Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26, 2018

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.
"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for responsible freedom more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the June 21, 1788 preamble:  We the civic citizens of nine of the thirteen United States commit-to and trust-in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services to us by the USA. I am willing to collaborate with other citizens on this paraphrase, yet may settle on and would always preserve the original text.   

Our Views (

As presented, it seems the only benefit of The Advocate’s lawsuit was “I told you so,” as segue to this “Our Views”---not my idea of best use of subscription income. Has anything changed at LSU?
But worse is praise for Mayor Broome’s process, which offers no comfort at all. However, much as I am grateful to Donald R. Trump for volunteering to help the people find relief from, first, the GOP and, second, the DNC, I am grateful to Chief Murphy Paul for taking on a horrific civic challenge and civil responsibility. Best wishes to you, sir.

The Advocate? I don’t think they understand that Europe likes social democracy, liberal democracy, socialism, communism, emotionalism, communitarianism, and all manner of irresponsible chaos. I was perplexed when Barack Obama was celebrated overseas: I now perceive it because other nations do not understand the American republic, and they want to encourage Americans to join their misery and losses.

However, as long as there are people who understand that the American dream---private liberty with civic morality---is offered by the preamble to the constitution for the USA, hope that the American republic will be established will survive The Advocate’s honest, erroneous free press.
Baton Rouge needs a free and responsible press.

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Psalms 37:8-9 CJB)
Stop being angry, put aside rage, and don't be upset - it leads to evil. For evildoers will be cut off, but those hoping in ADONAI will inherit the land.

Dean says, “Let it go. God will take care of you.”

David suggest hope, but Dean leaps to certainty. I don’t trust either David or Dean.


The resistance’s Schumer (Rich Lowry) ( 

My two votes for Trump/Pence seem to be building for future votes the same way. I hope so, but I’m also hoping for separation of church and state---the end of Chapter XI Machiavellianism in the USA.
Humility could help this writer (Michael Gerson) (

We can now look back on [Billy Graham’s] gullibility with nostalgia.

Gerson is so steeped in gullibility to his personal wisdom that he has no room for doubt. Just one humility toward the-objective-truth could save his writing. Journalism? Not so much.

A journalist (Byron York) (

From York’s analysis, it seems to me Mueller invaded Manafort’s home and life on a civil witch hunt.

Regardless, I am changing my claim to: other than Byron York I can't name a journalists.


AMO audacity (Andrea Gallo) (

Below, I express opinion and do not claim to know the-objective-truth. I think Baton Rouge can have a culture of mutual, comprehensive safety and security and work to make it happen.

When a person or institution discovers un-civic or uncivil activity in this country and does not report it, they become not merely dissident but complicit in the attack on public integrity. It seems to me The Advocate is honestly complicit in the AMO* attack on the East Baton Rouge Parish Metro Council. I appeal to subscribers and advertisers to halt The Advocate’s power to favor chaos** instead of order; social democracy instead of the American republic**; special interest instead of civic morality.

Rather than review the facts about the AMO attack on EBRP Metro-Council, The Advocate chooses the AMO way of quoting. They support social democracy (chaos) instead of America’s constitutional republic (order). They interview left-leaning lawyers but not constitutional originalists. There can be more consequence than silent shame:  civic citizens, both subscribers and advertisers, can oppose The Advocate’s AMO activity. I do.

Here’s a partial history of civic abuses by Gary Chambers and others, including perhaps black-caucus Metro-Councilpersons relaxing the civic order so as to accommodate AMO:

May 25, 2016 Chambers disrupted discussion of Essen-Perkins medical corridor: . Chambers said to Councilman Loupe, “You . . . I see you after the meeting doc,” with meaning I cannot guess; and .
July 27, 2016 Chambers disrupted the process of unruly people leaving a discussion of Baton Rouge police residency;
August 11, 2016 Chambers speaking freely against white men: . Why does skin color determine opposition and justify violent talk?
May 10, 2017 the Metro Council had opened the floor for public input on a sewer backup and Chambers continued planned disruption begun by Michael McClanahan; Chambers had advertised intent to shut down the meeting: The AMO crowd applauded as order was enforced;
May 19, 2017, Mayor-President Broome issued a letter that defends free speech without responsibility for civic order: . I can neither guess Broome’s intentions nor perceive a direction from her words.
October 11, 2017 Chambers and others disrupted discussion of police pay for Blane Salamoni on leave but were allowed to bloviate. “While previous meetings saw members of the public tossed for speaking out of turn or off-topic during public debate, no one was escorted out of chambers Wednesday. Unlike in previous meetings helmed by Pro Tem Scott Wilson, on Wednesday Donna Collins-Lewis wielded the gavel.”;

*In case readers don’t recognize the acronym, AMO, it means Alinsky-Marxist organizers---groups that come in many disguises. For a few articles on it, see the conservative sites and and a CNN view at

**The Civil Rights Acts of 1964-5 ended 400 years of struggle to establish the humanity of black people who were in America as a consequence of the African slave trade. The acts were brought about by a confluence of forces: 1700 years of erroneous Bible advice overcome by America’s military power in 1865 and by black-Americans’ persistence a hundred years later. However, over the next five years a confluence of, liberation theology, black power, the Congressional Black Caucus, and AMO coalition brought on five decades of chaos. A civic people have spoken: the AMO era is over, and the American republic remains strong in what it offers every citizen who wants it  enough to discourage liberal democracy.

***The only way I envision glimpsing the American republic is to read and understand the 1787 (draft) constitution for the United States (12 states of 13). The Bill of Rights that were (added on nine states’ June 21, 1788 ratification with commitment to do so) tainted the republic with freedom of religion, in practice freedom of theism, in principle freedom of factional Christianity. This imposition came at the hand of Congress, then representing 14 states, so 10 states were needed for ratification on December 15, 1791. We the People of the United States has carried the burden of self-proclaimed legislative deity, imposed by the First Congress, since April-May, 1789, when Congress arrogantly hired congressional chaplains. Thus, in order to establish the American republic, a civic people (those who trust and commit to the civic agreement that is stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA), may separate church and state.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the actual-reality. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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