Saturday, December 18, 2021

Anarchy a choice


Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Anarchy a choice

People who choose anarchy demand excess dependency.

Quora by Rose

The civic-citizen accepts the necessity& justice of neither initiating nor accommodating injury/harm to-or-from any person including self.

Fellow-citizens who do not accept this principle are dependents---they rely on the civic-citizens to pay for the law-enforcement with research to discover& and remedy injustice. On accepting or rejecting the burden of justice, persons divide between being a human-being or choosing one of the dependencies.

The dependencies include passivism, indolence, spiritualism, infidelity, abuse, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. Anarchy combines most of these dependencies.

The anarchist chooses an opposite of human-being: maybe mineral, plant, animal, soul, or evil. by Mickey Maos

Both freedom-from oppression and liberty-to act are vain seventeenth-century propaganda to distract fellow-citizens from responsible-human-independence (RHI), so that elitists can control the-good people.

Back then, it was primarily an Enlightenment debate in Europe led by English-spiritualism vs French-secularism. In 1763, the 13 English colonies in America’s Eastern seaboard rejected English-imperialist taxation, and by 1774 started kicking the English out, beginning with Worchester, Massachusetts. With military providence from France, the colonies won independence in 1781 and ratified their global status as free& independent-states in January, 1784.

Shays’ rebellion, 1786-87 convinced 12 states that free& independent in confederation would not work, so they provided delegates to Philadelphia to propose remedy. The consequence was a national republic, leaving the states with their democratic constitutions, each serving under the constraints the citizens granted.

The good-people of We the People of the United States would employ 5 public disciplines to work out RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants with citizens’ descendants).

Alas, Anglo-American elites prevailed in the 1788 state-ratification-conventions (at least in 2 of the 9 required states). The consequence was re-establishment of English-tradition when Congress began operations in March, 1789. English propaganda from the era of the 1689 English Bill of Rights included “self-governance”, “the common good”, freedom, liberty, natural law, and property. The John Locke premise of natural law is that the human-being is the property of the-God, and the-God is the Christian Trinity, preferably English, but tolerably factional-American Trinity or Unity. (Today, there are some 45,000 Trinities.

Under this 1789-91 Congressional imposition, the good-people of We the People of the United States have accommodated tyranny over “our Posterity” unto the twelfth generation.

These 234 years later, it is not yet too late to, at last, eject English tradition from the USA: Stop the cowardice of freedom& liberty and start individually practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI, in order to constrain the chaos of dependency.

I regret, Mickey: I do not feel like expressing gratitude for your question at the “appreciations” post on A Civic People, but I did add some entries there yesterday. by Mike Wilson

I begin to address your question, Mr. Wilson, with a scholar-lawyer-educator-preacher-judge-politician forbidden-word: ineluctable, first published in 1571. “Ineluctable” means, “not to be avoided, changed, evaded, or resisted”. The-ineluctable-evidence is that identity-politics is older than grammar (perhaps 10,000 years), language (maybe 150,000 years), and homo sapiens (we’re told 300,000 years).

More than 5 different ways, we’re told that Jesus may have authored Genesis 1, for example, “Before Abraham was born I am”. Genesis 1 reflects a Sumer political-suggestion from 5,500 years ago, journaled by Hebrew scholars 2,500 years later, 3,000 years ago.

With 2021 comprehension, Genesis 1:28 suggests that female& male-human-being can& may independently provide order& prosperity to the living-species& to the-earth. No higher power can or will usurp the individual’s choice to aid peace on Earth or not: neither the-God nor a government nor a church.

Apparently, the Hebrew scholars, moreover, their sponsors, did not like female& male in the-God’s image, so, beginning in Genesis 2, they introduced their “Lord God” and lessened Eve as formed from Adam’s rib, only to betray Adam and doom humankind. The implication is that female is not in the-God’s image. Then, an angry Lord God drowned humankind excepting Noah& some family. Then Sara suggested Abraham to ménage a trois with Hagar. Together, the threesome increased chaos on earth, with more than 5 Abrahamic religions. The Lord God blessed both Ishmael and Isaac to beget many descendants and a messiah from the latter.

When Jesus emerged and associated with the people, some Jews and Gentiles claimed he was divine. Some say the Messiah, some the-God, others the Son-of-God, and others a prophet. Perhaps there were less than 100 Christian orthodoxies by 400 AD. Then Martin Luther, 1517, in Germany, inspired Protestantism, which exponentially grew unto perhaps 45,000 sects.

In review, the exponential Protestants are woke to the diverse Christian-orthodoxies, are woke to the Hebrews, are woke to the Sumerians, are woke to the-ineluctable-truth (most of which remains unknown). Recently, the portion of humankind who has no stake in the religious-division of humankind is woke to the problem and miserably flailing to object.

I think what civic-citizens need is mutual trust-in and commitment-to the-ineluctable-truth: to practice, facilitate, and promote the civic-integrity that is required to practice responsible-human-independence (RHI). Perhaps, humankind should reconsider Genesis 1:28, as an areligious political philosophy, whether the-God is involved or not.

By October 17, 2021, it occurred to me that this story offers 2021 relief to the U.S. betrayal of the intentions that are expressed in the 1787 U.S. Constitution, especially its preamble, the statement of U.S. intentions. The betrayal came when a 1788 dominant-faction, Anglo-American elitists intending to assure a Christian nation, imposed the Congressional promise to the 1791 Bill of Rights; to mimic the 1689 English Bill of Rights, which established a Protestant monarchy. The U.S. has suffered the tyranny ever since and may yet establish independence from Anglo-American tradition: Christian-chaos, now in its twelfth generation.

Since then, several conversations with fellow-citizens, including ministers, reflect peculiar joy with their comprehensions of Bible influences. My intention is to share some evolutionary words and phrases that they might improve to help establish U.S. independence under the preamble’s abstractly-stated purpose. Some phrases include: the-ineluctable-truth; the-God, whether it be an intelligent being, physics& its-progeny, chaos, a singularity, or something yet unimagined; appreciation before love; trust-in& commitment-to the-ineluctable evidence rather than doctrinal-faith or legal-precedent; Jesus’s influence rather than opinion about disciples’ words; the-metaphysical-Jesus rather than the-Son-of-God; human-kind rather than my-church; the-good rather than the-doctrine; open-mindedness rather than belief; open-heartedness rather than communitarianism.

So far, I’m finding personal-passion to share doctrinal-joy causes the individual to talk past “the-ineluctable-truth”. I cannot squeeze a phrase I’d like to improve through the other person’s experiences and observations past their heartfelt joy in the status quo. However, my clock is still ticking and there have been some exceptions. by Miniktm 125cc

Necessity& justice informs every person to constrain chaos in their way of living. The individuals who accept that reality may be referred to as civic-citizens: they neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any individual, including self. As their life unfolds, some individuals personally approach if not achieve their person’s unique perfection.

During life, they practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity, while some fellow-citizens establish& nourish dependency: passivism, indolence, spirituality, infidelity, abuse, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. The civic-citizens earn (work for) not only their way of living but also for the means to pay for law-enforcement& research-to reform& approach statutory-justice; to constrain the collective chaos.

Society can& may survive, even thrive, provided most individuals practice civic-integrity rather than contribute to collective chaos.

Individualism runs in the human genes& memes of U.S. families and legal immigrants. Aliens& dependents cannot comprehend the individual power, the individual energy, the individual authority, and the individual obligations (HIPEAO) an American practices yet perhaps never articulates beyond a silent “Don’t tread on me”.

Even that patriotic poetry bemuses the un-American with the word “liberty”, an Enlightenment-age war cry, which hides the U.S. soldier’s intentions: responsible-human-independence. by Mat Tam

Constraining the debate-criteria seems a deceitful attempt to control the response and must, by now, be one of the AMO tools---that is, Alinsky-Marxist organizations’ radical rules. You, Mr. Tam, attempt to avoid-change-evade-or-resist personal-responsibility, whether you are an AMO agent or not. Right? (Regardless, I express my gratitude for your rhetorical question on the “appreciations” post at

Personal-health is an obligation on at least 6 levels of responsible-human-independence (RHI). First, the authentic woman attends to her physical& psychological wellness, because she knows her body might produce about 400 viable ova during her fertile years. She accepts responsibility for two entities: her-person and her viable ova in human-connections that could impact shared-wellness. She does not invite intimacy with dependent men. Second, the authentic man appreciates the woman’s potential to originate, with his aid, offspring and doesn’t choose bonding-conversation with a woman who hasn’t chosen RHI. Sexual intimacy without mutual bonding for life is out of the question due to his reliability regarding ova and their potential to become a delivered baby. Third, the authentic culture practices, encourages, and facilitates reliable sexual intimacy between authentic woman& man who civically, civilly, and legally accept their mutual commitments to their progeny for life. Fourth, authentic humankind does not foster entrepreneurship that doesn’t appreciate the human-individual. Fifth, the civic-citizen accepts the obligation to neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to or from any person; including the obligation to constrain dependent fellow-citizens. Sixth, the person who was denied the above described culture during their first quarter-century owns the self-interest to discover& develop RHI. Many civic-citizens, who continuously practice the-good earned independent-integrity.

Fellow-citizens who clamor for egocentric rights& privileges hope their violence will motivate civic-citizens to accommodate dependency. Common dependencies include passivism, indolence, spirituality, infidelity, abuse, crime, evil, tyranny, and worse. Winners of war or domestic-violence, purport to bestow-freedom& license-liberty, in order to distract the-good citizens from the RHI they can& may practice.

In a civic-culture, it takes about a quarter-century for the well-coached-facilitated& encouraged youth to acquire the comprehension& intention to live a complete-human-life, both chronologically& psychologically. So much time is required, because the human-being has the individual power, the individual energy, the individual authority,& the individual obligation (HIPEAO) to acquire the civic-integrity by which to practice RHI.

Cunning-fellow-citizens& AMO-soldiers peddle personal dependencies, yet cannot defeat RHI. RHI dominates the USA, because it runs in the-good fellow-citizen’s genes& memes, including legal immigrants and their posterity. Aliens, such as AMO soldiers& dependents can’t imagine civic-integrity, because no one articulates the-ineluctable-truth. (I hope in just a couple years, every American will know the phrases “the-ineluctable-evidence” and “the-ineluctable-truth” (most of which has not yet been discovered).

I read, write, and speak so as to LISTEN to fellow-citizens who took interest, so please comment. by Hans-Ronny Lorentzen

Homo sapiens emerged 300,000 years ago, the suffered the recent ice age that ended about 11,500 years ago, allowing cave-dwelling to end. About 5,000 years later, grammar emerged and complete thought enhanced awareness in human-connections.

As human-being discovered phenomena formerly thought to be spiritual were physical, they developed the physical for benefit and conserved the spiritual for dependency. For example, the Sun, once thought to be a God that demanded human sacrifice is now understood as a natural nuclear reactor with no intelligence. Also, humankind routinely travels the former “heavens”.

Preponderant discovery suggests there is no God. Nevertheless, some people yet sacrifice humans for spiritual reasons; see

The problem is that past and present generations allow government to manage Education Departments that “train the workers government needs” rather than facilitate& encourage their youth to self-discipline for the happiness their mature person will want rather than submit to the happiness a bureaucrat intends for them.

The human-being is a God facing death, and it takes a quarter century for them to acquire the comprehension and intention to live a complete human life, both chronologically and psychologically. And it takes another quarter century or more for them to acquire the experiences& observations on which to choose the happiness their unique, mature person wants.

Without the education to become a human-being, many persons accept passivism, indolence, spiritualism, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse.

By considering, appreciating, and acting on this message, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) can& may individually reform in order to constrain chaos in private-living and inspire dependent-fellow-citizens to reform to responsible, individual maturity and their attendant unique-happiness. by Been Jammin

I agree with you: “privilege” can be taken away and “right” cannot. I express gratitude for your thought on the post “appreciations” at

Seeking to review what Thomas Paine had to say about the rights of man, I stumbled upon Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - Wikipedia according to the French Bloody Revolution of 1789. There are 17 articles!

It reflects the Enlightenment-scholarly-argument for “secular natural law” to replace natural law theory. Therein, John Locke asserted, in 1690, “for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property”. In other words, “natural law” refers to the power of the-God.

Interestingly, there’s a third, neglected consideration: Necessity& justice demand voluntary responsible-human-independence (RHI). In other words, the civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or institution, including self.

This suggestion, RHI, was recorded in ancient, pre-Abraham expression in Genesis 1:28 and affirmed in the 1787 U.S. Constitution. Alas, Anglo-American conservatives dominated RHI conservatives in perhaps 2 states’ 1788 ratification conventions, and the consequence is the unfortunate preservation of Lockean, English, partnership by church& state to dissuade most citizens from practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

The Marquis de Lafayette and John Locke got it wrong to conflate civic-integrity with spiritual mystery: bemuse necessity& justice with secularism vs spiritualism.

Privileges are bestowed& licensed by the winner of war or with dominance in mob-rule (democracy). The only valid human-right is the opportunity to develop self-interest in the civic-integrity needed for RHI.

I think and write to learn from fellow-citizens, and therefore hope you will comment. by Nandkishore Deopersad

Mr. Deopersad, I express appreciation to you in “appreciations” at A Civic People.

My consideration, acceptance, and commitment: do not repeat mistakes, wasn’t always the-objective-truth in my life. In my fourth quarter century, I trust it is so, yet expect judgement by the-ineluctable-truth in civic-reliability to fellow-humans and posterity. ”Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster. com. Please know “ineluctable”, as I use it again, below.

Here’s what’s new for me: I expect ruinous loss and misery from errors. Let me restate that: Each error I accommodate delivers personal pain and loss. Therefore, I do not allow error to control my activity or none yet do not repeat mistakes. When my daughters tell me I am mistaken, I LISTEN. I am in the old-man-era of Kahlil Gibran’s poem “On Children”. Likewise, I respond to neighbors.

I think some ancient civilizations perceived that female& male human-being has the individual potential, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to constrain chaos in their personal way of living. With all that humankind has learned in the last 10,000 years, civic-necessity& justice seem to demand what I call, “responsible-human-independence” (RHI).

We understand that homo sapiens developed during the last 300,000 thousand years, and only 5,000 years ago developed grammar, which empowered human-beings to visit the moon. The U.S. intends to place a nuclear reactor on Mars during the next 15 years. Spirituality has contributed nothing to these achievements and has brought humankind to the brink of divergent chaos.

The only spirituality I ever studied is diversely-presented in a canonized Old Testament in combination with a competitively-expressed New Testament. Therein are so many spiritualties, I cannot discern a reliable one. I perceive no hope for peace, and only preservation of division. Therefore, I can only trust-in& commit-to the-ineluctable-truth.

Yet, I perceive achievable-better-future in Genesis 1, perhaps 5,500 years old, expressing a political philosophy maybe suggested by a Sumerian polytheist. Alas, the suggestion was reported by Hebrew scholars perhaps 3,000 years ago; see Genesis 1:28. I think it means humankind can& may independently establish order& prosperity on earth.

The scholars 3,000 years ago didn’t perceive the woman as the provider of ova and the man the woman’s help-mate to build family-fidelity for life. So, beginning in Genesis 2, they imposed on the ancient story a vision of created-male hierarchy, the woman taken from the man’s rib.

Moreover, the scholars imposed male-reliability with stories of female mistakes. A snake beguiled Eve. Sara proposed ménage a trios to Abraham. Delila betrayed Sampson. Bathsheba betrayed her son Adonijah. In other words, Genesis 2 through to the end of the Old Testament is a journal of the consequences of female& male human-being choosing chaos in personal living: Divergence rather than personal& corporate happiness. Competitive dependencies on personal& tribal Gods rather than humble-integrity to RHI, that is, independent& social reliability to female& and male-human-being.

Authors and interpreters of the New Testament exponentially increased the OT chaos, by promoting individual& tribal dependencies on the Son of God---the mystery of God incarnate.

I once considered myself developing wisdom to select from the competitive Gods the one that represents the controller of the consequences of a human-being’s personal choices. (I use lower case “one” to express that I don’t know if worship& praise is wanted by the controller.) Once Genesis 1:28 impressed me that I may choose to constrain chaos in my way of living, I trusted my spirituality to its origins, and focused on never turning my back on necessity& justice.

Now, I perceive two liabilities: Inability to personally discern injustice and mistaken perception of necessity. However, spirituality can no longer dissuade me from civic-integrity: I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth.

I now approach responsibility-for and ownership-of my actions with appreciation and determination to accept the-ineluctable-truth, most of which is yet to be discovered.

I wrote, hoping to learn something from you, so please comment.


Thank you, Ms Klasson for the "like" that brought me back for a second chance to honor Lennon's open mind and open heart.

What I appreciate about the quote you shared is that, therein, Lennon was a deep thinker, who, unlike many scholars, did not want the final say. He felt like his LISTENERS, on considering the thought in light of their experiences& observations, could improve it.

Therefore, Lennon courageously shared then asked, What do you think about this?, with "Right?" People who had a response but did not share, took for granted stonewalling Lennon.

Of course, being my first serious encounter with Lennon the political philosopher, I am totally unqualified to support my suggestion. I don't know.,12/13/21.

Society thrives on responsible-human-independence (RHI). Our temporal chaos seems a consequence of the few who choose dependency in a clamor for rights they egocentrically declare.

Seeking to review what Thomas Paine had to say about the rights of man, I stumbled upon Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - Wikipedia according to the French Bloody Revolution of 1789. There are 17 articles! Preposterous dependency.

The list reflects the Enlightenment-scholarly-argument for “secular natural law” to replace natural law theory. Therein, John Locke asserted, in 1690, “for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property”. In other words, “natural law” refers to the power of the-God. Let me repeat John Locke: each human-being is a property of the-God and therefore can neither be destroyed nor terminate itself.

Interestingly, there’s a third, neglected consideration: Necessity& justice invite voluntary responsible-human-independence (RHI). In other words, the civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm to or from any person or institution, including self.

This suggestion, RHI, was recorded as ancient, pre-Abraham expression in Genesis 1:28 art and affirmed in the 1787 U.S. Constitution. Alas, Anglo-American conservatives dominated RHI conservatives in perhaps 2 states’ 1788 ratification conventions, and the consequence is the unfortunate preservation of Lockean, English, partnership by church& state in order to dissuade most citizens from practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”.

We, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” need not maintain this 5,500 year-old civic neglect.

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When the shipbuilder writes "lol!" to 10 promising words, it's time to re-think humankind.

The short message: 5500 years ago, a Sumerian philosopher expressed that humankind can& MAY provide order and prosperity on Earth; Hebrew scholars, 3000 years ago, reported the philosophy in their poetry in Genesis 1; however, they wanted to portray the woman as the man’s helper, so their Eve came from Adam’s rib then allowed a lesser specie to influence her, invoking her subjugation to Adam; Sarah continued the reported woman-failure by suggesting ménage a trois for Abraham; nonetheless, from Sara’s ovum would come the messiah who would make Israel kings of the world; alas, the-God became man, died, and rose again in order to make Himself available to every human He chose.

The executive short: Sumer culture suggested: a person can& MAY constrain chaos in their life. Hebrew scholars objected; New Testament canon objected to the Hebrew stories; of the many Christian orthodoxies, Luther protested the Catholic Church; in 2021, there are some 45,000 Protestantisms. Human constructs have exponentially increased chaos, especially in the recent 400 years. Civic-citizens have personal-interest to revisit Genesis 1:28.

Another longer explanation: the only spirituality I ever studied is disparately-presented by diverse writers in a canonized Old Testament, in combination with a competitively-expressed New Testament. Therein are so many Gods, I cannot discern a reliable one! In spirituality, I perceive no hope for peace, and only division-preservation. Therefore, my person chooses to trust-in& commit-to the-ineluctable-truth.
Yet, I perceive achievable-better-future in Genesis 1, perhaps 5,500 years old, expressing a political philosophy maybe suggested by a Sumerian polytheist. Alas, the ancient suggestion was reported by Hebrew scholars perhaps 3,000 years ago; see Genesis 1:28. I think that verse means: humankind can& MAY independently establish order& prosperity on Earth. The “MAY” expresses intentions or none.
The scholars of 3,000 years ago didn’t perceive the woman as the provider of ova and the man the woman’s help-mate to build family-fidelity for life. So, beginning in Genesis 2, scholars imposed on the ancient story a vision of “created”-male hierarchy, the woman taken from the man’s rib.
Moreover, the scholars imposed male-reliability with stories of female mistakes. A snake beguiled Eve. Sara proposed ménage a trios to Abraham. Delila betrayed Sampson. Bathsheba betrayed her son Adonijah. In other words, Genesis 2 through to the end of the Old Testament (OT) is a journal of the consequences of female& male human-being choosing chaos in personal living: Divergence rather than personal& corporate happiness. Competitive dependencies on personal& tribal Gods rather than humble-integrity to RHI, that is, independent& social reliability to female& and male-human-being.
Authors and interpreters of the New Testament exponentially increased the OT chaos, by promoting individual& tribal dependencies on the Son of God---the mystery of God incarnate.
I once considered myself developing wisdom to select from the competitive Gods the one that represents the controller of the consequences of a human-being’s personal choices. (I use lower case “one” to express that I don’t know if worship& praise is wanted by the-controller---perhaps physics& its progeny.) Once Genesis 1:28 impressed me that I may choose to constrain chaos in my way of living, I trusted my spirituality to its origins, and focused on never turning my back on necessity& justice.
I perceive two personal liabilities: Inability to recognize injustice and mistaken perception of necessity. Regardless, spirituality can no longer dissuade me from civic-integrity: I know I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth.

I'm excited about prospects for reducing future chaos rather than allowing divergence unto annihilation.

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Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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