Saturday, January 1, 2022

Collectivism among human-being

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Collectivism among human-being

The divergent chaos we are experiencing has developed during more than 6,000 years of communitarianism when collectivism to provide order& prosperity on earth had been suggested by an ancient culture.

The political suggestion was reported in language& art the scholars understood, 3,000 years ago in Genesis 1, specifically Genesis 1:28: the human species can& may independently provide peace on Earth.

It is not too late to activate this civic-integrity regardless of private spirituality.

Quora by Bill Sands

A collectivist dreams of responsible-human-independence (RHI) whereas a communitarian seeks happiness by requiring dependency The communitarian is a dependent in two ways: securing life support from unity while excluding responsible-fellow-citizens, for example, military men who make passives’ living possible.

I think I am a collectivist. There are perhaps 45,000 Christian sects in the world, or as many Christian communitarianisms. I work to enlist their believers in personal pursuit of the-metaphysical-Jesus and civic practice, facilitation, and encouragement of fidelity to the-ineluctable-truth. I also work to incorporate other theisms to lessen chaos in the world.

“Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, I think the-metaphysical-Jesus is attractive to the-good people among We the People of the United States and Christian Church is too exclusive for civic-integrity. But it does not have to be so.

The Christian individual can& may be a civic-U.S.-citizen. by Sheeraj Mian

Mian, I am grateful for your thought and express thanks on my post “appreciations” at

The key to the division of humankind is civic rights.

Humankind, fellow-citizens of the world, divide into 2 societies: civic-citizens& dependents. The civic-citizens responsibly-pursue-personal-happiness rather than subjugate to another person/entity’s vision for them. To accomplish appreciative independence, they neither initiate nor accommodate harm/injury to-or-from another person including self& family. Preventing harm-accommodation is often-neglected civic-duty.

Only the appreciative-citizen will take the necessary& just action to prevent potential harm. The civic-citizen appreciates each: a civic culture, fellow citizens as they are in their development of civic-integrity or none, and the personal opportunity to develop their-unique-human-being. That is, given the necessity& justice that they can& may practice responsible-human-independence (RHI), they un-choose dependency.

When civic-citizens encounter intention/action toward harm/injury, they first express appreciative-caution to the potential perpetrator. If the message effects remedy, the erroneous fellow-citizen personally corrected in self-interest, and perhaps expresses gratitude for the appreciative-caution. The civic-citizen affirmed the value/duty of mutual appreciation among fellow-citizens.

If the message did not effect remedy, the civic-citizen preferably notifies first-responders, who apply appropriate constraints. When harm is already underway, the civic-citizen acts without vigilantism. If an errant fellow-citizen never reforms, they invite permanent constraint in statutory methods. The cost of providing and improving statutory justice is born by the-civic-citizens, and thus citizens who invite law-enforcement are dependents.

Turning to your brilliant question:  Civil rights are fruitless boasts to promote the temporal political-organizers; for example, everybody knows that no organization/government can warrant life. I perceive only one human right: the unencumbered opportunity to discover the laws of physics& its-progeny and how to apply them to RHI. Constitutional rights would-but-don’t limit government officials’ powers to constrain the individual citizens’ life. Natural rights is an erroneous yet U.S. dominant 1689-English John Locke theory that each human-being is a property of Locke-God; therefore, no person or institution should constrain Locke-God’s property. The 1774 USA founders rebuked Locke’s human rights propaganda, (life, liberty, and property), boasting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The founders’ propaganda is no less vain. And liberty is no substitute for RHI.

Each human-being has civic-rights. Many citizens fear U.S.-RHI: intentions, practice, facilitation, and encouragement to civic-integrity. We end 2021 in divergent chaos and with the 2022 message that being a homo sapiens ineluctably demands RHI. Ineluctable means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster,com.

I write, speak, and listen to learn, so please comment. We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” including legal immigrants can& may establish RHI in the USA. by Ibrahim


Ibrahim, it’s an interesting riddle. Let’s consider President Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, professing faith in Jesus Christ then betraying the Commander-in-Chief of the United States by accepting contested Electoral College votes.

We know that Pence’s spiritual life, like all others, has no standing regarding upholding the U.S. Constitution. Furthermore, we know that every person who ever tries to “witness for” Jesus fails spiritually, because Jesus is a mystery the Church promotes in competition with the consequences of human choices (perhaps the entity some people call “God”). Ancient failures include the apostles’ miss-writing about Jesus.

We understand Pence obtained lawyers’ advice in deciding to betray his& our Commander-in-Chief. He professed Jesus to assuage the voting right. Pence did things right in order to do the wrong thing.

Consider candidate Trump. He could have chosen a humble running mate ---a non-Abrahamic spiritualist (happily that would eliminate Mormon saints). However, he opined he needed appeal to far-right voters.

His Presidency was plagued by resistance to the right and doomed by Pence’s betrayal. Trump did things wrong to do some right things.

We, the 2021-2 “ourselves and our Posterity” can aid an achievable better future by amending the First Amendment in order to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity rather than civil-religion.

You statement could be presented, “Duty Is not only about doing the right thing, it’s about doing things right.” For example, the parent who escorts a child to experience the morning appearance of the sun must be prepared to describe the un-hiding of the sun by the earth’s rotation on its axis. Perhaps use a stop watch to observe how fast the un-hiding occurs. Then explain that the surface-rotation speed is 1000 mph. A cell phone can help with the child’s brilliant questions those two facts will invoke. Happily, the experience can be topped off with acceptance that “the sun’ll come out tomorrow” expresses long-standing and abiding perception that obscures the awe of reality. The parent can& may do the right thing the right way. by Dhruval Patel

Congress’s British-right to opine about religion.

Shockingly, and with the unfortunate, 2021 divergent-chaos it has caused, the first right in the Bill of Rights, 1791, refutes the intentions of some the 1787 U.S. Constitution’s 55 framers. The 39 signers proposed to hold private a civically-responsible human-being’s ineluctable opportunity to independently pursue the happiness she or he perceives rather than submit to the vision some other entity has for them.

Key to our chance to reform the U.S. is widespread mastery of the word “ineluctable”. It means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. It was used in translation in 1571 and in the phrases “ineluctable truth” and “the ineluctable truth” in 1906. Why have the legal scholars, politicians, and clergy “shielded” we, the continuum “ourselves and our Posterity” (including legal immigrants) from that powerful word, if they did?

Usage is not uncommon. Jonathan Derbyshire used the word in August 9, 2013 opinion (see The Dark Side of the Elightenment by John V Fleming – review): “Kant also recognised that the tendency of human reason to overreach itself is ineluctable. ‘Metaphysics’ isn't just a regrettable episode in the history of philosophy; it is a ‘natural’ disposition that can't be eradicated.” Patrick Lancaster Gardiner opines in philosophy of history - Objectivity and evaluation : “Marx’s interpretation of the historical process, with its stress upon necessity and the operation of ineluctable laws, was often portrayed by its proponents as being scientific in character.” Georgina Paul wrote (2009) that the destiny of the masculine struggle “is the ineluctable return to that which he set out to defeat: death” (Perspectives on Gender in Post-1945 German Literature).

Quoting the First Amendment,” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The-ineluctable-truth is that Congress gave itself the right to invade every citizen’s privacy. The human-being can& may choose to be spiritual or not and if so what kind of spirituality to pursue. Spirituality/metaphysics is none of Congress’s business.

We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may terminate this major 1791 Congressional tyranny by amending the First Amendment in order to practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity rather than civil-religion.

Help make “ineluctable” a word widely used in daily living in the USA, and learn to use its definition, too. For example: my death is not to be avoided, changed, or resisted, and meanwhile, I do not intend to lessen the-good. by Yoel Krupnik

“Consent of the governed” is an English, John Locke, propaganda grounded in the principle that each human-being is a property of the God and therefore, not to be ruled without the property’s agreement. Further, the 1776 declaration of war against England rebuked Locke’s rights propaganda, “life, liberty, and property” with the change to “pursuit of happiness”. No power on Earth can guarantee life, liberty is no substitute for independence, and neither the God nor government can provide happiness. The individual with humility that is acceptable to whatever controls the outcome of personal choices can pursue happiness.

I think tyranny is possible only when the majority of the people are gullible to the regime. For an informative essay on tyranny, read

The U.S. is a tyranny, because the 2-party system, at 50% plus 1 vote, has rendered impossible the attainment of the 2/3 majority needed to call a convention much less the ¾ majority needed to ratify Constitutional amendment.

To address U.S. tyranny, the license to vote must be grounded in the citizen owing 1) a personal interpretation of the U.S. intentions that are stated in the preamble and 2) a record of aid to the U.S. purpose: responsible-human-independence (RHI). by Kdr X

There’s one ineluctable human right: the opportunity to develop& practice civic-integrity. by Gressy Dorimon

It’s doubtful that Sartre, d. 1980 had a new idea about what I call responsible-human-independence (RHI). RHI is suggested in 4,370 year-old politics from Sumer, ancient Mesopotamia. See . It “exempted widows and orphans from taxes”! In other words, that long ago, appreciative civic-citizens proposed RHI.

Irresponsibility invites civic dependency. Dependencies include passivism, indolence, spirituality, abuse, infidelity, crime, evil, tyranny, and such. Being served by bureaucrats, including the justice workers, and philanthropists such as churches, can& may motivate dependent-reform to RHI, in order to restore opportunity to be human. by Gressy Dorimon

First, responsible-human-independence (RHI) is constrained by physics& its progeny, especially economic viability.

Second, the person can& may accept that freedom-from oppression is bestowed by the political oppressor, who can neither avoid, change, nor resist physics. Oppressors yield to more powerful military/political force. For example, the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court are, together, bemusing citizens over vote-chaos, while political parties pick the people’s pockets with immunity.

Only the-good of the 2021 “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may stop the divergent chaos.

Third, the person can& may observe that despite all chaos in the community, the human-being has the individual power, energy, authority and obligation-to-self (HIPEAO) to constrain chaos in her/his way of living.

“Freedom of choice” is government propaganda to distract the civic-people from RHI.

Facebook, January 1, 2022

What rights?

Civil rights are fruitless boasts to promote the temporal political-organizers, locally the mob. For example, everybody knows that no organization/government/mob can warrant life.

Human rights? I perceive only one: the unencumbered opportunity to discover the laws of physics& its-progeny and how to apply them to RHI (responsible-human-independence).

Constitutional rights would limit powers of government officials to constrain the individual citizens’ life.

Natural rights is an erroneous yet U.S.-dominant John-Locke theory (1689 England) that each human-being is a property of Locke-God; therefore, no person or institution should constrain Locke-God’s property. The 1774 USA founders rebuked Locke’s human rights propaganda, (life, liberty, and property), boasting the less-vain life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But liberty is no substitute for RHI.

Civic rights: each human-being has civic-rights. Many fear U.S. civics: intentions, the practice, facilitation, and encouragement to U.S.-RHI. We ended 2021 in divergent chaos and with the 2022 message that being a homo sapiens ineluctably demands RHI. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”, merriam-webster,com.

We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” can induce "the-good-People" among We the People of the United States to un-hide the-ineluctable-truth as the USA’s 1787-proffered intentions.

We can& may amend the First Amendment to express intentions to U.S. civic-integrity rather than English-colonial civil-religion. , Jan 1, 2022

A home with skylight visible from the throne has afforded many wonders during the recent 4 decades. Spotty clouds hide& unhide big moon, and the giant slowly moves past one big pine-tree limb then behind another. The huge light seems a living phantom! Then, I happily recall my-primitive-man, enjoying/fearing awe's awe.

Awe's there when I catch the dawn of the day. The earth's rotation on its axis un-hides the sun hidden the night before, and common ground is rotating at 1,000 mph: the gigantic un-hiding happens in a flash of the day.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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