Saturday, January 29, 2022

Accepting the power of human-being

 Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Accepting the power of human-being

At least three prior human-beings have asserted that the human being has the individual opportunity, power, energy, and authority to constrain chaos in their way of living. They are, a Sumer philosopher 5,500 years ago, Jesus 2000 years ago, and Ralph Waldo Emerson 184 years ago.

Genesis 1:28 suggests that humankind can& may independently provide order and prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth.

We, the 2022 “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may establish responsible-human-independence as a way of living.

Quora by Lillyrly McK.

My excuse for not accepting responsible-human-independence (RHI) by age 13 or so: the U.S. culture did not foster civic-integrity.

Whereas the lesser species are born to apply instincts for survival, the-female& male-human-being is born to discover& benefit-from whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice. For example, the person who imbibes too-often invites early death.

The other species may each have a particular capability that surpasses that of other species, including human-being. However, none have the complexity of the human neurological system. See

For example, a foal stands on 4 legs within an hour of birth, finds the mare’s tit within 3 hours, and a thoroughbred peaks in 3 years. A typical human-infant is dependent for food, stands on 2 legs in perhaps 8,036 hours, and matures in perhaps 80 years.

A “thorough-bred” human-lifetime might be imagined in quarter centuries: the first to acquire the comprehension& intention to psychologically mature, the second& third to accumulate the experiences& observations that ground civic-integrity, and the fourth to reflect on the-consequences-of-each-personal-choice they made. Perhaps they will share their experience, in order to aid “ourselves& and our Posterity” in the journey to RHI. “Civic” refers to mutual reliability in human connections more than conformity to civil rules.

These principles can& may apply to a civic culture. However, so far, such a culture has not emerged in the world. Most cultures inculcate in their youth dependency on a-philosophy-of power-above-humankind or “higher power”– the way, a philosophy, a government, a theology, or military-power -- anything except the-civic-necessity& justice that demands RHI.

Consequently, rare is the human-being who discovers RHI during their lifetime.

I know of three historical entities that perceived the can& may of human, individual perfection: a political philosopher perhaps in Sumer 55-hundred years ago, Jesus, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In reverse chronology, third, Emerson, in “Divinity School Address” (1838) wrote “Jesus . . . Alone in all history . . . estimated the greatness of man. One man was true to what is in you and me.” Second, Matthew 5:48 reports that Jesus said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” And John 8:58 reports that Jesus said “before Abraham was born I am.” First, Hebrew scholars reported in Genesis 1:26-28 that the ancient philosophy was “. . . God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over [the other living species].’ . . . God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the [other species].”

In Genesis 2, the scholars dropped “God” to take up “the Lord God”. The people cannot be held liable for scholarly-arrogance. However, the people are without excuse for not observing civic-necessity& justice.

The can& may of human-perfection has been suppressed since the 55-hundred year old suggestion: humankind can& may independently constrain chaos on earth. In other words, no higher power can usurp the human, individual opportunity, power, energy, & authority (HIOPEA) to practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI.

Events leading to the colonization of North America produced two documents that affirm Genesis 1:28. First, the 1776 declaration of war against England claims authority under “Nature’s God” rather than the English Trinity. Second, the 1787 U.S. Constitution specifies a republic with each: safeguards against democracy, five domestic disciplines to as to develop RHI, and assignment of spiritual pursuits to individual-privacy.

During the required state-ratification conventions, former British citizens, colonists reluctantly statesmen, dominated the politics and required restoration of English tradition, including legislative partnership with Christian Protestantism. During the recent 233 years, under whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice, the entity We the People of the United States developed 2022’s political chaos.

U.S. reform is possible with two reforms. First, adult citizens can& may act to perfect their unique person before death. The moment a person adopts the intention to practice RHI, success can begin. Second, Education Departments can& may reform so as to inculcate in U.S. youth personal commitment to accept their HIOPEA to constrain chaos in their way of living.

With adults practicing, facilitating, and encouraging RHI, most of our youth can& may accelerate the reform that is needed to stop 2022’s divergent chaos in the USA. by Devin S

Freedom is imposed by the winner in war or mob disruption and is nothing to desire when independence is possible.

A political philosopher some 5,500 years ago suggested that female& male-human-being can& may constrain chaos in their way of living. The message came to us in the artful vernacular of Genesis 1:28, the reform of the 1776 declaration of independence from England, and the 1787 U.S. constitutional republic. We, the “ourselves and our Posterity” of 2022 can& may restore the U.S. intentions: independence rather than freedom& liberty, two John Locke impositions.

In 2022, people can develop appreciative humility toward whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-human-choice, and therefore, may independently constrain chaos in their way of living. For example, they can responsibly-work for the lifestyle they-desire rather than accept the-happiness-a-bureaucrat-would-impose.

Freedom would oppress the independent human-being. by Amal Chehade

Not knowing the-ineluctable-truth, I can only offer opinion.

In NIV, the quote is “and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.”

In MSG, “They think religion is a way to make a fast buck.”

Consider Exodus 20:7, NIV, “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

I understand the 1-Timothy author is St. Paul, one of the worst of the NT writers. That opinion is based on my long-standing opinion that Jesus claim’s that emerge from the Bible reports about him instruct us not to take Jesus’ name in vain.

St. Paul does so in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Therein, Paul pits God vs Jesus or vice versa, a fruitless arrogance against what Paul does not know.

My reading, writing, speaking, and listening intends to discover whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice. My work is a civic endeavor with diverse-spirituality imposed by human choices. I don’t know that emotionalism is a necessary& just human condition. I assert that 5,500 years ago a culture suggested that human-being can& may independently provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. No higher power can usurp this human opportunity. It’s a matter of reducing chaos in personal ways of living.

People like Paul, who divide human-beings on tropes about what-is-unknown, are the objects of 1 Timothy 6:5’s contempt: Paul seems to reprimand Paul.


Facebook January 29, 2022

My excuse for not accepting responsible-human-independence (RHI) by age 13 or so: the U.S. culture did not foster civic-integrity.

Whereas the lesser species are born to apply instincts for survival, the-female& male-human-being is born to discover& benefit-from whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice. For example, the person who imbibes too-often invites early death. January 26, 2022

Thank you, Jason for the affirmation of concern. I'm certain you know a lot goes into a post like that. Reading it prompts reflection.

Overnight, Phil Beaver kept proposing to modify "whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice" so as to reflect what-is. I could not equivocate, "I don't know". Note: the hyphens are not intended to annoy the reader; they are essential to my thoughts. The constraints of English& grammar stonewall thought, and it’s too late for me to accommodate scholarly censorship.

In dialogue with my Sunday school class, I expressed Ralph Waldo Emerson's influence on me. I read an online definition of "transcendentalism". My assertion that there's more to be gained from the-metaphysical-Jesus than from his body and blood, while heresy to the Church, does not oppose Emerson and his view of physics& its-progeny. In his vernacular, that was "nature", in the early 19th century scholarly debate: reason against "science", a popular surrogate for research.

Emerson's comprehension& understanding represents him as a living Internet resource 150 years before the Internet. Yet the popular debate that held "reason" more reliable than discovery stemmed from erroneous regard for "science", the process for affirming evidence then researching positive benefits. (For example, research nuclear reactions both to generate power and to provide military defense.) Emerson's era had not the conviction that research is grounded in perception.

Consequently, the-objective-truth is all the scientific process can affirm until the instruments for more accurate& precise research have been invented. Then, research may approach or attain the-ineluctable-truth. Ineluctable differs from inescapable in that human choice does not affect immutability. For example, the Greeks opined that the earth is a globe orbiting the Sun in 500 BC, and their opinion was partially rejected until Galileo used the telescope for astronomy in 1609 (2000 years later). Emerson's era, the 19th century, could have extrapolated to realize that calling research "science" is ruinous to humankind. Further, fellow-citizens could accept that avoiding, changing, or resisting the-ineluctable-truth in order to accommodate the-inescapable-truth merely delays the journey to peace on earth.

But here we are in 2022, with the media, state& federal governments, plus many fellow citizens debating the reliability of science and calling statistically-designed-conducted-evaluated public-polls "science" rather than manipulation-for-political-advantage.

Forgive the outpouring on a diversion. Back to the post. These 184 years after Emerson's "Divinity School Address", I see the possibility of humankind's collective march to the-civic-good by choosing a metaphysical interpretation of the Bible’s Jesus. If so, the individual can& may maintain whatever pursuit of happiness they privately choose and still practice civic-integrity. That is, maintain fidelity in human-connections& transactions.

The New Testament reports that Jesus, in response to how much weight should be given Abraham, said, "Before Abraham I am." The “before” drops back 4.6 billion years to the formation of the earth. I assert that Jesus affirms/authored Genesis 1:28. Viewed with discoveries through 2022, that verse can be taken to mean: each human being has the individual opportunity, power, energy, and authority (HIOPEA) to constrain chaos in their lifestyle. I assert that each person may choose this principle the moment it appears to them and intend to perfect the practice each day for the rest of their life.

After a person owns the intention to perfect themselves (Emerson's "Divinity" view of Jesus), reading the Bible provides, without direct suffering beyond the time to read& think, observation of what happens when individuals choose to accommodate chaos in their way of living. If reading& thinking also establishes personal commitment to the mystery of soul and its salvation through Jesus, perhaps it’s better for that person. The personal human-being has the authority to believe in salvation of the soul as well as preservation of life.

They also have the authority to choose/ignore the Bible's debates about God, the Lord God, the Lord, the Father, the Holy Spirit, Christ, election, antinomianism, chosen people, and other lessening of the civically-good-Jesus. One alternative is to appreciate the mystery of Jesus as the human, individual yearn to practice-the-good, and humankind's intentions to discover practices that conform to the-good.

As one of the Nomads, I read Bible lessens with my evolving agenda& principles. First, Genesis 1:28, instructing female&male-human-being that they can& may independently provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the world seems affirmed by Jesus. Second, the "God" and "soul" debates may be accepted or rejected without lessening attention to the-civic-good as presented by the-metaphysical-Jesus. I may trust the mystery of soul to independent Jesus and therefore commit to the believers beliefs for them. Third, each moment, I choose appreciative-humility to whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice.

It's fascinating to me, Jason, that 2 decades building chance empathy can cause an outpouring like this. I have learned not to resist it, even though I have a daily schedule.

I updated my morning post at 3:30 PM. January 21, 2022

I appreciate knowing a Meat Loaf song to listen to. Bat . . . is not my cup of tea for songs to Cynthia. But it expresses a sentiment: I'll work each day to stay alive just to be with you.

Email messages:

To Nomads:

On Sunday, I suggested Kenneth& Nomads consider some study of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Divinity School Address”. Kenneth said he will take a look, and some were pulling it up on the cell phones as we talked. We’ll see if an when.

Here it is in copy-and-paste format: Text is amenable to arguing with Emerson. On my bucket list is “Nature”, not for reading again but for debate.

I have read lots of Emerson essays, but not much about Emerson. See about-him at and at There, I noticed this quote: "I have taught one doctrine, namely, the infinitude of the private man.” That seems like his view of Jesus’ message.

I can& may write an essay on many ways Emerson expressed that thought. When I assert that the-metaphysical-Jesus affirms if not wrote Genesis 1:28, I feel Emerson, 184 years’ exponential human-discovery and Internet resources later. As far as I know, Emerson was not passionate about Genesis 1, let alone V. 28.

Adding my own life, I urge appreciative-humility-toward whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice, yet hold every fellow-citizens’ God precious to me for them. That’s Cynthia’s and UBC’s fault, as well as mine.

I enjoyed Kenneth sharing the importance of Walden to his family life.

To Vaughn:

Comparing synonyms inescapable and ineluctable.


For "inescapable", opines "incapable of being avoided, ignored, or denied".


For "ineluctable" MW opines "not to be avoided, changed, or resisted". The English (Oxford) dictionary omits "change" for reasons they may comprehend.


The difference between these 2 words hinges on personal opportunity, personal power, personal energy, and personal authority. For example, the flat-earth believer may either discover the globe or make reality escapable for them: The globe does not respond to beliefs.

In another example, a person my divide personal humility between God and Jesus, never appreciating whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-human-choice. 


The ngram for "inescapable,ineluctable" is astonishing! It seems there was debate from 1550 through 1580. The publishing volume is exponentially greater today. However, the normalized-frequency for "inescapable" is now close to then: 63 v 66, respectively. Even more astonishingly, the peak frequency in the study was "ineluctable", in 1574.

I'm doing my part to increase "ineluctable" interest.


I will continue to promote 2022 as the year of the-ineluctable-truth at UBC, in Baton Rouge, for the USA, and for the world and hope you will, too.



Jesus is love.

 Jesus-advocates* can& may appreciate each other’s unique person.

*Or civic-Jesus-advocates, where "civic" infers integrity in human connections.


To Tau Beta Pi, Knoxville

After the CRT conference you hosted I have not had interest in TBP but would be interested in helping you reform.

After rude response,

Fellow-citizens can& may exercise appreciative-humility to whatever-controls-the-consequences-of-each-human-choice.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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