Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-indisputable-facts-of-reality have not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by learning other people’s experiences and observations. The comment box below invites sharing facts, opinion, or concern. (I read, write, and listen to establish my opinion as I pursue the-objective-truth.)
Note:  I often connect words in a phrase with the dash in order to represent an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth without addressing possible error or attempting to balance the expression.

Our Views: On what basis does The Advocate lessen the facts, as in “Modern pipelines . . . are arguably safer . . . “ Where’s the integrity in that scramble of words?

And isn’t The Advocate’s introduction of “the Dakota Access pipeline” strawman mendacity?

By making the issue reflexively oppositional “to fossil fuel consumption” The Advocate hides the fact that the pipeline offers safety and economy in transport and argues against their group.

When people remind me that the newspaper is written for an eight-grade audience, I begin to perceive (in my eight decade) that the press uses words to obfuscate their business plan rather than to inform.

Today’s Thought. Dean starts with the Old Testament and the Lord as “my shepherd.” Dean converts the Psalmist’s comfort to the Good Shepherd, with capital letters. 

Dean can cite John 10:11, but there I find lower case “good shepherd.” I do not know the-objective-truth, but it seems to me John’s Jesus would provide favorable afterdeath. Evidence shows that justice for living comes from the civic people rather than from dissidents against public-integrity.
Good people practice public-integrity for civic morality rather than religious hopes.

Cartoon. Shame on The Advocate for publishing this mendacity. This happened on Obama’s 8-year watch. Also, the news is everywhere: “The animal rights group, PETA, spent years petitioning against the treatment of circus animals.”

Medicaid cost (Gee). Gee seems to write propaganda to address Sadow’s facts. The money Louisiana spends to keep adults out of emergency rooms could be better spent on educating children. Too much money is spent for adult satisfaction rather than to meet obligations to children.
Trump-haters (Sellen). Good job: What are they thinking?

I write constantly that children and adolescents may beware subjugating themselves to Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO). AMO reaches into unexpected places such as Together Baton Rouge and Together Louisiana. AMO originated from clergy coalitions. See my quora answer today, below.

Walter Williams column. What do you call imagining events and then arguing with what you imagined? Fighting the windmills in a mind not necessarily your own?
“The fact that a good or service can be produced more cheaply elsewhere helps.” Helps what? At what cost? Can you think at all?

Michael Barone column.  Thank you for historical spotlight on sets of 24. Would dissidence rather than “this” improve the caption?
“Although Clinton and Bush refrained from blaming their problems on their predecessors, Obama [blamed Bush during 7 of 8 years].” Barone works hard to obfuscate Obama-facts.

Kevin McGill column.  I nominate for opinion-column of the year this factual report and indictment of charter schools as unsustainable administrative largess rather than education of children.

Also, writers who aspire to be journalists might consider McGill’s example. Despite what LSU Mass Comm says, public opinion generated by the press does not determine public policy: The facts will eventually out and the civic people rely on the facts.
Perhaps quoting the Research Alliance data, “In New Orleans, charter schools spend more on chiefs and less on classrooms.”  

Clarence Page column.  Page tacitly burns his American flag for the next four years.

He may need to bury the idea of ever respecting an American flag. If a civic people succeed, future elections won’t help liberal democracy one bit (liberal benefits without civic responsibilities).

Page might do will to iteratively collaborate with 1966-march-icon James Meredith, who accuses the black race of neglecting duty and responsibility. Trump asks Lewis, “What have you done lately?”

Re-election Money (Page 1A). I heard Mrs. Clinton had a huge war chest. Blue-blood money can be squandered.

School Disputes (Page 1A). It’s amazing to watch a governor raise disputes with operation of the state he is in, especially when the education of children is at stake.

Protests (Page 2A). Anger into hate? Woeful acts beg woeful consequences.

Russian officials (Page 3A). There is no more severe violence than the psychological affront of slapping a person. Stop it! Stop the subjugation of women and children!

Mayoral Prayer (Saturday Page 2B) follow-up. Phil wrote: Citizens must recall that prayer led the South Carolina legislature to secede from the USA in 1860. Moreover, prayer led President George W. Bush to invade Iraq in 2003. Citizens of Baton Rouge, beware governmental prayer!

Also, consider President Trump’s January 20 message: Togetherness and solidarity on blood color rather than skin color. I would add togetherness and solidarity on civic morality rather than religion.

Tom Ledet: Indeed! And let's not forget the Catholic church and the Crusades. Or the Morman church and the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Both were religion inspired mass murder of innocent decent people. We humans just start thinking irrationally when we let prayer/religion get involved.

Phil: Thanks.

The Wikipedia account of MMM says the innocent people were merely passing through Utah on their way to California.

I wonder if there is a way to recall Ms. Broome if she does not reform from her racism-and-church intentions to impose her indoctrination on the people of Baton Rouge.

I think politicians who take the erroneous Greece v Galloway (2014) for granted are not risking their office. For example, Rep Garrett Graves' christian-gestapo turned ceremonial prayer at Bluebonnet Library into a Baptist minister's witness to the glory of preaching on Capitol Hill. The preacher gave a Christian-conservative rating report on Mr. Graves. Way beyond ceremonial function!

I exclude myself from such tyranny, yet, quoting Greece, am "niggling" for reform. I wonder if the FWIRFA, Public Law 114-281,, will eventually negate Greece. (The Supreme Court cannot legislate to reverse congressional acts.) I hope Greece is negated, since I am neither theist nor atheist yet am often civilly excluded by both of those conflicts with public-integrity.

Why do some parts of society feel its perfectly acceptable to cut in line in society? And not think twice about it?

It’s a useful question. I think it is a consequence of what I refer to as Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO). It promises bad behavior rather than public-integrity. AMO was made possible and was in full display on January 21, 2017, by 230 years of willful neglect of the civic morality offered in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. I will explain my theory and leave it for you to find the evidence and form your opinion: I do not know the-objective-truth.
Civil rights marcher James Meredith in 1966, stated in 2016, his opinion that the black race has not accepted the duty and responsibility side of citizenship. The same opinion can be formed about women’s-liberation, LGBTQ-pride, the Supreme Court’s lordship of dignity & equality, and other disruptions in public-integrity.
Here is history’s evolution of AMO theory. In the 1950s and 1960s, 1700 years of real-harm, perpetrated against black humans by Christianity, met justifiable resistance. Black power through black church peacefully demonstrated for civil rights and voting rights, which were granted in 1964 and 1965 acts. I experienced these events and was elated with “freedom at last.” However, I did not notice two elements of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1963 speech: Character rather than skin-color for his four children rather than for everyone and check cashing. I opposed militants, both white and black.
Also, in the 1950s and 1960s in Latin America liberation theology emerged from a coalition of Catholic priests, protestant ministers, and political activists. The idea is that blue-bloods (my innovation so as to include myself as someone who may overcome the real-harm) used Christianity to oppress the red-bloods (again, my innovation to express my view of Donald Trump’s inaugural speech). For example, the sermon-on-the-mount, which we heard on January 20, 2017, expresses Jesus, a Jew, as the champion of red-bloods against oppression by the blue-bloods. Liberation theology may be adopted by anyone who would like to use a theory of Jesus to claim they are victims of the blue-bloods and therefore demand reform. Part of the demand for reform is retribution for past offenses by the blue-bloods. Therein the Marxist label that by 1962 discouraged liberation theology as a Vatican idea.
The justice achieved in 1964 and 1965 motivated both militant blacks and civic citizens to take action (for example, I kept my three children in public schools and coached them at home to take responsibility for a good education. All three attended college and two graduated, one with a master’s degree. Militant blacks wanted more and saw opportunity in black power and liberation theology.
In the mid and late 1960s the seeds of AMO exercised black-power-violence & disruption, but in 1969, there were two pivotal events. James H. Cone published Black Theology and Black Power. And the organization that would become the Congressional Black Caucus formed. Then, in 1971, Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals, based on decades of protest using young people and adolescents whose passions in public-disruption for an AMO-cause can lead to destruction, violence, even murder.
During the past five decades, AMO has dominated political struggles with a voice that is unmatched and unrestricted by a civic people. For example, local authority requires me to purchase a $1 million insurance policy for a theater performance, but AMO can stage a protest that demands police protection but no risk-responsibility.
The consequence of five-decades of AMO influence, exacerbated by liberal-democracy (I want it all and I want it now), is a culture of people, young and old, who feel entitled.
Incidentally, Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright were headquartered in Chicago, where Obama became a powerful community organizer. I think of him as the AMO prince. I heard Wright in 2015 urging citizens to turn their backs on government and count on God. It is a code statement for black supremacy.
As I said, I do not know the-objective-truth, but an impression of the failure of blacks and foreigners to appreciate the preamble to the constitution for the USA is formed starting with some evidence such as:

AMO flows into the women’s marches on January 21, 2017 in the USA and elsewhere, and on the word of the media turns to a march against Trump. Beware Alinsky-Marxist organizers (AMO).
Phil Beaver does not “know”. Phil trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. Phil Beaver is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit. See online at

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