Saturday, April 16, 2022

Catholic charities pick U.S.-citizens’ pockets

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Catholic charities pick U.S.-citizens’ pockets

The protagonist in Chapter XI Machiavellianism (1513) is the Catholic Church.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent willing illegal immigrants from Texas to Washington D.C., and Catholic charities received the illegals.

How long will civic-citizens continue to accommodate Catholic-Church tyranny in the USA?  


A prudent Chris Wallace will retire to avoid further shame. See But then, who could expect a reporter to be prudent: there are no professionals in U.S. journalism and therefore no standards. Only the responsible-human-independent (RHI) can aspire to journalism.

Nicolo Machiavelli, in “The Prince”, 1513, Chapter XI, wrote that anyone who would imagine stopping Catholic charities from picking the civic-people’s pockets with immunity is a fool.

As a dreamer, he wrote on in case anyone insisted: the evidence shows that the pope has developed such popularity and military power that none of the princes can compete.

Of course, I’m speculating, but it seems to me world-wide Catholic charities fund payments to coyote’s who risk desperate people’s lives to reach and enter America before Joe Biden is removed from office. Catholic charities take over the un-civic work once an illegal alien reaches American soil.

Meanwhile, Protestants representing 45,000 sects pray to their diverse Gods to grant them a better future. The-God makes it plain that only human-being can constrain the chaos the USA accommodates.

There is a better way. Christians may both happily look forward to salvation of their mysterious souls in their afterdeath, and accept the Genesis 1:28 duty of order& prosperity during life. Genesis 1 came from the Sumerians, 5,500 years ago. We non-Christians would appreciate Genesis-1 civic-integrity Jesus endorsed.

Quora by Jacob Svendsen

“Power” means “ability to act”; politically, “possession of control, authority, or influence over others”.

Homo sapiens acts on necessity& justice to constrain the consequences of physics& and it progeny, or everything. However, not every human constrains their way of living. Some pursue a dependency, such as indolence, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse; rather than responsible-human-independence (RHI).

Consequently, the civic people earn enough to support their responsible pursuit of the happiness they perceive plus necessary-taxes to secure safety: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity. They hope statutory justice motivates dependent fellow-citizens to reform to RHI. Thereby, civic-citizens limit chaos on earth.

So far, no civilization has inculcated these principles in their youth. Most individuals pursue a higher power – their government or their God -- rather than develop the civic-integrity that is required to practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI. Similarly, as civilizations evolved, nations developed war powers rather than RHI. No one proposes RHI to human-kind. Consequently, the world is in chaos.

With at least 2 of 3 citizens practicing RHI, civic-citizens can& may require government officials to discover& deliver the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Politicians hide “ineluctable”. The word was translated from an older language in 1571 and combined with “truth” in 1906.

Few citizens employ the precision, accuracy, and depth of the-ineluctable-truth. Most individuals settle for truth. Politicians fear their loss of power if 2/3 of citizens stop accommodating truth.

Fellow-citizens who fear RHI empower corruption.

Mr. Svendsen, I express gratitude for your question today, in “appreciations” at by Marc Bloemers

I wonder, Mr. Bloemers, what you are fishing for. What history? What rewriting? What collectivism?

From 10,000 to 4,000 years ago, polytheism dominated political philosophy. Sumer narrowed the field from thousands of Gods to a few, including Enka, the-creation-God. Their political philosophy was that the Gods could not provide order& prosperity on earth, so female& male human-being must independently constrain chaos; note that’s constrain, not terminate.

Accepting responsible-human-independence (RHI), they invented the wheel, cuneiform as first writing, irrigation, fortified cities, and many other wonders; until ignorance about soil salinization through briny-irrigation domed their success. Four classes of citizens cooperated or lost eye for eye, life for life.

Monotheisms kicked in, each culture constructing their-God to defeat the enemy’s God in war. Cultures held abject, mutual arrogance toward the-God. That is to say, arrogance toward whatever entity controls the consequences of human-being choice& action. The collective monotheisms repressed local polytheisms and produced global replacement under the label “God” when the precise, accurate, and deep expression is “the-God”. Chaos increased exponentially.

Four thousand years later, there are over 45,000 Protestant Christian sects among thousands of monotheisms. For many Christians, God is a Trinity. Increased-chaos is divergent in 2022. Constraining chaos is not on anyone’s agenda, despite Genesis 1:28.

Sumer practiced slavery, and monotheism advanced its brutality. Necessity& justice demanded that the U.S., specified in 1787, terminate Christian enslavement “authorized” in fifteenth-century papal bulls.

However, collective Protestant churches influenced 1788 ratification under the commitment to restore English tradition. In 1791, Congress unconstitutionally granted itself freedom of religion and used it to promote factional-American Protestantism. R.E. Lee’s December, 1856 letter to his wife discloses that abolitionists are evil for attempting to accelerate God’s plan to redeem blacks from the sins of their fathers. Christianity’s culpability for both American slavery and the Civil War is collectively repressed.

The collective Union-states then outnumbered the slave-states and accepted the Civil War when erroneous Christian zealots fired on Fort Sumter. More erroneous white Christians killed erroneous white Christians and came face to face with failure to accept& practice RHI. In proportion to today’s population, 8 million Americans died.

Liberation theology and Alinsky-Marxist organization combined in the 1960s to sponsor an extreme political reaction to the “non-violent” burning of U.S. neighborhoods if not cities. The consequence is divergence of the Christian chaos that was underway.

The collective that can terminate this madness is the civic-citizens. They are the U.S. citizens who cherish RHI and therefore earn their way of living plus the taxes needed to preserve hope for the 1787 U.S. intentions: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity.

I dream that the civic-citizens will prevail (and work for it). It will become possible when the U.S. collective happily expects salvation of their soul-mystery, whatever its source may be, and serenely& confidently attends to constraining chaos in their way of living.

The reform that is needed is to change every Education Department so that its intention is not “to train the workers we need” (Obama) but to practice, facilitate, and encourage each person’s transition from feral infant to young adult who acquired the comprehension and intention to responsibly develop a unique human-being: their person.

Did I touch the history, rewriting, or collectivism you had in mind? I’m sincere. by Bill Smith

Yes, an idea can change the world. It seems humankind is in transition to a new stage of homo sapiens evolution, now about 300,000 years into its path. Necessity& justice recall ancient-attention to civic-integrity rather than religious-pride. The human quest is safety& security for appreciative-happiness.

The question is:  What controls the consequences of individual human choices& actions? The renewed answers seem divided between discovery& dwindling-unknowns.

A prudent adult-presence is: I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth, when that is so. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. That’s a new word for most readers, so give it some time& attention. It appeared in translation in 1571, perhaps involved in debate over “inescapable”. “Ineluctable truth” was published in 1906. I use hyphens to invite the reader not to separate the article “the”, which makes the phrase “the-ineluctable-truth’ precise, accurate, and deep to discoverable factual-reality.

In cultural evolution, first, homo sapiens had only mutual perception& reason with no discovery. As the earth rotated on its axis, they perceived the sun rose on one side, traversed the heavens, and hid on the opposite side. They could not imagine let-alone speculate that the sun is 93 million miles away and the earth’s surface speed is 1,000 miles per hour. The sun was one of the Gods and a killer of men. Some cultures attempted to appease the-God by sacrificing humans. The lesser light was more accommodating. Developing cultures attributed every physical phenomenon to a God.

Second, humankind divided by location& heritage/tradition into warring tribes. Cultures reasoned that Gods control human psychology and developed systems of Gods with hierarchy depending on human function – projecting human characteristics onto the Gods. Tribes constructed Gods of war expected to defeat another tribe’s Gods.

Agathon, in Plato’s “Symposium” held that Eros was the strongest of the Gods. Eros neither initiated nor accommodated harm to or from any God or person. Consequently, people and Gods appreciate Eros. The laws of physics, like rotation of Earth around the sun, were arbitrarily separated from human reason as natural law. Discoveries were categorized as physics versus reason; science versus ethics; law versus virtue.

Third, one civilization, Sumer, limited polytheism to less than 10 Gods. The Gods operated in another world and could not manage the consequences of human choice. Therefore, female& male human-being must do the work to bring order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. In other words, civic-citizens must constrain chaos on earth.

Experience& observation made it plain that some humans preferred a dependency: indolence, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse. Therefore, the Sumerian political philosophy included legal codes: an eye for eye, life for life. During the period 10,000 to 4,000 years ago, Sumerian kings led 4 classes of fellow-citizens to invent the wheel, cuneiform-writing, irrigation, fortified cities, the law codes, and other wonders. They were doomed, not knowing that irrigation with salty water would concentrate salt in the soil. Failure to master physics was their downfall. Descendants, mostly Arab, dispersed to survive.

Perhaps the Marsh Arabs of southern Iraq are descendants. They have black hair, light skin, and multi-colored eyes. They work to constrain chaos in their way of living despite disfavor in Iraq. Most are Shiite Muslims.

Fourth, many cultures sprang from Sumer and its local adversaries. Most of them developed monotheism, separating the laws of physics from natural human virtues and responsibilities. The monotheisms bemused legislative necessity& justice with mysterious religious virtue. For example, John Locke held that human-being is the the-God’s property, and therefore cannot be denied life or liberty, even voluntarily – can be governed only by consent. In another example, Sharia law is civil& religious.

Fifth, humankind seems to be transitioning into acceptance that survival is at stake. It may be alright to hope a personal-God will provide for children, grandchildren, and their descendants. However, it seems evident that that the-God will not usurp the human-being responsibility to provide safety& security on earth. Mature adults can& may attend to their own debts.

With safety& security, civic-citizens can& may pursue the happiness each perceives, rather than submit to the vision someone else has for them. Neither the-God nor government can prevent the human quest for peace.

In 2022, divergent-chaos holds the quest for peace in question.

Note: This submission is pending as of 4/12/22 at 4:23 PM central time. by Graham C Lindsay

This seems a semantics problem grounded in diversity regarding both “art” and “ethics”.

First, “art” is creative expression of the-ineluctable-truth. “Ineluctable” means “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. If an expression does not reflect the-ineluctable-truth, unknown as it may be, it is sensationalism rather than art. For example, humans can& ought-not claim to know the-God.

Truth is the factual reality about something. Human-being has not discovered the evidence by which to identify facts, reality, or something regarding the-God. In humility, one human-being claims to not know the-God, and in civic-humor, the other claims to comprehend& understand.

Second, “ethics” is a relative term that may refer to a club’s rules of conduct& membership or to more fundamental purpose such as humankind’s survival. Safety& security can only be assessed by physics and its progeny --- mathematics, chemistry, biology, psychology, imagination, fiction, indeed everything.

The human being can& may employ imagination to create falsehoods when the-ineluctable-truth is unknown. The falsehood can prevail until the-ineluctable-evidence that negates the lie is discovered. For example, the sun, once thought to be the-God is comprehended as a thermo-nuclear reactor. Human sacrifice to appease the sun is no longer accepted.

That rascal John Locke (d, 1704) claimed that a person is a property of the God and as such can only be governed by consent. To this day, politicians proffer Lockean boasts to warrant life, liberty, and property while they pick the people’s pockets with consent of the majority. The U.S. ruins Lockean democracy with a constitutional republic that replaced “property” with “the pursuit of happiness”. Locke expressed religious opinion because he did not pursue the-ineluctable-truth.

Facebook April 13, 2022

Such tragedies are unbearable. We, the civic people, need to stop accommodating this way of living. Neither the-God nor a government will usurp our duty to constrain chaos on earth. Eliminate chaos? No. Constrain it? Yes. That's the human-being duty on earth. (April 11, 2022)

Human being is a civic activity. Human appreciation is beyond civil.

Cleve Wright

Hum…… the more dealings I have with humans , the better I like my dog!

It takes 5 weeks to train a dog.

A human being can& may choose the-good after a quarter-century acquiring the necessary comprehension& intention.

Unfortunately, no culture inculcates the required civic activity: practice, facilitate,& encourage responsible-human-independence.

Cleve Wright

Phil Beaver Ok! The older I get , the few folks I care to be around; miss our chats in the park, eatting shrimp from Tony’s and philosophically discussing life.

Phil Beaver

Me too. I appreciate your comments. They always stimulate my dream. And the spontaneity we share helped change my life to sincere transparency. Thank you. I look forward to our next visit.

Your wit is dry like Cynthia's.

I still have to woo her every day.

Two nights past, for the first time, she did not move her silent eyes from Jimmy-Fallon-TV to me even once as I typically sang "Let me call you sweetheart" before good-night kiss. Hurt: I complained I must not be her sweetheart. She looked squarely into my eyes and puckered for a kiss. I'm the luckiest puppy alive!

Cleve Wright

Phil Beaver that’s great stuff



Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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