Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sumer: wheel-inventors and responsible-human-independence (RHI) can& may-innovators

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Sumer: wheel-inventors and responsible-human-independence (RHI) can& may-innovators

Researchers have uncovered the wonders of Sumer, situated in today’s Iraq some 12,000 years ago and disappearing after other civilizations with iron-ore discovered iron and put it to use.  


It appears that NATO and the US took an appeasement stance as Putin bargained fear that Ukraine, if a NATO member, would become a field of missile sites aimed at Russia. We watched in disbelief (and without NATO's information) as Putin amassed the military complex to attack all Ukraine cities at one time. Now, the plan is effected and citizens including children are dying over stupidity from NATO-country-leaders. AND NATO countries continue to fund the war by buying oil& gas from Putin. The sooner NATO stops the war the sooner proud leaders will stop supporting ruin to innocent citizens' lives, including Russian citizens.

Quora by Devin S

Another excellent question, S.

Let’s consider application of some rules. Note that at age 78, some of my personal-practice is new.

First, a civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to or from any person or institution. I’ve been aware of this rule since reading Agathon’s speech in Plato’s Symposium in the early 1990s and interpreting it since then. It works well with the public and not so well with people who expect me to behave as their brand of Christian-American. If we have one-on-one talk about it, they agree with its principle but maintain their practices. In like-minded group, they won’t even admit to comprehension.

Second, in an application of the first, I proposed that the Biblical instruction “rebuke your neighbor bluntly so as not to contribute to sin” is less risky if tamed to: appreciatively caution a neighbor you perceive is planning or enacting error. My application is rewarding and I don’t know if others practice my view.

Third, in Sunday school class, I state my thoughts plainly and as opinion rather than the-ineluctable-truth. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. For example, I said that Jesus told Peter not to tell others that he was the Messiah, because he was not the Messiah. In these situations, the class stonewalls me. I hope individuals are thinking about it. The major failure is that, so far, the only person who considered “ineluctable” preferred “inescapable”, I assert to make factual-reality escapable to him.

Fourth, my studies recently (about a year ago) brought me to personal comprehension of Genesis 1:28 as the suggestion: female&male-human-being can& may independently provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. I call it responsible-human-independence (RHI). Researching the source of this political suggestion, I find evidence in reported cuneiform records from Sumer, 5,000 years ago. Turns out these black-haired people also invented the wheel as a tool of commerce. It’s rewarding to discover a civilization which could take the heat off promoting your particular culture as “God’s chosen people”.

Fifth, no matter what political official I approach, I cannot get a hearing for my ideas, starting with amending the Frist Amendment so as to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity rather than Congressional-religion.

Sixth, reaction to my writing seems positive, even though some people cannot brook my intention to find words and phrases that appeal to most people’s experiences& observations. For example, “truth” means anything the speaker believes, whereas the-ineluctable-truth is not speaker dependent. Again, self-interest is specific, whereas “the common good” can mean anything. And “property” has lost John Locke’s specification that a person is the property of God and therefore not to be constrained or destroyed.

In summary, my rules are serving me well in daily negotiation of goods& services for living, controversially among friends and family, silence in Sunday school, and gestapo-resistance in political offices. I hope to live another 43 years and exercise for that reason, but am prepared to go when . . . .

I encourage everyone to learn about the Sumerians: the inventors of the wheel and the innovators to responsible-human-independence (RHI) as a can& may human condition. If we adopt their suggestion, RHI, we can have a better future. by Robert Akridge

Any political philosophy must be understood from the speaker’s appreciation to the human-being as potentially good, bad, or persuadable. I choose the-good. Your question is brilliant, and I express “appreciations” today at

Not every person develops their unique human-being. It takes a quarter century for an infant to transition to young adult with comprehension& intention to live to maturity. And another couple quarter centuries to attain practical maturity. Perhaps another quarter century accommodates the sharing of experiences& observations that is required for the individual to perfect their unique human-being before death. By their collection of choices, each human-being develops their unique person to the-good, to the-bad, or to confusion.

For the past 5 millennia, cultures have ignored a suggestion from the civilization that is credited with the invention of the wheel to aid work. That is, round objects were perhaps used beforehand, but Sumer, the oldest recorded civilization put wheels on carts, chariots, and donkey-powered water lifts.

Their language, cuneiform, records the first known constitutional law, with many civic concerns, such as banning taxation of widows and orphans. The code of Ur-Nammu is more preserved than the older Code of Urukagina. The clay tablets are 5,000 years old.

Their culture was polytheistic, with each God explaining an unknown, such as how the earth came into existence or how the human-being was created. Their law codes were attributed to the Gods and suggested that the Gods commissioned human-beings to provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth.

Their law codes are patterned after the assumption that most humans aid order, and those who chose not to were punished on par with the chaos they caused. This political suggestion seems discernable in the Genesis 1 creation story, especially in Genesis 1:28, NIV, “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

This 3,000 year old Hebrew expression contains a thought on par with invention of the wheel: humankind can independently provide order and prosperity. Genesis 2 has a different creation story and changes the higher power from “God” to “the Lord God”. One explanation is that Genesis 1 reflects Sumerian creation stories and Genesis 2 begins the Hebrew story.

From there on, the Bible records the consequences if human-beings expect their God or their government to provide order in their lives rather than follow the Sumerian suggestion that only civic-citizens can constrain fellow-citizens who prefer dependency or chaos: indolence, crime, or tyranny, for examples.

Semantics is critical in pondering these ideas for personal use. First, when a human-being realizes they can live so as to constrain chaos in their personal way of living, out of self-interest, they may choose to avoid chaos. Thus, “can” invokes may: a person can& may choose responsibility rather than civic-infidelity. Scholars unfortunately collapse complicated principles to argue elite phrases: free-will, determinism, and randomness, intentionally or not keeping the public out of scholarly debate.

To the person, if order is a self-interest, why act against the self? I suggest it’s because the citizen erroneously thinks they can escape the disorder. The Sumerians had the insight that the laws of physics expose infidelity to civic order: the wheel-inventor invented responsible-human-independence (RHI) more than 5,000 years ago, and cultures since then have extolled discipline, a higher-power imposition, rather than responsibility, a self-interest.

We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may change every Education Department to accomplish 3 reforms. First, instill in most 3-7 year olds the conviction that each is a human being with the individual opportunity, power, energy, and authority to constrain chaos in their way of living. Second, by age 11 for females and 13 for males that mutual fidelity is a civic opportunity. And that physics exposes infidelity, and that intimacy without responsibility invites chaos in personal living. Third, by age 17, that self-development as a human-being is the key to successful living, and their first responsible public service – first job -- is only a vehicle to develop RHI.

The Sumerian civilization disappeared, because their global location had no source of iron. Other civilizations had iron and developed. Could Sumer have offered its RHI-political-philosophy for iron supplies? Would there be world peace by now if so?

The surviving civilizations ushered in monotheism and with it the notion of “God’s chosen people”. Chaos accelerated as cultures competed to construct their God so as to usurp the Genesis 1 RHI. The world might benefit by regarding Sumer, the wheel-inventor as the RHI-innovator and establish the practice. by Hanish Yella in Ethics & Morals, not accepted, perhaps collapsed into earlier response to

First, I think most people endeavor& want to-be civic-citizens. “Civic” means they comprehend, practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) as they perceive it. That is, they earn the responsible-way-of-living they prefer and additionally pay taxes for safe& secure infrastructure, including development and maintenance of statutory justice.

They intend fidelity in every human connection& transaction. In error, they consider, assess, and accept blame if responsible; make restitution; and reform. They appreciatively caution a fellow-citizen they perceive intends or is making a mistake. Upon discovering unjust law, they aid reform, sometimes, merely staying informed to vote for the legislative amendment to their responsible-self interest rather than to the dictates of another.

      They understand that according to the laws of physics there will always be dependents, including people who choose indolence, crime, or tyranny. For safety& security to everyone, the civic-citizens together constrain dependents and eventually terminate people who are committed to evil.

      In the struggle for necessity& justice, they rely on the ineluctable evidence. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. When the evidence is unavailable, they conclude they don’t know, then do nothing, unless necessity requires action. For example, during attack, they produce sufficient-strength for defense. With these principles, they act on the-ineluctable-truth, the hyphens intended to keep the expression whole.

      So far, no civilization has developed a political philosophy perhaps inferred in Sumer’s, cuneiform records from 5,500 years ago. Begun after the recent ice age, Sumer had polytheism, creation story, slavery, human sacrifice, souls to deity& royalty, and civic laws; for example, widows were not taxed. Sumer is credited with inventing the wheel. Subsequently, humankind has improved overall, yet no culture has adopted the political suggestion I perceive.

The political suggestion is perhaps evident in Genesis 1, written by Hebrew scholars of 3,000 years ago. The key points are that the God of human-creation (Sumerian Enki?) made female& male human-being like God and commissioned them to provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. Genesis 1:28 suggests what I call responsible-human-independence (RHI). In my 2022 discovery-comprehension, the text suggests: female& male-human-being can (and may), independent of higher power, constrain chaos on earth. Female first, because she generates the ovum that he may inseminate unto a potential human-being.

Subsequent civilizations didn’t take Genesis 1:28 as seriously as we can when they developed monotheism. Rather than accept RHI, many competed to construct a God that would usurp the female& male human-duty.

Associated with each theism as a particular provision by which a person may hope to secure heaven for their mysterious soul. Various routes to soul satisfaction include wealth, observance of doctrine/law, moral-progress from lower species to higher species, acceptance of the God, and total submission to the God, respectively; six including cultures who do not develop soul-mystery. Some cultures focus on perfect, personal behavior.

Scholars call the human-being’s choice-to-behave “free-will” and debate alternatives determinism or randomness. Arguments for determinism may also involve the-God choosing persons/people. If so, there is neither freedom nor independence.

Freedom& independence to living species including human-being is precluded by the laws of physics. A cosmic collision kills on impact. Water drowns humans. Drug-habits maim and kill. Competitive hopes& comforts respecting the soul-mystery divides people. Let me repeat that: human-beings divide over personal/doctrinal expectations regarding soul-mystery. People war over human-constructed mysteries:  No one knows the mystery-resolution they fight over. The conflict bemuses them beyond RHI. Their mutual disregard for the political suggestion in Genesis 1:28 can& may be judged arrogant.

I hope I have convinced the reader of 3 dividing concepts, one based on the laws of physics, one on mystery or metaphysics, and the third, mutually escaping the-ineluctable-truth. If so, the possibility of an achievable better future may seem apparent. Three changes are suggested.

First, civic individuals may choose to develop private satisfaction with their hopes& comfort respecting the soul mystery. If they believe in soul, accept serene comfort in salvation. If their preference changes, it will be for the better, else they would not re-consider. If they feel the soul mystery will take care of itself, just as their appearance in the universe happened without their action, they may be satisfied yet humble to any change they may discover they want. Civic-citizens can& may discuss hopes& comforts while practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI.

Second, most cultures can& may practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI. That is, most cultures accept the work of discovering the laws of physics and how to apply them to the individual human-being’s self-interest.

Third, societies may examine the expression “truth” and realize it is not sufficiently precise& accurate for civic considerations. Necessity& justice demand clarity, and the-ineluctable-truth provides it. I offer my opinion hoping to learn a better expression.

An achievable better future seems possible if 2/3 of individuals in 2/3 of cultures collectively practice RHI. As success approached these fractions, higher participation by individuals might emerge.

Updated on 3/4/2022 after posting on 3/2/2022 by Mike Wilson

Your question leaves to me to define “we”, “should”, and “modern”.

I can& may choose civic-human-being as the “we’, act-in-necessity& justice as the “should”, and to “ourselves and our Posterity” as “modern”.

Traditionally, the adult generation practices, facilitates, and encourages responsible-human-independence (RHI), in order to assure that their children, legal immigrants, and their descendants can& may enjoy order& prosperity in the continuum of U.S. civilization.

Traditionally, some adults do not want RHI:  Dependents include sloths, criminals, and tyrants. Dependents recently imposed, in the U.S., $30 trillion in national debt, $7.5 million to each newborn and increasing.

I think the modern We the People of the United States will restore& maintain the U.S. tradition:  lessening chaos in the lives of “ourselves and our Posterity”.

We’ll terminate Congressional and Supreme Court tyranny, in order to pay the U.S. debt. by Paulo Raposo

Homo sapiens (HS) is about 300,000 years into its evolutionary era. About 11,000 years ago, the recent ice age ended, and cave dwellers emerged to discover the earth. Their brain size and shape are amenable to awareness and reason upon discovery. Spiritualism developed perhaps 80,000 years ago, and by 10,000 years ago, mixtures with earlier hominids disappeared. HS, in various civilizations developed systems of Gods in charge of the unknowns.

By 6,000 years ago, Sumer recorded in cuneiform a system of laws with only a few Gods, slavery, and human sacrifice to accompany royalty in their soul life. The also suggested that humankind can& may constrain chaos on earth. The message is recorded in Hebrew vernacular in Genesis 1.

My 2022 comprehension of Genesis 1:28 is: female& male-human-being can& may, independent of other powers, provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. In other words, neither the God nor the government can usurp human-being’s duty. In my view, the opportunity to constrain chaos in personal living is the only valid human right. I call this duty responsible-human-independence (RHI). A more subtle expression is civic-citizen.

Everything that governments boast to warrant – life, liberty, property of God, and pursuit of happiness, is fleeting. Each “right” is a chimera used by those in power to pick the people’s pockets with immunity.

An individual’s claim to rights is ludicrous when they are not practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Government pretends to respond in order to promote government. God does nothing because that entity cannot usurp RHI. RHI is a can& may human-condition.

Mr. Raposo, I am grateful for your creative question and say so at “appreciations” on by Ying Chan

Maybe so; opines that reduction ad absurdum means “a disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion”.

I’m not certain their opinion holds. When valid arguments are taken to extreme, valid response affirms the argument. Fallacies taken to the extreme remain fallacies.

In my experience, the art of philosophy is to examine a word or phrase from every reported scholarly thought so as to fully cover the possibilities, leaving the reader to evaluate usage. Consider, for example an encyclopedic article on “truth”. See, for example, It is an extensive work that leaves this reader with a hopelessness:  There is no such concept as truth.

The extensive review of scholarly thought does not use evaluative modifiers such as absolute, ultimate, or objective, as in “absolute truth”. I think it would be enhanced with a paragraph on why such modifiers are not useful. I think so, because after 15 years’ work, I discovered the word ineluctable and studied it. There’s more to know, but opines that ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Applying that modifier, along with the article “the” and using hyphens to declare the phrase inviolable, we have “the-ineluctable-truth”, a precise& accurate expression of what is meant by factual reality to be discovered& utilized for humankind’s benefit.

We can say, from this example, that philosophical review does not exercise reductio ad absurdum; yet I do not know that that is so. Nor do I know its necessity& justice to the-ineluctable-truth.

Often, I encounter practicing skeptics, who will not allow my latest response satiate their commitment to disprove my creative thought. For example, one person asked me how I know grass is green and would not accept my response that light reflected from green-grass has wave length corresponding to the factual name “green”. My response accepted that there are other grass colors and brown-season for some green grasses. The skeptic rejected my response by saying the label “green” is arbitrary. I ended that use of my time. by Devin S

Each human-being can& may individually discover the opportunity, the power, the energy, and the authority (HIOPEA) to develop responsible-human-independence (RHI).

They probably encounter the God theory and may either choose an opinion or accept not knowing. “Yes” closes the mind to “no”, and vice-versa.

If “yes”, they can& may describe the God. If the God exists, their description may miss-characterize the God.

Answering a call to worship& praise a certain God, or not, can& may unnecessarily& unjustly entrap the believer. An alternative is to hope on the certain God yet reserve the humble “I don’t know”.

“I don’t know” seems both safe and responsible. by Renata Flores Apelo

When bestowed by higher power, authority and freedom are equivalent.

The mature human-being has the individual opportunity, power, energy, and authority (HIOPEA) to develop civic-integrity in personal behavior. Thus, they do not feign to defy either the laws of physics or another person’s responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Not every human-being accepts RHI. Some strive for dependency, such as, indolence, crime, and tyranny. Consequently, civic-citizens fund the infrastructure to constrain dependency. Civic infers fidelity in human connections& transactions.

The civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to-or-from any person or association.

Neither freedom-from oppression nor liberty-to act willfully can be warranted by any person or association. The human-being who matures to RHI seeks not either freedom or liberty.

Facebook March 4, 2022

I think this is a 10-minute read, to be pondered if interesting.

Most people endeavor& want to-be* civic-citizens. “Civic” means they comprehend, practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence (RHI) as they perceive it, always trying to get responsibility right. See the footnote marked *.

They earn the-responsible-way-of-living they-prefer and pay taxes for safe& secure infrastructure for everyone. That includes development& maintenance-of statutory justice, including first responders such as police.

They intend fidelity in every human connection& transaction. If in error, they consider, assess& accept responsibility, make restitution, and reform. They appreciatively-caution a fellow-citizen they perceive intends-or-is-making a mistake. Upon discovering unjust law, they aid reform, sometimes, merely staying informed to vote for the legislative amendment to their responsible-self interest rather than to the dictates of another.

Civic-citizens accept that according to the laws of physics there will always be dependents, such as those who choose indolence, crime, or tyranny. For safety& security to everyone, the civic-citizens together constrain dependents and eventually terminate the individual who is habitually evil.

In the struggle for necessity& justice, they rely on the ineluctable evidence. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. When the evidence is not available, they conclude they don’t know. They do nothing, unless necessity requires action. For example, during attack, they apply strength sufficient for defense. With these principles, they act on the-ineluctable-truth.

So far, no civilization has developed a political philosophy perhaps inferred in Sumer’s, cuneiform records from 5,500 years ago. Begun after the recent ice age, Sumer had polytheism, creation story, slavery, human sacrifice, souls to deity& royalty, and civic laws; for example, widows were not taxed. They are credited with inventing the wheel. Subsequently, humankind has improved overall, yet no culture has adopted their political suggestion I perceive.

The political suggestion, RHI below, is perhaps evident in Genesis 1, written by Hebrew scholars of 3,000 years ago. The key points are that the God of human-creation (Sumerian Enki?) made female& male human-being powerful, like-deity, and commissioned them to provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. Genesis 1:28 suggests what I call responsible-human-independence (RHI). In my 2022 discovery-comprehension, the text suggests: female& male-human-being can (and may), independent of higher power, constrain chaos on earth.

Female first, because her body generates the ovum that he may inseminate unto a potential human-being. It takes a quarter-century for a human infant to acquire the comprehension and intention to develop their unique human-being.

Subsequent civilizations didn’t take Genesis 1:28 as seriously we can when some developed monotheism. Rather than accept RHI, they competed to construct a God that could usurp the female& male-human-duty. The consequence is chaos, and so far, none of them has reconsidered Genesis-1-RHI, even though Sumer is credited with amazing accomplishments such as invention of the wheel and the first written law.

Associated with each theism is a particular provision by which a believer may hope to secure heaven for their mysterious soul. Competing routes to soul satisfaction include wealth, observance of doctrine/law, moral-progress from lower to higher reincarnations, God-acceptance, and God-submission, respectively: six options including cultures who do not develop soul-mystery. Some cultures focus on perfect personal-behavior with no Deity.

Scholars call the human-being’s choice-to-behave-or-not “free-will” and debate alternatives determinism or randomness. Arguments for determinism may also involve God-chosen persons or people. If so, there is neither freedom nor independence.

Regardless of theism, freedom& independence to living species is precluded by the laws of physics. A cosmic collision kills on impact. Water drowns humans. Drug-habits maim and kill. The flu invariably kills some people.

Attempts to impose hopes& comforts respecting the soul-mystery divides people. Let me repeat that: human-beings divide over personal/doctrinal expectations regarding soul-mystery. People war over humanly-constructed mysteries. No one knows the mystery-resolution they fight over. The conflict bemuses them beyond RHI. Their mutual disregard for the political suggestion in Genesis 1:28 can& may be judged arrogant. Who would ignore invention of the wheel? Why ignore RHI?

I hope I have convinced the reader of 3 dividing concepts, one based on the laws of physics, one on mystery or metaphysics, and the third, mutually escaping the-ineluctable-truth. If so, the possibility of an achievable better future may seem apparent. Three changes are suggested.

First, civic individuals may choose to develop serene-confidence in private hopes& comfort respecting the soul mystery. If they believe in soul, they may accept comfort in their soul’s salvation. If their preference changes, it will be for the better, else they would not have re-considered. If they feel the soul mystery will take care of itself, just as their appearance in the universe happened without their action, they may be satisfied yet humble to any change they may discover. Civic-citizens can& may discuss hopes& comforts while practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI.

Second, most cultures can& may practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI. That is, most cultures may accept the work of discovering the-laws-of-physics and how to apply them to the individual human-being’s self-interest.

Third, societies may examine the expression “truth” and consider it insufficiently precise& accurate for civic reliability. Necessity& justice demand clarity, and the-ineluctable-truth inspires “We don’t know” when that is the factual reality. I offer my opinion hoping to learn a better expression: truth is insufficient.

An achievable better future seems possible if 2/3 of individuals in 2/3 of cultures collectively practice RHI. Even as success may approach these fractions, going to higher participation by individuals might emerge.


*Note: I intentionally use hyphens and “&” to keep words of an idea together. For example, I write responsible-self interest rather than the typical “responsible self-interest” for meaning. February 28, 2022

Homo sapiens (HS) is about 300,000 years into its evolutionary era. About 11,000 years ago, the recent ice age ended, and cave dwellers emerged to discover the earth. Their brain size and shape are amenable to awareness and reason upon discovery. Spiritualism developed perhaps 80,000 years ago, and by 10,000 years ago, mixtures with earlier hominids disappeared. HS, in various civilizations developed systems of Gods in charge of the unknowns.

By 6,000 years ago, Sumer recorded in cuneiform a system of laws with only a few Gods, slavery, and human sacrifice to accompany royalty in their soul life. The also suggested that humankind can& may constrain chaos on earth. The message is recorded in Hebrew vernacular in Genesis 1.

My 2022 comprehension of Genesis 1:28 is: female& male-human-being can& may, independent of other powers, provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. In other words, neither the God nor the government can usurp human-being’s duty. In my view, the opportunity to constrain chaos in personal living is the only valid human right. I call this duty responsible-human-independence (RHI). A more subtle expression is civic-citizen.

Because they suggested RHI, Sumer seems a gift to humankind, if not God's representative civilization.

Everything that governments boast to warrant – life, liberty, property of God, and pursuit of happiness, is fleeting. Each “right” is a chimera used by those in power to pick the people’s pockets with immunity.

An individual’s claim to rights is ludicrous when they are not practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Government pretends to respond in order to promote government. God does nothing because that entity cannot usurp RHI. RHI is a can& may human-condition.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.


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