Saturday, February 19, 2022

Accept soul mystery in civic humility

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Accept soul mystery in civic integrity

Since civilization got underway, some cultures have developed soul mystery and diverse doctrine for its salvation. Consequently, many fellow-citizens live to merit heaven. Their concern is so consuming they miss their opportunity, their power, their energy, and their authority to develop intentions to accomplishments by their unique person, perhaps unto perfection before dying.

We, the civic-citizens of 2022 can end the accommodation of self-tyranny by 1) confidently accepting a personal trust-in and commitment-to a soul-salvation doctrine or none and 2) developing the responsible-human-independence (RHI) by which to always choose the necessary& just action during every moment of life.

The civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. In necessity& justice, they constrain dependent fellow citizens, whether the irresponsibility is indolence, crime, tyranny, or worse. The civic-citizen is mutually appreciated whether they hope for heaven or not.

Quora by Marc Bloemers

I think tyranny is accommodated by the people in their culture, or the little in the plank.

In history the individual and their community fears the unknowns of their era and don’t instill in their posterity the serene-confidence to behave anyway.

In pre-history, every unknown power or influence was a spirit from another world. Many cultures had a sun God. Some thought death from overexposure implied the God wanted human bodies, so they developed sacrifice to appease the God. When they realized their bargains did not benefit them, they stopped regarding the sun a God, and developed another God. In other words, God theories never stopped.

At least 10,000 years ago, Sumer developed a system of Gods and by 5,500 years ago a creation story involving a minor God and mud to produce human-soul. Royalty had eternal life upon death, and servants were sacrificed to accompany them.

About 3 thousand years later, a scholar reported the Sumer political philosophy, changing the God of creation to “the Lord God” and suggesting that female& male-human being can& may independently constrain chaos on earth; see Genesis 1:28. The “spirit of God” was there, hovering over the deep (Genesis 1:2). Observance of the law merited heaven in the afterdeath.

Another culture developed a World Soul with emissaries sent to Earth for reincarnation until perfection to rejoin the World Soul.

Another culture develop merit for heaven on submission to God.

Another culture developed grace through Jesus as merit for heaven.

Covering at least 70% of 2022 earth-inhabitance we have 5 avenues for salvation of the soul: non-Sumer, wealth/royalty, civil obedience, submission to God, and grace. Additionally, some cultures developed ways of living that did not involve soul-mystery, unjustifiably labeled “secular”.

Resolving the humankind constructs of the mystery of soul is neither essential nor prudent. Tyranny follows a similar pattern of neglecting necessity& justice in order to develop “hope”.

Rejection of the responsible-human-independence (RHI) suggested in Genesis 1:28 marks a second major accommodation of chaos, the first being early, widespread failure to recognize that discovering the laws of physics& its progeny (math, chemistry, biology, psychology; everything) is essential to human progress.

About 3,700 years ago, Terah left Sumer and founded a new culture on animal sacrifice instead of human sacrifice (incidentally re-defining God). His son, Abraham, through marital chaos, begot Judaism and Islam, leaving non-believers; 3 spiritual pursuits, each of which sub-divided.

In Africa, 1700 years ago, Ethiopian Judaism spawned the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church, with the world’s largest if not oldest Bible canon. And in the west, the Churches canonized various Bibles. The Protestant canon came 490 years ago.

Civilizations used monism to increase chaos since the Sumer political philosophy was known, not as RHI, but the same in their vernacular. From human sacrifice to animal sacrifice to Jesus’s sacrifice. Today, there are 45,000 sects derived from Abraham’s descendants. Where does modern tyranny against Genesis 1:28-RHI come from?

About 1,700 years ago, Christian Churches canonized anti-Sematic books that have been a curse to humankind ever since. Only 570 years ago, papal bulls “authorized” African slave trade to assist Portuguese colonization of the east American continent and 50 years later to Spain for the west Americas. And 248 years ago, USA founders intended to free the slaves in concert with their independence but lost hope during war for their own independence. Yet 13 years later, framers created a Constitution and preamble for lawfully emancipating U.S. slaves a soon as the non-slave state ratio turned positive. When it did, erroneous Christian opinion in the South motivated elites to fire on the United States! See and focus on the section mentioning “evil”. About a hundred years later, a preacher, M.L. King, Jr., saw the chance to appeal for a retribution check. In 2022, global elites are using the COVID19 biological war to usher in “the Great Reset”. See Michael Rectenwald.

It is past time for the individual to happily accept salvation of the mysterious soul by whatever responsible doctrine they trust, in order to constrain chaos in their way of living. With 2/3 of citizens in a nation accepting RHI for living, the elites therein will have no choice but to reform to personal RHI. With most of the world’s nations so led by their people, the Great Reset may have an early death.

As long as the human-being believes they can persuade their God to usurp the responsibility suggested in Genesis 1:28, we will continue to prove both that the-God cannot be controlled by the people and that elites take advantage of personal neglect.

RHI is in the individual’s self-interest and humankind benefits when 2/3 of fellow-citizens practice, facilitate, and encourage it. The little is essential to the plank. by Marc Bloemers

I think so.

First, let me express my view about “founders”. It is a term scholars have employed for self-promotion (high salaries and book revenues). “Founders” gathered in 1774 to take advantage of France’s opposition to England developing control of N. America. Spain helped fund the opposition.

In 1787, the political consequences of the France-Spain-USA victory in the war against England for USA independence as 13 free& independent states fell on 55 delegates from 12 states to a convention in Philadelphia, ostensibly intended to strengthen the Congress the founders had created. However, the Virginia delegation arrived with the intention to create a nation, and the 55 delegates became framers of the U.S. Constitution. The founders had been retired. The framers surveyed Western political thought to consider, judge, and improve the Virginia plan. Some of the framers withdrew for their reasons, and only 39 delegates signed the 1787 Constitution.

While I appreciate the 1774 founders and the 1787 framers, I am most grateful to the 1787 signers. The significance is that the intentions-sentence in the preamble did not exist until 5 days before the signing. I speculate that a handful of the 16 non-signers adamantly opposed the stated intentions. In the comprehension I earned, the preamble asserts:  The civic-faction of We the People of the United States, practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” establish& maintain responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants; civic refers to mutual fidelity in human connections& transactions.

The perhaps 12 generations since 1787 have allowed attitudes about salvation of the soul to erode regard for life, and the consequence is divergent chaos in 2022. Freedom of religion to Congress was imposed in 1791’s First Amendment, and it dominates U.S. legislation as well as adjudication. Civic-citizens can& may accept salvation of their souls according to personal comprehension, whether it be through an institutional doctrine or their own pursuit. By putting the mysterious soul-concern to rest, fellow-citizens can then focus on U.S. intentions: RHI to the individual.

Every human-being can& may constrain chaos in their way of living so as to facilitate& encourage the government to practice RHI. by Marc Bloemers

Mr. Bloemers, I appreciate your creativity and express gratitude in the “appreciations” post at

No. The 2022 U.S. Constitution safeguards English precedent and colonial, Anglo-American tradition. Freedom-from government tyranny and license-to liberty are a propaganda from European, primarily English versus French debate, during the enlightenment. The erroneous-conservation debate is well expressed by John Locke in “Two Treatises of Government” (1690). Locke was a Calvinist turned Deist, I think, so his theism is involved.

Locke’s premise was that the human-being is God’s property and by necessity& justice neither a person nor an institution can lessen the individual: “for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property”. Further, a person ”cannot subject [self] to the arbitrary power of another; and having in the state of nature no arbitrary power over the life, liberty, or possession of another [, legislative power] is limited to the public good of the society”.

The 1774 “founders” rebuked Locke by, in 1776, changing his phrase to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, for reasons I have not discovered. That government cannot warrant life, liberty, and happiness is obvious. They also rebuked the English Church by claiming authority from “Nature’s God” rather than from the Trinity. I speculate that their boldness was grounded in negotiations with France to aid termination of England’s dominance on the eastern seaboard of the “New World”.

France joined the war for USA independence in 1778. France had conducted the Seven Years War (1756-1763), locally the French& Indian War, to resist English dominance in America. France provided the war strategy and military dominance at Yorktown, VA in 1781’s defeat of England: Cornwallis’s surrender.

The French debate, especially the slogan “Liberty” dominates the USA mind in 2022 and together with Locke-conservatism, represses responsible-human-independence (RHI). RHI enabled the settlers, beginning in Virginia in 1606, to overcome astounding resistance to their desire to pursue the happiness they perceived rather than submit to European elites’ plans for them. Regrettably, they depended on obligations to European colonialist entrepreneurs. They enslaved settlers personally and defaulted them to manage African slaves The English dominated purchases through traders for African kings to provide labor for the agrarian wealth-enterprises.

Wonderfully, the 55 delegates to Philadelphia surveyed Western political thought and incidentally specified a republic. Uniquely, the law is amendable by informed citizens under 5 specified domestic disciplines holding religious choice a private matter. The five disciplines are integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity “in order to” practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants. Only 39 delegates signed the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

Unfortunately, domestic Tories dominated the state ratification process and the nine required states agreed to mimic the 1689 English Bill of Rights. The First Amendment (1971) imposes freedom of religion to Congress, and since 1791 the Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the tyranny. The 2022 Justices seem Judeo-Catholic – a worldly influence rather than a U.S. defender and by all measures not a proponent of RHI.

We, the 2022 civic-citizens of We the People of the United States can& may end 231 years of constitutional tyranny by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. Civic means fidelity in human connections& transactions and requires RHI. Meanwhile, we can& may demand that elected and appointed officials reform to RHI.

I read& write to learn and would appreciate comments. by Straelli

I comprehend that “normative” expresses an opinion whereas “positive” states the-fact. For example, to determine criminal guilt, U.S. trials must require unanimous jury verdicts: majority jury verdicts lessen criminal favor. Stated another way, in criminal trials, states must provide unanimous juries: states must provide impartial juries.

Arguments can& may be based on the-ineluctable-truth. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster. com. The-ineluctable-truth yields not to evaluation or opinion.

Often, the-ineluctable-truth is unknown. The positive argument is “We don’t know”. No action should be taken. However, if necessity demands justice, prepare the required defense and activate under attack.

I present the argument that a human-being can& may constrain chaos in their way of living. I perceive this is a positive statement (but could be wrong). First, I am stating the fact of personal choice to either constrain or allow chaos. Second, I am leaving it to the person to assess chaos.

I read and write to learn and would appreciate comments. by Graham C Lindsay

A person can& may observe that civic-necessity requires justice, and, in self-interest, neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. The moment a person acts unjustly, they invite restraint. Habitual infidelity is terminal to human being.

Necessity is a matter of physics and has nothing to do with religion’s mystery, a private rather than civic choice. “Civic” addresses reliability in human connections& transactions. For example, economics demands that each person choose to earn their way of living plus pay taxes to preserve necessity& justice. Those who do not earn are dependents, one way or another: fated incapability, indolence, crime, or tyranny.


Every person who individually accepts the opportunity, the power, the energy, and the authority to, within their first quarter century, comprehend& and intend to develop a complete, unique human-being before body, mind, intentions, and achievements cease, may perfect their unique human-being. by Liezl Cayanan

I think so. There’s responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Merriam-webster .com tells us meritocracy is “a system, organization, or society in which people are chosen and moved into positions of success, power, and influence on the basis of their demonstrated abilities and merit.” This is an ideal society that depends on meritorious evaluators. I don’t expect them.

In RHI, first, the individual constrains chaos in their way of living. That means they earn enough to pay for the lifestyle that responsibly fulfills the happiness they want rather than the dictates of another. Additionally, they pay taxes in order to provide safety& security for domestic living. That includes the cost to constrain dependents, whether by sloth, crime, or tyranny.

Second, the RHI-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. by Kenneth Chukwuka

I’m thinking of 2.

First, neither initiate nor accommodate harm to-or-from any person or association. Appreciatively caution your neighbor if you perceive the plan or are enacting error. If necessary, call first responders.

Second, constrain chaos in your way of living. by Mike Wilson

The U.S. Constitution is amendable by the people, difficult as the action may be.

This is my opinion; otherwise “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants would be bound to British tradition and legal precedent.

So far, U.S. intentions have been regressed to “Anglo-American tradition” keeping the 1787-proffered purpose yet to be established. The preamble specifies 5 domestic disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity”, assigning religion/spirituality to privacy. There are no standards.

The “ourselves” generation cannot foresee the future and therefore strive to prepare posterity to advance civic-integrity. By discovering bad laws and reforming to statutory justice, a RHI-culture can& may promote RHI rather than the divergent chaos we are experiencing.

We, the civic-faction of We the People of the United States can& may get started in 2022 by amending the First Amendment so as to promote civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. by Wissam M Tahir

Because we accommodate the tyranny and pass on to our children, grandchildren, and future descendants the debt burden for adult satisfaction.

We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may put a stop to U.S. tyranny. by E Bow

If I have nothing to offer, I remain silent. If I think I have something to offer, I speak humbly yet firmly and briefly as possible.

My practice is to neither initiate nor accommodate harm to-or-from any person or association.

For example, my Sunday school class last discussed Acts 9. I pointed out that the text is replete with anti-Semitism and that we civic-citizens need to guard against the harm& chaos it causes.

That’s stated in the continuity that I do not know the-ineluctable-truth and therefore only speak opinion. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted” (merriam-webster. com).

These practices come from the civic necessity& justice that is suggested in Genesis 1:28. by Jaden Riding

Mr. Riding, that’s a creative question.

       MW opines usage as follows: “the quality or state of being free”, as in “the power to do as one pleases, freedom from physical restraint, freedom from arbitrary or despotic control, the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges, or the power of choice”.

      Too often “freedom” is employed to explain. Physics restrains us whether we like it or not. Control is despotism. Rights and privileges are bestowed by the winner in war. Fellow citizens prevent “do as you please”. Choice is constrained by necessity& justice. It seems all the definitions have flaws in appreciation of factual reality.

      I think you are correct. “Liberty” seems a human-construct. Under this analysis, “freedom” is no better.

      Where does that leave us? What do you suggest? by Kin Hawk

Necessity& justice demand that the civic-citizen neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. Partiality to one party, by definition, lessens the other.

For example the citizen who is licensed to vote even though they are alien to U.S. intentions, stated in the 1787 Constitution, enjoys the opportunity to pick the civic-citizen’s pocket.

My opinion comes from Western political philosophy. I have not studied Confucianism. by Pleas Answer This Right Away

No. But managing global cities and nations for equality threatens human-beings – both individually and collectively, as 2022’s chaos shows. The individual human-being can& may perfect their body, mind, intentions, and living.

The Sumer culture, 10 thousand years ago, evolved the political philosophy that female& male-human-being can& may independently provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. The suggestion is recorded in 3-thousand-year-old-art, in Genesis 1:28. It hasn’t happened.

Since then, most civilizations construct a “higher power”, intended to usurp the human-duty to provide peace on earth. Each individual has the opportunity, the power, the energy, and the authority to develop civic-integrity by which they may practice, facilitate, & encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI). Elites promote freedom& liberty to bemuse people from RHI.

In an RHI-culture, the individual constrains chaos in their personal way of living. They neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. They work to fund their lifestyle as well as the cost to constrain fellow-citizens who prefer dependency rather than RHI -- whether the dependency be sloth, crime, tyranny, or worse.

To my knowledge, such a culture was preferred only once on earth. The proposal was defeated by political dominance to restore colonial-English-French-American traditions of freedom bestowed by the winner in war, liberty licensed by the authority, and the spirit of Protestantism – in short, Anglo-American tradition. The dominant politicians regressed RHI.

The 1787 U.S. Constitution proposes a republic with 5 domestic disciplines – integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” establish& maintain RHI to “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants. There are no standards of performance, because each adult generation knows not what powerful goodness the next generation will need. There is no religion, because no religion offers the-ineluctable-truth. However, the intent is dynamic-responsibility to increase statutory-justice, with Constitutional-amendment to journal progress to the-good.

This unique nation was founded on the independence made possible by “discovery” in a land occupied by warring-tribes, each defending their part of the continent. The “invaders” were motivated to overcome any resistance or obstacle to their way of living -- “higher authorities” both physical and metaphysical, imposing lessened vision for the colonists’ happiness -- whether the authority be church, state, or wilderness. In the struggle for state dominance, France and Spain aided the colonists to win independence from Britain. But alas, dominant Anglo-American politicians regressed colonists’ intentions by imposing British-traditions and the 1791 U.S.-mimic of the 1689 English Bill of Rights.

The consequences of 235 years English-law-precedence over the 1787 Constitution with the late& fading Judeo-Christian dominance, is decaying major cities, sex& anarchy celebration at the Super-Bowl, state-mandates to empower crisis-vultures like COVID entrepreneurs, world-wide invasion threats, and $7.5 million U.S. debt on each of the 4 thousand/year newborn-U.S.-citizens; with stagnating birthrate, the debt/newborn will continue to increase. Unwitting illegal immigrants will either suffer or decide to leave when the debt comes due. These outcomes were not the intentions still stated in the 1787 U.S. Constitution. We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may stop the divergent chaos.

We, the civic-faction of We the People of the United States, need not continue accommodating the waste of the world’s best hope: RHI. We can demand that no citizen can vote if they do not own& practice their comprehension of the amendable 1787 Constitution and its civic contract. Moreover, government officials who do not qualify to vote can& may be fired and unelected. The First Amendment can& may be reformed so as to promote civic-integrity rather than religion. Supreme Court rules can& may be changed, in order to uphold the preamble to the U.S. Constitution rather than wrongful-English-precedent and the consequential U.S. regulations. Education Departments (ED) can& may be reformed so as to facilitate in each child the personal intention to develop their unique perfection during their lifetime rather than ED working to “educate the workers we need”. Systems of national-revenue distribution can& may be reformed so that no person gains extreme wealth on the backs of civic-citizens, yet entrepreneurs receive domestic appreciation for the risks they take. This is only a start towards known, needed reform.

The proffered United States is great and so far neglected unto diverse chaos. So far, the people have neglected a suggestion inscribed in cuneiform perhaps 5500 years ago: each human-being can& may constrain chaos in their way of living. by Alex Rodriguez

Speakers cannot escape their statements. We know liars by their lies, and cannot learn the lies if we silence them. by Alexander Indianer

A real free spirit behaves with responsible-human-independence (RHI), in order to constrain chaos in their personal living. They are comfortable with their opinion about the mystery of soul. Serene-confidence empowers them to focus on necessity& justice in civic-connections& transactions.

It seems the mystery-of-soul is at the heart of humankind’s chaos in the year 2022. Most of the world’s population is bemused by the mystery. It need not be that way.

The Sumer civilization existed in Mesopotamia 10 thousand years ago (tya). In their polytheism, An was Lord of the Heavens. Cuneiform records from 5.5 tya speak of soul and depict creation of man by Enki. Sumerian priests sacrificed servants to royalty’s afterdeath. See and A Sumerian philosopher suggested that female& male-human-being can& may independently provide order and prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth: nothing can usurp human-being’s responsibility to provide peace on earth. See Genesis 1:28.

About 3.9 tya, Terah left Ur with family including Abram, who became Abraham. When they settled, they substituted animal sacrifice for human sacrifice, in order to bargain with their-God for military and other political powers. They wrote of “the Lord God” in Genesis 2 rather than “God” in Genesis 1. Genesis 1 also speaks of God’s spirit. A branch of Abraham’s descendants became Israel, and their literature, especially Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel anticipate a Messianic Kingdom. Another branch perceives salvation through total submission to God. There remain the non-Abrahamic peoples.

In India, thoughts of the individual soul, atman, began 3.5 tya. Virtuous Souls enter immortality in the Supreme Soul, Brahman, on merit. The faithful approach God through divinities. See This apparent religion is often dubbed a philosophy.

About 2 tya, another Abrahamic branch asserted that Jesus died to save human souls. Supporting literature begins in Jewish literature with ancient ideas from the Sumer culture. The New Testament seems to assert that Jesus supplanted the Jewish Messiah. One side of the resulting Abrahamic-conflict is called anti-Semitism. The conflict could be alleviated by modern Jews accepting Jesus as the messiah for humankind rather than for a kingdom. But there’s another way.

Many follow-citizens, persuaded by one of the soul-mysteries, perceive they either work for merit or tolerate life in order to reach meritorious rewards in heaven. Others admit they have not the comprehension to choose a soul-future, and therefore either take soul-salvation for granted or give it no thought. That is, they live without giving soul-mystery any importance. Many philosophers regard soul a human construct unworthy of concern beyond appreciation to the civic believer. However, appreciation of the soul-mystery is a private choice. Jews need not forego spiritual hopes and comforts as a bargain for civic safety& security. Nor should any other human-being relinquish civic pursuit of personal happiness.

The free-spirit comprehends a human-being as comprised of body, mind, and self-interest in happiness: their unique happiness more than what humanity would impose on them. In self-interest, they neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. They accept that some individuals are dependent, one way or another, and therefore work for enough income to pay their personal way of living plus fund domestic services to constrain dependent fellow-citizens. The happily take care of persons who cannot care for themselves, constrain those who can but don’t, and fund statutory justice for criminals, tyrants, evils, and worse.

Through RHI, the free-spirit happily practices, facilitates, and encourages civic-integrity.

Mr. Indianer, I hope this helps. I am grateful for the response your creativity inspired, and express that on my “appreciations” post at I read& write to learn and would appreciate reader’s comments.


Tara Setmayer is responsible for "cuteness" in the last 2 sentences. A 5,500 year-old political philosophy from the Sumer civilization states, in 2022 terms: human-being can& may independently constrain chaos on earth. See Genesis 1:28. And Jesus reportedly said, "Before Abraham was born I am", which associates him with Genesis 1:28. Also, he reportedly said, "Render unto Caesar . . . ".

A V.P. and potential running mate again, who would consult with Dan Quayle to excite personal ambition to 1) unconstitutional rebuke to the U.S. Commander-in-Chief 2) and arrogantly "witnessing" for Jesus is guilty on two counts.

Pence would do himself a favor to never be seen in political meetings again.

I can't image how this country could establish journalism.

Facebook February 13, 2022

Thank you, Chris.

Boole addresses why I write ineffectually: I don't know enough to justify my audience's work to comprehend my concerns.

For example, who cares about the-ineluctable-truth? After all, only merriam-webster. com opines that "ineluctable" means "not to be avoided, changed, or resisted". Also, "inescapable" opines that "ineluctable" is escapable. Since I don't know the-ineluctable-truth, why should anybody consider my concerns?

Perhaps Boole's "An Investigation of the Laws of Thought" (1854) will aid my work to write a book. So far, the math seems too formidable for this chemical engineer. Maybe acceptance of the prose will suffice a humble purpose: to express concern. February 12, 2022

This witness is absolutely wonderful under the chaos we have created. However, U.S. freedom is granted and U.S. liberty is licensed. There is so much more that is neglected for "tradition".

I work to constrain chaos in America, from freedom& liberty in British-vs-French-American tradition, to the 1787 Constitution's intentions: 5 domestic disciplines to provide public safety& security. Thereby, citizens who want responsible-human-independence (RHI) can& may develop the civic-integrity to collaborate with "ourselves and our Posterity", including legal immigrants, so that each individual may responsibly pursue the happiness they perceive during each stage of their life, rather than submit to the way of living a bureaucrat would impose on them.

It took me 40 to 60 years to discover that message, so I don't regret the effort it takes to get it.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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