Monday, March 19, 2018

A neglected American dream

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.
"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for responsible freedom more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the June 21, 1788 preamble:  We the civic citizens of nine of the thirteen United States commit-to and trust-in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services to us by the USA. I want to collaborate with other citizens on this paraphrase, yet would always preserve the original, 1787, text.   

Our Views (

Anybody who thinks tainting Lamb with John Bel is fun begs justice, and justice has a way of arriving unannounced. The Advocate personnel know this.

But the close vote in Pennsylvania is significant. I hope Conor Lamb is a champion for statutory justice, and the people in his district foretell the end of the party system altogether, however the close vote goes.

The American dream is private liberty with civic morality. No one articulates it, because, so far, it’s only an opportunity rather than a promise. The opportunity emerged when a faction of eastern seaboard colonists noticed that England intended to deny the freedom-from oppression and liberty-to responsibly pursue individual happiness they had tasted on this continent. They cleared their woods, built their cabins, learned to hunt and fish from the natives, and traded for goods they needed. They bristled at the threat of losing freedom-from and liberty-to.
The individual authority to responsibly pursue personal preferences is in the American’s memes if not genes, and many immigrants adopt the memes or arrive with improvements right away. A person---any human individual---has to work against his or her own nature to grant that authority to someone else. The nanny state has increased that privation of integrity as we are now seeing in the head office of the FBI.

I voted for candidate Trump both because none of the GOP alternates seemed to possess individual authority and because Mike Pence partnered with him. I would not vote for more governance of the Alinsky-Marxist organizer’s (AMO) the USA suffered for eight years. Again, we see the fruits in the current FBI failures and there seems more to come: Eric Holder’s gun gifts to Mexican drug lords is at last being investigated.
America has had an opportunity for 230 years. Each citizen may read, understand, and adopt the agreement that is offered in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. With most citizens committed to that agreement, the people may wean themselves from the competitive two-party system and elect officials who know their job is to establish and maintain for every citizen who wants it, private liberty with civic morality. In other words, mutual, comprehensive safety and security. In other words, a culture of human justice.

This generation may retire the lame “we the people” to effect at last We the People of the United States. Baton Rougeans may lead the way, and John Bel Edwards could be the champion. The Advocate personnel are citizens, too.

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Proverbs 11:4 CJB), The Advocate, March 17, 2018, 7B.
“On the day of wrath, wealth doesn't help; but righteousness rescues from death.”

Dean says, “Money won’t help on Judgement Day. Only Jesus can make us righteous and ready for the day.”

Dean shares with the public the reason Jesus-ministers and their institutions don’t want money. Maybe the tithe is a hoax perpetrated by people who want to ruin the Church. Maybe Dean will advise the public about the hoax:  I don’t know.


Family disturbance (Charles Lussier) (
The Advocate personnel seem to like to “roil” schools and the people who serve the public by managing the schools.

In this incident, it seems a wayward mom with a history of disturbance rather than verbiage and voting to express views (maybe hers, but maybe not) attempts to indoctrinate her sons, and one, at least initially, takes the misguidance: It may not stick. The school and the other students behaved with civic morality.

An interesting feature of law by ACLU is that the letter writer cannot collaborate with the front office about the letter. We’ll see how this turns out. However, the ACLU taking on a school that protects a person from his wayward mom does not seem promising.

But I don’t know anything beyond the fact that lawyers and judges tolerate a lot of wayward colleagues and plaintiff’s attorneys---for money, I guess.
Thank goodness we have and American Civic Justice Union. It’s called the preamble to the constitution for the USA, and its owned-by yet so far neglected by We the People of the United States who trust-in and commit-to the agreement the preamble offers.

The Advocate personnel could join We the People of the United States.

To Connor Michael Elsea. You and many writers for the press want an American democracy. However, the constitution for the USA guarantees a republican form of government and specifies the rule of written law.

Europe wants the USA to be a democracy after their styles: social democracy, liberal democracy, socialism, communism, and totalitarianism. We the People of the United States reject European social democracy in favor of American republicanism.

The inexorable march to statutory justice rather than dominant opinion has been offered for 230 years. It has been bemused for five decades by Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO), now dominated by the Obama OFA. However, "our democracy" in America has encountered We the People of the United States.

Please consider the preamble; paraphrase it; consider which of its goals you want to make happen. Perhaps join the march toward statutory justice.

To JR Madden: JR, militia talk is impertinent. A 2008 Supreme Court opinion protects owning a gun for self-protection and for hunting;

I think Google personnel present the evidence that they could care less about the rule of law by directing searches to the militia issue. Perhaps they are social democrats or socialists who further alienate themselves from the USA by thinking children should be endangered at schools as gun-free zones.

The USA is a republic and the phrase "our democracy" is leftist propaganda.

To Sandra Jackson McCrea You speak to me as though I am neither a Baton Rougean, a neighbor, a husband who is dedicated to his wife and three children (one deceased), to his friends, to his hometown newspaper The Advocate's personnel, to his extended family and friends, to the people of this nation, to the people of the world, and to the universe.

Since I am retired, do you consider me expendable and the sooner the better? Don’t be shy. It happens all the time.

People march for exclusive diversity, not even knowing what responsible diversity means.
Marchers disrupt other people's lives and could care less.
Phil Beaver does not “know” the actual-reality. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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