Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to write.
Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the preamble by & for Phil Beaver:  We the willing people of nine of the thirteen United States commit to and trust in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services by the USA, beginning on June 21, 1788.
Composing their own paraphrase, citizens may consider the actual preamble and perceive whether they are willing or dissident toward its agreement.   

Our Views (Benjamin Franklin’s plan)

Leave it to The Advocate to promote the past religious morality rather than the potential for civic morality, at last. On my daily blog for November 22, I tentatively called The Advocate’s work “prostitution for Isaacson.” The Advocate seems insistent.

Appreciable as Benjamin Franklin was for some civic collaboration, it’s unfathomable that The Advocate or anyone else would extoll the infamous Parisian womanizer at this historic moment. Perhaps 2017 attention to sexual authenticity is pivotal in seven trillion person-years of human evolution. It seems The Advocate’s conclusion, “pursuit of virtue must always be a work in progress,” plainly will not suffice.

The Advocate could have pointed out that Franklin was concerned about freedom of the press to empower discovery of the-objective-truth rather than to promote a religious or political opinion. See and The Advocate and all public servants may reform from defense of religion as a vehicle for public justice, place religion in its proper perspective---adult concern for the hereafter, and help promote civic morality.

A Google book-word-usage chart shows “civic morality” appeared in 1820, peaked in 1904, and cycled on a norm starting in 19018. “Social morality” during the same era ended at 7 times the frequency in the year 2000. “Social morality” frequency declined 36% since 1970. “Common morality” is used 3 times more often than “civic morality.”

Civic morality addresses justice in public connections between persons and/or groups. Persons who behave for justice may be described as civic citizens. Social morality addresses conformity to a special-interest group, civilization, statutory law, a chosen organization, association, institutional religion, or affiliation. Social mores change depending on human interests, while civic morality ought to always improve according to discovery of the-objective-truth.

Civic collaboration has not existed, because social morality empowers conflict for dominant opinion. However, it does not follow that civic collaboration, once proposed, cannot happen.

Baton Rouge can assign social morality to its proper place---within associations people choose. The Advocate may promote civic morality. That is, mutual, comprehensive safety and security; civic peace; use of the civic agreement that is stated in the preamble to the constitution for the USA; fidelity to the-objective-truth so as to discover solutions for civic problems; and protection of no-harm religious belief as a private pursuit that does not conflict with either the-objective-truth or civil law. Religious institutions must conform to statutory law.

Baton Rouge may collaborate to lead the nation to civic morality, because the ideas exist here and originated in EBRP library meetings. However, the ideas are not owned. The literature generated by collaboration at library meetings is being read 65% in the USA, Russia 13%, France 6%, Germany 4% and other 12%.

According to physics’ progenies, including biology, only the authentic man can collaborate with an authentic woman---otherwise there’s conflict for egocentric gain. Physics made it so to empower the ovum’s chances to become an authentic human being. People who prostitute human authenticity suffer from their own ambitions. The woman who would attract a man for economic gain risks woe to herself and perhaps to her viable ova. The man who risks a woman’s authenticity may also threaten her viable ova. The industries that promote themselves on male-female attractions create the woe we observe. That includes the press.

A free press feels no need to lessen the misery and loss that obtains from the work of prostituting industries. Wants to sell itself as an uninvolved observer. However, a responsible press promotes discovered civic morality so as to protect children and the adults they become from behavior that is known to beg woe. When woe is invited, it comes without forgiveness. It is invited in infidelity to the-objective-truth.

Beyond The Advocate, other newspapers have the privilege of direct access to EBRP library meeting results---collaboration by more than sixty interested people, with communications world-wide. It is not a government function. It is not a religion. It is not a funded non-profit. It is collaboration by a civic people.

Our Views, Nov 22 (

To JT McQuitty: I did not receive notice of your last post and am glad I checked: you touch the heart of the situation.

The information explosion places the adolescent generation in challenge the adult community cannot imagine. Kahlil Gibran touches on the point in “On Children”:  Appreciate children.

Our education system may drastically change from “teaching” to coaching children:  “your life is in your capable hands,” reviewing the current state of knowledge, and coaching them unto human authenticity---with basic understanding and intent to live a full life.
(I learned about Einstein's blunder. See

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Matthew 12:30-32 CJB)
“Those who are not with me are against me, and those who do not gather with me are scattering. Because of this, I tell you that people will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but blaspheming the Ruach HaKodesh will not be forgiven. One can say something against the Son of Man and be forgiven; but whoever keeps on speaking against the Ruach HaKodesh will never be forgiven, neither in the ‘olam hazeh nor in the ‘olam haba.”

Dean says “There is not middle ground with Jesus. Where do you stand?”

Dean had to ignore two versus to avoid controversy. Is that blasphemy? I think it is.

Blasphemy begs woe. I cannot understand The Advocate’s participation in Dean’s folly. It’s what the people want? Really? It sells print? Maybe there’s a more profitable way.

Gun safety (Bander) (Nov 25)

Other than excessive gun-permits every two years---maybe five years, I don’t see any conflict with gun owning for self-defense and for hunting in Bander’s proposals. I would be glad to collaborate on Bander’s ideas.

The insufficiency of compromise (Roome)
(Nov 25)

We need 2/3 civic citizens---those who behave and vote for civic morality as offered in the preamble to the constitution for the USA. The-objective-truth rather than government or God draws the people to justice. Political parties vie for dominant opinion, which could not care less for the-objective-truth.

Don’t tread on civic citizens (Morazan)
(Nov 25)

I think Morazan reflects the Louisiana Constitution regarding freedom of expression: “Every person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments on any subject, but is responsible for abuse of that freedom.”§7. Freedom of Expression

A person may yell “fire” and regret it. The NFL is abusing civic citizens who were fans and suffering the consequences.
Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
America first (Donald Lambro) (

Recycling opinion from September 22 seems egregious. See more, below.

Nevertheless, Lambro, like many liberal democrats don’t get it. President Trump looks to Europe to take care of Europe’s problems. In the USA, a civic people like relief from being treated as the pocket book for policing the world.

Same thang in Asia. Let Japan respond to a rocket shot over their island. We the People of the United States are on Japan’s side, but are not responsible for their island.

It’s a fairly easy concept, and a civic person has to wonder about Lambro’s motives. What someone writes does, after all, represent them personally.
Block traitors? (Edward Pratt)

“[From] George Jean Nathan, an early 20th century drama critic and magazine editor:  ‘Bad officials are the ones elected by citizens who do not vote.’”

Why do writers like Pratt think quoting a bad statement expresses a good idea?

Back in 2000, at LSU, I asked now infamous Donna Brazile, if the DNC was conducting classes to encourage the voter-registrants how to make certain they are voting for personal benefits rather than merely acting as a voting block. You could have heard a pin drop, and I recall Brazile simply said, “No,” then changed the subject.
Pratt seems to be living in the past, and The Advocate seems to think it benefits from exposing Pratt’s racism.

Civil-rights and voting rights were long since settled. Unfortunately black power, black liberation embroiled blacks in Alinsky-Marxist organizing (AMO), such as Congressional Black Caucus, OFA and IAF’s Together Baton Rouge. Many blacks think as a block that a black cannot trust a white man.

Block voting produces bad elected officials. A civic people vote for themselves, and they are collaborating for mutual, comprehensive safety and security, otherwise called civic peace.

Whining and pathetic wrting (Georgie Anne Geyer) (

This liberal-democrat trash is from October 10. What’s going on with The Advocate?
Enemy squabbles (David Ignatius) (

Happily for a civic people of the United States, President Trump informed the Saudi’s and others that the USA no longer is the policeman of the world. They’ll need to learn to get along on their own or continue to suffer internal misery and loss.

Other forums 

Physics---that is, mass, energy, and space-time---is an artist. Imagining a sunup photograph with alternative placid water, we appreciate the ripples. We observe the cloud variations. More than ever, we agree that appreciating the art of physics (my friend Dennis, perhaps correctly, says God) is what the photographer artfully observes, captures, and shares. Thank you.
The human being is potentially so psychologically powerful he or she should be free even though he or she may not articulate that ought. However, he or she is dependent on public collaboration for personal existence. Unfortunately, few people articulate a goal of personal liberty with civic morality, where “civic” refers to human connections with mutual, comprehensive safety and security (civic peace). Some people even think crime pays. Even civic people need an authority that limits personal misery and loss due to un-civic public connections.

A newborn human is feral and must be coached to become civic. The more common verbs are socialized or civilized by education. However, socialization and civilization do not empower personal liberty with civic morality. Education is inferior to information, coaching and opportunity. In other words, constrain dissidents to civic justice so that civic citizens may responsibly pursue private preferences rather than conform to someone’s impositions.

The mature human being needs mutually civic connections rather than imposed authority.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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