Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to write.
Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the preamble by & for Phil Beaver:  We the willing people of nine of the thirteen United States commit to and trust in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services by the USA, beginning on June 21, 1788.
Composing their own paraphrase, citizens may consider the actual preamble and perceive whether they are willing or dissident toward its agreement.   

Our Views (Nov 15, Page 6B)
I agree, and justice comes only from a civic people. 
Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Matthew 19:5-6 CJB)
“and that he said, `For this reason a man should leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two are to become one flesh'?  Thus they are no longer two, but one. So then, no one should split apart what God has joined together.”

Dean says “Marriage is God’s plan. Stay married.”

The-objective-truth, in its progeny called “biology,” informs humankind. Incest creates genetic problems. Homosexuality does not permit independent procreation---technology such as ménage a trois is required. Thus, fidelity excludes procreation when the partners are homosexuals. Procreation and parenting with fidelity to the-objective-truth extends to grandchildren and beyond.

Dean advocates vague ideas that may not correctly reflect Matthew’s primitive understanding. I trust-in and commit-to the-objective-truth. Other people choose their paths, but I am intolerant of civic injustice. I think Dean promotes civic injustice.


Vote yes on hotel tax (Fetterman and Engelsman, Nov. 14)

To John Smith:  Baton Rouge, with its parks, libraries, and civic events with widespread good-will, is, for those who want it, an oasis in a conflicted world. Moreover, it is the center of innovation for civic peace. No where else, excepting where there are people who follow our blogs, can you find ideas like this:

This nation is distinct in the world in that it is authorized and supervised by the people who trust-in and commit-to the civic agreement in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. Only a civic people may offer justice. Collaboration to discover the-objective-truth offers the needed power.

Mitch Landrieu’s tyranny (Stewart)

I think Landrieu is a tyrant, but being an honest businessman does not exonerate a writer from the obligation to public integrity.

In 1852, Frederick Douglass said: “There is not a man beneath the canopy of heaven that does not know that slavery is wrong for him.” Perhaps Lee saw it as salvation of souls.

In 1856, rebuking the abolitionists in a letter to his wife, Robert E. Lee wrote, “The painful discipline [African blacks] are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is Known & ordered by a wise & merciful Providence. Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild & melting influence of Christianity, than the storms & tempests of fiery Controversy.”

Lee wrote to his wife in honesty. However, he did not display the integrity of having looked in the mirror and asked, “If American theism made me a slave because of my skin color and ethnicity, would I abide it?” With integrity, he might have sold all his property and moved from Virginia. To, say a territory like Bleeding Kansas.

That was five years before Virginia became the eighth state to secede, practically eliminating Lee’s liberty to choose.

Justice comes from civic citizens rather than God or government (borrowed from A. Lincoln, 1861).
If Stewart had it correct, I apologize for my ignorance to the-objective-truth.

To Philip Frady: What's your specific objection to my opinion?
Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
Writing for the audience (Lanny Keller) (

Non-fiction writing, Mass Communications, and political science, I think erroneously, informed this chemical engineer to write for the audience. I think Mr. K and The Advocate do not write for the people of Louisiana; there’s some other audience.

In this particular column, I perceive seasoned use of the non sequitur fallacy: “the extraordinary coalition of conservatives and liberals, business groups and churches is . . . not . . . speaking, this is the data.” I don’t think it’s data speaking. I think it’s a coalition against the people of Louisiana, aided by a free and irresponsible (to the people) press.

As I understand political rectitude, “writing for the audience” means making an educated guess as to what’s in the listener’s intentions, devising a way to present the message so that it seems to satisfy the listener’s expectations, and hoping that deception is not detected. By political preference, the moderately skilled writer divides a surveyed audience into loyalists, moderates, and opposites. The writer shapes statements to please loyalists, invite moderates, and bemuse opposites. Thus, one message has three purposes.

Because I do not feel smart enough to question someone and extract their opinion, I have never trusted power to share my message in their language. I especially have no talent for reading the communications from three segments of an audience. Sucks, I might conclude that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama is president. Alas, I can only write my message and hope the other party will either care enough to respond to the actual idea or not hit me in the head with something hard. A good example is my term “civic morality,” which relates to public peace more than municipal goals.

When the press chooses to write for an audience, they direct their writers to write for that audience. However, press responsibility to the people is to report the facts and maintain the record of progress toward civic morality. This principle may be gleaned from the preamble plus the First Amendment amended to address a free and responsible press. The press may say that a chemical engineer has not the propriety to make such a statement. However, that merely suggests that the press is not writing for the people.
Second message: Other than my hometown newspaper seeming to contribute to a free and irresponsible press, another pet peeve is the abuse of first responders---from police to DA’s---sandwiched between people who think crime pays and the court system and legislators who cooperate in, even exacerbate the people’s pocket picking. The Kevin Smith case reported on Page 3B today is an illustration.

Louisiana, rather than move next to felony crime, might do better to look at judicial changes that would expedite release of minor offenders who are held in jail against the presumption of innocence. The topic is covered well by Arthur L. Rizer, III, “The Conservative Case for Jail Reform,” National Affairs, No. 33.
Tax code (George Will)
I like it that will has shifted to dissing Trump to dissing the GOP.

Nevertheless, I will be surprised if the present tax code work turns to a success.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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