Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening to other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to express facts, opinion, or concern, perhaps to share with people who may follow the blog.
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with dashes in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, the writer expresses his “belief,” knowing he could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.

The Advocate:  See online at

Our Views (GOP budget). It seems to me Gov. Edwards’ leadership-myth has been dispelled by Edwards, especially regarding the Jindal excuse (I never voted for Jindal), flood relief vs Vatican-visit, health care, fear tactics, Angola operations, and legislative sessions (is it five so far?).

Just before this legislative session began he torpedoed his task force’s recommendations by rolling out a corporate revenue tax, a sales tax on steroids, and when that fails, he capitulates.

He expanded Medicaid, which created new taxes on some medical services and goods, creating a state liability that looms large and attracting a GOP backlash that may be reflected in this “Our Views.”

What happened to J. P. Morrell’s campaign to stop wasteful tax exemptions? See . What about John Kennedy’s list of administrative abuses? Does any of that matter to the people . . . The Advocate? Who does The Advocate serve?

Effect TOPS savings at full funding by increasing student requirements to both qualify and keep the education subsidy---higher graded in high school and quicker graduation from college.

I want a dedicated gas tax increase with tight reins on expenditures, because I am disgusted with workers having to spend extra lifetime to get to and from work. But enact something more economical to me, like changing working hours for federal offices to say 10:00 AM till 6:00 PM, and I’d be all for keeping gas prices low.

However, I want the extra sales tax to die and do not want any other tax increases, because I think the administration and the legislature are too loose with revenues.

Moreover, The Advocate may at any time start writing a bias for the people instead of the Democratic Party. After 229 years of neglect, a civic people may realize that practice, promotion, and celebration of the civic contract that is stated in the preamble to the constitution of the USA is repressing the opportunity to preserve both freedom-from oppression and the liberty-to pursue the personal happiness a civic person perceives. “We, the people” includes the dissidents against the preamble’s civic agreement.

The dissidents are prevailing, and bias for a political party is not voluntary public-integrity.
Today’s thought, Psalms 108:12. Perhaps Psalms 108 was recycled from 57 and 60 (David at war with Syria). David is lamenting his conflicts, praising his personal God, and invoking help in the conflicts. Thus, the subject is political conflict or war, whereas God seems spiritual.

NIV has “Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless.” CJB has “Help us against our enemy, for human help is worthless.”

Dean has “God can do what no one else can do. Trust God.” Is such deviation from the text blasphemy?* Jeremiah Wright generally says trust God not government. Phil Beaver looks to the people for justice.

Throughout the ages, men have explicitly or tacitly claimed, “My God will beat your God.” In the Declaration of Independence, it’s tacitly “Nature and . . . Nature’s God” [will defeat the king’s Protestant God]. In the CSA’s unconstitutional declaration of secession from the USA, it’s “more erroneous religious belief.” The North and South prayed to the same God (the CSA erroneously). Abraham Lincoln responded, “Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world?”

The preamble to the constitution for the USA says, “We the People of the United States [who want to achieve the goals stated herein] ordain and establish [a nation].”

I appeal to at least 2/3 of citizens to practice, promote, and publicly celebrate the preamble. Iteratively-collaborate to solve public problems by civic means, keeping religion a private pursuit. Establish at last America’s promise: freedom-from oppression so that citizens my earn the liberty-to pursue the happiness they perceive rather than a dominant ideology. There will always be dissidents to voluntary public-integrity, a choice.

* Conversation with Dona Bean about this post, 5/6/17.


Stelly plan (April 4). To Scuddy LeBlanc: Scuddy, that's a good point: State revenues increase with employment.
Through April, 2015, employment (orange curve in the graph on page 10 of ) was on an accelerating rise.
Loss of oil & gas jobs is hurting now, but recovery will come.

I notice La has 4 new wells this week. It has been lagging the nation, but now seems to be picking up.
ACLU out of step (Esman). Ms. Esman, you contradict yourself. 

“Human trafficking is a crime. [W]e shouldn’t glorify those who did it in the past. We owe all victims, past and present, that much respect.” 

The doctrine of 1) discovery for God and 2) colonization for agriculture with African-slave labor was initiated by the Catholic Church and promoted competitively by Protestant kings. They purchased Africa's commodity: People.

The South and especially Robert E. Lee was a victim of the Atlantic Slave [Trafficking] the Church initiated in the 1450 s and came to this land in the 1620 s. To call Lee's monument a “monument to slavery” adds ignorance to your hypocrisy. Your ignorance might have leaped out of your mind's mirror if you had used your “trafficking” trick respecting the Lee monument.

To Kevin Armbruster: I agree. In the human condition, fidelity is key: fidelity respectively and collectively to the-objective-truth, to self, to immediate family, to extended family and to the rest of the list. Robert E. Lee lived an exemplary life.

It's a shame that a "leader" like Esman is so out of step with humankind.

Landrieu seems a clown or slave or something, so he can be excused by everyone who is not of We the People of the United States as defined in the preamble to the constitution for the USA.

Sadow wrong on OPD (Bunton).Research shows” is meaningless without data. Your letter seems like propaganda.
Froma Harrop column, “Old magic”. Ms Harrop, the old magic of Clinton lies has stopped.
Many of Obama’s lies still prevail in federal personnel.
When media personnel confront President Trump with lies, Trump gives them a parallel lie to occupy their time.

We know that the real Donald Trump won the majority vote in 84% of US counties. That’s pretty real---no magic. The first 100 days accomplished a lot of real change, like a 9th seat on the Supreme Court.

You have an opportunity to start thinking for the people or continue battling your imagination.

Edward Pratt column. A few “other” comments. 

A felon with a loaded gun endangered first responders to a 911 call. Officers Salomini and Lake responded to six or seven aggressions by Sterling and finally perceived they may lose control of their assignment to protect the public. Sterling acted again after being shot three times, and the public threat could have ended.

Many liberal democrats are still employed in federal departments, and they are doing all they can to convince Donald Trump to give up. The liberal media are on their team. They were as aware as I am that Louisiana had negotiated with the DoJ to inform the fami
ly of the decision. Regardless, the leaker and the media cared more about positioning media personal like Edward Pratt to indict the Trump administration. 

I stand by my conspiracy theory from last year that Sterling (and eleven policemen who were shot) are victims of an AMO plot to fabricate a violent summer of 2016, President Obama’s last. Anyone can write down the dots of my theory pretty easily. It starts with two years of BR-visiting speakers on behalf of AMO style “unintended” violence of passion. I attended the one by Jeremiah Wright and was amazed that you did not cover the encouragement of college kids to march in protest.

Thank goodness Baton Rouge police called in the state enforcement team to help prevent nightly property damage, injury, and murder experienced by other cities during these AMO times. And thank goodness Louisiana, so far, kept AMO cottage-industry-lawsuits to a minimum.

Let me personally thank you for recognizing Salamoni, Lake, and their families at a time of relief from the first ten months of their denial of the civil right to a job that has support of the institution that authorizes their assignments: We the People of the United States who are committed to the preamble to the constitution for the USA. We call them a civic people, where civic refers to persons who behave in connections and transactions so that both parties experience justice and individual-independence. 

Let me also congratulate you as the only person I know of who has publicly expressed concern for Salamoni, Lake and their families.

However, I hope you will reform from the practice of stonewalling the “groups will launch protests.” Let’s voluntarily exercise public-integrity with candid talk. I think the Baton Rouge coordinator for AMO protests is Together Baton Rouge. 

See Together Baton Rouge association with IAF at . See “The Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) is a national community organizing network established in 1940 by Saul Alinsky, Roman Catholic Bishop Bernard James Sheil and businessman and founder of the Chicago Sun-Times, Marshall Field III at . 

Alinsky affiliates need to be avoided like the plague, and it is not harmful to share that message with your friendly activist friend---it might save their well-being. That's a special reason not to stonewall the "group" part of your column. Adults should---The Advocate should---do everything they can to help children and adolescents and caution uncivic adults.
Dana Millbank column (Airline passengers). The certainly drove me away.

Walter Williams column (Airline passengers). Williams, you disappoint me.

I negotiated with my neighbor to mow my lawn. He said, well you know I’m paid $200 per hour. I said, well, would you barter with me? He said, “I’ll mow and count the payment as equity in your home.”

Not equating equity to capital, I agreed. In a few years, my mortgage was paid. Later, my neighbor notified me that I’d have to start paying him rent. I asked why. He said, “I got an appraisal and compared it with the capital I’ve built up:  I own your home now.”

I said, ‘Oh, I didn’t realize that was happening. Can I get a refund for the taxes and insurance paid this year?”

He said, “We did not negotiate that, and I’m a little short on cash right now.”

Maybe I’m too naive to read your column.

COA director’s suit to mom (Page 2B) Maybe mom will either recuse herself or throw the case out and charge the judiciary costs to the plaintiff.
Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood.

Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at

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