Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5 decades of AMO: Alinsky-Marxist organizatons

Phil Beaver seeks to collaborate on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. The comment box below invites readers to write.
"Civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for responsible freedom more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the June 21, 1788 preamble:  We the civic citizens of nine of the thirteen United States commit-to and trust-in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services to us by the USA. I want to collaborate with other citizens on this paraphrase, yet would always preserve the original, 1787, text.   

Our Views (

The Advocate seems willful in its obfuscations of opportunity to create prosperity. Perhaps The Advocate seeks power.

The Advocate, in print, hid its folly “Assuming lawmakers want to fix fiscal crisis . . .” Everybody knows that assuming begs woe, and stating that you are assuming discloses erroneous or false intentions. The press, at least my hometown newspaper, has the arrogance to beg woe anyway.

It wasn’t clear to me before I tried to understand, but politics in the USA for the past five decades had been under the oppression of Alinsky-Marxist organizations (AMO). Theoretically, AMO operates on demand for human rights that the organizers define. For example, the United Nations promotes “human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want.” See second paragraph of preamble at The diabolical promise “freedom from want” came from FDR. Who can limit human want?
Today, the principle AMO champion is the Obama led OFA; The Congressional Black Caucus is in support, and so it goes with the Legislative Black Caucus. Also, Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and its affiliate Together Baton Rouge; Watch out for Better Together.

The special session was about citizens and collecting revenues. On the one hand, Republicans proposed sales tax revenues that would collect maybe $240 million. Democrats insisted on a conditional vote for $80 million from personal income tax. Is this a taxpayer debate, or a power debate? Does the failure hurt “taxpayers” rather than the people of Louisiana? Was this a defeat of a party or AMO disruption? Are the victims taxpayers or citizens? Are all Louisiana citizens taxpayers, one way or another? What is The Advocate’s motive for using the divisive term “taxpayers” when all citizens suffer the harm done by Gov. John Bel Edwards and the Legislature?

In the 1850s, factional-Protestant ministers in the South were preaching that “the North has invested a great political error with the sanction of more erroneous religious belief,” Such beliefs came from interpretation of the erroneous Holy Bible that was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. R. E. Lee opined that abolitionists opposed God’s plan: “While we see the course of the final abolition of human slavery is still onward, and give it the aid of our prayers, let us leave the progress as well as the results in the hands of Him who, chooses to work by slow influences, and with whom a thousand years are but as a single day; In 1852, Frederick Douglass had famously said slavery was alright for everyone but the individual (like R. E. Lee) and that the 1787 Constitution prepared the nation for abolition; People who accept the-objective-truth more than the Holy Bible and trust and commit to the civic agreement that is stated in the preamble to the constitution for the people of United States accepted and won the Civil War.
Today, some factional-Protestant ministers are preaching that Africa is the mother continent, Jesus is brown, and God is black. The only way a white person can achieve salvation from hell is to help black Americans reign supreme. The Legislative Black Caucus is a victim. Citizens who are fooled by black power are victims: only We the People of the United States can rise above the error of the Holy Bible. Black people in America may accept Frederick Douglass’s message that the 1787 Constitution is inclusive to those who accept the agreement offered in the preamble.

It is past time for The Advocate to address these issues. After all, The Advocate, is our hometown newspaper. It has both the responsibility to be the voice of We the People of the United States and the freedom to obfuscate actual reality, as it does.

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Psalms 49:15-17 CJB), The Advocate, March 7, 2018, 7B.
“But God will redeem me from Sh’ol’s control, because he will receive me.  Don’t be afraid when someone gets rich, when the wealth of his family grows. For when he dies, he won’t take it with him;
his wealth will not go down after him.”

Dean, omitting V.15, says, “Riches ae not the key to life. They will fade away and so shall those who trust in them.”

I trust and am committed to the-objective-truth, which does not respond to doctrine, tradition, or any other human opinion, such as mine. However, its seems obvious that wealth addresses living while salvation addresses the afterdeath, that vast time after body, mind and person stopped functioning but wealth remains in someone’s hands.

Dean has a business plan for his religious institution and would use David’s folly to effect increase. The Sermon the Mount also tries to persuade the poor to be satisfied with poverty.


Require video cameras in every childcare facility (Fossey) (

I appreciate Fossey’s concern and am not scratching my head as to why The Advocate arrogantly captioned the letter:  Their opposition to Fossey’s opinion is evident to anyone who reads beyond the caption.
The Advocate has freedom of the press and uses it without shame, let alone discretion, let alone responsibility. Honestly, integrity never occurs to social democrats, many of whom are AMO recruits. Some readers erroneously expect the caption to reflect the citizen’s published opinion. However, The Advocate demonstrates that its personnel honestly owe no fidelity to readers . . . beyond freedom of the press.
Knowing the law, it’s hard for me to imagine how The Advocate personnel show their faces in public! Despite the civic immorality smiles for newspaper personnel is socially moral and religiously moral.

The Advocate writes the captions on letters to the editor. In this case, “Bill would help children, caregivers.” The caption directly refutes Fossey’s statement, “The Louisiana Legislature should vote down Senate Bill 71.“ I doubt The Advocate personnel are immune from the Louisiana Constitution’s statement, “Every person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments on any subject, but is responsible for abuse of that freedom.” I wrote to the state AG to ask.
The Advocate is the professional, and they are taking advantage of most readers’ focus on living (so as to pay their subscription to The Advocate, for example) rather than responsibly understanding and collaborating for civic morality. (People who are not involved in civic morality, whether intentionally or not, are dissidents to justice.) That’s why civic people write and maintain a state constitution even though they authorize a national constitution.

The Advocate’s initial report on State Sen. Beth Mizell, R-Franklinton’s proposed Senate Bill 71 is at The proposal is posted at

This is not the first time Mizell has shown she is ambitious for something.

Regardless, I wrote to my state senator and my representative my request that to substitute SB71 with a proposal to require cameras that protect children from both internal (neglect or abuse) and external threats (for example, shootings) in all childcare facilities.
Taxpayers? (Montgomery) (
James Gill, other personnel for The Advocate and other social democrats use the term “taxpayer” to falsely divide the people of Louisiana. When justice does not prevail, citizens lose.

One way or another, all citizens are taxpayers: sales, income, property, corporate profits, and overhead. Viable corporations produce goods and services people need or want, so taxes on successful businesses add to the people’s costs. Taxes on sales directly cost the people. Sales tax has a fairness in that state revenue varies as consumption varies. Extravagant consumers pay more tax. If the extravagance is funded on income or property tax, the sales tax restores some fairness, especially if the extravagance adds to government costs. Everyone bears the cost of governments: subdivisions who vote in a tax, cities, parishes, states, and the nation, so citizens suffers four to five layers of taxation. Governments should serve all citizens.

Insidiously, governing bodies favor themselves. Consider two public servants: legislators get 56c mileage whereas jurists get 16c; see Also, governments court special-interest groups that will favor the officials in return for favoritism. Thus, taxes are collected from some people and given to others. The cost of this graft is born by all citizens, much like infrastructure.
The graft is made possible by mendacity. Among the mendacities is the fabricated word “taxpayers,” used often during the recent special session in which officials collected $1 million from the citizens of Louisiana. The million came from all state revenues. Social democrats deem it favorable to report a cost to “taxpayers,” as it seems to divide the people, empowering political parties. The Advocate’s business plan seems predicated on dividing the people.

There’s an old saw in Greek language, to the effect, “The people got smart and started collaborating for civic justice.” We know that a divided house begs woe, as in the Civil War. Citizens may realize we are all taxpayers and reject The Advocate’s intentions to divide us.
I sincerely appreciate Montgomery’s propriety in writing for social morality, but think he does so in popular vernacular. If he wrote this opinion to communicate as a citizen---with his propriety as a citizen, he might have converted The Advocate’s “taxpayers” to “citizens.” I hope he would agree.

(Interestingly, “St. Tammany” was an indigenous chieftain rather than a Catholic saint. He advocated civic morality with Pennsylvania settlers, and his ideas lived until governments ruined them. Our generation may restore civic morality.)


Compromise is the wrong goal (Dan Fagan) (

A civic people collaborate for financial viability in view of the-objective-truth rather than rationalization. Other people are dissidents to justice.
I don’t hold Gov. John Bel Edwards solely responsible for failure to address the-objective-truth. But he may consider what has been articulated in his current home town.

Additionally, the preamble to the constitution for the United States, 1788 through 2018, ten states then and fifty states now, invites citizens to collaborate rather than compromise or subjugate. To collaborate, each citizen may apply his or human authority to benefit from a higher power rather than conflict for dominant opinion. Since opinion is excluded, the higher power cannot be religious belief or political doctrine.

Only the-objective-truth requires each human to conform and help humankind survive if not flourish. For example, humankind now knows that the earth is like a globe rather than flat and 4.6 billion rather than ten thousand years old; thus, the Holy Bible is unreliable. In psychology, humankind knows that the liar can neither compromise, nor subjugate, nor collaborate; the liar merely takes himself or herself out of the discovery of the-objective-truth.
Baton Rouge may emerge the first city in the USA---the first civic people---who collaborate to discover the-objective-truth for financial viability in justice rather than conflict over legislative favor. If so, the sooner the start the better.


Hate (Caroline Grueskin and Lea Skene) (

After five decades of dominance by Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO) capped off by eight years of its leading champion, Barack Obama as president ( it is not surprising that there is a factional-Christian backlash, not that I know anything about Chad Horsley. What’s ironic is that Obama claims to be part of another Christian faction, of definition only Obama knows. But Jeremiah Wright professes black theology, however he describes it.

The Christian faction I know about is my five decades effort to be what mom and dad wanted, Southern Baptist, whereas my person trusted-in and committed-to the-objective-truth long ago. Happily, in 2018 I am in the 25% of the population that is non-religious.

Admitting that I do not know the-objective-truth, I appeal to every individual to use and develop his or her human authority to reject any religious belief or political doctrine that motivates passionate harm, whether it be hate or attraction. Especially avoid both AMO and religious institutions, who are perfectly happy to recruit, only to leave the recruit with the responsibility for the harm the institution suggests, either directly or by inference. The following is a list of examples:

President Trump has a right, as a citizen, to claim America is a Christian country. However, that should not motivate Christians to break civic morality: mutual, comprehensive safety and security. The individual is responsible for any breaches of civic morality.

President Obama has the right to sing “Amazing Grace,” but does not have the right to impose on America African kings’ erroneous selling black people and European king’s arrogant possession of the Americas. Obama and all black Americans may honor and join the independence of a civic people of the United States---those who collaborate for the agreement stated in the 1787 Constitution for the United States.

US Rep. Garrett Graves has a right to pray for wisdom in his legislative functions but does not have a right to impose on constituents a report of religious activities by a minister. The US Supreme Court’s erroneous Greece v Galloway affirmed a town council’s prerogative to use religious ceremony to begin their meetings, but did not authorize Graves to impose prayer on constituents. Legislative divinity is for legislators only. Yet legislative divinity has been unconstitutional toward the preamble since legislative ministers were hired in April and May, 1789.
A community that has “no solicitors” signs or reputations should not be invaded by Christian zealots, who want to impose their fears of Hell on other citizens; have a right to pray in their closets and churches but not on the doorsteps of non-believers. An American's home is his or her sanctuary.

Gov. John Bel Edwards has a right to ask the pope’s blessing on his governorship but does not have a right to partner with the Vatican on any public projects or philanthropy for refugees at the expense of citizens of the United States and ought not spend security money for the partnership.

The Holy Bible advocates hate for family members, and ministers do what they can to apologize for it. However, it is well known that many people read the words of the Holy Bible then go out and harm people. America may face the actual reality of the Holy Bible’s influence any time the civic people of the United States want to. I think the pivotal chance for reform for civic morality is passing.

In the meantime, the list of victims who think they are justified to attack non-believers will continue to increase. Regardless of my searching concerns, I regret the influences that inspired Chad Horsley’s unfortunate behavior toward different looking people. I consider Horsley a Christian victim and a victim of legislative prayer. If I am correct, Christianity is the responsible mental disorder.

I urge a civic people to privatize Easter, allowing dissidents to slowly reform as they perceive an achievable, better future in the USA. The Advocate personnel may choose to be civic citizens anytime they perceive the need.

 Phil Beaver does not “know” the actual-reality. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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