Saturday, January 22, 2022

Appreciating whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Appreciating whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice

I am fortunate, nearly approaching my ninth decade, to resolve a personal dilemma. Living 3 disunions: 1) my birth into a Southern Baptist, Mason, and Eastern-Star family with, excellent material commitment at relatively low income& wealth; 2) my early trust-in& commitment-to physics& its-progeny; and 3) falling-in-love with a Louisiana-French-Catholic woman. I became earnestly-conflicted when my Sunday school class of 15 years occasionally, reliably discounted our 3 children’s soul-salvations. Everyone knows that the body, mind,& person stops functioning at death, and no one knows the mystery of soul.

On request, my favorite Catholic priest could not accommodate my beliefs so that I could worship only with my family rather than also each week with my neighborhood Baptist church (Baptist friends). It seemed that each church-doctrine privately divided “God” to its believers, and the separate believers knew not how the God could be different for each of them. I perceived the-God would know if I compromised my opinion for any reason.

Everyone knows that some tyrants conquer by dividing. Believers divide over what they do not know: God. Consequently, there are 45,000 Christian sects in the world, not to mention all the other spiritual institutions. Believers discuss “God” mistakenly thinking they are on topic. But they are divided by opinion, and their passions often inspire division, perhaps unto enmity. (This is Chapter XI Machiavellianism (1517) beyond Rome.)

Three decades ago, alienating 2 Christianity-s, I took pencil and paper, intending to list God’s characteristics --to “define” God. I wrote: God is love . . . omniscience . . . omnipotence; then was stumped. Suddenly, I lost awareness, and my pencil ended up 5 feet away, under my desk. I perceive psychosomatic reaction to fruitless-arrogance.

Recently, I proposed to encourage fellow-citizens to open their minds and hearts to “the-God”, a term meant to-reserve sufficient-humility toward whatever-may-judge-human-choices, without denying private hope& comfort against the unknown. In other words, to express appreciation-to the-God and empower acceptance that each believer’s doctrinal-God represented personal hope& comfort against the unknown.

Yet there seems something arbitrary about “the-God”. Perhaps the-higher-power does not respond to “God”, in the first place. Perhaps an intelligent creator rejects worship and praise.

On further consideration, I accept, for now, that “whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-human-choice” expresses the higher-power I trust-in& commit-to. It’s an extension of practice, facilitation,& encouragement to the-ineluctable-truth regarding particular issues in civic-necessity& justice, without compromising private-spiritualties. I work to-learn from fellow-citizens’ experiences& observations.

Regardless of my acceptance for me, I am as dedicated to the individual believer’s spiritual hopes& comforts as I am to my wife’s private-prayer-expressions each evening.

Quora by Donna Rayne: update and re-post after share by Mia Lewisk

First, I can only share my opinion, because I do not know the-ineluctable-truth. A considerate human-being works to discover, continually, during their individual, 2nd through 4th quarter centuries, after their 1st quarter century to personally accept being a human-being. Fortunate is the person who employs experiences& observations intending to perfect their-unique-good before death.

Second, I think the Bible canonizers erred when they included Genesis-1, a 3,000 year old comprehension of a now 5,500 year-old political philosophy, perhaps from Sumer.

I assert “erred”, because a modern, 2022 comprehension (based on the recent 5,500 years’ discovery) holds Genesis-1 to be artfully-neglected awareness-if-not-advice, astonishingly at the dawn of both grammar and monotheism. Then, people had perhaps 150,000 year-old language& primitive-knowledge with which to ponder individually then collaborate in essential pairs, female& male, then in groups.

The authentic female seems more reliable, and one “excuse” for her fidelity is that she is accountable for perhaps 400 ova (eggs) during her fertile years. The authentic male is no less reliable, because he knows his role is to support her& her potential crowd. (I like to joke that anything good about me is Cynthia’s fault. Our children are similarly to blame for my emerging person.)

Humankind divides into 2 groups according to willingness to choose for either necessity& justice or banal satisfactions --- responsible-human-independence (RHI) or dependence; physics& progeny or metaphysics; the-ineluctable-truth or speculation (belief); the-good or emotions. Those 2 groups subdivide unto their diversities. Through 2022, diversity diverged unto chaos.

My 2022 comprehension of Genesis 1:28 is this: female&male-human-being can& may independently provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to Earth; provide peace; constrain chaos in-personal-behavior& in-societies; develop humankind. The rest of Bible canon debates whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-human-choices. Restating, the rest of the Bible journals, through 2000 years ago, how “Western” civilizations developed today’s Western chaos.

If these opinions seem plausible if not reliable, we can& may consider how to apply them. Societies ought-to practice, encourage, and facilitate self-discipline to all citizens. That’s the can& may, and there remains the how. I contend that each person self-disciplines by learning-to-apply the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable”, first published 400 years ago in translation, means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted” merriam-webster .com. In practice, each individual can& may accept& declare, “I do not know”, when they don’t know. If necessary, they share hard-earned opinion, admitting& claiming it is not the-ineluctable-truth. I refer to a particular issue, such as who caused an accident, rather than the overall validity, such as: humankind’s purpose& meaning. Notice that Europe may omit “changed” from the MW usage, leaving, for example, history open to change. See INELUCTABLE | Definition of INELUCTABLE by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of INELUCTABLE.

Now, to your question: By developing integrity to the-ineluctable-truth, each human-being can& may appreciate& avoid the miserable dependency Paul expressed in Romans 7:15-25. Paul shamelessly cries “my mind . . . a slave to God’s law . . . my . . . nature a slave to . . . sin” as though there is no Paul-personal-discipline to consider! Moreover, Paul disassembles the Trinity in “. . . God . . . delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” He essentially discounts the-God for “our Lord” and the Old Testaments "the Lord God" and others OT Gods. And where’s his regard for the Holy Spirit?

The Christian scheme -- canonizing Jesus to compete with the Gods of the Bible is a consequence of group-search for reliable dependency – bargaining for the-God that is willing to usurp the civic-RHI that was suggested 5,500 years ago. Let me say that again: civilizations seek a God that will claim to usurp RHI.

In Sumer’s era, the individual faced physics& its-progeny, with far more uncertainty than we face. For example, we know that human-will to don wings and fly off a high cliff ends in physics. Long before, even more primitive humankind observed that the sun could kill (now we know due to overexposure) and imagined the sun a supernatural power, eventually labeled “God”. Many civilizations bargained with sun Gods, and many speculated that the-God demands human flesh. Some sacrificed chosen, excellent-citizens to the-God. Some clergy consumed the protein. Now, despite extant-modern human-sacrifice, we know the sun is a natural nuclear reactor yet have not overcome dependency on the-God for competition among self, individuals,& groups.

In addition to spiritual hope& comfort to believers, does Jesus offer civic influence? I think so: Jesus’s cryptic messages empower the metaphysics — our collective quest to discover& apply the-good. Recall, we are at the advancing edge of 300,000 years’ homo sapiens psychological development. We are obligated to our posterity, including our direct descendants.

Just as Paul expressed opinion 2,000 years ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed opinion 184 years ago: “Alone [Jesus] estimated the greatness of man . . . God incarnates himself in man, and evermore goes forth anew to take possession of his world. But what a distortion did [Jesus’] doctrine and memory suffer . . . Christianity became a Mythus, as the poetic teaching of Greece and of Egypt”.

Emerson advanced the-metaphysical-Jesus, the human collaboration to consider Jesus’ reported statements: be perfect [in your can& may], before founders were born I am, help your magistrate constrain chaos, you are gods-facing-death, be humble, be peaceful, and more.

It seems Jesus affirmed Genesis 1:28, and we good-citizens can& may practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-RHI while privately pursuing emotional happiness.

I hope this helps and would appreciate your improvements on the opinions I expressed. I expressed gratitude to you, Ms. Rayne, today at “appreciations” on A Civic People.

Updated January 22, 2022 after January 14, 2022 post. by Gary Davis

Just as people can& may earn independence, some people choose dependence.

Un-civic dependents include criminals, Some criminals are government officials. The civic-dependents take what the official will give them. We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” may constrain the art of being both dependent& official in the USA. We can hold legislators and justices to the-ineluctable-truth rather than accommodate opinion, precedence, and arbitrary-legal-code.

Honesty is insufficient to integrity, which I first considered in the late 1990s. Later, I presented speeches about “faith in the truth”.

Successively, I wrote about objective truth, the-objective-truth (but professors stonewalled me by disassembling the phrase to “objective truth”), the-literal-truth, and recently (maybe a couple years ago), the-ineluctable-truth.

“Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster. com. It was published 400 years ago. “The ineluctable truth” was published in 1906.

What’s “not truth”? by Chris Guerrieri

The person who accepts that they are a human-being can& may develop, before death, their excellence unto personal-(unique)-perfection, within a lifetime. I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth yet hold it to be the grounding to unique-perfection. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, in merriam-webster. com opinion.

The human-being has the individual power, energy, authority, and obligation (HIPEAO) to practice, facilitate, and encourage the humble-integrity by which to develop responsible-human-independence (RHI).

The civic-citizen neither initiates nor accommodates harm/injury to or from any person or association. Not initiating harm is easy: the difficulty comes in non-accommodation. In this regard, we have ancient political guidance: constrain chaos in your way of living. This seems like self-discipline yet stronger in that it specifies the goal: personal unique-perfection before death.

The political philosophy, constrain chaos, was expressed 5,500 years ago in Sumer’s cuneiform tablets. Scholars reported it in their artistic expressions in Genesis 1. Applying humankind’s discoveries since then, rather than attempting to understand the Sumer mind or scholars’ art, I interpret V. 28 as: female&male-human-being can& may independently constrain chaos in lifestyles. Thereby, they may provide order& prosperity to the lesser species, to the earth, and to posterity.

I am so motivated to improve the above opinions that I express them day& night, privately& publicly, to whomever seems to consider my statements. I do so in order to position them to open my mind& heart to a new opinion by which I may more accurately& precisely approach the-ineluctable-truth, most of which is unknown.

I offer dialogue for an achievable better future: reduced chaos. I offer my opinion to individuals who can& may take interest, according to their preference. I appreciate both positive& negative feedback (frequent, as these ideas are disruptive), as long as the other is civic; that is, does not attempt to harm me or mine.

For example, if someone psychologically attacks me for voting for Trump/Pence 4 times, I explain that for 5 years I wrote, appealing to their nobler motives and am very disappointed in their arrogances, especially Pence’s. However, I do not at all approve the Biden/Harris performance and will vote for Trump again if he reforms (with a non-religious V.P.), or if again, there is no better alternative. For example, I will never vote for a Clinton-family member.

Fellow citizens may take the time to explore the-metaphysical-Jesus’s affirmation of Genesis 1:28 and perhaps consider the humble-integrity that is required for RHI. It seems to me most people in the Western world have a high regard for Jesus's mysterious suggestions to the-good. See for example, Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Divinity School Address", 1838 and work hard to grasp one of the most challenging essays I ever read.

Facebook January 18, 2022

Just as fellow-citizens can& may earn independence, some people choose dependence.

Un-civic dependents include criminals. Some criminals are government officials. The civic-dependents take what the official will give them, so being a dependent-official is lucrative.

We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” may constrain the art of being both dependent& official in the USA. We can hold legislators and justices to the-ineluctable-truth rather than continue to accommodate opinion, precedence, and arbitrary-legal-code.

Each civic-citizen using "ineluctable" and "the-ineluctable-truth" as often as appropriate can& may accelerate the needed reform.

For example, the court requires swearing to the truth, and the witness states: I swear to witness to the-ineluctable-truth, and adds, therefore, often, I must admit to myself, to the public, and to the court: I don't know.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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