Sunday, November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to write.
Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the preamble by & for Phil Beaver:  We the willing people of nine of the thirteen United States commit to and trust in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services by the USA, beginning on June 21, 1788.
Composing their own paraphrase, citizens may consider the actual preamble and perceive whether they are willing or dissident toward its agreement.   

Our Views (

Is this another case of American republicanism---the rule of statutory law defeating liberal-democracy's chaos?

Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
Can’t face fidelity (Stephanie Grace) (

It’s a question of fidelity. One of the difficulties in the human transition from feral infant (age 0) to mature adult (perhaps old age) is accepting fidelity.

Most humans have the physical and psychological power (body and mind) to discover fidelity to their person. Either by proper coaching or by innocence, some humans learn early in life that fidelity to self is based on fidelity to the-objective-truth. Fortunate is the person who, early has adopted personal autonomy and extend it to others by developing collaborative association.

Many humans discover that after fidelity to the-objective-truth, then fidelity to self, there’s a hierarchy of other fidelities that need comprehensive attention. They are fidelity: to immediate family, to extended family and friends, to the people (nation), to the world, and to the universe, respectively. The hierarchy may be thought of as comprehensive fidelity or simply fidelity to the-objective-truth. I did not dispute the late Dona Bean’s assertion: That’s fidelity to God. I don’t know. And it’s OK that I don’t know.

A fact of the human condition is that any fidelity, let alone comprehensive fidelity, requires work, commitment, and trust. When inevitable hard times come, sometimes experience and observations are insufficient, and well-informed coaching is needed to help a challenged person understand how to choose fidelity. Inevitably, the decision cannot come from the coach, and often the other party must be involved to discover mutual fidelity.

Some differences in life are readily admitted and utilized. The typical baby, playing with shape blocks soon learns to put the round peg in the round hole; some learn slowly but perhaps with more comprehension; perhaps not. Shared observation informs that the baby reliably understands if his or her discovery process is not interrupted yet success is recognized and celebrated. Thus, the baby cannot reliably be instructed on fitting the blocks, but can be coached.

Likewise, the informed adolescent understands his or her gender and anticipates hormonal and psychological sexuality. The female understands that her person may produce 400 viable ova that depend on her physical and psychological well-being, and the male understands that intimacy with a female involves, perhaps threatens, her viable ovum. The innocents, uninformed, are forced into discovery. Either way, the person may experiment with incest or homosexuality or other. But understanding comprehensive fidelity may steer him or her toward heterosexual monogamy.

A notion of how often American humans reach that conclusion is available from monogamy statistics, which I think is about 13% of all marriages. Most grandparents who are enjoying their children’s children overcame most challenges of comprehensive fidelity. The monogamous couple without children also enjoys the rewards of fidelity. Why they are childless is not important to their happiness as a couple with shared fidelity.

It's civic morality rather than religious doctrine. Humankind understands that a round wheel serves a person better than a distorted wheel might. Most humans don’t even think about it. Likewise, most people understand that their gender serves their person's life better than opinion might. Civic citizens, if called on, influence the people to avoid re-discovering advantages of fidelity to either the wheel or gender. (My essay leading to this thought will be on my daily blog.)

John Bel Edwards frequently seems troubled in discerning civic morality. Jeff Landry seems less troubled.
Two demerits (Dan Fagan)

Fagan, nostalgia is not your strong suit. You get two demerits. One for lying about your hometown and the second for jeopardizing its peace. We live in a strange time, and you may wake up to it.
Habitual neglect (Jeff Sadow)

Sadow, you exemplify what bothers me most about media writers: you doggedly misplace responsibility.

Quoting you, “[out of control STDs] should be a wake-up call for Louisiana’s political, civic and spiritual leaders.” Later, you write, “Political, civic and religious institutions must do what they can to affirm the values of chastity and self-respect for all citizens.”

I googled “political, civic and spiritual leaders,” and got an interesting list of URLs. Most interesting, though is a Definition 2) for a word in Merriam-Webster online: “the belief that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth, or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (such as intuition or insight).” Definition 3) is even more enlightening for your column: “vague speculation :a belief without sound basis or a theory postulating the possibility of direct and intuitive acquisition of ineffable knowledge or power.” The word I refer to is “mysticism.”

To solve the STD rampage, you propose mysticism. What the people need is the-objective-truth.

Only a willing people can offer civic justice: Justice comes from neither mysticism nor government.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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