Saturday, February 12, 2022

St. John and anti-Semitism

 hil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

St. John and anti-Semitism

John 13 expresses the transition of Jesus from Jew to Gentile: from carpenter to Christ. Speaking at the last supper, a dinner with Jews, John, in V 33 has Jesus saying “as I told the Jews”. I don't trust John.

This “scripture” was written 70 years after Jesus died and was canonized 330 years later. The Christians argued that Jesus was the Messiah promised to the Jews but was for people whom God had chosen to believe Jesus.

When it comes to opinion about what people wrote about Jesus in the Bible, I rely on my 2022 opinion rather than trumped up “recollection” 70 years after the event and coordinated with other books selected for the canon.

I don’t trust “Jesus Christ” any more than I would trust “Gentile Jesus” in my work to communicate with fellow citizens to create a culture of responsible-human-independence (RHI) with the intent to constrain chaos on in private living as well as in domestic discipline.

So far, it seems to me the civic suggestions we can discern by discovering the practical Jesus would help build the intended U.S. republic under the laws of physics& its progeny rather than Anglo-American legal precedent.

News [broke] with Trump . . . “


Mike Pence can& may, in self-interest, choose to disappear from the political scene.

On January 4, 2021, U.S.-defiant Mike Pence claimed he is blessed -- has Jesus Christ in his heart. Only an arrogant person may attempt to usurp Jesus’s judgement. See after 37 minutes, especially at 39:25.

Despite their best hopes and comforts, no human-being can speak for Jesus – “witness” for Jesus. More importantly, listen to Pence’s “personal relationship” with the future at 42 minutes.

On January 6, Pence furthered personal pride by defying the Commander in Chief of the United States: his boss and political running mate, Donald Trump. Jesus advises citizens to aid their magistrate (render unto Caesar). Pence can& may withdraw from the American political scene, if he does not want to invite further shame.

If President Trump runs in 2024, he’ll act in the best interest of the civic faction of We the People of the United States by choosing a running mate who reliably demonstrated responsible-human-independence (RHI) --- even if he/she privately pursues spirituality, religion, the mystery of soul, the-ineluctable-truth, or other personal happiness. The important record is one of appreciation for other fellow-citizens’ responsible, private-pursuits of happiness.

Never has it been more essential for fellow citizens of the United States and the world to acquire, practice, facilitate, and encourage appreciation-for& humility-to whatever power controls the consequences of human-being choices.

Individuals can& and may claim to know that power: I don’t.

Quora by War Zoon Rey E. Ramos

A Sumer political philosophy 10 thousand years ago suggested that the human-being can& may constrain chaos in his or her way of living. Civilizations since then have worked hard to construct a theism that usurps the human duty. The consequence is chaos.

It is in each person’s self-interest to neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from any individual or association.

The interest comes from necessity& justice rather than morality, virtue, and tradition. Tradition is to be appreciated for information about error to be avoided. Tradition cannot apply to work to recover from previously determined chaos.

These principles are not confined to my generation. The fact that today’s “posterity” is the future’s “ourselves” has always been ineluctable. Ineluctable means not to be avoided, changed, or resisted. by Aayush Mahera

I think of a human being as a person with 2 properties: mind and body. Further, the person employs mind& body in building experiences& observations on which to develop responsible-human-independence.

The more a person comprehends the physical, the better they can choose action for self-interest. For example, the visual perception that the sun comes out each morning, transverses the sky, and goes back each evening, if accepted, lessens appreciation of our world and galaxy.

In real fact, the earth’s rotation on its axis hides the sun each evening and un-hides it each morning. The surface speed and centrifugal force are not felt, because of gravity.

Many people live happily never knowing these principles. Consequently, they have not the curiosity to explore more facts about reality.

Their “knowledge” that the sun’ll come out tomorrow constrains their ability to watch and perceive the immense parameters involved in 2 very brief phenomenon colloquially called “sun rise” and “sun set” -- brief because the surface rotation speed is 1000 mph! by Alex Boast

Freedom is bestowed by the victor in war or a dominant Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO) for public disruption. Liberty is licensed by them. Of necessity& justice, the civic-citizen practices, facilitates, and encourages responsible-human-independence (RHI) -- anyway.

RHI requires the self-interest to apply the laws of physics& its-progeny, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, economics, imagination, lies, crime, evil, indeed everything. In a RHI-nation, civic-adults fund constitutional law to constrain dependent fellow-citizens such as criminals and tyrants, in order to assure the nation’s grandchildren the opportunity to enjoy RHI during their adulthood. There’s no way civic citizens would saddle their children with debt for adult satisfaction.

The U.S. continually advertises freedom& liberty in order to keep adult citizens bemused while the dominant politicians and regulators pick the people’s pockets with immunity. According to Anglo-American tradition, the adult is merely biding time until death will grant them a soul to enjoy heaven. The combination – liberty& freedom in the USA and salvation of the soul – keep the Christian doctrine operative. It’s no surprise:  It was described in 1517 as Chapter XI Machiavellianism.

The intentions for a constitutional republic, still stated in the U.S. Constitution, was sidelined by dominant, factional-American Protestants in the 1788 state ratification conventions, the first Congress and its 1791 Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Supreme Court since then. The gradual drift from republicanism, the rule of law, to the demand for democracy led to the present divergent chaos.

It is not too late for the “ourselves and our Posterity” to end Anglo-American tradition and establish the 1787 intentions: RHI.

Freedom& liberty seem nice to American elites, but citizens accommodate affluent privilege by neglecting personal RHI. We can& may change that.

Let 2022 be the year of the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster. com. National debt of $30 trillion bears ineluctable cost to ourselves and our posterity.

Everybody knows that democracy is ruinous. That’s why this country is a republic. by John Case

I can’t think of a word more divisive in the U.S. constitutional republic than “democracy”.

The human life is compelled to comport to necessity& justice – compelled by the laws of physic& it’s-progeny, such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, economics, imagination, fiction, art, beauty, crime, evil, indeed everything.

On necessity& justice, the human-being can& may divide by choosing dependency rather than responsible-human-independence (RHI). If the dependency causes harm/injury, the civic-culture, the RHI-culture can& may justly constrain the dependent. The habitual, heinous dependent invites termination.

Civic human-beings always begin with the errors they experience& observe and work out a plan to recover. For example, I observed that continually borrowing on my assets in order to satisfy vacation providers always kept me worried. I follow Bob Newhart’s “stop it” advice.

The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers a nation with 5 domestic disciplines whereby “ourselves and our Posterity” may develop RHI under standards to be approached according to necessity& justice. For the RHI culture to begin& thrive, most citizens can& may comprehend, trust, and commit-to the stated intentions: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity. But if aliens to U.S. intentions are licensed to vote, the RHI-culture is lessened and can fail.

Physics works in response to the environment. For example, granite subjected to cosmic collision disintegrates. Similarly, political power reacts to its environment. When elected-representatives or regulatory officials choose-to favor dependency rather than RHI, the constitutional republic lessens and can fail. The damage can be constrained if informed voters unelect the corrupt representative and the weak politician who does not fire wrongful regulators.

In a culture that allows voting by citizens who are alien to the U.S.-RHI-culture, there is no hope for an achievable better future. In the first place, democracy has no intentions beyond personal impression of how the voter can survive or thrive in the foreseeable future: posterity in a democracy is doomed. We see divergent chaos in the U.S., with 3rd to 4th generation adults living for self-satisfaction on their grandchildren’s futures: $30 trillion national debt -- $7.5 million per newborn (4 thousand/year).

In a vote for RHI vs dependency, each voter has a partisan opportunity. The way things are, democracy advocates chaos to be paid for by grandchildren and beyond. Obviously, democracy does not work. And that was well known and discussed in the 1787 convention that specified a constitutional republic. Democracy in the U.S. is unconstitutional!

To establish necessity& justice, the 2 party system can serve well when licensed voters examine political platforms and individually select the candidate that has a verifiable record of upholding the voter’s self-interest. Not only that, the platform and the voter’s self-interest can& may conform to the U.S. intentions to establish and maintain RHI. If not, they ought to lose their bid for office.

The citizen who either cannot comprehend or does not choose these principles ought not be licensed to vote. Only a nation with intentions to develop necessity& justice has a chance of discovering the practices to advance “ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the preamble. The 1787 Constitution did not specify standards of achieving the intentions, because the framers knew tradition could not hold if and RHI-nation would be established and flourish. We, the civic-faction of We the People of the United States can initiate reform to necessity& justice.

I hope this helps. I read& write to learn, so hope readers will comment. by Ninurta Ishtar

Mr. Ninurta (after Sumerian God of victory?) Ishtar (Mesopotamian Goddess of war?) you asked a worthy question.

I agree, in principle, yet not in the particular: denial vs blasphemy. At the heart of civic stonewalling is the mystery of soul.

The western-practice is to “civilly” stonewall and eventually ostracize independent thought. It’s a self-defeating practice, because the independent thinker could care less that a particular person disagrees with an opinion.

In a like-hearted crowd, the thinker is subjected to silent inquisition. Perhaps a like-hearted individual agrees with the thinker. However they dare not say so, lest they become the object of stone-silence leading to invitation to Coventry, a British expression of ostracism.

The independent thinker discovers ways to constrain the chaos their civilization is in. The civilization is so intent on gaining favor over neighboring and alien cultures they lose intention to preserve the human-being. With the thinker in Coventry, the civilization drifts into chaos.

We are the leading edge of 300 thousand years of homo sapiens development. Civilizations had language then developed grammar by which to discover order for prosperity rather than competition for favor: in chaos and war. About 10 thousand years ago (tya), through some military consequences, some reasoned that polytheism might not be reliable. By 6 tya, theism with few Gods emerged. About 4 tya, monotheism dominated in military conflict, then technology emerged dominant.

Perhaps 5.5 tya, a political philosophy in Sumer suggested that humankind can& may independently constrain chaos and provide prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. In their vernacular, the God that created souls made humankind responsible for peace on earth.

About 3 tya, a civilization emerged with another-God granting their souls favor over civilizations like Sumer. They took the real factuality (or none) of souls for granted.

About 2 tya, a civilization formed on their-God superseding the soul power from 3 tya. Still, no one examined the reality of soul.

About 1.3 tya, a civilization, grounded in the ancient soul-debate, formalized, creating a fourth division of soul-power.

Since then, soul theories have exponentially increased. There are perhaps 45,000 subdivisions of soul doctrine. And for some fellow citizens, the outcome for soul takes precedent over life.

About 235 years ago, a thought-group debated systems of government and devised a nation predicated on domestic-discipline by civic-citizens. Each citizen’s choice to pursue happiness for a soul or not would be private. By separating the domestic choice to work for civic integrity from the private choice to pursue favored afterdeath, the civilization could provide order and prosperity to lesser species and their land – their nation. Soul-seekers could collaborate to discover civic necessity& justice along with people who wanted responsible-independence without concern for soul. Incidentally that form of government, a republic, conforms to that long-neglected political philosophy from Sumer.

That nation, the USA, survives and can& may be established, yet is weakened. During ratification of the 1787 Constitution, dominant politicians in the state conventions required reinstitution of local-English tradition like the states had practiced when they were colonies. Over the years, tradition has morphed from factional-American Protestantism to fading Judeo-Christianity. I doubt the other 3 factions -- others, Muslims, and Jews -- approve and in 2022, the U.S. suffers divergent soul-chaos.

Racism, gender-preferences, and adult satisfaction at the expense of our children, grandchildren, and beyond seem to bemuse a civilization focused on soul rather than life. I think 2022 is the year of reform to the 1787 U.S. intentions: civic responsible-human-intendance with privacy regarding soul mystery.

Ninurta Ishtar, I show gratitude today for your creativity in the post “appreciations” at I write to learn, so please comment. by Jay Harewood

Voting in self-interest is the only civic option. The question is, what is self-interest?

A Sumer-civilization’s political philosophy 5 to 6 thousand years old is expressed in vernacular in Genesis 1:26. After millennial discoveries, a comprehension is: human-being can& may independently constrain chaos to lesser species and to the earth. To the individual human-being, that means constrain chaos in way of living.

The vote to constrain chaos in personal living aids the greater good of society.

Extending the question to examine the reliability of America’s republic versus, for example, France’s democracy, we may observe that there are so many political issues no one person or society can grasp then all, let alone discern action today that will provide good consequences tomorrow.

Requiring determination by the majority assures chaos into the future. However, requiring officials to observe the rule of law under a system that provides continual amendment so as to lessen legal injustice proffers potential to the civic-good.

Further, proffering domestic disciplines that facilitate& encourage civic-integrity empowers a law-abiding population from which lawful public officials may be selected for election.

Thus, a constitutional republic favors a civic culture that may foster responsible-human-independence to “ourselves and our Posterity”. Such a culture, a constitutional republic, is proposed in the 1787 U.S. Constitution.

I think voter laws can& may be reformed such that the license to vote requires demonstration that the citizen owns and lives by her/his interpretation of the U.S. preamble. My interpretation today is: we, the civic faction of We the People of the United States practice, facilitate, and encourage 5 civic disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” proffer responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity” including (legal) immigrants and leaving pursuit of spiritualism to personal-privacy.

There’s no reason for panic or crisis. We had to come to today’s divergent chaos to recognize the value of the triple mandate to human-kind: Genesis 1:28, the 1776 declaration of war against England (for American independence, not French “liberty”), and the 1787 U.S. Constitution (not the English mimicking 1791 Bill of Rights).

There’s much to reform, and to me, the prerequisite is at hand: Acceptance in 2022 that U.S. establishment of its constitutional republic, in order to undo Anglo-American tradition is essential to an achievable better future.

The U.S. citizen who does not vote in civic self-interest votes against themself.

I express appreciation for the question at, and would appreciate comments. by Francois IRADUKUNDA

The civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to-or-from any person or association. Not every citizen is civic: some are dependent. And some dependents harm/injury another or others, in which case the civic-collective can& may constrain the dependent citizen.

The constraint can& may conform to justice. For example, the dependent who accepts justice deserves the opportunity to reform. The dependent on heinous crime requires termination.

Righteousness is civic self-discipline. The person who prefers dependency invites justice. by Jane Jane

Liberty is the civil propaganda used by governments, winners in war, and Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO), civic disrupters, to force or coerce civic people to neglect responsible-human-independence (RHI). That is, the self-discipline by which a human-being can& may continuously constrain chaos in their way of living.

For example, in the U.S., the Democrat Party that Controls President Biden accepts European passion (perhaps also funding) for “human liberty”, in order to open U.S. borders to illegal aliens. Many Americans neglect the self-discipline that is required to resist the Democrat Party’s willful tyranny.

France’s democratic “liberty”, so far, symbolically represses the 1787 U.S. republic for RHI. We, the civic faction of We the People of the United States of 2022 – the “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants -- can& may reform to the preamble’s 5 disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity in civics, assigning personal passion to privacy.

Terry, recently, France is second guessing democracy; . The French have long been a world leader in civil disruption with innocent fellow-citizens’ unfortunate collateral damage. The Democrat Party does all it can to import the pain and misery. Their voters accommodate passionate domestic-tyranny. by Haidee Ferrer

I think there is only one valid human right: the opportunity to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI). That is, to continuously constrain chaos in personal living.

Freedom is propaganda used by governments, winners in war, and Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO), civic disrupters, to force or coerce the people to institutional submission.

Liberty is license to war or disruption. by Yogi Patel

No. If we constrained speech, we’d have no way of discerning liars. by Tina Grande

My country owes me the safety& security that is necessary in order to develop the civic-integrity by which to practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) to fellow-citizens.

Law professors  and

John Grove’s commentary on Scruton’s messages can& should consider what humankind has discovered since Ecclesiastes was written, perhaps 2.5 thousand years ago.

Grove concludes by attempting to impose peace through God-association. He follows the western tradition of ignoring Genesis 1:28 and its 6 thousand year old message. In 2022, its message seems: necessity& justice demand humankind to accept independent responsibility to establish& maintain peace on earth.

By accepting the duty to facilitate peace on earth, conservatism can& may adopt responsible-human-independence (RHI) in civic integrity. Civic citizens can privately await salvation of their souls without imposing dogmatic expectations on others. “Civic” means appreciating fellow-citizens, even those who invoke determination of justice. The civic-citizen earns enough pay to responsibly pursue their perception of happiness as well as fund statutory justice: domestic safety& security.

      Some Grove statements seem vulnerable if not contradictory. First, the Christian community may be described as “obsessed with constructing its own, artificial world that satisfies egos, takes more pleasure in possessing art than in learning from it, and pompously excludes anyone not initiated into its synthetic rites”. Second, “Living together . . . without the appeal to . . . power . . .” ought not involve imposition of mystery, such as God. Third, “citizenship under law, free association, and respect for tradition” needs specificity. Under necessity& justice, humankind can& may discover& conform-to the laws of physics& its-progeny rather than to legal precedent. And tradition can& may be appreciated as a record of error to be avoided. Fourth, accepting RHI as “our own [can& may] free us to appreciate the higher joys”.

      I am grateful to Grove for quoting Scruton: “We can wander . . . alienated [or] rest in harmony with others and ourselves.” What if Scruton expressed that God cannot usurp the civic-citizen’s independent responsibility for peace on earth?

      People scoff at the possibility that civic-citizens can accept responsibility to practice, facilitate, and encourage peace on earth. It’s true that it has never been attempted, so there’s great hope that the first effort will succeed. Most citizens want domestic safety& security so that they can responsibly pursue the happiness they perceive rather than submit to a way-of-living a bureaucrat envisions for them.

Additional comment:

Groves' book review is at He claims that Scruton imagines humankind cannot achieve the task Genesis 1:28 assigns. I think the duty comes from necessity& justice rather than from God. If so, Scruton is correct, as long as no one intends to constrain chaos in their way of living as a matter of self-interest rather than to satisfy a higher power. If most civic-citizens recognize the power of responsible self-interest, an RHI culture can happen.

Facebook February 8, 2022

I read the Bible as literature and evaluate for my use the writing as it comports to my experiences and observations. When I oppose some of the writer’s opinions, I say so. I express my opinion hoping civic-citizens will inform me. Also, I do not want to change their private mystery yet hope everyone can& may take civic-responsibility.

I accept the mystery of the individual’s salvation through Jesus rather than through doctrine, civil opinion, coercion or 2000-year-old opinion constructed 70 years after the fact then canonized 300 years later. We can’t force 2022’s real facts into ancient constraints.

The author of the New Testament book of John, thought by some scholars to be the aged Apostle and John of Patmos, in my opinion, does not represent Jesus (nor does Mike Pence in personal rebuke of the U.S.-constitutional Commander-in-chief). Jesus offered civic advice as well as motivation and inspiration. In Genesis 1:28, Jesus supports constraining chaos in personal life style.

I recently (what? after 70 years’ study?) noticed a mystery in John 13:33, which I quote from NIV: “My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come.”

John depicts “the Last Supper” (or “Last Seder”). Probably, every person at the table is a Jew. The phrase “as I told the Jews” seems offensive to my civic integrity. Offensive, because people can take it as justification for anti-Semitism. It smacks of transformation to Gentile Jesus rather than Jesus Christ.

What’s wrong with Jesus? Jesus’ influence to the civic-good can& may be used by every person alive in their time – “to ourselves and our Posterity”. That includes citizens who are saved by Jesus’ blood.

Today, I reviewed my concern with a promising young man. To my dismay, he said: That’s the way it is. The Jews do not believe Jesus is the Messiah.

I responded: This is 2000 years later. I don’t know what the Jews think, and asked him how he knows what Jews think. Happily, he admitted he does not know. Adults ought to teach their children the-ineluctable-truth rather than “what we believe”.

Quite frankly, I am shocked. Shocked. Shocked! It’s OK. I’ve been shocked before.

It seems to me the Christians on TV bragging “conservatives always win” deny 2022’s reckoning.

Person’s whose conservatism is not focused on the human-being first, and second, the 1787 U.S. Constitution’s intentions, which I think is 5 domestic disciplines for responsible-human-independence, can& may think more broadly than the hopes and comforts they seek in personal religion.

Somebody tell me I’m wrong and then inform me.

I now see this as an editorial oversight by ancient Christian partisans, at best. The passage alienates me to the label "Jesus Christ", much as "Gentile Jesus" would alienate many. It's no wonder that anti-Semitism and anti-racism is alive and well in the USA and in Europe: reform is essential. I can now articulate more clearly why I am not a Christian: I advocate Jesus, who would influence every citizen to civic-integrity plus personal serenity with the mystery of soul.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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