Saturday, October 23, 2021

Behaving according to the-God, whatever that entity may be

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Behaving according to the-God, whatever that entity may be

      I was an East Tennessee Southern Baptist, 11 and 13 years old, respectively, when the U.S. added “. . . under God” to the pledge of allegiance and adopted the motto “In God We Trust” instead of the 1782 motto “E Pluribus Unum”. I heard about affluent& frightened fellow-citizens building and stocking nuclear-fallout-shelters for their families.

      As husband and later father with 3 children, I questioned the hypocrisy of “God Bless America”, hyped by our government. Reagan’s “city on a hill” came after I’d spent 15 months with family in Greece, learning humility about provincial opinions. I intended to develop my open-mind, appreciating my wife’s differing Christian religion, developed together for our children. That was half a century ago.

      My appreciation for my wife’s religion and our children’s religions has never been stronger, and my trust-in and commitment to the-ineluctable-truth has never been as articulate. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. I am sorry Mom and Dad did not experience that word. I have yet to meet a person who claims to know “ineluctable”. After discovering it, I feel that I am open-hearted as well as open-minded.

      The impact of that sojourn in Greece as well as more recent foreign visits, including Jamaica, Mexico, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and England, opened recent imagination to the-God: whatever controls the consequences of individual human-being’s choices and collective choices. It could be physics and its progeny. My travel days are over. Never again will I have the arrogance to risk sufficient humility toward the-God, because I do not know the-ineluctable-truth. And not knowing neither frustrates me nor stymies my listening habit.

      I hope many readers comprehend my point: for all I know, the Jesus who reportedly said “before Abraham was born I AM” is the metaphysical author of Genesis 1:26-28’s 5 thousand-year-old message: homo sapiens can independently constrain chaos on earth.


How the Ghost of Jimmy Carter’s Presidency Haunts Everything Biden Says About Supply Shortages (

Kevin Mattson illustrates postmodern-journalism’s alien-determination to persuade U.S. citizens to fail 1787 U.S. intentions.

“[T]he sociologist Robert Bellah . . . becoming known as a “communitarian” argued that Carter could . . . present the vision . . . “people participate in each other’s lives because they are mutually committed to values that transcend self-interest.”

According to the U.S. 1787 proposal, people civically encourage& facilitate responsible-human-independence (RHI) when they constrain chaos in their personal-privacy.

“Carter . . . added . . . “We’ve learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.”

The proffered 1787 U.S. domestic-discipline is stated in the preamble’s purpose-clause: in self-interest, the-civic-people in their states practice integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity and encourage& facilitate responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

Therein, “ourselves” includes children, and “Posterity” includes legal immigrants. The disciplines exclude religion/none, reserved in personal-privacy. Discipline-standards are to be discovered in the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity”. The goal is independence, a human duty& opportunity, instead of liberty, too often licensed by the winner in war or in mob-frenzy.

Mattson finishes his article “Slow down and think about what really matters in our lives . . . was the best part of Carter’s message, and many Americans, I think, would still respond to it.  But the intervening decades of American politics have made it very hard to imagine any president going there, ever again.”

It is not difficult to imagine the next president responding to the entity We the People of the United States revising the First Amendment so as to promote the civic humble-integrity required for RHI rather than civil religious pride. We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” can make it happen. Contact your U.S. and local representatives.

To Barry Duncan:

To kindly share civic-concern, this reader is constrained to ask why the famous Plains, Ga Baptist Sunday-school teacher is the worst ever-president, excepting Biden. I'm asking my Baptist Church to consider Genesis 1:28's message, in 2021 awareness: female& male-human-being can, for necessity& justice, provide order& prosperity to the living species and to this world. I make the case that this message can be deduced from the metaphysical Jesus's reported sayings, like "Before Abraham was born I AM". So far, "my" pastor (once saved, always saved) won't return my phone call. In my fourth quarter century I can say that only "freethinkers" more arrogantly claim a higher pedestal of "tolerance". 


Honesty is the policy that created the divergent chaos we are observing. The human-being is served by humble-integrity, by which they can gage personal-integrity. In humble-integrity, the person retains their youths ready-acceptance “I don’t know” when that is so, followed by consideration as to the need to know, then the required research-work if there is a need.

By acting on necessity& justice, a person can constrain chaos in their way of living. by Basti Waynex

I do, because opinions represent the person at their point and time in their development of psychological maturity: responsible-independence from internal and external constraints. For example, earning their living and observing the law or not.

If liars can’t lie, we cannot learn they are liars.

If people who fear their civic-speech can’t be silent, they cannot suggest their anxiety, notice your silent empathy, and consider reform.

If the other party interrupts your explanation with “I know what you mean”, you know they don’t think they have time to learn what you mean.

If the other party talks over you, you know they are stonewalling.

If the other party says “Let’s agree to disagree” you know they can’t counter your opinion.

If the other party expresses tolerance, you know to switch to small talk.

If the other party says “You don’t understand” you know they don’t want to hear your information.

If the other party asks if you are an atheist, you know they never considered the-God --- the entity that controls the consequences of human decisions.

If the other party says sooner or later you’ll submit to their God, you accepted long ago that you will die and face afterdeath, that infinite time after body, mind, and person stop functioning.

If someone claims the U.S. sovereign is We the People of the United States, you know they don’t understand the nation’s domestic disciplines to the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” now in its twelfth generation, growing $7 million debt to each newborn-citizen and legal-immigrant.

If a friend can’t express ignorance, you cannot help them observe& correct the error. If they can’t express your ignorance, there’s no way they can assist you.

If your priest won’t return you call, you know they fear the-priesthood-the-God-grants-each-believer and to encourage& facilitate open-mindedness and open-heartedness when possible.

If you senator won’t respond to your call for civic-humility instead of religion-pride “to ourselves and our Posterity”, you know they don’t represent you. You plan to find a candidate who understands 1776& 1787 U.S. intentions.

If someone rebukes you, you know it does not frustrate you and you need not respond, unless in so doing you accommodate harm/injury to someone.

If a family member takes you for granted without potential harm/injury, it changes nothing.

If a neighbor doesn’t appreciate civic-responsibility from a fellow-citizen with a differing pursuit of responsible-spiritual-happiness, you know they are alien to the U.S. intentions.

If a scholar does not use the word “ineluctable”, you know they write to exploit the truth.

If a politician does not present self as first a citizen with a published, personal interpretation of the 1787 U.S. intentions, you know they are alien “to ourselves and our Posterity” and won’t vote for them. Individual citizens with such self-interest-negligence ought not be granted a license to vote.

The list goes on. I think I have asserted that I appreciate every negative/positive message I receive as something to ponder for self-interest. by William Stark

Please accept that I have no clue and only express an opinion, based on a few pseudo-facts my efforts on the Internet continually open without negation.

Hands down, President Barack Obama seems the most alien fellow-citizen I have encountered. During his first election, I was alarmed by his acclaim in Europe, a people who resent America because of guilty-influences during colonization.

Obama was such a profound candidate to win the first “black” presidency the Bill-Clintons and their oligarchy could not pass it up. Obama’s August 25, 2008 nomination speech, , stirred my imagination and hope for resolution of the consequences of European imposition of slavery on this continent, the founders’ intentions to end it, the framers’ intractability to reverse it, the Civil War’s failure to resolve it, and the 1964-65 exacerbation of its Christian foundation: check cashing.

Since adolescence, I have learned the promise of ruin in the First Congress’s arrogance to create a Protestant-legislators-partnership to mimic the egocentric “divinity” of the Church of England partnering with Parliament. I cringe each time a Chief Justice presents to the president-elect the interrogatory “. . . so help you God?” I’m silent during the pledge to the flag, because I hold it, with the added prayer, “. . . under God” to be coercive; furthermore, I will never again have the arrogance to turn my back on the-God, whatever that entity may be, so as to trust my beliefs. I was a child when the Knights of Columbus led the charge to negate the 1782 motto “E Pluribus Unum” for “In God We Trust”, another arrogance toward the-God. The 1782 motto applies to the competitive-Gods this nation’s-factions worship and the world promote. Obama made me aware of the second verse of a great blues song “Amazing Grace”: “Twas grace the taught my heart to fear”. Only cowards are moved by fear, and it is difficult to maintain metaphysical fear in a human-being’s heart.

I accept that on these principles, the U.S. National Archives invites what may be a revisionist history, labeled “Tewahedo” meaning unity; The Ethiopian Orthodox Tawahido Church - YouTube. The Google ngram from 1500 shows a blip in 1846-1852 then nothing until 1968 yet Ethiopian Christianity has been around since the beginning, with its Bible canon in 330 AD. I have no objections if believers hope& assert-that their God has black/brown skin.

I understand that both Obama and Hillary Clinton were Alinsky fans; And Saul Alinsky was groomed by Al-Capone-administrators; Chicago currently ranks 10th in murder frequency in the U.S.

A continuing theme of U.S. failure is erroneous Christian opinion. We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” can stop the pain and loss by amending the First Amendment so as to encourage& facilitate civic humble-integrity rather than civil religious-pride, the proceed to similar reforms. by Chris Golden

Each person can accept that they are a human-being and choose to develop the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to practice the-humble-integrity that seems required for responsible-human-independence (RHI).

They can choose to rely on the-ineluctable-evidence to guide humble-integrity. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Unfortunately, no society encourages& facilitates these principles, so most people seek a higher power to usurp their RHI.

Some people look to government (physics), some seek the-God (metaphysics), and some seek-to partner the-God& government for their higher-power. However, it does not suffice, because government does not accept the-ineluctable-evidence if they encounter it, and the-God cannot negate RHI to discover the-ineluctable-truth. Societies that hope to use reason to avoid, change, or resist the-ineluctable-truth mislead their members.

Human action is a necessity. For example, if an elephant is loose, humans must constrain it. If a Category 5 evacuation is ordered, humans must evacuate. If direct attack is underway, humans must control their emotions so as to defend themselves. However, the action must be taken in justice. For example, an armed homeowner investigating an open window halfway to dawn must not shoot at a shadow under the table before his adventuresome son can speak “Dad, it’s me.”

Necessity& justice informs every human action. If an action is not necessary, a human-being can choose not to take it. For example, if a trip seems too risky, they can delay it. If injury prevents planned work, they can delay it. If the society, intentionally or erroneously, intends or accommodates injustice, the individual need not participate and may report the plan to first responders.

Accommodating social justice is ruinous if the society is less than female&male-human-being. Julianna Anand sharing a post and  by Jason Stone, Aug 25

About 5,000 years with grammar, the recent of homo sapiens’ 300,000 years, have passed, and people are regularly if not routinely traveling-into and others orbiting-in the former “heavens”, a metaphysical other-world dominated by the-God.

However, grammar has not helped humankind approach psychological maturity. Why? What if most female& male-human-beings had accepted and are now practicing the 5,000 year-old political philosophy, expressed in my meager 2021 comprehension:  the human species has independence --- the individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) --- to provide order& prosperity to this world: to practice responsible-human-independence (RHI).

The ancient suggestion (perhaps from the north; https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Elohim) was recorded 2 thousand years later by a scribe in south-vernacular, as a blessing from the-God, like a father blessing a marriage, with sincere hope for success. See Genesis 1:26-28. In Genesis 2 and mostly thereafter, the-God is more physical, walking and talking with matriarchs& patriarchs; Eve& Adam, Sarah& Abraham, Moses, and others. After Genesis 1, the Bible canon from the continents depict female& male striving for a doctrinal-God to usurp the RHI suggested in Genesis 1. Therefore, few individuals intend the humble-integrity that is required to develop RHI.

Most descendants just want to live. Now! They expect either Mom& Dad’s way of living (or personal-opposition) to serve them well. However, too often, spouses choose each other on erroneously-perceived like-mindedness, failing to accept evident opposite-heartedness. For example, persons tend to want to create a family within their race, within their religious institution, and within political views. Or not. They fail to accept the RHI to constrain chaos in their spousal-bond.

While homo sapiens benefits from nearly 10 trillion person-years of experience and observations, the human-being takes a quarter-century to complete the wisdom-building parts of the brain, another 1 to 2 quarter-centuries to accumulate their experiences& observations, and hopefully another quarter-century to ruminate or share their experiences& observations with family, friends, and perhaps fellow-citizens. There’s no lifetime to waste if a person intends to perfect their unique journey to perfection. Too often, individuals make decisions that prevent pursuit of the perfection they perceive in each decade then ultimately seek. They fail to choose in self-interest.

Why is this so? I think it’s because liberal-arts scholars shield truth so that the elites who pay them handsomely can manipulate the people who do not take charge of personal self-interest. The scholars write for their choir in public-manipulative-language, such as “the common good”, “self-governance” and “[God’s] property”.

The most egregious scholarly offense is hiding the word “ineluctable”; I don’t know how old in foreign languages, but translated into English by 1571, 450 years ago. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Modify “truth” with “ineluctable”, and the scholar narrows the field. Add the article “the” and the scholar perceives exactitude. Add 2 hyphens, and the reader is constrained to improve the writer’s accurate& precise expression: the-ineluctable-truth.

Why don’t most chemical engineers know this? Personal self-interest is served by the-ineluctable-evidence, which, upon discovery, empowers invention of the instruments for perceiving the-ineluctable-truth. I seek an expression more precise& accurate than the-ineluctable-truth, most of which is unknown.

If I’ve made sense so far, perhaps I can offer relief to Jason Stone’s angst. In my fourth quarter-century, I accept that my life is ruined by its events. Eight months ago, I took the first of my 2 COVID-vaccine shots and am not certain I am glad. Did they exacerbate the melanoma now on my left arm, diagnosed benign 2 years ago? That’s only a sample of possible damages my life has entailed. However, I continue to do all I can to support my family while pursuing the humble-integrity I need for RHI.

I will not voluntarily let circumstances ruin Phil Beaver or his family and other fellow-citizens. I do not think I am alone --- in fact, I am a late-comer to the-ineluctable-truth. I hope this message offers relief from widespread negligence of a 5,000 year-old suggestion: the female& male human-being can choose-to constrain chaos in the way of living. by William Stark

This is far too big a question for a chemical engineer to attempt to address, especially the first part, which is essential to the second.

Lists can be learned by categories – variants, concepts, thinkers, etc., using drop downs in the right panel at https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Traditionalist_conservatism . Among the “thinkers”, I’ve argued with only Hume, Burke, and Dostoevsky. A recent “Western” overview is at https://www.britannica. com/topic/conservatism/Conservatism-since-the-turn-of-the-20th-century. Access to 95 documents is at https://plato.stanford. edu/search/ . The documents count increases to 240 if you search “Asian conservatism”. Erroneously, everything starts with Edmund Burke.

A longer list is available to me at https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Classical_liberalism, where “thinkers” I have considered include Bentham, Burke, Emerson, Kant, Locke, Mill, Nozick, Pain, Rawls, Smith, and Weber. Emerson

It seems to me every thinker I studied was/is enthralled with the search for a doctrinal-God that can usurp the female& male-human-being-species’ responsibility to independently provide order& prosperity to the living species and to this world. And to me, conservation of the inferred responsible-human-independence (RHI) is our purpose and ought to be our intention& practice. Further, the incentive& motivation for RHI comes from necessity& justice rather than from some ideology, such as worshipping and praising for privilege, behaving for a higher reincarnation, afterdeath in heaven, or other metaphysical goal.

Another characteristic of these thinkers is that they seem to write to compete with each other’s scholarly-truths, and consequently obfuscate the truth from a more precise& accurate term. The word “ineluctable” was first used in translation in 1571 or earlier. It means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Google ngrams show that “the ineluctable truth” and “ineluctable truth” (less) were used in 1906 and thereafter, but at small frequencies. I use “the-ineluctable-truth”, the hyphens to beg the reader not to disassemble the specificity of the phrase.

Just as “God” is defined by the believer, hopefully with a reserve of humility rather than arrogance toward the-God, “conservative” is defined by the thinker and may elude the reader/listener. I read, write, and listen to persuade fellow-citizens to conserve the humble-integrity required to practice RHI. No human-being should be denied the opportunity to develop humble-integrity.

When 2/3 of fellow-citizens retain their youthful “I don’t know” when that is so and debate the-ineluctable-truth rather than a person or institution’s opinion, female& male-human-being fidelity will be powerful enough, energetic enough, and authoritative enough to constrain the people, elite or not, who pursue egocentrically-liberal-control rather than RHI.

Mr. Stark, I appreciate what I learned from your question, and express it today at my post “appreciations” on I want to listen to comments. by Jean Rafenski Reynolds

I appreciate your good-hearted views and hope to share suggestions that seem thoughtful if not helpful to you and other readers. I think it’s a question of unreliable metaphysics, ever corrected by physics.

First, “modernists believe that churches (for example) are divinely ordained institutions that always put God first.”

In personal struggles with “belief” I concluded that “God” distracts minds and hearts from “the-God”, which humility would never slight. In other words, no matter how fervently a church presents its doctrine, prudent-members reserve sufficient-humility to the-God. And people who rely on physics admit: the-ineluctable-truth about the-God does not submit to my opinion. “Ineluctable”, around in English since 1571, means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”.

To your point about sex being a central issue in some churches, the above prudence empowers the believer to pursue happiness (confidence in the-God) despite institutional hypocrisy. And if the institution does not sufficiently reform, the member can stop participating, in order to find another institution or be satisfied with their personal-view of the-God --- yet ready to discuss the-God with family, friends, and fellow-citizens who want to share ideas.

“We no longer define a family as one man, one woman, and their children.”

Does the “we” identify you as a postmodernist? I doubt most people, or “we” are ready to turn their backs on physics and its progeny in-order-to depend on psychology-entrepreneurs.

Psychology-entrepreneurs, people who prey on the unknown, are not new at all. For example, the competitive-priests to their diverse tribes before Genesis 1:26–28 and afterwards persuaded listeners that they had the keys to the-God of creation, and their tribe is the-God’s chosen race. The religious-competition bemused people from the ancient message that female& male-human-being can independently-provide order& prosperity to the living species and to the earth.

Some led men to believe women were subservient, when, in fact women’s bodies provide the eggs on which humanity survive. Their will to care spills-over to the community. The authentic man wants to support his authentic woman for life --- intends to support their children’s children and beyond. The human-being is too powerful --- has too much energy, power, and authority --- to yield to peddlers of chaos.

The consequence of divergent chaos is a world wherein most priests can no longer persuade many people to fear by grace in-order-to accept salvation by grace. Therefore, new priests are seducing adolescents to gender-change, with technology-support for life. However, the viable ovum is due the unique dignity& appreciation due each a single-cell embryo and a gestated& delivered-infant. Also, the notion of same-sex partners rearing children whose mature adult person won’t be satisfied without heterosexual-monogamy for life have not the technology to deliver the adult happiness.

These thoughts are atypical, but that does not mean they are uncaring or insincere —- only meant to “poke a finger in the ant hill”.

To Reynolds again:

Ms Reynolds, thank you for recognizing me as Phil. May I address you “Jean”?

I did not mean to talk past you and sincerely want to comprehend, in order to learn, for example, your “we”. In this post, it seems you are church-conservative; “We don’t need to get involved in this.”

I think you are involved, if you pay taxes for infrastructure, which includes both law-enforcement and research to amend erroneous law so as to approach statutory justice. The challenge is to cast your votes, local, state, and national, in responsible self-interest rather than for a church that does not reform.

I was responding to “Churches have a long tradition of protecting sex abusers, for example, instead of putting a priority on protecting children” in your paragraph expressing postmodernists’ views.

Obviously, “church-conservative” is my impression of your writing, and I would like to use your descriptive. FYI, I consider myself responsible-human-independence-conservative, or RHI-conservative.

I carry that commitment to my Baptist church, which, in my fourth-quarter century, does not accept my views. Thus, they take a narrow view of “the priesthood of the believer”; see 1 Peter 2:4–5. Imagine the-God choosing to influence Phil Beaver to think Jesus is the light to Genesis 1:26–28: independent of other living species, female& male-human-being can provide order& prosperity to the earth. Each person can constrain chaos in their way of living. But not all persons choose to be human-beings. Some employ HIPEA for dependency. by Graham C Lindsay

It’s quite a challenge, but one that every human-being can choose to face. The complexity can be perceived by reading perhaps 6 to 10 of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essays, with deep personal-comprehension. His awareness in 1850 is unfathomable. I don’t always agree with him.

Consider a physical example. To the ancient landlubber the earth was flat. But the island-dwelling seafarer saw, from the sun on the horizon, slight curvature and wondered: why? The Greeks suggested it is a sphere in the fifth century B.C. Yet Bible-believing seafarers were reluctant to explore the world until about 1100 A.D. Views from space remove all doubt. Yet flat-earthers are still around.

It seems Emerson believed in 1) the-God as a controller of the consequences of human choices and 2) afterdeath-continuation as a “soul”. However, he did not believe Jesus was the-God, rather that he was a unique man who saw that each person may perfect their unique person before dying. I do not think it is fair for a person to choose a God, because in so doing, there’s the risk of not reserving humility that is acceptable to the-God. Thus, I give Jesus the benefit of the doubt and perceive the possibility that the metaphysical Jesus is the author of Genesis 1:26-28, charging humankind to constrain chaos in this world.

The word “ineluctable” was recorded in 1571, so it was available to Emerson. However, it was not coupled with “truth” until 1906, so Emerson may have missed the opportunity. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, If a person retains their posture from youth “I don’t know” when that is so, they can decide, based on necessity& justice whether they need to know or not. If they need to know, they can do the research to discover the-objective-truth based on the-ineluctable-evidence. If the evidence is nil, or negative, they can put the concern aside. However, if  they discover affirmation of the concern, they should learn how to responsibly apply the-objective-truth. Having done this work with integrity rather than honesty, they are then in a position to act on the-objective-truth. If they doubt the-objective-truth and can wait for invention of instruments of perception that will more closely approach the-ineluctable-truth, they’d be prudent not to act.

The most severe test of fairness I know of is the decision to condemn a civic-citizen based on their religious belief or none. For example, the Apostle John, in John 15:18-23, uses the word “hate” 5 times, condemning non-believers. Consequently John cannot influence me. However, the metaphorical Jesus claimed “before Abraham was I AM”. Thus, he may be the author of the suggestion in Genesis 1:26-28 that female& male-human-being can independently provide order& prosperity to the living species and to this world. I think it is fair to practice this suggestion. by Cristel Mae Anillo

I don’t know.
But it made me think: constraining chaos in your personal way of living ought to suffice. by Ngoc Truong

Frankly, I think this concept is not yours.

First, a civic-person appreciates other civic-persons and grants the benefit of first contact for mutual affirmation: almost no one invites immediate rejection. I encountered someone in the street who may have been so drugged up he looked like Satan, and I felt pity for him so did not give him money.

Second, we have been informed by the 1789 French reign of terror and by Democrat mayors in U.S. violent cities in the summer of 2020 that “liberty” is too often taken as license to relieve fellow citizens of the heads and blood. I think “liberty” is granted by the winner in war or mob violence. Civic-citizens work for responsible-independence.

Each citizen could . . . should encourage& facilitate civic responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”, leaving religion/none to personal-privacy. by John D.

Necessity& justice demand that the human-being develop the-humble-integrity that is required to practice responsible-human-independence (RHI). The 1776 declaration on independence from England together with the 1787 Constitution proffered a culture of domestic self-discipline to integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity “in order to” encourage& facilitate RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”, leaving the pursuit of religion/none to personal-privacy.

Freedom is a bestowal from the winner of either foreign war or domestic violence, whereas responsible-independence is human character.

The First Congress bemused the people with “freedom of religion”, because they could not relinquish power to the faction dubbed We the People of the United States, who intend& practice the RHI to constrain government --- local, state, and federal --- as well as dependent fellow citizens. Dependencies includes indolence, infidelity, abuse, crime, tyranny, evil, and metaphysics.

So far, “ourselves and our Posterity” has accommodated the Congressional tyranny of the religion clauses in the First Amendment. We, the 2021 citizens who want responsible-independence more than bestowed freedom can amend the First Amendment so as to encourage& facilitate RHI rather than civil dependency such as “freedom of religion”.

Every human being is due the opportunity to reserve sufficient humility toward the-God ---  whatever controls the consequences of personal choice --- rather than submit to a Congressional imposition such as Judeo-Christianity or gender selection.

I think the faction We the People of the United States will so amend the First Amendment then advance to similar reforms. by Nicole Washington

No, you can’t “have freedom without belonging”. And the two key words, “freedom” and “belonging” involve personal choice. Let me explain the choices “responsible-human-independence” and “female& male-human-being”.

First, “freedom” is an opportunity bestowed by the winner of war or domestic violence and their appointed magistrate. But the human-being has the potential to develop the humble-integrity they need to practice responsible-human-independence “RHI”, regardless of the magistrate’s vision for them.

“Humble-integrity” means retaining for life the child-like “I don’t know” when that is so and pursuing the-ineluctable-evidence if necessity& justice require knowledge. When the-ineluctable-evidence is negative, you report “I don’t know” but may add an opinion earned by your study. If you are under attack, you express your opinion with dominant-defense. If someone rebukes your opinion without attacking your person, you wait for a more open-minded, more open-hearted future, regardless of which opinion needs amendment to necessity& justice.

Choosing to belong is first the opportunity to be a human-being. The female& male-human-being has the potential individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to accept the humble-integrity to constrain chaos in their way of living: to practice RHI.

But not every person chooses to belong to female& male-human-being, or to be civic-citizens, where “civic” means practicing RHI. Some individuals pursue an arrogant-dependency: indolence, infidelity, abuse, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse.

These principles may be deduced, using humankind’s discoveries during the recent 5 thousand years, from a 5 thousand year old political philosophy. The philosophy was expressed 2 thousand years later, by a scribe who could not possibly represent the ancient culture. Genesis 1:26-28 suggests, in my view:  Female& male-human-being is the only species that can independently provide order and prosperity to the other species and to this world. Persons who choose to accept RHI belong, and the others choose an opposing existence: animal, plant, mineral, or soul-mystery.

Together, the uSA founders, in their 1776 declaration of independence from England and the 55 framers, in the 1787 draft Constitution for the U.S. and moreover the 39 signers who agreed with the intentions expressed in the 5-day old revision of the preamble, intentionally or not, claimed RHI consistent with the ancient suggestion in Genesis 1. It is up to each citizen in the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity”, now in its twelfth generation, to interpret the preamble and belong to their comprehension of the entity We the People of the United States or choose a dependency.

My comprehension, today is: We the People of the United States choose 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity “in order to” encourage& facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Religion is left to personal-privacy, ultimate standards for the 6 practices are to be discovered by posterity’s posterity, and “liberty” was negated by the French reign of terror beginning in 1789 and violent mobs since then.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” may establish the entity We the People of the United States, at last, by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic humble-integrity rather than Congressional religious-pride.

Fellow-citizens can have RHI by choosing to belong to female& male-human-being, and in the U.S. amending the Constitution accordingly. by Steadman Blake

I don’t know and would suspect a social-justice warrior’s opinion.

A political philosophy from 5 thousand years ago suggests that of necessity& potential, female& male-human-being is the only species that can constrain chaos to the inhabitants of this world. The stories since then demonstrate the exponential consequences of female& male infidelity.

During the recent 5 thousand years humankind has researched physics in order to achieve exponential technology advancements and have neglected encouragement& facilitation to personal-constraint (in the self-interest of fidelity) in human-connections and connections with other entities; reliable friend to a pet, for example, and not littering as another. The consequence of personal humble-integrity is individual responsible-human-independence (RHI).

The personal self-interest in civic-integrity derives from mutual necessity& justice. However, during these 5 thousand years, the entity “ourselves and our Posterity” has not accepted& promoted the necessity& justice demand to constrain chaos in personal living. Consequently, we, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” are experiencing exponential dependency: personal-demand for banal-satisfaction as entitlement rather than as earnings.

The wealthy few encourage dependency, in order to maintain egocentric materialism at the expense of gullible fellow citizens. The dwindling middle class dreams of joining the elites, exacerbating, in the U.S., the Chapter XI Machiavellian repetition of the fall of the Roman empire. Believers paying no attention to history hope the-God of human-choice-consequences works in cycles and will eventually usurp RHI. The U.S. ranks 4th in nations with wealth inequality: https://worldpopulationreview. com/country-rankings/wealth-inequality-by-country.

Perhaps I have addressed 2 views of “Social justice”. The first: egocentric materialism or the struggle by the rich to legally-control the supply side of ever increasing demand, exacerbated by people who feel entitled to the goods the wealthy promote. For example, the gender-change entrepreneurs could not care less about the outcomes: they just need the subjectable-customer or Joe Biden to pay for their services. In other words, government intervention in necessary& just capitalism is deadly. The second: the increasing $28.9 trillion national debt “ourselves and our Posterity” accommodate to attempt to avoid, change, or resist the 5-thousand-year-old suggestion to constrain tyranny in personal life style.

I write to learn, appreciate your question (see “appreciations” at and hope for comments. by William Stark

I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth and feel I get closer when I attempt to answer brilliant questions like yours, Mr. Stark.

I understand homo sapiens emerged about 300 thousand years ago and mixed-homo died off about 10 thousand years ago. With perhaps 150 thousand years of language, grammar was invented about 5 thousand years ago. Grammar empowered races, civilizations, cultures, societies, and tribes to reason for mutual benefit, much as in trading goods. Philosophy, mythology, and polytheism had been developed to explain both physical and psychological experiences& observations.

About 5 thousand years ago, perhaps in Ur, in the Middle East, a polytheistic philosophy suggested, in my 2021 viewpoint, somewhat benefitting from 5 thousand years of human discovery: female& male-human-being is such a powerful species, it can independently provide order and prosperity to the living species in this world. This means the individual human being can control chaos in their way of living. Since living is a mutual-human experience, the individual may choose to develop the humble-integrity that is required for responsible-human-independence (RHI).

About a thousand years later, monotheism emerged. A few hundred years later, a monotheistic scribe, a Hebrew, reported the ancient suggestion as a blessing by the-God. The report is in Genesis 1:26-28. It does us no harm to accept Genesis 1 as pre-Eve& Adam and pre-Sarah& Abraham, since those stories come in subsequent literature. And they begin a human-debate over whose doctrinal-God will usurp RHI.

The writing and canonization of each continental Bible-canon stretches on to 1600 years ago, and Protestant competition appeared 500 years ago. The various scriptures record two major themes: first, male-dominant infidelity to spouse-hood for life, and second, organized avoidance, change, and resistance to the necessity& justice of RHI to establish peace in this world.

England, in the seventeenth century, perhaps the world’s great empire ever, constitutionally established a Protestant monarchy, codifying the Chapter XI Machiavellianism that empowers church-state partnership to pick fellow-citizens’ pockets with immunity.

When the uSA founders, in 1776 declared war for independence from England, they claimed authorization from “Nature’s God” rather than the English reformed-Catholic Trinity. They also rebuked John Locke’s rights to “life, liberty, and property [of Locke’s God, either Calvinist or Deist]” to claim “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. They took responsibility and separated church and state, intentionally or not, comporting to the 5 thousand year old suggestion: responsible-human-independence. The took responsibility for killing fellow-English subjects in red coats.

Eleven years later, framers sent to strengthen states-unity, upheld the 1776 Declaration’s independence, creating the world’s first proposal for voluntary domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity “in order to” encourage& facilitate RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”. They left the choice to be religious to personal-privacy.

Alas, Protestant English loyalists negotiated a Bill of Rights to mimic England’s 1969 version. The 1791 First Amendment re-established factional-American-Protestantism to partner with Congress for “divinity” on par with Parliament. These 230 years later, the U.S. is divergent and the world awaits reform.

We, the “ourselves and our Posterity” of 2021 can amend the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. The world could . . . would celebrate the awakening to a 5 thousand year old suggestion: RHI for peace as human-necessity& justice.

I write to learn, so please comment. by Cristel Mae Anillo

I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth about ethical-egoism. Hoping to express then learn necessity& justice I share my opinion.

I think “ethical” is too vague, and egoism must be gaged by humble-integrity. That is, honesty is insufficient to a person’s self-interest. The human-being can independently develop& achieve integrity to necessity& justice. Some persons erroneously prefer honesty to integrity.

Human ethics is grounded in the laws of physics and its progeny --- mathematics, forces, chemistries, biology, psychology, imagination, fiction, lies --- indeed everything. Human-beings do not know the source of the laws of physics. Many think “God” but would not say it’s “the-God” or whatever controls the consequence of human actions; it could be chaos, but I doubt it; it could be a singularity – perhaps infinitely small& dense; it could be potential energy, but then, what sparked its conversion& reversibility to kinetic energy& mass? Regardless, the ethics of being a human being is to conform to the laws of physics& progeny. It’s beyond leading everyone to higher ground in a tsunami. For example, lies are ultimately disclosed when the-ineluctable-physics emerges: mortality is evident in blood; parenthood is proven by DNA; the decision to remain pregnant rests with the woman; surprise!! there were no weapons of mass destruction. The laws of physics cannot be avoided, changed, or resisted.

Consequently, the serenely-confident, mature human-being employed humble-integrity to gage personal-integrity during their journey. They retained the acceptance& assertion “I don’t know” when that is so. If they perceived necessity to know, they researched the-ineluctable-evidence and accepted the results. For example, is the sun a god that demands human sacrifice as some ancients thought? No: it is a natural nuclear reactor. Is my hope& comfort the-God? Perhaps my physics-opinion is acceptable and my doubt-reserve expresses humility acceptable to the-God.

What about the neighbor who contends that you hate the-God, because you don’t attend their church? As long as their opinion does not motivate harm/injury to any person or institution, I hope their private-pursuits are fruitful yet urge them to consider sufficient humility to possible assessment by the-God.

I think such humble-integrity is a matter of self-interest or ethical egoism according to the-ineluctable-evidence. by Aaron Hilliard

Social-democracy lessens extant successful government and promises ruin.

In a monarchy, the king can decide to respond to the majority who want necessity& justice, and keep the minorities who want economic-advantage at bay.

In a representative-republic, worthy legislators uphold law-enforcement and continually amend the constitution, in-order-to approach statutory justice as demanded by the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity”. That is, the people may gradually correct the errors of their ancestors and constrain new attacks on responsible-human-independence (RHI), always responding to necessity& justice.

In a democracy, a majority that accepts an erroneous economic philosophy may ruin the lives of the unfortunate minority. Thus, everyone is in jeopardy. A metaphorical mixed-herd of sheep with 10,000 following one leader vs 9,999 following another, if the majority-leader jumps off a cliff, the 50% who survive may not carry on as before.

In social-democracy --- nothing but minorities --- an erroneous collective can accelerate the path to ruin. Returning to the sheep metaphor, with the 10,000 divided into groups of 1/3, and the others similarly divided, 84% may leap off a cliff, then the 17% who survived perish by privation.

The 1787 U.S. intends a representative-republic. So far, most citizens accommodate chosen and appointed officials who are alien to the civic-faction We the People of the United States and care nothing about the majority: “ourselves and our Posterity”. The economic feasibility of this accommodation is lessening with each $ trillion national debt we aliens tack on our descendants and legal immigrants.

We, the “ourselves and our Posterity” of 2021 can stop the madness with three reforms: 1) amend the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion, 2) require both voters and legislators to prove membership in the faction We the People of the United States, and 3) reform the Supreme Court to appreciate the-ineluctable-evidence rather than opinion and precedent.

Please improve these proposals, and let’s get started with the reforms. by Djanjo Nakkuruzu Fortis

Mutually intending& achieving humble-integrity in responsible-human-independence (RHI).


Is this a feat humans can achieve in less than 200 years?

Phil Beaver

I think the reform can begin when 2/3 of civic-adults receive the message and personally-propose the necessary reform. That is, 2/3 of people consider the message, comprehend its benefits to them, and take responsibility to make it happen.

They will need their personal version of the commitment and trust I express as follow: We, the civic faction of our civilization, and spirituality/inspiration, and country, intend& practice 5 domestic disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, in-order-to encourage& facilitate responsible-human-independence (RHI) to ourselves, legal immigrants, and our descendants.

“Civic” means mutual-appreciation in human-connections. Since some persons arrogantly demand dependency, the civic-citizens pay the cost of law-enforcement and research to develop statutory-justice so as to continually lessen dependency —- indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse.

Once 2/3 of inhabitants are some stage in the acceptance of being a human-being, developing humble-integrity, and practicing RHI, I think an achievable better future will emerge in 84 years. I hope to witness the start. by

Aristotle (d. 322 BC) is less important than Ralph Waldo Emerson (d. 1882). Emerson wrote, in my view: Would you see the-God? Then look at me when you think as I do: both that the human-being’s purpose is to create virtue in circumstances never before encountered and the actual Jesus said so (“Divinity School Address”).

Furthermore, Emerson asserted that no one can persuade a person to choose the humble-integrity to necessity& justice that is required for RHI: responsible-human-independence (“Self-Reliance” and “Experience”). by Jordan Perkey

Freedom is bestowed by the winner in war or by the soldiers in mob violence. The-good, acting on necessity& justice, results from responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Neither government nor the-God will usurp the individual-human-being’s opportunity to constrain chaos in their way of connecting with others. by Godspower Ibitayo

Google ngrams show that “ineluctable” was first used in English as translation of older words in 1571 and off and on until 1906 when low-usage departed the abscissa. Also, in 1906, “the ineluctable truth” was used more than “ineluctable truth” but declined to 60% of minimal-usage in 2018.

“Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, I use hyphens to invite the reader not to disassemble my expression.

Why aren’t we discussing the-ineluctable-truth rather than established “truths” or any usage that empowers the writer to avoid, change, or resist integrity? by Cristine Gille

Necessity& justice demand that female&male-human-being constrain chaos in their way of living. When two persons discuss personal behavior so as to neither cause nor accommodate harm or injury to anyone, their opinions should be considered, regardless of chronological age.

The human-being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity. Some develop faster. However, not all persons pursue personal-integrity let alone gage it by humility to the-ineluctable-truth:  Some people attempt avoidance, change, or resistance.

It takes the human-body a quarter-century to complete the construction of the wisdom-building parts of the brain. It takes a few more years of experience& observation before a person should be a parent.

The psychologically mature person retained the attitude they appreciated as a child, thinking and publically declaring “I don’t know”, when that is so. However, survivors developed the practice of research when they need to know.

In any dialogue, the two parties can be alert for statements that are true to their experiences& observations. The considerate adult readily shares stories about loss and misery that taught them humility. Typically, youth has encountered fewer such incidents, and by listening to the stories can both affirm the lesson and prevent future suffering.

Regardless of age, the person who pursues personal-behavior to satisfy necessity& justice knows when to listen. by Madelaine Claire

Ms Claire, thank you for introducing me to the topic: personalism. Eventually, I may return to it to list my reactions to at least a dozen theories “difficult to define as a philosophical and theological movement”; I’m glad to learn 1) the Thomas Aquinas view “the person is a good towards which the only proper and adequate attitude is love”; I’ll grant “consideration” and if possible “appreciation”, without invoking love, a mutual practice. And 2) that the wiki article refers to

After skimming the wiki article, my first impression is YES, under Phil Beaver’s assumptions.

And the first theory to consider is a political philosophy some 5 thousand-years-old, reported as a theology by Hebrew scholars 3 thousand-years-ago, in Genesis 1: 26-28. Reading with my sparse comprehension of 5 thousand years’ research& discovery by humankind, female&male-human-being can& must independently provide order& prosperity to the living species and to this world.

I think a philosopher in Sumer, imagining human-necessity& justice speculated that humankind is the only species that can provide peace on earth:  Neither government nor the-God will usurp humankind’s responsibility. Possible impact of this thought is far reaching. First, it suggests that the individual can& must perfect personal behavior in order to positively impact the living species. Second, persons who choose to perfect their behavior must constrain fellow-citizens who choose dependency: indolence, abuse, infidelity, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse.

In other words, each newborn can be reared to choose to be a human-being rather than one of the opposites: “soul”, “reincarnation”, animal, plant, or mineral. And fellow-citizens who choose a dependency must take care to neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury in order to prevent accusation, possible indictment, and possible subjugation to law-enforcement, even if research is proffering revisions toward statutory-justice.

I write to learn and appreciate your teaching today in the post “appreciations” at

I appreciate comments, too.

Law professors And Law & Liberty | Facebook

Like Gamble regarding McClay, I’d like to write a complete essay to respond.

However, only one point stands out: my response to Gamble’s “As a Christian . . . I don’t look to the City of Man to give me transcendence or to tell me the meaning of life.”

We non-Christians don’t accept “being a Christian” as justification for arrogance against human-beings.

The typical Christian is focused on the shadows on the cave-wall and cannot benefit from the metaphysical Jesus. In their canonization of books by the year 405 AD, the churches have Jesus saying key-ideas like “before Abraham was born I AM”, “render unto Caesar . . . “, “be perfect” during life as the-God is in heaven, the Son of God is not the messiah, hate people who are not my disciples, and those who hate you hate both me and the-God.

Counting it deplorable Old Testament writing, Christians don’t ponder Genesis 1’s message. It is older than Eve& Adam, Sarah& Abraham, Bathsheba& David.

We have no idea the intentions of the 5-thousand year old political philosophy expressed in Genesis 1, because it came to us as Hebrew scholarship, 2-thousand years later or 3-thousand years ago. Furthermore, we cannot imagine the Hebrew scribe’s intentions. It is more important in 2021 to consider Genesis 1 in light of the physical and psychological discoveries in the recent 5 thousand years of homo sapiens’ 300 thousand years self-development, language perhaps 150 thousand years ago, grammar perhaps 5 thousand years ago, and monotheism perhaps 4 thousand years ago. In my 2021 view, Genesis 1:26-28 contains the message: female& male-human-being can independently provide order& prosperity to the living species and to this world. To the individual, it means they can constrain chaos in their way of living. I imagine an ancient culture deducing this suggestion from necessity& justice at 98.3% of the journey to 2021-representative homo sapiens. Due to the responsible-human-independence (RHI) Jesus may have authored, we, the “ourselves and our Posterity” of 2021 are responsible for peace in this world.

There’s no doubt the canonized Jesus represents political arguments among polytheists, the Greeks, Zoroastrians, Russians, Arabs, Ethiopians, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and beguilingly more factional-groups. In other words, the historical Jesus is misrepresented by the scribes writing for the competing religions. And for what are the religions competing? A doctrine that will persuade the-God --- whatever controls the consequence of human choices --- to usurp their tribe’s RHI. No one knows the-God, and those who attempt either to avoid, to change, or to resist that entity beg ruin.

My life is littered with accusation of heresy, when I always perceived I was open minded. Three young Christians open my heart to their hopes and comforts, and help me see in my fourth quarter century that I have always had an open heart my Christian parents and community could not accommodate. I hope to change the Christian perspective to RHI rather than dependence on Jesus’ body --- to embrace his metaphysical message: the human-being has the potential to perfect their person before death.

I read and write to share and learn, so please comment.

Twitter and Molly Castner, @mcastner1

I think a better future is achievable if students learn "ineluctable", available since 1571, and research to discover& re-discover the-ineluctable-truth.

To assist, teachers can encourage& facilitate the student's acceptance& public-declaration "I don't know" when that is so, with follow-up to discover the-ineluctable-evidence, positive or negative. If necessity& justice is at stake, the student may follow with a well-grounded opinion or if under physical attack, adequate defense. For example, does the-God exist? I don't know but hope the view I nourish is acceptable to the-God.

One other point hot on my mind this morning: there is no place in this world for hate: defense, YES; hate, NO. The person cannot know without appreciating fellow human-beings. Some choose not to be a human-being yet may reform.

To Caleb: The problem is that "dozens of geniuses working on each other's work to reach [ widespread ignorance]” of the 450 year-old word "ineluctable" is the cause of today's chaos. Scholars prefer "truth" so they can express their construct rather than "the-ineluctable-truth" so humankind can discover it.

To Babbete and to Jan Priddy:

I can't reply to only one of you and Babette without slighting one. I'll modify quotes for emphasis on my earlier suggestion about un-hiding the 450 year-old word "ineluctable".

Babette wrote "We are victims of [our] implicit endorsement . . . of only one ultimately "true" view . . . prevents [the world's] balanced examination . . .".

The scholar's power to construct "fundamental truth" in order to aid tyranny over the minds of human-beings is lessened when educators encourage& facilitate students to pursue the-ineluctable-evidence and the instruments of perception by which the-ineluctable-truth may be pursued. Discovery of ineluctable-evidence routinely crushes "critical thought".

And Priddy provided a perfect example by citing flat earth believers (precedence conservers).

Shockingly, defense of precedence rather than the-ineluctable-truth bemuses our Supreme Court's erroneous pursuit of "the rule of law". While justices preserve Judeo-Christianity and Blackstone, necessity& justice, or the laws of physics and its progeny, are draining U.S. fiscal viability, now approaching $30 trillion in debt. With only 4,000 newborn citizens per year, and increasing the debt, each newborn faces $7 million federal debt. The illegal immigrants don't know it, but they're risking their lives for a dream that died 68 years ago.

We, the 2021 "ourselves and our Posterity" can& must stop the madness by amending the First Amendment to encourage& facilitate the humble-integrity needed for responsible-human-independence (RHI) rather than Congressional-civil-religion. Then, establish the entity We the People of the United States, those who practice the 5 domestic disciplines for RHI, the preamble's intentions, as people licensed to vote and to hold local, state, and federal officers accountable under the-ineluctable-evidence.

The nation's teachers are the perfect society to lead this U.S. reform. Humble-integrity is in the individual's self-interest, and the tyrants and Marxists cannot resist power, even alien money and violence, if the people don't constrain them.


Twitter: Hello, Ms Castner, I read, write, & listen, to learn from fellow-citizens, during my 4th to 8th decades. I think a better future is achievable if students learn "ineluctable", available since 1571, and research to discover& re-discover the-ineluctable-truth.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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