Saturday, February 26, 2022

Un-elect/fire public officials who claim civil-religion rather than civic-integrity

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Un-elect/fire public officials who claim civil-religion rather than civic-integrity


The prosecutor got the news from 2 vulnerable agents: Trump's lenders fear public disclosure of their collaboration on high real estate appraisals and the IRS fears public disclosure that they turned a blind eye to low real estate appraisals. Trump said during his campaign for President that he is expert at plying government-corrupted capital systems, so he is well qualified to restore public trust. I think he was correct.

True, it seems:  He was a playboy. But if a human-being cannot reform --- discover and adopt civic-integrity, none of us can qualify to vote.

Unfortunately, Trump chose a conservative Christian for running mate. That is, a Christian without the imagination to allow Jesus to judge whether a human-being observes the responsibility to constrain chaos on earth, as suggested in Genesis 1:28. Jesus reportedly claimed concurrence if not authorship, assuming he said, "Before Abraham was born I am". Pence would do himself a favor to move to another country, there to discover Jesus' opinion about Pence. 

If Trump runs again, may he choose a running mate with a record of civic-integrity more than civil-religion.
Regardless, I may not vote for Trump a 5th time.


Merriam-webster. com informs us bureaucracy means “government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority”. The U.S. bureaucracy proposed in 1787 seems worthy to establish rather than the corrupt Anglo-American tradition we suffer..

The Sumer civilization, in 5,500 year-old cuneiform records suggested, with a 2022 view, that female& male-human-being can& may, independent of other political power, constrain chaos on earth. See the 3,000 year-old colloquially-constructed interpretation in Genesis 1:28.

Human-beings who choose to constrain chaos on earth take charge to provide necessity& justice. They work to receive income with which to 1) sustain their chosen responsible-privacy, 2) provide public infrastructure, and 3) constrain dependent species, including fellow-citizens who choose to pursue dependency for life. The dependencies include sloth, crime, and tyranny. Necessity& justice require systems of imposed-constraint to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI). If a dependent citizen reforms to RHI, justice is served. Habitual-evil invites termination.

Necessity& justice require that most fellow-citizens, a nation, collectively earn income by continually increasing innovative supply of goods and services, in order to meet the needs of inhabitants, who increase in both number and in quality of life. Safety& security are essential to responsible human-development.

As much as possible national functions must be prioritized for human-kind survival, leaving responsible individual-development to private choice. In other words, civic-citizens choose their responsible intentions for life. First, there’s innovation to improve needed goods& services. Second, there’s reliable supply& delivery of necessary goods& services. Third, is quality of human enrichment: practice, education, facilitation, and encouragement to “ourselves and our Posterity” to take responsibility to discover unique-human perfection.

The management of the above 3 human functions, in a constitutional republic, is bureaucracy. In the U.S. republic, civic-citizens employ modified democracy to manage their state and the rule of law to manage the union of states; the nation. The state democracies are modified by multiple counties, each with s representative to local interests.

The U.S. preamble enumerates domestic discipline: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants. The bureaucracy can& must serve these U.S. intentions. That is, in the U.S., the hierarchy begins with “ourselves and our Posterity”: the civic-citizens of We the People of the United States.

As of 2022, past generations have accommodated 3 dependencies to take precedence over survival. First, the generations have developed appetite for adult, banal-satisfactions rather than for the self-interest of civic-integrity. We see this in the insatiable appetite for entertainment and the high premiums placed on gratification for the moment. The super-bowl is annually forgettable, and the half-time-shows increasingly salacious. They say it’s what the people want, but I don’t think so. Second, inhabitants accommodate 100%-premium salaries to bureaucrats. Third, most citizens wait for their God to relieve their descendants of $ 30.1 trillion U.S. debt and climbing. That’s $7.52 million to each of this years’ newborn babies.

The existing path to U.S. ruin need not be accommodated. We, the 2022 We the People of the United States, can& may establish constraint on U.S. bureaucracy. Constraint starts at the top: the people. by Leonilo Lacbayen Jr

Merriam-webster. com opines that knowledge is “the sum of what is known”. Compare their “truth”: “the body of true statements and propositions’. It seems lies& speculation are included in “what is known” even though excluded from “true statements”. On the other hand, identification of a lie is the truth regarding that lie.

Thus, human-being can share the knowledge that neither freedom nor liberty can be warranted by any government or God. However, each human-being can& may practice independence.

For example, no human-being can “witness for” Jesus, a mysterious human construct. Only Jesus might opine that a person takes Jesus’ suggestions to consideration, intention, and practice.

How many human-beings constrain chaos in their way of living, in order to pursue perfection of their unique person, as Jesus perhaps suggested in Genesis 1:28? by Alice

The representative republic that the 1787 U.S. Constitution demands, with a couple improvements, could& may promote an achievable better future.

My response begins with 3 old/ancient, promising documents.

First, about 5,500 years ago, Sumer suggested a political philosophy: Female& male-human-being can and may independently constrain chaos on earth. That is, there is no other higher authority to manage life in the factual reality of physics& progeny. The progeny include mathematics, biology, psychology, imagination, etc.

I call constraining chaos on earth “responsible-human-independence” (RHI), the hyphens to beg the reader not to separate one word from the expression. Hebrew scholars recorded the suggestion 3,000 years ago with personal vernacular in Genesis 1:28.

Second, the 1774 Continental Congress, in 1776 declared the above authority, also expressed by Agathon 2,500 years ago in his speech in Plato’s “Symposium” and I guess by other thinkers. They rebuked John Locke’s claim that as a property of the-God, a human-being cannot be governed.

Negotiating with France to join the USA war against England, the 13 colonies suffered the freedom that England extoled and the liberty France imposed, yet won independence as global states. (Today, we, the “ourselves and our Posterity” of the U.S. can& may change the name of the statue in NY Harbor to “The Statue of Independence”.)

Third, Shays’ rebellion demonstrated that the free& independent states were not independent of domestic tyranny, so 12 states sent delegates to 1787 Philadelphia to strengthen states unity. The 55 delegates surveyed Western political philosophy and specified a republic with 5 domestic disciplines “in order to” practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI to “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants who earn citizenship. For their reasons, 16 delegates did not sign, so only 39 delegates proposed the 1787 U.S. Constitution. It promised the states a republican form of government and contained provisions to prevent democracy, well known a wrongful politics.

A few Constitutional improvements are needed. The preamble can& may lose the word “liberty” to “independence”. The First Amendment can& may be amended so as to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. The Supreme Court can& may discover using the-ineluctable-evidence rather than opine based on obsolete precedence. “Ourselves and our Posterity” can& may require Congress and the Supreme Court to uphold the 1787 Constitution, especially when conflicted by Anglo-American English-precedent. Finally, tax and other favor to philanthropists including churches can& may be terminated, because it empowers legislation without representation.

Most importantly, the license to vote or to serve in government can& may be denied citizens who demonstrate opposition to the RHI or better that is expressed in the 1787 Constitution and its preamble.

The 1787-intended U.S. republic is the best form of government, primarily because it intends the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” to continually amend the law so as to approach necessity& justice.

Updated this afternoon for clarity.

To Alice:

RHI, responsible-human-independence, is not a political party. It’s a way of living that can& may be developed by a society, a nation, a civilization, or humankind itself.

It’s predicated on 5 principals.

First, most mature human-beings want, during their lives, to accomplish the-good. They discover that neither the-God nor government can usurp their opportunity to develop the required civic-integrity. In self-interest to the-good, they adopt RHI, a practice by civic-citizens.

Second, there will always be persons who prefer a dependency, such as indolence, crime, or tyranny. Therefore, the civic-citizens must earn enough to fund their lifestyle, civil infrastructure, and the justice system required to constrain dependents and facilitate their reform.

Third, while 3 documents, namely, Genesis 1, the 1776 declaration of war against England, and the 1787 U.S. Constitution propose an RHI-culture, one has never been initiated. The 1789 Congress reinstated Anglo-American tradition as Blackstone legal precedent and factional-American Protestant-Christianity, now fading.

Fourth, we, the “ourselves and our Posterity” of 2022 can reform to 1787 U.S. intentions by educating the nation’s youth to develop themselves as human-beings. The human-being can& may develop body, mind, and person, in order to approach unique perfection before death. The mature person has humility, humor, appreciation, intentions, and accomplishments.

Fifth, parents can require Education Departments to practice, facilitate, and encourage children ages 3-7 to comprehend the power of being a human-being; ages 8-13 to comprehend the power of monogamy for life in families with female& male spouse and 4 pairs of grandparents; ages 13-21 to acquire the comprehension& intention to live a complete human life; and ages 22-30 that career is a vehicle for earning the opportunity to develop their person.

It’s shocking that such reform is needed in 2022. However, the U.S. debt of $ 30.2 trillion is $7.5 million to each 2022 newborn. It’s astounding that today’s adults accommodate ruination of their children’s future.

I am glad RHI is proposed in 2022, as suggested 5,500 years ago. Starting the U.S. reform will disclose how quickly it can be accomplished.

The light of reform to civic-integrity will excite now dependent U.S. citizens to change. The tyrants in Congress, the Supreme Court, the administration, the regulators, and the media may either reform or seek new employment. One of the keys to RHI is that it accepts that there will always be sloth, crime, and tyranny, and that they can& may be constrained by a civic-people. by Vexin Dude

Factual reality conforms to the laws of physics& progeny, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, imagination, and everything else.

Statistical anomalies do not change the laws. The human-being is the only species that can& may choose to conform to the laws of physics. To attempt to defy physics is wrong.

For example, the person who claims they witness for Jesus yet do not practice Genesis 1:28 are wrong. Jesus claimed “Before Abraham I am”, which implies he endorses or authors the suggestion that humankind can& may provide order and prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. by Caleb Radićh

I am ever grateful to you, Mr. Radićh, for introducing me to this poem at this time, age 78 rather than perhaps 48, when I first read “The Prophet”. I express gratitude on my “appreciations” post at

To your question, I quote the poem, “Ay, in the grove of the temple and in the shadow of the citadel I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff” and answer you that Gibran expresses freedom as voluntary enslavement.

I think he expresses and you rhetorically suggest that accepting external constraints and releasing internal wishes restores the “fettered” independence a human-infant received.

Gibran completes his thought in “. . . your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom”, yet leaves the “greater” mystery.

I think Gibran is suggesting what I call responsible-human-independence (RHI), which is constrained only by physics& its-progeny, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, imagination, and everything else. In RHI, the civic-citizen chooses to earn their way of living plus taxes for infrastructures including the system to maintain statutory justice in necessity.

Furthermore, “truth” is no mystery when the intention is to discover the-ineluctable-truth. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster. com. My Sunday-school class, Nomads, is studying light, and I will mention your focus and a Gibran quote to them. by Peter Coultas

Humankind knows that they can& may independently constrain chaos on earth. Some people develop the self-interest to live that way. Others choose indolence, crime, tyranny and worse. As a person behaves they may become subject to constraint based on the collective awareness of personal-choice. by Barbara Young Capalbo

I wish I knew what Gould meant by “civic decency”. I use “civic” to mean mutual fidelity in human transactions& connections more than observance of civil rules.

Also, I don’t know “organized irrationalism”. Perhaps it means systematically thinking negatively to imagine a positive argument.

Take for example the case of the New York AG pursuing Donald Trump’s real estate loan applications and tax filings. During my first decision to vote for Trump (I was one of the 14 million who made it possible for the U.S. to elect him President) I was impressed that he unabashedly claimed he is an expert at legally using the corrupt system and asked whose better to clean it up? I think he delivered.

The hot news this week is that he and his children will be called into court to answer how they arrived at high values for loan applications and low values for tax reporting.

In my organized irrationalism, the corrupt system is on trial. The Trumps will be exposing a corrupt government that supports celebrity entrepreneurs in picking the people’s pockets and corrupt lenders who support celebrities in picking the people’s pockets. Civic-citizens can cheer for guilty lending and taxing officials to be discovered and prosecuted.

Already, by choosing a conservative-Christian running mate (much to my chagrin even in the primaries), Trump exposed Christianity’s corruption. A Sumerian suggestion reported in Genesis 1:28 --- human-being can& may constrain chaos on earth seems attributed to Jesus on the report that he said “Before Abraham was born I am”. Also, Jesus suggested aiding the civil command.

No human-being can witness for Jesus, much as they may claim to. Pence refused the U.S. Commander-in-Chief on January 6, 2021, after discounting Jesus’s opinion as to presence in Pence’s heart, on January 4, 2021. Under human social decency, Pence would do well to retire from the U.S. political scene.

The corruption of the Trump/Pence ticket has soured my will to vote for Trump a fifth time. I hope he rekindles my consideration but doubt he can. (I know he was a playboy. However, if society cannot allow a person to mature, there is no hope for even one of us.) by Ivan Lara

No. Every human being is constrained by physics& its progeny. Further, sloth, crime, and tyranny constrain humankind.

However, each human being can& may constrain chaos in their way of living. For example, civic-citizens manage economic constraints by earning enough to pay their way of living plus the cost of infrastructure including legal systems to pursue necessity& justice in constraining sloth, crime, and tyranny. Here, “civic” implies fidelity in human connections& transactions more than adherence to civil rules.

The society that practices, facilitates, and encourages these principles promotes responsible-human-independence (RHI), fully aware that neither the-God nor government can impose freedom when each person can& may choose RHI. by William Smith

Mr. Smith, I express gratitude for your question in the “appreciations” post at

Not to attack society, rather to propose an achievable better future, the civil notion of “obedience” to elders rather than civic collaboration with youth is at the heart of your concern.

There are several points to consider, 4 directly pertinent:

First, while a foal can become a thoroughbred in 3 years, it takes a newborn person a quarter century to acquire the comprehension& intention to develop a human-being and couple more quarter centuries to develop psychological maturity.

Second, leaving the theism out to emphasize necessity& justice, Kahil Gibran expresses in “On Children” that we can try to mimic them: however, the march of time will not allow us to force them to be like us.

Third, the civic-citizens neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. The adult who fails to do all they can do for a child accommodates harm.

Fourth, a civic culture practices, facilitates, and encourages personal intentions& accomplishments to the-good and toward perfection of each unique human-being.

Thus, parents who consider their infant a person whom they created/adopted and with whom to initiate the development of a human being find it a self-interested pleasure to consider the child’s every concern and respond with the world’s best aid.

On another note, many parents are at a disadvantage, because they are not yet psychologically mature. That’s why grandparents (perhaps 4) and great-grandparents (perhaps 8) are so essential to family.

As time marches on, the current working-adult’s skills are already obsolete. The 2022 chaos may make that clear to society and motivate reform for the next 10,000 year-era --- a reset larger in vision than racism, gender technology, over population, biological warfare, domestic tyranny, and invasion. by Erica Agbay

I suspect by “community action” you mean Alinsky-Marxist organizers’ (AMO) public disruptions. They’re to be avoided like COVID19. There’s no need to be an AMO soldier.

Necessity& justice demand that the human individual constrain chaos in their way of living. Otherwise, they forfeit their one-time opportunity, power, energy, and authority to discover& develop their person’s intentions& achievements.

I know of no culture that teaches these principles to their youth. However, the 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers such a nation. It is amendable by the people and its purpose is 5 domestic disciplines “in order to” establish and maintain responsible-human-independence (RHI) “to ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants.

There are no standards for the 5 disciplines --- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity; successive generations are empowered to improve the law when injustice is discovered. Religion, such as AMO justifications for civic-violence is not included in the disciplines.

Only civic-citizens can reform the accommodation of tyranny that the U.S. has suffered since Congress was seated in 1789 and began the process of re-establishing English precedent in both the law and by imposing civil religion.

The citizen has duty to self to be aware of their role in government: voting in their best interest. by Bts Edits

My name is Phil, I practice responsible-human-independence for civic-integrity. by Mystique Cover

I don’t understand your “truth”. Yet I want to present a statement regarding the practical can& may.

Necessity& justice demand that human-being discover how to constrain chaos on earth. As inhabitance swells, proportional mistakes cost more lives. Consequently, it is important not to repeat political mistakes.

The journal of discovery is somewhat recorded by accomplishments.

Inclusive research literature adequately records discovery of the-ineluctable-evidence in physics& and its progeny --- mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, etc. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster. com.

But political history is lacking. The end of the last ice age marked the emergence of civilization, about 11,000 years ago. Sumer developed laws recorded in cuneiform perhaps 5,500 years ago. Elite persons were buried with their servants to assist elite souls. Nevertheless, their political philosophers suggested that human-being can& may, independent of the Gods, constrain chaos on earth (Genesis 1:28). About 3,700 years ago, Terah left Ur with son Abram (to be Abraham) to establish a God that would accept animal sacrifice rather than human sacrifice. Abraham increased chaos, spawning at least 4 cultures. About 2,000 years ago, a culture claimed one man was sacrificed to atone for every believing soul. About 235 years ago, framers, then signers of the U.S. Constitution proposed a republic with 5 domestic disciplines, assigning soul-salvation to privacy. However, Congress, in 1791 restored factional-American-Protestantism --- soul salvation by the grace of God in his son, Jesus. Perhaps 5 soul mysteries cover 70% of the world’s population.

In 1861, America suffered a Civil War, because Christian ministers in the south preached the evil of slave emancipation before God’s plan for black-people’s salvation had played out. See and, in both cases toward the end of the document. Can such civic folly be driven by anything but fear for the mysterious soul? Was R.E. Lee dedicated to his Protestant ministers at the expense of his family? He had 5 years during Bleeding Kansas to sell everything and move to a non-slave state. Today’s U.S. citizens are being subjected to Civil War talk by sensational writers for the media.

History is unreliable, because ten witnesses to the same event produce ten opinions. It is the journalist’s job to discover and publish the big picture, such as this soul-mystery saga, so as to prevent catastrophic-error repetition.

Today’s writers for the media are aiding if not creating divergent chaos. by Ted Baiamonte

Necessity& justice make it plain that civic-integrity requires responsible-human-independence (RHI). However, the U.S. government imposes legislative and judicial religious freedom, bemusing the people from RHI. No higher power can usurp the individual’s opportunity to constrain chaos in their way of living. Consequently, after 231 years under Congress’s factional-American Protestantism, morphed to the late Judeo-Christianity and now trying Judeo-Catholicism in the Supreme Court.

We, the civic-people of the United States, whether Christian or not, can end the Congressional freedom of religion by amending the First Amendment so as to protect civic-integrity rather than civil-religion. by Sara Alsh

Without doubt, I assert that income sufficient to support responsible-human-independence in civic-integrity, in order to pursue the responsible-happiness you perceive and pay taxes-due is conservatism at its best.

It takes the human-being a quarter century of intentional learning to acquire the comprehension& intention to choose a starting career during which they may practice, facilitate, and encourage civic living in self-interest. Errors hone intentions to constrain chaos in personal ways of living and aid discovery of unique intentions to achieve.

During a couple service quarter centuries, changing careers so as to fulfill chosen intentions might be expected. The service years are for self-discovery rather than to build wealth.

The last quarter century is for facilitating and encouraging human-beings. by Diona Gwenn Reyes

Individually we are separate body, mind, intentions, and achievements. Collectively we are a family. Our next celebration will be my wife’s 81st birthday. My wife of 52 years has always been the stable, socially astute spouse. I am the clumsy worker and bill payer. We are both dreamers and managed to coordinate our dreams, so far. She is the best companion, enjoying every event with quick, dry wit. Each of our 3 children is a person, with their own dreams, intentions, and achievements. I say this, because each one expresses independence and togetherness.

Our son died at age 19 in an auto accident. It ruined our lives but will not ruin our persons.

Facebook, Feb 19

I think I see a central flaw in Romano's experiences& observations: "People who label you as the problem for bringing awareness to a problem, who are unwilling to address the problem will NEVER be able to clear the problems."

Maybe Winston Churchill really said: never; never; never give up on a fellow-citizen of the world.

Fellow-citizens have unique genes, memes, preferences, intentions, and accomplishments. Civic-citizens mutually appreciate as each is and where each is on their path to the-good.

One may try, but cannot advise the other to accelerate their progress or revise their direction. They can only express their thoughts without requirement that the other assess them. The other cannot assess a thought they do not have.

Romano seems to think "STUCK in relationships" means stonewalling anyone who disagrees. I disagree., Feb 18

Invading Afghanistan set Russia back a couple decades. Lesson learned? Perhaps China funds this invasion. Maybe Ukraine will bankrupt both Russia and China.

Meanwhile, let's pay our U.S. debt, which just surpassed $30.2 trillion.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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