Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 21, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to write.
Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the preamble by & for Phil Beaver:  We the willing people of nine of the thirteen United States commit to and trust in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services by the USA, beginning on June 21, 1788.
Composing their own paraphrase, citizens may consider the actual preamble and perceive whether they are willing or dissident toward its agreement.   

Our Views (theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/our_views/article_b55fcbe4-c8c9-11e7-8ddc-0324d594d049.html)

It amazes me that in this time of epic reckoning---after American social morality was splintered by the 1948 Kinsey report, “Sexual Behavior and the Human Female,” versus H. A. Overstreet’s “The Mature Mind,” 1949 (17 reprints), writers produced this lame editorial. The Advocate drags readers from disillusionment to an unspecified antidote: more mystery.

The Advocate laments “political disenchantment — a theme with heightened currency these days in a deeply divided America," but seems to have “given up on finding any sense of moral order in the world.”

The Advocate could promote ideas expressed daily in this forum. For example, use the civic agreement in the preamble to the constitution for the USA to make better choices: “liberty versus tyranny, [sacrifice versus selfishness], civility versus savagery.” By ignoring this Baton Rouge based idea, The Advocate expresses “guarded detachment.”

The Advocate might realize that freedom of the press is not “really freedom but paralysis.” Only by exemplifying an unquenchable quest to discover the-objective-truth can a responsible press emerge. A business plan can avoid aloofness from civic morality.

The Advocate seems to claim journalism’s only cause is its business---“a condition of civic disengagement.” The press claims aloofness from civic morality; fostering competition for dominant opinion seems more attractive than collaborating for mutually comprehensive safety and security---in other words, civic peace.

Ridicule for a preambling citizen may pop in The Advocate’s mind.

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Matthew 18:8 CJB)
“So if your hand or foot becomes a snare for you, cut it off and throw it away! Better that you should be maimed or crippled and obtain eternal life than keep both hands or both feet and be thrown into everlasting fire!”

Dean says, “Hell is a terrible eternal place. Jesus came to save us from Hell. Put your faith in him.”

Accepting Matthew and Dean’s concerns about the afterdeath is a matter of double gullibility. First, they are gullibility to their differing personal wisdoms and second, adopting their concerns requires gullibility to another man’s gullibility. At both levels, relief comes from humility. Humility can further help by inspiring fidelity to the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered.
Guns for hunting and self-defense (Robins-Brown, Nov 17)

To Todd Lewis: please, if you like, modify this for general publication, but in any case post it at the top of this thread. Everybody should benefit from the seemingly complete legal review.

Also, as you demonstrate, the law changes. To improve the consideration you quote from the Gun Control Act of 1968, "this title is not intended to discourage or eliminate the private ownership or use of firearms by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes," I would modify "law-abiding citizens" to "civic citizens as defined in the preamble to the constitution for the USA." After that, I'd only need "civic citizens" to emphasize how a sovereign person is defined: by civic morality. Collaborators constantly work for civil morality that conforms to justice. (Civic morality is my continuing work but is not beyond this debate.)

An inciting publication (Bordelon)

I avoid Pratt’s writing. I want collaboration for mutual, comprehensive safety and security or civic peace, which Pratt rarely touches. My thanks to Bordelon is regretful, because reading Pratt’s hate is as bitter as reading that “Jesus” competes with my family members for my commitment and trust (Luke 14:26).

Bordelon is correct: Quoting Pratt, “I hope [the shooters and] their children have suffered. And for the other deputies who knew who did it and didn’t tell, you are no more than members of a criminal conspiracy, and like the shooters, I hope the devil has chased you and yours.” theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/ed_pratt/article_60302792-c59d-11e7-af23-8f45601eea6a.html

Obviously, The Advocate thinks Pratt’s hate needs their support. Nourishing hate distances a person from himself. I think The Advocate errs, and somebody should be fired.

Ova care (McClain and Williamson)

The government approach is neither reliable nor financially viable. Abuse and neglect of children in this country is out of control, and novel thinking is in order.

I perceive a viable remedy with two approaches. Legislate procreation licensing to lessen the misery and loss that is brought to ova that end up as a life without appreciation. Legislate a child incentives program that empowers each person to take charge of his or her transition from feral infant to young adult with the understanding and intent so as to live a full life. These ideas are presented in my essay, “Child incentives brief,” just now the first URL on Google search.
Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
Lying media (Byron York) (townhall.com/columnists/byronyork/2017/11/16/at-air-force-academy-a-perfect-hoax-for-age-of-trump-n2409384)

Was Jay Silveria grandstanding for the lying media? Was he a victim of Barack Obama’s OFA or some other Alinsky-Marxist organization (AMO)?

I appreciate York’s catalogue of recent hoax’s and wonder how many came from OFA or AMO.

What’s most egregious is Silveria’s low opinion:  If you can’t treat others with dignity and respect, get out!

A person’s behavior should warrant appreciation, and with reliability and accomplishment, respect may come. And dignity is a personal attitude that cannot be damaged by someone else’s erroneous expression. As long as you know your behavior should be appreciated, it matters not if some chooses to ridicule you. However, Silveria, based on poor performance in high responsibility, should be fired.

I get ridicule all the time for encouraging people to consider the civic agreement that is stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA and for recommending fidelity to the-objective-truth. The ridicule does not bother me, but the preamble’s neglect does.

Other forums 

Atheism seems as arbitrary as theism: the claim that there is no God is an arbitrary response to an arbitrary hypothesis---in other words, a response without the verifiable evidence that there is no God. Humankind may develop new ways of perceiving that will allow the discovery, and in the meantime, it’s more satisfying to claim, “I don’t know if God exists or not.”

If the other party insists, a good response to any point of argument is Hector Presedo’s “Are you certain?” This question works well with both atheists and theists. A civic expression of opposing commitment is, “That’s a leap of faith I cannot take.” For example, if someone says, “I’ll be praying you won’t burn in hell,” it is not civic to tell them where to go or what could happen.


The human being is potentially so psychologically powerful he or she should be free even though he or she may not articulate that ought. However, he or she is dependent on public collaboration for personal existence. Unfortunately, few people articulate a goal of personal liberty with civic morality, where “civic” refers to human connections with mutual, comprehensive safety and security (civic peace). Some people even think crime pays. Even civic people need an authority that limits personal misery and loss due to un-civic public connections.

A newborn human is feral and must be coached to become civic. The more common verbs are socialized or civilized by education. However, socialization and civilization do not empower personal liberty with civic morality. Education is inferior to information, coaching and opportunity. In other words, constrain dissidents to civic justice so that civic citizens may responsibly pursue private preferences rather than conform to someone’s impositions.

The mature human being needs mutually civic connections rather than imposed authority.
Second post: Thank you for your collaboration for clarification.

Each human being is born dependent and collaborative with his or her caregiver-coaches. Humankind ought to offer each new human the opportunity to develop personal liberty with civic morality, in other words civic justice. To put it another way, each human is faced with two developmental challenges: he or she may, in a lifetime, develop fidelity that approaches perfection, even though humankind's path to fidelity seems regressive.
Human societies and civilizations evolved such that they compete for dominant opinion rather than collaborate for a culture of justice. Justice can only be discovered based on the-objective-truth. Wherein humankind has not discovered the-objective-truth, justice follows the theory of the-discovered-objective-truth to determine "Yes" or "No"---or "We don't know," when the theory does not apply. Thus, civic people know not to lie about evidence for evolution, but facing the question, "Did God control evolution?" civic people answer, "We don't know." Being civic does not prevent a person from pursuing hopes for their afterdeath or other hereafter according to their preference.

The people are divided on the culture of justice into civic citizens versus dissidents. Dissidents may be innocent, ignorant, arbitrary, criminal, evil and worse. The civic citizens collaborate to either reform or constrain the dissidents.

Each person has the potential psychological power to collaborate for an overall culture of justice, so that he or she may pursue social morality and civil morality according to personal preference rather than the dictates of the society or civilization.

Civic citizens of the world collaborate for a culture of justice based on the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered, so that each person's private hopes may be enjoyed in peace.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at promotethepreamble.blogspot.com.

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