Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.

Note 1:  I often dash words in a phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" as in citizens for the people more than for the city.

 The Advocate:  See online at
Our Views (Memorial Day). I appreciate Memorial Day and The Advocate’s attention to it.
The Advocate conclusion begs ideas for a better future: “That lack of gravity seems to inform our politics these days. We must do better . . . long after Memorial Day has passed.”
We suggest Baton Rougeans prepare for Ratification Day, June 21, by reading, considering, paraphrasing, practicing, and promoting the preamble to the constitution for the USA, especially on June 21.

That one sentence, the preamble, states the purpose and aims of collaboration by willing citizens to establish and maintain civic justice. “Civic justice” is for citizens of humankind more than for citizens of the city.

In civic justice, the city, state, and nation serve the people. The world benefits from the national example.

That sentence, the preamble, divides inhabitants: a civic people vs dissidents. A civic people, by example, inspire and motivate dissidents to communicate their concerns and objections with integrity rather than with violence or with disruption, so that actual injustice may be identified and corrected.

Since June 21, 2014, we work to increase a civic people. After a conversation with Don M, I wonder if Baton Rouge is now split 1/3 civic, 1/3 passive, and 1/3 dissident. We hope to experience an increase to 2/3 a civic people in Baton Rouge by Constitution Day, September 17, 2017.

Civic justice by a willing people does not come by propaganda, coercion or force. It comes from awareness that we can have collaborative safety and security so as to responsibly live our brief, private lives. Nevertheless, annual celebration of Ratification Day, the people's day, might lead to great celebrations of July 4, national Independence Day.

I cannot think of a better way to honor our fallen soldiers and their families and the people than to celebrate Ratification Day, without which the Confederation of States, originally thirteen, might exist or not.
Our Views (terror). Not to diminish the current reign of terror, I think it is erroneous to bury the erroneous past.

Despite the modifier “current,” “Reign of Terror” recalls the French Revolution. The mind quickly jumps to The Inquisition. It’s a stretch to the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Doctrine of Discovery is obscure. However, these events have in common the religion-politics-partnership: Chapter XI Machiavellianism.

The global dilemma with Islam is that most Muslims believe religion is politics. The integrity of Islam is that it makes and sometimes takes that erroneous assertion covertly.

In 1905, France made separation of church and state a law. See . Christianity erroneously labels France a secular nation, when in reality many French people are privately religious. Soviet Russia failed to outlaw religion. The preamble to the constitution for the USA is falsely labeled secular whereas it is neutral to religion.

The USA could end its religious hypocrisy by amending the First Amendment so as to protect thought, a human responsibility, rather than religion, an institutional hope.

Despite all appearances other than his unabashed humanity, I hope President Trump will influence that change.
Today’s thought (Psalms 119:62). I move about in gratitude and openness to the-objective-truth.

When I have a civic problem, I try to resolve it from my side, and wait patiently if another party needs to collaborate. If I doubt my judgment, I visit a civic practitioner (skilled social worker) for advice. If the other party feels they’d prefer not to communicate, I accept their liberty-to choose.

When I gave trouble sleeping, I read, think, and may write. The likes of Plato, Madison, Hayek, Poulos, and many more inform me much better than Dean could.

For example, could Dean present anything but mystery regarding the Bible’s verses that condone slavery? New Testament hate?

I think it is time for Dean and others to awaken to the-objective-truth.


Cut taxation for the arts (Stillman). Creativity cannot be coerced. Philanthropy is a form of coercion. Redistributing tax money is beyond coercion toward force.

The technology of art can be taught, but art appreciation cannot be coerced. A Kennedy Award may coerce consideration, but appreciation for the art may not result.
Cut taxation for the arts.

Next monuments (Kabacoff). I guess about $1 million or more was spent to take down four monuments. The CSA lesson about “more erroneous religious beliefs” was not considered much less learned.

What does “move on” refer to? Big bucks to replace the monuments and other big bucks to relocate the monuments?

And take ‘me down has their sights on many more monuments and remembrances. More big bucks in three stages?

Against my wishes, I visited New Orleans, including Lee Circle. Latrobe Park is so disgusting I don’t want to return.

A young man who passed by seemed like an inhuman human. In the past, I would think “Oh, well it’s New Orleans.” I do not want to go back.

When some people served me at meals or at hotel, I felt tolerance toward me and the label “old white man.” I do not want to go back there.

Time to move on; time to say “goodbye.”


Trump-Russia has no substance (Jules Witcover). If the-objective-truth is that the media, in concert with officials in place due to Obama fabricated the Russian story, there should be a consequence.

For example, Congress might pass a law that media fabrication of a brouhaha can lead to multimillion dollar fines to the publisher, and jail to the fabricators. Benjamin Franklin recommended the cudgel. The people need statutory law.

Additionally, Congress might require the publisher to reveal all leakers involved in the fabrication and subject them to traitor scrutiny, fines and jail.

The people deserve better than freedom of the press, because the press goes way beyond freedom.
Leftist drubbing again (David Ignatius). The midterm elections have the potential to send the liberal democrats into oblivion.

Even France is glancing toward American change after President Trump’s speech: We are sovereign and we don’t lecture other nations.

Trump has no character (Michael Gerson). Trump does the right thing anyway.

I don’t think I have ever encountered such leadership before---anywhere, anytime.

If my votes succeed, Gerson will need to turn pride to humility; gullibility to resolve. If so, will Gerson have the character?

I doubt a self-styled journalist can admit being wrong and apologize.


Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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