Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 2, 2017

Phil Beaver works to establish opinion when the-objective-truth has not been discovered. He seeks to refine his opinion by listening when people share experiences and observations. The comment box below invites readers to write.
Note 1:  I often dash words in phrases in order to express and preserve an idea. For example, frank-objectivity represents the idea of candidly expressing the-objective-truth despite possible error. In other words, a person expresses his “belief,” knowing he or she could be in error. People may collaboratively approach the-objective-truth.
 Note 2: It is important to note "civic" refers to citizens who collaborate for the people more than for the city.
A personal paraphrase of the preamble by & for Phil Beaver:  We the willing people of nine of the thirteen United States commit to and trust in the purpose and goals stated herein --- integrity, justice, collaboration, defense, prosperity, liberty, and perpetuity --- and to cultivate limited services by the USA, beginning on June 21, 1788.
Composing their own paraphrase, citizens may consider the actual preamble and perceive whether they are willing or dissident toward its agreement.   

Our Views (

Edmonson's case must run deep into the Louisiana legislature. Remember this incredible story? :// Maybe he'll strike a plea bargain and name some crooks we're not aware of.


"The auditors concluded that Edmonson also may have broken the law by providing complimentary hotel rooms to friends and family and receiving an improper reimbursement."

If so, friends and family should be held liable.

Today’s thought, G.E. Dean (Psalms 23:4 CJB)
“Adonai is my light and salvation; whom do I need to fear? Adonai is the stronghold of my life;
of whom should I be afraid?”

Dean says, “Amen! Do you have that kind of faith in the Lord.”

Dean, these days, “faith” often means “religion” so you need to be specific. I trust and commit to the-objective-truth, which can only be discovered. For example, humankind discovered both that the earth is like a globe and civic morality cannot be based on lies. However, humankind does not know if there is extraterrestrial life or not. I prefer liberty to fear and therefore leave both faith and religion to those who want them.

Health care greed? (Spencer) (
I thought retired teachers have good health services but did not contribute to SS.

No votes for new taxes (Thompson)

I may swing to voting “No,” just because my tax bills and medical insurance bills are so high.

A liberal democrat whines (Porter) (

I’m just glad Porter has time to write.
Columns. (The fiction/non-fiction comments gallery for readers)
Let the Clinton’s be retired to the trash bin of bad history (Cal Thomas) (

At least stop giving Obama allies the floor again.
Economist? (Robert Samuelson)

Samuelson makes easy calls with no evidence.

With a lower US tax rate, the whole world is better off, provided USA bureaucracy reduces on par and civic world leaders police their areas of the globe.
Putin on 100th anniversary (Georgie Anne Geyer)

This seems a reasonable overview. I will take some time to explore the leads Geyer provides.

For example, on Chile, I checked “market-friendly dictatorships, such as Chile, Indonesia, Mexico, South Korea and Taiwan ended up not only prosperous, but also democratic. Socialist dictatorships, such as Cuba and Venezuela, maintain economic control, which prevents not only enrichment, but also democratization.”

Yet in Chile socialism is vying for attention. “. . . the media is very Left-wing and its reporting gives an impression that there is much more dissatisfaction in Chile than there really is. Young people, who grew up in a free society, don’t remember the failures of the Allende era. They clamor for free education, like in Western Europe, not realizing that Chile is still a developing country.”
Other forums

Dr. Haque kindly expresses the powers that distinguish the human being from the other placental mammals.

Despite some 7 trillion man-years of chaos and confusion, each person who discovers private intent to live some eighty years may develop comprehensive fidelity. That is, fidelity, both respectively and collectively, to the-objective-truth which can only be discovered rather than invented---in other words, actual reality; fidelity to his or her person supported by mind and body; fidelity to immediate family and friends; fidelity to the people (nation); fidelity to the world (all people and places); and fidelity to the universe (both physics and psychology).

Comprehensive fidelity may seem an impossible personal achievement, but all it takes to establish the intention is the private recognition that humankind is distinguished from the other mammals by the physics (body) and psychology (mind) that empower the person to be free. The civic human being intends to develop fidelity so as to approach perfect morality. Voluntary personal liberty with civic morality is opposite to subjugation to authority, which most civilizations teach as social morality. In a culture wherein most people develop comprehensive fidelity, the present world's chaos---voluntary human misery and loss---may be lessened, perhaps to approach elimination.

A civic culture empowers the freedom to pursue private associations such as the arts and fine art, sports, religion and other harmless choices. Dissidents to justice observe widespread civic peace and either reform to statutory law, or upon causing civic harm, find themselves constrained. In other words, the human psychology is so powerful that the attraction to fidelity comes only by experience and observations: it cannot be taught. Yet justice must be demanded by the culture. Therefore, a civic culture coaches each person to develop fidelity during their brief opportunity to live, perhaps eighty years or more.
Criminal activity above LSP top? (

Edmonson's case must run deep into the Louisiana legislature. Remember this incredible story? Maybe he'll strike a plea bargain and name some crooks we're not aware of.

"The auditors concluded that Edmonson also may have broken the law by providing complimentary hotel rooms to friends and family and receiving an improper reimbursement."

If so, friends and family should be held liable.

Erroneous papal letter (Peggy Noonan, “John Paul II’s Prescient 1995 Letter to Women,” the Wall Street Journal, December 2, 2017, Page A13).

Noonan hubris. Thanks for women who work degrades those who rear civic children, civic grandchildren, and more. And behind every great woman is an authentic man.
However, no clergy should thank a woman who does not appreciate her ova and take responsibility for their possible emergence as persons.

I don’t know about “spiritual impoverishment,” but humanity has the power and ability to develop voluntary integrity. Through its own failures, the Church bemuses humankind such that today there is chaos. The Church’s greatest offense is the intellectual construct that humans are born in error and the newborn must redeem himself or herself from error he or she did not commit. The Church may reform, by in 1700 years has not done the obvious: Replace gullibility to its constructed “wisdom” with humility. Perhaps the Church is too late: Humans have begun to realize that justice comes only from willing people.

Journalism’s civic and professional duty is to record humankind’s ineluctable march toward civic morality, which supports each free person’s pursuit of personal happiness. Noonan exemplifies evidence that there are no journalists.

I like most of Noonan’s brief connections-list but would suggest fidelity, and personal autonomy before “friendliness, appreciation, and attraction.” Attraction seems is too close to intimacy for public connection. Following mutual consideration and consent, the venue may move from workplace to privacy.

I especially oppose “Have faith,” and suggest: Have fidelity.
Lying media (Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.) “The Media’s Flynn-sanity,” the Wall Street Journal, December 2, 2017, Page A13.
I think it is egregious that Jenkins does not point out that President Trump fired Flynn as soon as he learned that Flynn had lied to Vice President Mike Pence. Other media did:

I don’t claim to know the-objective-truth, in other words, the discoverable-actual-reality, but Jenkins took on the responsibility to explore it and failed. (I did like the bemusement about Comey’s Bible distractions. See and Again, I don’t know the-objective-truth, but it seems to me Comey does not accept the human privilege of developing integrity; he wants Bible authority for his actions.) There are no journalists.

Phil Beaver does not “know” the-indisputable-facts. He trusts and is committed to the-objective-truth of which most is undiscovered and some is understood. He is agent for A Civic People of the United States, a Louisiana, education non-profit corporation. See online at

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