Saturday, June 1, 2024

An achievable better future can start tomorrow through Yeshua’s open-heartedness

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Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the ineluctable truth. Ineluctable means:  Not to be assailed, avoided, broken, changed, escaped, mystified, neglected, obfuscated, rationalized, resisted, revoked, or voided. Some people erroneously imagine limiting the ineluctable truth, for example, trying to change it.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society. Civic citizens neither initiate nor accommodate harm to or from anyone. Civic citizens are reliably responsible to the good rather than the bad in connections and transactions.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows: The civic faction, We the People of the United States, proffer & practice 6 public pursuits —- integrity, justice, safety, strength, prosperity, and responsibility, “in order to” pursue happiness “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening-to and considering other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787 text, unless it is amended by the civic-people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one with status has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by appreciative fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the faction who collaborate for statutory justice, We the People of the United States.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren to both born Americans and legal immigrants. Congressional freedom of religion, which fellow citizens have no means to constrain, oppresses freedom to develop integrity. This can be remedied by changing the First Amendment from “prohibiting” to “promoting”.

Selected theme from this month

An achievable better future can start tomorrow through Yeshua’s open-heartedness

Yeshua’s civic influence can be developed immediately. While the principle beneficiary would be the children being born, the act of establishing and developing the political impact would effect rapid reduction of global chaos.

The key ideas are: each child may and can develop their god facing death; during life, be perfect to the good; couples marry for family-monogamy for life; and humankind is responsible to rule to the good on earth. Nothing, neither the God nor a government, can or will usurp humankind’s responsibility.

These ideas are detailed in this post.



My firearms are too heavy to carry. But they are for hunting and
for protecting our home and family on our property. I’ll never forget the time our son stole away to visit his girlfriend. I saw the open window and stealthily looked under the dining table. He said, “Dad it’s me.” I learned that night that I may and can stay calm.

Columns and Opinion

To effect appreciation for citizens who have lost their lives for “ourselves and our Posterity”, the civic faction of We the People of the United States could and should legislate a voting license to citizens 18 years old and born here. The Oath of Allegiance sworn by legal immigrants might suffice. Its words are:
“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; …that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; …that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; …that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; …that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law …that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and …that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

Family Forum ignorance is devastating. The present dispute over attacks on Israel is more existential than Christianity admits.

For 2000 years, the Church has misrepresented Yeshua of Nazareth, a precocious political philosopher. He did not write, but Matthew reported, in CJB, Chapter 12:25-30, “
Yeshua said to them . . . “Those who are not with me are against me.” Taking this cue, Lincoln, in 1858, said, I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.” The importance of Lincoln’s claim persists. The United States cannot be half good and half evil.

The Church claims to hold that the Holy Bible is the word of the God. Genesis 1 holds that the God created humankind to rule to the good on earth – constrain the bad and annihilate evil. Yeshua affirms Genesis 1, for example, in Matthew 5:48: be perfect like the God. But Christianity dismisses Yeshua as Jesus Christ, savior of souls.

Both Israel and Christianity are empowered and authorized to pursue justice – destroy evil on earth. The earth is groaning, because they both tolerate war.


Quora, Anon

I like a paraphrase of Agathon’s speech from Plato’s “Symposium”, 460 BCE:  A civic citizen’s greatest power and authority is that he or she neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or society.

#USpreambler, Sa Laz and also Patricia K. Flanigan, Ed.D

Integrity is a practice more than a product. Steps in the process I prefer include, confront a heartfelt concern; do the work to confirm the concern is not a false impression; if there's discovery, extend comprehension to how to benefit, in responsible self-interest; responsibly behave, in-order-to benefit-from the discovery; publicly express the reasons for the behavior and adopt any improvements suggested; and remain alert to new discovery that requires change. For example, Einstein's discovery of space-time modified Newton's discovery of gravity. Moreover, political-philosopher-Einstein informed humans not to lie so as to minimize misery and loss more than to observe some arbitrary rule. Honesty may neglect comprehension and thus fail integrity: honesty is insufficient.

Monotheism poses an easy test of integrity that most people overlook. It seems something constrains human choices on earth. However, no one knows the entity in control. Monotheism claims the God is in control. However, no one knows the God. Agents construct their God and call it simply “God”, assuming competitive theisms yield to their God. But the competitive theisms are all making the same assumption, and therefore, they talk past each other. None retains humility to the God and thereby each negates themselves.

I think the laws of physics and its progeny – mathematics, the forces, the chemistries, biology, psychology, imagination, indeed everything constrains human choices. However, I am motivated and inspired to practice the good on earth – to constrain the bad and eliminate the evil. Perhaps the good humankind can achieve is the God. I do not know the ineluctable truth., Anon

I don’t think being wealthy is the purpose of human being (verb). Humankind is charged to effect the good on earth.

According to civic integrity, each human-being may and can act to the good on earth. When a person perceives their wealth is due to political or civil advantages, they may and can choose to lobby for reform to the codes effecting the advantages. Philanthropy does not assuage the burden to act to the good.

There are old sayings citing wealth as preventing a person from pursuing the good., Anon

Agathon, in Plato’s Symposium, informed that a civic citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or society. All except people who choose the bad and evil ones feel shame if they breach Agathon’s self-interested code., Charles Jackson

Have you tried posting your opinion on I think as long as you admit you don’t know the ineluctable truth, your opinion is accepted., Anon

Free will is a false doctrine the Church uses to dismiss Genesis 1:26-28.

Genesis 1:26-28 informs that humankind may choose to rule to the good on earth. That is, the God does not take the responsibility to constrain the bad and eliminate evil on earth. The Church argues individual free will.

However, when humans choose the bad or evil, the laws of physics impose suffering. With continuous experiences and observations, that choosing the good is in the individual’s best interest, people nevertheless tend to repeat mistakes.

The West has suffered 2000 years under Church influence and seem at a crossroads of discovery: free will may and can yield to reliable responsibility to the good, totally in self-interest, with humankind the incidental beneficiary. Yeshua of Nazareth 2000 years ago affirmed Genesis 1: humankind may and can choose to rule to the good on earth.

This way of living – civic integrity – is the intention stated in the religion-free 1787 United States Constitution.

#USpreambler, Anon

A Mesopotamian creation story has the God creating female and male as humankind, to flourish on earth. Female has the dominant role, supplying the egg from which a conceived human may be gestated and delivered.

Creation of humankind was parochially reported by Semitic-speaking people in Genesis 1. Their subsequent creation story, beginning in Genesis 2:4 has a competing God, Adonai, and relates Adam created, then a woman fabricated from his rib.

People suppress Genesis 1 in order to politically subjugate women. Some women collaborate, believing they’ll gain favor with subsequent gods, such as Jesus or Christ.

I think we are at a crossroads and can discover that Yeshua, the world’s greatest political philosopher so far, affirmed Genesis 1. See, Anon

Unfortunately, the foundations of Western morality are the gods of monotheism, none of which is humble to the God – whatever constrains human choices. Many people choose to be vegetable, animal, or spirit, leaving responsibility to rule to the good on earth to the few who pursue human being (verb). Being human requires constraining the bad and eliminating the evil, so that the good may and can flourish. Neither the God nor government can usurp this human duty.

Humankind was informed of this responsibility by the Sumer kings some 5500 years ago, who developed law codes that facilitate the good. The codes have been improved, and the intentions to rule to the good “to ourselves and our Posterity” is affirmed in the religion-free 1787 United States Constitution.

Prior generations have left to the people of 2024 the privilege of establishing independence to the good on earth. The United States has the constitutional republic in place to empower the reform. It might start with amendment of the First Amendment religion clauses to “promoting” instead of “prohibiting”.

#USpreambler Anon

I think someone who repeats a mistake has not accepted the power and authority to pursue human being (verb). It isn’t easy to develop as a human-being. As long as repeaters do no harm, I think they should be given opportunity to experience and observe the consequence of dependency.

Animals and spirits repeat mistakes, while the human-being reliably acts to the good on earth. 2500 years ago, Agathon, in Plato’s “Symposium”, said it like this: the human-being neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or society. Genesis 1:26-28 informs humankind to accept responsibility to rule to the good on earth – that means constrain the bad and eliminate evil. Yeshua of Nazareth 2000 years ago said: be perfect according to Genesis 1:26-28. The 1787 United States Constitution affirms humankind’s independence to pursue the good on earth. 

#USpreambler, Anon

Only the ineluctable truth is sufficient. “Ineluctable” means the combination unavoidable and unchangeable and irresistible (Merriam-Webster). Politicians, priests, lawyers, judges, “reporters”, and educators protect the public from knowing “ineluctable”.
Until the ineluctable evidence is known, it is wise to follow statement of opinion with, “But I don’t know the ineluctable truth”. Maybe that’s what Donald Trump skirts when he negotiates then reports to the civic faction of US citizens, “We’ll see how it turns out”. Trump could teach us the word “ineluctable”.


Facebook, June 1, 2024

High motivation may happen when personal curiosity opens to harmony, understanding, and generosity. This observation at age 78 inspired me to return, after 27 years’ absence, to friend my church of some 45 years. I seek an achievable better future “to ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the United States Constitution – to reform both church and state.

Three years later, I hope to share my discovery of Yeshua. That’s the Hebrew name that represents the precocious, Aramaic-speaking political philosopher who was born to Jews Yosef and Miryam, in Nazareth 2000 years ago. See both and, then explore Yeshua’s open-hearted influence in this world.

The most important open heartedness is to humankind’s creator, which offers everything rather than nothing to humankind, including harmony, understanding, and generosity. People usually read Genesis 1:26-28’s 5500 year-old message, humankind may and can rule to the good on earth, then struggle to dismiss it. But Yeshua affirmed it, in Matthew 18:18, “I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. 

The Holy Bible presents competitive creators, constructed on mystery during the period 4000 years ago to 1600 years ago and expanded during the recent centuries. In the competitive constructs, various representations of the creator, such as Adonai, are presented. Typically Yeshua is excluded. For example,, online, includes “Christos” and “Jesus” but not “Yeshua”. A “representatives” view also omits Yeshua:

I glimpse Yeshua’s open-heartedness by reading the Complete Jewish Bible, CJB (1998), thinking, then considering civic citizens’ opinions, both ancient and contemporary. Because Yeshua did not write, we can only read opinion about him. The messianic-person in CJB contrasts with the Eucharistic-Christ in, for example, the New International Version (1978). The concerns of a fellow man in his generation influence me while demands of a purported god accommodate, if not create, my doubt.

For example, Deuteronomy 22:20-21 is harsh: “If . . . evidence for the girl’s virginity could not be found; then . . . the men of her town will stone her to death.” Yeshua offers justice in John 8:4-7: “’Rabbi, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery . . . Moshe commanded that such a woman be stoned to death.’ [He] said to them, ‘The one of you who is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.’” Rabbi’s teaching rabbis is collaboration rather than competition in Judaism and for civic integrity within humankind. As usual, Yeshua’s response goes deep to innocence until evidence of guilt is proven.

I present an initial plan for quickly implementing this reform in the Facebook post responding to Ali Dadgar on May 30, 2024, below., May 31, 2024

Thank you, Barbara,

As a strong Dave Bruebeck fan, I never could spend much time with Miles Davis, much as I tried. However, I followed the Evans text you shared as I listened to the complete Davis album at, while reading quite an essay.

I segued into the Bill Evans trio, with,,, and I will return. Thank you again; I almost missed this joy., May 30, 2024

I think humankind can improve results, going forward, by pursuing and practicing Yeshua’s civic influence to the good.

Scholars think Yeshua (or a few Aramaic equivalent names but not the English impositions) was that precocious boy born to Yosef and Miryam in Nazareth 2000 years ago. I get impressions of his civic influence by reading the Complete Jewish Bible (1998), without attempting to choose a Messiah.

Here are a few Yeshua ideas and references that could be learned by infants, children, adolescents, adults, and nations:

First, each infant may and can develop a god facing death. See John 10:34, CJB, “Yeshua answered them, “Isn’t it written in your Torah‘I have said, “You people are Elohim’ ”? The footnote references Psalm 82:6-7, ““My decree is: ‘You are elohim [gods, judges], sons of the Most High all of you. Nevertheless, you will die like mortals; like any prince, you will fall.’”

Second, be perfect, Matthew 5:48. This statement affirms “in the image of the God”, Genesis 1:26-28.

Third, marry for life -- become one, Matthew 19:4-5, “Haven’t you read that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female, and that he said, ‘For this reason a man should leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two are to become one flesh’? Again, this affirms Genesis 1:26-28’s order to the good.

Fourth, Genesis 1:26-28 informs that humankind has the duty to rule to the good on earth. The remainder of the Holy Bible illustrates the consequences when people choose to practice the bad or evil rather than the good. Using reason and faith, competitive monotheisms attempt to construct a god that could persuade the God to usurp humankind’s power and authority to the good on earth. No theism is humble to the God. Theism’s arrogance can be terminated in self-interest to the good.

In summary, the Holy Bible is the word of the God; that is, whatever constrains the consequences of personal choice. Surprisingly, so far, humankind has discounted Genesis 1 and its key message: humankind is in charge of the good on earth. That is, the God cannot, will not, correct the choices humankind makes, good, bad, or evil. Yeshua affirmed this principle in Matthew 18:18, “Whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” The United States Congress can and may take heed.

The laws of physics make humankind’s responsibility plain today, just as physics did in times primitive to the ancient. For all we know when Yeshua said, “Before Avraham came into being, I AM!” he may have been asserting that the good has always been pursued by the civic citizens.

But I need not know what Yeshua meant. I may and can choose the good because I dislike both the bad and evil.

I only wish my parents and community had taught me the above principles during my first quarter century, so that the subsequent couple quarter centuries could have been clearly pursuing Yeshua’s civic influence. I want today’s infants and beyond to get such an opportunity.

I am so fortunate to have met many people who pursue the good, without articulating Yeshua’s civic influence, as I do at age 81.

Thank you, Ali and all., May 30, 2024

I must be the luckiest man alive. Cynthia thought she could accept my courtship or not, depending on the mood she was in. Consequently, I haven't stopped courting her. Five years into our marriage, I'd say, "Come on baby light my fire." She'd respond, "Yeah, yeah, I know. You want to pick my brain." If it was talk, she never hesitated. But if it was something I'd written, she'd say, "Leave it on the table and I'll read it when I feel like it." Later, she might say, "I wouldn't write that." When I learned her objection, "I'd sometimes say, without apology, 'I wouldn't write that either'", and change it. I want to live again and not grow so old so fast.

May 29, 2024

People who'd like to pursue Yeshua's civic influence may and can call on Yeshua, the Aramaic-speaking, Jewish political-philosopher from Nazareth 2000 years ago. As a reminder, I read the Complete Jewish Bible (1998). If an idea therein does not seem to accommodate Yeshua's civic influence to the good, I consider it suspect until I understand better.

None of the gods represented in the Holy Bible seem humble to the good. It seems competitive monotheism distracts humankind from the good. It's not too late to reform., May 30, 2024

It's amazing! Hominid tools date from 2.8 million years ago. Homo sapiens is perhaps 300,000 years old. Nearby, there's evidence of intentional work 11,000 years ago. There's evidence of law codes to be aided by civic citizens in Mesopotamia 5.500 years ago. And today, we accept a world in chaos. How did that happen? If we accept that it is so, what can we do to establish the order intended 5,500 years ago?, May 29, 2024

Taking this a step further, Matthew 5:48 instructs to be perfect like your creator is perfect. That is one of Yeshua's affirmations of Genesis 1:26-28, which informs that you may choose to rule to the good on earth in the image of your creator.

I first glimpsed this notion on reading Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Divinity School Address." There, Emerson says Jesus meant it for virtuous living when he said "be perfect".

Recent discovery that scholars think Yeshua was a Jew born to Aramaic-speaking Yosef and Miryam of Nazareth 2000 years ago, has made things he might have said more heartfelt to me. "Yeshua" does not carry the Church impositions that "Jesus" and "Christ" entail. Yeshua comforts me, and I think his civic influence can help most considerate people. I get a fresh start by reading the Complete Jewish Bible (1998).

I trust the God to responsibly deal with soul mystery and want to choose the good according to Yeshua's civic influence. I experience that influence in the faces and voices of open-hearted people everywhere I go. I think open-hearted people are reforming the Church., May 28, 2024

I met you at Chic-Fil-A, the only time I ate there, maybe a couple years ago.

At that time I was focused on 3 ideas: 1) we may and can pursue the ineluctable truth -- the combination of 3 necessities -- unavoidable, unchangeable, and irresistible; 2) Genesis 1:26-28 informs that humankind is charged to rule to the good on earth; and 3) Jesus affirms Genesis 1:26-28 and may be its author. Since then, I discovered Yeshua, the world's greatest political philosopher, so far.

Recent experiences at my church of some 45 years have convinced me that "Jesus" (Greek-originating English-suppression of "Yeshua") and "Christ" (a Greek-derived competitive title) politically hide Yeshua, that precocious boy born to Aramaic-speaking Jews in Nazareth of 2000 years ago. It comforts me to thoughtfully read the Complete Jewish Bible (1998). Thereby, I perceive that I am not getting 1900 year-old church impositions on the thoughts of Paul, Peter, John, and James or Matthew, Mark, and Luke. If I want to check English-language impositions, I read NIV (1978), where I perceive church suppression of the life of Yeshua.

In other words, by reading CJB, I am getting near-direct colloquial messages of the world's greatest political philosopher, Yeshua of Nazareth. Yeshua affirmed 2000 years ago, a then 3500 year-old civic principle: "Humankind, despite all appearances, you are responsible to constrain chaos in your way of living and thereby aid in the duty to rule to the good on earth." (See Matthew 5:48, for example of Yeshua’s affirmation.) I cannot impose on other people commitment to rule to the good on earth, but I may and can behave so as to constrain the bad and eliminate evil. I want my church to consider Yeshua's message.

If we count the Holy Bible as the word of the God, we cannot simply dismiss Genesis 1:26-28, yet many readers and most preachers do. We, the people of 2024 may and can change that. We may and can reform Western religion so as to take reliable responsibility to rule to the good on earth., May 27, 2024

The government ought to ban the NYT for people under 99 years old. May 27, 2024

Socrates took the hemlock to defend the rule of law even when the adjudication is unjust. I think Yeshua died because his civic influence improved Moses law and the priests were jealous. I think American soldiers die to facilitate civic citizens' responsible independence "to ourselves and our Posterity", quoting the Constitution. Many citizens erroneously prefer dependency. Some think they won't know children's misery, not admitting that soul-life is a mystery. At age 81, I appreciate the opportunity to do all I can to prepare for the future and to aid the United States.

The Atlantic ad:

I prefer the quarterly National Affairs. I think The Atlantic is confused. For example, it's not democracy that depends on informed voters: it's the United States republic that depends on informed voters. Democracy appeals to honesty. The United States republic pursues integrity. And civic citizens know the difference between honesty and integrity., May 25, 2024

First, the 1973 court made the mistake of legislating rather than upholding the Constitution's separation of powers.

Second, that life begins at conception is the Church's opinion. Legislators are obliged to keep church out of state.

Third, the entity that needs protection is the ovum -- legislative protection from wayward women and from wanton men. Borrowing some words from Leonard Cohen, the children waiting to be born deserve the best opportunity to pursue human being (verb). Legislation to protect ova will benefit civic women and civil men., 5/23/24

I do not advocate this cartoon at all.

My objections begin with reported correction by Yeshua, in Matthew 19:4-5, "Haven’t you read that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female, and that he said, ‘For this reason a man should leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two are to become one flesh’?"

Next, I perceive that believing Christ rather than Yeshua dooms the believer to never embrace Yeshua's civic influence to the good on earth. After all, it's Yeshua's speech reported in Matthew 10:32-33, “Whoever acknowledges me in the presence of others I will also acknowledge in the presence of my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others I will disown before my Father in heaven. "

Christ came via Paul's church, which developed after Yeshua was unjustly executed. Past generations left to us the opportunity to establish Yeshua's church, preferably unite all civic people.

My first thought of a replacement cartoon has "Couple" instead of husband and wife. Instead of children, my cartoon has Family, to accommodate the future with grandchildren and beyond. And Yeshua could be represented as an influence -- perhaps as a circle labeled "Community Influenced by Yeshua"., May 24, 2024

I think people need Yeshua's civic influence.

Consider, for example, Yeshua's process for resolving human conflict, in Matthew 18:15-18. Churches don't teach it. Preachers ignore V 18, because it says the God will not correct conflict resolution (or none).

The point of Yeshua's civic influence is pursuit of error-free living.

Teaching Jesus hides Yeshua's civic influence, which does not seem prudent. The supernatural seems to dominate when thoughts drift away from civic integrity. And Christ confounds believers, because the intention seems to be salvation of mysterious soul in the afterdeath. Why not trust afterdeath to the source of beforebirth?

I'd like to live another 40 years and repeat no mistakes. I think Yeshua's civic influence can help. Reading the Complete Jewish Bible (1998) helps keep the focus.

If you consider this post, you'll be shocked with Yeshua's process for conflict resolution, referenced above. Most people need it and almost no one uses it., May 24, 2024

Humility graces the integrity to influence people.

May 24,2024

The idea, "we cannot ensure our own prosperity except by ensuring that of everyone else" fails the human responsibility. Physics and its progeny, biology and economics, for examples require humankind to rule to the good on earth and its extensions into space. Thus, the people who earn their responsible way of living may aid those who cannot earn their way until they can, constrain the dissidents and rebels until they will, and eliminate the evils.

The Russsell fallacy is in the word "ensure". There will always be people who can't, resist, won't, or tyrannize reliably responsible citizens.

The remedy is for civic citizens to accept their power and authority to aid the development of statutory justice in their country. Here, vote out of office every official who aids the dismantling of the United States republic., May 23, 2024

This is hilarious., especially because the instructor's instructions are included. It's suitable for a Berlitz lesson. Notice that the teacher says "da-rink", soft as the "a" may be. The slapstick ending calls to mind the wonderful Bob Newhart:

May 24, 2024

G. Washington wanted to trap the British on Manhattan. The French strategized and planned for a year, Yorktown, VA. There, Cornwallis surrendered to France and the colonies in 1781., May 22, 2024

I don't know much about Reeves, beyond this post, and cannot imagine a better example of human being (verb).

When I read President Trump's inaugural speech,, and note his stand against the alien powers that manage the U.S. administrative state, a bigger example appears.

Then I wonder if Keanu Reeves supports Donald Trump for president. Re-reading the speech and considering Trump's performance, my guess is, yes., May 21, 2024

In my experiences and observations Secular Humanists do not accept the responsibility to 1) constrain dissidents and rebels until they reform and 2) eliminate villains, so that civic citizens may pursue the good to the earth. Humanists seem to tolerate humankind. I cannot suggest what they are waiting for. Maybe one will say, or correct me., May 21, 2024

Consider Yeshua's process for resolving human conflict. It's in Matthew 18:15-18, CJB. The God's assurance is stated for us to heed in V 18, "I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven." So far, religions don't teach Yeshua's civic integrity. We can change that., May 21, 2024

Joy has a way of finding its own., May 21, 2024

My church co-pastor, last week, kindly said, "I understand Yeshua's civic influence is important to you." I responded, "Thank you. I'm just glad I lived long enough to accept the good Yeshua promotes." We'll see what happens next., May 20, 2024

This is good.
I think the marriage vows should extend to possible grandchildren. Proverbs 17:6, which I never read before, says, "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, while the glory of children is their ancestors." Anyone know a better passage?
Intentional dialogue with children that they are preparing for possible parenthood would aid humankind, even if the child chooses not to become a parent., May 18, 2024

I'm just glad I lived long enough to discover and trust his civic influence regardless of competitive church dogma., May 18, 2024

It's difficult to know how to protect your family when the U.S. administration weaponizes all public service, in order to squash the political opponent. I saw a video last night with Biden boasting about ignoring the US Supreme Court in order to give billions to pay some student's college loans. My daughters paid their loans, I think with my aid.

I'm on deck to vote for Trump my fourth and fifth time and would be glad to listen to civic citizens who think I am wrong. "Civic" means reliably responsible to constrain the bad and aid the good on earth, leaving the heavens to the God.

May 17, 2024

The considerate NOLA musicians inspire me. Recalling Leon Russell, I've seen a lot of faces in my life and time . . . spoke a lot times and shared some lame thoughts. But I'm alone now and each considerate face I see seems a god facing death.

I know now, informed by Yeshua, considerate humans may and can pursue perfection of their unique person -- not in conformity to society but in the image of the God, the entity that constrains the consequences of human choices.

Like Emerson, I think one political philosopher understood the power and authority each considerate human being can pursue, but the Church has hidden that philosopher. Unlike Emerson, who thought the political philosopher was Jesus, I think he was Yeshua or Yeshuʿ or Yishoʿ or Issou, the precocious son of Aramaic-speaking Yosef and Miryam of today's Nazareth. Yeshua influenced civic integrity -- to live so as to not repeat mistakes, in order to develop the wisdom that prevents error. Yeshua promotes freedom from erroneous living.

About an hour ago, I experienced Yeshua's influence in action. My wondrous wife, 3 years into bed-ridden PSP, was choking like never before. Our younger daughter, 24-7-365-3 caretaker, came to my room and calmly said, "Dad, come listen to what Mom is doing." I went there and thought she was dying. Rebekah had tried to suction Cynthia's throat, but her teeth were clinched. Over the next few minutes, Rebekah, suffering migraine-nausea, yelled instructions to Cynthia to cough rather than choke, tried to pry her teeth open, cautioned I was too rough to try, massaged Cynthia's sternum, instructed me to fetch the oxygen meter, had me lean Cynthia up while Rebekah gently pounded her shoulders, prayed to "Jesus or Christ or Yeshua or God" for mercy to Cynthia, had me turn on the bed-shaking-machine, had me hold Cynthia off the mattress while Rebekah gently pounded Cynthia's back, prayed again for wisdom to self, brought out a feeding tube to consider extending the suction wand deeper into the throat, considered a trip to the hospital, and put Cynthia's favorite song, Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World", on the TV. Cynthia's breathing and oxygen returned to normal.

Two hours later, Cynthia and Rebekah are sleeping in "normal" conditions. I've had breakfast. Thank goodness, we three pleading humans were not alone.

When I'm alone. When I'm alone. Give me Yeshua's civic influence. You can have all the rest; give me Yeshua.

As for the other considerate people on earth, give them their motivation and inspiration, without demanding they choose Yeshua. Nevertheless, educate every person who chooses human being (verb) that 2000 years ago Yeshua informed us we may and can, before death (John 10:34, CJB, Psalm 82:6-7) pursue perfection (Matthew 5:48, CJB) in the image of our originator (Genesis 1:26-28).

Similarly, rather than annihilate themselves, nations may consider Yeshua's civic influence to the good on earth.

May 18, 2024

Loraine, first, Genesis 1 is not consistent with either the Old Testament or the New Testament. Rather than Judeo-Christianity, ancient Sumerian civic philosophy, in polytheistic grounding, is expressed in Genesis 1. There’s acceptance of humankind’s obligations to pursue order to the earth in Verses 26-28.

Starting with Genesis 2:4, writers construct competitive Gods, in order to avoid accepting the power and authority to humankind that is expressed in Genesis 1:26-28.

The BCE and CE dating confuses me, so I use “years ago”, inconvenient as that may be to some thinkers. Here’s my impression of the past:

1.    5500 years ago (ya) the sequence of Sumerian kings accepted that humankind must order living on earth, because the gods were too busy defending their domains.

a.    They successively improved law codes to empower civic citizens through statutory law.

b.    A minority of their citizens were Semitic-speaking.

2.    3900 Hammurabi conquered Sumer and improved the law codes.

3.    A faction of Semitic citizens, Terah’s family, objected to the occasional human sacrifice and left Ur 3800 ya to continue existing animal and grain sacrifices to bargain with the gods.

a.    They rationalized ideas for persuading their doctrinal God to usurp their Genesis 1:26-28 duty.

b.    Perhaps 3700 ya, Jacob became Israel with some 12 tribes dispersed.

c.     About 3500 ya Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament.

d.    About 3400 ya Joshua (alternately the Old Testament “Yeshua”) was Israel’s first judge.

e.    About 3050 ya Solomon anoints David to be king.

f.      About 2950 ya Israel split into 2 nations.

g.    About 2700 ya Isaiah and other books are written messiah to unite the tribes.

h.    About 2600 Babylon destroys Jerusalem.

i.      About 2500 ya Darius I authorized the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

j.      About 2100 ya Roman troops occupy Judea and Jerusalem.

k.     About 1975 ya, Jewish leaders met in Jerusalem to debate Israeli factions regarding Yeshua’s execution:

                                  i.    John and elders spoke for the Torah, including circumcision.

                                 ii.    Peter spoke for relaxing civil rules for civic integrity.

                                iii.    James proposed a compromise to listening pagans: no idols, no meat killed by strangulation, no blood, and no wanton sexuality.

                                iv.    Paul insisted on preaching his church with no appreciation to Yeshua.

                                 v.    It seems Jews who opposed Yeshua’s civic integrity were absent.

l.      About 1900 ya, Rome destroys the second temple and Jewish blood-sacrifices cease.

4.    About 2000 ya Aramaic-speaking Yosef and Miryam, in the midst of political and religious turmoil beget a precocious son they call Yeshua. He studies, observes, and develops civic integrity in a world where no one else has that objective.

a.    For example, no one teaches Yeshua’s civic influence in Mathew 18:15-18;

                                  i.    Accept responsibility to resolve civic disputes.

                                 ii.    The God will not correct whatever resolution you and the perceived offender reach.

                                iii.    This last point is direct affirmation of the Sumerian political philosophy that is colloquially expressed in Genesis 1:26-28.

                                iv.    As far as I can tell, everyone in the churches I attend rejects the human power and authority expressed in Genesis 1:26-28.

                                 v.    I work to change that, knowing that Yeshua has not yet effected humankind’s integrity.

5.    About 1500 ya, the Church canonized the complete Bible in order to obfuscate Yeshua’s civic influence to the good.

a.    I prefer the Complete Jewish Bible (1998).

b.    I also read NIV (1978) for, I think, European views.

c.     So far, obfuscation is working, with some 40,000 Christian sects in the world.

Loraine, I appreciate your kind reading.

May 20 A


1. 200,000 years ago, homo sapiens emerged

2. 5500 ya polytheistic Sumerian kings developed civil codes to empower civic citizens to constrain dissidents and rebels and eliminate evils, in order to allow reliable responsibility to the good on earth.

3. 4000 ya competitive monotheism bemused civic citizens. Today, there are over 45,000 sects.

4. 2000 ya a precocious person, Yeshua of today’s Nazareth improved local law and encouraged everyone to perfect civic behavior.

5. 1600 ya, churches built on Yeshua’s execution without crime canonized bibles that promote many Gods, Satan, a Messiah, Jesus, Christ, chosen people, and antinomians, hiding Yeshua’s civic influence.

6. In 2024, the civic people may and can establish, at last, reliable responsibility to the good on earth by accepting the duty. I think Yeshua's civic influence may and can help.

May 20 B
There's a recent, documented example: Perhaps Mother Teresa accepted Yeshua's civic influence, yet was too busy to consider and articulate it. Perhaps she overcame the appearance of divinity, accepting without objection the mystery of the God. The crisis rests with the Church, not with the civic servant.

Fortunately to me, I lived long enough (80) years and experienced and observed enough to discover Yeshua's civic influence, which I observe in the faces and voices and expressions of many civic citizens.

Unfortunately, religions have not discovered Yeshua's process for resolving human conflict. It's in Matthew 18:15-18, CJB. V 18 reminds us of Genesis 1:26-28's instruction that humankind is in charge of pursing the good on earth and the creator will not correct humankind's errors. It is Yeshua's affirmation of Genesis 1:26-28, one of many. See, for example,

May 21 A

Loraine Acutt I've been sharing my thoughts since before 2013 when I wanted to use a decade-long study of the preamble to the United States Constitution to lessen the drive to separate Baton Rouge with St. George City.

The words are mine, especially because I long since lost track of credits to my teachers. If I started trying to list them after Yeshua the Nazarene, I'd leave someone out, like Jesus, the Peter, Paul, James or John precursor for me. Joyfully, the other day, I recalled Susan Reader, my high school orchestra teacher and conductor. I played second seat second violin in the 1954, Knoxville All-City Orchestra.

I write to learn and that is what has happened in this very dialogue, in an exponential way, because of Accutt and Kayser responses and comments. (Also, there's the awareness that Doug met our family in 2010.) Thank you.

Whitte is a Queen, rest her spirit. And we appreciate your kind regards, including Holly, our older daughter, who works full time then busts herself to try to care for Cynthia and the rest of our family. I can't thank you enough for allowing me to share that 15 minutes of terror last week when Cynthia was choking.

May 21 B

Loraine Kayser Well said and exciting a couple comments. I take it “social, relational beings” implies pursuing the good and discouraging the bad. And “in the life of the world” reference “rule” rather than expect the God to rule.
Further, I think “God” is whatever constrains actions the human being chooses. To indicate my thought, I write “the God” rather than “God”.
“Let us make humankind in our image” is followed by “in the image of God he created him:
male and female he created them.” What do the two pronoun changes tell us? Also, notice this creation precedes Adam and grants the woman equal status to the man (it seems). My opinion is that the God would write “female and male” to indicate that everything needed to develop a person is contained in each ovum each woman produces.
Yeshua affirmed that the God will not overrule social, relational beings” in Matthew 18:18, CJB: “I tell you people that whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”
Loraine, thank you for taking the time to ponder Genesis 1:26-28. Most people simply discount my interest., May 17, 2024

Hedges seems exemplary liberal socialist, riding both sides of the fence, in order to escape the challenge of suggesting then promoting viable collaboration – the heretofore impossible dream.
See wikipedia's report, "Hedges' 2007 book, American Fascists, describes the fundamentalist Christian right in the United States as a fascist movement. In March 2008, Hedges published the book, I Don't Believe in Atheists, in which he argues that new atheism presents a danger that is similar to religious extremism."
The responsibility of being human was understood at least 5500 years ago when a succession of Sumer kings created civil codes for fellow citizens to develop a civic culture. Hammurabi conquered Sumer and published the finished product. Some subsequent civilizations have improved law codes.
Semitic-speaking scholars published the Sumerian political philosophy in Genesis 1:26-28. In my paraphrase, female and male human being may and can pursue perfect good to the earth. But their descendants developed competitive monotheism, each group constructing God for war. It seems no one appreciates the God.
I don't know the ineluctable truth, so write opinion. I'd be interested in Hedges' opinion about how to motivate the Christian right and new atheism to collaborate for life on earth.
Further, the 5500 year-old political philosophy, updated by the 1787, religion-free United States Constitution offers Hedges a proposal for resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Its authorization and maintenance by the civic faction of We the People of the United States, defined by the intentions sentence in the preamble and amend-ability, empowers the civic citizens to pursue perfect good to the earth. Achievable future justice is today’s legislative pursuit.
U.S. citizens, such as Hedges, can encourage proponents to yield assertions that they are their doctrinal God's chosen people and therefore have authorization to take land and other property by force. Meanwhile, urge opponents to forego the claim that sacrificing opportunity to live is encouraged by their God. Convince both sides that their cultural Gods yield to the God, which is, whatever constrains humankind's choices on earth.
These are principles developed after returning to church, in order to friend. Church seems to be distracted by Christ’s hope to mystic-soul, rather than Yeshua' civic influence for living.
I think collaboration on Yeshua's civic influence, which I perceive by reading the Complete Jewish Bible (1998) more readily than from the New International Version (1978), can aid civic citizens. Once I have an opinion, I seek to improve it by talking with contemporary fellow citizens, in order to benefit from their perspective. (Scholars think Yeshua was the name Yosef and Miryam used to address their precocious son. See the Wikipedia article. If I learn it is another name, I'll change.), May 16, 2024

This is great. Pillar sings in order for the listener to understand. Also, I found the lyrics at On first reading I personally perceived Yeshua.

Yet I am set back by "when I submit to you . . . far away". The Church invites submission, but Yeshua encourages each listener to pursue personal perfection in the image of the God; the God is the entity that humbles every God. For all I know, the God is the laws of physics, or Yeshua's civic influence, or something else.

Churches bemuse human beings with competitive Gods, Satan, Christ, Jesus, body, blood, transubstantiation, sacrifice, cross, and more -- circumcision, hate, conscience, guilt, and more. Yeshua has one message: don't repeat a human mistake so as to acquire the wisdom to avoid error.

There's so much joy in Yeshua's civic influence! I would like to help musicians develop Yeshua's messages.

Thank you, Kimberly, May 15, 2024

Google translate gave me "Forty thousand men massacred and the army of our troubling allies, and you find there the word for laughter" and "It's good for a boy".

Reminds me of the Rome-burning story.

Loraine Kayser I appreciate the news link. The reporter said the rock reference dates to the fall of the Berlin wall, which seems doubly unimaginative by the U.S. state department.

When I was a young boy, the intellectuals were reading War and Peace while I was fascinated with global biographies and American literature, especially Ralph Waldo Emerson. I appreciate your knowledge. Why "writer Tolstoy author Leo". What's in that message? I can see writer is not necessarily creator.

As a young adult, I read "The Death of Ivan Ilyich". It has lasting impact on me and I could read it again if I had time. When I last visited my dad, a couple decades ago, he said, "Your sister is taking good care of me." Seeing her desperation, I asked him, "Are you taking good care of her?" He said, "You've got a lot of nerve."

Now, our daughter is exclusively caring for my bed-ridden wife with feeding tube. When daughter speaks, I act, appreciating every moment. Last night, I had the privilege of telling our daughter, "You are the most gifted person I know." I know a little of Emerson's impact, but how much influence does Tolstoy have on me. I am grateful.

Global warming deceipt

That looks like Thomas Sowell, whom I miss. Merriam-Webster online tells me "scam" means "to deceive and defraud (someone)".

I think the most awful scam in history is the movement from resolvable mythology to competitive monotheism. Humankind discovered that our sun is just another natural nuclear reactor rather than one of the gods. However, once a group establishes and maintains doctrine that their God grants believers mysterious soul in eternal life, another group adjusts the doctrine to construct a competing God.

Alas, one group thinks that killing non-believers grants the immediate authorization to heaven, especially in killer-sacrifice.

Christianity can drop out of competitive monotheism by accepting the God, whatever it is, without human objection or imposition, then pursuing Yeshua's civic influence. It is discernable in reports of what Yeshua said to people, individually or in crowds, as applied to the living generation's level of human discovery., May 15, 2024

That's how I feel about Church.

Our literature begins with the 5500 year-old acceptance that the god's leave to humankind reliable responsibility to the good on earth (Genesis 1:26-28 CJB and NIV). The rest of the accepted books report consequences when groups construct their competitive God to undo what the gods made obvious: Humankind may and can benefit by discovering and applying the laws of physics.

For example, earn the lifestyle you desire. Another: pursue the opportunity you have.

Citizens cannot expect the God to provide the rule of law. Civic citizens may and can aid civil codes by observing them and collaborating for statutory justice -- correcting errant legislation.

Defectors may and can be eliminated, and in the United States administrators who support villains and killers may and can be either impeached by the people through civic representatives or be unelected.

One person in history read Genesis 1:26-28 and encouraged individuals to accordingly be perfect. I'm just glad I lived long enough to discover that scholars think his parents called called him Yeshua, or Yeshuuʿ, or Ishoʿ rather than Emanuel, or Christ, or Jesus, or other political imposition. If I discover a name more accurate to what Yeshua's mom and dad called him, I'll change to that name, so as to improve my personal integrity.

It's a matter of political competition. Fellow citizens cannot benefit from Yeshua's civic influence by seeking soul-salvation through Christ or other heartfelt hope. It's an opportunity for Church to reform rather than to dissolve. Humility to what the God intends is more vital than hope in what a person believes.

I imagine a culture wherein every child learns from his or her parents to acquire, during their first quarter century, the comprehension and intention to not repeat even one personal mistake then and during subsequent quarter centuries, expecting to perceive pursuit of perfection as they mature.

The photographer hired by Ethyl Corporation in the late 60s to photo me as a new employee, said that a few people are so good that they approach perfection early, and die young. Usually, people imply that youthful bad is forgotten. I like to think in rare cases the deceased has fulfilled their purpose -- they reached their unique perfection and naturally died.

I also dream I'll witness Church reform and work for it., May 14, 2024

At age 81, I may be the luckiest man on the block. In our 54th year of marriage, I still have to court Cynthia for a smile. And when she smiles, I feel I served my purpose to her.

I think men who never discovered Yeshua's civic influence just don't find authenticity.

Quoting CJB, Matthew 19:4-5, "[Yeshua] replied, “Haven’t you read that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female, and that he said, ‘For this reason a man should leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two are to become one flesh’?" Fortunately, I also read NIV, which says "united to his wife", which I prefer.

In my next life, I will ask PaPa if I can have Cynthia's hand and family name: Phillip R. Marionneaux., May 14, 2024

Worrisome news

I get healing by walking briskly for about 25 minutes then doing about 15 brief exercises in 20 minutes. Otherwise, I am nourishing concerns on multiple fronts. Today, I must check my garden after the storm last night and clean my guns again in case zealots from Biden-gate come our way. Thank reliable responsibility: Gov. Landry is doing all he can to prevent intrusion by killers who intend-to and believe-they-will go to heaven immediately after the kill.


Alas, I do not know enough to benefit from this discussion. And my passion is to share a recent discovery, the 2000-year-old entity from Nazareth, Yeshua's civic influence. After 80 years' living and perhaps 73 years trying to parse people's opinions about multiple, constructed entities: Satan, spirit, God, Jesus, Christ, Church, I simply accept the other in order to pursue Yeshua's civic influence. "Civic" means reliable pursuit of civil codes to statutory justice.

Cat caution

Loraine Acutt I appreciate the information. I am openhearted, but don't spend much time on "friend requests" that don't seem to make sense.

Regardless, I am grateful for the motivation to improve friends ability to understand what a precious family member Spunky was (and our daughter's dedication to make it happen).

Fatty used to come to the garden when I was picking weeds and ask, "Meow help?" I did not understand "Meow" meant "How can I . . ." and gave no instructions. Suddenly, he'd paw my working hand with a lose claw. I learned caution. Whitey would saunter up behind Fatty and flop over to observe the work. Meanwhile, Spunky was down by the rainwater-runoff-ditch looking for a snack.

The five 1-year-olds our daughters now serve know I'm an instructed assistant so don't listen to my pleas at all. The one male, Lion (French phonics), relaxed near me in my den-chair until he understood my status.

United Kingdom

The civic faction of We the People of the United States, as defined by the preamble to the US Constitution, may and can accept that it has yet to establish independence from the UK, even though Spain and France helped the 13 English colonies win American independence. The 1783 Treaty of Paris is between GB and the 13 named states. After a short time in independence, 12 of the 13 states committed to a Union of states.

British loyalists who did not return to England persuaded the First Congress to re-establish Anglo-American politics. A generation's civic faction can collaborate to establish US independence. We are the 12th generation with that opportunity. I think we are up to the task made urgent by the lawlessness the Biden administration imposes on the civic faction.

"Civic" refers to reliable responsibility to the good in human connections and transactions. A civic people aid continual improvement of civil codes, in order to pursue statutory justice., May 13, 2024

Approaching age 81, I accept the God and don't evaluate speculations about whatever that entity is. I feel that every choice to the good I ever made was guided by Yeshua's civic influence. Yeshua was that precocious boy who was born to Aramaic-speaking Jews Yosef and Miryam in today's Nazareth, 2000 years ago, and developed into a teacher who left no writing. In every generation, there are students who consider diverse opinion about what Yeshua is reported to have said to fellow citizens and to crowds. Students update to their experiences and observations the application of Yeshua's civic influence, and that becomes possible guidance for us in our time. We debate Yeshua's civic influence and apply it for joy. This is not splitting hairs over a name: at stake is the authentic person rather than opinion about him. After all, no one can converse with me if someone tells them, "I heard it from Jack Sprat". I hope soon Facebook will no longer question the spelling, Yeshua., May 13, 2024


Rick Arnett, thank you. That's a frame-able statement: Wisdom is the product of a bad experience properly understood and not repeated.

I immediately google searched on it and found a lesser good one from Lao tzu, "To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day." This guru-advice makes no sense for self-reliance.

To say that wisdom comes from understanding knowledge does not reach Arnett's statement.

Socrates perhaps encouraged apathy: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"

Confucius did not suggest Arnett's self-constraint: "“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”

Ecclesiastes 9, CJB, seems challenging, e.g., "For as long as a person is linked with the living, there is hope — better to be a living dog than a dead lion!"

RWE said, "To finish the moment, to find the journey's end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom."

Mark Twain said, "A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom that he can no longer be led by the nose."

Yeshua, a person who lived 2000 years ago, said, "The proof of wisdom is in the actions it produces.” Similarly, Einstein, another Jew, said, "Truth is what stands the test of experience." I think wisdom and truth are useful yet neither quote motivates the pursuit of understanding the knowledge.

Without objection, I may drop the modifier "properly", in order to claim understanding is sufficient.

Mom and Dad still advising me

Also over 100 years old, Mom's refrain was, "Phil, you trust people too much". I think she was really saying I was naive. I wish she had said gullible rather than naive. Dad said, "Trust yourself."

Making fun of Jesus:

Ralph Waldo Emerson, in "Divinity School Address" (1838) (DSA), objected to the Church making Jesus God, forever hiding a unique message to humankind, in my paraphrase: Each of you may accept the power and authority to perfect your unique person to the good on earth.

Who knows how much my life was changed by friendship with the late Hugh Finklea. He and I had plastic coated pages with the first 4 paragraphs in large print hanging from a brass clutch on a cypress tree at my back yard patio. We talked for hours and never thought to parse past page 4.

Here's the first consequence. I am now sharing motivation with Hugh and Ralph that it's neither Jesus nor Christ but Yeshua or Yeshuuʿ or Ishoʿ. He was the Aramaic-speaking precocious son to Yosef and Miryam, the Jewish couple in the Nazareth of 2000 years ago. I'm referring to the person who spoke with fellow citizens rather than the competitive images created by the opinions of people who wrote about Yeshua and the exponentially increasing writers about the opinion initiators. When Pontius Pilot asked him if he was a king, Yeshua said he came to witness to the truth.

And here's the second friendship consequence. Yeshua really meant it when he said every newborn may and can perfect their person before dying. He referred to the 5500 year old political philosophy parochially expressed in Genesis 1:26-28 CJB, in my paraphrase, humankind may and can pursue the good on earth and the consequences of their choices will not be changed. (Yeshua affirmed this in CJB Matthew 18:18.)

Neglecting the obvious invites ruin. I can't imagine another human being not articulating, yet bearing this awareness more calmly, civically, responsibly than Hugh did.

Great entertainer

Cynthia and I used to step to the rhythm, never becoming experts at any dance, including a little Argentine tango. I was the problem. Anyhow, not being experts we could get lost together on the floor. In my next life, I'm going to find her earlier and take her on the QM2 to dance to Carly Simon: I still sing that song to Cynthia when I can remember some of it., May 13, 2024 Also on X or twitter

Greg, thank you for posting this wonderful story. While I did not know your grandmother, it prompted recall of mine, a Farley (Scots-Irish) married to a Beaver (dominantly English). My Booker grandmother passed before I was born, but a couple Booker aunts remind me of your grandmother, especially Aunt Stella, a favorite.

Nettie Beaver took me to a local park to see the peacocks (and observe their mess). Who knows how much impact her double set of colored pencils and coloring book had on me! She was a widow and tragedy-survivor. Dad sacrificed to care for her, with neither sibling nor uncles help.

I am grateful. May they all rest in peace.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to theineluctabletruth, which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like. He uses the hashtag #USpreambler.

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