, embryos, infants, and children are especially susceptible to human infidelity., Feb 8

Thirty-five years as a chemical engineer in service to the customers (safe supply of needed chemicals) informed me that I am a writer and gave me the courage to share experiences and observations, low as my verbal skills may be. I cannot say I wish I had majored in English instead of ChE.

I congratulate you, Greg, on your focus: What Kristin wants and her confidence going forward., Feb 7

I do not know much ineluctable truth.

Honig illustrates something I learned by taking college courses in my 7th and 8th decades: professors, especially in non-STEM fields, compete with each other, regarding the adult working-citizen on par with students. That is, the professor expects the working citizen to yield knowledge/opinion to the professor, as though the professor can award a pass or fail to the citizen. When a professor ignores my opinion, I do not express pity, but leave without wish to return to the dialogue, unless the professor contacts me.

Human beings, unlike the other species, may and can learn this: pursuing necessary goodness is in their best interest. Just as an infant must be helped to nourishment, his or her life benefits from example and encouragement to both comprehend human being (the practice) and intend to pursue the excellence their life can and may achieve. Each person has the power, authority, and responsibility to choose human being.

Among history's awesome political philosophers, only one, Yeshua, promoted personal pursuit of necessary goodness, with the intention and commitment to perfect (verb) behavior from the moment of awareness and acceptance forward. When a person encounters and accepts Yeshua's civic influence, humankind -- past, present, and future -- celebrates. Anyone who is unaware of Yeshua's civic influence may and can accept innate tendency to necessary goodness.

I think Donald R. Trump, more than anyone I ever considered, perceives and accepts Yeshua's civic influence (aware or not), in Trumpian intentions to power, authority, and responsibility to necessary goodness. That is, Trump may not be aware of Yeshua.

I regret that some fellow citizens choose to condemn Trump.

I think Honig mistakes compromise as desirable when collaboration is required and uses academic trade-terms to bemuse the public. I recall Trump, perhaps yesterday, saying something like: Peace is a yes or no intention. Peace cannot be negotiated half-way. In the same speech, Trump showed humanity, I think erroneously, traditionally urging legislative compromise when collaboration to statutory justice is required.

I hope Trump's practices will impress Honig and empower Honig to consider collaboration for necessary goodness to humankind rather than compromise to split benefits., Feb 6

All seriousness aside, the cartoonist may not have encountered the secrets Cynthia taught me. My wife gave me my best opportunity to pursue authentic manhood. Thank Yeshua I knew that 25 years into our 55 years married., Feb 1

Persuading people that necessary goodness is in their self-interest is difficult. Sumerian law codes made it obvious 5500 years ago. Genesis 1:26-28 parochially expresses the Sumerian political philosophy: humankind may and can rule to necessary goodness on earth. The Complete Jewish Bible (1998) illustrates the consequences of resistance to necessary goodness. Yeshua, reared in tiny Nazareth 2000 years ago affirmed Genesis 1:26-28 in Matthew 18:18, Matthew 5:48, Matthew 19:5-6, in the "Sermon on the Mount", and more. Christianity hid Yeshua's civic influence by projecting on his person The Divine.
The 1791 United States Constitution, in its republican form of government, amendability, and the intentions sentence in the preamble, proffers the pursuit of statutory justice; that is, intentional reform when legislated injustice is discovered.
Yet the 2024 Democrat Party platform has a preamble that ends, "History has shown that nothing about democracy is guaranteed. Every generation has to
protect it, preserve it, choose it. We must stand together to choose what we want America
to be." What could be better than a republic that pursues statutory justice to "ourselves and our Posterity"?
History has shown that democracy brings chaos. Only the rule of statutory justice can facilitate necessary goodness to humankind.
In its 234-year history, the United States has maintained necessary goodness in a conflicted world. Her most serious challenge came from Liberation Theology -- the Marxist politics of oppressor vs victim. Like the French Revolution of 1789, a collection of self-styled victims proposes to employ social democracy to overthrow the United States republic; terminate rather than assist the pursuit of statutory justice.
After 70 years under democratically diffused Liberation Theology, or competitive Marxist collectivism, there is a chance the Trump-Vance era will, during the next few decades, save the United States from democracy. Humankind may and can hope so.
I write hoping to receive ideas that improve my opinion.
#USpreambler, #acivicpeople, Jan 31

I hope Kristi Noem will correct this burden., Feb 6

Thank goodness for Al Green's freedom of speech, too.

I get about 20 "Occupy" messages a day, and this is the first one I've read. Now I know to find out how to keep them from appearing on my page.

Jan 31

Hampton, that's a fact. And some Democrat States would not remove Robert Kennedy, Jr. from the ballot after he dropped out. Democrat judges denied his law suits. His 0.75 million votes added to Trump's 77.3 m come to 50.2 % of the popular vote.

I regret that some neighbors are not thrilled with the beginning of Trump's second term. For example, the next day after the helicopter downed a commercial flight, I heard the Commander-in-Chief lay out the facts about the incident but withhold conclusion pending proof. I was thrilled with Trump's transparency.

Because Obama’s Democrat Party is so overwhelmed with globalism or something other than United States republicanism (form of government rather than opportunity to vote), I think we are in for 70 to 100 years of Republican Party dominance. That's dreadful, because unchallenged power invites corruption. I want to encourage democrats who want the United States republic to succeed.


Hampton, I'm part of a faction of a small minority who would favor a United States Civil War History Month to replace Black History Month.
In a so-revised forum, my topic might be interesting: The Civil War was an avoidable white-Christian on white-Christian war that Abraham Lincoln could-have, should-have clearly-challenged if not stopped.
A review follows:
In 1845, some Protestant churches, e.g., Baptist, split over slavery ( and,_South).
Frederick Douglass' 1852 speech (, with President Millard Fillmore present, was pivotal to Bleeding Kansas, 1854 to 1861 ( General R. E. Lee, in Texas, wrote to his wife about abolitionists' evil attempt to impose on Christianity ( Lee was smart enough to have considered and accepted the Genesis 1:26-28 suggestion: On earth, only humankind can pursue order. Instead he listened to competitive Church in his home state.
President Lincoln, in his first inaugural address, was well aware that he led a 27 state to 7 state advantage and the United States industrial complex as he taunted the CSA's February 1861 cession. Lincoln said to the Christian zealots, "“In our present differences, is either party without faith of being in the right? . . . justice will surely prevail by the judgment of this great tribunal of the American people.”
The war Lincoln accommodated took some 650,000 United States' lives. The equivalent at today's population would be 7.2 million lives lost.
Slavery was practiced worldwide from the beginning of recorded history, some 5500 years ago. During the United States' second 100 years, the civic faction of We the People of the United States ended slavery, which the whole world may mimic.
I encourage fellow citizens to consider Genesis 1:26-28, which suggests that on earth only humankind may and can provide safety and security -- constrain harm. The complete Bible attests to the idea, for example, in Matthew 18:18 -- The God will not change what humankind chooses., Jan 27

What we don't know on faith could affect us in actual-reality., Feb 6

Dear President Trump:

Thank you. Your excellence aids our family life.

Your speech at the prayer breakfast inspired us. I think humankind’s intentions, at an abyss, turn positive on your persistence to discover the truth and acceptance that you cannot discover the ineluctable evidence on your own. “Ineluctable” means the combination: unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible. 

You changed my prior allegiance to Thomas Paine’s common sense. Some scholars opine that Paine meant: how a person’s heart guided their choice to act rather than wait. You choose the ineluctable evidence rather than belief, in order to pursue necessary goodness to humankind. Paine also wanted fellow citizens to choose humble action grounded in experience, observations, and discovery. Thereby, choice may and can employ ineluctable evidence.

The 13 English colonies, who won independence from England, could not flourish alone, so negotiated a union. Willing people of 10 of 14 states ratified the United States of America, in the Constitution dated 1791. Its provisions for amendment and preamble proffer the eternal pursuit of statutory justice “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Whenever injustice is discovered, legislators act to improve the law if not enact just law. A representative national motto, in humility to ultimate judgment, might be “We Pursue Statutory Justice”.

Today, you happily recognized personal and political opponents, inferring to them: You are welcome here. You described the challenge of good choices as either or; yes or no; peace or conflict, then hoped to resolve division through compromise. But compromise cannot establish peace. The work for peace follows intentions rather than dependency. Please change the United States’ political goal to collaboration to necessary goodness rather than compromise to power.

You wonderfully share the common sense and necessary goodness encouraged by the American motto “In God We Trust”. However, humankind, at the leading edge of 200,000 years as Homo sapiens, has used mysterious gods to compete in war rather than collaborate for peace.

Genesis 1:26-28, a 5500 year-old Mesopotamian political philosophy, asserts that humankind may and can pursue peace order on earth: “in our likeness, so that they may rule [life on earth]”. However, competitive pursuits in the Middle East mutually constrained inhabitants in 3 inner-sectarian conflicts about 3 Abrahamic gods, opposing all other people.

Today, 7.8 billion people split: 0.2 % sectarian Jews, 24.3 % sectarian Muslims, and 32.3 % sectarian Christians, at their own mutual expense and oppressing the other 43.2 %. Thus, 3.35 billion people suffer Abrahamic pride to 4.45 billion descendants from 4000 year-ago Near East.

The United States’ excellence -- pursuit of statutory justice, is a unique consequence of humankind’s desire for necessary goodness. Polytheistic Mesopotamians, primitively observing the laws of physics, speculated that the gods were busied by their domain, defaulting order-on-earth to humankind.

Socially, 400 years ago, physics was labeled “nature”, in order to accommodate psychological-motivation-and-inspiration, such as peace. Philosophers hoped to rationalize facts rather than wait for ineluctable discovery. Modern physics researches psychology as a branch, obsoleting “nature”.

As the United States pursues colonization on Mars, humility to whatever constrains the consequences of human choice can be established. Only the United States has the experience and background to beneficially reform its motto from “In God We Trust” to “We Pursue Statutory Justice”, or better. Only you could effect such profound change to humankind.

It has taken most of my lifetime to pursue these thoughts and additional time to articulate them. I can’t imagine anyone but you, President Trump, effectuating any reform you may perceive from them. I appreciate your time to read this and want to help.



Phillip Beaver

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag #USpreambler.

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