Saturday, January 9, 2021

Pence erroneously invoked Jesus to overcall the temporal commander-in-chief

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual equality:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows:  This good citizen practices the U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, "in order to” develop responsible human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.  I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Pence erroneously invoked Jesus to overcall the temporal commander-in-chief

President Donald J. Trump, intentionally or not, challenges Judeo-Christian citizens to abide the-ineluctable-evidence respecting the Bible. Genesis 1:26-28 may be interpreted as affirmation of the evidence that humankind, rather than the-God, of necessity must constrain chaos on earth. In 1776 through 2021 political philosophy, separate church from state.

The Constitution, Article III, Section 3 states “[The President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. Lower courts prevented the President from obtaining from the states the data that would prove that lawful votes in the November 2020 election were lessened by unlawful state procedures. The President then considered Congressional responsibility to the entity We the People of the United States and planned to challenge Congress to clarify the claims of legitimate election for the sake of the United States.

On January 5, 2021, Vice President Pence promised that the Congress would hear the claims and examine the evidence. He also witnessed to his commitment to Jesus Christ. On Thursday, while President Trump was leading a rally in Washington, Pence announced he would not encourage use of the President’s claims and evidence.

Based on Genesis 1, I speculate that Jesus does not accept the blame for Pence’s betrayal of We the People of the United States. That Christian overcall of the U.S. Constitution is on Pence. Of course, I do not know the-ineluctable truth and can only express my angst.

I feel the same angst toward all the Christian cabinet and other administrative officials who resigned. There must be U.S. reform from “freedom of religion” to humble-integrity to self.


Responsible-human-independence may be accepted by each human being, whereas liberty is licensed by the victor in war  (Jeff Minick, The Epoch Times) (

"April Morning" a 1988 movie about Lexington MA in 1775 is a jewel that shows Christian independence and the decision to kill fellow-British-subjects in red coats. It also shows "our Posterity" accepting the future they face rather than submitting to the traditional adequacy "ourselves" imagines. The good is ultimately discovered by posterity rather than imposed by ourselves.

Emerson resigned as a minister at age 26. In “Divinity School Address” (1838) he told the Harvard Divinity School graduating class that the church had repressed Jesus’ message by making him God. The message is: if you acquire the intentions to do so, you can perfect your unique person before your afterdeath commences. That is, each human may develop the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to self. He was banned from Harvard for 3 decades thereafter.

Quora by Sied Talebinejad under review at

I think journalism’s obligation to humankind and beyond is to journal the path to the-ineluctable-truth. Thereby, humankind knows what was imagined/discovered and either proven, unproven, or deemed false by the necessary research. For examples, the earth is like a globe rather than flat; someone imagines there could have been nothing, and existence can’t be traced back to nothing, so the idea is shelved for future new ways to perceive any negative side of eternity; or the universe is not static.

Such a journal would establish human ethics, or the journey that approaches integrity to the-ineluctable-truth.

If discovery and the journal of human ethics is not enough, each time a criminal or a tyrant is exposed, excuses for infidelity create controversy.

FB add on:  Will journalism ever serve humankind in its quest to constrain chaos on earth? by Carlos Carlos

I think Matthew 5:10 as “justice” is a misuse of the popular leftist propaganda “privileged”. It’s a distraction from the fundamental error. Being an American citizen provides the opportunity to accept/reject responsible-human-independence. Most people erroneously choose dependence; in other words, infidelity to self.

The people who look to the-God or their government to protect them suffer tyranny that takes more than a lifetime to surface. If the living adult does not appreciate their posterity, the posterity tend to preserve the tyranny. Very few develop the discipline to accept responsible-human-independence.

The people who constrain chaos in their personal lives (rather than tolerate infidelity-to-self) survive and thrive unless they fall prey to random incidents. And this is not a new or novel suggestion, shocking as it may seem to those who “keep the faith”.

During the era when evolution had not been discovered, about 10 thousand years ago (TYA), human beings discovered writing and developed grammar. Suddenly, posterity could consider ideas from the past and measure them by current experiences and observations. In other words, living adults could avoid mistakes of the past. Eventually, some adults would accept that their posterity would experience the continuity of human discovery, but it has been a slow process, so far.

As late as 4 TYA, political philosophers attributed the laws that govern events on earth to powers of Gods. For example, Eros was the God of appreciation. Perhaps first in Mesopotamia, monotheism was proposed. The extinction of dinosaurs 65,000,000 TYA, emergence of humanoids 7,000,000 TYA, and the appearance of primitive tools 2,800,000 TYA had not been discovered, so the images of the-God were less informed that in 2021, after exponential discovery of ineluctable-evidence.

It’s reported in Genesis 1:26-28 that the-God of creation assigned to male&female, in the-God’s image (perhaps psychological), the responsibility to have dominion over other species and to “subdue” the earth. In today’s terms, the-God requires humankind (male&female) to establish peace on earth. The-God, whatever-it-is (perhaps physical necessity), demands responsible-human-independence and provides male&female freedom-to choose.

During the 4,000 years since then, most civilizations have focused on bargaining with the-God for favor in competition with other civilizations. No one promotes a culture that develops the public-discipline to create peace rather than wait for the-God to usurp male&female responsibility. Many nations of people claim the-God favors them, and that they are privileged as “God’s people”. Overlooking the possibility that each human can develop the humble-integrity to be a god facing death, many people limit “the-God’s image to skin color or other characteristic. Quite innocently, Bible readers may think the-God is red, black, white, yellow, or a shade and the chosen people have the-God’s physical characteristics instead of the psychological potential to perfect their unique person.

But I know of one nation that proposed to accept responsible-human-independence by disciplining civic conduct so that fellow-citizens may pursue the happiness they perceive rather than submit to someone else’s image for them. Freedom-from constraint of responsible-human-independence seems like human justice. It’s not England.

The English empire began to form about 3,700 years ago, and by 1215, Magna Carta established a constitutional Catholic-Church-Parliament-partnership for legislation. In 1689, the Bill of Rights made it a Protestant-Parliament partnership. There’s no responsible-human-independence when theism, in particular Protestantism, in particular English-Protestantism perhaps a reformed Catholic faith, is civilly and legally imposed on the people.

Beginning in 1607, England started colonizing North America’s eastern seaboard, in 1619 imposing on settlers the care for Africa’s forbidden commodity---captured-and-and-sold-slaves, and in 1763, taxing loyal American subjects to pay English debts from the Seven Years’ War with France. However, not all colonists on the eastern seaboard were British subjects. Colonists rebelled in 1774, forming the Continental Congress to change their status from British colonies to 13 free and independent states.

Then, almost 99% of free colonists were factional-American Protestants and 1% were Catholic. Some Christians were Unitarians, and other religions and philosophies were present. Christian people were loath to tolerate war against the English Trinity. Therefore, the founders, in the 1776 Declaration of Independence, created a unique separation of church from state; religion from civics; metaphysis from physics; privacy from community; dependence from independence; living from dying.

The founders, in the 1776 Declaration appeal to “Nature’s God” for human-freedom, “the good People” to kill fellow-subjects in red coats without blaming colonists Gods, and “the Supreme Judge of the world” for military victory. In 1778, when it seemed all was being lost, they negotiated for military providence from France. In 1781, England surrendered to France then to the 13 free and independent states. The 13 states ratified their independent status in 1784, and by 1787 perceived they would not survive as a confederacy of states.

In 1787, delegates from 12 states met and proposed the world’s only nation predicated on public discipline so as to develop responsible-human-independence. Nothing in the 1787 Constitution lessens the humble-integrity expressed by the 1776 Declaration. However, Congress usurped responsible-human-independence in the 1791 Bill of Rights. Protection of religion, a business institution for private happiness, must be reformed to support for responsible-human-independence.

There’s no justice in assuming that living in America privileges citizens to live without responsible-human-independence. Living without humble-integrity to the-God, whatever-it-is, is un-Biblical, un-American, and un-Constitutional in the United States.

Note:  If these ideas appeal to you, and you want to effect U.S. reform in 2021, please join and contribute ideas at two Quora Spaces: Preamblers (the political philosophy) and Appreciators (applications such as education-department reforms). I write to learn, so please comment.

FB add on:  For 2 decades now, I have urged amendment of the First Amendment. Lately, I propose reform from defending institutional religious businesses, in order to promote the 5 public disciplines required for responsible-human-independence.

Observations from the first presidency of Donald J. Trump suggest that U.S. failure to uphold the demands of necessity expressed in Genesis 1:26-28 is, so far, ruinous to the United States (233 years in the making). Both the 1776 Declaration and the 1787 Constitution uphold the Genesis 1 demand that male&female have dominion over all life and subdue the earth.

Genesis 1 is a demand to separate church from state. Congress rebukes that demand by upholding a Congress-religion partnership that started as factional-colonial Protestantism in competition with the Church of England constitutional partnership with Parliament.

The U.S. Supreme Court taints its humble-integrity by ignoring Genesis 1, the 1776 Declaration, the 1787 Constitution, and We the People of the United States so as to impose English precedent like U.S. unconstitutional-legislative-prayer and religious oaths of office.

President Trump, like George Washington separates church from state. Both Trump and Washington are humble to the-God of Genesis 1. The 1776 and 1787 documents make the President the commander in chief.

In his January 5 speech in Georgia’s Rock Springs Church, V.P. Pence followed Congressional tradition and defied the commander-in-chief, professing that Pence witnesses for Jesus Christ. So much for Genesis 1, the 1776 Declaration, the 1787 Constitution, and We the People of the United States.

Now, there is little time for the U.S. Supreme Court to step in and prevent the seating of a U.S. citizen who seems President-elect due to illegal activities from U.S. aliens and willful Congresspersons.

The Christian community in America, especially the elites like Pence, willfully betrays its own scripture, and the woe invited is not wanted. by Aira Kisses Rodriguez

Create your own family traditions with each member a person from birth.

We are in our fifty-second year of marriage with 3 children. I was born serious Southern Baptist and my wife is Louisiana French-Catholic. That means that if the pope is errant she follows her humble-integrity, which seems unique within her family. Through her, I discovered that I always doubted the threats I perceived in the Bible and in that community. After a quarter century with her, I accepted my trust-in and commitment to the-ineluctable-truth, most of which is unknown. I work to comprehend the-objective-truth, which after sufficient improvements in instruments of perception may approach the-ineluctable-truth.

Early into my fatherhood, I read the suggestion that my children are not mine and were born for a time I cannot imagine. While a novice at it, I did my best to coach and encourage them to develop humble-integrity so as to rely on themselves. I treated each of them as persons, I regret whipping them as my parents had whipped me, but otherwise avoided the Baptist to Baptist conflicts I was reared with.

I loved my wife’s birth family, and worshipped with them in the Catholic Church, but have never taken the eucharist, because I do not accept transubstantiation. Our children seem humble to the-God but not affiliated with a religious institution. It is not a concern that in their mid-forties to fifties it seems tentatively settled.

Now, I’d like to direct you to an essay I wrote this morning and ask your patience to absorb it; engage it; consider it; enrich it. I think it will give you the guidance I wish I had had 53 years ago when I courted my wonderful wife.

When you read my interpretation, this morning, of the U.S. preamble, note that “ourselves and our Posterity” refers to you and your children, grandchildren and beyond. The reason the disciplines and independence proposed in the preamble have neither standards nor processes is that Posterity will determine the humble-integrity civic parents would like to live by. by Clear Balaba

Political philosophers don’t celebrate Albert Einstein as one of them, but Einstein is my favorite regarding the 2 points he made that I think I understand, in my language, after studying his political philosophy enough to earn novice opinion.

First, in addressing an audience about science and ethics, I comprehend that he said: Physics and integrity conform to the same laws. In other words, psychology is a progeny of physics, and the person who researches the-ineluctable-truth must rely on physic and its progeny, such as biology. Here’s the shock: Einstein’s only example to illustrate his point is that people of integrity never lie so as to lessen human misery and loss. In other words, lies become known when a physical consequence is discovered. For example, recall Bill Clinton’s encounter with a secret blue dress.

Second, to a science and religion audience, Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” I think he might have preferred to say something like, “Research without integrity is ruinous; integrity without research is fruitless.” by Clear Balaba

I share my opinion: I do not know the-ineluctable-truth. The person may not come from equally developed and free ova. Upon entering society they may not have chosen to develop responsible-human-independence. Therefore, fellow-citizens must constrain chaos.

I have never read a better political purpose than the one proffered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution: 

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The sentence has two main thoughts: presentation of the amendable Constitution and proffering the people’s purpose. I address the second thought as I interpret it this moment for my civic use:  This civic-citizen practices and promotes the 5 U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” enjoy and encourage responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.

The above interpretation is a consequence of 40 years personal study and the last 8 years developing an improved interpretation by listening to fellow-citizens in public discussions. The study includes these discoveries:

Genesis 1:26-28, 4 thousand years old, suggests that male&female is charged to constrain chaos in their lives. There is no higher power to usurp male&female responsible-human-independence. With most persons accepting the necessity to constrain chaos, there would be peace everywhere. However, male&female have dominion to subdue the earth, and may choose to practice infidelity in human relationships. Nevertheless, no higher power will usurp the-God’s charge to male&female humans.

Therefore, citizens who accept the responsible-human-independence to constrain chaos on earth develop statutory justice with law enforcement that encourages inequitable fellow-citizens to either reform or risk suffering constraint.

In the 4 thousand years since then, many cultures developed, increasing rather than lessening chaos on earth. Some cultures reject the suggestion that the Genesis-1 God will not usurp the male&female human responsibility.

Perhaps the oldest, most dominant Western empire, Great Britain, adopted the principle that church must partner with legislators in order to constrain chaos. In 1215s Magna Carta, Parliament partnered with the Catholic-Church-Trinity, then in 1689 they changed to an English-Protestant Trinity. The American colonies were settled by people from other European countries, too. Settlers brought their religious preferences with them.

Eventually, free colonial citizens were about 99% American-factional-Protestant with some Unitarians or Deists and perhaps 1% Catholic. Chaos increased. But colonists were loath to oppose any individual’s worship of the Trinity or the Unity.

In 1763, England decided to tax the colonies to pay their France-war debts. Formerly loyal British colonists resisted, and in 1775 rebelled when fellow Brits in red coats killed some colonists. The colonists saw the necessity to kill invading follow subjects and exonerated their Gods from any responsibility for their use of weapons to get the job done.

Consequently, the founders, in the 1776 Declaration of Independence (from England) cite “Nature’s God” rather than the Trinity, represent “the good People”, and appeal “to the Supreme Judge of the world” for military consequences. In 1778, the Continental Congress negotiated for military providence from France, and in 1781, Cornwallis surrendered to both France and the 13 colonies. Consistent with Genesis-1, the Declaration separated church from state.

By 1787, the 13 free and independent states accepted that they could not survive the world as a confederacy. The framers debated the Western world’s systems of government and devised a republic with the public-discipline to hold both their state and the nation accountable. Nothing in the 1787 Constitution either lessens the humble-integrity expressed by the founders in the 1776 Declaration or usurps the-God’s charge in Genesis-1. Erroneously, arrogantly some scholars label the 1787 Constitution “the godless constitution”.

Egregiously, the First Congress usurped the U.S. separation of church and state by creating a Protestant-Congress-partnership, perhaps to make U.S. legislators seems divine on par with Parliament’s egocentric Christianity. This tyranny over all the principles offered in the above paragraph persists to this day and is codified by an errant Supreme Court. The Court must stop reasoning with English precedent and adopt the 1787 U.S. Constitution, especially to make certain legislation comports to the preamble’s proposition. Both justices and politicians must accept that they are fellow-citizens rather than arrogant divines. They either adopt the proffered preamble or are aliens to the United States.

However, neither Congress nor the Court can be solely blamed for the tyranny they impose. Only a people who will tolerate tyranny empower tyrants. Therefore, the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” must reform the U.S. national government starting with three actions: 1) amend the First Amendment so as to promote humble-integrity to individuals; in other words, establish responsible-human-independence in the U.S., 2) restore the 1782 motto “E Pluribus Unum” and extend it to cover whatever God, Gods, or none the responsible citizen relies on in privacy, and 3) end legislative prayer and pledges by reading in unison the preamble to start public meetings and holding public officials responsible to constrain chaos in the U.S.

If you like these ideas and want to effect the reforms in 2021, please join and contribute ideas at two Quora Spaces: Preamblers (the political philosophy) and Appreciators (applications such as education-department reforms). I write to learn, so please comment.

FB add on: The-God referenced in Genesis-1 instructs separation of church from state---male&female are charged to subdue the earth. The 1776 Declaration and the 1787 Constitution uphold the suggestion. The individual who cannot accept responsible-human-independence is not likely to develop humble-integrity to their person and invites infidelity to self. by Larry Ouma

I think humankind confuses “truth” and “the truth.”

I write the particular phrase the-ineluctable-truth. It exists and humankind conducts research for its discovery. Since the research is limited to existing instruments of perception, the initial discovery may be called “the-objective-truth”. Future inventions may alter it. With multiple discoveries, the-objective-truth may approach the-ineluctable-truth.

Other modifiers--reasonable truth, ultimate truth, God’s truth, absolute truth, etc. all seem to involve human constructs and are thus seem inferior to the two phrases presented above. I’m searching for a better solution to this recurring dilemma. by Katie Louise

An individual appreciates freedom by accepting their unique human being and the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to their person. by Sebastian Vasquez

Ethics takes a back seat to integrity.

It seems everything, including imagination emerges from physics and its progeny, including psychology.

Political philosopher Albert Einstein expressed only one example to illustrate that the laws of physics and of psychology have the same source. He said the human being does not lie so that “Pain and sorrow shall be lessened as much as possible.” In other words, lies are discovered on physical consequences/evidence.

Thus, integrity is discovered by research using the-ineluctable-evidence, and the journal of discovery is ethics, both the negative and positive results of research.

As a consequence, ethics warrants less value than integrity to the-ineluctable-evidence. by Jeongyeon Myoi 

Self-discipline is critical to self-discovery. And beyond the evil of consumption-control there’s the question of responsibility. Dependent people empower church-state tyranny.

So far, Western-philosophy has turned capitalism into competitive ruin, making socialism and communism seem attractive to gullible, middle-class consumers and un-threatening to the temporal, controlling governments.

It’s a Chapter XI Machiavellian tyranny wherein a dependent people rely on a church-government partnership to relieve “ourselves and our Posterity” of the misery and losses being suffered to the partnership. To choose human-dependency rather than responsible-human-independence is immoral as dependency empowers tyranny.

The solution is less government, less religion, and widespread individual acceptance of being a human being with the individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to constrain chaos during life rather than to tolerate infidelity to self. Simply put, civic-citizens encourage each other to develop the self-discipline to choose responsible-human-independence rather than to tolerate the happiness someone else would impose on them.

Free-market consumption and supply is necessary for a human being to survive and thrive. Free-market entrepreneurs take risk to offer new products or services that responsible-citizens need and want at a price they will pay. The price must cover all requirements including profit to cover the risk taken. Most humans prefer to live with minimal risk and are grateful to entrepreneurs. If a better product or service emerges at lower price, the first entrepreneur must move quickly to exit the market and start a new product or service. Opportunists create markets that appeal to satisfactions rather than needs, and require a higher price to cover more risk. Governments arbitrarily intervene in this natural process, usually to rescue suppliers who ought to exit a business, creating ruin. This is not a new political-power phenomenon.

After the dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago, humanoids emerged 7 million years ago. Only about 0.01 million years ago, the first civilizations emerged. Written political-philosophy appeared only 4 thousand years ago. Neither dinosaur extinction nor humanoid evolution had been discovered. The mystery of existence was discussed using gods in the role of originators and controllers of events. Competitive-monotheism emerged.

A Mesopotamian’s political philosophy is recorded in Genesis 1:26-28. In light of discoveries since then, it can be interpreted to mean: male and female comprise humankind, the species that is both responsible for dominion over life on earth and to constrain chaos on earth. Humankind, in the image of the-God, has the required power to provide peace on earth.

Leaders who persuade individuals to be dependent on a doctrinal God or government or their partnership to constrain chaos during life are attempting to usurp the-God, whether the-God be necessity or an intelligent entity that controls the unfolding of events. Although the persuaders are fellow-citizens on earth, they are tyrants. And their dependent fellow-citizens are indolent slaves. Regrettably, I am accusing most human beings. But a better future has been proposed.

It seems alright to speculate about the mysterious afterdeath. For example, that a soul will face judgement for the life lived. That the soul will be either cast into hell or enjoy eternity in heaven. Or that the soul of a wicked human will be reincarnated as a lesser species in opportunity for an improved, additional life.

However, it seems not alright to abdicate intentions and actions to constrain chaos during the opportunity to live as a human being. And I doubt it is prudent to assign to a doctrinal-God the responsibility for their ovum, from their mom’s body, the first step toward the creation of their unique person, whether the-God was involved or not. In other words, to assert that they take charge of their soul is new to the question of who took charge of the fertilization of their ovum. It’s a question that deserves the answer “I don’t know.”

Commerce is essential to human existence, because it makes no sense for every individual to independently produce their own mode of transportation, or shoes, or blueberries or police-protection. The person who persuades a fellow-citizen to focus on banal satisfactions without self-discipline and to take no regard for holding elected and appointed officials accountable for constraining chaos in the nation invites personal ruin. The government official who partners with religion to persuade people to be dependent is especially egregious. Congress is responsible for the U.S. tyranny, and the U.S. Supreme Court joined them.

The United States offers a better culture. So far, 12 generations have ignored the national intentions: responsible-human-independence. This has happened under a veil of individual-innocence as colonial-English-American tradition: freedom of religion, in particular theism, in particular Protestantism, in particular, factional-American Protestantism. So far, U.S. governance increased rather than constrained chaos.

The 1776 Declaration of Independence (from England) separated church and state by not disparaging fellow-colonists’ factional-Trinity, mostly European-Protestant. England’s Trinity changed from Catholic under Magna Carta (1215) to Protestant under the Bill of Rights (1689); Americans favored factional-Protestantism and tolerated other religions including Catholicism. The founders appealed “to the Supreme Judge of the world” rather than heaven and later negotiated with France for the military providence to win the war and change from British colonies to globally free and independent states. The founders expressed humble-integrity toward both church (personal prayer) and state (military power).

The 1787 United States Constitution clarifies acceptance of Genesis 1:26-28 for the U.S. by assigning to the entity We the People of the United States the responsibility to limit both state authority and national powers. The continuity “ourselves and our Posterity” has neglected this opportunity and thereby abdicated both responsible-human-independence to self and defied the-God of necessity expressed in Genesis 1.

I share best-perceived 1787 intentions as the preamble’s proffered proposition for my use: This civic-citizen practices and promotes the 5 U.S. disciplines---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” enjoy and encourage responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.” Every citizen has self-interest in owing their interpretation.

Congress, in 1791, usurped the-God of Genesis 1, the 1776 Declaration, and the 1787 Constitution when they created a religion-Congress partnership in the First Amendment. We the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” have the opportunity to accept freedom-from tyranny. First steps may be to amend the First Amendment so as to promote humble-integrity rather than pride-in-religion, restore the motto “E Pluribus Unum” with application to the gods and philosophies that are dear to individual fellow-citizens, and require local, state, and national government meetings to begin with sincere unison-reading of the 52-word preamble rather than ceremonial prayer and pledge.

The future after those three reforms will accelerate to the better.

I started two Quora Spaces for citizens to develop these principles and actions according to their opinions. Please join and engage in both Preamblers (the political-philosophy) and Appreciators (the applications, for example, in education departments).

FB add on:  Living in the United States and not owning a personal interpretation of the proffered people’s proposition to “ourselves and our Posterity” in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution is an invitation to let opportunity for self-discovery go by. by Judy Hulen

Yes, provided most Americans appreciate and accept being human beings with the attendant, inalienable powers. The evidence so far shows that absences of the appreciations and acceptances results in infidelity to self-interests.

Foremost is the suggestion in Genesis 1:26-28: male and female are responsible to constrain chaos on earth and dominate all living species. (Thank goodness the dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago.)

Second, whereas a foal stands in about an hour and finds milk in about 3 hours, an infant human is helpless, even after a doctor’s shock to start the breathing process. It takes a human being about a quarter-century to complete the wisdom-building parts of the brain. And another few years to acquire the comprehension and intention to live to psychological maturity during perhaps 2 more quarter-centuries--if they surpass adult adolescence.

Third, the human being has the inalienable individual power, individual energy, and individual authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to self.

Fourth, the person can choose to live as an opposite of human being: animal or plant. They can use HIPEA to nourish infidelity; hope crime pays; hope to benefit from tyranny; consume life with drugs, alcohol, sex, or/and entertainment.

Sixth, the American human being can discover that both the 1776 Declaration of Independence (from England) and the 1787 Constitution (to order the USA under the rule of law) declare humble-integrity to develop responsible-human-independence under separation of church and state. Men and women can interpret the 1776 and 1787 commitments as appreciation and acceptance of the necessity to constrain chaos in the USA and so influence all nations.

The possibility of an achievable better future by using HIPEA to establish and develop the 1776 and 1787 intentions of the entity We the People of the United States is being promoted on two Quora Spaces: 1) Preamblers and 2) Appreciators. Please join them and contribute your actions to establish freedom-from colonial British-American tradition in order to practice U.S. responsible-human-independence.

FB add on: The 1776 Declaration and 1787 Constitution proffer freedom-from tyranny and Americans can appreciate and accept the proposal by terminating the Congress-religion-partnership that has usurped Genesis 1:26-28 and the 1776 and 1787 humble-integrity. Amend the Congress-religion relationship in the First Amendment and replace it with encouragement of responsible-human-independence or humble-integrity. by Tenaea A. Thomas

An ancient political-philosopher suggested that the-God charged humankind to constrain chaos on earth. Since then, political leaders have partnered with religious doctrinaires to control humankind by persuading them to allow the church-state-partnership to usurp the people’s duty: constrain chaos in living in order to collectively, as humankind, have dominion over the earth.

The church-state partnership claims to represent the-God, and persuades the people to accept a mysterious fear that can neither be resolved nor proven. For example, Christianity teaches that after body, mind, and person stop functioning, a soul enters the person’s afterdeath and is either punished or rewarded, depending upon whether or not the person lived by faith in the doctrine including the tithe and favor to fellow-Christians against the haters (John 15:18-23). The elect are antinomian by grace. The formula is expressed in the song “Amazing Grace”: “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed.”

The politicians and religious people who operate this tyranny against Genesis 1:26-28, which charges humankind to constrain chaos on earth, are without excuse, because the human being, psychologically in the image of the-God but physically facing death has the independent power, the independent energy, and the independent authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity to the-God, whatever-it-is, and to self. The consequence is responsible-human-independence, and psychological maturity approaches perfection of the unique person before death. When a person uses HIPEA to tolerate infidelity to self, the consequence can be ruinous---a life of crime, tyranny against fellow-citizens, early death. HIPEA can be neither avoided, transferred, nor surrendered: HIPEA is inalienable to the person.

People who use HIPEA for tyranny over fellow-citizens were immoral to make that choice, and the fellow-citizens who enslave themselves are immoral to allow it.

Thus, immoral leaders are empowered by immoral followers and servants.

I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth and write to learn, so please comment.

FB add on: Without immoral fellow-citizens, immoral leaders could not survive the politics. The dominant immorality seems failure to constrain chaos during the individual lifetime.  by Micheal Dal 

Albert Einstein is neglected by political philosophers and social pseudo-scientists. However, Einstein, as evidence that physics and integrity follow the same laws, wrote, “Lying destroys confidence in the statements of other people. Without such confidence, social cooperation is made impossible or at least difficult. Such cooperation, however, is essential to make human life possible and tolerable.”

One of his most controversial statements has reliable syntax but otherwise represents erroneous hope to write for a conference debating science and religion. I think Einstein’s philosophy on physics and its progeny including psychology is better represented by: Research without integrity is ruinous; integrity without research is futile.

FB add on: Albert Einstein's political philosophy is a boon to humankind. For example, good people don't lie in order to lessen human misery and loss. by Mike Norris 

I am flattered by your claim and question.

I do not consider myself a SJW, either by the 1945 usage or by today’s usage. I think I am rarely serious about religion and in my eighth decade arrived at hopefully sufficient humility toward the-God, whether it be human-necessity or a controlling, intelligent entity.

Googling the phrase, I got a Wikipedia definition: “Social justice warrior (SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism. ...” In this catalogue of views, I consider myself an activist for establishing the proposition proffered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution: 5 public disciplines “in order to” establish responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Incidentally, the last few years, I have contributed to Wikipedia and have edited a few facts there, thinking it was a self-correcting people’s forum. However, and article in The Epoch Times informed me that the editors changed their definition of “president elect” to Joe Biden. I viewed the December 28, 2020 edit of and it was edited again today.

As of January 3, 2021, Wikipedia will go on without me, and I will not reference it again.

FB add on: Rather than SJW, I consider myself sincerely humble toward the-God, whether it be human-necessity for survival or an intelligent entity that wills control. by Marcellus Nichols 

I think the media realized a few decades ago that politicians respond to public opinion (in other words, for personal re-election) more than to the-ineluctable-truth. At the same time, social “sciences” discovered that statistics can be used in planning, design, respondent selection, data gathering, statistical interpretation, and evaluation to favor an agenda. For example, exclude hunters from a survey on gun control to get the impression the public wants all guns confiscated. A third, even more sinister factor is that many law schools have turned from the rule of law to case building for social experiments like gender choice, which favors the gender-change industry and associated law suits.

So far, the entity We the People of the United States has not accepted the evidence that the individual must control chaos during his or her lifetime in order to have the freedom-to avoid enslavement. The U.S. intention to provide the freedom-to develop responsible-human-independence is expressed in the 1776 Declaration, the 1787 Constitution, especially in its preamble. Now into the twelfth generation of “ourselves and our Posterity” most people still nurture defiance of the-God of Genesis 1:26-28, perhaps necessity but perhaps an intelligent being: male and female are charged with the responsibility to constrain chaos on earth.

In 1791, Congress created a ruinous partnership with religion. Our generation has the privilege of amending the First Amendment in order to promote humble-integrity to the-ineluctable-evidence rather than tolerate the mystery of religion as a civil restraint. Religion is a private practice for adults and ought not be imposed on children: let them choose interest in defining the mystery of the-God.

The media, social pseudoscientists, politicians, and judges perceive an ability to control the people like never before. I am working to motivate and inspire fellow-citizens to act in 1776&1787 humble-integrity for “ourselves and our Posterity”, quoting the preamble.

FB add on: The media, social pseudoscientists, politicians, and judges perceive that the 2021 "ourselves and our Posterity" are complete fools waiting for government or the-God to preserve the freedom-to develop humble-integrity rather than tolerate enslavement. We, the twelth generation since 1787 have the privilege to establish responsible-human-indpendence in the USA. Now is the time to act. by David McIntosh  

I think the author did not consider discovery.

The-ineluctable-truth exists, and the human being is the only species with the awareness to wonder and to create grammar by which to imagine, design, conduct, and evaluate the research required for discovery of the-ineluctable-evidence.

Only the human being could humbly put the-God in its reliable place---the unknown rather than earth’s visible sky---and put a man on the moon.

The key to constraining chaos during the gift of life is to relish acceptance of being a human being rather than one of the opposites: animal or plant. The human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop humble-integrity rather than tolerate infidelity to self.


Law professors

As a boy, I doubted the Bible Gods, because they seemed so weak as to threaten the reader. It took me 4 decades to accept this doubt, because I lived in the 1950s cancel culture: Phil, consider what Christ would do: “Kill them with kindness.” I discovered Romans 12:20. I have no idea what the verse means, but I can see cruel kindness inviting repentance.

Woods comments about the-God of Genesis, a mystery from a 4 thousand year-old Mesopotamian political philosopher---perhaps unaware of the dinosaur extinction 65 million years beforehand yet privy to influence by the-Jesus-of-I-AM (I’m sincere). Woods traditionally overlooks the-God’s instruction to male and female (in the-God’s image, perhaps only psychologically) to take dominion over living things and subdue the earth. Woods attributes to the Orthodox Church the “liberty to become either more or less like the image in which we are made.” Liberty is like license, which I doubt the-God authorizes. Freedom-to read the-God’s words and act on them is what male and female need.

In 2021 we contend with licensing males to choose female-gender so as to express athletic superiority. Also, we contend with Democrat mayors and governors licensing the liberty to let fellow-citizens’ blood, ruin their property, and kill a few. Moreover, Supreme Court Justices impose colonial-English precedent to tyrannize 2021s “ourselves and our Posterity.” We the People of the United States empower the Court tyranny by not holding them accountable to Genesis 1’s charge to constrain chaos.

Walsh typically dismisses male evil in “the confession of an adulterous woman who has brought misery upon herself and those around her.” Only humble-integrity allows male and female to flourish; infidelity always invites ruin.

Did Solzhenitsyn and his students overlook “recognition of the good” when male and female accept the Genisis-1 charge to constrain chaos in life, leaving to the-God responsibility for the afterdeath? Without the male and female discipline ‘to check license, gross evils . . . proliferate.” Without encouragement to civic discipline, there is no constraint of chaos.

Open-mindedness, or “polyphony in [interpreting literature is male and female’s most] effective weapon against lies. While an [orthodoxy] permits a single view of things” empathetic human connection can empower male and female to constrain chaos on earth, perhaps in humility to the-God of Genesis 1.


Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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