Saturday, April 30, 2022

No free pass to Judeo-Christian judges& lawyers

 No free pass to Judeo-Christian judges& lawyers

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.

"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for individual happiness with civic integrity more than for the city, state, nation, or society.

Consider writing a personal paraphrase of the preamble, which offers fellow citizens mutual appreciation:  For discussion, I convert the preamble’s predicate phrases to nouns and paraphrase it for my interpretation of its proposal as follows We the People of the United States proffer & practice 5 public disciplines —- integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, “in order to” encourage & facilitate responsible-human-independence “to ourselves and our Posterity”. I want to improve my interpretation by listening to other citizens and their interpretations yet would preserve the original, 1787, text, unless it is amended by the people.

It seems the Supreme Court occasionally refers to it, and no one has challenged whether or not the preamble is a legal statement. The fact that it changed this independent country from a confederation of states to a union of states deliberately managed by disciplined fellow citizens convinces me the preamble is legal. Equity in opportunity and outcome is shared by the people who collaborate for human justice.

Every citizen has equal opportunity to either trust-in and collaborate-on the goals stated in the preamble or be dissident to the agreement. I think 2/3 of citizens try somewhat to use the preamble but many do not articulate commitment to the goals. However, it seems less than 2/3 understand that “posterity” implies grandchildren. “Freedom of religion,” which fellow citizens have no means to discipline, oppresses freedom to develop integrity.

Selected theme from this week

Judeo-Christian judges& lawyers can& may be civic-citizens

I prefer the U.S. constitutional republic to democracy, social democracy, mob rule, communism, socialism, and Judeo-Christianity – just another tyranny over responsible-human-independence (RHI). RHI is the national destiny that is proffered in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

Consequently, I suffer no grief over wokism’s modern attack on the long-standing tyranny of Anglo-American tradition in the West. It is promoted primarily by the English Commonwealth of Nations, who may never understand American genes and memes.

On the threshold to my 80th year, I accept that I never was a Baptist, as Mom wanted rather than the civic Protestant Dad wanted. Furthermore it took me 50 years, during the last 40 of which I could have enjoyed acceptance of my faith in the-ineluctable-truth to reform to my person. Without example, facilitation, and encouragement, I instead pressed on to satisfy Dad, Mom, or either of my siblings, depending on the decade.

“Ineluctable” means ‘not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Once a human-being accepts that the laws of physics constrain human-choice, there is nothing to avoid, change, or resist. If the ineluctable-evidence is not yet discovered, the person may accept “I don’t know”. There is no mystery, no passion, no intention, no incentive to try to impose hope& comfort in order to force the laws of physics to change, accommodate, or cooperate.

For example, the sex-change industry and its sponsors can feel the accountability that the laws of physics inevitably delivers. They are well advised to accept personal-entrapment-perception and get Bob Newhart counselling: Just stop it: now.

The U.S. has arrived at constitutional chaos because Congress granted itself freedom-of-religion by which to tyrannize fellow-citizens. Justices on the Supreme Court have preserved that Anglo-American tradition since March 1789 when an 11-state Congress was seated.

The civic entity We the People of the United States can& may amend the First Amendment, in order to promote civic-integrity rather than Congressional-religion. The Supreme Court justices can practice, facilitate, and encourage the reform starting in May 2022.


Ben Weingarten crying over God-fearing, freedom-loving loses) (

I perceive no excuse for sympathizing with lawyers ruining fellow-lawyer’s careers and think justices should suffer the same in-fighting. I have a suggestion for Anglo-American precedent:  Just end it and take up the-ineluctable-evidence as basis for court decisions. Ineluctable means, in America, “not to be avoided, changed, or resisted”. Europeans seem to allow evidence-change based on reason/religion.

The entire system regressed from the 1787 U.S. republic with public discipline to the 1791 unconstitutional re-establishment of colonial, Anglo-American law, complete with religious freedom to Congress at the expense of the civic entity “We the People of the United States”. “Civic” refers to reliability in human connections and transactions rather than civil precedent.

Weingarten’s words choices reek with John Locke impositions: liberty& justice rather than necessity& justice; “God-fearing, freedom-loving patriots” instead of responsibility-bearing integrity-appreciating civic-citizens.

As the advisor says, consider reform before mounting offense against fellow-citizens who demand relief from long-standing, orthodox-oppression.

I wrote to President Trump for 5 years urging reform from the First Amendment’s unconstitutional provision of freedom of religion to Congress. I urged support for civic-integrity “to ourselves and our Posterity”. My next presidential-primary vote will go to the candidate who proposes this reform.

I expect Pence taught Trump a lesson: the U.S. commander-in-chief cannot rely on a man who claims to witness for Jesus. No man should nourish such arrogance. No man can witness for Jesus. I doubt it, but would not be astonished to learn that Jesus authored the 5,500 year-old political philosophy that is expressed in Genesis 1:28. The philosophy -- human-being independently responsible for peace on earth -- came from Sumer; before Abraham was born.

Let’s develop necessity& justice based on the-ineluctable-evidence and re-assign legal-precedent lawyers& judges to private-sector jobs and pay.


Facebook April 28, 2022

Being religious or not is no excuse for un-civic behavior. "Civic" refers to reliable connections& transactions between fellow-citizens.

We, the 2022 "ourselves and our Posterity" can& may consider this principle and practice, facilitate, and encourage civic-integrity in the coming elections. Beginning today, we can& may let candidates know that if they perceive their religion/none holds them above civic-integrity, We the People of the United States will not allow them to hold office.

Fellow citizens who are government officials can& may practice civic-integrity.

Most of all, the future "ourselves and our Posterity" can& may amend the First Amendment so as to proffer civic-integrity to the people rather than freedom-of-religion to Congress.

Citizens who don't know "ourselves and our Posterity" ought not vote, in order to resist voting against themselves and their children, grandchildren, and beyond. Government officials who don't know We the People of the United States can& may be unelected or fired., April 16, 2022

Here's my objection to Dr. Jeremiah's advice: assign your daily duty to the mystery -- the-God.

Genesis 1:28 instructs female& male-human-being to independently provide order& prosperity to the lesser species and to the earth. This political philosophy came from Sumer, where the kings taught that the Gods control the heavens and cannot perform on earth so rely on human-being. (Jesus affirms Genesis 1:26-28, for example, in Matthew 19:4-5 and John 10:34.)

Two thousand years later, Hebrew scholars presented the Sumer philosophy in their language and in Genesis 2 changed from God of creation to "the Lord God" and started a competitive political philosophy. Other tribes developed their competitive philosophies. Other tribes developed their competitive philosophies. Drastic oppositions to the descendants of Issaac developed among the descendants of Ishamel. Among them are the competitors for Islam.

One thousand years later, Gentiles presented the Hebrew story with Jesus the Messiah, Son of God, and element of the Trinity. Christianity entered the competition and by 400 AD there were Eastern, Oriental, and Western Orthodoxies. After Luther Protestant Orthodoxy proliferated, and today, there are 45,000 Protestant sects.

Another 2000 years later, Dr. Jeremiah's urge for us to ask a competing mystery each day to tell us what to do, when 5,500 years ago that same mystery made it plain each human is in charge of constraining chaos in their way of living and providing peace in their human connections and transactions seems futile if not arrogant toward whatever controls the consequences of personal choices.

(Not knowing the-ineluctable-truth, I don't try to address the question: Is chaos the control? I just don't think it is.) April 22, 2022

The movie reader may ask: why don't Duvall's noble words inspire practice, facilitation, and encouragement to the-good?

I think love fails:  Appreciation inspires the-good& love.

Education Departments and teachers' unions can& may reform so as to inculcate in each child appreciation for their human lifetime so informed& earnest that most will happily take responsibility to develop their unique person rather than submit to what an entrepreneur has in mind for them. (For example, lifetime subservience to "gender-change".)

Civic-citizens can& may stop accommodating the expansion of government-power while praying to the-God to end the misery and loss only fellow-citizens can stop. That is, the-God will not usurp human-responsibility.

Only voters can limit government-employment to civic-citizens who practice, facilitate, and encourage responsible-human-independence.


Chris, your thumb-up motivated me to speculate about what the-God is, hoping to listen-to& learn-from readers.

All, please read to write a response to 10 suggestions that follow. For interest, consider that the Biden administration is powering the politics to convert boys into girls and vice versa, enslaving for life both subjects-to the gender-transition-industry and you& posterity to the-bill-payments.

First, I don't know the-ineluctable-truth, so can only express opinion. (Ineluctable means not to be avoided, changed, or resisted and modifies "truth" with precision, accuracy, and depth.) My opinion is informed by some of the past reports -- about Sumerian culture, Hebrew scholars, Greek writers like Plato, Catholic canon, Christian canon, papal bulls, slavery-abolition writers, American independence writers, Thomas Paine, George Washington, U.S. constitution framers& signers, Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Southern writers like Faulkner and O'Connor, European classical-liberal writers like Locke and Hume, and most of all by the great political philosopher, Albert Einstein. I apply their suggestions to opportunities to increase my opinion by listening to transparently-sharing fellow-citizens (transparency is a Christopher Nalepa favorite). My purpose is to establish the topic and an opinion then listen.

Not all fellow citizens are transparent. Some protect a dependency. Approaching my 80th year, I realize that my dependency has always been trust-in and commitment-to the-ineluctable-truth, unknown as it may be about something and as inarticulate as I may be. As best I can guess, the-ineluctable-truth is expressed& discovered in the laws of physics. That suggests that physics is the-God. And it would not upset me if that were the-God’s opinion, despite mine. I think there is an entity that controls the consequences of individual human-being choice and action: and don’t know what it is.

Physics& its-progeny, such as mathematics and biology, control everything, including imagination and fiction (by default). Thus, like most humans I know, I am dependent. Yet I own an awareness to which I work to conform: physics& progeny. Physics does not answer to reason, revelation, emotions, passion, science, justice, or any other human activity. Human action can change circumstances by which the laws of physics operate but cannot control consequences. For example, the world cannot control the consequences of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. I can be upset by wellness challenges (physical or psychological illness) but am better of working to improve self-interest and the attendant benefits to my society.

Necessity& justice demand female& male-human-being to provide peace on earth. We may ask, is human necessity& justice the-God? However, there is little to be gained from changing "necessity& justice" to "the-God". In fact, there is much to lose: "the-God" can be used to persuade citizens to attempt to avoid responsible-human-independence (RHI) by bemusing them with hope that the-God will usurp their individual role in pursuing peace on earth. There's ineluctable-evidence that RHI need-not& cannot be avoided. For example, the parent who neglects their child invites losing the child. The neglectful nation may lose its citizens. This could suggest that negligence is the-God.

We can examine necessity separately from justice. Under positive human response, necessity is caused by physics. For example, female& male mate and the consequence may be a new potential human-being. It takes a quarter-century for an encouraged human-infant to acquire the comprehension& intention to develop their unique human-being. Few young-adults emerge with self-interested comprehension& intention to the-good. However, each human-being has the opportunity, the power, the energy, and the authority to choose either civic-integrity or infidelity. Here, “civic” means mutually reliable human connections and transactions. Each person can& may choose fidelity. This suggests that choice is the-God.

Young adults accept that they can& may develop RHI. However, popular adult-practices the young may observe facilitate& encourage negative dependencies: indolence, religion, crime, tyranny, evil, and worse. The youth observe that these dependencies are nourished by power& money. Often, adults forfeit power& money for sex. The Biden administration promotes sex to elementary students. The youth perceive that the 2022 consequence is chaos that is diverging. Their only hope is to develop RHI anyway. What can motivate them to civic-integrity despite the chaos? It seems obvious that sex is not the-God. Yet we are constrained to ask: why do some people bend over backward for sex?

Social democrats intend to make RHI impossible. Their strategy is to make government so large that no one can resist. For example, they intend to enslave many children in a lifetime irreversibly dedicated to the sex-change industry. Such industries are not capitalism, because the sex-change service is not wanted by a RHI-culture. Capitalism operates on reliable entrepreneurs providing needed& wanted products and services to aware individuals. Communism defines& controls products and services with no regard to the people.

Conservatism preserves economic viability to the human species. For example, necessity& justice demand that a person earn their food& shelter and safety& security. Civic citizens earn what they individually need plus taxes by which to provide the infrastructure for safety& security. That includes support for citizens who would-but-cannot provide their needs. Preserving this economic system is fiscal conservatism. Economics is a progeny of physics, perhaps of the-God; maybe physics invites reform to polytheism. Just as a 2 party system vies for power, polytheism keeps religious institutions from using “God” to distract from “the-God”. That is, when the regime claims God, the people are quick to ask: what God? Maybe by default “God” is the-God. I don’t think so.

Politicians have known for millennia that a religious people can& may be-persuaded to-beg their God to usurp RHI, leaving them vulnerable to tyranny. The British honed the involvement of church in government, constitutionally requiring 26 bishop-seats in the House of Lords. Unfortunately, the American Bar Association reveres "Anglo-American law" and justices use it to tyrannize fellow-U.S.-citizens. American citizens accommodate the tyranny. Individuals invite tyranny when they can-but-don't pursue the necessity& justice of RHI. Thus, religious conservatism exacerbates 2022's divergent chaos.

What motivates citizens to accommodate tyranny? I think two negatives influence dependence. First, no culture practices, facilitates, and encourages RHI to their youth and to adults unto maturity (to “ourselves and our Posterity”; I quoted the preamble to the U.S. Constitution). Second, a human life is too brief for most individuals to overcome the civil practices in their locale, in order to discover and adopt the civic-integrity that is required to pursue the-good. Civic-citizens can& may listen to each other and responsibly pursue the happiness each chooses rather than submit to tyranny. Civic-citizens encounter justice only as providers, witnesses, and jury-service: necessities. When 2/3 of citizens are participating a better future will be possible. This suggests civic-integrity is the-God.

Inculcating RHI is not a new proposal. The Sumer civilization, 5,500 years ago suggested that Enka, their creation-God, assigned responsibility for peace-on-earth to homo sapiens. Sumer kings, for 6,000 years, administered necessity& justice in their locale, leaving the sky-mystery to the Gods to manage. The most complete extant Sumer code is the Code of Hammurabi. The Sumerians were discovering the laws of physics& progeny when ignorance that briny-irrigation concentrates salt and ruins soil. The Sumer demise affirms that physics is the-God.



Only 4,000 years ago, monotheism dominated speculation about the-God, and cultures vied to claim the-chosen-people under tribal-Gods. A recent article refers to 3 orthodox religions: Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism! It is so easy for social democracy to defeat divided cultures! Not to mention that it makes no difference to a civic-citizen if his neighbor is a Muslim, a Sumer descendant, an orthodox-tewahedo-Ethiopian, a person with faith in no God, a philosopher, or simply an agent to necessity& justice. The tribal beliefs preserve division. This suggests that belief is the-God. But it’s a God of chaos rather than order.

The “Western” competition for dominant personal-God persisted through 1776. Then, formerly loyal British colonists on the American eastern-seaboard declared that “Nature’s God” would defeat the English-Trinity, Catholic or Christian as it may be. They were fully aware that France did not want England to control N. America. Indeed France gave the providence required to invoke the supreme justice of the world at Yorktown, VA, in 1781. This suggests that military-power is the-God.

The 13 free& independent states specified in the 1783 Treaty of Paris could not develop RHI, so 12 of them met to strengthen the union-of-states, the USA. Framers developed the world’s first republic predicated on public discipline or RHI. Just 5 days before the signing, the Committee of Style listed the disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, in order to practice, facilitate, and encourage RHI to “ourselves and our Posterity”. Only 39 of 55 framers signed the 1787 draft U.S. Constitution. States ratification-conventions caused commitment that the first Congress would amend the draft. Thus, the framing of U.S. institutions passed from independent thinkers to politicians. The 1789 USA lessened by re-establishing some Anglo-American tradition.

France took themselves out of RHI-grace with the “Bloody Revolution” of 1789. License to liberty replaced independence. And in 1789, U.S. Anglo-traditionalists who had neither the means nor the intentions to return to England sidelined RHI by restoring British tradition in the 1791 Bill of Rights. This suggests that politics is the-God.

The art called “religion” persuades individuals to choose dependency. People pray for their religion to relieve burdens. Politicians partner with clergy who construct& maintain a persuasive mystery that bemuses people from the self-interest of RHI. The mystery of soul is an excellent tyranny. The prospect of eternal damnation, or reincarnation as a lesser species, or perhaps another mysterious punishment-scheme instills fear that can dissuade an individual from fidelity to self, spouse, family, and fellow-citizens. This suggests that fear is the-God, not a new idea.

The politician-clergy partnership misuses the innate human-tendency to take responsibility. Parental guidance to walk, to talk, to think, and to act is necessary to facilitate and encourage offspring to take responsibility for their person. The process can indoctrinate the unaware-person to dependency for life. If the fallacy, you-have-personal-responsibility-for-your-mysterious-soul, can be inculcated in the child, it may persist until death. Each child has the opportunity, power, energy, and authority to accept that they were not involved in origination of soul and therefore are ineffective respecting its destiny. A responsible human-being can& may leave the mystery of soul to its origins, in order to take responsibility for their unique person. This suggests that responsibility is the-God.

Returning to the-ineluctable-truth, my list is by no means complete. From physics to responsibility, I listed 10 “the-God” suggestions and excluded sex. I hope sharing my opinion will inspire someone to comment so that I can& may be informed to improve my civic-integrity. I accept that something controls the consequences of individual choice& action. By all means, we can& may be humble to the-God, whatever that entity may be.


I continually discover why Jesus strongly influences some civic-citizens of the world: appreciation. Despite all that has been written about him, Jesus’s practice, facilitation, and encouragement-to the-good represents the innate human-condition if the individual nourishes their person unto maturity. Personal-perfection is possible yet unlikely without practice, facilitation, and encouragement.

That is to say, when a newborn baby’s 2 parents and 4 grandparents exemplify, facilitate, and encourage the-good, the baby can& may accept their unique opportunity, power, energy, and authority to develop civic-integrity unto responsible-human-independence (RHI). If so, they may, before dying, approach their perfected person. Perhaps the person chooses RHI because they appreciate living.

I first encountered concretely-suggested human-perfectibility-before-death in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” (1838). The Bible’s Peter& Paul suggested that resurrection to heaven was personal-perfection. Emerson saw Jesus as a man with unique appreciation of human being.

Born to my Eastern-Star-mother and 32nd-degree-Mason-father, who were competing Southern Baptists and good providers, I keep an open mind to Jesus’ messages that seem affirmed by experiences and observations.

When I read Agathon’s speech in Plato’s “Symposium”, I saw the possibility that Jesus might introduce himself to individuals according to the claim “Before Abraham was born I am”. I perceived Agathon expressed transcendent-appreciation more than passion (eros. I am not aware of another “Agathon-reflection-of-Jesus” and wonder if Greek thought made its way into Bible text (ostensibly the word of the-God).

Recently, I discovered that Genesis 1:28 expresses Sumerian political philosophy in Hebrew terms. Enki, the creation-God, aids other Sumer-Gods who together tend to the heavens only. The-Sumer-Gods rely on human-being responsibility for order& prosperity (peace) on earth. The-Gods cannot usurp human duty. Matthew reports that Jesus affirms Genesis 1:26-28 in Matthew 19:3-4.

Some say “God is love”: perhaps Jesus is appreciation. It seems to me appreciation is sufficient to inspire civic-integrity and love is often inappropriate. I don’t know the-ineluctable-truth.

The Sumer kings from 10,000 years ago until 4,000 years ago, at amazing pace, discovered the laws of physics that empowered them to limit chaos in their lives – invented the wheel, irrigation, fortified cities,  reed-mansions, swamp-mats, and much more. They lived among warring cultures. See, “the Mesopotamians believed that Gods had already done their work and put the earth in motion. Humans were merely co-workers who were there to maintain order and hold chaos at bay”. Individual humans could& might cause chaos --- and suffer consequential law-enforcement: eye for an eye and such.

Monotheism emerged, and cultures constructed doctrinal-Gods to favor their particular tribe. Conquered, Sumer dispersed. Descendants have dark hair and many eye colors and some may still be in southern Iraq, practicing ancient livelihoods and crafts.

Regardless of Jesus’ status – man, Son of God, or God -- advocates who transparently pursue Jesus practical ideas can& may benefit. For example, it seems untenable for a man who joined to his wife to divorce her; appreciating this principle could lessen divorce rates. Entreating Jesus to usurp individual-human-responsibility for peace on earth seems unappreciative if not arrogant. Each person may accept and share “my peace I give you”.

Sumer left the suggestion that human-being is responsible to limit chaos -- to provide peace on earth. Monotheism repressed the peace mandate, constructing doctrinal-Gods to be persuaded to usurp the human-responsibility to limit chaos. One tribe’s God would destroy other tribes. Political policies can be judged on whether they lessen chaos and increase peace on earth.

The Agathon story proffers evidence that at least one Buddhist philosophy is grounded in the laws of physics. The Buddhist seeks a mature teacher to help discover& establish RHI (responsible-human-independence) by the student for the future. Once the student consistently practices RHI to the present, they emerge a teacher to the future. Time marches on, presenting new challenges rather than “killing” lessons from the past. Similarly, Jesus’ message, be perfect, lives on as evolution progresses.

The 1787 U.S. Constitution proffers a republic with public disciplines: integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity, assigning personal inspiration& motivation to privacy. However, the 1791 amendment imposes religious doctrine in hopes the-God will usurp the-people’s duties. The practical consequence is 3 American orthodoxies: Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism and the erroneous claim to Manifest Destiny. With the 1791 religious-freedom to Congress plus the consequentially unrepresented fellow-citizens such as Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, so called “atheists”, and bountiful others, the USA is already divided for the enemy to conquer. Yet the 2022 or future We the People of the United States can& may reform.

For example, removing Congressional religious constraints, in order to unleash Jesus’ human-appreciation& peace, can& may provide an achievable better-future in the USA and beyond. Jesus’ appreciation of the-good can& may-be neither constrained by tradition nor denied to civic-citizens. It seems “ourselves and our Posterity” can& may choose the-good to prevail. April 22, 2022

Nearing my 80th year, I've been asking myself (reading, writing, speaking, and LISTENING to discover an answer): with such wonderful people and 1787 draft constitution, how can Americans be divided?

Christian sects rather than Jesus/God divides Americans. Why reform division? Use it to develop power.

There are 45,000 Christian sects in the world. No need to divide: just take over and let them pray for relief. Jesus, come into my heart; cleanse me; make me whole.

All the while, Jesus affirms Genesis 1:28. Observing on what humankind has observed in 5,500 years, the idea is: female& male-human-being can& may establish peace on earth. See Matthew 19:4-5 and John 20:21, appreciating responsible-human-independence and peace, respectively.

Phil Beaver does not “know.” He trusts in and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. Conventional wisdom has truth founded on reason, but it obviously does not work.

Phil is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at, and consider essays from the latest and going back as far as you like.

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